

Football News: Taishan will win the second place in the U21 League. In the final round, four teams will compete for the remaining place for the second place.

Live broadcast: On November 3rd, in the 21st round of U21 League, Shandong Taishan U21 team defeated Shanghai Harbour U21 team 2-1, locked in the championship one round ahead of schedule, and got the qualification to participate in the 2024 season B. According to "Football News", in the final round, there were four teams competing for the remaining one B spot.

According to the rules, the top two players in U21 League this year won the number of places in China B, but the rules on registration, promotion and demotion have not been finalized. After this round, Taishan scored 45 points, Haigang scored 40 points, Dalian scored 39 points, Rongcheng scored 39 points and Shenhua scored 38 points. Taishan U21 team has won the championship ahead of schedule and successfully rushed to B, while the four U21 teams of Haigang, Dalian, Rongcheng and Shenhua all have hope of rushing to B in the final round.

At present, the situation in the seaport is the best. If you win, you will get the qualification of B. If you draw, you need another game and it will be a draw. If you lose, you will miss B.: If Dalian people win and the harbor doesn’t win, they can get the qualification of B, and they will be tied or negative; If Rongcheng wins, and the harbor doesn’t win, it will get the qualification of B, and it will be flat or negative; If Shenhua wins and Dalian people draw with Rongcheng, they can get the qualification of B.



What is culture? What is culture?

Everyone knows the word "culture" and can generally understand the basic meaning of the word "culture", but what is culture? What is the definition of culture? There are not many people who can answer it or answer it completely. I don’t blame you, and no one has to blame themselves. Because, although human civilization has lasted for 5,000 years, up to now, due to the lack of real understanding of the extension of culture and the infiltration of different historical views, the concept of "culture" has not been universally accepted by everyone. Let me briefly list it below. Do you agree with that one, or try to give it to "?

First, the definition of "culture" According to statistics, since the history of civilization, there have been countless definitions of "culture". According to the statistics of "An Introduction to Cross-cultural Communication", since 1871, there have been more than 300 definitions of "culture" in the world, too many, and some of them are not in line with our traditional culture and values, so we omit some and choose to list them as follows.

1. The word "culture" comes back. The word "culture" in China first appeared in the Book of Changes: civilization stops, and humanity is also. Look at the humanities and turn it into the world. Here, "Wen" and "Hua" have not yet been linked together, but the meaning is already there. The main meaning of "cultural success" is "civilized education". What connects the words "Wen" and "Hua" is Liu Xiang’s "Shuo Yuan" in the Han Dynasty: where martial arts flourish, they refuse to accept it, their culture does not change, and then they are punished. Liu Xiang’s word "culture" means "Wen Zhi" as opposed to "Wu Zhi". It can be seen vertically that the words "culture" used above mainly refer to the contents of "morality" and "rule by virtue", and are not the concept of "culture" in a complete sense.

2. Marx’s definition of "culture" "Culture" is the sum total of the lifestyle of a country or a nation. It is believed that people’s lifestyle is "culture", and what kind of lifestyle is there, such as China culture and American culture.

3, Xu Jialu in the article "On National Cultural Security" elaborated"Culture" can be summarized into three parts: one is to deal with the relationship between people; The second is to deal with the relationship between man and nature; The third is to deal with the relationship between reality and the future. Furthermore, it is believed that these three articles are the core content of human culture and the most fundamental problem of culture.

Note:Xu Jialu served as Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, Director state language commission and Special Adviser of the Maritime Silk Road Association.

4, philosophy and sociology subject understanding:"Culture" is a process, a state and a realm of human development, and the integration of process, state and realm is the true meaning of culture.

5. Most people in the field of science and culture believe that"Culture" is a relatively stable, independent and complete sum of social norms that human beings maintain the survival and development of various social groups.

6. Anthropological groups believe thatEverything between a group that is different from other groups except genetic genes is called "culture". Here, they regard culture as a variable of economic development, which is prone to the problem of cultural autocracy or chauvinism.

7, empiricists believe thatCulture is produced in the common life and work activities of human beings, and it is the core of mutual recognition within the nation.

Second, the characteristics or characteristics of "culture" There are many characteristics of "culture", but there are three main ones.

1. Culture is a derivative of human evolution.Natural existence is not culture, only what is processed or produced by human beings intentionally or unintentionally is culture. The commonness of human beings is not culture but human nature, and the characteristics of individuals are not culture, but personality. What is inherited is not culture, but instinct. Culture is a social product created by human beings and accepted or followed by members of society. What is privately owned by individuals and not understood and accepted by other members of society cannot be called culture. For example, attraction between men and women is not called culture, but marriage in love is culture, because it is natural instinct for men and women to like each other, while marriage in love is acquired.

2. "Culture" has the characteristics of applicability.. Once "culture" is formed, it has adaptive characteristics. Under certain conditions, people must adapt to it, otherwise it will be eliminated or marginalized, that is, "anomie". Of course, if you are strong enough, you can also try to change the "culture". Usually, this is what revolutionaries and reformers do. This leads to the problem of "culture" inclusiveness. Generally speaking, a strong culture is less inclusive, while a weak culture shows a higher tolerance or tolerance. Cultural inclusiveness is positively related to social openness and cultural civilization.

3. "Culture" is hierarchical. It is roughly divided into three layers. The first layer is the surface layer, which is mainly expressed through human’s basic necessities. For example, eating without snapping your mouth, walking with your head held high, etc. are all manifestations of "culture" The second layer is the middle layer, such as art, customs, rules, law, religion, etc. Their common feature is to express their thoughts or will with the help of materials. The third layer is the bottom layer, which is what we usually call the bottom logic. This bottom logic refers to the outlook on life, values, ethics and aesthetics. These "four views" reflect the relationship between people, people and nature, reality and future, which constitute the soul of a nation.

The three layers of "culture" are not insulated and often interact and link, but it is relatively easy to change food, clothing, housing and transportation, and it is relatively difficult to change the underlying culture.

Third, the value or use of "culture" The value of "culture" to life is multi-angle and multi-faceted, and it is impossible to exhaust it. Here, we only choose the role of "culture" in explaining the most valuable life dilemma, and it is useless to talk a little.

1, a culture can "reveal" their own life difficulties, and criticize or vent.. Qu Yuan’s "asking for heaven" belongs to this category. For another example, poor and ugly people, when buying goods or receiving services, often dare not question the quality of goods or services, and are used to finding reasons from themselves. For example, an ugly woman’s hair is broken, and she dare not blame the stylist, but blame herself for being ugly.

2. Give value to the dilemma.For example, Mencius, the sage of Asia, said: Therefore, people are going to be demoted, so they must first suffer from their minds, work hard on their bones and muscles, starve their bodies and skin, and be empty of their bodies, so they can’t be patient. Another example is the saying that difficulties are tempered. Another example is that the young people’s death to save the elderly is negative from the biological point of view, but if it is explained by "culture", it belongs to a positive and worth promoting behavior.

Expounding the above reason, I mainly want to explain that, with or without knowledge, one can understand or learn the above thinking or thinking mode, even if he is "literate", otherwise, no matter how much he recites, he can’t be said to be a "literate person", and using the calligraphy of the phonograph world is called the study of asking questions.

Fourth, what is "literate" According to the above concepts and analysis, although "culture" is the externalization of knowledge, the cultural connotation of externalized knowledge is far from this. Therefore, having knowledge does not mean having culture, so how can it be regarded as "having culture"?

1. Only knowledge can lead to culture.Knowledge is the shell and expression of culture. Without knowledge, it is not only difficult to form a scientific way of thinking, but also difficult to express and communicate effectively. To reiterate, knowledge refers not only to book knowledge, but also to life experiences, experiences and civilized achievements that have been sublimated into culture, such as life knowledge, labor skills and people’s common habits.

2, can use knowledge and use knowledge to build values recognized by the orthodox system, is a culture.Culture is essentially a quality, and a qualified person has the ability to explain the value world and transcend the survival difficulties. In short, a person with culture and quality not only has the ability to create the value world, but also can let himself and others transcend the survival difficulties in the future.

Description: 1,Culture is the main symbol of human evolution from animals. Animals have no culture, only humans have culture. 2. The word "value" has the same meaning as the word "meaning", but the difference is that "value" is a foreign word, while "meaning" is a local word and a traditional term.


Comprehensive reform+punishing corruption, so that there is nowhere to hide over-medical treatment.

In the ongoing medical anti-corruption storm, the case of the dean of a hospital in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province is impressive: the amount involved in the corruption of the dean is more than 29.8 million yuan, and the related kickbacks and inflated drug and equipment prices are included in the medical cost, which directly leads to the people’s "difficulty in seeing a doctor" and "expensive in seeing a doctor". After the dean was arrested, the average outpatient and inpatient expenses in this hospital decreased by 16.6% and 21.4% from January to May this year, and the per capita medical cost decreased by more than 1,400 yuan.

The reason why this medical anti-corruption storm has received such extensive attention is because the people are worried that these corrupt funds, which are often tens of millions of yuan and hundreds of millions of yuan, will eventually be passed on to themselves through excessive medical care. Medical behavior is professional and has high barriers, so ordinary people have no ability to identify whether they have been overtreated. It is precisely because of the lack of recognition ability that ordinary people may transfer their anxiety and resentment about excessive medical care to every doctor they come into contact with, resulting in innocent doctors being implicated.

The cancer of the industry of over-medical treatment did not happen in a day, and the country’s efforts to cut this cancer did not start today. In 2017, the reporter followed the former National Health Planning Commission to investigate the local medical reform in Lufeng County, Yunnan Province. The reform in this county has enabled doctors to increase their income by saving money for patients. A deputy chief physician interviewed by the reporter at that time had a monthly salary increase of about 50%. At the same time, the average hospitalization cost in Lufeng County was 3,308 yuan, which was 446 yuan lower than the provincial average.

This reform focuses on the payment method of DRG(Diagnosis Related Groups). DRG refers to classifying patients into disease groups according to clinical similarity and resource consumption similarity, and making medical expenses standards for payment in groups.

At that time, Lufeng County People’s Hospital established 294 disease groups, covering 26,029 disease diagnoses. For example, if the cost of a certain disease group is 5,000 yuan, then the medical insurance department will pay 5,000 yuan to the hospital for this disease group. If the patient only spends 4,700 yuan on treatment, the balance of 300 yuan will be controlled by the hospital. If it costs 5,300 yuan, the excess 300 yuan will also be paid by the hospital. Under this payment mode, the hospital has become the cost controller, from the original "asking me to control fees" to "I want to control fees", avoiding excessive medical behaviors such as excessive inspection and indiscriminate use of drugs.

In addition, in order to prevent hospitals from "cutting corners" in the process of medical services in order to increase income, at that time, the medical insurance department of Lufeng County stipulated that the balance rate should not exceed 7% of the medical expenses standard, and the medical insurance department that exceeded 7% would recover it. The medical insurance department also reserves 3% of the "export", that is, the top 3% patients with the most expensive medical expenses in each disease group are reimbursed by project, which is not limited by the DRG payment standard, so as to dispel the doubts of doctors in treating incurable patients.

DRG payment method originated in the United States. In 2019, shortly after the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, it began to promote the reform of DRG payment method in more than 30 cities across the country. Due to the complexity of China’s national conditions, while promoting DRG, China has developed an original DIP payment method reform, which was piloted in 71 cities across the country in 2021. Although the two are different in specific operation, the underlying logical thinking is the same: let the hospital become the cost controller and control the excessive medical treatment from the root.

According to relevant documents, from 2022 to 2024, China has fully completed the reform of DRG/DIP payment methods. By the end of 2024, all medical insurance co-ordination areas in China will carry out the reform of DRG/DIP payment methods, and start the pilot areas in advance to continuously consolidate the reform results; By the end of 2025, DRG/DIP payment will cover all eligible medical institutions that provide hospitalization services, and basically achieve full coverage of diseases and medical insurance funds.

The reform will certainly touch the interests of some people. At present, the ongoing medical anti-corruption storm is precisely the severe rectification of illegal interests. While focusing on "key minority" and key positions, the anti-corruption storm also covers the whole chain of production, circulation, sales, use and reimbursement of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the entire pharmaceutical field. It is expected that with the comprehensive promotion of reform and the crackdown on corruption, there will be no hiding place for over-medical treatment. Only in this way can we really protect angels in white and make the doctor-patient relationship return to purity.

Liu Changrong Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily


Education must leave three points blank

Source: [China Teachers’ Daily]

"Hanging water! At least a week! " The doctor’s words gave me a record of resting for more than 4 hours during the day. The music started slowly, and the room was very quiet, so I left time blank and was alone with myself. How long has it not been so pleasant?

I closed my eyes and let my thoughts fly like a wild horse … Suddenly, a boy’s figure came to my mind: besides attending classes every day, he just made up his homework, rewrote his homework and corrected his homework … Was he also bored and tired in those days?

Blank space: respecting students’ needs

Xiaoyong is a fifth-grade boy. He is white and fat, and he has certain obstacles in reading. His mother often shakes her head: "The words that the child wrote silently the night before will not be silent the next morning." However, if you pay attention to the lecture, Xiaoyong can judge simple math problems quickly and correctly, and occasionally get "excellent" in the practice test of observing figures and determining positions. However, after entering the senior year, Xiaoyong’s scores in all subjects dropped significantly. It has become my compulsory course to urge him to finish and revise his homework every day. Writing, making up and reading have also become Xiaoyong’s main tasks after school. However, gradually, holding the pen, he often lost his mind, staring at the little friends playing outside in a daze, and the time for making up homework was obviously extended …

Thought of here, I suddenly understand. Faced with a life without leisure, we adults also feel depressed, let alone children? Shouldn’t children grow up in games and laughter? The day when you make up your homework after class and continue to do it after dinner may be tolerable for children for a day or two. After a long time, how can you not be bored?

After feeling Xiaoyong’s inner dissatisfaction and helplessness, I began to adjust my working style.

In order to increase Xiaoyong’s rich and positive emotional experience, I adjusted the time for him to make up his homework, from recess to when I was on duty at noon or at night, to ensure that he had a certain rest or relaxation time before making up his homework. I set a "green channel" for him, so there is no need to queue up when submitting the revision. I promised him that I could ask for a 5-minute rest if I felt tired during the completion of my homework. I "slimmed down" his homework, and after asking other teachers for permission, I checked the basic questions for him to finish, and marked others as free from writing. A series of practices enable Xiaoyong to complete his personalized tasks, speed up the completion of homework, and have more time to play with his friends. He has a positive emotional experience every day, instead of dawdling, from "others want me to do it" to "I want to do it", and his sense of self-identity has quietly increased.

I also asked Xiaoyong to be the lunch manager, to encourage students to praise Xiaoyong’s enthusiasm and other advantages in class meetings, and also asked Xiaoyong to prepare a notebook he liked to record his little progress. His small positive actions were written in my notebook in time, and my parents signed it every week to share the joy. Slowly, Xiaoyong became strong and optimistic, and his evaluation of himself became higher and higher, and he became more active in learning.

As a living individual, students have unlimited vitality. When educators see the inherent potential of learners, they will leave three points blank in education and give them room for free development. As a student, if he keeps reading and writing every day and just wants to improve his grades a little, he must not be a happy child because he has lost the rich experience of his childhood. The lack of students’ internal driving force can easily lead to the decline of learning ability after grade growth.

Educators should give students free time and space, pay attention to their independent development, cultivate their external adaptation and support perception factors, enhance their sense of self-efficacy, cultivate their lofty ideals of contributing to society and the country, and let their hearts have long-term learning motivation. On the other hand, educators’ too detailed requirements, too high expectations, too much homework and too tight management may cause students to be rebellious, irritable and tired of learning, and even extreme events. Only by knowing the education of blank space can students have enough stamina.

Blank space: enriching the memory of educators

A little sick leave, let me experience that when people are idle, their brains will think deeply and further produce educational wisdom. When the work schedule is full, anxiety, insomnia and impatience are inevitable; If the memory of the mind is insufficient, life will be stuck. When teachers devote all their energy to attending classes, correcting homework and other matters, they have no time to study, think about whether their educational methods are appropriate, whether they are over-managed, whether their concepts are too old, and even have no time to manage their own parent-child relationship, etc., one day they will be tired of various relationships that have not been handled well.

As an educator, if he is immersed in the students’ homework every day and keeps his eyes on the students’ achievements, he must not be a happy teacher, because he ignores other scenery in the educational process. The introduction of "double reduction" policy, reducing students’ excessive homework burden and reducing off-campus training of disciplines is necessary for the development of education and a good thing for educators to grow up healthily. Leave three points blank in education, which means that we don’t cross the line and do nothing. Let’s leave some time to recharge and adjust ourselves, set aside time to learn various knowledge, form the habit of timely reflection, and add energy to our hearts regularly. Because, education is a seamless art of "the cup overflows".

Blanking: Improving the Quality of Home-school Communication

If school education wants to be long-lasting, it must get the cooperation of parents. The concept of positive psychology holds that most people do their best at any time. I believe that parents whose children are not performing well also want to establish contact with their teachers, but they will subconsciously avoid it if they have some concerns. So I took the initiative to communicate with Xiaoyong’s parents. From the beginning, I affirmed the love and dedication of parents to their children and praised Xiaoyong’s subtle progress. I also invited Xiaoyong’s father to participate in the "Parents in Class" activity, telling his work story, and enhancing students’ understanding and respect for him … Gradually, Xiaoyong’s parents became active in communicating with me, and he was very touched by the teacher’s sincere help to the child’s growth.

In the face of children’s shortcomings, it is normal for teachers to be dissatisfied and complain. However, whether talking to students or communicating with parents, if the teacher "speaks his mind straight", leaving no room when speaking, and his words are too sharp, it may hurt the other person’s self-confidence, diminish the other person’s sense of self-efficacy and bring educational resistance. Only by working hand in hand with students and parents can teachers form a joint force of home-school education and promote the healthy growth of the class. Teachers should always cherish the self-restraint of "being reasonable makes people three points" and show the generosity of "being reasonable and forgiving" and the wisdom of "not saying enough" in order to achieve the harmony among others, themselves and the situation and receive the ideal communication effect.

Blank space in painting and calligraphy means that the picture pays attention to the hierarchical layout and leaves blank space, which symbolizes the nature of heaven and earth and has a profound sense of time and space. So is the art of education? Education must leave three points blank, so as to keep one’s educational life and educational objects in the best state all the time, feel the happiness of life and bloom the wonderful life.

(The author is the Second Affiliated Primary School of Nantong Normal School, Jiangsu Province)

This article comes from China Teachers’ Daily and only represents the author’s point of view. The national party media information public platform provides information dissemination and dissemination services.



Langfang, Hebei Province: Promulgating Ten Articles of Education to Promote the High-quality Development of Education

China Education News-China Education News Network (Reporter Zhou Hongsong) Recently, Langfang City, Hebei Province, combined with the actual situation, formulated and promulgated the Ten Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of Education in the City (hereinafter referred to as the "Ten Measures for Education"), and refined specific measures from five aspects: comprehensively strengthening the party’s leadership, filling the shortcomings of educational resources, building high-quality teachers, improving the quality of education and teaching, and creating a good educational ecology, so as to speed up the construction of a strong education city and run a satisfactory education for the people.

According to the plan, Langfang focuses on five key words, such as short board, quality improvement, mechanism construction, excellent environment and strong guarantee, to innovate measures and refine tasks. Among them, in view of the outstanding problems such as insufficient allocation of educational resources and the derivation of "large class size", the city will implement the expansion and upgrading projects of 60 compulsory education schools in 2023-2025, and fully equip books, instruments and equipment and professional classrooms according to standards, effectively solving the "large class size".

In view of the shortage of teachers in primary and secondary schools, Langfang proposed that in principle, the establishment of primary and secondary school faculty should be approved once every two years and the total amount should be clarified, and the teachers should be fully equipped in strict accordance with the establishment ratio standards stipulated by the state. The municipal level arranges 20 million yuan of special funds to improve the quality of education every year, focusing on digital campus, education and scientific research, curriculum design, quality monitoring, and on-the-job training.

Langfang emphasizes that from 2023 to 2025, 100 high-quality schools will be cultivated, 100 brand projects with campus cultural characteristics will be created, and 100 well-known principals will be introduced to run schools. Concentrate on superior resources and focus on running high schools in excellent areas. By 2025, the proportion of provincial-level demonstration high schools in the city will reach more than 70%, and 10 characteristic ordinary high schools will be built in the city. Join hands with famous schools in Beijing and Tianjin to implement the "six hundred" cooperation project, and the three places will jointly train 100 leading principals, 100 expert teaching and research researchers, 100 famous teachers and 100 backbone class teachers, display 100 high-quality demonstration classes and organize 100 cultural and sports exchange activities.

At the same time, Langfang will further establish and improve various working mechanisms, improve the teacher selection system, support employing schools to select teachers in relevant universities, promote the "county-administered school appointment" of compulsory education teachers, strengthen the rotation of principals and teachers in counties, and scientifically do a good job in the evaluation of schools, teachers and students in the new era.

Langfang has made it clear that the education leadership system of unified leadership by Party committees, joint management by Party and government, and respective responsibilities of departments should be further improved. Leading groups of Party committees at all levels should study and solve major issues of education reform and development and hot issues of concern to the masses in a timely manner, and incorporate the implementation of specific measures for the high-quality development of education into the annual assessment and supervision of party and government leading cadres.

Author: Zhou Hongsong


German doctor exposure: There is a disease that is the hardest hit area of "over-medical treatment" or becomes a means of making money.

According to news reports, a woman named Wagner in Germany was arrested because.The back pain is unbearableShe went to the hospital for many times, and the attending doctor made a variety of diagnosis and treatment plans for her, but all of them had little effect.

Seeing that conventional treatment was ineffective, Ms. Gewana came up with the idea of radical cure of back pain through surgery. However, after many operations in the plastic surgery hospital, Ms. Gewana’s back pain has not eased, but has become more and more serious.

According to a report in the German weekly Der Spiegel,In two years, Ms. Gwana underwent six major operations and treated 26 spinal positions.. However, complicated surgery still can’t completely solve Ms. Wagner’s back pain. Now she is 80 years old and has to rely on a walker to walk.

In fact, cases like Ms. Wagner are not uncommon. According to the data, in 2020, there were 387,000 back operations in Germany, 71% more than 14 years ago, and more and more spinal interventions can be paid separately in each operation. In this regard, many medical experts began to question the rationality of such operations.

By analyzing the data of more than 7,500 people from 2015 to 2021, German doctor Michael Belal and his colleagues concluded that,Less than 5% of the suggestions for back surgery are reasonable. This means that most spinal interventions are unnecessary, and about 95% of cases have experienced "over-medical treatment".

Many people have had shoulder back pain and low back pain. The main reason why back pain is common is that,Back pain is usually caused by muscle strain caused by poor sitting posture or muscle weakness caused by lack of exercise, which leads to "neck, shoulder and back pain". Especially smokers over 40 years old, because nicotine is absorbed into the blood, it will cause vasoconstriction and spasm, reduce blood supply, and affect the blood circulation outside the intervertebral disc. The symptoms of back pain may be more serious.

It can be seen that not all back pain problems require surgical intervention. Pain doctor Michael K thinks:"In the back treatment, filming, puncture and cutting are particularly profitable. As a result, there are too many such operations. "

In fact, in addition to the back pain caused by tumor, smokers suffer from chronic low back pain. If they quit smoking for a period of time, they will find that the pain has improved. Exercise to strengthen the function of the back muscles through swimming and other sports is also helpful to exercise the back muscles and spinal joints and relieve the symptoms of back pain.

In China, overtreatment also exists.Former Vice Minister of Health Huang JiefuI once bluntly said at a meeting: "Many medicines should not be taken, but they are being taken; Many treatments are not needed, but they are still being done; Many operations will only make patients more painful, but they are also being done."

Huang Jiefu appealed that the phenomena of "ineffective medical treatment" and "over-medical treatment" in China need to be reflected. Is every treatment necessary? We need to re-examine the problem.

Excessive medical treatment is a diagnosis and treatment behavior that exceeds the actual needs of diseases, which usually manifests as excessive medication, excessive examination, excessive hospitalization, excessive consumables, abuse of surgery and antibiotics, etc., which will lead to a huge waste of social medical resources.

The most direct disadvantage of overtreatment is thatIncrease the burden on patientsThe emergence of "expensive medical treatment" has caused some people to look down on the disease. According to the data, the waste of medical resources can reach 20%-30% due to the abuse of drugs and inspections by medical institutions.

Secondly,Harm the health of patients, resulting in an increase in iatrogenic diseases.. For example, the data show that the cases of drug-induced liver damage in China are increasing at a rate of 3%-4.5% every year, and there are often cases in which patients with hepatitis B get worse or even worse after blindly using traditional Chinese medicine compound.

Overtreatment may alsoDamage the doctor-patient relationship,Affect social harmony. Random inspections, arbitrary charges and the appearance of "sky-high medical care" have greatly damaged the image of medical institutions and medical personnel.

1. Cervical erosion

The term "cervical erosion" has been abandoned at present, and it has been replaced by"Ectopic columnar epithelium of cervix"Nouns. The so-called "cervical erosion" is essentially the eversion of cervical columnar epithelium, which is exposed to the external cervix. The columnar epithelium is arranged in a single layer, and there is a rich vascular network under it. The columnar epithelium fuses with each other into villi or granules to form a rough appearance.

In the past, because many doctors lacked a correct understanding of "cervical erosion", clinical overtreatment or improper treatment often occurred and was quite serious. This is not only the problem of antibiotic abuse, but also the abuse of loop electrode resection in many hospitals to treat "cervical erosion", which leads to women’s health problems such as cervical adhesion, decreased cervical secretion, cervical endometriosis and cervical incompetence.

Clinically, gynecological examination found that the outside of the cervix was red, striped or granular.Local cleaners do not need treatment at all.; If there is purulent secretion, it can be treated by local vaginal plugging for several days; If the area is extremely large and there is no obvious improvement after local treatment, cervical cytology and HPV-DNA detection should be done, and artificial cervical cancer screening is the correct way if necessary.

2, thyroid nodules

Among thyroid nodules, 80%~90% are nodular goiter, which belongs to thyroid tissue hyperplasia and degenerative diseases, not to tumors, and there is no surgical indication.Only 5%~10% of thyroid cancer may need surgery.

However, due to the low level of ultrasound and cytology diagnosis in some hospitals in China, it is impossible to distinguish the benign and malignant nature of nodules before operation, so that some doctors operate on all patients with thyroid nodules, which not only wastes a lot of medical resources, but also causes different degrees of damage to the appearance and function of patients.

Experts say that more than 80% of thyroid nodules are benign, and under normal circumstances, they have no obvious impact on human health, just need regular observation. Benign nodules generally do not require surgery, and only have symptoms of oppression such as dysphagia and dyspnea, or are found.The rapid enlargement of nodules in a short time and suspicious lymph node metastasis under the condition of unchanged nodule size indicate that the lesions are progressing continuously and should be treated surgically.

3. Heart stent

In 2013, the American Medical Association released a report saying that stents are one of the most frequently abused medical interventions. In this regard,Hu Dayi, Chairman of Cardiovascular Branch of Chinese Medical Association.The professor said: "The problem of heart stent abuse in China is not more optimistic than that in the United States. Few patients abroad need more than three stents. But in China, many patients have been placed with 5 to 10 stents, which is obvious over-medical treatment. "

Professor Hu Dayi said that some patients did not meet the indications of interventional therapy, but were placed with one or more stents. Because they did not take medicine on time after operation, they developed thrombosis, which led to more serious myocardial infarction.

Before considering stent surgery, patients diagnosed with coronary artery obstructive disease should focus on lifestyle changes, such as not smoking, eating a healthy diet and exercising according to regulations. This also means that this group of people should receive a variety of necessary drug treatments, such as aspirin to prevent thrombosis, beta-blockers to slow down heart rate and control blood pressure, and statins to lower cholesterol levels.Paying attention to preventive lifestyle changes and drug treatment are often the best methods for patients with coronary heart disease.

4. Cancer screening

Han Qide, an academician of China Academy of Sciences, once pointed out at the "Medical and Humanities Summit Forum" that heIt is not recommended that healthy people do cancer screening.

He explained that "early cancer" and "lazy cancer" hidden in people’s bodies do not matter even if they are not found and not treated. This has also become his questioning point about the universal cancer early screening technology and early detection and early treatment strategy that are highly praised by the medical community at present. He believes that after cancer is screened out, it may have a negative impact on the screened object: if early intervention is carried out, such as removing early lesions or gene regulation, but a large number of them will eventually develop into severe diseases, it is equal to "getting a knife in vain."

"Early detection and early diagnosis and treatment are beneficial to cancer patients" does not violate logic, and it has become a consensus in the medical field. But cancer screening is different from clinical medical treatment, and not all people and all tumors should be screened. Tumors suitable for screening should have the following characteristics:High incidence, and it is "high incidence in a certain population (high-risk objects)"; Severe prognosis (high mortality); There is a detectable "subclinical stage".

"No disease, excessive inspection, minor illness, serious illness" not only increases the economic burden of patients, damages their health, but also seriously affects the relationship between doctors and patients. It is not only a technical problem, but also a moral problem and a social problem. Only by improving the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, formulating standardized diagnosis and treatment processes, and establishing indicators and management systems for quality control and evaluation of medical services can we achieve "reasonable examination, rational drug use, reasonable treatment and reasonable fees" and let modern medicine benefit the majority of patients. # Questions and answers about chronic diseases #


[1] Mars. Ineffective medical treatment can’t afford injury [N]. Science and Technology Daily, 2016(12).

[2] Liu Bin. Analysis of the safety and countermeasures of clinical rational drug use [J]. International infections diseases (electronic edition) .2020 (01)

[3] Zhang Dayan. On the harm of antibiotic abuse and preventive measures [J]. Psychological Monthly, 2020(08).

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.


Domestic beauty cosmetics have found a new "high sense"

Title map | vision china

In 2018, a set of lipstick in the Forbidden City became a hot topic. It makes Chinese people realize that our taste in beauty products is not necessarily defined by international brands. Domestic beauty brands have opened a golden age in the domestic beauty market by promoting China’s aesthetics, and teaching young people in China the secret of "becoming beautiful" with more efficient and accurate channels and closer to consumers.

However, the business model that relies solely on "aesthetic dividend" to form competitiveness is fading.The next question is, how to take the road of sustainable business of domestic beauty products?

"Sustainability" is both a mystery and a mystery. All along, we all know that we should improve the sustainable development ability of domestic beauty companies, but few companies really realize this ability into the product value that consumers can really feel.

At the end of 2022, MSCI upgraded the ESG rating of Yixian E-commerce to Grade A, which was the first domestic beauty company to get an A in the MSCI ESG rating, and its sustainable development potential was recognized by the ESG community. Perhaps there is a road for domestic beauty to cross the cycle?

What is also rare is that Yixian E-commerce owns Perfect Diary, Little Odin, Pico Bear and Darfur Skin.(Chinese mainland business)There are many brands of cosmetics and skin care, such as France Colanli, EVE LOM, Yi ‘an State, etc.-the brands are diverse and the strategies are different, so what should the holding companies hold on to in terms of sustainability? This further tests Yixian Group’s essential understanding of sustainable development.

Yixian found the complementarity between the brand and the brand matrix while striving to improve ESG performance.

Looking for the link between products and nature, Yixian is persistent.

In 2022, the eye shadow disc jointly launched by Perfect Diary and chinese national geography was awarded the cross-border joint track award in "Top Ten National IP of 2021". The color design of eye shadow tray seeks inspiration from Danxia landform, plateau, salt lake and terraced fields in China, explores the modern expression of China beauty, and defines the new fashion attitude of domestic beauty cosmetics with the original and pure feeling of nature.

E-commerce in Yixian, which attaches so much importance to natural value, cannot ignore the sustainable trend in the field of consumption. The green values that products can carry are varied, and which values can really impress consumers and bring competitiveness to products is a process of continuous exploration by brands.

Since 2022, Yixian Group has made a more comprehensive exploration on the sustainable elements of products.

"Sustainable packaging" is one of the focuses of the Group. Cosmetics are a special kind of consumer goods, and the quality of its packaging is often greater than the quality of its contents. So they will produce a considerable amount of solid waste. In this regard, Yixian Group has adopted two strategies: on the one hand, it has simplified unnecessary packaging, especially oversized outer packaging boxes and plastics in packaging; On the other hand, it increases the sustainable materials and recyclability of product packaging.

Not surprisingly, among all packaging materials, plastic has the greatest negative impact on the environment.Yixian e-commerce has continuously reduced the use strength of plastics by replacing plastics with degradable materials and reducing some unnecessary plastic mulching measures. The overall use intensity of the group’s packaging materials has also increased from 0.08 in 2021.(ton/ten thousand yuan revenue), reduced to 0.04 in 2022.(ton/ten thousand yuan revenue).

Yixian first turned the high-end skin care brand into a brand with high-level green packaging. EVE LOM’s product packaging is 100% recyclable, and it has won The Green Dot logo, which has become the sustainable packaging benchmark in Yixian’s brand matrix.

MSCI believes that the sustainable packaging work of Yixian e-commerce has reached the leading level in the global industry. This has also helped Yixian significantly improve its MSCI ESG rating to a considerable extent.

Sustainable packaging will also urge cosmetic enterprises to change their own product aesthetics. At this point, Yixian can be said to have won at the starting line. The design of Yixian’s brand is permeated with the brand’s insight into product use and applicable people, which is intuitive and surprising.

Sustainable packaging can’t be without sustainable contents. Some raw materials of cosmetics will pollute or destroy the ecological environment. Beauty must be at the expense of the ecological environment-this is definitely what consumers don’t want to see.

Therefore, Yixian formulated and disclosed the Requirements for the Control of Raw Materials, explicitly prohibiting the use of raw materials that are carcinogenic, reproductive toxic, skin irritating and harmful to the environment, and strictly controlling the use of regulated raw materials to ensure the safety of products to the human body and the environment. At the same time, the group strictly abides by the "Regulations on the Management of Cosmetic Labeling" and fully displays the product ingredients to consumers.

"Sustainable raw materials" can also become the core tonality of the brand. For example, the core product of Wan Zi, a young skin care brand owned by Yixian, pursues botanical ingredients, without pigment, alcohol and preservatives, and makes "sustainability" a value that consumers really feel.

All consumer goods interpret what is "product responsibility" in their own ways, so that consumers can feel that their needs are fully respected while using the products.

For domestic beauty products, the topic of "responsible products" in ESG has a different meaning.In the initial development stage of "the rise of new domestic products", domestic beauty products left consumers with a heavy impression of value and marketing. Enriching R&D and doing a good job of product inclusion have become the most practical embodiment of "responsible products" of domestic beauty products.

The research and development system of Yixian e-commerce is an open research and development system called Open Lab. The "openness" of the system lies in that Yixian E-commerce integrates the R&D capabilities of itself and cooperative research institutions, and includes the world’s top partners in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, such as raw materials, R&D and production.

In 2022, the improvement of Yixian’s R&D capability will make the Group more confident to carry out high-quality transformation.In June 2022, Yixian’s R&D center in Guangzhou was officially recognized by China National Accreditation Committee for Conformity Assessment.(CNAS)Laboratory accreditation certificate issued by. At the same time, the group began to build a large-scale new R&D center in Shanghai, and has jointly organized the Yixian-Ruijin Medical Skin Care Joint Laboratory with Shanghai Ruijin Hospital. On the whole, the Group will build another R&D center in Shanghai.

In 2022, the R&D investment of Yixian E-commerce exceeded 130 million, accounting for 3.4% of the revenue, and its expense ratio ranked first in the industry. By December 31, 2022, Yixian e-commerce had applied for 174 patents worldwide, of which 43 were invention patents.(Some are in the process of transfer).

The research and development achievements of Open Lab continuously support the brand of the Group to launch new potential products. For example, the targeted red repairing technology developed by Yixian and the National Nano-drug Engineering Technology Research Center, Jandard Skin successfully launched the triple repairing essence of Darskin in 2022, and achieved good performance during the Double Eleven last year.

At the end of 2022, Yixian cooperated with Sun Yat-sen University to establish a joint laboratory for accurate research on skin health, which is expected to help Yixian expand its territory on new tracks such as anti-aging and probiotics.

R&D efforts will help the group to climb new technological peaks from the real needs of consumers. The persistence of "responsible products" not only reshapes the research and development of enterprises, but also reshapes the marketing of enterprises at the other end.

In order to implement the principle of responsible marketing, Yixian has set up a strict internal audit mechanism for advertising. The advertising information of products needs to go through four audits to ensure the truthfulness, accuracy, legality and compliance of advertisements.

Also from the standpoint of product responsibility, Yixian also started consumer education on safe makeup and scientific skin care, and added the functions of beauty cosmetics and skin care consultants to the highly sophisticated customer service work, so that the customer service team can scientifically recommend the most suitable products according to the needs of consumers.

On the other hand, the era of seizing the market only by product aesthetics and marketing is gone forever.

In addition to some improvements that can be intuitively seen by the market, the corporate behavior level of Yixian E-commerce has also been evaluated as industry-leading by MSCI. This essentially requires the Group to control risks, comply with regulations, and maintain the integrity of employees in a huge supply chain system and customer service system.

But these are still the "technical" aspects of corporate governance. On the "Dao" level, Yixian E-commerce has launched a new five-year strategy since 2022, cultivating brand matrix, creating a second curve on skin care brands, and building the Group’s R&D and value creation capabilities.

ESG is an effective reference for enterprises to think about their own development motivation and quality. Yixian e-commerce has obtained an A rating in MSCI ESG, and has been well received in some key tasks-But this rating is not an end in itself.The transformation of the Group has just started, so we need to think about the focus of sustainable development in the dynamic.

After the initial exploration in 2021 and 2022, the Group became more aware of the priorities of different sustainable issues and began to put forward some new priorities. For example, in Yixian’s ESG, the emphasis on labor management, data protection, diversity and tolerance has been strengthened, while the core concern on chemical safety has been retained, reflecting Yixian’s strategic judgment on product responsibility and team building.

As we have seen before, every ESG and sustainable development issue, if enterprises think thoroughly enough and have positive value propositions, can often fall into specific development and product strategies. Just as Yixian’s persistence in sustainable products means that the group will be guided by "clean beauty"(Clean Beauty)The concept continues to create environmentally friendly and skin-friendly products, and thus enrich the image of its brands.

So what is the relationship between ESG and brand value building? ESG topic is a set of sustainable development requirements based on industry commonness. Based on these requirements, enterprises can still put forward their own unique ideas and strategies. Then, what really touches customers,It may also come from a flash of inspiration from R&D personnel, a sincere sharing by Xiao Wanzi, a story behind a sustainable component, and so on.


Deep once | Behind Zhang Yuxi’s ocean, those "small details" that belong to China’s swimming.

When Zhang Yufei was the first to finish the 50-meter butterfly final in 25.10 seconds, a few minutes later, Qin Haiyang also won the men’s 50-meter breaststroke in 26.35 seconds, which was the 100th gold medal of the China delegation in this Asian Games.

Although Zhang Yufei’s original dream of 7 gold medals failed to come true because the result of the women’s 4× 100m medley relay was cancelled due to a foul in the preliminary round, Zhang Yufei, who holds 6 swimming gold medals, is still a powerful battle for the most valuable athletes in this Asian Games.

Behind Zhang Yufei, the new frog king Qin Haiyang-he won 5 gold and 1 silver in 6 events, becoming the male athlete who won the most gold medals in the Asian Games at present.

Poster design whitewater

Behind them is the eye-catching report card of the China swimming team-the day before the closing day, the China swimming team tied the best record in the history of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games with 24 gold medals, and when the swimming events of the Asian Games closed, the number of gold medals climbed to 28.

Behind the "purchase mode" of all members of China Swimming Team is the support and guarantee of every detail.

Zhang Yufei wept with joy after winning the gold medal in the 50-meter butterfly.

Polishing the details and warming up.

In the Asian Games, whenever there is a player from China, the physical fitness coach Charlie will pat the muscles of the athletes to help them get excited quickly.

This is the most common action in swimming competition, but the surprise brought by Li Li to the swimming team is not limited to these.

Since former synchronized swimming world champion Cherie joined the China Swimming Team as a physical fitness coach, she has always practiced dancing before each water class. This is an activation training specially designed by Cherie and described by Zhang Yufei as "forced starting".

Yan Li (in white) leads the China swimming team for physical training.

Compared with the unique warm-up session, the more important content that Charlie brings to the swimming team is the emphasis on core strength.

Yan Li once explained in an interview with The Paper:"There are similarities between flower swimming and swimming, but the swimming team pays more attention to strength, and some details on the water will be vague, or they have not been carefully trained, so the flower swimmers can provide some help in this respect."

Qin Haiyang displayed the gold medal.

Swimming is not only a test of individual ability, but also a sport that reflects the strength of science and technology. How to help athletes improve their level through science and technology, Xinhua News Agency has given such a detail in its report:

In the Shanghai Sports Training Base Management Center (Green Boat Area), a mirror was specially installed under a swimming lane in preparation for the Asian Games, so that athletes can see their underwater movements during training.

In addition, tank training, underwater 3D camera and artificial intelligence technology, 360-degree holographic imaging system and other advanced equipment are all integrated into daily training, and data has become an important reference for athletes and coaches.

Coach Cui Dengrong, who instructed famous players such as Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang, said: "In this ever-changing era, only by constantly innovating training methods and concepts can we conform to the development trend of modern competitive sports and walk at the forefront of the world."

When the correct concept and cutting-edge technology meet swimming, the result is also obvious-Five years ago, at the Asian Games in Jakarta, China and the Japanese kept neck and neck and each won 19 gold medals. At this Asian Games, China Swimming Team won 28 gold medals, which set a new record in the history of the Asian Games.

"Thank you, folks"

From Guangzhou to Hangzhou, the host status undoubtedly has a natural psychological advantage for athletes, and Ye Shiwen, who participated in the Asian Games again after nine years, felt the deepest feelings.

"Every time I play, everyone cheers for me loudly, and I can feel that I am not fighting alone and being so favored." Ye Shiwen, who won the women’s 200m breaststroke championship, said with emotion after the game.

Similar to Ye Shiwen, Wang Shun also thanked the "hometown folks" frequently after the game. On the evening of September 24th, Wang Shun swam 1 minute 54.62 seconds in the 200m medley, which not only won the championship, but also set a new Asian record.

Qin Haiyang won 5 gold and 1 silver.

After the game, he said: "This month has been very difficult. Thanks to the team, the mentality is like a roller coaster. There are ups and downs in training and sometimes it collapses. I didn’t expect to break the Asian record in the end. Today’s performance exceeded expectations, and I thank my hometown folks for their support. "

Zhang Yufei also revealed after winning the women’s 100m butterfly gold medal that the Hangzhou Asian Games was the first time for her grandparents to watch her own competition on the spot, and she was even more excited to cry after the game.

When the family watched the game on the spot and the audience gave the warmest cheers, the China Swimming Team not only broke the competition record for many times in Hangzhou, but also created six Asian records.

Zhang Yufei and Japan’s Chijiang Rihuazi hugged each other and cried after the game.

The security is getting more and more perfect, and the security is getting richer and richer.

It is not only the atmosphere at the scene that makes athletes very excited, but also the guarantee from all sides that gives athletes more confidence in their outstanding performance.

Before the competition, Qiu Peihuang, director of the venue construction department of Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee, revealed: "In this year’s operation, no new tap water has entered the swimming pool so far."

Qiu Peihuang said that this is due to the world-class water treatment technology adopted in the museum. A drop of water has to go through seven passes, and the water quality fully meets the international competition standards.

In addition, the security forces from the society are becoming more and more perfect.

Take insurance protection as an example. On the occasion of the Asian Games, China Pacific Insurance customized an exclusive insurance protection scheme for the "Pacific Blue Team", providing insurance coverage with a total amount of more than 830 million yuan, mainly covering accident insurance liabilities such as accidental injury and acute medical care, emergency rescue and flight delay, and providing two health insurance guarantees: supplementary medical care and millions of medical care. Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang are the "Pacific Insurance Service Experience Officers" of the Asian Games.

China Pacific Insurance organized a delegation to watch the Asian Games. Wang Xinyu

In order to make Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang have no worries, China Pacific Insurance also set up a family doctor’s studio to provide long-term and active health management for their families, so as to fully protect the health needs of athletes and their families.

On the last day of the swimming competition, China Pacific Insurance also organized an Asian Games watching group to cheer for the athletes on the spot.

It is the first time for Ms. Xu to cheer for swimmers on the spot. When talking about her feelings, she said, "This is the first time for me to watch a swimming competition on the spot, which is very different from watching it on TV! The atmosphere at the scene is particularly good and passionate. I am very excited to see Zhang Yuxi win the championship. She is also a member of our Pacific Insurance’ Pacific Blue Team’ and I am very proud! "

When the slogan "Come on, Zhang Yufei" and "Qin Haiyang will win" appeared in the Asian Games, the support for athletes from all sectors of society was condensed behind it.

Indeed, when the correct ideas, cutting-edge technology, cheers from the home audience and support from all sectors of society are all United, China athletes naturally have more confidence.


How long can I learn to swim? Which swimming stroke is best for exercise?

After Tomb-Sweeping Day, the weather is really warm. The temperature in Guangzhou has been close to 30 degrees recently. What does this portend?The season of learning to swim is coming again!The swimming pool is going down to jiaozi again!

Summer is the season of ice cream and swimming. Big friends and children who can’t swim yet and are ready to learn to swim must have many questions about learning to swim. Today, we will answer common questions, hoping to help you enter the swimming learning stage faster and better.

First of all, I want to remind you of one thing:Don’t take the expectation of "swimming well" and just pay the effort of "swimming".

It is not difficult to learn to swim. First, we should define the standard of "meeting":

If you just want to swim forward in the water without choking and enjoy swimming in the water,Then a short swimming crash course can satisfy you, after continuous10 ~ 15 classes of study,90% people can learn the first breaststroke and start swimming in the water.

The remaining 10% is basically because the degree of fear of water is relatively deep, which delays the learning progress. Adding more classes can also achieve the goal.

But if you have a high standard of "meeting",Require beautiful standard swimming strokes; A slow speed; A long distance of continuous swimming,It will take longer to learn. You can swim in the water, improve your movements through constant practice, and become familiar with the interaction with the water. You can naturally make continuous progress over time. This cycle depends on the frequency of swimming and the degree of serious study.

Generally speaking, it takes 3 ~ 6 months, and most people can swim one or two hundred meters skillfully with the enlightenment breaststroke.


Mass swimming is not an intense sport. As long as there are no physical defects or diseases that can’t make you exercise, you can learn to swim.

What you need is to hold the confidence that I can learn to swim, and then study hard.

After all, there are many people who learn freestyle in our training camp in their 60s.

There are two separate direction:

1. learn to swim

2. Cultivate your interests.

If you just learn swimming, you can sign up for it after you are 7 years old.Most of the swimming training enrollment age limit will also be above 7 years old, because children under 7 years old are relatively weak in understanding and body control, and the short-term training effect is not good. Because of fun, there may be security risks.

If you want to cultivate your interests, it is recommended to start enlightenment at the age of 3.Parents can take their children to play in the water as soon as possible, get familiar with the sense of water and water, and let their children have a deeper affinity for water, which is conducive to subsequent study and training. At the age of 5, you can start learning swimming movements.

"Coach, I think foreign countries learn freestyle or backstroke first, and we all learn breaststroke first in China. So which is better to learn first?"

First of all,Swimming is divided into mass swimming and competitive swimming.Competitive swimming is the butterfly, the back, the frog and the self in the competition, while mass swimming contains many kinds of fitness swimming, such as side stroke, reverse breaststroke and our common enlightenment breaststroke, that is, flat frog.

There is only competitive swimming in the swimming training system abroad. Simply put:Everything is based on professional competition.

And it is more humanized in China.Pay attention to "let’s swim in the water first",Using the more simple and easy-to-learn enlightenment breaststroke as a beginner stroke, you can learn to swim in a shorter time and enjoy swimming.

If you have more time, energy and economic conditions, you can choose more professional competitive swimming as an introduction. Of course, the study time is longer and the study is more difficult.

If you want to swim quickly in the water first, choose a simpler enlightenment frog.


Freestyle has several advantages over other strokes:

1. More suitable for long-distance swimming.

2. The fastest.

3. There are relatively few requirements for physical fitness.

4. It has a more positive effect on joint activity and exercise.

Swimming, as an aerobic exercise, can reduce fat.

But the premise is to achieve the aerobic goal. Simply put, if you don’t feel tired after swimming, the effect of reducing fat can be imagined.

If you want to lose weight by swimming, here are some suggestions:

1. Exercise should be intense. You swam 1000m a year ago, and now you swim 1000m, so this exercise intensity can’t stimulate your fat.

2. Exercise needs persistence. If you only swim once or twice a week, no exercise can achieve good fat reduction.

3. Don’t overeat after exercise. Almost everyone has a feeling of hunger after swimming. After practicing, you will eat like crazy, and no one can lose weight.

Because swimming is an exercise in water below body temperature, the human body itself uses fat to help keep warm.Therefore, if you simply want to reduce fat with a large base, I suggest you change to a sport with faster effect and sweating; If you just want to lose weight and keep fit, swimming must be a good choice.


That’s all for this issue. As summer approaches, I hope more people will take part in swimming. Instead of wondering how long it will take me to learn to swim, I’d better ask myself: How long am I going to love swimming? I’ll see you at the pool ~


On the Series of Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture: Blue, Reading the Important Color Codes of Chinese Traditional Culture

Cyan is the color of spring. Whether it is "the moss marks are green on the upper steps, and the grass color is green in the curtain", or "the willows on the edge of the city are curled up, and the green mulberry is unfamiliar", or "Weicheng is facing the rain and the dust is light, and the guest house is green and the willow color is new", it describes this pleasing color in spring for us.

Because of this, in the traditional culture of China, cyan is "the color of everything". Among hundreds of traditional China colors, cyan has a special meaning for Chinese people. Tracing back to China people’s special liking for "turquoise" color, there is actually a track of the change of cyan culture meaning, which tells us that cyan may be the color code to interpret Chinese traditional culture.


Blue porcelain lotus bird lamp in Longquan kiln of Southern Song Dynasty

Cyan is the color symbol of China culture.

China’s folk aesthetic taste usually revolves around the core of "Happiness and Happiness". Folk culture attaches great importance to bright colors such as red, gold and green, especially likes colorful colors, and pursues auspiciousness, jubilation and peace. For example, Yangliuqing New Year pictures reflect this kind of folk aesthetic taste. This kind of aesthetics contains a good wish for secular life. But cyan is very different. It covers a wide range in chromatography, and the main part belongs to the physical property of cool color, giving people a quiet and indifferent psychological feeling, which is more regarded as a reflection of the spiritual level. It can be said that cyan contains the thoughts and feelings of China literati.

China’s cyan absorbs all kinds of environmental elements, and constantly changes its meaning. It is a special color that can arouse people’s association with the characteristics of Chinese civilization: it reflects the inclusive national characteristics, refracts China’s philosophy with Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism as the mainstream, and shows the implicit, tenacious and unobtrusive national character. She can show a broad aesthetic scale from simple to gorgeous, and can also trigger a visual feeling from light to calm, because she is not a single color, but a mixed color, sometimes with bright yellow, sometimes with warm red, sometimes with green, sometimes with blue, sometimes with purple, and sometimes with dark cyan.

The application of cyan in China has a history of more than 2,000 years. In China, people have a blue shadow in all aspects of national governance, production and life, religious opinions, artistic creation and spiritual pursuit. When we study cyan, we should not only study the chromatographic composition of cyan and the source of painting pigments, but also combine sociology, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, politics, economy, religion and art to explore comprehensively. The more you explore, the more profound the implication of cyan culture can be found. Therefore, it may be boldly speculated that cyan is an important color code to interpret Chinese traditional culture.

There are similarities and significant differences between colors in scientific sense and colors in cultural sense. The color in the cultural sense is more complex and the direction is more vague. When color is printed with traces of social and cultural patterns and endowed with unique thoughts and feelings of human beings, it becomes a cultural symbol.

After human beings form an intuitive color perception of objects, this color will have a psychological significance, which is very personalized and closely related to the viewer’s own experience, environment and culture. Niu Xiji, a poet in the Five Dynasties, said, "Remember the green dress and pity the grass everywhere." Because the author’s love object is a girl wearing a green dress, the two of them are just around the corner, and the lovers have repeatedly urged her to think of the grass color from the green dress and the green dress from the grass color. It’s endless, so don’t forget each other. This association about green is caused by the author’s personal experience. For others, green can’t be associated with a green dress. At this time, green is not a symbol. However, among the "red light stops and green light goes", red and green are used on traffic lights, which represents the universal meaning and becomes symbols. Therefore, this layer of semantics of color symbols must be associated by individuals, and then developed into a well-known social concept after grouping and recognition, and then a color culture that can be widely spread can be formed.

It is in the long historical changes that cyan has gradually become a symbol. The meaning of this symbol is constantly changing, and as time goes on, it moves from one consensus to another. Cyan has a vibrant masculine color from the initial symbol of the sky, the east, vegetation and spring, to the color of the queen’s spring sacrifice dress and wedding dress, and then to the color of the common people and the color of Buddhism and Taoism; In the drama, she became a traditional woman with traditional virtues but bumpy fate. In the eyes of Taoism, it has become a symbol of simplicity, and the change of cyan culture implication itself is a part of the history of Chinese cultural changes.

Part of the masterpiece of the Northern Song Dynasty turquoise landscape painting "Jiangshan Autumn Color Map Volume" collected by the Palace Museum.

China’s philosophical thought has made the implication of cyan culture unique.

China’s philosophical thought endows cyan with more meanings-cyan can reflect the noble feelings of the gentry, the Confucian rule of etiquette and the gentleman’s self-cultivation, the Buddhist’s open mind and understanding, the Taoist’s simplicity and self-restraint, and the metaphysical’s free and easy nature and ethereal clarity. It is beyond the worldly pursuit. Conversely, the influence of cyan on China people’s aesthetic taste is also immersion, which reflects China people’s deeper thinking about the spiritual world.

The process of incorporating cyan into official uniforms is influenced by Confucianism.

Confucius said, "Evil purple takes away Zhu, and evil Zheng Sheng’s chaos makes you happy." This is the most intense judgment on color made by the primitive Confucianism, and these judgments are all carried out under the framework of ceremony. A clear example of the concept of ritual color is the hierarchical differentiation reflected by the color of clothing. Among them, the process of cyan being incorporated into official uniforms is a process influenced by Confucianism. The regulation of the color style of official uniforms is the concrete embodiment of Confucian etiquette thought.

Influenced by the concept of etiquette color, Confucianism first determined the rank within the ruling class, and one of the important tasks was to make a fuss about official clothes, making color one of the key elements to distinguish ranks.

In the Northern Zhou Dynasty, "color-tasting clothes" appeared. In the Sui Dynasty, the colors of official clothes were red and cyan, and black, white and Huang San were no longer used, because black and white had become the colors of sacrificial clothes. After the Sui Dynasty, the colors of official uniforms were basically purple, scarlet, cyan and green, and cyan and green became the official uniforms of officials in lower positions.

Under the guidance of Confucianism, after the color grade of official uniforms was determined, although the color changed all the time, the practice that cyan was fixed as a color in the sequence of official uniforms lasted for more than 1000 years. Until the Qing Dynasty, cyan dominated other colors and officially became the color of all official uniforms, and the size of official ranks and civil and military positions were distinguished by patch patterns.

Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties guided the aesthetic interest of celadon art.

Taoism took advantage of the collapse of the Han Empire and the crisis of the literati’s belief in Confucianism, which finally contributed to metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties. For a long time, metaphysics occupied the ideological position of the gentry. Metaphysics thought has played an important guiding role in China people’s artistic aesthetics.

The manufacture and use of celadon in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties was the first peak of celadon art in the history of China, which formed an aesthetic tendency of "green, beautiful, spiritual and handsome" for celadon. The aesthetic thought of metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties has an important influence on the modeling of celadon.

The origin of azure porcelain is very early, which can be traced back to Shang Dynasty. During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, craftsmen built kilns with superb skills, the temperature in the kilns could reach 1200 degrees, and they knew how to add plant ash to the raw materials, which made the pottery have a blue glaze on the outside and became the original celadon.

The original firing level of celadon was not high, and during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, celadon had accumulated rich experience in the composition ratio of glaze raw materials and firing methods. Celadon became thin and transparent in glaze, with delicate and moist fetal quality, and its shape changed. The aesthetic thought of metaphysics in Wei and Jin dynasties is different from the aesthetic temperament of Qin and Han dynasties, but pursues natural beauty, purity and refinement, and pays attention to appreciation and pursuit of inner charm.

In their own temperament, the scholar-officials pursue elegant character, free and chic, elegant and strange temperament, hoping to convey their unconventional elegance, which also affects the "celadon" as a daily appliance.

In the aesthetic pursuit of literati in Wei and Jin Dynasties, "youth, beauty, spirit and beauty" are the ultimate pursuit of celadon. The light and elegant glaze color of celadon just meets the aesthetic standards of literati, that is, "natural beauty is the highest and ornate carving is the lowest".

The Wei-Jin fashion of drinking with Yue kiln celadon was also passed down. This romantic style in Wei and Jin Dynasties can also be verified by the poetry works of the literati in the Tang Dynasty, such as Lu Guimeng’s "The Secret Color Yueqi": "The autumn wind in September opened the kiln and won the green color of Qianfeng. I’m so happy to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I’ll share my cup with you. " It can be seen that in the Tang Dynasty, it was still the fashion for literati to drink with Yue kiln porcelain.

Buddhism and Taoism inject new meaning into cyan clothing and utensils.

After the Ming Dynasty, the color of Taoist uniforms became cyan. Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Emperor, personally participated in the formulation of the clothing system in the Ming Dynasty, from the emperor’s nobles to the common people, monks and prostitutes. All the clothing was decided by Mao, and he was ordered to restore the clothing system like the Tang Dynasty, trying to overthrow the Hu customs of the Yuan Dynasty and restore the old appearance of China. In Volume XI of the Ming Dynasty Canon and History of the Ming Dynasty, the provisions on Taoist costumes are recorded: "Taoist priests always wear green clothes; French clothes and Korean clothes are all red; The Taoist official is the same. " That is, it is stipulated that the Taoist priest’s uniform needs to be cyan, so it is often said that "Tsing Yi Taoist priest" later.

The localized Buddhist thought is influenced by the Taoist culture in China, which in turn gives another meaning to cyan objects. In the decoration of celadon, there have been patterns such as Buddha statue, flying sky and lotus flower since the late Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, especially the lotus flower pattern, which reflects the extensive use of Buddhist symbols. For example, the "Lotus Zun" porcelain unearthed from the Liang Dynasty Tomb in Linshan, Nanjing has a solemn shape, with seven layers of lotus petals from top to bottom, just like a blooming violet, which reflects the important influence of Buddhism on celadon art. From the artifacts, it can be seen that cyan has been infiltrated by Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties for a long time, and has begun to represent the metaphysical pursuit. For example, it embodies the courtesy of Confucianism, the cultivation of gentlemen, the emptiness of Buddhism, the nature of Taoism, and the free and easy of metaphysics.

Buddhism and Taoism have also made great contributions to the Chinese vocabulary of Qing characters, leaving a large number of words with special meanings, such as Qing Niu, Qing Luan, Qing Cheng, Qing Deng, Qing Yan and Qing Lian.

Part of Wang Ximeng’s "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" in Northern Song Dynasty

Chinese vocabulary reflects the changing track of cyan meaning.

Cyan, which is composed of words of cyan, no longer represents the original color meaning of the word, but is deeply embedded in Chinese culture, which has a subtle influence on the cultural meaning of cyan.

"Tsing Yi", from Tianzi’s fine clothes to the bottom dress.

The mention of "Tsing Yi" always gives people a sense of solemnity, calmness, mystery, lowliness and suffering. In the role of Peking Opera, Tsing Yi is a "bitter COP", who dares to love and hate generally and resolutely fights against fate.

In fact, the original meaning of Tsing Yi has nothing to do with humble suffering. The word "Tsing Yi" appeared as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but it is not the meaning we commonly use now. In the Book of Rites and the Moon Order more than 2,000 years ago, it was clearly recorded that there were three times of "Tsing Yi", such as "The Moon of Meng Chun, the sun was in the camp. ….. The son of heaven lives in the left of Qingyang, taking Luan Road, driving black dragon, carrying the green flag, wearing Tsing Yi and serving Cang Yu. " "Tsing Yi" is the dress of the son of heaven in spring. The Book of Rites records that the five colors correspond to the five elements, and they wear different colors in different seasons. Tianzi wears Tsing Yi in spring, Zhu Yi in summer, white in autumn and black in winter.

And baiguan can only wear tsing yi when the emperor gives him a gift. For example, the Book of Rites in the History of the East View records that "on the day when Emperor Zhang was lucky and worried about beginning of spring, all the officials in Kyoto were dressed in Tsing Yi, and all the history was served by Qing Yi." It means following the day when the son of heaven beginning of spring traveled, and officials can wear Tsing Yi.

With the changes of the times, the status of the wearer in Tsing Yi has also begun to change. From the emperor’s spring clothes, sacred and solemn sacrificial clothes, to the court clothes, low-grade official clothes, and then to the clothes colors of scholars and people, it has undergone a major change.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Tsing Yi had already referred to the lower-ranking figures. Cai Yong wrote a famous poem "Qing Yi Fu", which described a woman with outstanding appearance, virtuous and dignified like a meticulous painting, and entrusted her love for a maid from humble origins in Qing Yi. Fu wrote her appearance "looking forward to Qian Shuli, white teeth and moths." The mysterious light is moist, and the collar is like a clam. Vertical and horizontal hair extension, leaves such as low sunflower. Slender Ran Ran, it is amazing. " It’s absolutely beautiful. Then write about her dress, "Yi Sleeve Dan Dress, Creeping on the Silk Leaf", which shows that although she is called "Tsing Yi", she is wearing a red dress-Yi Sleeve Dan Dress. This shows that the word "Tsing Yi" refers to her status. Cai Yong praised her elegant manners, and concluded that she was "a good wife and a good teacher". However, the author can’t develop this relationship, because this woman’s identity is really humble.

During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the court stipulated that the colors worn by the people were green, blue and white. The evidence can be seen in the "Yuan Jian Lei Han" that "the foot soldiers are not green, blue and white; There is no green, blue or white in the color of the handmaid. " During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao wrote in "A Letter with Taiwei Yang Biao": "There are two people who care about Tsing Yi, and they are always around." Tsing Yi here refers to serving the left and right handmaids.

The reason why blue clothes are often worn by the lower class people lies in their cheapness. At that time, among the plant dyes used to dye cloth, cyan was the most easily available. Because a plant dyed green "blue grass" is suitable for both southern and northern growth, it is easy to collect. Using "blue grass" to dye cloth clothes is easy to color and low in cost. The so-called "shine on you is better than blue" refers to the fabric dyed with this "blue grass".

In the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, due to the emergence of new drama forms such as Yuan Zaju, Huangmei Opera and Peking Opera, "Tsing Yi" began to be synonymous with the role of Zhengdan in traditional Chinese opera, and gradually became a proper noun. In China’s classical operas, Tsing Yi is one of the traditional operas. The southern operas are called Zhengdan and the northern operas are called Tsing Yi.

Typical Tsing Yi has Yu Ji in Farewell My Concubine, Qin Xianglian in My Fair Case and Wang Baochuan in Wujiapo. In these plays, the women are all unlucky, but they dare to fight and decide their own destiny. All these Tsing Yi women have the traditional virtues of China women and have a great spirit of sacrifice. The virtues of these women are recognized and appreciated by the patriarchal society. Tsing Yi, therefore, has a solemn image of justice.

Look, on the stage of drama, it’s amazing that one color can define the basic fate of a character. It has become an important factor of drama performance to highlight the characteristics of the role with the color of clothing. Among them, cyan is an important color symbol with typical symbolic significance.

Although the cyan of Tianzi’s spring suit is not necessarily the same color as the cyan of the maid or the Dan Jiao, they are all called Tsing Yi, because cyan is a mixed color. The cultural implication of cyan has indeed changed dramatically because of the change of the object referred to by the word Tsing Yi.

The Tsing Yi role played by Peking Opera actor Zhang Huoding.

"Hair", from silk thread or rope to female hair.

"Blue hair and white hair" describes the fleeting youth. However, "moss" originally refers to rope, not hair.

The earliest poems with "moss" should be Yuefu poems. There are "moss as a cage, cassia twig as a cage hook" in Yuefu Poetry Collection, and "Jiao Zhongqing’s wife" in Yuefu Poetry Collection, there are "sixty or seventy box curtains, green green moss ropes" and "three million yuan, all of which are worn with moss". The "blue hair" in these two places is not the black hair we refer to now, but the blue silk thread or rope.

In the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, "green silk" once referred to the reins of horses. In many poets’ works, the expression of "green silk" refers to the bridle of a horse. For example, the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu’s poem "Going Out to the Front" contains "Take off the bridle and pick the moss in your hand", among which the "moss" in the rider’s hand is the bridle. Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote in the Yuefu poem "Mo Shang Sang": "The beauty is Wei Qiaodong, and the silkworm is still working in spring. Five Ma Rufei dragons, green silk tied with gold. " The "hair" here also refers to the bridle, not the hair of a beautiful woman.

Since the Tang Dynasty, "Qingsi" has been famous all over the world with Li Bai’s wonderful pen as a metaphor for black hair. China literati often use the image of "green hair and white hair" when they lament that youth is fleeting, fame is hard to achieve, and ambition is hard to pay. Li Bai lamented in "Coming into Wine": "You don’t see how lovely locks in bright mirrors in high chambers, though silken-black at morning, have changed by night to snow." This famous sentence, which has been handed down through the ages, makes "moss" a symbol of youth. At that time, "hair" did not refer to women’s hair, but was more often referred to as young men by poets. The reason why "green silk" refers to women’s hair in modern times is probably because men’s hair is really too short to be called "silk".

"Green" and "blue" have gradually become symbols of ancient China literati.

Originally, the blue only means that the color of the clothes is cyan, while the blue refers to the blue collar. Gradually, "Qing" and "Qing" became more common names for ancient scholars in China, and sometimes they referred to relegated officials.

The color and style of clothes have the function of flaunting social status, so the pattern characteristics or color characteristics of clothes are often used to refer to a certain group of people. Judging people by their appearances is a common social problem, and it has also been one of the dimensions for people to judge success since ancient times.

Green fern, the clothes worn by students in ancient times. It first appeared in the Book of Songs: "The green lady is leisurely in my heart." Because students in the Zhou Dynasty often wore blue clothes, the word "green" was also used to refer to students born in imperial academy in the Zhou Dynasty.

In the Northern Qi, Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties, students’ uniforms were usually cyan, which was later called "blue" as a synonym for scholars. However, there are still some differences in meaning between "green" and "blue". In poetry and prose, "Qing" emphasizes the status of a scholar, while "Qing" often refers to officials who have been demoted or frustrated in their official career.

In the Tang Dynasty, the most famous poem containing the word "blue" was Bai Juyi’s Pipa Xing: "but who of them all was crying the most?? This Jiujiang official. My blue sleeve was wet. " The "blue shirt" here means that the poet is a frustrated official, rather than emphasizing that he is a scholar. In Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi’s "The Portrait of Du Fu" described Du Fu, a poor and down-and-out official in Tang Dynasty. Su Shi’s "Gu Tou Qu" includes "The blue shirt is not popular with tourists, and the red tea is filled with Cao Gang Shou", and it also quotes the allusions of Bai Juyi’s "Pipa Xing", which makes it a "blue shirt".

Author: Bao Yan (Vice President of Chinese Poetry Society)

Editor: Fan Xin

Planning: Fan Xin