On December 21st, the government website of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region issued a press release, saying that the Centre for Health Protection of the Hong Kong Department of Health today reported the progress of epidemiological investigation on eight imported cases (case numbers: 12529, 12530, 12531, 12532, 12533, 12534, 12535 and 12536) diagnosed earlier. According to the results of genome-wide sequencing analysis conducted by the Public Health Laboratory Service of the Department of Health, it was confirmed that all the 8 cases had the mutant virus strain Omicron that needed attention.
The above cases involved 6 men and 2 women, aged between 20 and 68. Two of them were tested positive at the temporary sample collection center of Hong Kong International Airport when they arrived in Hong Kong, five of them were diagnosed during quarantine, and the other one was tested positive while waiting for connecting flight in the restricted area of Hong Kong International Airport. Details of the case were published on December 19th and 20th. Together with the above 8 cases, 27 cases involving Omicron have been recorded in Hong Kong so far.