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Can I still drink tea after it has expired? Maybe many people are wrong.

Uncle Liu has been obsessed with drinking tea for health recently. He always takes a pot of strong tea with him every time he goes out. Old friends think it is not good to drink too much tea, but he retorts fiercely every time.

"You don’t understand, how many articles and reports on the Internet say that drinking tea is good for your health, can open channels, can treat Alzheimer’s disease, and can improve many diseases."

However, he thought he was healthy, but in the latest physical examination, many values were not up to standard, and he even suffered from kidney disease and gastritis.

On the contrary, other friends’ reports are very healthy, which makes him puzzled. Why do you get so many diseases when you insist on drinking tea for health?


Fudan university research:

Can tea stimulate human meridians?

I believe everyone has heard of the rumor that tea can pass through meridians, but it has always been doubtful whether it is true or false. After all, even the meridians that Chinese medicine has always emphasized are an audible thing to many people, but they have never seen it before. Because it cannot be objectively presented, many people think it is pseudoscience.

However, a research team of Fudan University successfully displayed the meridians through imaging technology by drinking tea. What happened?

Searching the papers about the research team in the journal Quantitative Biology shows that the researchers observed the fever images of the subjects by using twelve kinds of tea, and found highly consistent meridian tropism results. Finally, the meridian model was successfully simulated by using infrared radiation images of human body through the stimulation of tea on specific meridians. Moreover, different kinds of tea will be classified into different meridians.

Systematic image source data map conforming to the traditional description of human meridians

However, there are still many controversies about the results in the industry, and the research has only carried out preliminary experiments, which can not completely confirm the effectiveness.

Some’ discussions’ by netizens have also made these doubts rampant. For example, whether the heat change path used in the experiment excludes other biochemical factors, the sample size is too small, and the variables such as tea temperature are not explained. Therefore, it is still doubtful whether drinking tea can open and stimulate people’s meridians.


Drinking some tea every day has so many benefits!

Although many rumors about drinking tea are hard to distinguish between true and false, what is certain is that the internationally recognized benefits of drinking tea are indeed beneficial to the health.

1. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has published a research paper on the relationship between drinking tea and reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events and all-cause death. According to the research, people who have tea drinking habits have higher health indicators, pointing out that drinking tea has a certain effect on reducing the rate of cardiovascular diseases.

Image from the network

2. Reduce the risk of diabetes.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also published a study on the relationship between drinking tea and chronic diseases in China. According to the experimental data, the risk of type 2 diabetes, all-cause death and microvascular complications of people who drink green tea every day are reduced by 8%, 10% and 12% respectively. It shows that drinking tea is of great significance to prevent type 2 diabetes and the risk of all-cause death.

3, help to resist oxidation

This is because tea polyphenols in tea itself have antioxidant effect, and the antioxidant effect is 18 times higher than that of vitamin E.

4, refreshing, diuretic fatigue

Tea also contains caffeine, so some people will feel excited and can’t sleep after drinking tea. Therefore, drinking tea also has the effect of refreshing the brain. In addition, these substances will stimulate the kidneys and have the effect of diuresis. Caffeine can also eliminate excessive lactic acid in urine, so it also has the effect of relieving fatigue.

Although tea is good, we should also abide by the principle of moderation, otherwise excessive drinking of tea will also lead to caffeine poisoning or other adverse reactions. In addition, it needs to be emphasized that tea does not belong to the category of drugs, and it has no effect of curing all diseases. Therefore, if you feel unwell, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.


Three misunderstandings about tea,

Don’t be fooled.

With the expansion of the demand for tea and the profit-seeking market, many "rumors" about tea have been heard all the time. How many misunderstandings do you believe?

1. Tea is full of pesticides.

There are rumors that non-organic teas are all grown up by spraying pesticides, and there are many pesticides left in the tea. However, in fact, the regulations on the use of food pesticides stipulated by the state are very strict. Generally, the tea that is listed in compliance has undergone strict sampling inspection and will not be "all pesticides".

2. You can’t drink tea when it expires.

This actually depends on the situation, because after the tea is dried, if it is properly preserved, even if it exceeds the shelf life, it can actually continue to drink, with little impact. If the tea leaves get wet, deteriorate, change color obviously, and smell, you should never continue drinking even if the shelf life has not expired.

3. Green tea is cold and black tea is warm

In fact, green tea and black tea are the same kind of fresh tea. As a result of different production processes, the general factory will make the fresh leaves fail by oxidation at high temperature, so as to prevent "tea polyphenols from discoloring", that is, "deactivating enzymes" in jargon, while black tea is the opposite, so that tea polyphenols can be fully oxidized and discolored, thus obtaining the flavor of black tea. As for which "warm" and "cold" is actually just a statement of packaging needs.


How to drink tea is more beneficial to health?

In fact, there is a lot of knowledge in drinking tea. If you want to give full play to the greatest role of tea, you should be particular when drinking it!

1, the brewing temperature is appropriate.

Different teas also have different brewing temperatures. For example, green tea is suitable for brewing with water around 80℃, while black tea and oolong tea need boiling water to fully separate out their own flavor.

2. Let the tea cool before drinking.

Many people like to make tea with hot water and immediately pour it out "while it is hot", but hot tea is very harmful to esophageal health, and even increases the risk of esophageal cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer also recommends not to drink hot drinks over 65℃, so it is better to let the tea warm before drinking.

3. Drink more light tea and less strong tea.

The concentration of caffeine in strong tea is higher. If taken too much, it will lead to insomnia, and it will also increase the burden on the kidneys, stimulate the stomach and deepen the symptoms of anemia. It is suggested that the amount of tea leaves should be controlled within 12 grams per day. Generally, 3 grams of tea leaves are soaked in 150ml of water, and 3 cups a day is enough.

If you want to drink tea well, in addition to mastering the above best tea drinking methods, you should also pay attention to the taboos when drinking tea, such as not drinking tea on an empty stomach and not drinking tea after drinking, so as to drink healthy.


[1] "Drinking more tea is not as good as drinking tea for health, so we should pay attention to seven taboos". People’s Daily Online .2016-03-09.

[2] "Drinking tea every day, what will happen to your body? Can lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and reduce the risk of death? China. 2023-07-03.

[3] "More and more studies have proved that drinking tea has so many benefits! Health Times. 2022-08-29.

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Film is the youth that never leaves | This decade, our film life.

1905 movie network news In this decade, from fireworks to prosperity in the world, movies have always been in our lives. This decade, the film is life, life is film, this decade, our film life.

Movies have grown up with many people and are engraved in the memory of generations. At any time, there are always young viewers.

Ten years ago, I was only six years old. When he was about nine years old, he appeared in his first film. In the film, Rong Zishan plays the son. At that time, he didn’t have much idea about acting, and he performed it step by step.

Ten years ago, I was 9 years old. She started her career as an actress when she was very young. At that time, filming was like living another life for her. The first work she made was Roller Coaster. Recalling the filming experience of this film, Wen Qi described it as "depressed". She is often criticized by the director for not being able to act. She cried to her parents and said that she would not do this business.

Ten years ago, James Zhou was 13 years old and was in primary school. She loved movies since she was a child, and she was a small audience of China movies. At that time, she didn’t expect that one day she would use her own way to promote more excellent China movies and let more audiences get in touch with these moving films.

Ten years ago, Qi Qi was 15 years old and was in high school. Since her sophomore year, the school will let them go home from school early every Friday. After returning home, Lacquer began her movie time. Among the movies she saw at that time, what impressed her deeply was the scene in the director’s movie. After being diagnosed with cancer, she faced the old man who told her to give up her seat on the bus. She wore sunglasses and showed no expression on her face. She patted her thigh and said, "Sit down, sit here."

Ten years ago, Xue Mengcheng was 19 years old and was in college. At that time, digital movies have gradually replaced film movies and become the mainstream media in the screening hall. Xue Mengcheng may not have thought that he would have a memorable story with the film in the future.

Ten years ago, they all had an indissoluble bond with China’s films, as small actors or fans. In the past ten years, their love for movies has not changed, but they have more in-depth contact with China movies and become a member of the wave of film development in China.

Today, Rong Zishan has appeared in other films. He knows more and more about acting. What the actor said to him benefited him a lot. Zhang Songwen told him, when performing, don’t let the other party say it immediately, but make a feeling of digesting and rebounding. With the gradual accumulation of experience, acting is more handy for him. "In fact, I have been looking forward to it. I think it will be like learning martial arts, and I will begin to understand it and my skill will explode. But what I feel now is that there is no shortcut that will suddenly enlighten you, and performance is such a thing that needs to be accumulated day after day and year after year. My love for it has never changed, so I will keep doing it. "

Today, Vicky Chen is a college student. Not only has she not given up being an actress, but her outstanding acting skills in films such as Carnival have been recognized by more and more people. She feels very lucky, and her career as an actress has been encouraged by many predecessors. She is now taking plays while attending college, which is very fulfilling for her college life. She gets up at six o’clock every day, starts her morning work, then shouts to the playground for an hour, and then has dance lessons, vocal lessons and acting lessons. In these classes, she should practice liberating nature, which makes her feel free. Vicky Chen’s college life is dizzying and very happy. She will also continue to work with China films.

Today, James Zhou has become a new media publicist. By chance, she came into contact with a film about veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in Douban Group. James Zhou is eager to organize a movie in his hometown of Huaihua, Hunan. She contacted the local volunteer association and arranged a film screening, and her parents also went to see it. James Zhou found that her mother, who never walked into the cinema, shed tears because of this movie. This made her feel that she should bring this film to more people. Later, she contacted more than 90 channels, of which more than 20 were successfully screened. In addition to her, more "tap water" joined in. On the night when the movie broke 10 million, they opened WeChat to share, showing their positions in the north and south of the motherland.

Today, Lacquer is a talk show actor. After graduation, she worked in film propaganda. Later, she explained that she was going to perform a talk show, which made her feel very interesting. She will create her own jokes, and the creation of these jokes is influenced by movies. She found the charm of the story from the film and other uses in life.

Today, Xue Mengcheng is an office worker. A few years ago, he learned about an old movie called "The Movie" on the collection website. There was only a short film left, about two minutes. Later, he learned that China Film Archive is the best place to store films in China, so he took this film and donated it to China Film Archive. At the donation ceremony, he said: "I don’t know what kind of vicissitudes this film has experienced before, so it will only be two minutes long." But I am particularly happy today that with our efforts, it finally ended its wandering career and found its best home. " Then the lights dimmed and the soul of this film reappeared on the big screen.

They are still young, and in their own way, they are promoting the development of China films. There are also more young audiences, and through their efforts, they can see more excellent movies. Stories on the screen span time, and there are always young viewers who have a fate with them.


The war of immorality-a review of the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war


    On March 20, 2003, Baghdad, which suffered a new round of air strikes, was shrouded in smoke.

    Xinhuanet Special: Five years ago today (March 22), the United States launched a war and attacked Iraq by force. What do you think of this war? Has the United States achieved the purpose of launching this war? What are the gains and losses?

    It should be said that the war launched by the United States is an unjust war of aggression.

    The reason is simple. First of all, the United States bypassed the United Nations and joined a handful of countries to launch this war.

    Second, the two reasons why the United States launched the war have been proved to be false by history. In fact, those two so-called reasons are the excuses for the United States to launch a war of aggression and destroy Saddam Hussein.

    The first reason is that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. The second reason is that Saddam Hussein has ties with al-Qaeda terrorist organizations.

    As it turns out, neither of these reasons exists. The U.S. Department of Defense recently released an investigation report, acknowledging that Saddam Hussein has no connection with Al Qaeda. Saddam Hussein was wronged, and the United States created an "international unjust case".

    The United States has searched every inch of Iraq since it occupied Iraq for five years. As a result, no weapons of mass destruction have been found.

    The evil deeds such as the annexation of Kuwait by former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein are disgusting, but the occupation of Iraq by the United States for no reason is even more annoying.

    Did the United States achieve its goal of invading Iraq? It should be said that the purpose of the United States has been achieved. The United States has three purposes, the first is to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime, the second is to master Iraq’s rich oil resources, and the third is to use Iraq as a base to contain its "sworn enemy" Iran.

    Now it seems that all three goals of the United States have been achieved. However, how to evaluate the gains and losses of the United States? Gain is greater than loss, or loss is greater than gain?

    What did the United States lose in this war? The United States has four major losses in launching this war. First, the moral loss is irreversible. At the beginning of the war, the United States was condemned by most countries and people all over the world. Today, when the truth of America’s excuse for waging war comes to light, people despise America’s bullying and unreasonable behavior even more. People have a clearer understanding of the face of American hegemonism.

    Second, the loss of personnel was heavy. In the five-year war, nearly 4000 officers and men in the United States were killed. If you add the British officers and men who died, the total number will reach 4200. In addition, there are 30 thousand officers and men disabled in the United States.

    Third, the economic loss is huge. According to statistics, during the five-year war, the United States spent $3 trillion, which is about a quarter of the annual GDP of the United States. It is estimated that in 2008, the US military expenditure in Iraq was $12 billion per month.

    Fourth, the United States never dreamed that Iran was the beneficiary of this war. In post-war Iraq, Shiites took power. Iran, which is also in power by Shiites, has loose and gradually close relations with its old enemy Iraq. In addition, the Iraq war has pushed up the international crude oil price, and the economic strength of Iran, a world oil producer, has soared. It is obviously more difficult for the United States to attack Iran by force in the future.

    The Iraq war launched by the United States can be said to have lost more than gained. However, the U.S. government is still beating its face and pretending to be fat, refusing to admit the failure of the Iraq war. It has become a war swamp in the United States, but it is an indisputable fact that when the United States can get out, no one can tell. (Liu Ruichang)

Editor: Li Xiuwei



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1-2 1-0!

Wonderful night of international football Tottenham leads the Premier League, the big black horse leads La Liga, Nice leads Ligue 1.

Recently, there has been an exciting wave of matches in international football, and several wonderful matches have caused a sensation around the world.

Among them, Tottenham, the leader of the Premier League, withstood the pressure in a thrilling game and beat their opponents 1-2, consolidating their leading position in the Premier League standings.

At the same time, there are also interesting situations in La Liga and Ligue 1. The big black horse rode the dust in La Liga and led the standings, while the Nice team made a leading position in Ligue 1 by virtue of its excellent performance.

In the Premier League, Tottenham played against a strong opponent.

After the start of the game, the two sides launched a fierce confrontation, and the situation on the field changed, and the audience stared at every move.

In the first half, Tottenham’s attack became more fierce, and the team took the lead with Sun Xingyu’s wonderful goal.

However, the opponent launched a crazy counterattack in the second half and once equalized the score. But the goddess of luck seems to be on the side of Tottenham, and harry kane’s goal at the last moment helped the team win the game.

This wonderful victory not only enabled Tottenham to lead the Premier League, but also demonstrated the team’s strength and teamwork spirit.

In La Liga, a big black horse emerged, attracting the attention of fans around the world with its amazing performance and unstoppable momentum.

Although the results have not been optimistic, this team broke expectations in the new season. With a strong lineup and teamwork, they launched an impact on the La Liga champion.

Their constant victories made them lead the standings and won wide acclaim.

The performance of this team has undoubtedly injected new vitality into La Liga, brought more competitiveness to the league and made the fans full of expectations.

In Ligue 1, Nice also showed great strength and dominance.

With their excellent overall cooperation and personal ability, they have won many times in the competition and achieved a leading position.

The team’s young lineup and excellent head coach have made them show unlimited potential and attracted much attention. The success of Nice team has also attracted the attention of Ligue 1. They have become a dark horse in the League and injected new vitality into the League.

Whether Tottenham leads the Premier League, the big black horse dominates in La Liga, or Nice leads in Ligue 1, these wonderful performances have amazed fans all over the world.

The success of these teams is inseparable from their persistence and teamwork spirit, and also reflects the charm and magic of football.

The fans’ attention and support for these games will continue to increase, which will also bring greater motivation to the team.

Generally speaking, this wonderful night of international football has brought many surprises and shocks to the fans.

The leading position of Tottenham, Big Black Horse and Nice Team not only represents their strength, but also represents their love and persistence in football.

The success of these teams is the result of the efforts and efforts of many players and coaches, and their hard work will also become an example for other teams to learn.

In the next game, we will continue to pay attention to the performance of these teams, expecting them to continue their leading position and bring more surprises and excitement to the fans.

At the same time, we also expect other teams to challenge the position of these leaders and inject more suspense and competitiveness into the league.

Whether it is Premier League, La Liga or Ligue 1, these wonderful games will become a feast that fans should not miss.

The charm and emotion of football will continue to be passed on, inspiring fans to persist in pursuing their dreams.

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Football News: Taishan will win the second place in the U21 League. In the final round, four teams will compete for the remaining place for the second place.

Live broadcast: On November 3rd, in the 21st round of U21 League, Shandong Taishan U21 team defeated Shanghai Harbour U21 team 2-1, locked in the championship one round ahead of schedule, and got the qualification to participate in the 2024 season B. According to "Football News", in the final round, there were four teams competing for the remaining one B spot.

According to the rules, the top two players in U21 League this year won the number of places in China B, but the rules on registration, promotion and demotion have not been finalized. After this round, Taishan scored 45 points, Haigang scored 40 points, Dalian scored 39 points, Rongcheng scored 39 points and Shenhua scored 38 points. Taishan U21 team has won the championship ahead of schedule and successfully rushed to B, while the four U21 teams of Haigang, Dalian, Rongcheng and Shenhua all have hope of rushing to B in the final round.

At present, the situation in the seaport is the best. If you win, you will get the qualification of B. If you draw, you need another game and it will be a draw. If you lose, you will miss B.: If Dalian people win and the harbor doesn’t win, they can get the qualification of B, and they will be tied or negative; If Rongcheng wins, and the harbor doesn’t win, it will get the qualification of B, and it will be flat or negative; If Shenhua wins and Dalian people draw with Rongcheng, they can get the qualification of B.



Comprehensive reform+punishing corruption, so that there is nowhere to hide over-medical treatment.

In the ongoing medical anti-corruption storm, the case of the dean of a hospital in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province is impressive: the amount involved in the corruption of the dean is more than 29.8 million yuan, and the related kickbacks and inflated drug and equipment prices are included in the medical cost, which directly leads to the people’s "difficulty in seeing a doctor" and "expensive in seeing a doctor". After the dean was arrested, the average outpatient and inpatient expenses in this hospital decreased by 16.6% and 21.4% from January to May this year, and the per capita medical cost decreased by more than 1,400 yuan.

The reason why this medical anti-corruption storm has received such extensive attention is because the people are worried that these corrupt funds, which are often tens of millions of yuan and hundreds of millions of yuan, will eventually be passed on to themselves through excessive medical care. Medical behavior is professional and has high barriers, so ordinary people have no ability to identify whether they have been overtreated. It is precisely because of the lack of recognition ability that ordinary people may transfer their anxiety and resentment about excessive medical care to every doctor they come into contact with, resulting in innocent doctors being implicated.

The cancer of the industry of over-medical treatment did not happen in a day, and the country’s efforts to cut this cancer did not start today. In 2017, the reporter followed the former National Health Planning Commission to investigate the local medical reform in Lufeng County, Yunnan Province. The reform in this county has enabled doctors to increase their income by saving money for patients. A deputy chief physician interviewed by the reporter at that time had a monthly salary increase of about 50%. At the same time, the average hospitalization cost in Lufeng County was 3,308 yuan, which was 446 yuan lower than the provincial average.

This reform focuses on the payment method of DRG(Diagnosis Related Groups). DRG refers to classifying patients into disease groups according to clinical similarity and resource consumption similarity, and making medical expenses standards for payment in groups.

At that time, Lufeng County People’s Hospital established 294 disease groups, covering 26,029 disease diagnoses. For example, if the cost of a certain disease group is 5,000 yuan, then the medical insurance department will pay 5,000 yuan to the hospital for this disease group. If the patient only spends 4,700 yuan on treatment, the balance of 300 yuan will be controlled by the hospital. If it costs 5,300 yuan, the excess 300 yuan will also be paid by the hospital. Under this payment mode, the hospital has become the cost controller, from the original "asking me to control fees" to "I want to control fees", avoiding excessive medical behaviors such as excessive inspection and indiscriminate use of drugs.

In addition, in order to prevent hospitals from "cutting corners" in the process of medical services in order to increase income, at that time, the medical insurance department of Lufeng County stipulated that the balance rate should not exceed 7% of the medical expenses standard, and the medical insurance department that exceeded 7% would recover it. The medical insurance department also reserves 3% of the "export", that is, the top 3% patients with the most expensive medical expenses in each disease group are reimbursed by project, which is not limited by the DRG payment standard, so as to dispel the doubts of doctors in treating incurable patients.

DRG payment method originated in the United States. In 2019, shortly after the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, it began to promote the reform of DRG payment method in more than 30 cities across the country. Due to the complexity of China’s national conditions, while promoting DRG, China has developed an original DIP payment method reform, which was piloted in 71 cities across the country in 2021. Although the two are different in specific operation, the underlying logical thinking is the same: let the hospital become the cost controller and control the excessive medical treatment from the root.

According to relevant documents, from 2022 to 2024, China has fully completed the reform of DRG/DIP payment methods. By the end of 2024, all medical insurance co-ordination areas in China will carry out the reform of DRG/DIP payment methods, and start the pilot areas in advance to continuously consolidate the reform results; By the end of 2025, DRG/DIP payment will cover all eligible medical institutions that provide hospitalization services, and basically achieve full coverage of diseases and medical insurance funds.

The reform will certainly touch the interests of some people. At present, the ongoing medical anti-corruption storm is precisely the severe rectification of illegal interests. While focusing on "key minority" and key positions, the anti-corruption storm also covers the whole chain of production, circulation, sales, use and reimbursement of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the entire pharmaceutical field. It is expected that with the comprehensive promotion of reform and the crackdown on corruption, there will be no hiding place for over-medical treatment. Only in this way can we really protect angels in white and make the doctor-patient relationship return to purity.

Liu Changrong Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily


Langfang, Hebei Province: Promulgating Ten Articles of Education to Promote the High-quality Development of Education

China Education News-China Education News Network (Reporter Zhou Hongsong) Recently, Langfang City, Hebei Province, combined with the actual situation, formulated and promulgated the Ten Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of Education in the City (hereinafter referred to as the "Ten Measures for Education"), and refined specific measures from five aspects: comprehensively strengthening the party’s leadership, filling the shortcomings of educational resources, building high-quality teachers, improving the quality of education and teaching, and creating a good educational ecology, so as to speed up the construction of a strong education city and run a satisfactory education for the people.

According to the plan, Langfang focuses on five key words, such as short board, quality improvement, mechanism construction, excellent environment and strong guarantee, to innovate measures and refine tasks. Among them, in view of the outstanding problems such as insufficient allocation of educational resources and the derivation of "large class size", the city will implement the expansion and upgrading projects of 60 compulsory education schools in 2023-2025, and fully equip books, instruments and equipment and professional classrooms according to standards, effectively solving the "large class size".

In view of the shortage of teachers in primary and secondary schools, Langfang proposed that in principle, the establishment of primary and secondary school faculty should be approved once every two years and the total amount should be clarified, and the teachers should be fully equipped in strict accordance with the establishment ratio standards stipulated by the state. The municipal level arranges 20 million yuan of special funds to improve the quality of education every year, focusing on digital campus, education and scientific research, curriculum design, quality monitoring, and on-the-job training.

Langfang emphasizes that from 2023 to 2025, 100 high-quality schools will be cultivated, 100 brand projects with campus cultural characteristics will be created, and 100 well-known principals will be introduced to run schools. Concentrate on superior resources and focus on running high schools in excellent areas. By 2025, the proportion of provincial-level demonstration high schools in the city will reach more than 70%, and 10 characteristic ordinary high schools will be built in the city. Join hands with famous schools in Beijing and Tianjin to implement the "six hundred" cooperation project, and the three places will jointly train 100 leading principals, 100 expert teaching and research researchers, 100 famous teachers and 100 backbone class teachers, display 100 high-quality demonstration classes and organize 100 cultural and sports exchange activities.

At the same time, Langfang will further establish and improve various working mechanisms, improve the teacher selection system, support employing schools to select teachers in relevant universities, promote the "county-administered school appointment" of compulsory education teachers, strengthen the rotation of principals and teachers in counties, and scientifically do a good job in the evaluation of schools, teachers and students in the new era.

Langfang has made it clear that the education leadership system of unified leadership by Party committees, joint management by Party and government, and respective responsibilities of departments should be further improved. Leading groups of Party committees at all levels should study and solve major issues of education reform and development and hot issues of concern to the masses in a timely manner, and incorporate the implementation of specific measures for the high-quality development of education into the annual assessment and supervision of party and government leading cadres.

Author: Zhou Hongsong


On the Series of Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture: Blue, Reading the Important Color Codes of Chinese Traditional Culture

Cyan is the color of spring. Whether it is "the moss marks are green on the upper steps, and the grass color is green in the curtain", or "the willows on the edge of the city are curled up, and the green mulberry is unfamiliar", or "Weicheng is facing the rain and the dust is light, and the guest house is green and the willow color is new", it describes this pleasing color in spring for us.

Because of this, in the traditional culture of China, cyan is "the color of everything". Among hundreds of traditional China colors, cyan has a special meaning for Chinese people. Tracing back to China people’s special liking for "turquoise" color, there is actually a track of the change of cyan culture meaning, which tells us that cyan may be the color code to interpret Chinese traditional culture.


Blue porcelain lotus bird lamp in Longquan kiln of Southern Song Dynasty

Cyan is the color symbol of China culture.

China’s folk aesthetic taste usually revolves around the core of "Happiness and Happiness". Folk culture attaches great importance to bright colors such as red, gold and green, especially likes colorful colors, and pursues auspiciousness, jubilation and peace. For example, Yangliuqing New Year pictures reflect this kind of folk aesthetic taste. This kind of aesthetics contains a good wish for secular life. But cyan is very different. It covers a wide range in chromatography, and the main part belongs to the physical property of cool color, giving people a quiet and indifferent psychological feeling, which is more regarded as a reflection of the spiritual level. It can be said that cyan contains the thoughts and feelings of China literati.

China’s cyan absorbs all kinds of environmental elements, and constantly changes its meaning. It is a special color that can arouse people’s association with the characteristics of Chinese civilization: it reflects the inclusive national characteristics, refracts China’s philosophy with Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism as the mainstream, and shows the implicit, tenacious and unobtrusive national character. She can show a broad aesthetic scale from simple to gorgeous, and can also trigger a visual feeling from light to calm, because she is not a single color, but a mixed color, sometimes with bright yellow, sometimes with warm red, sometimes with green, sometimes with blue, sometimes with purple, and sometimes with dark cyan.

The application of cyan in China has a history of more than 2,000 years. In China, people have a blue shadow in all aspects of national governance, production and life, religious opinions, artistic creation and spiritual pursuit. When we study cyan, we should not only study the chromatographic composition of cyan and the source of painting pigments, but also combine sociology, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, politics, economy, religion and art to explore comprehensively. The more you explore, the more profound the implication of cyan culture can be found. Therefore, it may be boldly speculated that cyan is an important color code to interpret Chinese traditional culture.

There are similarities and significant differences between colors in scientific sense and colors in cultural sense. The color in the cultural sense is more complex and the direction is more vague. When color is printed with traces of social and cultural patterns and endowed with unique thoughts and feelings of human beings, it becomes a cultural symbol.

After human beings form an intuitive color perception of objects, this color will have a psychological significance, which is very personalized and closely related to the viewer’s own experience, environment and culture. Niu Xiji, a poet in the Five Dynasties, said, "Remember the green dress and pity the grass everywhere." Because the author’s love object is a girl wearing a green dress, the two of them are just around the corner, and the lovers have repeatedly urged her to think of the grass color from the green dress and the green dress from the grass color. It’s endless, so don’t forget each other. This association about green is caused by the author’s personal experience. For others, green can’t be associated with a green dress. At this time, green is not a symbol. However, among the "red light stops and green light goes", red and green are used on traffic lights, which represents the universal meaning and becomes symbols. Therefore, this layer of semantics of color symbols must be associated by individuals, and then developed into a well-known social concept after grouping and recognition, and then a color culture that can be widely spread can be formed.

It is in the long historical changes that cyan has gradually become a symbol. The meaning of this symbol is constantly changing, and as time goes on, it moves from one consensus to another. Cyan has a vibrant masculine color from the initial symbol of the sky, the east, vegetation and spring, to the color of the queen’s spring sacrifice dress and wedding dress, and then to the color of the common people and the color of Buddhism and Taoism; In the drama, she became a traditional woman with traditional virtues but bumpy fate. In the eyes of Taoism, it has become a symbol of simplicity, and the change of cyan culture implication itself is a part of the history of Chinese cultural changes.

Part of the masterpiece of the Northern Song Dynasty turquoise landscape painting "Jiangshan Autumn Color Map Volume" collected by the Palace Museum.

China’s philosophical thought has made the implication of cyan culture unique.

China’s philosophical thought endows cyan with more meanings-cyan can reflect the noble feelings of the gentry, the Confucian rule of etiquette and the gentleman’s self-cultivation, the Buddhist’s open mind and understanding, the Taoist’s simplicity and self-restraint, and the metaphysical’s free and easy nature and ethereal clarity. It is beyond the worldly pursuit. Conversely, the influence of cyan on China people’s aesthetic taste is also immersion, which reflects China people’s deeper thinking about the spiritual world.

The process of incorporating cyan into official uniforms is influenced by Confucianism.

Confucius said, "Evil purple takes away Zhu, and evil Zheng Sheng’s chaos makes you happy." This is the most intense judgment on color made by the primitive Confucianism, and these judgments are all carried out under the framework of ceremony. A clear example of the concept of ritual color is the hierarchical differentiation reflected by the color of clothing. Among them, the process of cyan being incorporated into official uniforms is a process influenced by Confucianism. The regulation of the color style of official uniforms is the concrete embodiment of Confucian etiquette thought.

Influenced by the concept of etiquette color, Confucianism first determined the rank within the ruling class, and one of the important tasks was to make a fuss about official clothes, making color one of the key elements to distinguish ranks.

In the Northern Zhou Dynasty, "color-tasting clothes" appeared. In the Sui Dynasty, the colors of official clothes were red and cyan, and black, white and Huang San were no longer used, because black and white had become the colors of sacrificial clothes. After the Sui Dynasty, the colors of official uniforms were basically purple, scarlet, cyan and green, and cyan and green became the official uniforms of officials in lower positions.

Under the guidance of Confucianism, after the color grade of official uniforms was determined, although the color changed all the time, the practice that cyan was fixed as a color in the sequence of official uniforms lasted for more than 1000 years. Until the Qing Dynasty, cyan dominated other colors and officially became the color of all official uniforms, and the size of official ranks and civil and military positions were distinguished by patch patterns.

Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties guided the aesthetic interest of celadon art.

Taoism took advantage of the collapse of the Han Empire and the crisis of the literati’s belief in Confucianism, which finally contributed to metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties. For a long time, metaphysics occupied the ideological position of the gentry. Metaphysics thought has played an important guiding role in China people’s artistic aesthetics.

The manufacture and use of celadon in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties was the first peak of celadon art in the history of China, which formed an aesthetic tendency of "green, beautiful, spiritual and handsome" for celadon. The aesthetic thought of metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties has an important influence on the modeling of celadon.

The origin of azure porcelain is very early, which can be traced back to Shang Dynasty. During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, craftsmen built kilns with superb skills, the temperature in the kilns could reach 1200 degrees, and they knew how to add plant ash to the raw materials, which made the pottery have a blue glaze on the outside and became the original celadon.

The original firing level of celadon was not high, and during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, celadon had accumulated rich experience in the composition ratio of glaze raw materials and firing methods. Celadon became thin and transparent in glaze, with delicate and moist fetal quality, and its shape changed. The aesthetic thought of metaphysics in Wei and Jin dynasties is different from the aesthetic temperament of Qin and Han dynasties, but pursues natural beauty, purity and refinement, and pays attention to appreciation and pursuit of inner charm.

In their own temperament, the scholar-officials pursue elegant character, free and chic, elegant and strange temperament, hoping to convey their unconventional elegance, which also affects the "celadon" as a daily appliance.

In the aesthetic pursuit of literati in Wei and Jin Dynasties, "youth, beauty, spirit and beauty" are the ultimate pursuit of celadon. The light and elegant glaze color of celadon just meets the aesthetic standards of literati, that is, "natural beauty is the highest and ornate carving is the lowest".

The Wei-Jin fashion of drinking with Yue kiln celadon was also passed down. This romantic style in Wei and Jin Dynasties can also be verified by the poetry works of the literati in the Tang Dynasty, such as Lu Guimeng’s "The Secret Color Yueqi": "The autumn wind in September opened the kiln and won the green color of Qianfeng. I’m so happy to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I’ll share my cup with you. " It can be seen that in the Tang Dynasty, it was still the fashion for literati to drink with Yue kiln porcelain.

Buddhism and Taoism inject new meaning into cyan clothing and utensils.

After the Ming Dynasty, the color of Taoist uniforms became cyan. Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Emperor, personally participated in the formulation of the clothing system in the Ming Dynasty, from the emperor’s nobles to the common people, monks and prostitutes. All the clothing was decided by Mao, and he was ordered to restore the clothing system like the Tang Dynasty, trying to overthrow the Hu customs of the Yuan Dynasty and restore the old appearance of China. In Volume XI of the Ming Dynasty Canon and History of the Ming Dynasty, the provisions on Taoist costumes are recorded: "Taoist priests always wear green clothes; French clothes and Korean clothes are all red; The Taoist official is the same. " That is, it is stipulated that the Taoist priest’s uniform needs to be cyan, so it is often said that "Tsing Yi Taoist priest" later.

The localized Buddhist thought is influenced by the Taoist culture in China, which in turn gives another meaning to cyan objects. In the decoration of celadon, there have been patterns such as Buddha statue, flying sky and lotus flower since the late Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, especially the lotus flower pattern, which reflects the extensive use of Buddhist symbols. For example, the "Lotus Zun" porcelain unearthed from the Liang Dynasty Tomb in Linshan, Nanjing has a solemn shape, with seven layers of lotus petals from top to bottom, just like a blooming violet, which reflects the important influence of Buddhism on celadon art. From the artifacts, it can be seen that cyan has been infiltrated by Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties for a long time, and has begun to represent the metaphysical pursuit. For example, it embodies the courtesy of Confucianism, the cultivation of gentlemen, the emptiness of Buddhism, the nature of Taoism, and the free and easy of metaphysics.

Buddhism and Taoism have also made great contributions to the Chinese vocabulary of Qing characters, leaving a large number of words with special meanings, such as Qing Niu, Qing Luan, Qing Cheng, Qing Deng, Qing Yan and Qing Lian.

Part of Wang Ximeng’s "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" in Northern Song Dynasty

Chinese vocabulary reflects the changing track of cyan meaning.

Cyan, which is composed of words of cyan, no longer represents the original color meaning of the word, but is deeply embedded in Chinese culture, which has a subtle influence on the cultural meaning of cyan.

"Tsing Yi", from Tianzi’s fine clothes to the bottom dress.

The mention of "Tsing Yi" always gives people a sense of solemnity, calmness, mystery, lowliness and suffering. In the role of Peking Opera, Tsing Yi is a "bitter COP", who dares to love and hate generally and resolutely fights against fate.

In fact, the original meaning of Tsing Yi has nothing to do with humble suffering. The word "Tsing Yi" appeared as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but it is not the meaning we commonly use now. In the Book of Rites and the Moon Order more than 2,000 years ago, it was clearly recorded that there were three times of "Tsing Yi", such as "The Moon of Meng Chun, the sun was in the camp. ….. The son of heaven lives in the left of Qingyang, taking Luan Road, driving black dragon, carrying the green flag, wearing Tsing Yi and serving Cang Yu. " "Tsing Yi" is the dress of the son of heaven in spring. The Book of Rites records that the five colors correspond to the five elements, and they wear different colors in different seasons. Tianzi wears Tsing Yi in spring, Zhu Yi in summer, white in autumn and black in winter.

And baiguan can only wear tsing yi when the emperor gives him a gift. For example, the Book of Rites in the History of the East View records that "on the day when Emperor Zhang was lucky and worried about beginning of spring, all the officials in Kyoto were dressed in Tsing Yi, and all the history was served by Qing Yi." It means following the day when the son of heaven beginning of spring traveled, and officials can wear Tsing Yi.

With the changes of the times, the status of the wearer in Tsing Yi has also begun to change. From the emperor’s spring clothes, sacred and solemn sacrificial clothes, to the court clothes, low-grade official clothes, and then to the clothes colors of scholars and people, it has undergone a major change.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Tsing Yi had already referred to the lower-ranking figures. Cai Yong wrote a famous poem "Qing Yi Fu", which described a woman with outstanding appearance, virtuous and dignified like a meticulous painting, and entrusted her love for a maid from humble origins in Qing Yi. Fu wrote her appearance "looking forward to Qian Shuli, white teeth and moths." The mysterious light is moist, and the collar is like a clam. Vertical and horizontal hair extension, leaves such as low sunflower. Slender Ran Ran, it is amazing. " It’s absolutely beautiful. Then write about her dress, "Yi Sleeve Dan Dress, Creeping on the Silk Leaf", which shows that although she is called "Tsing Yi", she is wearing a red dress-Yi Sleeve Dan Dress. This shows that the word "Tsing Yi" refers to her status. Cai Yong praised her elegant manners, and concluded that she was "a good wife and a good teacher". However, the author can’t develop this relationship, because this woman’s identity is really humble.

During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the court stipulated that the colors worn by the people were green, blue and white. The evidence can be seen in the "Yuan Jian Lei Han" that "the foot soldiers are not green, blue and white; There is no green, blue or white in the color of the handmaid. " During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao wrote in "A Letter with Taiwei Yang Biao": "There are two people who care about Tsing Yi, and they are always around." Tsing Yi here refers to serving the left and right handmaids.

The reason why blue clothes are often worn by the lower class people lies in their cheapness. At that time, among the plant dyes used to dye cloth, cyan was the most easily available. Because a plant dyed green "blue grass" is suitable for both southern and northern growth, it is easy to collect. Using "blue grass" to dye cloth clothes is easy to color and low in cost. The so-called "shine on you is better than blue" refers to the fabric dyed with this "blue grass".

In the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, due to the emergence of new drama forms such as Yuan Zaju, Huangmei Opera and Peking Opera, "Tsing Yi" began to be synonymous with the role of Zhengdan in traditional Chinese opera, and gradually became a proper noun. In China’s classical operas, Tsing Yi is one of the traditional operas. The southern operas are called Zhengdan and the northern operas are called Tsing Yi.

Typical Tsing Yi has Yu Ji in Farewell My Concubine, Qin Xianglian in My Fair Case and Wang Baochuan in Wujiapo. In these plays, the women are all unlucky, but they dare to fight and decide their own destiny. All these Tsing Yi women have the traditional virtues of China women and have a great spirit of sacrifice. The virtues of these women are recognized and appreciated by the patriarchal society. Tsing Yi, therefore, has a solemn image of justice.

Look, on the stage of drama, it’s amazing that one color can define the basic fate of a character. It has become an important factor of drama performance to highlight the characteristics of the role with the color of clothing. Among them, cyan is an important color symbol with typical symbolic significance.

Although the cyan of Tianzi’s spring suit is not necessarily the same color as the cyan of the maid or the Dan Jiao, they are all called Tsing Yi, because cyan is a mixed color. The cultural implication of cyan has indeed changed dramatically because of the change of the object referred to by the word Tsing Yi.

The Tsing Yi role played by Peking Opera actor Zhang Huoding.

"Hair", from silk thread or rope to female hair.

"Blue hair and white hair" describes the fleeting youth. However, "moss" originally refers to rope, not hair.

The earliest poems with "moss" should be Yuefu poems. There are "moss as a cage, cassia twig as a cage hook" in Yuefu Poetry Collection, and "Jiao Zhongqing’s wife" in Yuefu Poetry Collection, there are "sixty or seventy box curtains, green green moss ropes" and "three million yuan, all of which are worn with moss". The "blue hair" in these two places is not the black hair we refer to now, but the blue silk thread or rope.

In the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, "green silk" once referred to the reins of horses. In many poets’ works, the expression of "green silk" refers to the bridle of a horse. For example, the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu’s poem "Going Out to the Front" contains "Take off the bridle and pick the moss in your hand", among which the "moss" in the rider’s hand is the bridle. Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote in the Yuefu poem "Mo Shang Sang": "The beauty is Wei Qiaodong, and the silkworm is still working in spring. Five Ma Rufei dragons, green silk tied with gold. " The "hair" here also refers to the bridle, not the hair of a beautiful woman.

Since the Tang Dynasty, "Qingsi" has been famous all over the world with Li Bai’s wonderful pen as a metaphor for black hair. China literati often use the image of "green hair and white hair" when they lament that youth is fleeting, fame is hard to achieve, and ambition is hard to pay. Li Bai lamented in "Coming into Wine": "You don’t see how lovely locks in bright mirrors in high chambers, though silken-black at morning, have changed by night to snow." This famous sentence, which has been handed down through the ages, makes "moss" a symbol of youth. At that time, "hair" did not refer to women’s hair, but was more often referred to as young men by poets. The reason why "green silk" refers to women’s hair in modern times is probably because men’s hair is really too short to be called "silk".

"Green" and "blue" have gradually become symbols of ancient China literati.

Originally, the blue only means that the color of the clothes is cyan, while the blue refers to the blue collar. Gradually, "Qing" and "Qing" became more common names for ancient scholars in China, and sometimes they referred to relegated officials.

The color and style of clothes have the function of flaunting social status, so the pattern characteristics or color characteristics of clothes are often used to refer to a certain group of people. Judging people by their appearances is a common social problem, and it has also been one of the dimensions for people to judge success since ancient times.

Green fern, the clothes worn by students in ancient times. It first appeared in the Book of Songs: "The green lady is leisurely in my heart." Because students in the Zhou Dynasty often wore blue clothes, the word "green" was also used to refer to students born in imperial academy in the Zhou Dynasty.

In the Northern Qi, Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties, students’ uniforms were usually cyan, which was later called "blue" as a synonym for scholars. However, there are still some differences in meaning between "green" and "blue". In poetry and prose, "Qing" emphasizes the status of a scholar, while "Qing" often refers to officials who have been demoted or frustrated in their official career.

In the Tang Dynasty, the most famous poem containing the word "blue" was Bai Juyi’s Pipa Xing: "but who of them all was crying the most?? This Jiujiang official. My blue sleeve was wet. " The "blue shirt" here means that the poet is a frustrated official, rather than emphasizing that he is a scholar. In Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi’s "The Portrait of Du Fu" described Du Fu, a poor and down-and-out official in Tang Dynasty. Su Shi’s "Gu Tou Qu" includes "The blue shirt is not popular with tourists, and the red tea is filled with Cao Gang Shou", and it also quotes the allusions of Bai Juyi’s "Pipa Xing", which makes it a "blue shirt".

Author: Bao Yan (Vice President of Chinese Poetry Society)

Editor: Fan Xin

Planning: Fan Xin


Latest! 2023 Beauty Trend Released

"The cold winter is passing, but the era of passive growth is over. Only high-quality and strong brands are the core guarantee for crossing the cycle in the stock game market."

Jiang Nanchun, the founder and chairman of Focus Media, spoke of the challenges faced by enterprises in the post-epidemic era.

The year of 2023 is a year of seeking certainty in uncertainty and a year of seeking to break the situation in change. Where are the opportunities for brand innovation and growth in the future?

The 2023CiE Beauty Innovation Exhibition, which is in full swing, has invited 100+ industry coffees to deeply analyze the latest trends of beauty through various special activities such as marketing innovation forum, raw material innovation forum and channel growth forum, so as to help enterprises seize the opportunities.

Raw materials:

Exclusive raw materials are the strongest "weapons"

"All major fields are paying more and more attention to the upstream of the industry and research and development. The’ stuck neck’ problem in the cosmetics industry is the innovation of raw materials. China’s innovation in raw materials has great room for development." Deng Min, founder of CiE Beauty Innovation Exhibition and chairman of Pinguan, said the importance of raw material innovation.

In fact, many enterprises have also become strong competitors in the cosmetics market with their own "exclusive raw materials".

Wang pu, General Manager of Shanghai Youren Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Wang pu, general manager of Shanghai Youren Biotechnology Co., Ltd. said that various product concepts are popular in the skin care market. "But no matter how the market wind changes, safety and efficacy have always been the constant pursuit of consumers." Based on this judgment, Shanghai Youren cooperated with Japan Osaka Active Collagen Innovation Joint Laboratory to launch the "Transdermal Micro Collagen Essence", which focuses on anti-aging effect and is also safe.

As one of the well-known enterprises in the field of collagen, Duan Zhiguang, senior vice president and R&D director of Giant Bio, also shared the development history and efficacy research progress of Giant Bio in the field of recombinant collagen. He pointed out that "recombinant collagen can be used in biomedical materials, dermatology and skin care and beauty, and it is safer and more effective than animal collagen."

In order to establish core barriers, some brands choose to cooperate with raw material suppliers or colleges to develop exclusive raw materials. A typical example is Youshiyan, an anti-aging brand specializing in Chinese skin. According to Du Le, the founder, Youshiyan cooperated with Zhejiang University to develop Gravi-A, a retinol combination anti-aging ingredient suitable for Chinese people, and launched a series of anti-aging products such as "black gravity" essence.

In addition to the "anti-aging" track, "precise skin care" is also a word frequently mentioned by speakers.

Mei Hexiang, the founder of Fortu Medicine and Chapter 14, pointed out that to achieve accurate skin care, we need to have seven elements-accurate insight into the needs of consumers, accurate identification of target pathways, accurate screening of synergistic effects of active ingredients, accurate delivery methods of dosage forms, objective verification of large samples and multi-centers, adverse reaction monitoring, and accurate delivery mode.

Mei Hexiang, founder of "Futu Medicine" and Chapter 14

Li Junxiang, deputy director of the Aging Science Innovation Research and Development Center of Yangtze River Delta Research Institute in Tsinghua, Zhejiang Province, believes that there are still four difficulties in the field of functional skin care: it is difficult to analyze and identify, it is difficult to identify functions, it is difficult to design accurately, and the cost of trial and error is high. Bioinformatics, computational biology and synthetic biology have become the latest biotechnology solutions for functional skin care active ingredients.

Wise men think far and seek deep. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to green sustainable development. Sun Ling, business director of Fenmeiyi Fragrant Raw Materials in Greater China, said that Fenmeiyi has always taken "sustainability" and "high transparency" as its core values. Wang Ruiyan, director of research and development management of biological bioactive substances in Huaxi, also pointed out that green cosmetics featuring natural environmental protection are becoming a global trend. "We develop synthetic biology, that is, to innovate cell factories, develop green bio-manufacturing and produce six categories of bioactive substances to help peak carbon dioxide emissions and achieve the goal of carbon neutrality."

New products:

Exclusive formula/black technology becomes standard

In this CiE Beauty Innovation Exhibition, companies have brought new products to the show, and many brands also use the exhibition as a competitive platform for the first show of new products.

At the new product launch conference, Mibel not only invited famous experts and scholars to discuss the sensitive skin care market in depth, but also released a new product "3A Purple Essence". According to reports, this product adopts the exclusive patented technology ECT- HA of Mibel, and the essence of Yuefuning and Black Rose to achieve defensive and anti-aging. It is a rare A alcohol essence available for sensitive muscles in China.

Mibel’s new product "3A Purple Essence"

Dr. Ling, a scientist brand specializing in dry skin anti-aging, made a heavy appearance with "one new technology and two new products". According to reports, "full molecular weight hyaluronic acid technology" can fundamentally solve the anti-aging problem that traditional hyaluronic acid can’t solve, and two new products, "Dr. Ling’s light eye mask (pilot’s eye mask)" and "Dr. Ling’s light and compact double extraction essence", have created a new era of effective anti-aging for dry skin.

In the innovation exhibition, there is also Zhang Yuya who "shows muscles" in a high-profile way. According to reports, Zhan Xiya created the high-permeability delivery technology of Polypeptide based on the intelligent targeted supramolecular technology platform, which can guarantee the activity of polypeptide, realize accurate delivery and multi-dimensional anti-aging. The transformation result of this technology-Zhaneya’s "4-dimensional light lines" series also shocked the appearance, which is said to solve the problem of skin aging from the inside out.

Zhan Xiuya’s "4-dimensional light pattern" series

As an innovator in the category of beauty tools, Jiuhao Jiapin shared its innovation in intelligent and automated production of beauty tools and research and development of new products. According to reports, Jiuhao Jiapin’s original powder puff raw materials create a special research formula, with more than 20 patented products, and has created a number of best-selling explosives such as 9++Rubycell air cushion powder puff and lotus root velvet powder puff.


Abandon "Big and Complete" and Focus on "Small and Beautiful"

Timely understanding and insight into the trend of the global cosmetics market means that enterprises can ride the wind and get twice the result with half the effort.

With the rise of the "ingredient party", ingredients with efficacy have become the standard for young people to buy skin care products. At the data trend forum on February 22nd, Xu Hong, the partner of Beauty Practice, released the "TOP30 list of effective ingredients in 2022", and nicotinamide, sodium hyaluronate and Centella asiatica extract ranked in the TOP3.

Xu Hong, partner of beautiful practice.

"The rankings of these three classic ingredients have not changed much, and they are’ evergreen trees’ in the ingredient world. Xu Hong pointed out that in recent years, there have also been some new phenomena, such as the soaring popularity of olive ingredients, the continuous fiery heat of plant ingredients, and the popularity of new raw materials, among which psoralen is highly concerned.

Du Lei, deputy director of beauty and personal care research at Mintel, shared three major trends of beauty and personal care in 2023 from a global perspective: first, the development of beautiful prescriptions, that is, communicating with consumers in a scientific and transparent way to meet their individual needs, such as a Newpage; The second is the advanced self-care, that is, to provide consumers with products with rich sensory experience and enhance their sense of self-care, such as Amore Pacific’s brand Longtake;; Third, the interactive mode is rejuvenated. Offline retail is no longer just a place to sell goods, but needs to be fun, such as Harmay’s plum blossom market.

According to Lin Kaizhuo, the founder &CEO of Shanghai Language Analysis Information Consulting Co., Ltd. (users said), there will be five categories of opportunities in 2023: essential oil, body cleansing, beauty tools, men’s make-up and travel/experience clothes, as well as four hot trends: pure beauty, precise skin care, skin barrier, multi-effect integration, and three development opportunities: minimalist skin care, aromatherapy, and so on.

Lin Kaizhuo, founder and &CEO of Shanghai Analytical Information Consulting Co., Ltd. (user said)

Huang Keming, a senior analyst of Xieshu Consulting, deeply dismantled the gameplay and highlights of various e-commerce platforms through data. She pointed out that Tmall is still the main platform for consumers to buy beauty cosmetics, and the decline of makeup is obvious, and skin care has entered the stage of stock competition. "On the product side, before the economy recovers completely, brands can pay attention to the track they just need, abandon’ big and complete’, focus on’ small and beautiful’, and achieve overtaking in corners in terms of sub-categories and personalized needs. "

In the era when face value is justice, a good product cannot be separated from eye-catching packaging design. Huang Xiaojing, strategic director and partner of YANG DESIGN, analyzed the design trend of cosmetics packaging in China in 2023 from an aesthetic perspective. "With a huge amount of information and burnout, young consumers are eager to find emotional outlets. Packaging design should pay attention to the same frequency of senses and emotional resonance, and fight against mediocre daily life with sincere poetic beauty."


"Point-line-surface" combination to play a good combination boxing

Under the epidemic situation, enterprises are struggling, but there are still many brands growing against the trend. For example, Kwadi, a brand owned by Huaxi Bio, has become a domestic brand with annual sales exceeding 1 billion in three years.

The person in charge of Quadi brand believes that products are the soul of the brand, and at the same time, it also needs innovation in marketing, "opening the channel between product creators and consumers."

Quady brand managers are numerous and complicated.

Branches with multiple identities share the secrets of how to use the IP of the manager to incite the new growth leverage of brand retail: one is sincerity, and the other is being yourself. "Sincerity is always a killer skill." She said that when sincere communication with fans and sharing within their capabilities benefit them, the brand will have growth points and opportunities to incite traffic.

As the originator of the beauty and skin care ingredients party and the best-selling author of beauty, Kenjijoel believes that beauty experts are actually the influencer of a decision, and professionalism and deep cultivation of vertical fields have become the basic requirements. Creating personal IP and stalk-making ability to gain the resonance of consumers is the key to finally get traffic.

In addition to empowering brands with personal IP, bilibili and Xiaohongshu are also new heights for the rapid growth of beauty care brands.

Xu Qianya, senior director of the marketing center and FMCG industry, pointed out that brands can link young consumers and convey brand opinions and attitudes through three ways: brand rejuvenation, IP co-creation, and planting grass to bring goods, so as to gain the value recognition of the Z generation.

Qian Yue, director of South China Beauty Care Industry of Xiaohongshu Commercial Company, took three brands, namely corlorkey Laqi, Estee Lauder and Nature Hall, as examples to tell the whole story about how beauty brands play in Xiaohongshu. If you want to "grow" a good product in Xiaohongshu, you need to follow the "IDEA methodology", that is, Insight (insight into product opportunities), Define (define product strategy) and Expand (breakdown category track).

Qian Yue, Director of Xiaohongshu Commercial South China Beauty Care Industry

For a long time, big promotion is an unavoidable node in brand marketing strategy. In this regard, Millennium reminds that it is no longer feasible to invest only in the small red book in the form of pulse of large nodes in today’s market. "Only by relying on the daily marketing accumulation throughout the year, combined with the combination of pulse-burst of big promotion nodes, the full-link marketing of’ point-line-surface’ can help the brand grow in a long-term manner. "

In addition, He Ling, Marketing Director of Wanmei Mobile in China, shared a new paradigm of empowering online sales of beauty cosmetics with Meta-Universe AI/AR technology. He Ling pointed out that the Meta-Universe is still in a booming stage in China, and Play Beauty Mobile can provide consumers with a real digital AR virtual makeup online shopping experience through AgileFace? face detection and tracking technology, thereby enhancing the sales transformation and revenue of platforms or brands.


Change from "managing goods" to "managing customers"

With the recovery of the market and the rising of fireworks at the consumer end, how should the channels be adjusted? In the channel growth forum, leaders from different online and offline formats and different tracks in the public domain and private domain shared their business ideas from many dimensions such as store design, product selection, customer maintenance and private domain.

It is the consensus of many speakers to build "people-goods-field" based on the needs of consumers.

As the "benchmark" of beauty chain stores, Wu Qinglin, the founder of Merrill Lynch Beauty, shared the internal logic of the company’s growth. The key is to insist on choosing products from the perspective of consumers and change from "managing goods" to "managing customers". "You think that good things are not easy to sell, and ordinary things are easy to sell, which means that your aesthetics, consumption concept and level are different from those of young people." The way to break through the beauty of Merrill Lynch is to understand the needs of consumers, select bar codes and increase the purchase volume of single products.

Wu Qinglin, founder of Merrill Lynch Beauty Cosmetics

Grace Cheng, director of brand development of HARMAY Huamei, also holds the same view. In her view, Huamei reconstructs the "people-goods-field" of beauty retail with new operational logic, and creates a differentiated and recognizable store image on the basis of selected products, "all in order to better meet the needs of young consumers, including skin care demands and spiritual needs."

Grace Cheng, Director of Brand Development of HARMAY Huamei

Meituan flash shopping, which captures young consumers with "30-minute delivery", has become one of the fast-growing new retail channels. Zhu Lin, the person in charge of the beauty care of Meituan Flash Shopping, said that the consumption habits of young people have changed, gradually shifting from planned consumption to instant consumption. "This means that instant retail will play an increasingly important role in daily life."

Nowadays, the importance of online channels is becoming increasingly prominent. Chu Qingge, an expert on beauty products from afar, pointed out that with the simultaneous promotion of technology, supply, demand and policy, the scale of the live e-commerce market is expanding, and it is estimated that it will be nearly 500 million yuan in 2023. In this fast-growing track, beauty occupies an important position. "The future growth point of domestic beauty may be hidden in live e-commerce."

Brandy Wang Xingran, the manager of the Goddess Group, who is good at private domain operation, gave her own suggestions on how to build a private domain community with high customer unit price. She said that the core of the community is nothing more than two major factors: IP staffing and trust. "The head of the team should first establish his own staffing, and then consider how to sell after-sales, not only to effectively solve problems, but also to make consumers feel satisfied and surprised."

e-commerce platform

Aauto Quicker, JD.COM and Pinduoduo collectively sought change.

The trend of beauty e-commerce platform largely determines the success or failure of beauty online business. What are the innovations in the e-commerce platform in 2023?

"The biggest change this year is that Aauto Quicker e-commerce will change from the dimension of operators to the dimension of operating goods. "Jiu ‘an, the person in charge of Aauto Quicker e-commerce beauty industry, said that, specifically, the operation of" goods "will start from three dimensions: recruiting high-growth categories, recruiting brands that are scarce in price segments or categories, and helping brands to make a big single product strategy.

Jiu ‘an pointed out that under such changes, in 2023, Aauto Quicker Beauty will usher in seven innovations, including new supply, new distribution, new users, new scenes, new marketing and new experiences.

"In 2023, JD.COM Beauty will regain its low-price strategy, pay more attention to the three dimensions of cost, efficiency and empowerment, and strive to provide businesses with more and more optimized platform policies, as well as more flexible operation and business models to help beauty businesses find more certain and sustainable growth opportunities in an uncertain market environment." Hou Chuangfeng, investment manager of JD.COM Retail Investment Promotion Department, said.

Hou Chuangfeng, Investment Manager of JD.COM Retail Investment Promotion Department

"The marketing structure of JD.COM Beauty throughout the year revolves around three points. The first is a strong outbreak, the second is a strong user experience, and the third is the satisfaction of strong demand." Wang Ze, multi-brand category operation manager of JD.COM Retail Beauty Department and Beauty Brand POP Department, added. In his view, "sinking the market will become an important source of business growth this year."

Pinduoduo set his sights on overseas. Ben Chao, head of investment promotion in Pinduoduo’s beauty industry, said, "Consumption downgrade will become the overall consumption trend in Europe and the United States, and foreign consumers will have a more cautious attitude towards their own consumption expenditure, which also provides a broad market space for Pinduoduo’s cross-border e-commerce platform Temu."

In addition, the cicada master & the person in charge of cicada mother shared the new opportunities and challenges faced by the make-up and skin care track around the trend analysis and brand case analysis of Tik Tok e-commerce beauty and skin care business. The product selection activities organized by Magic Horse Club also gathered more than 20 live delivery agencies and private group buying agencies to directly cooperate and negotiate with brands, and the atmosphere was warm.

MCN mechanism

It’s time to test refined operation.

Based on years of experience and strong operating system, Lu Xi, a partner of Tusu, said that the quickest way for a new brand to achieve a positive cycle of product efficiency is to "arrange and combine", that is, a label, and the selling point of the product should be clear; Two kinds of content, that is, planting grass content for consumers to see, endorsement content for consumers to trust; Three-dimensional form, the natural attention obtained after short video instant exposure, the search traffic intercepted after long-term grass planting accumulation, and the sales conversion obtained by sowing grass; N times of contact is to deepen brand awareness and word of mouth after repeatedly reaching consumers through various forms.

Using this methodology, Tisu has helped 220+new brands to achieve a starting point from 0 to 1.

So, how should beauty bloggers empower brands through content? Wang Qian, VP of Tissu, believes that on the one hand, it is necessary to provide interesting and useful content to consumers; On the other hand, it provides effective value to the brand.

Chen Mengqi, VP of Chenfan Hongren Business Department, divides the development of e-commerce channels into three eras: the era when products are king, and good products bring their own traffic; In the era when traffic is king, MCN institutions attract traffic through contracted or self-hatched KOL/KOC; Now entering the era of e-commerce 3.0, users’ access mode, insight into consumers’ needs, traffic conversion efficiency, and differentiation of goods selection are all issues that need to be paid attention to and solved by MCN organizations.

"In the era of e-commerce 3.0, although Daren plays a new role and has new value in the link of brand marketing, product strength is the first priority." Chen Mengqi said.

Da Renwen, co-founder of the new culture and well-known e-commerce.

Daren Renwen, the co-founder of the new culture and a well-known e-commerce, admits that he is more like a marathon runner walking side by side with the brand than the "short-lived" traffic. She has been thinking about how to maximize the efficiency of the brand to achieve the integration of product and effect, and finally found that "star single product+one product and one policy integrated marketing is the key to cooperation with the brand." Since then, the new culture has used this methodology to create a number of explosions.

Yichuan, director of the new culture planning at the beginning of the year, believes that the public’s attention is constantly shifted, the life cycle of the explosion is shortened, and the content is exploding, while the content iteration is also accelerating. Beauty brands are eager for refined operation ability, so it is time to test the refined operation of MCN institutions, and MCN institutions should pay more attention to the improvement of efficiency.

"What Kuaimei is doing is to use short videos as a fulcrum to incite the commercial marketing value from planting grass to pulling grass." Fang Zhi, general manager of Kuaimei Marketing Center, said that the commercialization of short videos is actually like a banking model, where brands experience the storage of content assets and reap the wealth brought by content assets.

Liu Ling, general manager of Kuaimei E-commerce Center, shared the model of Kuaimei’s new brand growth 3.0, "content-centered product efficiency and sales synergy."

Based on the three dimensions of brand, effect and sales, this model provides multiple services for brands, including short video content planting, information flow advertising and live broadcast with goods.

(Note: The "anti-aging" and "anti-aging" mentioned in this article refer to the functions of anti-wrinkle and firming skin. )

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The bull market is coming. Take stock of 8 noteworthy Web3 games.

Every new cryptocurrency cycle promises to make Web3 games mainstream, but this never happens.

But since 2018, 80% of Web3 game projects have failed. This time is different, I think … I hope so.

I am optimistic because we finally have the infrastructure-cheap, fast and extensible blockchain, which is necessary to provide players with a frictionless experience.

Combined with the upcoming bull market boom, we are likely to see many games reach crazy valuations, just like Axie Infinity in 2020 (with a market value of $25 billion).

All this is quietly beginning. Look at some of the growth in the past 30 days.

So today I want to share eight best Web3 games that I am personally interested in, and I think you should also pay attention to them.

Disclaimer: Some of the following items have tokens. This article is not investment advice. I don’t even have these tokens.

Illuvium is a sci-fi NFT game ecosystem, including a number of games with a certain degree of interoperability. It has high-quality graphics and provides chain advantages such as asset ownership and governance.

Recently, Illuvium Arena, a game in the Illuvium ecosystem, was launched in Epic Games Store. The platform has more than 56 million monthly active users, most of whom are not on Web3.

This marks an important integration of blockchain games into mainstream platforms.

Then Illuvium plans to launch Illuvium Overworld, an open-world role-playing game (RPG).

Illuvium has developed in the past few years and during the bear market, and they are ready for an exciting future.

Shrapnel is an FPS (First Person Shooting) AAA game developed by Neon Machine Game Studio, which raised $37.5 million for development.

Its official release date in Epic Games Store is scheduled for December, which is only open to early users. Shrapnel is scheduled to be fully launched sometime in 2024.

Due to its shelf effect, $SHRAP tokens have increased by 182% in the past month.

P.S.: The CEO of Shrapnel tried to pay personal debts with company funds, which caused some FUD…… …

Echelon Prime is a web3 game ecosystem, and recently launched the first game on the Base blockchain: Parallel TCG.

The reason why I am excited about the Echelon Prime ecosystem is how they successfully launched Parallel, a simple card game that doesn’t need a wallet and is free to play.

Parallel is similar to popular card games, such as Hearthstone, Magic the Gathering(MTG) or Marvel Snap, etc., which provides familiar experience for card gamers.

This game is also online in Epic Games Store.

Personally, I think Echelon Prime supported by $PRIME tokens is one of the leaders in the field of Web3 games.

Star Atlas is a highly anticipated grand strategy game for space exploration, territorial conquest and political domination.

This game is built on Solana and already has two tokens:

  • $ATLAS: In-game tokens that act as currency.
  • $POLIS: The governance token of Star Atlas DAO can influence the decision-making process.

The reason why I am particularly excited about Star Atlas is that it is the first game on Solana, and it has been supported by the whole $SOL community. I expect that the Solana ecosystem will continue to develop, and Star Atlas is definitely one of the most cutting-edge participants in this ecosystem.

However, this game has been developed for several years (since the last cycle), so it has made slow progress compared with other games. But in any case, the transaction volume of Star Atlas’s in-game goods market has increased significantly recently, reaching as high as 400,000 US dollars.

Skyweaver is another digital card game developed by Horizon Blockchain Games, which is similar to Parallel.

This is a free game that allows players to collect, trade and use various unique cards to fight.

I’m not so optimistic about Skyweaver, but about the game developer Horizon, which is supported by Ubisoft and Take-Two.

These are the key participants in the Horizon financing round. They participated in the $40 million Series A financing. With strong supporters and an online game, I am very much looking forward to seeing what Horizon can offer in 2024 and beyond.

The above five games and game ecosystems are what I am most interested in. However, there are still some game ecosystems that are developing rapidly. The following are the other three that I am looking forward to and deserve attention.

Ronin is a blockchain built by Axie Infinity. Although it was originally designed to support Axie Infinity, it is now expanding.

In the past 30 days, the number of monthly active users has exceeded 500,000, a five-fold increase.

They welcome new game studio partners like Zillion Whales to develop on Ronin.

They also announced Ronin Name Service, a domain name service similar to ENS, which Ronin users can purchase with $RON to have their online identity.

SIDUS is a game/metauniverse project that aims to combine blockchain with AI.

Although the details are limited, Sidus recently burned a large part of their circulating tokens, which attracted a lot of attention. I will pay close attention to the development of this project.

Treasure DAO is an ecosystem that aims to bring games and players together through its $MAGIC tokens on Arbitrum.

In this article, I share eight games/game ecosystems that I will pay attention to in the next few years. But what I am most excited about is the abstraction of blockchain.

For Web3 games, the biggest obstacle is to hide the blockchain technology from users, which is necessary for mainstream adoption. Nobody wants to set up a wallet, deposit tokens and sign a deal to play games. Those games that can successfully hide Web3 technology will win, and Immutable has gone the farthest in this respect.

On Immutable, users don’t have to pay the Gas fee or sign the transaction. Moreover, the game built on Immutable can also provide offline NFT casting, and the transaction does not require Immutable $IMX tokens.

This is of great significance to game developers, which is why Ubisoft chose to cooperate with Immutable. This is why more than 200 Web3 games will be released on Immutable in 2024.

Immutable has built the infrastructure and tools that developers need to build games throughout the bear market. They are ready to release now, and I think they are perfectly positioned to occupy most of the Web3 game market share in the near future. Although I am optimistic about multiple independent web3 games and ecosystems, I am most interested in Immutable so far, and I think you should be the same.

Disclosure: I own $IMX.