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The written examination of primary and secondary school teachers’ qualification examination is about to register, and social candidates need 48 hours of nucleic acid proof.

According to the client news of Beijing Daily, in the first half of 2022, the written test of the qualification examination for primary and secondary school teachers will be held on March 12th, and online registration will start on January 14th and last until the 17th. Beijing Education Examinations Institute reminds that social candidates and students who don’t take the exam in our school should take the exam with negative proof of nucleic acid test within 48 hours; Students who take the exam in our school obey the unified arrangement of the test center.

The qualification examination for primary and secondary school teachers includes kindergarten, primary school, junior high school and senior high school. Candidates who apply for the qualification of culture teachers, professional courses and practice instructors in secondary vocational schools take the high school examination. When registering, candidates need to register their basic personal information first. It is worth reminding that candidates who have participated in the written test before must also re-register; Re-registration does not affect the written test scores already obtained. The system will review the information provided by the candidates from January 14th to 18th, and all the information can’t be changed after the review. Candidates who have passed the examination can pay online on January 19th.

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, there is no designated textbook for the qualification examination of primary and secondary school teachers. Candidates can purchase books for review and preparation according to the examination standards and examination outlines of various subjects. Examination standards and examination syllabus can be downloaded by logging in to the "Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination Network". The Examinations Institute makes it clear that the Examinations Institute is only responsible for the organization and management of examinations, and does not hold any training related to the qualification examinations for primary and secondary school teachers.

The open date of the written test results inquiry is April 15, 2022. Candidates can apply for the results review within 10 working days after the results are announced. The written test is a national unified examination, and the results are valid nationwide.


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions in Beijing Primary and Secondary School Teachers’ Qualification Examination (Written Examination) (2022 Edition)

1. What kind of exam is this? How many categories are there?

The qualification examination for primary and secondary school teachers is a national unified examination established by the state and organized by the provincial education administrative department.

The qualification examination for primary and secondary school teachers includes kindergarten, primary school, junior high school and senior high school. Those who apply for the qualification of cultural teachers in secondary vocational schools, professional courses in secondary vocational schools and internship guidance teachers in secondary vocational schools take the high school category examination.

2. How to organize and implement the qualification examination for primary and secondary school teachers in Beijing?

The qualification examination for primary and secondary school teachers belongs to the "national examination prescribed by law". The examination center of the Ministry of Education organizes proposition, registration, marking and publishing results in a unified way. The Beijing Municipal Education Commission is fully responsible for the teacher qualification examination in Beijing, the Beijing Education Examinations Institute is responsible for the organization and implementation of the written examination, and the Beijing Education Institute is responsible for the interview and qualification identification.

3. How to consult about interview, qualification, Putonghua examination, physical examination, exemption from examination, etc?

For questions related to the interview of primary and secondary school teachers’ qualification examination and the identification of teachers’ qualifications, such as interview, qualification identification, Putonghua examination, physical examination and exemption from examination, please consult Beijing Teachers’ Qualification Identification Affairs Center. Tel: 82089117.

4. When is the exam?

Generally, it is held once a year in mid-March and at the end of October. The specific examination time is subject to the registration announcement of the current examination published on the website of Beijing Education Examinations Institute.

5. When will the registration announcement be announced?

It is generally released at the beginning of January and the end of August each year. Please pay attention to the website of Beijing Education Examinations Institute for specific time.

6. On which website do you register?

The exam is registered online, and there is no on-site registration and supplementary registration. During the registration period, candidates log on to the "Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination Network"

7. Is there a forecast name?

There is no forecast name.

8. Is there a limit on the number of applicants?

There is no limit to the number of applicants. Within the specified time, anyone who meets the registration conditions can register on the registration website. Registration is successful if the payment is approved and completed.

9. Is there a policy that non-normal students cannot register?

Not at present.

10. Can people who don’t have Beijing household registration apply in Beijing?

Mainland residents without Beijing household registration need to hold a Beijing residence permit (excluding Beijing residence registration card) within the validity period; Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents who study, work and live in Beijing can apply in Beijing if they hold residence permits for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents, travel permits for Hong Kong and Macao residents to and from the Mainland, and mainland travel permit for taiwan residents valid for five years.

11. How to fill in the Beijing residence permit code?

Fill in truthfully and accurately according to the code on the residence permit in Beijing, and you can’t fill in the ID number.

12. Can a person with a residence registration card in Beijing register?

You can’t.

13. Can freshmen and sophomores register?

You can’t. Undergraduate students (including junior college students), junior college students and graduate students in full-time colleges and universities in this city can register.

14. Can college students from other provinces apply in Beijing?

Students from full-time colleges and universities in other provinces with Beijing household registration who are in the third grade or above (including those who have been promoted to junior college), junior college students in graduation year and graduate students can apply in Beijing.

15. Can soldiers apply in Beijing?

Sure. Servicemen and armed police stationed in Beijing should provide personnel relationship certificates issued by the organization and personnel departments of their subordinate units, which should clearly indicate that the applicant belongs to the troops stationed in Beijing. Candidates need to call the consultation number during the registration period, report the information as required, and confirm the registration qualification.

16. How to ensure that the academic qualifications meet the requirements for the examination?

(1) Students’ student status and academic information should be checked and confirmed by Xuexin. com.

(2) After 2002, candidates with higher education qualifications registered in the relevant database of the information management system of college students’ academic qualifications will enter the examination after checking and confirming through Xuexin.

(3) Candidates who have obtained higher education certificates before 2002, or those who have not registered higher education certificates in the relevant database of the information management system of college students’ academic qualifications after 2002, must hold graduation certificates and the "China Higher Education Certification Report" issued by the National College Students’ Information Consultation and Employment Guidance Center. Tel: 010-67410388.

(4) Candidates who have graduated from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan Province or foreign institutions of higher learning must hold a diploma and a Certificate of Academic Degree in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan or a Certificate of Academic Degree in Foreign Countries issued by the Study Abroad Service Center of the Ministry of Education.

17. How to fill in the "highest educational level" in the application form?

Students in school should fill in the academic qualifications to be obtained (for example, graduate students in school should fill in graduate students), while non-students should fill in the academic qualifications already obtained.

18. How to determine the categories that you can apply for according to your academic qualifications?

School category

academic degree

Applicable categories

kindergarten training school

Technical secondary school education


secondary normal school

Technical secondary school education

primary school

Colleges and universities (normal and non-normal)

college degree

Kindergarten, primary school, junior high school

Bachelor degree or above

Kindergarten, primary school, junior high school and senior high school

19. I have participated in the teacher qualification examination before. Do I need to register again?

All candidates need to re-register, fill in personal information and upload personal photos as required. Registration is only related to the registration of this exam. Re-registration will not affect the results obtained by candidates.

20. When can I pay the fee after filling in the information?

Candidates need to wait for the qualification review after filling in the information. If the application is approved, the registration status will be changed from "pending approval" to "pending payment", and candidates can pay fees. During the registration period, there is no SMS notification for status change, so you should always pay attention to the registration website.

21. If the payment is overdue, can I pay it back?

Candidates who fail to pay the fees within the time limit are deemed to have given up their registration automatically and cannot make up for it.

22. Candidates can’t take the exam after registration. Can I get a refund?

After the payment is successful, the fee cannot be refunded.

23. Does the absence of exams affect the registration of future exams?

Does not affect.

24. During the registration period, is there any SMS notification for the change of audit status?

During the registration period, there is no SMS notification for the change of audit status, so you should always pay attention to the registration website.

25. The registration information is wrong. Can it be modified?

Before the approval, you can log in to the registration system at any time to modify the registration information; After approval, all information cannot be changed. Candidates must carefully verify the information filled in to ensure that the information is accurate.

26. What if the system can’t pay or pay again?

(1) Confirm whether it is in the payment period announced in the registration announcement.

(2) Call the customer service number of the registration website at 010-82345677 during working hours.

27. What if I can’t upload photos?

(1) Change the browser and try again;

(2) Call the customer service number of the registration website at 010-82345677 during working hours.

28. Can I choose the examination place nearby?

Candidates are not allowed to choose the examination place. Test sites and examination rooms are randomly assigned by the system, so it is impossible to guarantee that candidates will take the exam nearby.

29. How to print the admission ticket?

One week before the exam (see the registration announcement for the specific time), log in to the "Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination Network" to download and print it yourself.

30. Is there a designated textbook for the exam?

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, there is no designated textbook for the qualification examination of primary and secondary school teachers. Candidates can purchase books for review and preparation according to the examination standards and examination outlines of various subjects. Examination standards and examination syllabus can be downloaded by logging in to the "Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination Network".

31. Is the written test result universal in China?

The written test is a national unified examination, and the results are valid nationwide.

32. I have passed one subject in the foreign exam. Can other written subjects be tested in Beijing?

As long as you meet the requirements of Beijing, you can continue to register for the written test in Beijing.

33. What documents do I need to take to take the exam?

When candidates take the exam, they must enter the examination room with the Admission Ticket and the documents used for registration. The "two certificates" are indispensable.

Candidates whose "name" and "ID number" on the Admission Ticket are inconsistent with the information on their ID cards are not allowed to take the exam.

34. Can I take the exam if I lose my ID card?

All candidates are required to take the exam with their identity documents at the time of registration. If the identity document is lost, you can take the exam with temporary id card within the validity period. Candidates with household registration books, paper-based "temporary identification" issued by local police stations, passports, medical insurance cards, driver’s licenses and other documents are not allowed to take the exam.

35. When will the results be released?

For specific time, please refer to the current registration announcement. Log in to the "Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination Network" to check the results.

36. If you have doubts about the written test results, how to check them?

Within ten working days after the results are published, you can apply for a review of the results. The specific requirements are to inquire about the relevant notice on the bulletin board of the website of Beijing Education Examinations Institute after the results are announced.

37. How to handle the low-income refund?

The written test fee standard is 60 yuan/Humanities (in which 40 yuan/Humanities is the examination fee of this city and 20 yuan/Humanities is the examination fee turned over to the examination center of the Ministry of Education). The city’s urban and rural residents can refund the examination fee (40 yuan/subject). I hold the Certificate of Beijing Urban Residents’ Minimum Living Guarantee (original and one copy) and my ID card (original and two copies) to submit the information on the spot at the specified time for refund. Please refer to the current registration announcement for specific arrangements.

38. Can low-income workers from other provinces apply for low-income refund in Beijing?

You can’t. Only the urban and rural residents with the "Beijing Urban Residents Minimum Living Guarantee Certificate" can apply for it.

39. How long is the written test result valid?

The written test scores are valid for 2 years. Log in to the "Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination Network" score inquiry system to inquire about the specific expiration date of each subject.

40. Does Beijing Education Examinations Institute organize training and counseling?

Beijing Education Examinations Institute is only responsible for the organization and management of examinations, and does not hold any training related to the qualification examinations for primary and secondary school teachers.

41. How to further inquire about the details of relevant policies and requirements?

Candidates can learn more about the policies and information of the teacher qualification examination through the "Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination Network" and "Beijing Teacher Qualification Network". Both websites have "Frequently Asked Questions" columns, which candidates can refer to.

42. What are the rules for candidates to take the written test, and what are the admission and departure times?

Candidates should try to arrive at the test center in advance. After 15 minutes of formal examination, you are not allowed to enter the examination room to take the current subject examination; 30 minutes before the end of the exam to 10 minutes before the end, you can hand in your papers in advance and leave the examination room; After handing in the papers, you are not allowed to enter the venue to continue the exam.

43. Can candidates take draft paper when taking the written test?

You can’t.

44. How to deal with violations of discipline and rules and cheating?

Violation of discipline, violation of rules and cheating in primary and secondary school teachers’ qualification examination shall be dealt with according to the Measures for Handling Violation of National Education Examination (Decree No.33 of the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China (PRC)). Anyone suspected of committing a crime will be punished according to the Criminal Law Amendment (IX) of People’s Republic of China (PRC).


Central tune! Will house prices fall in the second half of the year? What changes have been made in regulation?

  Beijing, August 1 ST (Peng Yuru) In recent months, the property market has continued to pick up. In June, the price of new houses in 70 cities rose to a new high since July 2019. Will the direction of property market regulation change in the second half of the year?

  The the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee meeting held on July 30 gave the latest tone in 31 words: "We must adhere to the positioning that houses are used for living, not for speculation, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market."

  Data Map: Real estate development. China News Service reporter Zhang Bin photo

  Why should we continue to insist on "housing without speculation"?

  At the end of 2016, the Central Economic Work Conference first proposed that "houses are used for living, not for speculation". Since then, "housing without speculation" has become a high-frequency word in the property market regulation policy.

  Affected by the epidemic and other factors, China’s economy (GDP) decreased by 6.8% in the first quarter and increased by 3.2% in the second quarter. Although the economic growth has achieved a V-shaped rebound, the current economic situation is still complicated and severe, and the instability and uncertainty are great. Why can’t the real estate regulation be relaxed?

  Xu Hongcai, deputy director of the Economic Policy Committee of China Policy Science Research Association, told Zhongxin. com that Politburo meeting of the Chinese Communist Party once again stressed the practical significance of "housing without speculation" and warned against rushing headlong into it. Recently, the housing prices in some cities have rebounded, while the housing prices have risen sharply, which is not conducive to the development of the real economy and will also affect the consumption power of residents. Therefore, we must persist in not using real estate as a short-term means to stimulate the economy, stabilize the property market and prevent ups and downs.

  "In the first half of the year, more than a dozen cities across the country relaxed their control policies ‘ One-day tour ’ Behind it is the impulse of local deregulation and stimulation of the real estate market. " Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate, told Zhongxin. com that the effect behind it is obvious. The real estate market has indeed stabilized rapidly, and even some cities have become hot.

  “‘ Don’t speculate if you live in a house ’ Positioning remains unchanged, sending a clear signal — — All localities must not have the luck of easily relaxing control policies. " Yan Yuejin, research director of the think tank center of Yiju Research Institute, told Zhongxin.com that in the future, where new situations such as rising land prices and housing prices appear, they will still actively control them.

  "With the adjustment of policies, many cities have begun to tighten the regulation of the property market. On the whole, the real estate market policy will continue to be stable in the second half of the year." Zhang Dawei said.

  Data Map: A real estate agency store in Beijing. Peng Ruru

  How to ensure the stable development of the property market?

  The symposium on real estate work held on July 24 proposed to implement a prudent management system for real estate finance, stabilize the stock, strictly control the increment, and prevent funds from illegally flowing into the real estate market; We should pay close attention to the establishment of a monitoring index system for the residential land market, regularly disclose the progress of land reserves and land construction in various places, and accept social supervision; It is necessary to play the role of fiscal and taxation policies, effectively regulate housing demand, and so on.

  Finance, land, finance and taxation are not traditional administrative control measures.

  In Yan Yuejin’s view, the focus of the forum is to adhere to the problem orientation, attach great importance to the new situation and new problems in the current real estate market, always tighten the string of real estate regulation and control, and unswervingly promote the implementation of a long-term mechanism.

  How to quickly discover new situations and problems, the forum proposed that the main responsibility of the city government should be fully implemented, problems should be quickly responded and disposed of, and targeted policies and measures should be taken in time. It is necessary to strengthen market monitoring, prompt, guide and warn market changes in time, and accurately analyze the market situation.

  It is worth noting that government officials from 10 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Chengdu, Ningbo and Changsha attended the forum. Yan Yuejin said that most of these 10 cities belong to cities where house prices rose rapidly in the first half of this year, and their participation in the meeting itself is a signal.

  Since July, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Dongguan and other hot cities have successively introduced policies to tighten real estate regulation. The executive meeting of the Shanghai Municipal Government held on July 30th pointed out that it is necessary to firmly adhere to the orientation of "housing without speculation", resolutely implement the normal long-term mechanism of "one city, one policy", stabilize land prices, house prices and expectations, and ensure the stable and healthy development of the market.

  Zhang Bo, dean of the branch of 58 Anjuke Real Estate Research Institute, predicted that real estate regulation and control will be more tight and timely in stabilizing land prices, housing prices and expectations in the second half of the year, and the cooling of the property market in the third quarter may show some signs.

  Data Map: A real estate project attracts many buyers to come to "Taofang". China News Agency issued Tang Yanjun photo

  It is not to suppress real estate, but to timely, scientifically and accurately regulate it.

  According to the report released by 58 cities and Anjuke, in July, the prices of new and second-hand houses in 67 key cities nationwide increased. Among them, the average online price of new houses increased by 0.04% from the previous month; The average listing price of second-hand houses increased by 0.54% month-on-month, and the average listing price of second-hand houses in 50 cities increased month-on-month.

  Yan Yuejin pointed out that the follow-up policies of overheated cities in the property market are expected to be tightened, especially where no regulatory policies have been introduced recently. Other cities will be more cautious in policy relaxation and will not relax easily.

  However, policy tightening is not blindly suppressing real estate. Adhere to the positioning of "housing and not speculating" in order to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. The symposium demanded that differentiated control measures should be taken from the actual situation in various places, and timely, scientific and precise control should be adopted.

  On July 29th, Shenzhen "patched up" the new property market policy announced on July 15th, explaining in detail the policy application of on-the-road real estate transaction, the determination of settlement time, the policy of restricting the purchase of commercial housing, the purchase of houses by divorced people, the adjustment of ordinary housing standards, and the implementation of online signing of housing mortgage contracts.

  "In cities where the property market is relatively stable and there are no ups and downs, policy fluctuations are unlikely. Market participants do not have to worry too much about policy tightening, and they must understand the strength of policies in various cities and the driving force for further market stability." Yan Yuejin said that the regulation lies in blocking real estate speculation and meeting reasonable housing needs.

  On July 20th, the State Council issued a document to comprehensively promote the renovation of old urban communities. By the end of 2025, we will strive to basically complete the renovation task of old urban communities that need to be renovated before the end of 2000. It involves nearly 39 million households and 220,000 old urban communities. The symposium on real estate work also called for doing a good job in housing security, promoting the transformation of old urban communities and shanty towns according to local conditions, and making efforts to solve the housing problems of urban new citizens and young people.

  Zhang Dawei said that the renovation of old residential areas is a win-win project that can not only protect people’s livelihood, but also stabilize investment and employment and stimulate consumption. Another expert pointed out that the renovation of old residential areas is not easy to cause speculation. From the perspective of ensuring housing demand, real estate has not been completely suppressed, and this situation of maintaining pressure will continue in the future. (End)


Focus: The real estate market is gradually stabilizing and commercial real estate investment is active.

Image source/Xinhua News Agency
■ China Economic Times reporter Zhou xuesong
Recently, Ni Hong, Party Secretary and Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Rerublic of China publicly stated that this year’s real estate market is generally high, low and stable. As for the next policy direction, Ni Hong said that the real estate market has its particularity, and the transaction volume and price of each city are very different. Regarding real estate regulation and control, it emphasizes the policy of the city, the precise policy, and one city and one policy.
Experts interviewed by China Economic Times said that the incremental real estate market has peaked, but the real estate stock market is huge, especially the huge scale of urban renewal, which is expected to drive the real estate market to usher in the "second spring".
Real estate is expected to usher in the "second spring"
Ni Hong said that from the data, policies and measures such as "recognizing the house but not the loan" and "reducing the down payment ratio and interest rate" have played a positive role. From January to October, although the transaction volume of first-hand houses decreased, the second-hand houses increased. First, the second-hand houses together achieved positive growth year-on-year. In addition, the solid progress of the work of ensuring the delivery of buildings has led to a year-on-year increase of nearly 20% in the completed housing area in the country, which also reflects that it is effective for local governments to help enterprises bail out.
Chen Gui, executive president of Beijing Real Estate Society and founder of Wharf Think Tank, said in an interview with China Economic Times that with the real estate market entering the stock age, some old houses built in the past can no longer meet people’s needs for a better life, and large-scale urban renewal is expected to promote the "second spring" of the real estate market.
At the same time, rigid demand and improvement demand are still huge. However, due to limited income, the current real estate market demand has not been well met, and the price is in the exploratory stage. As long as the economy recovers and the price adjustment is in place, demand will break out again.
For the overall judgment of the next real estate market trend, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development believes that at present, China’s real estate market is in a transitional period, and the future sustainable development still has solid support. Under the new model, real estate enterprises should have a clear understanding. What they want now is high quality, new technology and good service. Whoever can build a good house for the masses and provide good service for the masses will have a market and development.
Ni Hong said that the development model that used to pursue speed and quantity in solving the "whether there is" period can no longer meet the new requirements of solving the "whether it is good" problem and high-quality development stage, and it is urgent to build a new development model. In terms of system and mechanism, on the one hand, it is to establish a new mechanism for the linkage of "people, housing, land and money", starting with the scientific allocation of factor resources, and setting housing by people, land and money by housing to prevent market ups and downs; On the other hand, it is necessary to establish a life-cycle management mechanism of houses from development and construction to maintenance and use, including reform and development methods, financing methods and sales methods, and establish systems such as house physical examination, house pension and home insurance. In terms of implementation, it is necessary to implement the "three major projects" of planning and building affordable housing, transforming villages in cities and building public infrastructure for both peacetime and emergency use.
In an interview with China Economic Times, a medium-sized real estate developer said that in the past, financial support for real estate development mainly supported large-scale real estate enterprises, and small and medium-sized real estate enterprises did not support them enough or even received attention. However, recently, the housing enterprises that have problems are basically large-scale real estate enterprises, and financial institutions must have mortgages for the financing requirements of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises. On the contrary, many small and medium-sized real estate enterprises are living relatively well now, which is worth pondering. The reform of the future real estate development model must start from the financial field.
Commercial real estate investment is more active.
From the horizontal comparison, the current real estate market in China is still remarkable. According to the latest capital tracking data of Jones Lang LaSalle, the total investment in commercial real estate in the Asia-Pacific region in the third quarter of 2023 was US$ 21.3 billion, down 22% year-on-year, and China Mainland became the most active market in the Asia-Pacific region.
Pang Shudong, head of investment and capital market department of Jones Lang LaSalle in China, told reporters: "The real estate industry in China has gone through many cycles, whether it is a strong cycle or a weak cycle. In the long run, investors still hold a positive attitude towards the real estate market in China. We have seen that investors have seized special opportunities and made significant progress in strategic acquisitions. These acquisitions will bring rich returns to them in the future. "
The data shows that in the third quarter of 2023, the total investment in the Hong Kong market reached 800 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 15%. The Japanese market recorded an investment of US$ 4.1 billion, a year-on-year increase of 3%. Investment in Australia reached US$ 3.8 billion, down 47% year-on-year. Singapore’s total investment in the third quarter was $2 billion, down 11%. Mainland China has become the most active market in the Asia-Pacific region, with a total transaction volume of US$ 4.7 billion, an increase of 43% over the same period last year.
Pang Shudong told reporters that the investment activity in China’s mainland market rebounded after the second quarter of this year, mainly due to the strong acquisition actions of domestic buyers, including capital from domestic insurance, government platforms and financial institutions. Generally speaking, Jones Lang LaSalle maintains confidence in the resilience and long-term attractiveness of commercial real estate in the Asia-Pacific region.
Looking forward to 2024, Fitch Ratings predicts that the business environment of Chinese-funded housing enterprises will still be full of challenges in 2024, but with the help of government support policies, the sales of high-tier cities should gradually stabilize, thus laying the foundation for the long-term recovery of the market. Fitch predicts that the contracted sales will drop by 0%-5% in 2024, which means that the revenue will reach 10 trillion -10.5 trillion RMB.
Jin Tailun, senior director of corporate rating of Fitch Ratings Limited, told China Economic Times that the differentiation pattern of China’s real estate industry will continue: the sales of economically developed regions and cities will stabilize in the next 12 months, while the road for low-tier cities to absorb unsold housing stock is still long. Fitch believes that although the government’s measures aimed at improving the financing channels of private housing enterprises are intensively introduced, the dominant position of state-owned housing enterprises will be further expanded in 2024.
In addition, Fitch expects that the government will continue to work to curb the downward pressure on the real estate market and affect the stability of the system, and will issue follow-up measures to avoid negative interference to the market due to the backlog of unfinished real estate projects and large fluctuations in housing prices.
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Next week, the whole country will face a wide range of rain and snow, and the temperature will fall off the cliff.

  China Weather Network News Today (19th), the snowfall in Northeast China has reached its peak, and the newly added snow will be unfavorable to traffic. In addition, due to the influence of cold air, it is expected that from tomorrow (20th), a large range of rain and snow will be on the line again, and the temperature will fluctuate obviously. Before the arrival of cold air, there will be a "cliff-jumping" decline.

  A new round of large-scale rain and snow is on the road in the middle and east of Northeast China during the peak period of snowfall

  Affected by the eastward movement of the high-altitude trough, since last night, there have been obvious snowfall weather processes in eastern Inner Mongolia and most parts of Northeast China. It is expected that the snowfall will continue. Today, the daytime will be the strongest period of precipitation. There are heavy snow and local snowstorms (10 ~ 16 mm) in parts of central and eastern Jilin and northeastern Liaoning. During this snowfall, the depth of newly added snow in southern Heilongjiang, central and eastern Jilin, northern Liaoning and other parts can reach more than 5 cm, and the local area is more than 10 cm. The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blizzard forecast at 06: 00 on February 19.

Snowfall in Northeast China _ Copy _ Copy. jpg

  The snowfall will not take too long, and it is expected to come to an end on the night of the 19th, but it will have a great impact. On the 19th, the heavy snowfall in central and eastern Jilin and northeastern Liaoning may bring inconvenience to traffic. For example, some sections of Heda Expressway passing through northeastern Liaoning and eastern Jilin will encounter heavy snow. In addition, highways such as Suiman and Hunwu may also be adversely affected by snowfall and new snow.

Snowfall in Northeast China _ Copy _ Copy. jpg

  At the same time, due to the influence of cold air, it is expected that there will be heavy snow and local snowstorm in parts of Ili Valley, Tianshan area and Tacheng area in Xinjiang from 08: 00 on the 19th to 08: 00 on the 20th. Moreover, snowfall is accompanied by strong winds and cooling, so we should also pay attention to prevent the adverse effects of snowfall, snow and wind-blown snow that may occur in some areas.

  In addition, from next Monday, with the southward movement of cold air and the strengthening of southerly warm and humid airflow, cold and warm air will jointly create a large-scale rain and snow process in the central and eastern regions from 20 to 22, and the southernmost boundary between rain and snow can reach Huanghuai and Jianghan. It is estimated that there will be small to medium snow or sleet in the eastern part of northwest China, north China, south-central part of northeast China, Huanghuai and western Jianghan, and heavy snow or blizzard in some areas from 19 to 23; There are small to moderate rains in Jianghuai, eastern Jianghan, Jiangnan, southern China and the eastern part of southwest China, and heavy rains in some areas.

  The temperature in many places has risen like warm spring, and the temperature is now "jumping off a cliff" next week.

  This weekend, the central and eastern regions of China ushered in a warm-up climax, and the temperature in many places set a new local record. For example, in Guangzhou, as of 16: 00 yesterday, the highest temperature reached 29.2℃, setting a new record in mid-February.

Snowfall in Northeast China _ Copy _ Copy. jpg

  Today, the temperature in North China, the eastern part of Northwest China and the south of the Yangtze River will generally reach high points, and the range of the highest temperature above 20℃ will be extended to Henan and Shandong, and the eastern part of Northwest China will also exceed 20℃, and the south of the Yangtze River will reach about 25℃. It is estimated that among the provincial-level cities, Beijing, Xining, Jinan, Nanchang and other places are expected to break through the new high temperature this year and generally reach the local "Yangchun March" temperature level.

Snowfall in Northeast China _ Copy _ Copy. jpg

  This weekend, the temperature in most parts of the country rose as warm as spring. The picture shows the beautiful advection fog sunrise in Qinzhou by aerial photography. (Photo: Li Binxi)

  However, the warming situation will be completely broken by cold air next week. Due to the high temperature rise in the previous period, the temperature will fall "off the cliff". It is estimated that from 08: 00 on the 19th to 08: 00 on the 21st, the average temperature or minimum temperature will drop by 4 ~ 6℃ in the northern part of the south of the Yangtze River, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and most areas in the north of China. Among them, the temperature drop in most parts of northern Xinjiang, western Gansu, Ningxia, central Inner Mongolia, southern Northeast China, central and western North China, most parts of Huanghuai and Jianghan will reach 8 ~ 10℃, and the local temperature will exceed 4 ~ 6℃. Most of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea will have northerly winds of 7-8 grades and gusts of 9 grades. The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a gale cooling forecast at 06: 00 on February 19th.

Snowfall in Northeast China _ Copy _ Copy. jpg

  At the time when winter and spring seasons alternate, the cold air is still very active, and the weather is often warm and cold, reminding everyone to pay attention to cold and warmth to avoid catching a cold.


Can I still drink tea after it has expired? Maybe many people are wrong.

Uncle Liu has been obsessed with drinking tea for health recently. He always takes a pot of strong tea with him every time he goes out. Old friends think it is not good to drink too much tea, but he retorts fiercely every time.

"You don’t understand, how many articles and reports on the Internet say that drinking tea is good for your health, can open channels, can treat Alzheimer’s disease, and can improve many diseases."

However, he thought he was healthy, but in the latest physical examination, many values were not up to standard, and he even suffered from kidney disease and gastritis.

On the contrary, other friends’ reports are very healthy, which makes him puzzled. Why do you get so many diseases when you insist on drinking tea for health?


Fudan university research:

Can tea stimulate human meridians?

I believe everyone has heard of the rumor that tea can pass through meridians, but it has always been doubtful whether it is true or false. After all, even the meridians that Chinese medicine has always emphasized are an audible thing to many people, but they have never seen it before. Because it cannot be objectively presented, many people think it is pseudoscience.

However, a research team of Fudan University successfully displayed the meridians through imaging technology by drinking tea. What happened?

Searching the papers about the research team in the journal Quantitative Biology shows that the researchers observed the fever images of the subjects by using twelve kinds of tea, and found highly consistent meridian tropism results. Finally, the meridian model was successfully simulated by using infrared radiation images of human body through the stimulation of tea on specific meridians. Moreover, different kinds of tea will be classified into different meridians.

Systematic image source data map conforming to the traditional description of human meridians

However, there are still many controversies about the results in the industry, and the research has only carried out preliminary experiments, which can not completely confirm the effectiveness.

Some’ discussions’ by netizens have also made these doubts rampant. For example, whether the heat change path used in the experiment excludes other biochemical factors, the sample size is too small, and the variables such as tea temperature are not explained. Therefore, it is still doubtful whether drinking tea can open and stimulate people’s meridians.


Drinking some tea every day has so many benefits!

Although many rumors about drinking tea are hard to distinguish between true and false, what is certain is that the internationally recognized benefits of drinking tea are indeed beneficial to the health.

1. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has published a research paper on the relationship between drinking tea and reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events and all-cause death. According to the research, people who have tea drinking habits have higher health indicators, pointing out that drinking tea has a certain effect on reducing the rate of cardiovascular diseases.

Image from the network

2. Reduce the risk of diabetes.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also published a study on the relationship between drinking tea and chronic diseases in China. According to the experimental data, the risk of type 2 diabetes, all-cause death and microvascular complications of people who drink green tea every day are reduced by 8%, 10% and 12% respectively. It shows that drinking tea is of great significance to prevent type 2 diabetes and the risk of all-cause death.

3, help to resist oxidation

This is because tea polyphenols in tea itself have antioxidant effect, and the antioxidant effect is 18 times higher than that of vitamin E.

4, refreshing, diuretic fatigue

Tea also contains caffeine, so some people will feel excited and can’t sleep after drinking tea. Therefore, drinking tea also has the effect of refreshing the brain. In addition, these substances will stimulate the kidneys and have the effect of diuresis. Caffeine can also eliminate excessive lactic acid in urine, so it also has the effect of relieving fatigue.

Although tea is good, we should also abide by the principle of moderation, otherwise excessive drinking of tea will also lead to caffeine poisoning or other adverse reactions. In addition, it needs to be emphasized that tea does not belong to the category of drugs, and it has no effect of curing all diseases. Therefore, if you feel unwell, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.


Three misunderstandings about tea,

Don’t be fooled.

With the expansion of the demand for tea and the profit-seeking market, many "rumors" about tea have been heard all the time. How many misunderstandings do you believe?

1. Tea is full of pesticides.

There are rumors that non-organic teas are all grown up by spraying pesticides, and there are many pesticides left in the tea. However, in fact, the regulations on the use of food pesticides stipulated by the state are very strict. Generally, the tea that is listed in compliance has undergone strict sampling inspection and will not be "all pesticides".

2. You can’t drink tea when it expires.

This actually depends on the situation, because after the tea is dried, if it is properly preserved, even if it exceeds the shelf life, it can actually continue to drink, with little impact. If the tea leaves get wet, deteriorate, change color obviously, and smell, you should never continue drinking even if the shelf life has not expired.

3. Green tea is cold and black tea is warm

In fact, green tea and black tea are the same kind of fresh tea. As a result of different production processes, the general factory will make the fresh leaves fail by oxidation at high temperature, so as to prevent "tea polyphenols from discoloring", that is, "deactivating enzymes" in jargon, while black tea is the opposite, so that tea polyphenols can be fully oxidized and discolored, thus obtaining the flavor of black tea. As for which "warm" and "cold" is actually just a statement of packaging needs.


How to drink tea is more beneficial to health?

In fact, there is a lot of knowledge in drinking tea. If you want to give full play to the greatest role of tea, you should be particular when drinking it!

1, the brewing temperature is appropriate.

Different teas also have different brewing temperatures. For example, green tea is suitable for brewing with water around 80℃, while black tea and oolong tea need boiling water to fully separate out their own flavor.

2. Let the tea cool before drinking.

Many people like to make tea with hot water and immediately pour it out "while it is hot", but hot tea is very harmful to esophageal health, and even increases the risk of esophageal cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer also recommends not to drink hot drinks over 65℃, so it is better to let the tea warm before drinking.

3. Drink more light tea and less strong tea.

The concentration of caffeine in strong tea is higher. If taken too much, it will lead to insomnia, and it will also increase the burden on the kidneys, stimulate the stomach and deepen the symptoms of anemia. It is suggested that the amount of tea leaves should be controlled within 12 grams per day. Generally, 3 grams of tea leaves are soaked in 150ml of water, and 3 cups a day is enough.

If you want to drink tea well, in addition to mastering the above best tea drinking methods, you should also pay attention to the taboos when drinking tea, such as not drinking tea on an empty stomach and not drinking tea after drinking, so as to drink healthy.


[1] "Drinking more tea is not as good as drinking tea for health, so we should pay attention to seven taboos". People’s Daily Online .2016-03-09.

[2] "Drinking tea every day, what will happen to your body? Can lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and reduce the risk of death? China. 2023-07-03.

[3] "More and more studies have proved that drinking tea has so many benefits! Health Times. 2022-08-29.

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Film is the youth that never leaves | This decade, our film life.

1905 movie network news In this decade, from fireworks to prosperity in the world, movies have always been in our lives. This decade, the film is life, life is film, this decade, our film life.

Movies have grown up with many people and are engraved in the memory of generations. At any time, there are always young viewers.

Ten years ago, I was only six years old. When he was about nine years old, he appeared in his first film. In the film, Rong Zishan plays the son. At that time, he didn’t have much idea about acting, and he performed it step by step.

Ten years ago, I was 9 years old. She started her career as an actress when she was very young. At that time, filming was like living another life for her. The first work she made was Roller Coaster. Recalling the filming experience of this film, Wen Qi described it as "depressed". She is often criticized by the director for not being able to act. She cried to her parents and said that she would not do this business.

Ten years ago, James Zhou was 13 years old and was in primary school. She loved movies since she was a child, and she was a small audience of China movies. At that time, she didn’t expect that one day she would use her own way to promote more excellent China movies and let more audiences get in touch with these moving films.

Ten years ago, Qi Qi was 15 years old and was in high school. Since her sophomore year, the school will let them go home from school early every Friday. After returning home, Lacquer began her movie time. Among the movies she saw at that time, what impressed her deeply was the scene in the director’s movie. After being diagnosed with cancer, she faced the old man who told her to give up her seat on the bus. She wore sunglasses and showed no expression on her face. She patted her thigh and said, "Sit down, sit here."

Ten years ago, Xue Mengcheng was 19 years old and was in college. At that time, digital movies have gradually replaced film movies and become the mainstream media in the screening hall. Xue Mengcheng may not have thought that he would have a memorable story with the film in the future.

Ten years ago, they all had an indissoluble bond with China’s films, as small actors or fans. In the past ten years, their love for movies has not changed, but they have more in-depth contact with China movies and become a member of the wave of film development in China.

Today, Rong Zishan has appeared in other films. He knows more and more about acting. What the actor said to him benefited him a lot. Zhang Songwen told him, when performing, don’t let the other party say it immediately, but make a feeling of digesting and rebounding. With the gradual accumulation of experience, acting is more handy for him. "In fact, I have been looking forward to it. I think it will be like learning martial arts, and I will begin to understand it and my skill will explode. But what I feel now is that there is no shortcut that will suddenly enlighten you, and performance is such a thing that needs to be accumulated day after day and year after year. My love for it has never changed, so I will keep doing it. "

Today, Vicky Chen is a college student. Not only has she not given up being an actress, but her outstanding acting skills in films such as Carnival have been recognized by more and more people. She feels very lucky, and her career as an actress has been encouraged by many predecessors. She is now taking plays while attending college, which is very fulfilling for her college life. She gets up at six o’clock every day, starts her morning work, then shouts to the playground for an hour, and then has dance lessons, vocal lessons and acting lessons. In these classes, she should practice liberating nature, which makes her feel free. Vicky Chen’s college life is dizzying and very happy. She will also continue to work with China films.

Today, James Zhou has become a new media publicist. By chance, she came into contact with a film about veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in Douban Group. James Zhou is eager to organize a movie in his hometown of Huaihua, Hunan. She contacted the local volunteer association and arranged a film screening, and her parents also went to see it. James Zhou found that her mother, who never walked into the cinema, shed tears because of this movie. This made her feel that she should bring this film to more people. Later, she contacted more than 90 channels, of which more than 20 were successfully screened. In addition to her, more "tap water" joined in. On the night when the movie broke 10 million, they opened WeChat to share, showing their positions in the north and south of the motherland.

Today, Lacquer is a talk show actor. After graduation, she worked in film propaganda. Later, she explained that she was going to perform a talk show, which made her feel very interesting. She will create her own jokes, and the creation of these jokes is influenced by movies. She found the charm of the story from the film and other uses in life.

Today, Xue Mengcheng is an office worker. A few years ago, he learned about an old movie called "The Movie" on the collection website. There was only a short film left, about two minutes. Later, he learned that China Film Archive is the best place to store films in China, so he took this film and donated it to China Film Archive. At the donation ceremony, he said: "I don’t know what kind of vicissitudes this film has experienced before, so it will only be two minutes long." But I am particularly happy today that with our efforts, it finally ended its wandering career and found its best home. " Then the lights dimmed and the soul of this film reappeared on the big screen.

They are still young, and in their own way, they are promoting the development of China films. There are also more young audiences, and through their efforts, they can see more excellent movies. Stories on the screen span time, and there are always young viewers who have a fate with them.



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1-2 1-0!

Wonderful night of international football Tottenham leads the Premier League, the big black horse leads La Liga, Nice leads Ligue 1.

Recently, there has been an exciting wave of matches in international football, and several wonderful matches have caused a sensation around the world.

Among them, Tottenham, the leader of the Premier League, withstood the pressure in a thrilling game and beat their opponents 1-2, consolidating their leading position in the Premier League standings.

At the same time, there are also interesting situations in La Liga and Ligue 1. The big black horse rode the dust in La Liga and led the standings, while the Nice team made a leading position in Ligue 1 by virtue of its excellent performance.

In the Premier League, Tottenham played against a strong opponent.

After the start of the game, the two sides launched a fierce confrontation, and the situation on the field changed, and the audience stared at every move.

In the first half, Tottenham’s attack became more fierce, and the team took the lead with Sun Xingyu’s wonderful goal.

However, the opponent launched a crazy counterattack in the second half and once equalized the score. But the goddess of luck seems to be on the side of Tottenham, and harry kane’s goal at the last moment helped the team win the game.

This wonderful victory not only enabled Tottenham to lead the Premier League, but also demonstrated the team’s strength and teamwork spirit.

In La Liga, a big black horse emerged, attracting the attention of fans around the world with its amazing performance and unstoppable momentum.

Although the results have not been optimistic, this team broke expectations in the new season. With a strong lineup and teamwork, they launched an impact on the La Liga champion.

Their constant victories made them lead the standings and won wide acclaim.

The performance of this team has undoubtedly injected new vitality into La Liga, brought more competitiveness to the league and made the fans full of expectations.

In Ligue 1, Nice also showed great strength and dominance.

With their excellent overall cooperation and personal ability, they have won many times in the competition and achieved a leading position.

The team’s young lineup and excellent head coach have made them show unlimited potential and attracted much attention. The success of Nice team has also attracted the attention of Ligue 1. They have become a dark horse in the League and injected new vitality into the League.

Whether Tottenham leads the Premier League, the big black horse dominates in La Liga, or Nice leads in Ligue 1, these wonderful performances have amazed fans all over the world.

The success of these teams is inseparable from their persistence and teamwork spirit, and also reflects the charm and magic of football.

The fans’ attention and support for these games will continue to increase, which will also bring greater motivation to the team.

Generally speaking, this wonderful night of international football has brought many surprises and shocks to the fans.

The leading position of Tottenham, Big Black Horse and Nice Team not only represents their strength, but also represents their love and persistence in football.

The success of these teams is the result of the efforts and efforts of many players and coaches, and their hard work will also become an example for other teams to learn.

In the next game, we will continue to pay attention to the performance of these teams, expecting them to continue their leading position and bring more surprises and excitement to the fans.

At the same time, we also expect other teams to challenge the position of these leaders and inject more suspense and competitiveness into the league.

Whether it is Premier League, La Liga or Ligue 1, these wonderful games will become a feast that fans should not miss.

The charm and emotion of football will continue to be passed on, inspiring fans to persist in pursuing their dreams.

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The top 10 most beautiful towns in the world, each of which makes people linger. Which one do you want to go to most?

Life is not just daily necessities, but also poetry and distance. Being closed for too long, what I want most isA desperate trip, go as far as you can. The top 10 most beautiful towns in the world, each of which makes people linger. Which one do you want to go to most??

I. France Annecy

Annecy is located at the foot of the Alps, close to Geneva, Switzerland. It is surrounded by mountains and waters, with blue sky and clear water, red bricks and blue tiles, and abundant sunshine in all seasons. No matter how complicated the outside world is, it is always quiet and leisurely, and it is called "the balcony of the Alps".

Although Annecy belongs to France, it has the same freshness as Switzerland. This green river has witnessed the development of this town. The famous island palace is located on the island in the middle of the old city. Many souvenirs will choose this place as a symbol, and many tourists also come here, which is the landmark of Annecy.

Second, Austria Hallstatt

The town of Hallstatt is the oldest town in Austria. It is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, and the lake is crystal clear. On the shore of the lake are houses as beautiful as fairy tales, which makes people linger. It is known as the most beautiful town in Europe and the famous love punching place.

These wooden buildings built near the lake have a history of hundreds of years. They are layered and strewn at random. In summer, the buildings are covered with plants, and the balconies are blooming with gorgeous flowers, which are exquisite and beautiful with a bit of historical charm.It was listed as a world cultural heritage in 1997..

3. Czech Krumlov

This is the most charming fairy tale town in the world. It is a well-known name in China.It’s CK town,Vltava river has circled a circle close to 360 degrees here, and the riverside is full of castles with a sense of history and grandeur, which seems to have crossed into the Middle Ages and is a dual heritage of world culture and nature.

Krumlov is the most beautiful town in the world, with endless green space in the distance, houses with red roofs connected with the river in front of us, and the town under the blue sky and white clouds is like a dream, which makes people feel like a lifetime ago and is the most charming place in Europe.

IV. Croatian Rovini

Rovini is one of the most beautiful towns in Croatia, with blue sky, tall and green trees, gorgeous and open flowers, beautiful beaches and winding cobblestone paths. The 18th century tower buildings are solemn and exquisite, with a strong Italian flavor.

Rovini is small in scale, small and exquisite, with a hint of quaint, colorful and patchwork old houses, just like God’s overturned palette, wandering in the stone alleys extending in all directions, as if crossing into the Middle Ages, and the ancient rhyme reveals vicissitudes and tranquility.

V. Holland Yangjiao Village

Everyone has a fairy-tale dream in his childhood. In reality, there is a fairy-tale world. This is Yangjiao Village in the middle of the Netherlands. The town is dotted with green and colorful flowers, and everything in front of him is like a painting, which is incredibly beautiful.

The town is connected by more than 170 small wooden bridges.Look at the highway here,norCars, the only means of transportation for people to travel is boats,There are restaurants on both sides of the waterway, where people can enjoy delicious food leisurely. The antique houses, bridges and the river in the sun complement each other, which is refreshing.

6. France Corma

Colmar, which is close to Germany, is a typical "German-French mixed-blood" town. The streets are full of wooden reinforced houses decorated with flowers and with German characteristics. The canal is quiet and winding, and the town has a fairy-tale dreamy color. The Last Lesson read by Dude in our primary school textbook tells the true story that happened in this town.

There are not many tourists here, and the pace is slow. Walking in the urban area of Kolma seems to be in the streets of medieval Europe. The streets are narrow and can only accommodate one car. There are flowers everywhere on the railings of the bridges on both sides. Find a small bar near the waterway and ask for a glass of Alsace wine, so you can enjoy your time in a daze.

Seven, Slovenia Brad

Located at the southern foot of the Alps, the town of Bled is famous for its fairyland-like Lake Bled, which has a turquoise clear lake with castles standing on the cliffs, and the natural and human beauty set each other off.Known as the "eye of Europe", it is the most beautiful town in the world.

There are lakes and mountains, sunshine, tranquility and fresh air, and there is a church filled with ancient flavor on the island. People standing by the lake can often hear the faint bell from the church.Even Picasso, the great painter, is obsessed with this town.I often spend my holidays and create here.

Viii. Maltese Popeye Village

This is a literary travel town that came out of cartoons. In 1980, a film company cooperated with Disney Company to create the scenes in Popeye, the children’s favorite cartoon. Everything was restored in a 1:1 ratio, and you could feel as if you were in an animation.

Popeye Village is not only a fairy tale world, but also a paradise. The sea water here is like a natural filter, which is extremely deep and blue. With colorful houses and several boats painted with bright colors floating on the sea, the whole village has become very lovely.

IX. Croatia Dubrovnik

This is the location of King’s Landing in Game of Thrones. With its long history, well-preserved historic sites and beautiful scenery, it is described by British playwright Bernard Shaw as "the most paradise-like place on earth", and it is one of the top ten most beautiful towns and travel destinations in the world without filters.

Strolling through the ancient streets of Dubrovnik, there are mottled stone bridges, orange roofs, solemn and magnificent churches and monasteries everywhere, filled with a strong medieval atmosphere, and Dubrovnik as a whole has been listed as a world cultural heritage.

X Switzerland Interlaken

This is a small town that enjoys a world-renowned reputation for its beautiful scenery. It has a mild and humid climate, four distinct seasons, beautiful mountains and beautiful scenery, and is loved by the world. It has the reputation of a’ paradise town’ and is one of the oldest tourist and health resorts in Switzerland and even Europe.

When you walk into the town, a fresh breath will come to you. The houses here are unique in shape and beautifully decorated. Each building is like a fine work of art. Residents facing the street make green plants and flowers into bonsai, which adorns their homes. As far as they can see, full of green is colorful and intoxicating.

Welcome to pay attention to the monsoon in Muztag. Let’s see the world together.



# Article Starting Challenge #

Femininity is a complex and multidimensional concept, which covers many different characteristics and qualities. The following are some common manifestations of femininity:

1. Tenderness and consideration: Women are generally considered to have the characteristics of gentleness, consideration and care for others. They are good at expressing their feelings, paying attention to the needs of others and giving them support and care.

2. Elegance and taste: Women are often described as elegant and tasteful. They pay attention to the details of appearance and have a strong interest in fashion, beauty and art.

3. Compassion and kindness: Women often have the qualities of compassion and kindness. They feel the pain and difficulties of others and are willing to provide help and support.

4. Delicate and sensitive: Women are usually considered to be more delicate and sensitive in emotion and perception. They can detect other people’s emotional changes and have a sharper insight into the surrounding environment and interpersonal relationships.

5. Perseverance and perseverance: Women can also show their tenacity and perseverance. They can make unremitting efforts to pursue their goals in the face of difficulties and challenges.

It should be noted that femininity is not fixed, and everyone has their own unique personality and characteristics. Moreover, femininity is not unique to women, and men can have similar qualities and characteristics. Gender should not be the only criterion to define personal characteristics, and everyone should be respected and understood, regardless of gender.


Women who can dress well, where to win? The detailed "ever-changing" guide can be called a fashion textbook.

Text: Lowe

Hi, I’m Lowe. Let’s continue our fashion trip, and we’ll never get lost when we become beautiful.

How to play with ever-changing styles? Today, it is the protagonist.

Light is color, and light is colored; Things are shapes, and tangible things exist. Therefore, color and things are the simple features of nature bred by heaven and earth.

Our understanding of the world can be essentially classified into two points:Colors and objects. Regardless of industry, regardless of species.

Based on this,styleThe word arises spontaneously. Broadly speaking, it is the classification and division of a certain kind of things with common characteristics; In a narrow sense, it is a personality with a specific label.

For example, the character style, clothes style, collocation style, and evenBaibian modeling style. In different environments or contexts, styles can be integrated and connected without hindrance.

And,styleJust like a music conductor, facing a jumble of different colors or objects (clothes and people), he dances a harmonious stick and plays a pleasing fashion style.

Only when the style of a suit is clear can it stand the vicious aesthetic appreciation and torture.

So, where does the style come from? Lowe’s answer is: people, clothes, accessories, colors, inspiration, temperament, demeanor, words and deeds, temperament, posture. ……Everything is..

The most important thing: everyone’s style is unique. It is presented after the integration of people and clothes.Unique tonality.

If you reallyHave temperament, then the style is unique and quite charming; If you don’t, it shows everything inside: poor, poor, pale, helpless, tacky or mediocre. …

This is why people with temperament look good in everything. Because, the characters themselvesCharming gas field, has long surpassed all external things. Please note that you are good-looking and have a figure. Have temperament.

Here’s to clarify what a real temperament is: it is.From the insideA state of mental energy, which does not refer to some features of appearance or the contrast of clothes.

I still remember a customer I met in the store before. When she pushed the door in, her whole energy instantly lit up everything. That kind of elegant and decent gas field, which is strongly shocking, has never forgotten me.

Of course, for ordinary people, it is not an overnight success to want to have this temperament. But at least if you know the direction of your efforts, you have already succeeded half the time, right?

Today’s fashion sharing will focus on 【Variety style】 wear it.Focus buildingExpand. There is a lot of verbosity above, which is the core of temperament shaping and belongs to the ideological level. Next, it is the application sharing of practical exercises.

As I said before, as long as a set of clothes has a distinctive style, the whole will not be difficult to see. So, where does the style come from? How to establish a style?

This will belong to 【Focus building】 And the ever-changing shape is a game with a distinct focus. After all, we can’t get away from the style focus of condensing light.

However, where does the focus come from? Lowe defines it as: anything is possible, coveringCharacters and costumesEverything depends on personal aesthetic vision and creative inspiration.

However, from the conventional application experience, Lowe listed as follows:

Clothes tone

A piece of clothing itselfBright colorTonality often has the advantage of preemptive visual snatch. At this point, it is the king of focus. All collocation ideas should revolve around it, and the style will take the lead because of it.

Like this rose-purple coat, the color is exaggerated and the lines are neat, which is quite intellectual. The wisdom and romance that women love most are far more elegant than the fiery red.

If it is black, white, gray, rice and other basic colors, it is necessary to look at it with the help of design to distinguish its hue. In the picture below, the black stitching lines of the beige sweater are quietlySmall personalityLay the groundwork.

In line with this idea, choosing a beige gauze skirt to match is a modest luxury. The quiet momentum personality is the most shocking. Comparing the upper and lower styles, the style images are naturally wonderful.

Clothing design

Throw away the fashion tension of large-area colors, and use design lines, or decorative elements, and small-area contrast colors to show their individuality. Their styles are distinctive.

If you want to dress well, there are two ideas: follow the trend or go upstream.by taking advantage of an opportunity, that is, highlight the design tonality and focus on it;adverse current, that is, mix and match, compare the test of wearing skills.

The strength of fashion power depends onDesign sense of quantityDepending on the size. This light blue sweater, with its flared sleeves, has a definite personality. As for how to wear it and how to highlight this sense of design, everyone has his own arrangement.

People who know will build momentum, such as matching a cropped sleeve coat or a vest; If you don’t understand, you may be at a loss and become a disorderly situation.

Clothing fabric

The style of fabric, though small, cannot be ignored. Knitting, for example, is delicate, rugged and has different styles. When the fabric becomes the focus label, you have to learn to adapt.

thisTexture senseThe obvious sweater coat must be worn casually to look good. Of course, exquisiteness and femininity should be at least 20% so as not to be sloppy.

As thin as a veil and as transparent as a cicada.Lace materialAt one time, romantic women were sought after. Wearing the right style, wearing the wrong gaudy, being measured and measured, has become cautious.

If you make friends with neat shirts, all vulgar worries can be dispelled. This personality, this focus, is the favorite of the urban workplace elite. Of course, lace should be high-grade and textured.

Color matching tone

What is color matching tone? That is, a set of collocation creates a tone tendency. It can often turn decay into magic. Looking at this beige knitted skirt alone, the highlights are insufficient.

But with a gold bag, it makes people shine.Focus tone, is the overall style label: cool, fashionable, silk does not hesitate, when it comes to it.

Color matching tones can only be understood, but not expressed. For example,White and blue matchThe refreshing classic is a French style label of a literary fan. Especially jeans with a white coat is the usual method.

Like white shirt+jeans, white sweater+jeans, who can refuse effortless fashion? Other images: red and blue, blue and brown, rice flour, red and brown … please experience it carefully.


Shoes are the focus, the easiest to get started. Decide the style, make the finishing point,shoeNever flinch. When worn, shoes still occupy a delicate and exquisite visual window.

Cool Martin boots, pointed shoes, distinctive personality, rule out the river.

Over the yearsNeutral leather shoes, far more popular than delicate loafers. Exaggerated design, bold tone and strong sense of existence contribute to a neat neutral focus for a set of collocation.

Before choosing it, weigh your free and easy ingredients.


Shoes and bags have the same status, and they are equal. Can be independent and cooperate with each other. If you are a fashion novice, please cooperate with it, and the error probability is extremely low.

A bag with weight or bright spots isIdentity and tasteThe sum of.

In addition, the bag also plays a role.Harmonic focusThe great responsibility. Big coat? Long coat? Everything loose and bloated can be solved by a delicate and lovely small bag in minutes.

A playful and lively atmosphere, a set of calm collocation.


Hehe, the focus effect of jewelry need not be said. Most of the modeling atmosphere is supported by it.Jewelry pointsThe more, the more exaggerated the effect, the more distinctive the style.

From the lapel coatwhite pearlHow appropriate, straight melody and harmony, exquisite and elegant power emerge instantly.

OrnamentalFocus buildingVery flexible, try to figure out a way that suits you, and fashion comes uninvited.

Like shoes and bags, jewelry also has a boost from brands. There is a stronger sense of existence and a more obvious style tendency, so we must pay attention to screening. cultivateluxury goodsThe ability to taste culture is also a part of clothing.

Small thing

Small accessories, such as glasses, scarves, scarves, watches, etc., although small in area, can create momentum for style. When you want to be academic, or to express dignity and intellectuality, a pairFrame glassesIt’s an artifact.

Autumn and winterglovesIt also has the effect of making the finishing point, and paying attention to women will never ignore it.

Personality beltHold up the fashion focus for the waist. With clothes, it becomes an excellent window.

Soft factor

What is a soft factor? Lowe classifies all the elements that are invisible and can only be felt as soft factors. Such as temperament, expression, words and deeds, inner strength, temperament and so on.

A set of collocation, a style, have corresponding.Wear imposing manner. According to occasions, scenes and needs, to release and express, you can naturally get what you want with the help of fashion clothes.

This level, very picky, only the master understands.

After a series of combing the focus, I believe you will get the message. However, how to combine the scene application? This link is the demonstration of the scene.

Scene 1: Low-key luxury

Low-key luxury is a gorgeous reward for dark shadows. It has texture and connotation, which can better show taste. Compared with the sheer splendor, this modelling technique lies in.mediate.

For example, a mix of personalized purple tops and jeans. Leisure and gorgeous, especially bright.

A simple but elegant color, small area.Printed silk scarfIt’s definitely the highlight. It has contributed greatly to the creation of luxury and splendor. The bold contrast of white, red and blue can’t be described in a striking way!

mix colours in proper proportionsIt is the easiest to create luxury and luxuriance. Pink-purple tweed long coat, dignified and elegant, with dark blue inside, will fully stimulate the unique advantages of the same color.

The gorgeous collar type complements each other, and the color bag echoes the beige booties, paying attention to exquisiteness.

Scene 2: Capable commuting

I am afraid that those who are deeply appreciated will be rewarded by the elite with golden collars in the workplace. It is necessary to look good and decent, but also to highlight the charm of neat and capable work. It is worth pondering and studying.

For example, an elegant suit with a big woman style. entiretyRice tone+Cut neatly to win, embellish a chic brooch, and hold all the details in place.

When commuting normally, wearing a black suit under a beige coat makes you look dashing, no less than a whirlwind wherever you go. The focus of this kind of collocation often lies in the details.

The neutral wind is obvious, and the exquisiteness and femininity can all depend on it.detailWon. Like scarves, ankles, and bright spirits … all of them are big dramas.

Deep blue coatIts wisdom and intellectuality are its distinctive style labels. How to activate it? With a beige satin shirt inside, the lace-up is elegant and feminine.

Under the bright blue overskirt, echo with light blue bag, and then buckle patent leather shoes on both sides, elegant and atmospheric.

When attending some important event scenes, how to cover everything, especially test the inspiration. At this timeFocus buildingIt can be called a finishing touch weapon.

For example, a black collarless suit with a bow-tie shirt and brooch embellishment, silver shoes and white bags are a link between the preceding and the following, and the depth contrast is all hard power.

For beige, we often stay away from it, but if you choose the right style and clothes, it will definitely make you more elegant. A patterned dress, bow tie, waist, hem and printing are all exquisite.

With a camel coat, the big lapels that can’t be said hold up neutral bones and muscles. With tenderness and toughness,Distinctive style.

Scene 3: Get together with friends

Getting together with girlfriends, or meeting friends, all female counterparts must be a fashion contest. The two styles of the scene below are worn by little women and big women.Style game.

White+black; The other is beige+black, which matches their looks and temperament and pays attention to dressing demonstration.

If it is a grand meeting of elders, it is inevitable to wear a dignified suit. When you are dressed in black, you can go fromDesign profileLooking for a breakthrough, showing a lovely cocoon shape or A-shape collocation, liveliness and agility will emerge.

Make the finishing touch with beige exquisite bags, and hit it off with smart; Second, the atmosphere and formality are contrasted.

Scene 4: Social gathering

Some formal social scenes compete for comprehensive strength. Identity, status, value, image, aesthetics, temperament … all of them. How to dress decently needs to be considered.

Dark red suit, with a gray-pink dress skirt, the whole style is upgraded instantly. In order to highlight the details, the personalized tassel scarf and silver bag are embellished, emphasizing the artistic conception of color matching and highlighting the main theme.Tone style.

Scene 5: Home Leisure

A sweater, a pair of jeans and a pair of comfortable loafers are the happiness and fashion of home leisure. The comfortable and relaxing atmosphere is just like doing one’s duty.Theme style.

Reconciliation is a little delicate and feminine, so enjoy the present, ok?

Ok, the focus of the ever-changing style is over. I hope to inspire you a little!

Please continue to pay attention to Lowe, see you tomorrow!

I’m Lowe. I take image management as my homework all my life, and greet the blooming of every day in my life with a beautiful image and a beautiful mood.

I don’t just share what I wear, but I hope I can help you build your own internal aesthetic system and spiritual nourishment system, so that you can be beautiful for a long time!

If you are confused, you can write privately, and welcome to leave a message to discuss. On the road to beauty, we will grow together and be strong together!