

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow typhoon warning.

  CCTV News:The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow typhoon warning at 18: 00 on September 4th. The center of the 11th typhoon "HAIKUI" (a strong tropical storm) this year was located at 5: 00 p.m. today (4th) in the southern Taiwan Province Strait, about 200 kilometers east of the Fujian-Guangdong border, which is 23.3 degrees north latitude and 119.1 degrees east longitude. The maximum wind force near the center is 11 (30m/s). The radius of the tenth wind circle is 20-30 kilometers.

  It is estimated that "Anemone" will move to the north-north direction at a speed of 10-15 kilometers per hour, and gradually approach the coastal area along the border between Fujian and Guangdong, and will land in the coastal area from Zhangpu, Fujian to Huilai, Guangdong in the early morning of the 5th (tropical storm level to strong tropical storm level, 23-28 m/s, 9-10), and then move to the west direction after landing, and its intensity will gradually weaken.

  Gale forecast:From 20: 00 on September 4 to 20: 00 on September 5, there will be 6-8 winds and 9-10 gusts in the Taiwan Province Strait, the southwest of the East China Sea, the northeast of the South China Sea, and the coastal areas of Fujian, the central and eastern Guangdong, and the western and northern coasts of Taiwan Province Island. The winds in some sea areas or regions will be 9-11 and the gusts will be 12-13.

  Precipitation forecast:From 20: 00 on September 4 to 20: 00 on September 5, there were heavy rains in most parts of Fujian, eastern Guangdong, southeastern Jiangxi, southeastern Zhejiang and western Taiwan Province Island. Among them, there were heavy rains in parts of eastern Fujian and southeastern Guangdong, and local heavy rains (250-300 mm). Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall (the maximum hourly rainfall is 30-50 mm, and the local area can exceed 70 mm), and there are strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

  Defense guide:

  1. The government and relevant departments shall, in accordance with their duties, do a good job in typhoon prevention and emergency rescue.

  2. Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to take shelter from the wind, strengthen port facilities, and prevent ships from anchoring, grounding and collision.

  3. Stop large-scale indoor and outdoor gatherings and dangerous outdoor operations such as high altitude.

  4. Reinforce or dismantle structures that are easy to be blown by the wind. Personnel should not go out at will. They should stay in windproof and safe places as far as possible, so as to ensure that the elderly and children stay in the safest place at home, and the dangerous people will be transferred in time. When the typhoon center passes by, the wind will decrease or stay still for a period of time. Remember that the strong wind will suddenly blow and you should continue to stay in a safe place to avoid the wind.

  5. Relevant areas should pay attention to prevent flash floods and geological disasters that may be caused by heavy precipitation.


Autumn is stronger! Next week, cold air will hit, and the day after tomorrow, China will welcome a wide range of rain and snow.

Shanghai has recently been controlled by the airflow west of the upper air.
Mainly cloudy weather.
The highest temperature on 15th to 19th is 24~26 degrees.
The lowest temperature is 16~19 degrees.
Affected by cold air on 19th and 20th.
There was a strong wind cooling process
The cooling range is about 3 degrees.
The highest temperature on 21~23 days is 21~22 degrees.
The lowest temperature is 15~16 degrees.
Autumn is stronger, and the thin coat needs to be added.
Tomorrow (October 15-16), there will still be strong precipitation in parts of Hainan and Xinjiang, so it is necessary to guard against the adverse effects of rain and snow on traffic and travel. The day after tomorrow, there will be a large-scale rain, snow, strong wind and cooling weather process in China. The public should pay attention to the forecast information and take preventive measures.
There will still be strong precipitation in Hainan, Xinjiang and other places today and tomorrow, and a large-scale rain and snow weather process will come from the day after tomorrow.
Yesterday, China’s strong precipitation mainly appeared in parts of southwest China and Xinjiang and Hainan. Monitoring shows that from 8: 00 yesterday to 6: 00 today, there was little to moderate rain in northern Xinjiang, local sleet, light rain or sleet in northeastern Inner Mongolia and northwestern Heilongjiang. In addition, moderate rain, local heavy rain or heavy rain occurred in southern Sichuan and southeastern Yunnan.
Today and tomorrow, there will still be strong precipitation in parts of Hainan and Xinjiang. The day after tomorrow, there will be a large-scale rain and snow weather process in China.
Specifically, the Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northern Xinjiang and along the Tianshan Mountains, northern and eastern Tibet, and western Qinghai. Among them, there will be heavy snow in parts of northern Xinjiang. There are small to moderate rains in parts of northeastern Heilongjiang, Hainan Island and Taiwan Province Island, among which there is heavy rain in parts of northeastern Hainan Island.
Tomorrow, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northern Xinjiang and western mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang basin, northern and southeastern Tibet, southern and western Qinghai. There are small to moderate rains in parts of southeastern Gansu, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hainan Island, etc. Among them, there are heavy rains (50 ~ 90 mm) in parts of southwestern Guangdong and eastern Hainan Island.
The day after tomorrow, there will be light demand or sleet in parts of northern and eastern Tibet and southern Qinghai. Some areas in western Inner Mongolia, Liaodong Peninsula, Gansu, most of Ningxia, Shaanxi, most of North China, western Henan, Sichuan Basin, southwestern Guangdong, Hainan Island, Taiwan Province Island, etc. have small to moderate rains, among which some areas in eastern Hainan Island have heavy rains and local heavy rains (100 ~ 120 mm).
The meteorological department reminded that the rain and snow weather in northern Xinjiang and other places is not good for autumn harvest and autumn planting, and the transition of animal husbandry. The public should pay attention to preventive measures; It will rain again and again in Hainan in the next three days, and the local rain is strong, so attention should be paid to preventing the occurrence of secondary disasters.
The temperature in Northeast China and other places will drop today and tomorrow, and the temperature in most parts of China will turn low in the latter part of next week.
In terms of temperature, the temperature in most parts of China was higher than normal yesterday, but the temperature in some areas dropped in the morning. The temperatures in Xining, Hohhot, Taiyuan, Yinchuan, Lanzhou, Kunming, Chengdu, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Shanghai and other cities hit new lows after autumn, among which Xining became the first provincial-level city to fall below freezing point in the second half of this year.
Today and tomorrow, affected by cold air, there will be 4~6 northerly winds in northern Xinjiang, central and eastern Inner Mongolia, and northeast China, with gusts of 7~9, and the temperature will drop by 4~8℃ and the local temperature will drop by 10℃. Among cities, the highest temperature in Harbin and Changchun will drop to 11℃ and 14℃ respectively today, the lowest since beginning of autumn this year, and the lowest temperature tomorrow morning will be only 1~2℃.
At the same time, the highest temperature from southern North China to southern China is above 25℃, which is warm and comfortable during the day. However, in many places, the temperature difference between day and night is above 10℃. The public should pay attention to adding clothes at the right time when they leave early and return late, and beware of catching a cold.
From the 17th, another strong cold air will affect most parts of central and eastern China. Later this week, the temperature in most parts of China will be lower than normal, and the temperature in many places will hit a new low in the second half of this year. For example, the highest temperature in Harbin will drop below 10 C for the first time, and Beijing and Tianjin will drop below 20 C; The lowest temperature in Harbin, Changchun and other places will also drop below freezing point for the first time. The public should pay attention to the forecast and early warning information and take precautions in advance.
Editor: Shi Wei
Editor in charge: Sun Xinqi
Source: Shanghai Publishing, China Weather Network.

Can I still drink tea after it has expired? Maybe many people are wrong.

Uncle Liu has been obsessed with drinking tea for health recently. He always takes a pot of strong tea with him every time he goes out. Old friends think it is not good to drink too much tea, but he retorts fiercely every time.

"You don’t understand, how many articles and reports on the Internet say that drinking tea is good for your health, can open channels, can treat Alzheimer’s disease, and can improve many diseases."

However, he thought he was healthy, but in the latest physical examination, many values were not up to standard, and he even suffered from kidney disease and gastritis.

On the contrary, other friends’ reports are very healthy, which makes him puzzled. Why do you get so many diseases when you insist on drinking tea for health?


Fudan university research:

Can tea stimulate human meridians?

I believe everyone has heard of the rumor that tea can pass through meridians, but it has always been doubtful whether it is true or false. After all, even the meridians that Chinese medicine has always emphasized are an audible thing to many people, but they have never seen it before. Because it cannot be objectively presented, many people think it is pseudoscience.

However, a research team of Fudan University successfully displayed the meridians through imaging technology by drinking tea. What happened?

Searching the papers about the research team in the journal Quantitative Biology shows that the researchers observed the fever images of the subjects by using twelve kinds of tea, and found highly consistent meridian tropism results. Finally, the meridian model was successfully simulated by using infrared radiation images of human body through the stimulation of tea on specific meridians. Moreover, different kinds of tea will be classified into different meridians.

Systematic image source data map conforming to the traditional description of human meridians

However, there are still many controversies about the results in the industry, and the research has only carried out preliminary experiments, which can not completely confirm the effectiveness.

Some’ discussions’ by netizens have also made these doubts rampant. For example, whether the heat change path used in the experiment excludes other biochemical factors, the sample size is too small, and the variables such as tea temperature are not explained. Therefore, it is still doubtful whether drinking tea can open and stimulate people’s meridians.


Drinking some tea every day has so many benefits!

Although many rumors about drinking tea are hard to distinguish between true and false, what is certain is that the internationally recognized benefits of drinking tea are indeed beneficial to the health.

1. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has published a research paper on the relationship between drinking tea and reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events and all-cause death. According to the research, people who have tea drinking habits have higher health indicators, pointing out that drinking tea has a certain effect on reducing the rate of cardiovascular diseases.

Image from the network

2. Reduce the risk of diabetes.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also published a study on the relationship between drinking tea and chronic diseases in China. According to the experimental data, the risk of type 2 diabetes, all-cause death and microvascular complications of people who drink green tea every day are reduced by 8%, 10% and 12% respectively. It shows that drinking tea is of great significance to prevent type 2 diabetes and the risk of all-cause death.

3, help to resist oxidation

This is because tea polyphenols in tea itself have antioxidant effect, and the antioxidant effect is 18 times higher than that of vitamin E.

4, refreshing, diuretic fatigue

Tea also contains caffeine, so some people will feel excited and can’t sleep after drinking tea. Therefore, drinking tea also has the effect of refreshing the brain. In addition, these substances will stimulate the kidneys and have the effect of diuresis. Caffeine can also eliminate excessive lactic acid in urine, so it also has the effect of relieving fatigue.

Although tea is good, we should also abide by the principle of moderation, otherwise excessive drinking of tea will also lead to caffeine poisoning or other adverse reactions. In addition, it needs to be emphasized that tea does not belong to the category of drugs, and it has no effect of curing all diseases. Therefore, if you feel unwell, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.


Three misunderstandings about tea,

Don’t be fooled.

With the expansion of the demand for tea and the profit-seeking market, many "rumors" about tea have been heard all the time. How many misunderstandings do you believe?

1. Tea is full of pesticides.

There are rumors that non-organic teas are all grown up by spraying pesticides, and there are many pesticides left in the tea. However, in fact, the regulations on the use of food pesticides stipulated by the state are very strict. Generally, the tea that is listed in compliance has undergone strict sampling inspection and will not be "all pesticides".

2. You can’t drink tea when it expires.

This actually depends on the situation, because after the tea is dried, if it is properly preserved, even if it exceeds the shelf life, it can actually continue to drink, with little impact. If the tea leaves get wet, deteriorate, change color obviously, and smell, you should never continue drinking even if the shelf life has not expired.

3. Green tea is cold and black tea is warm

In fact, green tea and black tea are the same kind of fresh tea. As a result of different production processes, the general factory will make the fresh leaves fail by oxidation at high temperature, so as to prevent "tea polyphenols from discoloring", that is, "deactivating enzymes" in jargon, while black tea is the opposite, so that tea polyphenols can be fully oxidized and discolored, thus obtaining the flavor of black tea. As for which "warm" and "cold" is actually just a statement of packaging needs.


How to drink tea is more beneficial to health?

In fact, there is a lot of knowledge in drinking tea. If you want to give full play to the greatest role of tea, you should be particular when drinking it!

1, the brewing temperature is appropriate.

Different teas also have different brewing temperatures. For example, green tea is suitable for brewing with water around 80℃, while black tea and oolong tea need boiling water to fully separate out their own flavor.

2. Let the tea cool before drinking.

Many people like to make tea with hot water and immediately pour it out "while it is hot", but hot tea is very harmful to esophageal health, and even increases the risk of esophageal cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer also recommends not to drink hot drinks over 65℃, so it is better to let the tea warm before drinking.

3. Drink more light tea and less strong tea.

The concentration of caffeine in strong tea is higher. If taken too much, it will lead to insomnia, and it will also increase the burden on the kidneys, stimulate the stomach and deepen the symptoms of anemia. It is suggested that the amount of tea leaves should be controlled within 12 grams per day. Generally, 3 grams of tea leaves are soaked in 150ml of water, and 3 cups a day is enough.

If you want to drink tea well, in addition to mastering the above best tea drinking methods, you should also pay attention to the taboos when drinking tea, such as not drinking tea on an empty stomach and not drinking tea after drinking, so as to drink healthy.


[1] "Drinking more tea is not as good as drinking tea for health, so we should pay attention to seven taboos". People’s Daily Online .2016-03-09.

[2] "Drinking tea every day, what will happen to your body? Can lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and reduce the risk of death? China. 2023-07-03.

[3] "More and more studies have proved that drinking tea has so many benefits! Health Times. 2022-08-29.

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Zhejiang people, no nightlife?

Chao News Client Reporter Quan Linmin

As soon as summer arrives, the economy will always pop out at night to brush a sense of existence several times.

But in the office, chung Jin Jun heard colleagues from other provinces question more than once:

"Zhejiang people don’t you have nightlife? How come at ten o’clock, the street is deserted and there are few cars? "

Whenever this time, Yong Jinjun always refutes a few words for his hometown. But unfortunately, Yong Jinjun will always be "what are the interesting and delicious places?" The question was stumped and then lost in thought.

Is there really no nightlife in Zhejiang?

There is no nightlife in Zhejiang?

It is certain that Zhejiang people have nightlife, whether it is observation at the point or intuitive presentation of data.

On the first day of the ambush, Yong Jin Jun went to the Wulin night market in Hangzhou. The temperature at night is still very high, but there are no fewer people visiting the night market.

At about 8: 30, Yong Jin Jun was packed with sweat in the endless crowd. Everyone either took photos with their mobile phones or crowded in front of various booths to buy things. Popular stalls are even more crowded. For example, the squid stall that Nicholas Tse punched in is a conformity.

"After the summer, there are more people every day, and the daily sales have tripled or quadrupled compared with before." Mr. Cao, the stall owner who specializes in hand-painted masks, said.

The popularity is high. I’m afraid it’s not because there are many foreign tourists, right? But Ye Lianzhong, secretary of the Party branch of Wulin Night Market, told Yong Jin Jun that according to their estimation, 45% of the visitors to Wulin Night Market are tourists, and the rest are local residents.

What? Do you think 8: 30 is too early to be called nightlife?

Yong Jin Jun also went to the ancient town of Ke Qiao, Shaoxing, and it was already more than 9 pm when he arrived at the scenic spot. Arguably, this point was the time when everyone was ready to go home one after another. However, when Yong Jin Jun stopped, he found that the number of cars looking for vacant seats in the parking lot was comparable to the number of cars driving out, which shows that there are still many people visiting the ancient town at this point.

When I came to the core of the ancient town, around Rongguang Bridge, it was already 9: 30, and the popularity was still very strong. On the Rongguang Bridge, the river along the ancient town is either full of people or full of people.

A local told Yong Jin Jun that this is also the normal state of the ancient town, and many surrounding residents will go to the ancient town for a walk after dinner and have nothing to do.

In recent days, third-party organizations have released research reports on China’s urban night economy. According to the report, the nightlife in Zhejiang is also very active.

For example, in the Report on Night Economic Development of China Cities in 2023, Hangzhou is the first echelon (10) of the TOP100 cities with night economic prosperity, and Jiaxing, Jinhua, Ningbo and Wenzhou are the second echelon (20), and nearly half of Zhejiang cities are shortlisted.

In a word, the nightlife in Zhejiang is definitely not as cold as the outside world thinks.

I just can’t find a place.

Since the development is not bad, why do people always say that Zhejiang people have no nightlife?

"The development speed of Zhejiang’s night economy does not match its economic strength and residents’ consumption level." Zhao Haoxing, a professor at the School of Economics of Zhejiang Gongshang University and vice president of Zheshang Research Institute, said.

From the perspective of economic aggregate, Zhejiang’s GDP has always been among the best in the country, and its per capita disposable income ranks first in all provinces and regions in the country. However, in the night economic rankings, Zhejiang’s achievements can only be considered as above average, not top. A top student who has a flawed score in one subject will give the outside world a sense of gap.

In addition, Yang Yingjun, director of the Consumption Promotion Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce, believes that there are not many iconic night economic scenes in Zhejiang, and there are even fewer places with national influence, which makes it impossible for foreign tourists to go to Zhejiang at night, thus becoming famous throughout the country.

There is a city that never sleeps in Datang in Xi ‘an, Shaanxi, Hongya Cave in Chongqing, and Wenhe Friends in Changsha, Hunan. But what’s in Zhejiang? You can only name the Wulin night market and the West Lake in Hangzhou at most.

But the duration of Wulin night market is limited. The stall owner puts out the stall at 5 o’clock and closes it at 11 o’clock. The market area is only about 1000 square meters, which is still the result of expansion and it is difficult to form a scale.

The West Lake is almost the same problem, and the scale of the night economic agglomeration area is not large. Unlike Wenheyou or Datang City that Never Sleeps, it has formed a relatively complete and rich night consumption scene.

Only when there is demand can there be supply. Isn’t it because there is less demand in Zhejiang? Actually, it is not.

Zhao Haoxing told Yong Jin Jun a very interesting phenomenon-there are more night economic scenes in Wenzhou than in Hangzhou. Many Wenzhou people go to Hangzhou because of the lack of night consumption atmosphere, so they go to bed earlier, and go back to Wenzhou later. It shows that their spending habits at night have always been there, but they just can’t find many places to spend at night.

In Zhao Haoxing’s view, the creation of the scene needs to go through a critical period. If at first the scene builder thinks that there are not many people in the street at night, and few people come out to play, they are more cautious or don’t invest in creating scenes, and there are fewer scenes, and fewer people are willing to come out at night. So everyone went to bed earlier and earlier, and there were fewer and fewer scenes. Zhejiang needs to break this cycle.

People sitting by the river for dinner in the ancient town of Ke Qiao.

How does the city that never sleeps come?

In recent years, the importance of night economy in stimulating consumption is becoming more and more prominent. Statistics show that 60% of consumption in China occurs at night, and the sales of large shopping malls from 18: 00 to 22: 00 every day account for more than half of the whole day.

According to the small and micro observation report released by the online merchant bank, the night economy with fast growth, high proportion, rich formats and contrarian market scale is becoming the force point of small and micro businesses in many cities-the national proportion is 68%.

Zhejiang has long been eyeing the important value of the night economy. In March 2020, Zhejiang took the lead in issuing the provincial government’s implementation opinions to boost consumption in the country, and made it clear that it was necessary to vigorously cultivate and develop the night economy.

This summer, Zhejiang’s summer consumption promotion put the main card on the "night economy". On the evening of July 7, the province’s night economic tour season was launched in Keqiao District, and cities were organized to carry out "night consumption promotion" activities from different levels.

Judging from the activity scene in Ke Qiao, the first stop of the tour season, Zhejiang is trying to enrich the night consumption scene and make up for the shortcomings of the night economy.

It is reported that in addition to all kinds of food and commodity markets that are very common in promoting consumption activities, the event site of the day also set up three major festivals: milk coffee festival, barbecue festival and music festival.

"In the past, the activities to promote consumption may have been to set up a few booths and urge people to come to buy buy to buy them, but this time we have merged into more formats, such as inviting bands to sing. This activity will also be fixed for a long time during the summer vacation, which will have a long-term support for local night consumption. " Yang Yingjun said.

Zhejiang is also making every effort to cultivate and build a night economic landmark with national influence. In 2020, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce started the pilot work of provincial night economy cities, and at present, 19 model cities and 6 characteristic cities have been identified in the province.

Taking Gongshu District of Hangzhou as an example, through the construction of night economy, the economic benefits of all night punching places and related enterprises in this area have been continuously improved. The night-time pedestrian flow ratio in the Wulin business circle increased by about 24% on average, and the night-time revenue of each complex increased from 45% in 2019 to about 55% in 2022.

In the first half of this year, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce jointly issued the "Three-year Action Plan for Creating High-quality Consumption Agglomeration Areas" with five provincial departments. It is planned to build 30 provincial-level night economy model (characteristic) cities, 30 provincial-level high-quality pedestrian streets and 50 provincial-level characteristic commercial streets (districts) through three-year efforts.

The fireworks in the world touch the hearts of ordinary people the most. I hope that in the near future, Yong Jin Jun can also introduce the good places in the evening and see the other side of Zhejiang night when chatting with friends from other places.

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"Changsha Nightlife" exposed the theme song Bird Land Rover and Ahu、Yue sang deeply.

1905 movie network news Producer, Zhao Xiaoshi, screenwriter and director, starring,,,,, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, a film featuring friendship was released a few days ago, and the theme song "Sender Changsha" was sung by Ahu、Yue. The song was composed by Lu Hu and written by Tang Tian, a well-known lyricist. All three singers came into the national audience’s sight from the stage in Changsha, and the lyricist Tang Tian was from Hunan. All four singers had different origins with Changsha.

Originality of the creator, from the perspective of the city of Changsha, created this "letter to all people in Changsha", and the lyrics incorporated the dialect vocabulary and iconic food beauty of Changsha, which was thoughtful and full of ingenuity, and contained the creator’s deep feelings for Changsha. The singing of Bird, Land Rover and Ahu、Yue is also full of affection and moving, and the magnetic voice tells the story in the film. Takeaway brother, food stall owner, talk show actor, ferris wheel administrator … … The Sender Changsha is not only a gentle comfort to every ordinary person who struggles for life, but also evokes the love and yearning of every wanderer in a foreign land, and even sings the unique temperature of Changsha.

Bird Land Rover Ahu、Yue performed Changsha’s heartfelt feelings emotionally.

Tang Tian-xiang’s lyrics show the urban temperament.

"Everyone who passes by me, how are you?" When the first sentence of The Sender Changsha sounded, the whispering greetings not only quickly narrowed the distance between the song and the listener, but also revealed the unique creative perspective of the song — — This is not only a moving long letter written by Changsha to everyone, but also a city voice belonging to Changsha. The anthropomorphic creative technique makes Changsha look like a kind friend. The warm interpretation of Bird, Land Rover and Ahu、Yue added a sense of narration to the song, and also sang the temperature of the city of Changsha, which made people listen to it for a long time.

Tang Tian, the lyricist, is also a native of Hunan Province. She created many explosions such as Wish, The Lonely Brave and so on. This time, while maintaining her high standard, she devoted her deep affection and memories to Changsha. Tang Tian introduced that the reason why she used the perspective of Changsha was because she imagined "Changsha" as an ordinary person who would be on the bus or in a rice noodle shop, and hoped that this song would be like a greeting and a blessing to all friends who lived here, have been here and may arrive here in the future: "The fireworks here are unusually warm, and I hope you will show your good faith along the way."

In addition to a novel perspective, Tang Tian skillfully incorporated Changsha dialect words such as "Xi Ya" and "Ba De Man" into his lyrics, as well as Changsha’s special food and famous landmarks, which not only made Changsha people feel cordial, but also became an excellent medium to show Changsha’s charming features to the whole world. She said that rice noodles are homesickness that she can’t give up, and the streets of Taiping are full of her youth footprints. Looking back on my youth, I want to use this song more, and say to myself who once doubted whether the efforts really paid off: "Don’t be afraid of what you have to do."

Focus plane pays attention to the real life of ordinary people.

Warm melody resonates and cries all strangers.

If the film "Changsha Nightlife" focuses on the streets of Changsha at night, focusing on all kinds of beings connected by real individuals and countless individuals, then the theme song "Sender Changsha" is from the perspective of the city, which is not only an affectionate response to everyone living in this city, but also a sincere encouragement to everyone who works hard for life.

Whether it’s the talk show actor played by LAY, the food stall owner played by Sophie Su, or the Ferris wheel administrator and takeaway brother &hellip played by Bai Yufan and Zhou Siyu; … They are not only characters on the screen, but also ordinary people who really exist around us. Every ordinary little person is not only a struggler in this city, but also an important part of this city, and they will eventually have their own position in this city and realize their own value.

A city is made up of specific people, and the temperament of the city is also determined by people. The Sender Changsha, with the tone of Changsha, realized the two-way trip between the city and every "Changsha people" living here. "I wish you a sunny day along the way", and the sender "Changsha" silently and lovingly watched the people coming and going in this city and sent their own wishes to them. "I wish you a world ahead and a home behind you." No matter whether you are a native of Changsha or a wanderer from all corners of the country, you can feel the spiritual comfort from Changsha whether you are in Changsha at the moment or in other places.

The warm melody with simple and sincere wishes evokes the homesickness of all wanderers in a foreign land. Whether it is a movie or a theme song, in different forms, it presents ordinary stories and life flavors belonging to ordinary people, and also presents Changsha’s inclusive, tenacious and vibrant urban temperament. I believe that everyone who walks into the cinema can feel the rhythm of life that belongs to this city from Nightlife in Changsha.

The movie Nightlife in Changsha will be released nationwide on April 28th.


British television was accused of broadcasting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Christmas message.

Topic: picture channel

On the 24th, a newly decorated Christmas tree was placed in the Grand Square in Brussels, Belgium.

  25th is Christmas, a traditional western holiday. In the United States, President Bush and his family celebrated Christmas for the last time at Camp David, the presidential resort. In Britain, a TV station was accused of broadcasting the Christmas message of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. On that day, while festivals were celebrated in different ways around the world, travelers in some parts of the United States had to stay at the airport for the holidays because of bad weather.


  Obama encourages people

  US President-elect Barack Obama delivered a radio and Internet video speech on the 24th, taking the opportunity of Christmas to encourage people to share the financial crisis.

  Obama said that the current US economy has been hit, "millions of people have lost their jobs" and "more people are struggling to pay bills or keep their homes. From students to the elderly, I feel that the future is full of uncertainty. " He encouraged people to "do their duty to serve others, find new ideas and inventions, and open a new chapter for our country".

  Obama said: "If the American people come together and go all out to shoulder the historical responsibility, then we can let the people continue to work and point out a new direction for the country. Only in this way can we get through this crisis and make tomorrow better. "

  Obama also expressed condolences to the officers and men of the navy, army, air force, marine corps and coast guard serving overseas.

  Bush sent his subordinates jobs.

  This year is the last time Bush and his family celebrated Christmas at Camp David, the presidential resort. The Bushes, their two daughters and other family members gathered at Camp David in Maryland that day. Although in Maryland, their Christmas dinner is quite traditional in Bush’s hometown of Texas, including roast turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.

  With Bush leaving office soon, many government dignitaries are worrying about re-employment. Bush was sympathetic to his subordinates and gave them a big gift-work-on Christmas Eve, which solved their worries.

  The Associated Press reported that the White House announced on the 24th that Bush had selected 24 part-time job candidates for 10 boards and committees, most of whom were right-hand men under Bush.

  For example, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was elected to the board of directors of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts for a six-year term. Minister of Commerce Gutierrez was nominated as a member of the woodrow wilson international center for scholars Council for a term of six years.

  Chino, former vice minister of transportation and chairman of the 2008 Republican National Convention, will take office on the Trade Policy and Negotiation Advisory Committee for a four-year term.

  Mcbride, the housekeeper of First Lady Laura, was also awarded a three-year term on the board of directors of the J. William Fulbright Scholarship for Foreign Scholars.

  Ahmadinejad delivered a Christmas speech

  On the 25th, the British TV station Channel 4 broadcast the Christmas speech delivered by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which provided the public with a window to understand the "alternative viewpoint", but it still attracted a lot of criticism.

  A spokesman for Channel 4 said that Ahmadinejad finished his speech in Iran with Persian quotations, and the whole process was highly confidential in advance. The producer of the program matched the speech with English subtitles.

  Ahmadinejad extended his holiday greetings to Christians in the program. However, the text of the speech shows that this holiday greeting is ironic.

  Ahmadinejad said: "If Christ were alive, he would join people in opposing the tyrannical and irritable expansionist power." The Associated Press reported that this clearly points to the United States and its allies.

  Ahmadinejad said: "If Christ were alive today, there is no doubt that he would hold high the banner of justice and fraternity against militants, occupiers, terrorists and bullies. If Christ were alive today, there is no doubt that he would resist the arbitrary policies prevailing in the global economic and political system, just as he devoted himself to it all his life. "

  Bourne, director of the news and current affairs program of Channel 4, said that Ahmadinejad was chosen as the protagonist of this year’s Christmas speech because Iran’s relations with western countries may become a key global issue next year.

  However, the efforts of "Channel 4" did not seem to help it reduce its criticism. Smith, head of the British Holocaust Memorial Center, said that Ahmadinejad’s message should be treated with caution. "Many of his political and historical views are very dangerous."

  Grunwald, chairman of the British Jewish Representative Committee, firmly believes that Ahmadinejad is not qualified for Christmas programs.

  Conservative MP Davis believes that the choice of "Channel 4" is "unacceptable at any level".


  Snow and ice weather affect some areas.

  Passengers stranded at American airport on Christmas Eve.

  Some parts of the United States suffered from snow and ice weather on the 24th, which caused some airport flights to be cancelled and delayed, and many passengers preparing to go home for Christmas were stranded.

  As the second largest airport in the United States, Chicago O ‘Hare International Airport in Illinois had to cancel more than 100 flights on the 24th, leaving more than 500 passengers stranded. The day before, due to the ice storm, the airport cancelled more than 500 flights.

  Tommy and siobhan from Ireland spent their second night at O ‘Hare International Airport on the 24th. They had planned to go to San Diego, California for their honeymoon. When they arrived at the airport on the 23rd, the flight at O ‘Hare International Airport was cancelled due to bad weather. The couple can only leave on the 25th flight at the earliest.

  As they were preparing to go to the relatively warm San Diego, the couple were unprepared for the temperature near zero degrees Celsius in Chicago and were at a loss for a while. Siobhan, 30, said: "This place was supposed to be a transit station, but now there is nothing to do but wait."

  At present, the meteorological department of the United States has issued ice storm warnings and travel suggestions to most parts of the western region and parts of the central, western and northeastern regions.


  Mysterious Santa Claus haunts Korean community

  The staff of a residential area in Jeonju, a city in southwestern South Korea, received a mysterious phone call on the 25th, reminding them to go to the parking lot to find a mysterious box.

  They found the box and opened it. It actually contained 20 million won (about 15,000 US dollars) in cash. There is also a note in the box that says, "Cheer up, breadwinners."

  The Korea Times reported that since 2000, this community has received cash from mysterious Santa Claus every Christmas, and has accumulated more than 81 million won so far.

  The staff suspect that this mysterious Santa Claus is a resident of the community, and he may not be well off, but he insists on donating his savings every year.

  Park Mingxi, the head of the community, said: "We are very touched. There is such a kind-hearted person living here." He said that he would distribute the money to 100 residents in the community.

  Add citizenship to Santa Claus

  Canadian Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Kenny granted Santa Claus citizenship on the 24th.

  Kenny said in a statement released in Ottawa on the same day that Santa Claus officially became a Canadian citizen and gained the right to enter the country many times.

  Kenny said: "The Canadian government sincerely wishes Santa all the best in his work on Christmas Eve. As a Canadian citizen, he has the right to enter Canada again after completing his world tour."

  The statement also said that Santa Claus wore traditional red and white costumes, which just echoed the color of the Canadian flag. (Wu Zheng, He Shan, Chen Lixi)

Editor: Wang Jiaolong


Chen Kexin and Lang Ping appeared in the launching ceremony of China Women’s Volleyball.

1905 movie network news On the morning of April 16th, the film held a launching ceremony named "Do not forget your initiative mind, Start Together" at the Old Hall of China Women’s Volleyball Training Center in Zhangzhou, Fujian. Cao Kang, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the State Sports General Administration, Lu Liang, deputy inspector of the Film Bureau, Lai Yawen, deputy director of the Volleyball Management Center, Wei Nan, director of the Art Department of the Film Bureau, Qin Hong, chairman of Jiaying Film, director Chen Kexin, Lang Ping, head coach of China women’s volleyball team, Chen Zhonghe, former head coach of China women’s volleyball team, producer Jo Jo Hui and China women’s volleyball players Zhang Changning and Liu Xiaotong attended the launching ceremony.

Director Chen Kexin revealed at the launching ceremony that the film "China Women’s Volleyball Team" spans 40 years and tells the bloody story of several generations of women’s volleyball teams. The film will be officially released on New Year’s Day in 2020, cheering for the women’s volleyball team to prepare for the Tokyo Olympics.


The movie "China Women’s Volleyball Team" was officially launched, and the Spring Festival of 2020 was scheduled to awaken the memory of the whole people. 


On the morning of the same day, the film "China Women’s Volleyball Team" released its first poster, and officially announced that it would be the first day of 2020. The main body of the poster is a white volleyball close-up. The mottled sphere and damaged epidermis make people daydream. The word "China Women’s Volleyball Team" is concise and powerful, and the overall style is eye-catching.

Preparations for the film "China Women’s Volleyball Team" started as early as two years ago. In addition to inviting gold medal partner Zhang Ji as a screenwriter, director Chen Kexin was photographed by the media many times and took his team to watch women’s volleyball matches around the world to collect materials. During this trip to Zhangzhou, in addition to attending the launching ceremony, director Chen Kexin also observed the closed training of China women’s volleyball team for the first time, and personally felt the intense atmosphere at the scene, which made him lament the hardships and difficulties of coaches and athletes again. Director Chen Kexin also said at the launching ceremony that he hoped to show the audience his understanding of the spirit of women’s volleyball through this film.


Do not forget your initiative mind jointly set off the movie "China Women’s Volleyball Team" to file the Spring Festival to cheer for the Tokyo Olympics of women’s volleyball team.

Zhangzhou is not only the earliest training base of women’s volleyball team, but also the cradle of "five consecutive championships" in Lang Ping’s mouth, where teams shed youthful sweat and strive to grow up, making it the "initial heart". This is the 46th time for China women’s volleyball team to return to Zhangzhou for closed training, in order to fully meet the next major events, including the World Volleyball League in May, the Women’s Volleyball World Cup and the qualifiers for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

This time, the film "China Women’s Volleyball Team" specially set the launching ceremony in the old hall of the training base, chose Zhangzhou to start its own journey, set out together with the China women’s volleyball national team, and tried its best to create a women’s volleyball story that belongs to all China people. I also hope to return to the place where the story of the women’s volleyball team began. In this venue that still retains the traces of the use of the older generation of women’s volleyball teams, I will find my original heart with the active women’s volleyball players and go to a new journey together. In the Spring Festival of 2020, I will take this film as my best wish, cheer for the women’s volleyball team’s Tokyo Olympic Games campaign, and jointly send a New Year gift from the sports and film circles to the people of the whole country.


The film will record the women’s volleyball team’s 40 years of hard work. Professional athletes may be considered in casting.


At the launching ceremony, director Chen Kexin and two famous women’s volleyball coaches of China, Lang Ping and Chen Zhonghe, made a "revelation" on the related topics of the film "China Women’s Volleyball".


Director Chen Kexin revealed that as early as the Asian Games in Bangkok in 1978, at the age of 16, he watched the women’s volleyball match in China at close range, and he still remembers the feeling of blood boiling when the China team entered the stadium. When he really had the chance to personally put the story of China’s women’s volleyball team on the big screen, he was excited and felt a great responsibility. He couldn’t help writing an article in Weibo, saying, "Now I’m almost 60 years old, and I’m going to shoot the story of China’s women’s volleyball team. Life is sometimes so wonderful. "

China women’s volleyball team has a long history and rich stories, which holds a special position in the hearts of China people. Dare to shoot such a theme, and set the file in the Spring Festival, the difficulty and pressure are self-evident, and director Chen Kexin also admitted on the spot that it is really difficult to condense the passionate memory of several generations of Chinese people on women’s volleyball into two hours. "It’s like China women’s volleyball team. Although it may not win, it is just a fight. From Yuan’s guidance to Chen’s guidance to Lang’s guidance, they can come over and we must come over. "

In terms of actor selection, director Chen Kexin revealed that in order to ensure the professionalism and visibility of the sports scene, professional athletes may be considered in this casting. For the actors who are most concerned about by everyone, Lang Ping and Chen Zhonghe, the two legendary coaches unanimously expressed their trust and respect for the director’s judgment at the event site. "Of course, it is better to be handsome," Chen Zhonghe added with a smile at the end.

Regarding the plots that I hope to present in the film, Lang said with a smile, "For every day’s efforts, no one knows what the result is, but we will all do it to our dreams and goals. The dribs and drabs of our usual life and training are the results of our United efforts. I believe that Director Kexin will definitely grasp this theme. " Director Chen Zhonghe hopes that this spirit of women’s volleyball can be promoted to everyone, especially to teenagers, and he is full of hope and confidence for director Chen Kexin to direct this film.


The movie "China Women’s Volleyball Team" is scheduled for the Spring Festival of 2020. Together with the China Women’s Volleyball Team, we will go to Do not forget your initiative mind for a new journey and rekindle the classic memories spanning 40 years!


Film is the youth that never leaves | This decade, our film life.

1905 movie network news In this decade, from fireworks to prosperity in the world, movies have always been in our lives. This decade, the film is life, life is film, this decade, our film life.

Movies have grown up with many people and are engraved in the memory of generations. At any time, there are always young viewers.

Ten years ago, I was only six years old. When he was about nine years old, he appeared in his first film. In the film, Rong Zishan plays the son. At that time, he didn’t have much idea about acting, and he performed it step by step.

Ten years ago, I was 9 years old. She started her career as an actress when she was very young. At that time, filming was like living another life for her. The first work she made was Roller Coaster. Recalling the filming experience of this film, Wen Qi described it as "depressed". She is often criticized by the director for not being able to act. She cried to her parents and said that she would not do this business.

Ten years ago, James Zhou was 13 years old and was in primary school. She loved movies since she was a child, and she was a small audience of China movies. At that time, she didn’t expect that one day she would use her own way to promote more excellent China movies and let more audiences get in touch with these moving films.

Ten years ago, Qi Qi was 15 years old and was in high school. Since her sophomore year, the school will let them go home from school early every Friday. After returning home, Lacquer began her movie time. Among the movies she saw at that time, what impressed her deeply was the scene in the director’s movie. After being diagnosed with cancer, she faced the old man who told her to give up her seat on the bus. She wore sunglasses and showed no expression on her face. She patted her thigh and said, "Sit down, sit here."

Ten years ago, Xue Mengcheng was 19 years old and was in college. At that time, digital movies have gradually replaced film movies and become the mainstream media in the screening hall. Xue Mengcheng may not have thought that he would have a memorable story with the film in the future.

Ten years ago, they all had an indissoluble bond with China’s films, as small actors or fans. In the past ten years, their love for movies has not changed, but they have more in-depth contact with China movies and become a member of the wave of film development in China.

Today, Rong Zishan has appeared in other films. He knows more and more about acting. What the actor said to him benefited him a lot. Zhang Songwen told him, when performing, don’t let the other party say it immediately, but make a feeling of digesting and rebounding. With the gradual accumulation of experience, acting is more handy for him. "In fact, I have been looking forward to it. I think it will be like learning martial arts, and I will begin to understand it and my skill will explode. But what I feel now is that there is no shortcut that will suddenly enlighten you, and performance is such a thing that needs to be accumulated day after day and year after year. My love for it has never changed, so I will keep doing it. "

Today, Vicky Chen is a college student. Not only has she not given up being an actress, but her outstanding acting skills in films such as Carnival have been recognized by more and more people. She feels very lucky, and her career as an actress has been encouraged by many predecessors. She is now taking plays while attending college, which is very fulfilling for her college life. She gets up at six o’clock every day, starts her morning work, then shouts to the playground for an hour, and then has dance lessons, vocal lessons and acting lessons. In these classes, she should practice liberating nature, which makes her feel free. Vicky Chen’s college life is dizzying and very happy. She will also continue to work with China films.

Today, James Zhou has become a new media publicist. By chance, she came into contact with a film about veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in Douban Group. James Zhou is eager to organize a movie in his hometown of Huaihua, Hunan. She contacted the local volunteer association and arranged a film screening, and her parents also went to see it. James Zhou found that her mother, who never walked into the cinema, shed tears because of this movie. This made her feel that she should bring this film to more people. Later, she contacted more than 90 channels, of which more than 20 were successfully screened. In addition to her, more "tap water" joined in. On the night when the movie broke 10 million, they opened WeChat to share, showing their positions in the north and south of the motherland.

Today, Lacquer is a talk show actor. After graduation, she worked in film propaganda. Later, she explained that she was going to perform a talk show, which made her feel very interesting. She will create her own jokes, and the creation of these jokes is influenced by movies. She found the charm of the story from the film and other uses in life.

Today, Xue Mengcheng is an office worker. A few years ago, he learned about an old movie called "The Movie" on the collection website. There was only a short film left, about two minutes. Later, he learned that China Film Archive is the best place to store films in China, so he took this film and donated it to China Film Archive. At the donation ceremony, he said: "I don’t know what kind of vicissitudes this film has experienced before, so it will only be two minutes long." But I am particularly happy today that with our efforts, it finally ended its wandering career and found its best home. " Then the lights dimmed and the soul of this film reappeared on the big screen.

They are still young, and in their own way, they are promoting the development of China films. There are also more young audiences, and through their efforts, they can see more excellent movies. Stories on the screen span time, and there are always young viewers who have a fate with them.


Quanzhou Licheng promotes "Silk Road Friendship City" cooperation, exchange and win-win and common prosperity.

China Net News crosses Qian Shan, and then continues the Silk Road love affair. Seven districts and counties with different customs and people’s feelings have become attached to each other because they are important node cities of the Millennium Silk Road, and work together to build the "Silk Road" in the new era.

Recently, in Licheng District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, Licheng District signed the development cooperation agreement of "Silk Road Friendship City" with xiangqiao district in Guangdong, Luoyang Old Town in Henan Province, beilin district in Xi ‘an City, Gansu Province, Ganzhou District in Zhangye City, Dunhuang City in Jiuquan City, Gansu Province and Jimsar County in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

According to the agreement, these seven ancient cities "Haisi" and "Lusi" will adhere to the principle of co-construction, sharing and common prosperity, constantly expand the fields of cooperation and exchange, promote mutual learning of civilizations, mutual sharing of resources, mutual exchange of information, mutual exchange of tourists, mutual promotion of products and mutual complementarity of industries, realize the fusion of urban alliances, and inject new kinetic energy into the initiative of jointly building "the belt and road initiative".

The signing of the agreement will push the cooperation, development and exchange activities of "Silk Road Friendship City" to a climax in 2023, marking the start of the "Silk Road Friendship City Alliance" and a new journey.

Ten years ago, the "the belt and road initiative" initiative was put forward, which made the ancient Silk Road glow with new vitality. As the starting point of "Haisi" and the core area of Quanzhou, a world heritage city, Licheng strives to inherit and carry forward the spirit of Silk Road, deeply integrates into the overall pattern of building "the belt and road initiative" and actively promotes the exchange activities of "Silk Road Friendship City".

Last year, Licheng started a trip to find "Silk Road Partners". In March this year, Beilin, Xiangqiao, Old Town and Ganzhou were invited to participate in the first "Haisi" Quanzhou Digital Cultural and Creative Expo, and "Silk Road Friendship City" signed a contract to jointly build it. Subsequently, Dunhuang City and Jimsar County actively responded and participated.

"It is the’ the belt and road initiative’ that connects our hearts and hands, and it is the Silk Road culture that makes us resonate at the same frequency." Huang Huican, secretary of the Licheng District Party Committee, said that this event, we invited important node cities along the Silk Road to gather in Licheng to continue the frontier and seek common development, which is of great significance to the development of the Silk Road Friendship City Alliance. I hope that the Silk Road Friendship City Alliance can be turned into an all-round high-quality communication platform, further optimizing the mechanism, advancing in coordination and building a win-win situation.

Wang Kesi, the head of Licheng District Government, said that at present, the exchange activities of Silk Road Friendship City have taken solid steps, and I hope to join hands with Silk Road Friendship City, adhere to the principle of co-construction and sharing, and jointly expand the "circle of friends" of regional cooperation, jointly create a "big channel" for collaborative development, and jointly build a "heart-to-heart bridge" for humanities exchanges.

According to reports, this year, under the promotion of "Silk Road Friendship City", enterprises from all over the world went out, invited in, cooperated first, and achieved fruitful results. The related projects involved cultural research, special diet, cultural and creative development and other fields.

At the exchange meeting site, Licheng Wenlv Investment Group signed a cooperation agreement with Yushang Loulan Muslim Restaurant in Xinjiang, Zhangye West Style Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement with Kung Fu Animation Co., Ltd. for Ganzhou City IP Theme Park, Guangdong Chaozhou Chunhui International Travel Service Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement with Fujian Runpu Culture Media Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Travel Agency Association Library-School Cooperation Committee, Shaanxi Wing Up Study Institute and Fujian Zhongquan International Tourism Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement for Xi ‘an research.

In the future, Silk Road Friendship City will carry out more in-depth cooperation in more fields. At the symposium on cooperation and development of Silk Road Friendship Cities, the leading guests of seven Silk Road Friendship Cities, Zhenghe Cultural Center in Malacca, Fujian Chamber of Commerce in Sri Lanka, Yan ‘an Literature and Art Society in China, Journey to the West Cultural Research Association and other institutions spoke freely on deepening and refining the cooperation and development of Silk Road.


泉州市政协原副主席、鲤城区文旅发展专家顾问李冀平表示, 7座“丝路友城”分别代表了草原游牧文明、华夏农耕文明、中华海洋文明,此次互动交流是贯彻落实习近平文化思想,弘扬中华优秀传统文化、探索中国现代文明创新发展的新实践。活动还邀请了来自马来西亚、斯里兰卡等共建“一带一路”国家和地区的代表参与,也体现了以鲤城为引领的“丝路友城联盟”开拓国内统一市场、主动融入国内国际双循环大格局的新探索、新尝试。



Establish a set of operating mechanism. Further optimize the system and mechanism, form an applicable and deepening cooperation charter, and continuously enhance the influence of the alliance; We will adopt the rotation mode of members, carry out bilateral and multilateral activities in a normal way, and set up liaison institutions to communicate more and communicate more frequently to promote cooperation in various fields.

Introduce a number of support institutions. Make full use of resources such as think tanks and fund institutions in the belt and road initiative countries and regions, give full play to the professional advantages of institutions, let professionals do professional things, promote various activities and projects, and make great influence; With a pragmatic attitude, we will solidly promote exchanges and cooperation, and strive to incite more resources to ensure that cooperation projects can be effective.

Create a number of practical results. Taking this signing cooperation as a starting point, we will promote more exchanges and cooperation between enterprises, accelerate the formation of replicable experiences and models, and release greater spillover effects; Give full play to the cultural advantages of the seven sister cities, plan and generate a number of activities such as tourism, cultural creation and sports events, create more consumption scenes, develop and expand the real economy, and further turn cultural advantages into development victories.

Build a good vision. Continue to expand the circle of friends of "Silk Road Friendship City", closely link "Haisi" and "Lusi", further improve the level of opening up and fully integrate into the domestic and international dual cycle; Actively go out, link the advantages of overseas Chinese relatives and chambers of commerce at home and abroad, build a communication platform, strengthen investment attraction, and achieve common prosperity and development in the collaborative sharing of resources, inject elements of "Silk Road Friendship City Alliance" into the initiative of jointly building "the belt and road initiative" and contribute to the strength of "Silk Road Friendship City Alliance".


The war of immorality-a review of the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war


    On March 20, 2003, Baghdad, which suffered a new round of air strikes, was shrouded in smoke.

    Xinhuanet Special: Five years ago today (March 22), the United States launched a war and attacked Iraq by force. What do you think of this war? Has the United States achieved the purpose of launching this war? What are the gains and losses?

    It should be said that the war launched by the United States is an unjust war of aggression.

    The reason is simple. First of all, the United States bypassed the United Nations and joined a handful of countries to launch this war.

    Second, the two reasons why the United States launched the war have been proved to be false by history. In fact, those two so-called reasons are the excuses for the United States to launch a war of aggression and destroy Saddam Hussein.

    The first reason is that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. The second reason is that Saddam Hussein has ties with al-Qaeda terrorist organizations.

    As it turns out, neither of these reasons exists. The U.S. Department of Defense recently released an investigation report, acknowledging that Saddam Hussein has no connection with Al Qaeda. Saddam Hussein was wronged, and the United States created an "international unjust case".

    The United States has searched every inch of Iraq since it occupied Iraq for five years. As a result, no weapons of mass destruction have been found.

    The evil deeds such as the annexation of Kuwait by former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein are disgusting, but the occupation of Iraq by the United States for no reason is even more annoying.

    Did the United States achieve its goal of invading Iraq? It should be said that the purpose of the United States has been achieved. The United States has three purposes, the first is to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime, the second is to master Iraq’s rich oil resources, and the third is to use Iraq as a base to contain its "sworn enemy" Iran.

    Now it seems that all three goals of the United States have been achieved. However, how to evaluate the gains and losses of the United States? Gain is greater than loss, or loss is greater than gain?

    What did the United States lose in this war? The United States has four major losses in launching this war. First, the moral loss is irreversible. At the beginning of the war, the United States was condemned by most countries and people all over the world. Today, when the truth of America’s excuse for waging war comes to light, people despise America’s bullying and unreasonable behavior even more. People have a clearer understanding of the face of American hegemonism.

    Second, the loss of personnel was heavy. In the five-year war, nearly 4000 officers and men in the United States were killed. If you add the British officers and men who died, the total number will reach 4200. In addition, there are 30 thousand officers and men disabled in the United States.

    Third, the economic loss is huge. According to statistics, during the five-year war, the United States spent $3 trillion, which is about a quarter of the annual GDP of the United States. It is estimated that in 2008, the US military expenditure in Iraq was $12 billion per month.

    Fourth, the United States never dreamed that Iran was the beneficiary of this war. In post-war Iraq, Shiites took power. Iran, which is also in power by Shiites, has loose and gradually close relations with its old enemy Iraq. In addition, the Iraq war has pushed up the international crude oil price, and the economic strength of Iran, a world oil producer, has soared. It is obviously more difficult for the United States to attack Iran by force in the future.

    The Iraq war launched by the United States can be said to have lost more than gained. However, the U.S. government is still beating its face and pretending to be fat, refusing to admit the failure of the Iraq war. It has become a war swamp in the United States, but it is an indisputable fact that when the United States can get out, no one can tell. (Liu Ruichang)

Editor: Li Xiuwei