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Li Ao published erotic novels, saying that the plot absolutely made people blush and beat their hearts (Figure)

  BEIJING, April 25 (Xinhua) Former legislator Li Ao released his latest masterpiece "Virtual 17" on the 25th. Li Ao joked at the press conference that there is an upper and lower age limit for reading this fantastic erotic novel, and people over 80 and under 18 can’t read it, otherwise it will be "frozen (unbearable)", like "Hao Longbin’s father (Hao Baicun) can’t read it".

  According to Taiwan Province’s Dongsen News, today’s press conference of Li Ao’s new book was held in Fuhua Hotel. Li Ao said that although the book is not "illustrated", the story with 360,000 words and 600 pages thick is absolutely blushing and heart-pounding. A reporter asked, are most of the contents of this book real stories of "masters"? He did not change the old urchin’s personality, and said, "Of course, most of them are fake."

  Li Ao also surprisingly said that the reason for publishing this "virtual seventeen-year-old" was that Taiwan Province had no literature at all during the Kuomintang ruling era, and some "monsters" who engaged in modern literature, such as Bai Xianyong and Wang Wenxing, came out. "I tell you, they were successful in life, failed in composition, and their articles were not well written. They learned the fur of foreigners and could not read their books, which was boring." Because "I look down on these people and talk to them.

  Li Ao returned to his old job of writing and finished the novel "Virtual 17-year-old" after he stepped down as a legislator. He said that this book took five years, because it was delayed during his tenure as a "legislator" and he had time to concentrate on writing after leaving office.

  "Virtual 17-year-old" narrates that a 17-year-old beautiful girl’s brain was implanted with a smart chip, and under the inspiration of a 67-year-old master of wisdom (the incarnation of Li Ao), she started the pursuit of spirituality and philosophy. The plot not only talks about ideas like "Beijing Fayuan Temple", but also has climaxes every 5 or 6 pages, so he also automatically classified the new book as a restricted level, added envelopes and affixed stickers.

  Li Ao once said with a smile a few days ago that he is an out-of-date figure. Although the new book is very restricted, I am afraid it is still difficult to sell, but "I am rich and not afraid of losing money!" However, Li Ao was right in this sentence, because the visiting members of the mainland rich group, after seeing his high popularity in the mainland, left the stage and generously gave a big red envelope to cross-strait cultural exchanges, and decided to contribute 30 million yuan to support the establishment of a cultural academy in Li Ao to promote cross-strait cultural exchanges.

Editor: Li Xian


Love: exploring its deep-seated essence from the perspective of psychology

Original title: Love: Exploring its deep-seated essence from a psychological perspective

Love, the most complicated and mysterious phenomenon in human emotions, has always attracted the exploration of countless philosophers, writers and psychologists. So, from a psychological point of view, what is love?

Love is a strong emotional bond, which connects two people and makes them have deep emotional resonance. In love, people are often willing to give everything for each other, and even desperate to pursue each other’s happiness. The source of this emotional power lies in the three basic elements of love: intimacy, enthusiasm and commitment.

Intimacy is the most basic part of love, which refers to the emotional connection and mutual support between two people. In love, intimacy can make both sides feel safe, understood and accepted, thus establishing a deep trust relationship. This intimacy includes not only emotional communication, but also physical contact and interaction.

Enthusiasm is the most obvious manifestation of love, which refers to the strong attraction and desire of both sides for each other. This enthusiasm can be expressed as appreciation and infatuation with each other’s appearance, personality, hobbies and other aspects. In love, enthusiasm can stimulate both sides’ creativity and passion, and make both sides feel that life is full of meaning and value.

Commitment is the most lasting and stable part of love, which refers to the guarantee of each other’s future and relationship. Commitment is not only a verbal expression, but also a manifestation of inner beliefs and actions. In love, commitment can make the two sides firmly walk together and face the challenges and difficulties in life together.

These three elements together constitute the complete form of love. When intimacy, enthusiasm and commitment can be fully satisfied, love can be developed healthily and maintained for a long time.

Love is not always smooth and beautiful. Sometimes, we will encounter emotional frustration and confusion, and even fall into emotional difficulties. From a psychological point of view, these dilemmas often stem from our misunderstanding and excessive expectation of love. Love may be regarded as the whole of life, thus ignoring its own growth and development; Or we may rely too much on each other in love and lose our self and independence. These misunderstandings and excessive expectations will lead to the dilemma and crisis of love.

Need to have a clear understanding and understanding of love. We should realize that love is only a part of life, not the whole thing; Should maintain self and independence, rather than relying too much on each other; You should learn to deal with emotional setbacks and confusion, rather than escape or give up. Only in this way can we get real happiness and satisfaction in love.

Love is a beautiful emotional experience, which can bring us endless happiness and satisfaction. Love also needs our efforts and wisdom to operate and maintain. Only when we truly understand the connotation and essence of love can we truly enjoy the happiness and beauty of love.

Editor in charge:


Thirty-one provinces started the teacher qualification examination registration today. This information needs to be understood.

  BEIJING, Beijing, Sept. 2 (Xinhua)-From the 2nd, the registration of primary and secondary school teachers’ qualification examination (written examination) will begin in the second half of 2021. In recent years, the professional attractiveness of teachers has been continuously enhanced. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the average number of qualified teachers in China was more than 1.6 million, and the "teaching enthusiasm" was concerned by public opinion.

  Registration for the teaching examination will begin in the second half of the year.

  According to the news from the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, the registration for the qualification examination (written examination) for primary and secondary school teachers in the second half of 2021 began on September 2.

  Judging from the registration announcements issued by various provinces a few days ago, the written test was held in 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), and the registration announcements of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) also went online one after another.

  According to the current teacher qualification examination method, the examination is held twice a year in most provinces, and the general written examination is arranged in March of the first half of the year and November of the second half of the year, 1-mdash ahead of schedule; Start registration in 2 months.

  According to local announcements, the national primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination (written examination) in the second half of this year will be held on October 30th.

  The "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" has recognized more than 1.6 million teachers annually.

  In recent years, the "enthusiasm for teaching resources" has become a topic of social concern. According to the data released by the Ministry of Education in December last year, during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, 28 provinces participated in the pilot reform of the qualification examination and regular registration system for primary and secondary school teachers, and the average number of qualified teachers was over 1.6 million, an increase of about 37% compared with the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" year.

  Judging from the examination of teaching resources, in recent years, the teacher qualification examination has been held twice a year, and the number of applicants for each examination is over one million. In 2016, the number of applicants for the teacher qualification examination totaled 2.6 million, reaching 4.1 million in 2017 and climbing to 9 million in 2019.

  For example, in the second half of 2019, on the first day of the teacher qualification examination online report, due to too many applicants, the registration port was congested, and the server that registered for official website once collapsed due to excessive pressure, which even made a hot search on the Internet. In that exam, the number of applicants was as high as 5.9 million.

  Expert: The attraction of the teaching profession is increasing.

  Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at China Education Research Institute, analyzed that the "fever" of the teaching-funded examination was firstly due to the increasing scale of college graduates in recent years, and the total scale of college graduates in 2021 reached 9.09 million. Under the employment competition, holding a certificate means an extra "outlet".

  "From a macro perspective, teachers’ salaries and benefits are constantly improving, and the state has also given priority to ensuring demand in the preparation. The attractiveness of teachers’ careers in the future is increasing, which is the background of the rising popularity of teaching examinations." Zhang Xiaojing, an expert from Huatu Education Teachers Research Institute, analyzed.

  Zhang Xiaojing said that in recent years, the state has raised the entry threshold for teachers, and the teacher qualification certificate has become a necessary condition for teachers inside and outside the staff. In addition, in recent years, the state has gradually required some teachers in training institutions to obtain teacher qualification certificates, which has led to the popularity of teacher qualification examinations.

  Relevant experts also said that although the number of teachers applying for the exam has increased, the ratio of the number of qualified teachers to the number of on-the-job teachers is still low, and the source of teachers should be more active, so that more outstanding talents can enter the teaching industry.

The form is taken from the announcement of the qualification examination (written examination) for primary and secondary school teachers in Hebei Province in the second half of 2021.

  The form is taken from the announcement of the qualification examination (written examination) for primary and secondary school teachers in Hebei Province in the second half of 2021.

  What qualities are examined in the teaching examination?

  As far as examinations are concerned, primary and secondary school teachers’ qualification examinations include kindergarten teachers’ qualification examination, primary school teachers’ qualification examination, junior middle school teachers’ qualification examination, senior middle school teachers’ qualification examination, secondary vocational school cultural courses and professional courses teaching, and secondary vocational school internship guidance teaching examination.

  Examination is a national unified examination established by the state and organized by provincial education administrative departments, including written examination and interview.

  According to the introduction of the primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination network of the examination center of the Ministry of Education, it is necessary to examine whether the applicant has the professional ethics, basic literacy, educational and teaching ability and professional development potential of teachers through the implementation of the primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination.

  Zhang Xiaojing said that the teacher qualification examination is based on the principle of strictly controlling the entrance of teachers and attaches importance to the examination of the comprehensive ability of applicants. In recent years, the difficulty of teaching-funded examination has increased, and the proposition angle of comprehension and application topics has become more novel and flexible, focusing on examining candidates’ comprehension ability and comprehensive application ability, especially on teachers’ innovation ability. (End)


In 2024, the "3+1+2" mode of college entrance examination in our province will be arranged from June 7 to 10.

Xin Gansu client Lanzhou Xun(New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Su Jiaying) The Provincial Education Examinations Institute recently announced the "Implementation Plan for the Admission Examination and Admission of Colleges and Universities in Gansu Province in 2024". In 2024, the "3+1+2" mode will be adopted in the general college entrance examination in our province, and the examination time will be arranged from June 7 to 10.

According to reports, in the "3+1+2" model, "3" is a unified college entrance examination subject of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages (including English, Japanese, Russian, German, Spanish and French); "1" is the first choice for candidates in physics and history; "2" is two re-selected subjects selected by candidates from four subjects: ideological politics, geography, chemistry and biology. Unified college entrance examination subjects use national unified examination papers. The preferred subjects and re-selected subjects for the selective examination of high school academic level are independently proposed by our province.

The total score of candidates consists of three unified college entrance examination subjects and three selective examination subjects, with a full score of 750. Among them, the original scores of unified college entrance examination subjects such as Chinese, mathematics and foreign language use are included in the total scores of candidates, with a perfect score of 150 points for each subject; The first choice subjects of the selective examination (physics and history) are included in the total score of the candidates with the original score, with a perfect score of 100 points for each subject; The re-selected subjects (ideological and political, geography, chemistry, biology, 2 out of 4) are included in the candidates’ total score after the grade assignment conversion according to the Implementation Measures of Gansu Province for the Selective Examination Results of Ordinary Senior High Schools’ Academic Level Included in the Total Score of College Entrance Examination, with a perfect score of 100 for each subject.

Since this year, the enrollment of colleges and universities in our province has been combined with the unified college entrance examination and the ordinary high school academic level examination, with reference to the admission model of the comprehensive quality evaluation of ordinary high school students. The enrollment categories of colleges and universities in our province are divided into general category and artistic category, in which the general category is divided into four batches: undergraduate advance approval, undergraduate approval, higher vocational (specialist) advance approval and higher vocational (specialist) approval; There are three batches of arts and sports: undergraduate approval in advance, undergraduate approval and higher vocational (specialist) approval; Each batch is set up with several paragraphs, and the voluntary reporting mode of "college professional group" is implemented.


The original small group has an annual income of 300 million? She finally forwarded the clarification: because of this, I got the nickname "Tuan 300 million"

Original title: The small group has an annual income of 300 million? She finally forwarded the clarification: because of this, I got the nickname "Tuan 300 million"

"Tuan 300 million"

A long time ago, it was reported that some well-known anchors were worth a lot of money, such as a small group that never showed up, and she could earn 300 million yuan a year. However, the news is a bit strange. In fact, two years ago, someone said that the small group was the anchor with an annual income of 300 million. Recently, a so-called "list" was exposed, saying that the small group earned 300 million yuan a year.

If that’s the case, why hasn’t her price remained the same for two years? In fact, the popularity of the small group was higher before, and now the number of fans is higher. In any case, there should always be some changes in her worth. Nothing has changed in two years, and the data are exactly the same, so the authenticity is open to question.

Soon, the leaderboard said that they didn’t make this kind of table, and the source of the data was not clear, which means it’s not true. Now, Xiao Tuantuan finally clarified her worth, and she joked with fans: Because of this, I have a nickname "Tuan 300 million". Her worth has been fixed at 300 million, so everyone is so spiteful.

Real worth

Xiao Tuantuan stood up and clarified herself, proving that she really didn’t have such a high price, but the fans were adamant. She teased Xiao Tuantuan in the comment area and teased her price. Xiao Tuantuan has been a well-known anchor for a long time, and she usually has no entertainment activities, just playing with her girlfriends. Xiao Tuantuan should have saved a lot of money now. What is her price?

In fact, the signing fee of many big-name anchors is only tens of millions, and it is not bad to reach 100 million with the money earned from various promotions. The small group is not so popular, and its real worth should be tens of millions. Moreover, this money is not only for her, but also for the guild, the team and the platform.

The first is the platform. The money earned by the anchor often needs to be given as a gift, which is earned by the platform. Gifts from fans, the platform will also get a big head. In addition, the small group has a guild called Chongqing Wan. Not long ago, they also had some disagreements, because the small group wanted to leave. Unfortunately, the three-party contract still expired in two years, and the small group was registered by the guild. The anchor was a little sad and cried directly.

Therefore, the guild will also take some money. Then there is the small group’s team. She is also a big anchor and needs her own team to take care of daily affairs. These staff members are paid, but they just don’t know whether it is given by the guild or the small group. There is a high probability that it is her own.

Personal point of view

Therefore, the small group seems to have made a lot of money. In fact, it is divided into so many people, and there is no such high annual salary at all. Is the small group really earning 300 million yuan a year? She finally forwarded the clarification: because of this, I got the nickname "Tuan 300 million". This article is completely original, welcome to pay attention and take you to learn together!

Editor in charge:


Employment discrimination gives birth to "physical examination gunner". Physical examination group earns millions a year (Figure)

Physical examination "gunman group" earns millions a year.

  At present, it is the peak of the physical examination for graduates. In exchange for a "spotless" physical examination report, some people began to look for "physical examination gunmen". Because of the loopholes in hospital management, the "gunmen" exploited the loopholes. Behind the survival of the physical examination "gunman", it once again reminds the society that the employment discrimination problem needs to be solved urgently.

  job seeker

  Who will take my physical examination and pay 500 yuan?

  "The university is graduating soon, and I finally found a job, but the employer asked me to issue a medical certificate. I am a hepatitis B virus carrier, but my liver function is normal and I am not contagious. I hope to find a good-hearted person to take my medical examination. I will provide 500 yuan nutrition fee and I will pay for the medical examination fee. " Recently, a post like this appeared on a forum.

  The reporter contacted the poster Ronaldinho according to the way this post was left. He claimed to be a fresh graduate of a university in Zhongshan and worked as an intern in a foreign company last December. "They were satisfied with my conditions, but after the physical examination, they turned me down because I was a hepatitis B virus carrier."

  Ronaldinho is very depressed about this. This month, when he went to another company for an interview, he decided to find someone similar to himself for a physical examination based on the experience taught by his predecessors. He said with emotion: "Now the employment pressure is so great that it is hard to find a job, and I have to worry about the physical examination. It is really sad to think about it."

  Ronaldinho told reporters that in the circle of hepatitis B virus carriers, it is an unspoken rule to find a "gunman" in the physical examination. He said: "Recently, it is the peak of graduation job hunting. Many people are looking for’ gunmen’, and some even call for the establishment of a medical examination alliance."

  "Gunners’ Regiment"

  Business across regions, nearly a thousand people a year for inspection.

  According to the data released by the Personnel Bureau of Zhongshan City, the number of college graduates in Zhongshan will exceed 20,000 this year, the highest in history. The employment situation is not optimistic. For hepatitis B virus carriers, their situation is even more embarrassing.

  With the increasing employment pressure and social discrimination, hepatitis B virus carriers have suffered more harm than hepatitis B virus itself. The reporter learned that there are still many units that have more or less "hepatitis B discrimination", which has given birth to things like "missing people for physical examination".

  It is no secret that the physical examination "gunner circle" in the Pearl River Delta has a high income. Ronaldinho also told reporters that a few years ago, the price of "gunner" for inspection only needed 250 yuan, and at most 500 yuan. Now, the price of finding a professional "gunner" has almost quadrupled, so he only considered looking for body double in the campus forum.

  "Hepatitis B discrimination" and good income make some gunmen see business opportunities, and they even unite to set up a "inspection company". The reporter learned from the investigation that the "business scope" of some companies has gone beyond a single city, and many "gunmen" claim to have businesses in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhuhai and Zhongshan. Some people even revealed that their operation team provides business for nearly a thousand people every year, with an annual income of over one million yuan.

  boast wildly

  No matter which hospital, it is guaranteed to pass the customs.

  Through Ronaldinho, the reporter contacted a physical examination "gunman". "We have professionals to do the inspection, and the charge is 2,000 yuan at a time." He said that for the physical examination of the agent, his team has been operating for a long time and everything is easy to solve.

  The "gunman" asked the reporter which hospital he would have a physical examination in, and said that he had accumulated contacts in many hospitals. "All hospitals in Zhongshan have to put photos and stamps and show their ID cards when they have a physical examination, but no matter which hospital, we can help pass the customs."

  "I help you to do the people’s hospital, top three hospitals, more authoritative. Pay a deposit in 500 yuan in advance and provide ID information. " Later, he sent a paragraph on the Internet: Zhongshan People’s Hospital, hand in your ID card during the physical examination, then register the information and send a physical examination form. There are photos, and the place where blood is drawn is one meter away from the registered place, which is suitable for "gunmen" to do all the projects.

  "Then how can I give you the money? How can you promise not to lie to me? " When the reporter asked for an interview, the "gunman" became wary. "You can transfer money or come to Dongguan People’s Hospital to meet me, but I won’t go to Zhongshan. We are not people who can be called out by a phone call."

  Hospital: impossible to prevent and have no right to punish.

  Because of the strict inspection, Zhongshan People’s Hospital and Pok Oi Hospital are called "restricted areas for substitute inspectors" by some "gunmen". The relevant person in charge of the two hospitals said that the substitute can be found almost every month, but the hospital can’t punish the parties.

  Feng Yanggen, chief of the physical examination center of Pok Oi Hospital, said, "Although the hospital is strictly controlled, it is impossible to completely eliminate this phenomenon. Hospitals are not law enforcement agencies and there is no way to punish them. "

  Voices of all parties

  Health department: looking for someone to check for you will cause endless trouble.

  Regarding the phenomenon of impersonation in physical examination, the relevant person in charge of the office of Zhongshan Municipal Health Bureau said that although there are many reasons for finding "gunmen" to replace physical examination, it is the employee’s irresponsibility to himself. Physical examination on behalf of the examination will not only be harmful to society, but also cause adverse consequences to the medical examiner, medical institutions and employers, and will also bring adverse consequences to the health, study and employment of the person being examined.

  Enterprise: You must know the health status of employees.

  The person in charge of the human resource management department of an IT enterprise told the reporter that from the perspective of employing people, the unit must understand the health status of employees. "If a person clearly needs to rest in poor health, but the company gives him a very important and stressful project without knowing it, does this help him or hurt him?"

  Expert opinion

  Employment discrimination gives birth to "physical examination gunner"

  In a forum called "physical examination bar", the reporter saw that many medical examiners who posted for help showed their helplessness. A netizen named "hou1979" left a message saying that he is a carrier of hepatitis B virus. This year, the unit requires everyone to have a physical examination, so he can only try his luck to find the "gunman".

  Experts from the Nanjing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention bluntly said that before the employment discrimination was effectively resolved, some people were really helpless to find a "gunman" for medical examination. On the one hand, they are asking major hospitals to strengthen the examination; on the other hand, they hope that the unit can face up to the results of the physical examination and consider it humanely for the professionals.

  Lawyer’s suggestion

  No longer check for hepatitis B in the physical examination.

  Ms. Huang Yizhi, who is in charge of assisting the parties in Beijing Yirenping Center, an anti-discrimination public welfare organization, said that in the world, carrying hepatitis B virus belongs to the personal privacy of workers, and employers have no right to conduct hepatitis B virus tests on workers, let alone discriminate against hepatitis B virus carriers and deprive them of equal employment rights.

  In this regard, some lawyers suggested that relevant laws and regulations should be introduced to standardize the contents of physical examination and cancel the hepatitis B virus examination at the time of on-the-job physical examination.

  Accelerate the pace of legislation to eliminate "hepatitis B discrimination"

  Although from a legal point of view, the physical examination of "gunmen" will lead to deception, cheating and other hazards, but most netizens will respond with sympathy and understanding to the abundant information of "looking for guns" on the Internet.

  Some netizens believe that at present, some employers do have violations and discrimination in the medical examination system, and the "hidden rules" of refusing to hire patients with diseases such as "Big Three Yang" are still in effect in some units. In real life, due to the unequal status of employers and employees, it is not easy for workers to safeguard their own rights and interests. Therefore, we should speed up the pace of legislation and eliminate "hepatitis B discrimination".

Editor: wangxin


British television was accused of broadcasting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Christmas message.

Topic: picture channel

On the 24th, a newly decorated Christmas tree was placed in the Grand Square in Brussels, Belgium.

  25th is Christmas, a traditional western holiday. In the United States, President Bush and his family celebrated Christmas for the last time at Camp David, the presidential resort. In Britain, a TV station was accused of broadcasting the Christmas message of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. On that day, while festivals were celebrated in different ways around the world, travelers in some parts of the United States had to stay at the airport for the holidays because of bad weather.


  Obama encourages people

  US President-elect Barack Obama delivered a radio and Internet video speech on the 24th, taking the opportunity of Christmas to encourage people to share the financial crisis.

  Obama said that the current US economy has been hit, "millions of people have lost their jobs" and "more people are struggling to pay bills or keep their homes. From students to the elderly, I feel that the future is full of uncertainty. " He encouraged people to "do their duty to serve others, find new ideas and inventions, and open a new chapter for our country".

  Obama said: "If the American people come together and go all out to shoulder the historical responsibility, then we can let the people continue to work and point out a new direction for the country. Only in this way can we get through this crisis and make tomorrow better. "

  Obama also expressed condolences to the officers and men of the navy, army, air force, marine corps and coast guard serving overseas.

  Bush sent his subordinates jobs.

  This year is the last time Bush and his family celebrated Christmas at Camp David, the presidential resort. The Bushes, their two daughters and other family members gathered at Camp David in Maryland that day. Although in Maryland, their Christmas dinner is quite traditional in Bush’s hometown of Texas, including roast turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.

  With Bush leaving office soon, many government dignitaries are worrying about re-employment. Bush was sympathetic to his subordinates and gave them a big gift-work-on Christmas Eve, which solved their worries.

  The Associated Press reported that the White House announced on the 24th that Bush had selected 24 part-time job candidates for 10 boards and committees, most of whom were right-hand men under Bush.

  For example, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was elected to the board of directors of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts for a six-year term. Minister of Commerce Gutierrez was nominated as a member of the woodrow wilson international center for scholars Council for a term of six years.

  Chino, former vice minister of transportation and chairman of the 2008 Republican National Convention, will take office on the Trade Policy and Negotiation Advisory Committee for a four-year term.

  Mcbride, the housekeeper of First Lady Laura, was also awarded a three-year term on the board of directors of the J. William Fulbright Scholarship for Foreign Scholars.

  Ahmadinejad delivered a Christmas speech

  On the 25th, the British TV station Channel 4 broadcast the Christmas speech delivered by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which provided the public with a window to understand the "alternative viewpoint", but it still attracted a lot of criticism.

  A spokesman for Channel 4 said that Ahmadinejad finished his speech in Iran with Persian quotations, and the whole process was highly confidential in advance. The producer of the program matched the speech with English subtitles.

  Ahmadinejad extended his holiday greetings to Christians in the program. However, the text of the speech shows that this holiday greeting is ironic.

  Ahmadinejad said: "If Christ were alive, he would join people in opposing the tyrannical and irritable expansionist power." The Associated Press reported that this clearly points to the United States and its allies.

  Ahmadinejad said: "If Christ were alive today, there is no doubt that he would hold high the banner of justice and fraternity against militants, occupiers, terrorists and bullies. If Christ were alive today, there is no doubt that he would resist the arbitrary policies prevailing in the global economic and political system, just as he devoted himself to it all his life. "

  Bourne, director of the news and current affairs program of Channel 4, said that Ahmadinejad was chosen as the protagonist of this year’s Christmas speech because Iran’s relations with western countries may become a key global issue next year.

  However, the efforts of "Channel 4" did not seem to help it reduce its criticism. Smith, head of the British Holocaust Memorial Center, said that Ahmadinejad’s message should be treated with caution. "Many of his political and historical views are very dangerous."

  Grunwald, chairman of the British Jewish Representative Committee, firmly believes that Ahmadinejad is not qualified for Christmas programs.

  Conservative MP Davis believes that the choice of "Channel 4" is "unacceptable at any level".


  Snow and ice weather affect some areas.

  Passengers stranded at American airport on Christmas Eve.

  Some parts of the United States suffered from snow and ice weather on the 24th, which caused some airport flights to be cancelled and delayed, and many passengers preparing to go home for Christmas were stranded.

  As the second largest airport in the United States, Chicago O ‘Hare International Airport in Illinois had to cancel more than 100 flights on the 24th, leaving more than 500 passengers stranded. The day before, due to the ice storm, the airport cancelled more than 500 flights.

  Tommy and siobhan from Ireland spent their second night at O ‘Hare International Airport on the 24th. They had planned to go to San Diego, California for their honeymoon. When they arrived at the airport on the 23rd, the flight at O ‘Hare International Airport was cancelled due to bad weather. The couple can only leave on the 25th flight at the earliest.

  As they were preparing to go to the relatively warm San Diego, the couple were unprepared for the temperature near zero degrees Celsius in Chicago and were at a loss for a while. Siobhan, 30, said: "This place was supposed to be a transit station, but now there is nothing to do but wait."

  At present, the meteorological department of the United States has issued ice storm warnings and travel suggestions to most parts of the western region and parts of the central, western and northeastern regions.


  Mysterious Santa Claus haunts Korean community

  The staff of a residential area in Jeonju, a city in southwestern South Korea, received a mysterious phone call on the 25th, reminding them to go to the parking lot to find a mysterious box.

  They found the box and opened it. It actually contained 20 million won (about 15,000 US dollars) in cash. There is also a note in the box that says, "Cheer up, breadwinners."

  The Korea Times reported that since 2000, this community has received cash from mysterious Santa Claus every Christmas, and has accumulated more than 81 million won so far.

  The staff suspect that this mysterious Santa Claus is a resident of the community, and he may not be well off, but he insists on donating his savings every year.

  Park Mingxi, the head of the community, said: "We are very touched. There is such a kind-hearted person living here." He said that he would distribute the money to 100 residents in the community.

  Add citizenship to Santa Claus

  Canadian Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Kenny granted Santa Claus citizenship on the 24th.

  Kenny said in a statement released in Ottawa on the same day that Santa Claus officially became a Canadian citizen and gained the right to enter the country many times.

  Kenny said: "The Canadian government sincerely wishes Santa all the best in his work on Christmas Eve. As a Canadian citizen, he has the right to enter Canada again after completing his world tour."

  The statement also said that Santa Claus wore traditional red and white costumes, which just echoed the color of the Canadian flag. (Wu Zheng, He Shan, Chen Lixi)

Editor: Wang Jiaolong


Documentary film "Kingdom Built on Ice" was warmly presented by the National Federation of Arts.

Harbin Ice and Snow World in December every year is an excellent place for people to appreciate the art of ice sculpture. The ice sculptures filled with ingenious ideas and elaborately built make people wonder, and also add icing on the cake to the winter beauty of the ice city. Who designed and made these ice sculptures? Where did so many ice cubes come from? In order to explore the story behind the exquisite art of ice sculpture, the documentary film "Building a Kingdom by Ice" went from "before" to "behind", and observed the moving parts of ice transportation and sculpture through the crystal clear of ice sculpture.
By the Propaganda Department of Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Propaganda Department of Harbin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Heilongjiang Radio and Television Bureau and Heilongjiang Film Studio Co., Ltd., Qi Binying took four years to shoot, and recorded the real work and life of tens of thousands of workers in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China. After the completion, the film has won many praises at home and abroad, and won the "Best Long Documentary Award" at the 2022 Los Angeles Independent Film Festival and the "Best Documentary Film Award" at the 19th China-US Film Festival in 2023. On December 18th, The Kingdom of Ice will be shown by the National Federation of Arts, and roadshows will be held in Changchun, Shenyang, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Kunming, Xi ‘an and Beijing, so that audiences from different regions can appreciate the charm of ice and snow.
Every documentary carries a certain social value, and the valuable thing about "Building a Kingdom by Ice" is that it sees "invisible pay". The gorgeous ice sculptures that attract people to come from everywhere and stop to enjoy them contain a lot of hard work behind them. The raw material of ice sculpture comes from Songhua River, the mother river of Harbin. The extremely low temperature has covered the river with thick ice. During the preparation of the ice sculpture, tens of thousands of workers gathered on Sun Island to collect a large amount of ice raw materials with their hands and simple tools. In just fifteen days, we have to prepare raw materials, transport, design and sculpt. Time is tight and the work is heavy, but everyone can always work together to complete the task. Most of these workers come from the surrounding areas. They farm in summer and work as "ice builders" in winter. They are busy day and night in cold weather, thus making a dream "ice kingdom" rise from the ground. The perseverance of these "ordinary people" and their simple desire to make life better have a subtle connection with exquisite ice sculptures. The beauty of ice sculpture is not only presented externally, but also adds deep meaning full of concern and imagination. "
Although the ice sculpture lasts only a few months every year, as a cultural card of a city, its condensed meaning can flow freely in the past and future, at home and abroad. Qi Binying’s hometown is Harbin. When she first saw the ice building scene, the colorful memories of her childhood instantly touched thousands of homesickness. As a unique civic culture, the ice sculpture, which was born in 1963, was built and enjoyed by ordinary people. People who were born and raised in Sri Lanka can relax and live poetically at the end of the year. In recent years, the design of ice sculptures has become more and more diverse: many professionals have participated in it, making ice sculptures into shapes with traditional cultural characteristics such as "Dashui Law", or building modern consumer places such as hot pot restaurants and bars in the ice city, in an effort to give visitors a better experience.
The 25th World of Ice and Snow in Harbin opened on the same day as the film. This year, the modern entertainment facilities based on ice and snow that appeared in "Building a Kingdom by Ice" are more colorful, and the entertainment projects are even more dazzling. The theme of this year’s World of Ice and Snow is "Dragon’s Snow and Winter", and it has been carefully designed in terms of art, entertainment, diet, sports and culture. Both adults and children can enjoy laughter and laughter in the world of ice and snow: delicious food in the snow, skiing experience, parent-child time, IP punching in online celebrity, ice performance … Rich activities will accompany tourists through important festivals such as New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, etc., with simple ice bricks in the hands of workers and countless people’s painstaking efforts, generate is full of endless fun and excitement.
Although ice is solidified, it carries cultural values and emotional meanings, but it is flowing through. Spring and winter have come, and abundant ice resources have nourished this northern city. After countless pairs of hard-working hands and countless ingenious minds, the ice cubes are carved into beautiful and moving ice sculptures, so that visitors can enjoy such a unique scenery of the North. After the filming, the film has been shown abroad for many times and won many awards. It has become a kaleidoscope of cultural exchanges between the East and the West, and has also made more foreigners know the charm and style of Harbin.
Beautiful things always need to be recorded and written, and the shooting of "Building a Kingdom by Ice" is no less difficult than the process of taking and transporting ice itself. However, thanks to the ingenious and discerning director Rick, the story of ice sculpture and ice builders can be preserved and spread. In this sense, the beauty of ice sculpture on the realistic level is intertwined with the carefully shot film pictures, and a winter waltz is played with an extremely elegant gesture.
(Source: Beiqing Net)

The last group of blockbusters shot by Kathy CHAU before his death was open, holding a cat and smiling. The studio revealed his philosophy of life: no matter how good or bad, he loved life calmly.

On the evening of December 12th, Kathy CHAU Studio issued a document announcing that Kathy CHAU died on December 11th due to illness.

On December 15th, Kathy CHAU Studio updated two magazine materials shot by Kathy CHAU before his death, and a group of blockbusters shot before his death were exposed. It is reported that this group of materials was filmed on November 17.

In the exposed blockbuster, Kathy CHAU changed many sets of shapes, which was gentle and elegant.

In this regard, many netizens posted a message to remember: "Never forget, always leave a good memory!"

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive Studio Account]

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What exercises can burn fat? What kind of exercise would you choose?

# Which exercises can burn fat? #

Want to lose weight? Exercise is a very good way. So, in fitness training, which exercises can consume fat? Let’s take a look:

1. Jogging

Jogging is a very popular sport. Running for one hour can consume 500-600 calories. Running can not only help you burn fat in your body, but also improve your cardiopulmonary function. Jogging for more than half an hour at a time can effectively increase calorie consumption.

2. Skipping rope

Skipping rope is also a good exercise, which burns fat more efficiently than running, and has a short and efficient effect. Jumping rope can quickly raise your heart rate and improve your physical coordination.

You can choose to skip rope 100-200 times, perform 5-6 groups, and rest for 1 minute between groups, so as to achieve the effect of short interval and improve the fat burning efficiency.

3. Opening and closing jumps

Jumping is also a very suitable exercise for slimming. You can move in trivial time. It can quickly consume fat in your body and enhance your muscle strength. You can start with 100-200 at a time and accumulate more than 600 at a time, which can achieve the effect of burning fat.

4. Bobby jumps

Bobby jumping is also a very good exercise. It combines squats, push-ups, jumps and other actions, which can exercise most muscle groups of the body, and can also quickly consume fat in your body. After training, the body will continue to burn fat, which will help to build a lean body.

5. Swimming

Swimming is also a very suitable exercise to lose weight. It can relieve summer heat and have fun, burn calories and exercise your whole body muscles. You can choose freestyle, butterfly and breaststroke, which are all good swimming methods.

6. Aerobics

Sticking to aerobics for 1 hour can consume 300-400 calories, help you break down the fat in your body, and improve your body’s coordination and flexibility. You can freely choose different movements for combined training, such as 20 seconds for each movement and 20 seconds for rest, which can make you sweat in a short time.

So, what kind of sports do you like?