

Implemented next year! Beijing takeaway will no longer actively provide disposable tableware, and violators will be fined

  CCTV News:Disposable items provide great convenience to our lives. But while convenient, it also brings problems of waste of resources and environmental pollution. In order to reduce waste generation at the source, recently, the "Beijing Municipal Domestic Waste Management Regulations" have been revised and will come into effect on May 1 next year. It is pointed out that Beijing takeaway will no longer take the initiative to provide disposable tableware.

  The revised regulations stipulate that food and beverage operators, food and beverage distribution service providers and hotel business units shall not actively provide consumers with disposable chopsticks, forks, spoons, toiletries, etc., and shall set up eye-catching prompt signs. Once violations are made, the comprehensive law enforcement department of urban management will order immediate corrections and impose a fine of not less than 5,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan; if the regulations are violated again, a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan will be imposed. Before May next year, Beijing will formulate a detailed catalogue of disposable products.

  In addition, the environmental problems caused by massive express packaging waste cannot be ignored. The "Regulations" stipulate that express delivery enterprises should use electronic waybills and degradable and repurposed environmentally friendly packaging materials to reduce the overuse of packaging materials and encourage them to take measures to recycle packaging materials.

  This time, the punishment for mixed shipment of receiving and transporting vehicles has also been increased. The "Regulations" stipulate that units that collect and transport domestic garbage shall classify and transport domestic garbage to centralized collection facilities or transshipment and treatment facilities that meet the regulations, and shall not mix and transport, and shall not be dumped, discarded, scattered or stacked at will. For those who violate the regulations, the penalty limit shall be adjusted from the previous 5,000 yuan to less than 50,000 yuan to more than 20,000 yuan and less than 100,000 yuan. If the circumstances are serious, the license for collecting and transporting domestic garbage shall be revoked.



Huang Zitao’s Shanghai concert exploded, fans responded strongly and cried emotionally

On the evening of June 15, Huang Zitao "2019 IS BLUE Concert "was held in Shanghai. The concert was well attended that night. With the blue support of nearly 10,000 people, Huang Zitao opened his own music world.

Original single Live debut partner Top band ignites blue orgy

On the night of the concert, accompanied by a rather ceremonial countdown light show, Huang Zitao opened the concert with a song "Beggar", which slowly rose from the center of the stage, and the super music rhythm set off a craze on the stage, officially kicking off the concert. Subsequently, tracks such as "Underground King", "HATER" and "Misunderstanding" were sung one after another. Huang Zitao showed off his rap strength and full-blown stage performance, awakening the hot blood cells of every fan on the scene. Then a gentle and tactful "Tao-style love song" "Nineteen Years Old" was paired with neon lighting effects, and the romantic interpretation of the song was vividly expressed in one mirror to the end.

At the same time, Huang Zitao unlocked the live premieres of four new songs "No effort, no gain", "Wrong", "AI" and "You will miss me too". Among them, "No effort, no gain" made netizens shout "magical brainwashing" due to the ear-grabbing melody and catchy lyrics. "AI", which has been loved by fans since the release of the sound source, has been lovingly performed by Huang Zitao on the spot and became the best single LIVE in the audience. It is worth mentioning that in this concert, Huang Zitao’s partner top band has newly edited some songs. With the strong and dynamic backing track form, it has given the song a fresh texture and completed a super-burning blue carnival together.

Dance beauty design high matching to create top fashion brands custom special styling

This concert adopts an advanced hardware configuration mode, striving to create a shocking and cool "musical-style" dance beauty visual effect. Around the five chapters of the concert curtain forest, prism, pixels, no puppets, and stone sea, the main screen adopts a geometric structure, and uses screen projection technology to present various visual changes. Through projection dynamic capture technology, music is turned into a story, integrating Huang Zitao’s blue world.

In terms of stage styling, Huang Zitao participated in this concert with Moschino, GCDS, Loewe, Vetements, Balmain, KOCHEIn cooperation with many top international brands, many sets of costumes in the concert are previews of unreleased Fashion Week shows. Among them, the well-known French trendy brand KOCHE specially customized the stage shape for Huang Zitao’s concert, using the best sports street style and contrasting color splicing to spell out the words "TAO" with artificial crystals, which can be said to be full of heart.


Huang Zitao’s emotional tears Tasman surprised himself and danced a magical dance

At the concert last night, Huang Zitao’s pet fan was level 10. Not only did he interact with fans and take photos at the scene, but before returning at the end of the concert, he carefully prepared a review video of his seven years with fans as a special surprise part of the concert. At the end of the video, Huang Zitao handwritten a confession "together with the waves", and many fans at the scene were moved to tears.

Later, Huang Zitao wrote a new song "You Will Be Like Me" for fans as an encore track. During the encore performance, Huang Zitao once choked up tears, which made fans feel distressed. In addition, Huang Zitao’s official character "Taosman" appeared in surprise at this concert. Not only did he perform in the same frame as Huang Zitao, but after the concert, he also danced the magic dance "You Will Be Like Me", which was broadcast on the spot as the end of the little easter egg, which made fans cry cute.


How can we resolve the Hengda crisis as soon as possible?

At present, the most crucial thing is to stop the bleeding of Hengda, stop allowing its risks to accumulate and spread, and at the same time, we should preserve good evidence to lay a good foundation for future accountability through the rule of law.

Author | Li Wei

Source | Caixin

Li Wei

Professor of Economics, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

Director of the Case Study Center of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

Director of the Big Data Economics Research Center of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

Vice President of Asian Markets

On September 24, 2023, China Evergrande Group (referred to as Evergrande) issued an announcement saying that "in view of the ongoing investigation of Evergrande Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (the main subsidiary of the company), the current situation of the group cannot meet the eligibility for the issuance of new notes".

Public information shows that Hengda is in a serious insolvent situation. At the end of 2021, the end of 2022 and the end of June 2023, the company’s insolvent gap is 473.10 billion yuan, 599.10 billion yuan and 644.20 billion yuan respectively.

Judging from this set of data, Evergrande has not "stopped the bleeding". What should be done for such a large real estate company that is in crisis and the situation is rapidly deteriorating?

Market-oriented solutions

The current situation of Evergrande is not optimistic. If the government does not intervene in this crisis and the market comes up with a solution, then there are only two outcomes. One is that Evergrande goes bankrupt, and the other is that market-oriented institutions acquire and integrate Evergrande without the help of the government.

Let’s look at the first outcome. Logically, this is the most likely outcome if Evergrande’s crisis continues to worsen. If Evergrande does go bankrupt, what consequences will we face?

In principle, companies, like people, no matter how big or small they are, will die one day without much fuss. However, the reality may be much more complex than we think, especially for large companies with a wide range of implications.

A classic example of this is the impact of the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. during the 2008 financial crisis.

In 2007, the pressure on financial marekts caused by falling house prices became increasingly obvious, and a series of Financial Institution Groups began to experience insolvent problems, but the overall situation was still under control.

After entering 2008, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse. Lehman, the fourth largest investment bank on Wall Street, began to thunder continuously, and the problem of insolvent gradually appeared. At that time, there was a huge disagreement in the whole society on whether the government should rescue Lehman.

In fact, the government also wanted to raise resources to rescue Lehman, because Lehman was one of the core nodes of the US financial network, but it was ultimately concerned about moral hazard (moral hazard refers to the fact that under the condition of asymmetric information, the responsible economic actors do not bear the full consequences of their actions. For example, Lehman took excessive risks in the course of its operation, making money for himself, and losing money can be required for government rescue based on its importance), and gave up the rescue.

The collapse of Lehman Brothers brought the financial crisis to a climax, causing the largest crisis in the US economy since the Great Depression.

The government’s abandonment of the Lehman bailout quickly escalated the financial crisis, but if Lehman is bailed out, it is likely to exacerbate moral hazard in the financial system in the future. As moral hazard builds, it will only be a matter of time before a larger financial crisis erupts.

The failure of Lehman’s self-rescue brought an unexpected result, which was the successful self-rescue of Merrill Lynch (Merrill Lynch for short).

Merrill Lynch is the third largest investment bank on Wall Street. As the parties discussed how to rescue Lehman, John Thain, the last Chief Executive Officer of Merrill Lynch (CEO), who participated in the discussion, immediately realized that Merrill Lynch had a similar problem. If it did not act immediately, then Merrill Lynch would be the next Lehman.

In order to save himself, Thain contacted Bank of America and sold himself to the latter for $50 billion, thus avoiding the end of Lehman.

In fact, from the perspective of game theory, the decision of the US government not to rescue Lehman, a Financial Institution Group that was so large that it had systemic risks, was somewhat random.

This means that the government will eventually rescue the vast majority of Financial Institution Groups that may cause systemic risks, but it should not let the market know the government’s trump card when choosing to give up a Financial Institution Group that can detonate systemic risks to curb moral hazard.

After all, there is a huge social cost to detonating systemic risk.

Government intervention solutions

The above describes the situation of relying on the market to solve the crisis, but in fact, when a major crisis occurs, the government will intervene more or less. Here are three examples according to the degree of government intervention.

First, the government only plays a coordinating role, and it is mainly handled by market forces.

The most typical example of this is the crisis resolution of Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM).

Founded in 1994, LTCM is a hedge fund specializing in highly leveraged carry trades.

LTCM became famous for its outstanding performance once it was established, but in 1998 LTCM suffered a huge loss. Due to LTCM’s highly leveraged trading strategy, its counterparties included many Wall Street Financial Institution Groups, so the crisis of LTCM once led to a possible systemic crisis in financial marekt. To avoid this dangerous situation, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York convened many Wall Street Financial Institution Groups to discuss ways to rescue LTCM. Finally, many Wall Street Financial Institution Groups raised $3.625 billion to rescue LTCM. The Wall Street Financial Institution Group’s investment not only saved the LTCM from the verge of collapse, but also eliminated its threat to the entire financial system.

During the entire incident, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York played a convening and coordinating role, but it did not provide capital or guarantee, and its intervention in the market was limited. It mainly relied on market forces to solve problems.

Second, the government provides some funds for rescue, but the main transactions are still completed by market institutions. A more typical example of this is the handling of Bear Stearns by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 2008.

Bear Stearns is the fifth largest investment bank on Wall Street and a very important Financial Institutions Group in the US financial system.

In order to prevent the collapse of Bear Stearns from hitting the entire financial system, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York coordinated JPMorgan Chase’s acquisition of Bear Stearns. In the process, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York funded the purchase of Bear Stearns’ assets for $30 billion, which helped to complete the entire acquisition.

In this deal, the government offered real money to rescue the problem company, but the amount was relatively small and only played a supporting role. The big problems were still solved by the market itself.

Third, the government fully intervened to take over the companies at risk, a classic example of which was the handling of Silicon Valley Bank by US regulators in March 2023.

Silicon Valley Bank, a bank whose main customers are high-tech companies, experienced a severe run in March 2023 because it did not do a good job of risk management. Fearing that panic would spread and trigger a chain reaction, the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) acted together and quickly intervened in the crisis.

After regulators took over Silicon Valley Bank, the FDIC announced an unlimited guarantee on all deposits, breaking the previous limit of $250,000. For Silicon Valley Bank, the regulator ousted all its executives and zeroed out the equity value.

From this series of actions, it can be seen that the government took a comprehensive intervention approach in response to the crisis of Silicon Valley Bank, taking complete control of the company, which is the deepest form of government intervention.

How can we resolve the Hengda crisis as soon as possible?

The above discusses different ways to resolve the crisis from the perspective of the market and the government. What is the significance of this for us to deal with Evergrande’s problems?

Here is the first thing to say, some people may say that the examples mentioned above are all Financial Institution Group, Evergrande is a real estate developer, not Financial Institution Group, there are substantial differences between the two.

Indeed, Financial Institution Groups, especially those large Financial Institution Groups that are at the heart of the financial system, often have a direct and huge impact on the entire system, even the macroeconomy, so once these institutions are in crisis, they are often prone to systemic crises. This is the case we saw in the Lehman bankruptcy.

Institutions with systemic risk are often large Financial Institution Groups, but systemic risk is not the patent of large Financial Institution Groups. All institutions that have a direct and huge impact on the economy and finance as a whole are institutions with systemic risk. Evergrande is one of them.

There are three reasons for this.

First of all, the real estate itself in China belongs to the giant industry, and its upstream and downstream implication is very wide, from steel and cement to home appliance decoration, some studies believe that these industries together ** the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) ratio may be close to 30%;

Second, real estate is closely linked to the financial system. When real estate goes wrong, the land market will soon follow. A large amount of financing in China is based on land and real estate as collateral. Once the value of these collateral shrinks, the risk will immediately spread from real estate to the financial sector;

Finally, Evergrande is a typical leader in the real estate industry, and its survival has a significant impact on people’s views on the entire real estate industry, and even on China’s economy.

Evergrande is so important, so how should we handle the current crisis?

First, Evergrande’s self-rescue seems to be very difficult to succeed. Evergrande has been in danger for two years. If self-rescue can work, we don’t need to discuss whether to rescue Evergrande today.

Second, use a market-oriented approach to solve Evergrande’s problems.

First, let Evergrande go out of business. This is difficult because Evergrande is a company with systemic risk. Second, let other companies in the industry merge and acquire Evergrande. This is a better approach because real estate is a sector with a certain technical threshold, and companies in other industries do not easily learn how to run a developer efficiently in a short period of time.

But there are two difficulties here, one is that Hengda’s scale is too large, in 2020 before Hengda’s accident, Hengda’s housing sales area was as high as 80.86 million square meters, ranking first in the country; the other is that Hengda has been suffering for a long time, and no one knows how big a hole there is. The resources required to acquire such a giant company may not be what a developer can have.

Third, the government intervened to rescue Evergrande.

First, the government only plays a coordinating role, allowing companies in the industry to acquire Evergrande, or establish a consortium, with money, such as the Financial Institution Group, and powerful contributions, such as developers. However, as mentioned above, this path is currently not feasible.

The second is that the government provides a small amount of funds, and then joins social funds to jointly acquire Hengda. This method is better, but the coordination cost is higher.

The third is for the government to directly take over Evergrande. This approach is the simplest and most straightforward, and can control the spread of risk in a short period of time. But the biggest problem is that the government does not know how to run a real estate developer well, and it is still such a huge and opaque developer.

From the current situation, each plan has advantages and disadvantages. Rescuing Evergrande, no matter what method, will create a certain moral hazard, but because Evergrande is a company with systemic risk, this forces us to compromise.

Rescuing Evergrande requires two resources, one is technology and the other is funding.

The government and some large companies outside the industry have capital but no technology, and companies in the industry have technology but no capital. Therefore, the best way is to form a consortium and give full play to their respective strengths.

But the drawback of this is also obvious. How to assemble a suitable team is very difficult, which takes time, but whether Evergrande’s crisis has left us enough time is something we don’t know. A direct government takeover can immediately stop Evergrande’s bleeding, but subsequent operations are beyond the government’s ability.

But this approach is not completely impossible. In this regard, we can still learn from the treatment of Silicon Valley Bank by US regulators. On March 10, 2023, US regulators took over Silicon Valley Bank. Just 16 days later, the regulatory bank found the next home for Silicon Valley Bank – First Citizens Bank (First Citizens BancShares).

Many people now have an understandable sense of anger towards Evergrande, especially those who paid for a house but couldn’t get it.

In the future, even if we rescue Evergrande, it will not be all bailouts. We should rescue homebuyers who cannot get houses and suppliers who do not get the money, but we should let Evergrande’s equity go to zero, most of its debt is impaired, and all executives are dismissed, just like the way US regulators handled Silicon Valley Bank.

But the most important thing at the moment is to stop the bleeding of Evergrande and stop allowing its risks to accumulate and spread. At the same time, we should preserve good evidence to lay a good foundation for future accountability in a rule of law manner. Looking at the overall situation, the government should find a way to take over Evergrande as soon as possible.


Hangzhou’s new taxi regulations are submitted for review, and online car-hailing will be included in the management scope

  It has been a full ten years since the current regulations on the management of passenger taxis in Hangzhou were revised and implemented in 2007. With the changes in the market environment, especially the emergence of new business formats such as online car-hailing, many provisions of the regulations are no longer suitable for the needs of industry development and management under the new situation, and need to be revised urgently. On October 30, the sixth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th Hangzhou Municipal People’s Congress reviewed the "Hangzhou Passenger Taxi Management Regulations (Revised Draft) " (hereinafter referred to as the Revised Draft). Compared with the old regulations with 37 articles in 9 chapters, the revised draft is 67 articles in 6 chapters, which can be called a "fundamental overhaul". The most significant change is undoubtedly the inclusion of the content of online car-hailing.

  In addition, on November 7 at 2 pm, the Hangzhou Municipal People’s Congress Legal Committee will hold a legislative hearing on the Hangzhou Passenger Taxi Management Regulations (Revised Draft) at Xinqiao Hotel, No. 226 Jiefang Road. If you have corresponding suggestions, you can sign up. You can register by phone (87557141), fax (87557315) or email (1839192974@qq.com).

  The business license is changed from closed to open

  Compared with the original "Regulations", the revised draft proposes "legally holding the right to operate a specified number of taxi vehicles" on the conditions for the operation license of cruise vehicles, but does not set a specific number.

  Fan Jianjun, director of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, explained to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress on the revised draft, saying that considering the large differences in the development of the taxi industry in Hangzhou districts and counties (cities), if the specific number is limited, it is difficult to take into account fairness. Therefore, the revised draft will leave the lower limit of the number of operating rights held to local governments to decide, and the operating license will be changed from closed to open, which is more in line with management reality.

  Taking into account the difficulty of obtaining operating licenses for some franchise holders due to the lack of the required number, the draft amendment also stipulates that the government can organize the establishment of taxi service management companies to provide management services to such franchise holders.

  The age limit for drivers has been relaxed to 65

  The draft amendment stipulates that vehicles engaged in passenger taxi business services in Hangzhou shall obtain passenger taxi transportation licenses, including cruise taxi transportation licenses and online rental car transportation licenses. Online car-hailing requires the installation of satellite positioning devices with driving record function and emergency alarm devices that meet the standards, and the information must be able to be transmitted to the competent authorities in real time.

  The revised draft introduces unified qualification management for drivers driving cruise cars and online car-hailing. As long as they obtain a passenger taxi driver’s license, the licensed personnel can move freely between the cruise car company and the online car-hailing platform. This system design is the first in China.

  The revised draft incorporates provisions in departmental regulations that are closely related to passenger safety, such as "no violent crime, no drunk driving record", and also liberalizes the age limit to 65 years old.

  Rejection is divided into five situations

  The amended regulations particularly emphasize that taxi operators shall keep strictly confidential the information of drivers, riders and passengers collected during the operation process, and shall not provide it to third parties except as required by laws and regulations.

  For the refusal behavior, according to the type of vehicle, there are five specific situations:

  1. After being greeted by passengers to stop, no passengers will be carried;

  2. Refusing to carry passengers when an empty car is waiting to be rented in a public place;

  3. After actively soliciting passengers, refusing to carry passengers;

  4. Selecting passengers in the operating area by means of self-determined operating destinations, etc.;

  5. Failure to fulfill the agreement after accepting phone or online appointments.

  If the above situation occurs, the driver will be fined 300 to 3,000 yuan, and the taxi driver’s license will be seriously revoked.

  Our reporter, He Sheng


Geely Galaxy L7 debuts at Kunming Auto Show, priced from 138,700

  Since May 31st Galaxy L7 national listing, Geely Galaxy L7 is equipped with "a new generation of Raytheon hybrid 8848" power system has attracted much attention in the market, June 23rd, Geely Galaxy L7 debut in Kunming 24th International Auto Show, the new car launched a total of 5 versions, the official guide price is 138,700 – 173,700 yuan, lower than the market expected price, richer configuration, more rights and interests, to give consumers sincerity.



  In terms of energy saving, the new car is equipped with a "new generation Raytheon hybrid 8848" power system. In terms of energy saving, the new generation Raytheon hybrid engine B-Plus has the highest thermal efficiency of 44.26% of the world’s mass production, with a fuel consumption of only 5.23L (NEDC 4.4L) at a loss of 100 kilometers, and a comprehensive cruising range of 1370km under CLTC conditions.


  In terms of performance, Raytheon’s 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro is the first intelligent electric drive in the world to achieve P1 + P2 dual motor overclocking drive. The system has a comprehensive maximum power of 287 kW, a comprehensive maximum torque of 535 N · m, and an acceleration of only 6.9s per hundred kilometers. It supports ejection start and can reach a top speed of 240km/h.


  In terms of handling, the Geely Galaxy L7 is based on the e-CMA architecture, providing strong grip and excellent cornering handling, with both ride comfort and handling stability.

  Geely Galaxy L7 comes standard with the 8155 flagship cockpit chip and the dual computing power base of the Star Smart Computing Center supported by the super cloud computing power of 8.10 billion billion times per second, as well as the Galaxy N OS cockpit operating system, which greatly improves the daily operation and response speed.


  Geely Galaxy L7 comes standard with 10.25-inch instrument + 13.2-inch central control screen + 16.2-inch co-pilot screen, three large screens, which can realize intelligent interaction between the screens. Keyword Spotting takes only 0.5 seconds, supports full scene visibility, four-tone zone recognition, and deep continuous dialogue.


  The wallpapers, cards, components and action sheets of the car desktop of Geely Galaxy L7 can be freely defined. For example, users can set the family photo to the desktop, and they can also put the most commonly used navigation, music and the most fashionable ecological applications in the most convenient position. Use the seat for ventilation and massage in summer, and replace it with seat heating in winter, and you can reach it with a touch.


  Geely Galaxy L7 has been upgraded in appearance, refreshing the front face of the tram, fashionable and pure and more eye-catching. 2785mm wheelbase, the space is spacious and bright enough. Marshmallow comfortable seats, three fragrances, 256-color star ring light curtain ambient lights, and 11 speaker sound systems, bringing a full sensory immersion experience of touch, smell, vision and hearing to the whole car.


  Electric hybrid vehicles have become the most anxiety-free choice at the moment, and they are also the travel partners of many consumers. But the general perception of electric hybrid products is that "it will be enough" and "enough" is enough. The real needs of Chinese users have been suppressed for too many years! Geely’s years of experience in building cars tell us that the needs of users of electric hybrid products are constantly escalating, and there are many "pain points" that need to be solved. This is the birth of the Geely Galaxy brand


Focusing on future development, Tencent released the "Qingyun plan" talent recruitment special project

Young scientific and technological talents are a new force in the development of scientific and technological innovation in our country. At the Internet Technology Seminar and Tencent Talent Plan Release jointly held by Tencent and Southern University of Science and Technology on September 24, Tencent released a new special project for talents – Qingyun Plan. Qingyun Plan focuses on future development and proposes "Qingyun Straight Up, Technology Shapes the Future", aiming to attract and recruit a group of top technical students worldwide.

Xi Dan, senior vice president and chief talent officer of Tencent, introduced that for the selected candidates, Tencent will provide industry competitive salary returns and customized training programs, support candidates to deeply participate in cutting-edge technology topics and core businesses, and cultivate Internet technology talents through Tencent’s platform.

Xi Dan, Senior Vice President and Chief Talent Officer of Tencent

10 + technical fields and 70 + technical topics await challenges

As the first company in the Internet industry to position the recruitment of fresh graduates as a core talent channel, Tencent continues to explore and introduce potential scientific and technological talents on campus, and spares no effort to promote youth development. In the "World’s Best Companies" list first released by Time Magazine in 2023, Tencent ranked first among Chinese companies, reflecting the recognition of Tencent’s business development and employee satisfaction by external authorities.

According to the official recruitment website of "Qingyun Plan", Qingyun Plan recruits doctoral students who graduate from September 2021 to August 2024, and undergraduate and graduate students who graduate from September 2023 to August 2024. Graduates with outstanding performance in any field such as academics, practice, and competitions can apply.

For the criteria of the candidates of the Qingyun plan, Xi Dan proposed that they need to have three basic qualities: Qingyun ambition, innovation, and kindness. He hoped that the candidates of the Qingyun plan would have a heartfelt love for scientific research and exploration, a keen sense of smell for cutting-edge technology, excellent professional skills, and the confidence to move forward; at the same time, adhere to the mission vision of "science and technology for goodness" and build a concentric circle of "goodness" together.

Liu Wei, Outstanding Scientist of Tencent

In order to stimulate the potential of young talents, Tencent will set up more than 70 technical topics in more than 10 technical fields such as AI, big data, security, multimedia, database, hardware/infrastructure, game engine, etc., including unlocking AI technologies such as big models, cutting-edge technologies such as robots/quantum, co-building industry-class domestic database/big data platforms, and building AI infrastructure, etc., to support Qingyun plan candidates to deeply participate in the company’s core business. "Qingyun plan encourages young talents to break through the limitations of the field, explore freely at the forefront of science and technology, and’unveil and be in command ‘in key areas. As Mr. Pony Ma, chairperson and CEO of Tencent, said, let science become fashion, and let innovation become the pursuit of young people." Xi Dan said in his speech.

The chief scientist acts as a "mentor" and comprehensively customizes the training plan

In order to help young talents quickly adapt to their positions, the "Qingyun Plan" sets up exclusive job mentors, development mentors, and project consultants, and invites chief scientist Zhang Zhengyou, as well as outstanding scientists such as Yu Dong, Wu Shi, Liu Shan, Liu Wei, Zhang Shengyu, Yu Yang, Dong Zhiqiang, Zheng Yefeng, Shan Ying, and Ye Handong to serve as mentors. By means of daily real-time business mentoring, regular growth mentoring, and cross-border scientific research project exchanges, candidates can better develop, and then take over the "baton" in the hands of mentors. In the industry exploration, problem breakthroughs, and technological changes, they will lead the way and play the leading role.

According to the data, the "mentor group" of Qingyun Project includes the heads of Tencent AI Lab, Tencent Robotics X Lab, Tencent Security Cohen Lab, Multimedia Lab, Tencent Quantum Lab, and Tencent Hybrid Model, covering cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, security, automatic speech recognition and processing, multimedia and signal processing. In the 2022 "Top 2% Global Scientists List" released by Stanford University in the United States, Zhang Zhengyou, Yu Dong, Wu Shi, Zheng Yefeng and other scientists and experts were simultaneously selected for the "Lifetime Scientific Impact Ranking" and "Annual Scientific Impact Ranking".

Fang Hongwei, Vice President and Provost of Southern University of Science and Technology

Fang Hongwei, vice-president of Southern University of Science and Technology, said that the Qingyun plan is a special project launched by Tencent to focus on the future development of the industry, with the goal of selecting and cultivating young people with innovative spirit and practical ability, and for outstanding students who are interested in joining the forefront of science and technology. "I believe that with the careful training of various universities, the strong support of Tencent, and the careful guidance of experts and entrepreneurs, these students will be able to become leading talents in the future technology industry and make important contributions to the realization of national high-level scientific and technological self-reliance."

In recent years, SUSTech has focused on the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other related disciplines of information technology, actively promoted the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and worked hard with well-known domestic companies such as Tencent to promote the integration of production, education and research, and serve social and economic development.

Tencent Qingyun plan conference site

As a digital technology company, Tencent anchors the forefront of technology, deepens innovative applications, and prepares for the next generation of Internet technology innovation. As of June this year, Tencent’s patent applications in major countries and regions around the world exceeded 66,000, and the number of patent authorizations exceeded 33,000, ranking second among global Internet companies. In 2022, Tencent’s R & D expenditure exceeded 61.40 billion yuan, ranking first in the 2023 China Private Enterprise Top 500 released by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Three out of every four Tencent employees are engaged in R & D positions.

Xi believes that building a young and enterprising team is the cornerstone of Tencent’s continuous business development and a key element to maintain its core competitiveness. "We hope to provide a broader development platform through the Qingyun plan to help young talents grow rapidly. For the company, we will jointly promote technological innovation in the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, and continue to maintain vitality. At the national level, we also hope to help the country cultivate and reserve talents, improve scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and tackle technical problems in key areas."


Ele.me suspends takeaway services in areas that do not meet takeaway delivery conditions

Information Times (reporter) Pan Jingwen)Recently, many places in Guangdong have continued to experience heavy rain, and some areas have issued a red warning for heavy rain. Ele.me takeaway ordering platformExpress,We attach great importance to the safety and rights and interests of takeaway riders. Therefore, according to the requirements of various places, the platform has suspended takeaway services in areas that do not meet the conditions for takeaway delivery, and will continue to adjust according to the actual situation in the region.

In order to ensure the safety of riders, Ele.me has set up a "safe production" special project team and launched an emergency mechanism under special weather. Through weather warnings and safety reminders, the platform has provided riders with pre-tips, including slowing down, avoiding wading in water, and bypassing stagnant water. At the same time, the platform has also optimized the route and dispatched order protection to match riders with more flexible delivery time and shorten the delivery distance, and opened penalty-free measures and abnormal declaration and rejection for riders under relevant circumstances.

Before the bad weather came, Ele.me distributed waterproof bags, raincoats and other rain-proof and waterproof equipment to riders. The platform also carried out safety knowledge courses for riders such as typhoon and rainstorm abnormal weather protection, and prepared ginger soup, hot tea, cold medicine and medical kits for them at the site to provide logistical support.

For merchants who are temporarily offline due to heavy rain, stagnant water, etc., Ele.me will provide temporary closure protection to effectively safeguard the rights and interests of merchants.


Diao Yinan: Of course Hu Ge was successful, he embarked on a free path

       In the 2019 Sina Entertainment year-end blockbuster project "The Most Beautiful Performance", director Diao Yinan and Hu Ge "South Station Reunion" collaborated to shoot a one-shot short film, with Hu Ge acting as a triangle to recreate the fugitive Zhou Zenong in the film.

  Jackson Yee, who rose to prominence in the film industry with the role of "Little North" in "Young You", also came to a "north-south integration" with the "The Wild Goose Lake" crew. Diao Yinan tailor-made a story for him. Qianxi plays a rebellious and lonely teenager who is inextricably linked to Zhou Zenong. Shu Qi also joined this short film as a special surprise.

  Both short films are additions to The Wild Goose Lake, written and directed by Diao Yinan.

  How are the two stories created? What are some interesting stories on the set? As a Golden Bear Award-winning director, what is Diao Yinan’s understanding of acting?

  Late at night, after the remake of Jackson Yee’s short film, we had a serious chat with Diao Yinan.

  Creating a script for Jackson Yee

  "He is very good at being alone, such a child is rare now"

  Sina Entertainment: The director wrote two short films this time. Let’s talk about Qianxi first. How was this story created?

  Diao Yinan: This story is based on Qianxi’s age and his current appearance to make a creative foundation. He is a 19-year-old boy, his heart is full of rebellion, and he is more introverted, not very flamboyant, very lonely, very quiet, and he has these temperaments in him.

  Therefore, his state may be particularly suitable for what I present to him in this story. His heart is very tolerant and slender, but he is not good at expressing himself. His expression comes from some struggles within.

  In this video, you may see that his inner voice is expressed through an expressive dance, or an expressive body.

  Later, Shu Qi was introduced, and the script was also changed once in the middle. The relationship between the two of them in the play is very delicate. Both of them are very good actors and complement each other, so the length of the film also exceeded the original expectations.

  Sina Entertainment: Although Qianxi’s short film is only a few minutes long, it was actually filmed for a day and a half. What is the reason?

  Diao Yinan: Although the film is very short, the most beautiful performance for the actor is to show his different performance states and performance methods in such a short time, including the psychological activities of his lines, body language, body posture, and the scheduling of his inner emotions.

  So each of our shots is also to help the actors to better complete the performance. The performance is not just the actor’s own business, the performance is the picture, the lighting, the sound and the opponents. All of these create an atmosphere that will help the performance. So these elements of the film in other departments are also very carefully done.

  Sina Entertainment: Regarding this short film, what communication did you have with Qianxi in the early stage?

  Diao Yinan: Mainly music, choose music, how to deal with this music, what functions did you undertake in the movie, and did some explanations and communication.

  Sina Entertainment: Is it the music during the dance?

  Diao Yinan: Strictly speaking, it is not dancing, but rather an externalization of psychological activities.

  Sina Entertainment: So is it Qianxi’s suggestion or your choice to use the song "fall"?

  Diao Yinan: I chose it.

  Sina Entertainment: Have you seen some of Qianxi’s works before? What kind of actor do you think he is?

  Diao Yinan: I have seen "Young You". Not bad, very promising, and young people have a promising future.

  Sina Entertainment: I worked with him once this time. How did he perform on the set?

  Diao Yinan: It is also very quiet on the set, without fighting or making trouble, and without too much contact with others. It is very good to be alone. Such a child is quite rare now. It was only a short two days, so that’s what I observed.

  Sina Entertainment: Does he have some improvisation of his own when he performs?

  Diao Yinan: Yes, for example, during the dance process, he will add some. I said you try to hit and kick, and he will add it according to this thing and play it by himself.

  Sina Entertainment: Did he have any performance that impressed you throughout the cooperation process?

  Diao Yinan: Execution, for example, what I ask him to do, he can execute it, no matter what method he uses, he can give it to me, which is very important for actors.

  Sina Entertainment: Some actors may rely on scripts to act, others on instinct, and some on sincerity. What do you think they mainly rely on?

  Diao Yinan: Maybe it’s based on instinct. Maybe at this stage, he’s a freshman at the Central Academy of Drama. From the perspective of learning acting, he doesn’t necessarily have a lot of skills or experience, so I think he relies more on instinct or talent.

  Sina Entertainment: This time Shu Qi also starred in this short film. How does it feel to work with her?

  Diao Yinan: Of course, she is very understanding, very good at performing, and very experienced. Many times she is able to control herself and the rhythm of the performance with ease on the scene, and I feel very cooperative.

  The South Station party again Hu Ge didn’t have a good time!

  "I hope to see a very kaleidoscopic Hu Ge"

  Sina Entertainment: In the story of Hu Ge, you asked him to play the triangle alone. What was the creative inspiration at that time?

  Diao Yinan: At that time, it was their publicity side. I don’t know who mentioned it. Then I thought it would be very good to use a long shot. The content of the script was written by me. After writing, the shooting process was actually very fast, but it took nearly 8 hours to prepare, which was very interesting.

  I hope to see a very diverse Hu Ge, who has gone through a huge performance span in just over three minutes. From a sissy span to a fugitive, and then to a particularly vulnerable and rich traveler, it is he who presents them all very well in these few minutes. This is very difficult. I think Hu Ge has really made great progress now.

  Sina Entertainment: I read that the script actually only briefly wrote the identity of a conductor, so is this sissy feeling the creativity of Hu Ge?

  Diao Yinan: It’s his idea. Maybe he did some homework in his heart. He also communicated with me in advance, and I said yes, no problem. This kind of performance has a lot of span and tension. In a short period of time, it is like a show, which will let the audience know the ability of an actor to switch between different performance states in an instant.

  Sina Entertainment: Which of these three identities do you think he played the best?

  Diao Yinan: They are all pretty good, and he is very malleable.

  Sina Entertainment: The identity of the fugitive is equivalent to playing Zhou Zenong again. Is Zhou Zenong in the short film in the same vein as in "The Wild Goose Lake", or is there innovation and change?

  Diao Yinan: In the same vein, maybe he can’t get out of "South Station", maybe his mastery of fugitives is what I ask of him in the movie, and the other two are his free play.

  Sina Entertainment: 8 hours of preparation in the early stage, is it mainly to prepare for the dispatch of one mirror to the end? I would like to ask you to introduce the specific difficulty.

  Diao Yinan: All the shots can’t be worse, because there are substitutes to come and go to change positions, and some close-ups can’t be worse, and if there is a slight difference, you will wear a gang. The delicate things of the big full-scale scheduling and close-up are all in this shot, and there are extras in positions, not just Hu Ge, so all departments are required to cooperate, including the people who change clothes should be very fast, and they will wear the gang later.

  This series tests the abilities of all departments, including the transformation of lights, the passing of train lights, and this shot is particularly able to demonstrate that film is a collective art genre.

  So our work site was very quiet that day, and we found out later that because each department was very nervous, we paid attention to our key nodes. Sometimes our filming site was also very busy, but it still didn’t seem so quiet, which meant that some departments might be able to take a break, but everyone was very nervous that day.

  Sina Entertainment: What kind of state is Hu Ge in when everyone is holding their breath?

  Diao Yinan: He was very relaxed, he was very cooperative, and there was no tension, so he took a total of four shots.

  Sina Entertainment: It means that a total of four shots were successful?

  Diao Yinan: I took six or seven shots, and I succeeded in four, and then he played one better than the other. I was also worried that in this situation, the second and third items in the middle might be easy to mobilize emotions, and the fourth item might be tiring, but he also played the fourth item very well.

  Sina Entertainment: I heard from Hu Ge that you and he communicated this script in the background of Double 11.

  Diao Yinan: I asked him to watch some movies before performing, such as "Outlaw". At that time, he seemed to be abroad, and then he said he would watch it. Then as soon as we met on Double 11, we talked about this, and he immediately told me that the first character should handle it like this.

  I thought it was great, he was creating this character, not necessarily according to the script, his own imagination I thought it was okay. Then he also said, it’s really difficult, and he has to test me again. I said that this test is actually fun, so we do it as a fun thing.

  Sina Entertainment: Didn’t he use the word torture? Because the last time I interviewed Hu Ge, he said he was going to be tortured again.

  Diao Yinan: Not yet this time. When we finally finished, he seemed to say, is this the end? It seems that he still wants to continue filming.

  Sina Entertainment: So when you were filming "The Wild Goose Lake", how did you torture him?

  Diao Yinan: The water is dire and the pain of all kinds of flesh and blood. Because many of them are in the wind and rain, in the open air, and in countless sleepless nights, they have a great test on the body and mind.

  The most beautiful performance is to use different methods to meet the requirements of different directors

  "Acting requires the writers, the whole film and all departments to help"

  Sina Entertainment: What do you think is the most beautiful performance?

  Diao Yinan: I think the most beautiful performance is that this actor is a professional actor, and he can cooperate with each director in different ways to fit the performance style required by the director. It is not necessarily that this actor will only follow one acting method to fight all over the world, which is also impossible, because every director has a different film style, and may have different requirements for film performance.

  Then the most beautiful performance is the performance that best fits the style and characters of the movie. As long as you are accurate, he is the most beautiful performance.

  Even if he is quiet and taciturn, at this moment, he is very powerful in the movie, he is the most beautiful. He doesn’t have to use very complicated techniques, he has to read the script, to understand what he is like at the moment when there is a chemical reaction between his performance and the plot.

  Sometimes he can step out of himself and watch from the sidelines; sometimes he has to completely immerse his body and mind in the character and live completely in the character; sometimes he is even required to split a bit to integrate reason and emotion well.

  Sina Entertainment: In the film and television works you have seen, what is the most memorable moment of the most beautiful performance?

  Diao Yinan: There are too many. I like Ma Long Brando’s performances very much. For example, he played "The Wharf", directed by Ilya Kazan. He created a methodological performance in it, including some characters such as the godfather he created later. I am very impressed. There is also an Italian actor named Marcelo Maschoanni. There are many, but I will not give examples one by one.

  But Ma Long – Brando, I think as an actor, he has completed countless works in his life, and the output of his works is very high. There are also bad and poor films here, so his performance will also decline; there are also many films that have entered the history of film, and his image is particularly brilliant.

  So sometimes an actor’s reading of the movie, the choice of the script, and the control of the subject matter will also bear the height of his performance. I don’t mean that an actor only accepts such a very good movie, I mean that sometimes acting requires the help of the screenwriter, the whole film and the whole department.

  Sina Entertainment: When it comes to the development of Hu Ge, he first became very popular as a costume idol drama, and at the age of 35, he encountered a script and film team like "The Wild Goose Lake" when he needed to transition. Why did you think of letting him play Zhou Zenong?

  Diao Yinan: He has a face that particularly moved me, or a certain moment of his appearance that moved me. Then this face can only be given to me by him. Others, no matter how good your acting skills are, but your appearance and your face are useless. So sometimes I look for actors, and I first decide whether he fits the role based on his temperament and his face. Hu Ge broke into the role, so to speak, so the role fits with him.

  Sina Entertainment: Do you think Hu Ge’s current transformation has been successful?

  Diao Yinan: I think of course it was a success. He gave a completely different performance from his previous performance, which is beyond doubt. Then he gained a different experience from previous performances.

  Sina Entertainment: In your opinion, is it necessary for male actors to transition between the ages of 30 and 35? Many people may not receive good projects, and they themselves are very worried.

  Diao Yinan: I believe that many actors want to create characters that can be remembered for a lifetime, but if they can receive such films every day, I don’t think it is possible. For the current film market, for the requirements of movies and the tastes of audiences, they also need to allocate their performance energy and wait for some opportunities.

  Sina Entertainment: Some time ago, Hu Ge’s fans helped him raise funds to support the box office of "The Wild Goose Lake", but he himself has said that he hopes fans will not do such a thing. As a director, what do you think of the phenomenon that many fans are now raising funds to support idols?

  Diao Yinan: Fans are purely a kind of passion, but Hu Ge may be a person with self-esteem, and he is not willing to take advantage of fans in this regard, even if it is a small amount of money, he is not willing. He has to rely on his own strength to speak, and he is very confident in his heart. He also welcomes all kinds of comments about him, and he is ready to welcome all kinds of comments. I think he has done it right.

  Sina Entertainment: In the short film of our most beautiful performance, we collaborated with Hu Ge again. Do you think he has changed since he first made "The Wild Goose Lake"?

  Diao Yinan: Yes, I think he is different from the day we just arrived in Wuhan and just entered the crew for fitting. On the day of fitting, he was still a little scared and a little dazed, but now I think he is very comfortable, and I think only he knows how to get this freedom. Of course, it is not necessarily given by "Southern Station", or "Southern Station" is just the beginning. He has embarked on a path to make himself comfortable, and he has found a way.


Cannes interview with Liu Tao: Looking forward to Hu Ge’s new film winning awards, I most want to watch Quentin’s "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"

On May 14, French time, before the opening of the 72nd Cannes International Film Festival, Chopard brand ambassador Liu Tao accepted an exclusive interview. Liu Tao, who came to Cannes for the first time, prepared a white dress with great oriental classical beauty as a "red carpet robe", which was also her first red carpet show at Cannes.

Referring to "The Wild Goose Lake," the only Chinese-language film shortlisted for the main competition this year, Liu Tao said that he had sent his best wishes to the star Hu Ge in advance, hoping that he would win the prize. As a good friend, it was very amazing to see Hu Ge in a film shortlisted for the main competition in Cannes. When it comes to whether there is any film you want to see in Cannes this time, Liu Tao’s first reaction is Quentin Tarantino’s "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood". "The whole world is waiting for this film."

Before coming to Cannes, Liu Tao had just finished filming "The Song Dynasty Palace Ci". Looking back on the filming experience of this drama, she felt that it was the most challenging play since her debut. Not only is it because of the large time span and strong story, but what tests her is to always find the true emotions of historical characters from the heart. Also challenging for her is "Late Night Canteen," directed by Liang Jiahui. "This movie has very few lines, all the actors are in a state, and it is very special to use Chinese cuisine to tell Chinese stories."

The classic white dress was selected for the red carpet dress, and I have wished Hu Ge’s new film the Cannes Award

How many sets of Cannes looks have you prepared this time?

Liu Tao: I chose a dress that I like very much and suits me. There is an embroidery part, and the whole is an oriental classical beauty, but I can’t reveal too much.

Hu Ge’s new film "The Wild Goose Lake" was shortlisted for the main competition unit. Did you communicate with him in advance?

Liu Tao: I congratulate him and hope he can win the prize. He arrived at Cannes on the evening of the 17th, but I flew back to China on the 18th. Otherwise, I really want to stay and watch this film. As a good friend, I am very happy. I think it is very amazing that such a good work can be shortlisted for the main competition in Cannes.

Is there any particular movie you want to see in Cannes this time?

Liu Tao: I really want to see Quentin’s "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood". I believe the whole world is waiting for this movie.

Playing "Late Night Canteen" all depends on the state, and shooting "Song Dynasty Palace Ci" encounters the greatest challenge

In recent years, you have also starred in many movies. Which one is the most memorable?

Liu Tao: The most memorable one for me is the "British Showdown" with Jackie Chan. I played an older Chinese who opened a Chinese restaurant in the UK. The director is a British director. He doesn’t know much about the state of Chinese women at every age. I need to try my makeup again and again. The makeup artist blows wrinkles with glue every time to make me older.

The whole state of the director’s scene is that no one can make a sound, only the actor’s voice can be heard. Over and over again, I hope to inspire the actor’s best state, and there is no trace of performance. His feelings and requirements for me are different from many of the plays I have shot before

What are the differences in the way movies and TV shows are performed?

Liu Tao: The film’s camera sense is more about eyes and limbs, a living soul, and eyes and limbs. TV dramas are more about communicating with the audience, and movies are more about communicating with the camera. I want to give the soul of the characters in the camera. TV dramas are what I want to express to the audience, and the number of lines will be larger and the story will be longer.

: The movie version of "Late Night Canteen" you starred in will also be released this year. Do you have any interesting behind-the-scenes stories to share about filming this drama?

Liu Tao: We shot in Shanghai, and it was also Liang Jiahui’s directorial debut. For me, this opportunity was quite accidental. I don’t think I have made many movies either, but Liang Jiahui had to ask me to buy this role. It happened to be a single mother, and the number of lines was very small. It was all about status. The movie is very special. It uses Chinese cuisine to tell the story of China.

: You starred in the "Song Dynasty Palace Ci" has just been completed. What challenges did you encounter in filming this drama?

Liu Tao: This drama is the biggest challenge for me. I play a real historical character in a historical drama, and the span is very large, and its storytelling really touches me. For acting, in fact, sometimes you know how to interpret the state of a character, but more often you find her true emotions in your heart, and then express them. Director Li Shaohong is very good at using the state of the camera in women’s dramas, and how to interpret the beauty of women in the Northern Song Dynasty. The hair accessories of the Northern Song Dynasty are very simple and not so gorgeous. In terms of comprehensive factors, the challenge is very large, including many scenes like elderly dramas.

This article is an exclusive manuscript. It is prohibited to reprint it in any form without authorization, otherwise legal responsibility will be pursued.


Beauty "Adventure" @315: Medical Beauty, Tonics and Trust

[Tide Business Review/Original]

March 15th every year is a big test for many businesses.

"Oh, my God, I’m about to get a beauty needle to get a tattoo. I just want to cancel my appointment after watching the exposure of 3.15." Lynn from the editorial department said bitterly.

"Now there are too many beautiful girls on various social platforms. I feel that if I don’t maintain it, I will fall behind my peers. Since the road of medical beauty can’t work, I intend to try daily health and nourishing. This step by step is always safe. " Obviously, Lynn has fallen into the whirlpool of appearance anxiety.

Nowadays, with the rise of social platforms such as short videos, Weibo, and planting grass, this generation of young people began to make great efforts in their appearance. Like Lynn, medical beauty and daily nourishment became their "good medicine" for treating diseases. Among them, in addition to medical beauty, bird’s nest has also become their favorite. Statistics show that since 2019, bird’s nest has become the most popular nourishing product for the post-90s generation. With the entry of the post-00 generation with lower age groups, the consumption share of the younger generation in the bird’s nest consumption group has exceeded 50%.

On the one hand, the consumption of bird’s nest is becoming younger and younger due to the influence of social environmental factors such as appearance anxiety and the rise of Yan’s value economy. On the other hand, the bird’s nest enterprises have also identified the consumption characteristics of young people love figure, and introduced bird’s nest products that are easier and more convenient to eat, such as instant bowl of bird’s nest, stewed bird’s nest and freshly soaked bird’s nest, to directly hit the consumption pain points of the audience.

As Lynn shared, "It may not be easy for me to maintain good living habits for a month, but it is too easy for me to insist on drinking a bottle of freshly stewed bird’s nest a day."

Contemporary young people want beautiful faces, and nourishing consumer goods companies such as medical beauty and bird’s nest easily capture a bunch of young people with products that are quite confusing. This seems to be a two-way process, but the result is likely to be a "beautiful scam".

From rare treasures to popularization, the "controversy" of bird’s nest has never stopped.

In China, bird’s nest is listed as the first of the four traditional precious foods (swallow, abalone, wing and ginseng) in China, and it is regarded as the best food supplement and precious medicinal material. Until the founding of New China, bird’s nest was only a small-scale import.

In recent years, with the improvement of bird’s nest industrial chain and the smooth import and export trade, bird’s nest has become no longer rare in our lives, and the price has gradually become more "close to the people", so that more and more people can afford it.

According to the survey data recently released by Accenture, in China, nearly 400 million female consumers aged between 20 and 60 have a consumption expenditure as high as 10 trillion yuan every year. With the prevalence of topics such as appearance anxiety, age anxiety and health care anxiety in recent years, it has become the consensus of a group of female consumers to be "golden" for beauty.

In addition to daily nutrition and health products, Chinese nourishing has become an important channel for them to keep beautiful. Among the many Chinese nourishing products, bird’s nest has undoubtedly become the top player.

According to JD.COM’s "Report on Women’s Consumption in China in 2022", in 2022, women consumers on the platform of JD.COM ranked fifth in the consumption growth rate of traditional nourishing goods, while among all kinds of nourishing goods for health and beauty, the consumption of bird’s nest increased by three times year-on-year, ranking first in the increase of turnover.

On the one hand, the overall industry is improving due to the surge in demand, but on the other hand, the dispute about the "IQ tax" of bird’s nest has never stopped.

The main components of bird’s nest are water-soluble protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium and other trace elements and amino acids. 100g of dried bird’s nest contains 50g of protein, and the protein content is about five times that of eggs of the same weight, which seems to be very high, but in fact, the average person’s daily consumption of bird’s nest is only a few grams, and the protein content can be said to be diluted very little.

The amazing "bird’s nest acid" recommended by merchants is not exclusive to bird’s nest, and there are many food substitutes with sialic acid. Daily foods such as milk and eggs all contain sialic acid. Many literature reports show that human liver can synthesize enough sialic acid independently.

When we turn our attention to the brand of bird’s nest on the market, take the 45g "Fresh Stewed Bird’s Nest Youth Model" with high sales volume of Xiaoxian Stewed on an e-commerce platform as an example. According to the product parameters of Xiaoxian Stewed, the addition amount of each bottle of dried bird’s nest is 2.2g. If the nutritional content is simply converted, how many nourishing ingredients can we get? Similarly, public product information shows that Yanzhiwu 45g "Fresh Stewed Bird’s Nest at 115℃" has a bird’s nest content of only 2.0g per bottle.

At the same time, the doubts of Xiaoxiandun and Yanzhiwu are also one after another. Consumers are looking at the flowers in the fog, and the labels of some bird’s nest brands "IQ tax" are gradually being taken seriously.

In 2021, online celebrity bird’s nest brand "Xiaoxiandun" was identified as false propaganda by State Administration for Market Regulation, Chaoyang District, Beijing, and fined 200,000 yuan for its use of raw materials, inconsistent production place with propaganda, false production qualification and lack of evidence for "zero addition".

Regarding the fine imposed on State Administration for Market Regulation, Xiaoxiandun responded that this administrative penalty was mainly aimed at Xiaoxiandun’s previous poor publicity in the e-commerce platform, and the relevant public information has been thoroughly investigated and rectified.

In fact, not only Xiaoxian stew, but also the public’s doubts about another bird’s nest brand, Yanzhiwu, have never stopped. In 2021, Yanzhiwu advertised: "I heard that it is better to eat bird’s nest when pregnant." Official website, the State Administration of Market Supervision, shows that the ready-to-eat bird’s nest in Yanzhiwu has not obtained the batch numbers of medicines and health foods, and its business categories are only canned food and beverages.

In April 2022, in the inquiry initiated by CSRC to Yanzhiwu, the nutritional value of bird’s nest, food safety and other issues were the key points. CSRC asked Yanzhiwu to explain the specific propaganda caliber of the company’s advertisements and other related publicity materials, whether there were compliance risks such as false propaganda, and whether the company was subject to administrative punishment.

However, Yanzhiwu did not respond positively to this.

The chaos such as low entry threshold, incomplete consumer cognition, seriously exaggerated nutritional value and huge profits in the industry have filled consumers with many questions when buying bird’s nest.

But in fact, in the bird’s nest industry with a market scale of 10 billion yuan, the bird’s nest brands that are really chosen by the public are not well-known brands such as Yanzhiwu and Xiaoxiandun, but some unknown brands that are hidden under the water and are rarely heard of by individual merchants, Wechat business and self-proclaimed manufacturers.

Without the support of brand reputation, the chaos such as shoddy, chemical bleaching, brushing and gluing is very common in the "underwater market". The chaos in many industries actually reflects the problems that the industry has no clear entry threshold, product quality judgment standards, and lack of quality inspection.

The Yanzhiwu prospectus also mentioned that the threshold of the bird’s nest industry is low, the degree of product standardization is low, there are many small workshops, and the processing mode is prevalent. All practitioners rely on their own retail channels to sell, and the market is very scattered.

These "chaos" also make consumers hesitate when spending bird’s nest. According to the statistics of Magic Mirror Market Intelligence, in Q4 of 2020, the online bird’s nest market in China reached a peak of over 2 billion yuan, and then it went down successively. In the first half of 2022, the sales volume dropped by over 20% year-on-year.

Chinese nourishing industry involved in the "whirlpool" of IQ tax

With the rising consumption of factors such as "face value economy", "self-satisfaction economy" and "health-preserving economy", traditional Chinese nourishing products such as gelatin, medlar and ganoderma lucidum, including bird’s nest, have become the first choice for contemporary young people to supplement their health. According to CBNData’s "New Food Shangism" report, the growth rate of traditional tonics has exceeded 20% for two consecutive years. In the past three years, the post-90s generation has become the backbone of online purchase of traditional nourishing nutrients.

But in fact, whether it’s bird’s nest, flower glue or donkey-hide gelatin cake, frequent "IQ tax" disputes have also involved the "Chinese nourishing" with high hit rate in the "whirlpool" of IQ tax.

For example, instant glue, in recent years, the heat of instant glue continues to rise, and the growth momentum is strong. Merchants promote the nourishing effect and medicinal value of flower glue, which can supplement collagen. Guanzhan, Lizhan and other brands quickly broke into the "health bureau" of young people with "fresh stew in the original bottle" instant gelatin. However, the voice of controversy followed. As the core raw material, fish glue has different quality, different content, different nutritional value and different pricing. As a result, some consumers said that the raw materials used by some gum brands belong to the kind of gum with low nutritional content, which can not play a nourishing role, which is basically equivalent to paying IQ tax when buying it.

On the e-commerce platform, the unit price of instant flower gum ranges from less than 20 yuan per bowl/bottle to more than 70 yuan per bowl/bottle, with a large span. But these goods with different prices and brands may come from the same factory. From the product introduction information of several ready-to-eat rubber products on the market, we found that Guanzhan, Jiaoqu (some products), Chiji, Jiaoqi and Chenshi Nourishing Hall are all manufactured by the same foundry.

At the same time, the controversy over the nutritional value of Ejiao, also a Chinese nourishing giant, has never stopped.

The controversy of "IQ tax" gradually submerged the efficacy of Chinese nourishing, but in fact, is it really that the product itself is IQ tax, or is it that the product is "IQ tax" caused by unscrupulous merchants infinitely magnifying the effect of the product itself for commercial benefits?

Chinese tonic, which has been circulated for thousands of years, is being pushed to the high platform of "IQ tax" by commercial interests. And these disappearing trusts are gradually disintegrating the commercial living space of a single category.

03 Medical Beauty: A Beautiful "Trap"

When we turn our attention to the medical beauty industry at the beginning of the article, the "trap" brought by information asymmetry is also common.

Just like Jiti Factor Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Yutaimei Biotechnology Co., Ltd. exposed at this 3.15 party, according to the enterprise survey APP, they were established only for half a year.

Medical beauty is between medical treatment and consumption, and it is a highly professional and risky industry. However, in fact, illegal institutions, unlicensed doctors, counterfeit products and other industries in the medical beauty industry are rampant now, and micro-plastic surgery of medical beauty is also a potential "dangerous plastic surgery".

In the CCTV 3.15 party in 2022, the chaos of medical beauty training has been pointed out, exposing the problems of medical beauty practitioners with no threshold, quick success and zero foundation.

Ai Media Consulting data shows that the growth rate of non-surgical beauty in China’s medical beauty market is 40%, which is much higher than the growth rate of traditional surgical beauty. The rapid growth has made more people see the market dividend, and for a time, the medical and beauty industry has entered a stage of barbaric development, which is mixed and disorderly.

According to iResearch’s White Paper on Insights into the Medical Beauty Industry in China in 2020, as of 2019, only 14% of institutions in China are legally and compliantly engaged in medical beauty projects, and only 28% are legal medical beauty doctors. On the contrary, the number of "black institutions" exceeds 80,000, which is six times that of compliance institutions. There are more than 100,000 illegal practitioners, and the rate of genuine injections in the market is only 33.3%, that is, one genuine injection is accompanied by at least two illegal injections.

CCTV pointed out that more than 90% of the equipment in illegal medical beauty places are fake, and about 100,000 people are killed and disabled in illegal illegal medical cosmetology every year.

Medical beauty has always been called "the profiteering industry in the field of medical consumption". In recent years, the fiery Light medical cosmetology project has made many medical beauty institutions earn a lot of money and become a good business comparable to Maotai. However, the scale of the medical and beauty industry has been continuously subdivided and expanded, and the barbaric growth has also spawned many industry chaos. The negative reports of the industry, such as making appearance anxiety, driving up project costs, online loan collusion and contract fraud, have emerged one after another, and the medical and beauty industry is consuming the trust of consumers.

The medical beauty industry should be a place to "build dreams" for those who pursue beauty. However, driven by commercial interests, some institutions may be "lucky" for a while and earn high profits, but from the long-term development of the industry, these "original sins" will eventually lead the whole industry into a "wrong path".

Those serious medical and beauty enterprises will eventually become victims of the industry because "bad money drives out good money".

Year after year, the 315 party will always come as scheduled, from fake fragrant rice to medical beauty chaos, all of which are our daily life. As an ordinary person, of course, you can’t feel the charm and interest of business from a macro perspective, but the process of buying goods and consuming itself can give consumers the most direct satisfaction from the spiritual and physical levels.

Just like the theme of this year’s 3.15 party: illuminate consumer confidence with the light of honesty. No matter how business develops, its essence is still the delivery and circulation of value, and the cornerstone behind it is trust. In fact, Tide Business Review always believes that no matter how many controversies are experienced, the power of consumption will always be upward.

"Whether eating or becoming beautiful is a major event in my life. Although I may not be able to eat fragrant rice and make medical beauty recently, rice is more than fragrant rice, and beauty is more than medical beauty. " Lynn said helplessly.

You see, consumers are so cute and business is so charming.