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Premier League

At 23: 30 pm Beijing time on October 29th, the 10th round of the 2023-24 Premier League ushered in the first Manchester City Derby of this season, and Manchester United played against Manchester City at Old Trafford Stadium. In the first half, Hoyle pulled Rodley down and sent a penalty, and Harland took the penalty and hit it; In the second half, Harland scored twice with another goal, and before the end, he assisted Foton to seal the victory. Onana made many dives in the audience. In the end, Manchester City beat Manchester United 3-0 away.

This game is the 191st Manchester City Derby in history. Before the game, a series of activities were held at Old Trafford Stadium to commemorate the legendary Sir Bobby Charlton.

In the second minute, Manchester United stole the ball in midfield, and McTominay took the ball to the front of the penalty area and shot it with his left foot. The ball was not strong enough for Edersen. In the 8th minute, Rodley in the frontcourt hoisted the ball into the right side of the penalty area, Walker put it in front of the baseline and knocked the ball across the middle. Foden’s header was saved by Onana.

In the 12th minute, Grali took the ball to the left side of the penalty area, but he passed it back to his opponent in an inverted triangle. Hoyle took the ball and pushed it forward. Unfortunately, his teammates responded too slowly, and the fast break turned into a sports war. In the 15th minute, Foton sent a straight plug from the midfield, and Onana rushed out of the penalty area to clear the ball before Harland did.

In the 20th minute, Manchester City kicked the left tactical corner, Grali grabbed the ball from the right side of the restricted area and shot the far corner, and Onana saved the ball.In the 26th minute, Manchester City won a free kick in the frontcourt, and the ball was hoisted into the penalty area. Rodley, who was fighting for the landing point, was pulled down by Hoyle, and the referee awarded a penalty after watching VAR.

The penalty was taken by Harland, who shot his left foot low in the lower right corner of the goal and tricked Onana into scoring the ball. Manchester City led Manchester United 1-0.

In the 31st minute, Manchester City made a mistake in the frontcourt return, and Hoyle got the ball and got a half-single-handed chance. After he passed the goalkeeper, he didn’t have an angle to shoot, and then he crossed the middle. Unfortunately, B shot high from a small angle.

In the 36th minute, Manchester City made a cross from the right in the frontcourt. Maguire’s header in the penalty area was on Dallot, and he was almost attacked by Grali. In the 37th minute, Manchester City got a free kick from the left outside the penalty area, and Alvarez shot directly, and Onana saved the ball.

In the 45th minute, Manchester United made a long pass from the right side of the midfield. At the top of the arc, McTominay stopped the ball and turned to volley. Edersen saved the ball with one hand. In the 45th+4th minute, Seat B made a forward pass on the left baseline of the restricted area, and Harland headed Taishan in the small restricted area, and Onana flew to dedicate himself. At the end of the first half, Manchester City temporarily took the lead.

In the second half, Yi Bian fought again. In the 48th minute, B Fei received a tactical corner kick in front of the penalty area and made a long shot. Edersen saved the ball. In the 56th minute, Grali took the ball to the far corner from the left side of the restricted area, and Onana saved the ball sideways.In the 50th minute, the B-seat caught the ball and came to the bottom line on the left side of the penalty area. Harland in the middle headed the goal. This time, Onana had no choice. Manchester City led Manchester United 2-0.

In the 58th minute, Alvarez directly blocked the left side of the restricted area at the top of the arc, and Grali made a small-angle volley, and the ball missed the far post. In the 66th minute, Seat B shot with his left foot in front of the penalty area, and Onana hugged the ball. In the 69th minute, Rachford moved forward into the restricted area, and after receiving a long pass from the midfield, he shot low from a far corner at a small angle, and the ball missed slightly.

In the 71st minute, Grali sent a straight plug in the frontcourt, and Harland caught the ball to form a single knife. His volley on the left side of the restricted area was blocked by the attacking Onana. A minute later, Lindelov and Onana’s continuous mistakes almost gave Manchester City a goal.

In the 80th minute, Rodley took the ball and made a long-range shot in front of the restricted area. Onana saved the ball sideways, Harland got the ball on the left side of the restricted area and then passed it horizontally. Foden in the middle of the road easily shoveled the empty net and Manchester City led Manchester United 3-0.

In the 82nd minute, Manchester City made a cross from the left side of the penalty area. Before the penalty spot, Foden turned his back and hit the door, and the ball only missed a little.

In the end, the whole game ended and Manchester City beat Manchester United 3-0.


Russia develops saucer-shaped aircraft with a load of 1500 tons (Figure)

  The military prospect of saucer-shaped aircraft is attractive

    Although the relevant Russian reports so far have not explained the reasons why the Russian military is interested, people are convinced that the aircraft will be used by the military in the future.

    As we all know, the early attempts to develop saucer-shaped aircraft began in the early days of aviation development. As early as 1911, American inventors made umbrella-shaped aircraft. In the 1940s, especially during World War II, the research and development of saucer-shaped aircraft was supported by the US military, and Germany was the one that made small achievements in this field at that time. In 1950s, Britain, Canada, the former Soviet Union and the United States used the technology obtained from German experts at the end of World War II to set off the research and development climax of military flying saucers. For decades, aviation powers such as Russia and the United States have never given up the research on "flying saucer", because compared with ordinary fixed-wing aircraft, saucer-shaped aircraft has many unique properties, such as: small aspect ratio and small wave resistance, suitable for high-speed flight; Suitable for using ground effect, easy to realize vertical take-off and landing; It can quickly point to the attack target without hovering maneuver, and this feature will undoubtedly change the basic concept of air combat tactics.

  How far is Russia from the real "flying saucer"

    Through years of unremitting research, Russia has made great progress in the field of saucer-shaped aircraft and is expected to create a real "flying saucer." As early as the 1980s, the famous Russian flying saucer designer Hugh King successfully launched the saucer-shaped aircraft scheme named "Ekipi". For more than 20 years, Russia has successively introduced various civil and military modifications of the "Ekipi" program, including civilian unmanned flying saucers, fire fighting flying saucers, passenger flying saucers that can carry 2,000 passengers, and military flying saucers that can be used for anti-submarine, patrol and force and weapon delivery, and completed the production and testing of various scale models and individual full-scale prototypes. In 1993, the Russian government decided to provide budget funds for the "Ekipi" project, and the Russian Ministry of Defense and other departments also supported the mass production of an "Ekipi" flying saucer with a take-off weight of 9 tons. However, due to insufficient funds, mass production has not been realized. The successful research and development of "Ekipi" series of flying saucers has aroused great interest in the United States. At the beginning of this century, the United States reached an agreement with saratov Aircraft Factory, the main contractor of "Ekipi" facing financial difficulties, to jointly promote the "Ekipi" flying saucer project, but the implementation situation is still unclear.

    As for this "flying saucer" newly launched by Russian experts, this giant aircraft should have a very broad military application prospect in the long run. If it is used for military transportation, the carrying capacity of 1,500 tons will make it a super strategic delivery platform. However, the scheme is still in the scale model test stage, and there is no doubt that there is still a long way to go compared with the mature and fully tested "Ekipi" UFO project.

    Core Tip: At present, Russian experts are developing a flying saucer-like aircraft, which is said to have attracted the attention of the Russian military. Compared with ordinary fixed-wing aircraft, dish-shaped aircraft has many unique properties, such as small aspect ratio and wave drag, which are suitable for high-speed flight; You don’t need to do hovering maneuvers, and you can quickly point to the target.

    Before and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the "Ekipi" disc flight verification machine produced by saratov factory.

Editor: Wei Yu


"Bring the highest quality fruit to mainland compatriots" —— A visit to the annona fruit farmers in Taitung

  Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, August 26th (Reporter Wang Chenghao, Chen Jun) "As soon as the news came out, we immediately gained confidence and started to move." Cai Hongyi, a fruit grower in Taitung, couldn’t suppress the joy on his face. The good news in his mouth is that in June this year, the mainland resumed the import of annona in Taiwan Province.

  Previously, the mainland suspended the import of annona squarrosa from Taiwan Province for nearly two years due to the repeated detection of quarantine pests such as mealybug.

  This is a annona orchard photographed in Taitung County (photo taken on August 9). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Chengyu photo

  Annona is called Sakyamuni in Taiwan Province. Taitung County, on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, is the largest producing area of annona in Taiwan Province with abundant sunshine and rain. As the main category, "pineapple Sakya" has a planting area of about 2,700 hectares and an annual export of about 15,000 tons, of which more than 90% were once sold to the mainland.

  Leaving Taitung County and heading for the depths of east rift valley, the Benanxi River rushes out of the beaches between the central mountain range and the coastal mountain range, and the annona fruit trees full of pits and valleys are green. The reporter followed Cai Hongyi to his orchard before the morning dew.

  "Pruning in July, pollination in August, and fruit thinning in a month or two … …” Cai Hongyi introduced and pollinated. He held the pollinator in his hand, pushed aside the petals, stuck the pollinator nozzle into the stamen, rotated the pollinator and pinched the powder spraying ball with his hand. After a few times, the pollen reached the stamen along the powder spraying tube. Cai Hongyi, who has 16 years of planting experience, is familiar with this set of movements.

  By December, the fruit flowers in front of us will grow into fruity and Q-elastic annona. "We now have a production and sales resume, and every fruit can be traced back." Cai Hongyi’s dark face was soaked with sweat.

  Cai Hongyi, a fruit grower, is pollinating annona (photo taken on August 9). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Chengyu photo

  Since September, 2022, in order to ensure the safety of annona exported to the mainland, Taitung cooperated with Taitung University to study the quality improvement plan, and organized fruit farmers, packaging factories and other operators to carry out training and rectification. "In 2020, we heard that the fruit was flawed." Rao Qingling, the county magistrate of Taitung County, said that the key to solving the problem is to remove harmful organisms.

  Li Junlin, a professor at Taitung University, visited a number of packaging factories and found that "secondary pollution" caused by nonstandard cleaning was the main cause of residual fruits of pests.

  “‘ Pineapple Sakyamuni ’ If it is washed with water, it is inconvenient to transport and store, so you can only manually hold a high-pressure air gun to blow off the mealybug on the fruit. " Li Junlin said that before, because the packaging factory was not well separated and the cleaning staff did not standardize the process, the blown-off scale insects easily attached to other fruits for the second time.

  The reporter went to a local packaging factory and saw that there were white insect nets in the operation areas such as "purchase area", "clean area" and "packaging area", and there were air guns and special cleaning baskets covered with insect nets in the clean area.

  While the facilities of the packaging factory are perfect, cleaning skills are also the key. The cleaner should hold an air gun with one hand and hold the fruit in the palm of his hand, and the fruit pedicle should be blown upward and from top to bottom. The air gun should always be downward to avoid blowing pests or eggs to other places, and the cleaning time of each fruit should not be less than 30 seconds.

  "Although the new standard will increase the cost, we have to do this for the sake of fruit quality." Wu Mengtai, head of the packaging factory, said.

  Li Junlin said that Taitung University will conduct on-site counseling and rectification inspection on each packaging factory one by one. According to the new cleaning standards, the pest removal rate can be increased from about 80% before to 99% today, which meets the quality standards of mainland China.

  Walking into Taitung University, the reporter found that there are also a group of special "students" who are also looking forward to returning to the mainland market. Since the beginning of August, Taitung has held five training courses on quality certification of annona in Taitung University, covering the space allocation of packaging plants, certification of production and marketing resumes, pest control methods, etc. About 100 packaging plant managers and technicians participated in each course.

  Yang Zhenqi, agricultural Commissioner of Taitung County, said that the rectification process is complicated and meticulous, but farmers are very cooperative. In the next step, experts will complete the on-site counseling of all packaging factories, provide suggestions for improvement, and give certification after improvement.

  "Now I have great confidence in fruit, and I will put the highest quality ‘ Pineapple Sakyamuni ’ Bring it to mainland compatriots. " When talking about the future, Cai Hongyi said that only when there is a market can he earn money. Resuming sales to the mainland can triple his income, and the day of "laughing and laughing" is coming.


The cultural activities of the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival in Jincheng, Shanxi Province in 2024 were staged.

During the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival in 2024, Jincheng will carry out "two festivals" cultural activities with the theme of "Happy China Year, Healthy Cultivation of Jincheng Taste", and send New Year greetings to the general public and tourists with various and colorful activities to share a happy and peaceful cultural feast of the Spring Festival.
During the "two festivals", Jincheng will hold the Spring Festival Gala with the theme of "Happy Year of Longteng Fengcheng", a series of activities of "Celebrating the New Year on Taihang Mountain", an exhibition of outstanding plays of "Fengming Chunxiao", a Spring Festival opera evening of "Pear Garden Singing Prosperous Times, Love for Party Style" and the lighting of main roads, squares and parks in urban areas. Among them, in the "Taihang Mountain for the New Year" activity, before February 29, Jincheng and Changzhi, Luoyang, Jiaozuo and Jiyuan formed a tourism "partner" to carry out the ticket exemption activities for A-level tourist attractions; The main scenic spots in counties (cities, districts) have carefully prepared activities such as dragon dance, lion dance, iron flower, food street and so on; From the twelfth day of the first lunar month (February 21st) to the sixteenth day of the first lunar month (February 25th), the first Yangtze River Delta tourist train will be opened to "Taihang Mountain for the New Year", and about 300 tourists will enter the scenic spots such as Situ Town, Huangcheng Xiangfu, Xiangyu Castle, Busan, Xizhen Suzhuang, Yandi Mausoleum, Yuhuang Temple and Jincheng Museum. This activity is of great significance for the next step to expand the tourist market in the Yangtze River Delta.
Counties (cities, districts) will simultaneously hold a series of cultural activities with local characteristics. With the integration of traditional customs and modern science and technology, the urban area has formed a strong atmosphere of "ten activities to celebrate the New Year and all the people to celebrate the New Year" by means of "online+offline"; Zezhou carried out the lighting of the "Ancient Rhyme Zezhou" lantern show, the folk culture parade, the regional characteristic activities, and the exhibition and broadcast of traditional Chinese opera literature and art; Gaoping held the second Yandi Lantern Festival, and made every effort to create 16 boutique projects of four experience activities, namely, "Celebration, Joy, Gathering Gaoping", "Enjoying Gaoping with Non-legacy", "Warming the city with fireworks" and "Good Life". Yangcheng strives to create a "prosperous year" with dim lights, a "folk year" with ancient charm and a "cultural year" with strong book fragrance around the park, mountain city, traditional culture and book fragrance. Lingchuan highlights the theme of "health care" and focuses on the characteristics of "local culture", and launches cultural experience projects such as the Spring Festival Gala, the parade and performance of non-legacy projects, the handcrafted lantern corridor, and the poetry street. Qinshui has launched seven kinds of activities: Quyi, Opera, Intangible Heritage, Folklore, Performing Arts, Lantern Festival and Exhibition. Reporter Zheng Lu Shanxi Daily

[Xunxi Baoma] Spring is coming! Tell these idioms and things about beginning of spring to children.





February 3, 2021, 22:59:00

At 22: 59 today, the "beginning of spring" solar term will be ushered in

from this day onwards

The earth began to thaw.

The stinger gradually wakes up.

Beginning of spring is the first of the 24 solar terms.

Spring returns to the earth, which is the beginning of time series.

In our traditional culture,

There are many idioms about "spring"

Every time I read it, I always have a kind of

Feel like a spring breeze

Today, Xiaobian reveals "beginning of spring" with six idioms.

Read idioms with children.

Learn about these traditional cultural knowledge.

The Origin of beginning of spring in Spring Return to the Earth


A year’s plan starts with spring. The ancients in China attached great importance to "beginning of spring" and always regarded it as a festival.

The word "beginning of spring" appeared as early as three thousand years ago in the Zhou Dynasty. According to the Book of Rites, during the Zhou Dynasty, every time in "beginning of spring", the Emperor of Zhou personally led officials, governors and literati to hold a ceremony to welcome the Spring Festival in the eastern suburbs, and then rewarded his ministers and benefited the people.

After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the custom of "welcoming the Spring" appeared in the ruling and opposition parties, such as women’s "cutting the ribbon for swallows" as headdresses and pasting "Yichun" on doors. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, on the day of "beginning of spring", ministers below the prime minister would go to the DPRK to congratulate them. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, no matter "welcoming the spring" or "whipping the spring", the etiquette is extremely grand.

Beginning of spring’s Three Seasons in Spring.


According to the order of the twenty-four solar terms

Beginning of spring is the first solar term.

Also known as "DaChun"

It is the sixth "nine" after the winter solstice.

Therefore, there is a saying that "spring hits six or nine heads"

"Look at the willows across the river in May and June"

At this time, the festival will see a slight green.

In the eyes of the ancients

There are three iconic phenology in beginning of spring.

Wait, the east wind thaws.

The gentle east wind caressed the earth.

Waves gently shake green, frozen marks pin in the water.

Second, the sting insect begins to vibrate.

Hibernating animals don’t get up.

But I woke up and wanted to stretch.

The third time, the fish will lose ice.

Some ice began to melt, and fish could be seen.

But there are still some broken ice on the water.

It feels like a fish is swimming with ice on its back.

Of course, beginning of spring is just an idea.

After that, "the willow color is golden and tender, and the pear flower is snowy."

Is the epitome of spring phenology.

The day of beginning of spring is still warm and cold.

Beginning of spring customs full of spring.


This day in beginning of spring

Folk beliefs offer sacrifices to Mang God.

Namely Ju Mang.

It is the God of the East.

It symbolizes the arrival of spring and the growth of all things.

Purpose of sacrifice

Is to pray for a bumper harvest in agriculture

In beginning of spring, there was a custom of "biting spring" among the people.

Beginning of spring eats spring cakes because people.

Good wishes for "a year’s plan lies in spring"

And "biting spring" chewing radish, take the ancients.

The meaning of "biting the grass roots, you can do everything"

(Image source | Network)

Beginning of spring, this day.

Many places still have to "spring"

Also known as "whip spring cow"

Mould cattle with soil and stuff them with grains.

Worship, break, grab soil, pick up grain

It is called grabbing spring, and it is lucky to grab the cow’s head.

This way reflects

People’s good expectations for a bumper harvest of grain.

Comic book: Whip Spring

Image source | People’s Daily Online

After beginning of spring, wait until the spring blossoms.

Even more, travel together.

Commonly known as going out of the city to explore the spring.

This is also the main form of spring outing.

Beginning of spring proverb of beautiful spring scenery.


At the end of the year, beginning of spring plans to farm early.

A year’s plan lies in spring, and a lifetime’s plan lies in diligence.

In spring, there is a struggle for the sun, and in summer, it is not too late to have a big event in a year.

It rains in beginning of spring, get up early and go to bed late.

Spring is chilly and summer is cold and rainy.

The ship arrives without waiting for passengers, and the season waits for no man.

One day by mistake, one year by mistake.

If you want good crops, it is early all the year round.

Spring is cold and summer is stuffy and rainy, autumn is cold and winter is dry and windy.

Beginning of spring’s poems full of spring scenery


Beginning of spring on the 7th day of the first month in Beijing.

Don Luo Yin

One two three four five six seven,

Every tree is born today.

Far away, the geese return to the clouds,

Fish swimming near the water burst out of the ice.

Minus Magnolia beginning of spring

Song Sushi

Spring cattle and spring staff,

Infinite spring breeze comes to the sea.

With spring work,

Dyed pink as flesh.

Spring banners win in spring,

A spring breeze woke up the wine.

Not like the end of the world,

Roll up poplars like snowflakes.

Snow in beginning of spring since the morning.

Don Zhang Jiuling

Suddenly to Lin Tingxue,

Yaohua is everywhere.

At the beginning of this year,

Last night, I accompanied the Spring Festival.

Bamboo in front of Yurun window,

Plums in the flower garden.

Eastern suburb fast sacrifice place,

You should see the five gods.

Yu Meiren See Mei Zuo in Yizhou

Song Huang tingjian

There is also a letter from Jiangnan in the end of the world.

A plum blossom knows spring is near.

The midnight wind is fine and fragrant late,

Don’t come to dawn and spread all over the south branch.

Jade platform should be jealous of powder flowers,

Floating to the eyebrows.

I want to be deep in my life.

Go to the country and be a teenager at the age of ten.

Chun Hua Qiu Shi zhi beginning of spring health


The key to health care in beginning of spring lies in disease prevention and health care.

Especially in early spring, when the weather turns from cold to warm, all kinds of pathogenic bacteria and viruses grow and multiply. In order to avoid the occurrence of diseases in spring, in the preventive measures, we must first eliminate the source of infection; Second, always open the window to keep the air fresh; Third, we should strengthen exercise and improve the body’s defense ability.

Spring is the best time to exercise and keep fit.

Gymnastics, jogging, walking and outing are all good choices. People who are engaged in exercise in spring have strong resistance, and the early morning is the time when the sun is shining, which is most suitable for exercise.

Dressing should be "thick at the bottom and thin at the top"

After beginning of spring, although the temperature began to rise and the rainfall began to increase, beginning of spring is only the beginning of spring, especially in the north, where there will be a period of cold and warm, and "cold in late spring" often strikes, so we should pay more attention to keeping warm and protecting the yang.

Live up to spring.


In less than ten days, we will usher in the Spring Festival.

Beginning of spring is approaching the end of the year

The rich flavor of the year began to diffuse.

This past year

No matter what ups and downs there have been.

Let it go.

Let’s start with beginning of spring.

Regain confidence and courage in the new year.

Pay for love and work hard for dreams.

Cherish spring scenery

Source: China Education News.

Original title: "[Xunxi Baoma] Spring is coming! Tell these idioms and things about beginning of spring to children.

Read the original text


How dare you play the hardcore drama Under the Sun?

It’s going to rain, and people want to chase dramas. Although the production of film and television dramas has been greatly reduced by the big environment in 2020, there are still many excellent hardcore suspense dramas, such as Hidden Corner from the perspective of children, Trident by the Economic Investigation Group for the elderly, roving inspection group that is sweeping the ratings list, and Under the Sun, which suddenly parachuted in the New Year’s Eve and launched strongly on Mango TV.

In particular, "Under the Sun" directed by Yutong Yan, starring Cai Wenjing, Liu Kai and Peng Guanying, and joined by Wang Jinsong, Feng Lei, sarina and other drama groups, is the most unique in terms of creativity and innovation. Now the plot has just started for more than a dozen episodes, and it has become a must-have drama on the Internet.

The drama can win everyone’s favor. Apart from the production and actors, the most crucial reason is that the director dares to play, not only dare to play, but also "the city will play"!

After all, Yan Yudan grew up in a military family, graduated from the law department of Fudan University, and was an expert in directing many criminal investigation dramas in CCTV. His rigorous knowledge system and rich creative experience made him disdainful of playing those proven prescribed moves, but he made a surprise attack and tried some new elements and gameplay.

For example, in terms of role setting, whether it is a hard-core chivalrous detective or a high-intelligence detective, it is all leftover buns from other people’s homes. This drama has created a pair of mixed doubles partners who seem to have nothing to do with fighting crime, and the contrast is particularly great. Ke Ying, played by Cai Wenjing, is a female teacher of a foreign language school. She is beautiful and intellectual, and she can’t see any lethality from her appearance. Xiaowu, a takeaway brother played by Liu Kai, is common in the market.

Such a pair of protagonists may not survive two episodes in other dramas, but in Under the Sun, they not only survived, but also lived like others dare not even think about it. In the first episode, on a dark night, Ke Ying encountered three Jiang Yang thieves, and the narrative rhythm of crackling broke through the plot reversal of the brain hole. With the third-party perspective played by Wang Jinsong, the whole process was deduced, making this anti-killing like a miracle.

If the image of the hero and heroine has knocked over the red tape of the genre drama, then the villain can be called shocking. The overbearing president Feng Xiaosheng and Jiang Yang Avenue Shen Shijie are strangely combined, played by a powerful actor, Peng Guanying. One second, he is a desperate parkour, and the next second, he has been standing on the stage and attracted a lot of attention. The seemingly gentle Feng Xiaosheng is secretly scared with the eyes of hidden evil spirits. This strange style of painting has broken through the conventional logic.

On the one hand, the beauty teacher’s version of "Complex Gold" and the villain’s version of "Chasing the Murder at White Night" were in high energy from the beginning. Shen Shijie, who became the voice of Feng Xiao, angered and killed the tip of the knife, revealing his bloodthirsty nature. Xiao Wu was like a tiger, and he was constantly in danger in the dangerous zone between black and white. Ke Ying was determined to find out the truth in his own way and use his beauty and wisdom to dance on the tip of the devil’s knife.

As an emotional suspense drama, Under the Sun dares to make the emotional relationship and drama conflict of the characters to the extreme. On the basis of hard-core suspense, it dares to try new ways of playing that no one dared to play before, both in terms of innovation and experience. Its appearance has made a good start for domestic dramas in 2021. I hope that from now on, there will be more and more good dramas, so that every day will be there.


What else did you do right except "down the snow field" and "twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars"

Special feature of 1905 film network According to the statistics of the National Film Bureau, the total box office of movies on New Year’s Day holiday in 2024 was 1.533 billion yuan, setting a new record for the same period, with 36.6 million people watching movies and 1.411 billion yuan for domestic movies, accounting for 92.04% of the market.

Among them, the movie with the same name of the phenomenal explosion drama series won the box office champion on New Year’s Day with a box office score of 605 million yuan. In addition, the number of people who want to see the film before screening and the pre-sale results also ranked first in the same period.

Behind the box office performance of Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle,

"Good Time, Good Place and Good People" in Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars

The success of Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars should be said to meet the three elements of "time, place and people" at the same time.

From the perspective of "weather", Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars is scheduled for New Year’s Eve. No matter whether it is "heavy snow" or "fireworks all over the sky" released in advance in the film’s announcement, it just provides the audience with the sense of ceremony they need on the occasion of the New Year’s Eve, and makes it a new choice to spend the countdown with lovers and girlfriends in the cinema.

The "sprinkling sugar" in the film itself is also a real "pouring sugar jar", and the word-of-mouth such as "sweet explosion" that keeps fermenting after the screening also makes the audience willing to go into the cinema to celebrate the New Year.

"Geographical location" is inseparable from the "viewing marketing" discussed in the program before "Today’s Film Review". "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" has been stirring up the mystery of the "snow special field" before the release, echoing the famous scene of "Zhang Wansen, it’s snowing" that broke the hearts of countless viewers in the TV series, making the "snow special field" packed up early once the film was pre-sold.

Although the "snow special field" was limited by different cinema equipment, the final effect was not satisfactory, but it still promoted the "twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" to take a big step forward in publicity.

Finally, I have to mention "harmony between people". "Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" aims at the target audience of the film itself very accurately — — Young women are the main audience, and most of them are in third-and fourth-tier cities.

And Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle,

Looking closely at the fan portraits of Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle,

Zhang Wansen, the hero of the film story, is called "secretly in love with the ceiling" and is a boy who "loves you hard to open his heart". What the female audience feels about Zhang Wansen is not "why don’t you say it", but "painful" and "abusive". This kind of sugar left in the glass slag on the ground can most impress the female audience.

Secondly, in the fourth-tier cities, where the pace of life is not so fast, the audience rarely takes care of all the contents of the film that are very demanding of logic, nor excessively thinks that the plot of the film is "ungrounded" and "suspended". What the audience in the fourth-tier cities need more is actually a "vacuum layer" created by isolating social pressure. In the layer, the audience can wholeheartedly enjoy the friction brought by love and romance and enjoy a wonderful dream woven by light and shadow.

Just as in Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twi Another example is some very important images in movies — — The moon, ferris wheel, spaceship, every element is hard to touch in reality, but it builds a romantic dream for the audience.

Word-of-mouth differentiation and the decline in the number of people watching movies,What are the shortcomings of Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars?

However, two days after the film was released, the single-day box office performance of Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars dropped from the first to the third, and the word-of-mouth of the film gradually became polarized. What are the shortcomings behind "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars"?

First of all, "Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" has always been a fan-oriented movie that was born with a huge fan base. It really caters to the needs of fans and realizes the unfulfilled wishes of the hero and heroine in TV dramas.

But also because of this, two days after the film was released, the number of people watching the film dropped sharply. The audience who wanted to watch the film for the first time had already entered the cinema, but for those who didn’t understand the TV series, the charm of the film was lacking.

In addition, although Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle,

In fact, these two points also remind all other producers of drama modification how to adjust the direction in the subsequent film production to meet the common expectations of drama powder and non-drama powder.

"Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" was established in May and released at the end of the year. The overall production cycle is very short and the efficiency is very fast, but it can only be a film promoted under the routine industrial process. Only by catching up with specific time nodes, themes and people can it be successful. But in fact, a good film should be more refined in content and shooting skills, and naturally it will have a better release effect.


Sino-Indian talks, this time emphasizing "winter"

  On January 12th, the Chinese and Indian armed forces held the 14th round of talks at the commander level on the Chinese side of the Moldo/Chushule meeting point.

  Compared with the thirteenth round of talks, the two sides issued a joint press release after this meeting. This is also the sixth joint press release since the China-India military level talks.

  The joint press release issued this time mentioned four times in total.agree",three times"as soon as possible”。 Compared with the past, the number of times is the most. Taken together, there is still the will to move in the opposite direction.

▲ On January 1, 2022, Chinese and Indian soldiers exchanged greetings and exchanged candy at the border.

  Master Tan also found that this press release emphasized one word for the first time — —"Winter".

  The original words are: "The two sides agreed to continue to consolidate the existing achievements and take effective measures to maintain the security and stability of the western region, including winter."

  Through this word, we can see that although China and India have not made progress on the border issue at present, they have reached a consensus on solving the problem in a peaceful and stable way, and we can also see several other aspects of the Sino-Indian talks.

  As early as the end of last year, the Indian media revealed that India took the lead in proposing to hold a new round of talks at the commander level as soon as possible.

  Lin Minwang, a researcher at the Institute of International Studies of Fudan University, told Tan Zhu:

  "One reason for India’s initiative is the arrival of winter. The Indian side hopes that both sides will freeze the status quo in winter and take no action. "

  For India, winter militaryThe logistics pressure is great., make it difficult to continue at loggerheads with China at the border.

  At present, India has tens of thousands of soldiers deployed in eastern Ladakh. In order to cope with the cold weather in the plateau, the Indian army needs to spend 1.5 million rupees (equivalent to about 130,000 yuan) for each soldier to maintain its combat effectiveness in the plateau. Altogether, it costs a lot.

  An Indian military logistics expert calculated that the Indian army needs to allocate at least 80 kinds of materials, including rations, winter uniforms, a large number of kerosene, diesel oil, gasoline, etc., and it needs about 500,000 tons of supplies throughout the winter.

▲ An Indian Army convoy carrying reinforcements and supplies went to Liecheng.

  Not to mention the financial pressure, even if India has the money to raise 500 thousand tons of supplies, it is difficult to deliver them to the border in time and effectively. as a result ofBackward infrastructure.

  A village on the Indian border didn’t install the first mobile phone tower until November 2021, and it still lacks infrastructure such as roads, electricity and medical care. Indian media also made a special report, saying that India’s infrastructure can’t be compared with China.

  Insufficient logistics support in winter has always been a headache for the Indian army. In 2020, the Indian army began to prepare winter logistics support from summer. However, in order to reduce the pressure of raising and transportation, it was considered to reduce the weight of rations from 2.5 kilograms per person per day to 1.5 kilograms on the basis of ensuring the basic calories of food. But even so, the supply pressure is not small.

  Continued confrontation, India obviously can’t keep up.

  Commitment to smooth communication channels and continue to seek solutions to problems as soon as possible. For India’s attitude, Lin Minwang analyzed:

  "China has also responded in the opposite direction. After all, the two sides are neighbors who can’t move away, and the border issue can’t be solved for a while. It will take time to slowly correct some unreasonable expectations in India."

  Before this meeting, India did inject some goodwill.

  According to Indian media reports, despite the pressure from many NGOs, the Indian government has made a decision to support the Beijing Winter Olympics, which is in line with the Indian government’s "neighborhood priority" policy.

  As early as 2014, "Neighborhood priorityPolicy has become one of India’s core foreign policies. According to Hu Shisheng, director of the South Asia Institute of China Institute of Contemporary International Relations:

  “‘ Neighborhood priority ’ One of its manifestations is to build a stable relationship with neighboring countries. As a developing country close to China, it is difficult for India to bear a series of negative consequences of the complete hostility between China and India. "

  Before the talks, it was also reported that India may ease restrictions on some foreign direct investments next month, including China.

  Correspondingly, it is a milestone breakthrough in the trade volume between China and India — — In the first 11 months of 2021, the trade volume between China and India exceeded 100 billion US dollars. The Indian Foreign Secretary also stated not long ago that the Indian government is firmly committed to putting India-China trade relations on a more sustainable basis.

  However, we should also see that the atmosphere of taking a step forward is only compared with the previous talks.

  Before the 13th round of China-India talks at the commander level, the Indian media spread rumors and exaggerated that the PLA had crossed the line. After the talks, the Indian side blamed China for the stalemate.

  Even now, India’s small moves have not stopped.

▲ On January 5, 2022, India recovered 6.53 billion rupees from Xiaomi on the grounds of illegal tax evasion.

  Last week, India issued a sky-high "fine" to China’s Internet companies, and India recently tested supersonic cruise missiles.

  We must also see clearly that India has "It will be noisy after winter."The possibility.

  All along, India hopes to occupy as much territory as possible and win the so-called "victory" by nibbling away at it without war.

  For this mentality in India, Lin Minwang told Tan Zhu:

  "India will not look at things from a longer-term perspective. India’s military and diplomatic personnel are more accurate in calculating small abacus, but the direction of big abacus is not accurate. China has solved the land boundary problem with 12 of the 14 neighboring countries. No country needs to talk about so many rounds, so India needs to reflect on its own problems. "

  To improve the Sino-Indian border issue, India must change its position on the border.Basic cognition.

▲ Conflict scene in the Central Inca Gallowan Valley

  China and India are moving in the opposite direction to maintain border peace, which is in line with the interests of both countries and the international trend. But some people don’t want to see such a situation.

  The South Asia Briefing published by the American Foreign Policy magazine on the 13th mentioned this talk, and between the lines, it was shaping the China threat.

  Before the talks, White House spokesperson Psaki deliberately took China’s "coercion" and stressed that he would continue to work with India.Stand together”。

  Unfortunately, India didn’t want to stand with the United States in everything.

  Although the United States clearly supports India on the border issue, the Indian media bluntly said that the United States is keen onsabotagePeace between China and India.

  Because the strategic purpose of the United States is obvious: I hope that the two neighboring countries will consume each other, because this is in the best interest of the United States — — When India buys more American weapons and equipment against China, it will be able to move closer to the United States strategically.

  For the move of the United States, Hu Shisheng analyzed:

  "India does not want the border issue to be internationalized, and it also opposes the United States’ intervention in the Sino-Indian border issue. The Sino-Indian border issue itself is very complicated, and adding a third party will only make it more complicated. At this point, China and India have the same attitude. "

  The Sino-Indian border issue is indeed still complicated, which is why the joint press release emphasizes "Have a frank and in-depth exchange of views",which is why India particularly emphasized that" although there was no breakthrough in the talks, the two sides agreed to continue the talks. "

  No matter how complicated the situation is and how many rounds the two sides have to talk about, for China, the bottom line has always been clear:

  Great rivers and mountains, not an inch of land.


Real Home: Building Wuhan into a Social Experience Center of Fashion Tide Play in the Chinese Business World.

Viewpoint Network News:On January 29th, Wang Linpeng, Chairman and CEO of Easyhome Group, attended the opening ceremony of the 4th shopping center of Easyhome Group in China and the MALL- of Smart Life in the Chinese Business World-Wuhan Pengcheng Pinmao Shopping Center, and delivered a speech.

Wang Linpeng said that as a pioneer of Wuhan shopping center industry, Pinmao has become one of the most popular shopping centers after 18 years of development. This upgrade is a key project of Real Home, and it is also a major event for the Group to deepen the consumption field of the second growth curve.

Wang Linpeng emphasized that Easyhome is not only outstanding in the home furnishing industry, but also competitive in the shopping center industry. The upgrading of the smart life MALL in the Chinese business world takes the three innovative concepts of "new space, new retail and new life" as the breakthrough point, aiming at creating a 225,000-square-meter fashion social experience center for consumers.

According to the data, Easyhome Wuhan Zhongshang World is located in the south of Wu Chu Avenue and east of Wangchu Road, with a total area of about 300 mu and a total construction area of about 630,000 square meters. The first phase of the project covers an area of about 50 mu, with a total investment of about 1.06 billion yuan and a total construction area of 83,000 square meters.


"Changsha Nightlife" exposed the theme song Bird Land Rover and Ahu、Yue sang deeply.

1905 movie network news Producer, Zhao Xiaoshi, screenwriter and director, starring,,,,, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, a film featuring friendship was released a few days ago, and the theme song "Sender Changsha" was sung by Ahu、Yue. The song was composed by Lu Hu and written by Tang Tian, a well-known lyricist. All three singers came into the national audience’s sight from the stage in Changsha, and the lyricist Tang Tian was from Hunan. All four singers had different origins with Changsha.

Originality of the creator, from the perspective of the city of Changsha, created this "letter to all people in Changsha", and the lyrics incorporated the dialect vocabulary and iconic food beauty of Changsha, which was thoughtful and full of ingenuity, and contained the creator’s deep feelings for Changsha. The singing of Bird, Land Rover and Ahu、Yue is also full of affection and moving, and the magnetic voice tells the story in the film. Takeaway brother, food stall owner, talk show actor, ferris wheel administrator … … The Sender Changsha is not only a gentle comfort to every ordinary person who struggles for life, but also evokes the love and yearning of every wanderer in a foreign land, and even sings the unique temperature of Changsha.

Bird Land Rover Ahu、Yue performed Changsha’s heartfelt feelings emotionally.

Tang Tian-xiang’s lyrics show the urban temperament.

"Everyone who passes by me, how are you?" When the first sentence of The Sender Changsha sounded, the whispering greetings not only quickly narrowed the distance between the song and the listener, but also revealed the unique creative perspective of the song — — This is not only a moving long letter written by Changsha to everyone, but also a city voice belonging to Changsha. The anthropomorphic creative technique makes Changsha look like a kind friend. The warm interpretation of Bird, Land Rover and Ahu、Yue added a sense of narration to the song, and also sang the temperature of the city of Changsha, which made people listen to it for a long time.

Tang Tian, the lyricist, is also a native of Hunan Province. She created many explosions such as Wish, The Lonely Brave and so on. This time, while maintaining her high standard, she devoted her deep affection and memories to Changsha. Tang Tian introduced that the reason why she used the perspective of Changsha was because she imagined "Changsha" as an ordinary person who would be on the bus or in a rice noodle shop, and hoped that this song would be like a greeting and a blessing to all friends who lived here, have been here and may arrive here in the future: "The fireworks here are unusually warm, and I hope you will show your good faith along the way."

In addition to a novel perspective, Tang Tian skillfully incorporated Changsha dialect words such as "Xi Ya" and "Ba De Man" into his lyrics, as well as Changsha’s special food and famous landmarks, which not only made Changsha people feel cordial, but also became an excellent medium to show Changsha’s charming features to the whole world. She said that rice noodles are homesickness that she can’t give up, and the streets of Taiping are full of her youth footprints. Looking back on my youth, I want to use this song more, and say to myself who once doubted whether the efforts really paid off: "Don’t be afraid of what you have to do."

Focus plane pays attention to the real life of ordinary people.

Warm melody resonates and cries all strangers.

If the film "Changsha Nightlife" focuses on the streets of Changsha at night, focusing on all kinds of beings connected by real individuals and countless individuals, then the theme song "Sender Changsha" is from the perspective of the city, which is not only an affectionate response to everyone living in this city, but also a sincere encouragement to everyone who works hard for life.

Whether it’s the talk show actor played by LAY, the food stall owner played by Sophie Su, or the Ferris wheel administrator and takeaway brother &hellip played by Bai Yufan and Zhou Siyu; … They are not only characters on the screen, but also ordinary people who really exist around us. Every ordinary little person is not only a struggler in this city, but also an important part of this city, and they will eventually have their own position in this city and realize their own value.

A city is made up of specific people, and the temperament of the city is also determined by people. The Sender Changsha, with the tone of Changsha, realized the two-way trip between the city and every "Changsha people" living here. "I wish you a sunny day along the way", and the sender "Changsha" silently and lovingly watched the people coming and going in this city and sent their own wishes to them. "I wish you a world ahead and a home behind you." No matter whether you are a native of Changsha or a wanderer from all corners of the country, you can feel the spiritual comfort from Changsha whether you are in Changsha at the moment or in other places.

The warm melody with simple and sincere wishes evokes the homesickness of all wanderers in a foreign land. Whether it is a movie or a theme song, in different forms, it presents ordinary stories and life flavors belonging to ordinary people, and also presents Changsha’s inclusive, tenacious and vibrant urban temperament. I believe that everyone who walks into the cinema can feel the rhythm of life that belongs to this city from Nightlife in Changsha.

The movie Nightlife in Changsha will be released nationwide on April 28th.