Tencent has made another big move to support content entrepreneurs with three billion yuan


Tencent has made another big move to support content entrepreneurs with three billion yuan

  CCTV News:On November 8th, the 2017 Tencent Global Partner Conference opened at the Chengdu Western Expo Center in Sichuan. Ren Yuxin, chief operating officer of Tencent, Jonathan Nolan, director and screenwriter of "Westworld", Edward Mossall, Nobel Prize winner, Hugh Hull, well-known professor of MIT Media Lab, Su Hua, founder and CEO of Kuaishou Technology, Zhou Yuan, founder and CEO of Zhihu Media, and Ma Dong, 350 domestic and foreign industry leaders, 500 mainstream media, more than 10,000 partners and industry elites, discussed content ecology and cutting-edge technology around the theme of "Openness and Creativity".

  During the two-day conference, with 21 sub-forums gradually unfolding, dozens of Tencent product lines such as QQ, WeChat, App Treasure, Tencent Cloud, QQ Music, and LBS will announce the latest opening policies and ecological strategies, and discuss with industry leaders. In addition, in the 15,000 exhibition area of the conference, more than 130 high-quality projects from Tencent business lines and partners will be exhibited. Among them, AI and merchandise will showcase the development of the global technology and cultural industries.

  At the main forum, Fan Yi, deputy mayor of Chengdu, addressed the conference first. Tencent chief operating officer Ren Yuxin said in his speech that this year, Tencent open API has entered the seventh year, Tencent will connect the wisdom, content ecology and technology cloud three measures to help partners.

Photo: Ren Yuxin's opening speech

Photo: Ren Yuxin’s opening speech

  "In the past six years of opening up, the total number of partners has exceeded 13 million, 25 million jobs have been created, and the cumulative total score has exceeded 23 billion." Lin Songtao, vice president of Tencent, announced the results of Tencent’s six-year opening up and explained Tencent’s future opening roadmap. "Tencent’s opening up will be based on the continuous evolution of the two fulcrums of science and technology and humanities. In the future, it will focus on promoting new technology open APIs with AI as the core and large content open APIs with diverse content as the core."

  Three billions to support content entrepreneurship, eight scenarios to explore the future of AI

  "The internet and all walks of life have begun to deeply integrate, and online and offline are becoming one. All walks of life have developed from a simple’connection ‘in the past to an overall’cloud’ at present. Everyone hopes to achieve digital transformation and upgrade, and develop the digital economy," Ren Yuxin said.

  Digital content has become the new commanding heights of Internet competition. As an important part of Tencent’s big content strategy, at this conference, Lin Songtao released the "big content" platform opening strategy with diverse content as the core, which will create a complete content ecosystem from content production, multi-channel construction, intelligent distribution, and commercialization.

  The conference announced the official launch of Tencent content open API, which will combine WeChat, QQ, QQ space, browser, express, Tencent news, Tencent video, app treasure, NOW live broadcast, WeSing and other billion-level traffic platforms. With the intelligent distribution capabilities of Tencent AI, it will help content entrepreneurs achieve the goal of "one point access, the whole network is connected". At the same time, the newly launched "tens of billions" plan will 10 billion traffic, 10 billion funds and 10 billion industrial resources, and comprehensively support content entrepreneurs in the fields of traffic and monetization, investment incubation, and offline merchandise base.

  "In the cultural and creative industries such as movies, games, music, and online literature, the income of content creators can account for about half of the industry’s income, but in the field of diverse content, it is less than 10%, which obviously has a lot of space and opportunities." Lin Songtao said that Tencent Content Open API will be committed to helping content entrepreneurs to mine value. The lack of copyright protection is an important reason for the damage to the rights and interests of creators. For this reason, Tencent Content Open API launched a "content alliance" to protect creative copyright. Tencent’s internal products such as QQ, WeChat, Express, and Tencent Video, as well as excellent information platforms such as Zhihu, Sina, and Visual China, also joined at the same time.

Picture: Tencent Vice President Lin Songtao announced Tencent's opening achievements

Picture: Tencent Vice President Lin Songtao announced Tencent’s opening achievements

  In recent years, new technology clusters represented by AI are becoming a new driving force for the global economy. The 2017 Wuzhen Index shows that the global artificial intelligence financing scale has reached 22.40 billion US dollars. The Tencent "new technology" platform strategy focuses on AI and proposes an implementation path of "basic research – scene co-construction – AI openness".

  Lin Songtao introduced that Tencent has achieved a number of technical achievements in the field of artificial intelligence. For example, 21 papers in AI Lab were selected for top academic conferences in one year; two technologies ranked first in the MegaFace challenge of the internationally renowned facial recognition database. In the application field, Tencent AI capabilities, represented by Jueyi, Shadow Search, Accurate Push, and Intelligent Customer Service, have been implemented in eight major scenarios such as social networking, content, games, medical care, retail, finance, security, and translation. Tencent has also begun to promote AI openness. On the one hand, it empowers medical and other industries to achieve AI + by combining with traditional industries; on the other hand, it fully supports emerging AI entrepreneurs with AI open APIs.

  "Three empowering" for openness and innovation in the digital age

  "From traffic opening to capacity opening to ecological opening, Tencent has built three systems of technology empower, ecological empower and industrial empower, forming a comprehensive open system." Lin Songtao summarizes Tencent’s open system from three areas.

  In the field of technology, Tencent has built an empowering system based on basic technologies such as security, big data, LBS, and payment, and based on many applications such as QQ, WeChat, App Treasure, and Tencent Cloud as connectors. Among them, MAU breaks through the 200 million Tencent App Treasure to form a connection between APP developers and users in a full-scene distribution model; Tencent Cloud uses the "Smart +" model to help more than 1 million developers to form industry connections covering energy, industry, automotive, gaming, video, finance, government affairs, etc.; Tencent Social Advertising forms a marketing connection between partners and target users with a huge coverage of QQ, WeChat 1 billion users.

Figure: Tencent content open API launch

Figure: Tencent content open API launch

  In order to provide entrepreneurs with full-factor support, Tencent has built an ecosystem empowering system covering the entire chain of startup incubation, Enterprise Services, investment incubation, and high-end communities. Among them, Qingteng University has trained 188 outstanding entrepreneurs, including 22 unicorns, with an average growth of 150% during the enrollment period; Tencent Maker Space has landed 31 entrepreneurial venues in 26 cities across the country, and landed overseas Maker Space and Tencent Merchandise Base in Hong Kong, focusing on merchandise workers and helping the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; Tencent’s "Double Hundred Plan" has invested in more than 100 start-ups, with a total project valuation of over 60 billion and more than 20 track leaders; The entrepreneurship service platform also provides more than 3,700 entrepreneurship services for various enterprises. 

  The digital economy continues to develop, and Tencent’s empowerment of traditional industries continues to strengthen. With "Internet +" as the core, basic public services such as smart finance, smart travel, smart smart manufacturing and smart cities have been built. In smart finance, financial Cloud as a Service has been connected to more than 5,000 financial units, including WeChat Pay and QQ wallet. The peak mobile payment can reach 208,000 times per second. In the field of smart travel, based on the concept of empowering cars and serving people, building a travel platform with location-based service and vehicle to everything, and connecting car manufacturers with Tencent’s connected car technology. Smart manufacturing will be based on Tencent’s big data, cloud computing and other technical capabilities to implement supply chain integration, production optimization, marketing and after-sales system construction in different fields. In smart cities, Tencent has created "Internet +" solutions in various fields such as commerce, medical care, government affairs, policing, and travel, so as to improve the efficiency of commercial services and government services, provide convenience for citizens’ lives, and enhance public safety.


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