标签归档 武汉夜生活


Israeli festivals

Topic: "Perception of China" in Israel.

  1. RoshHashana The Jewish New Year is the beginning of the year of the Jewish calendar (lunar calendar). It is one of the most important festivals for Jews. During the festival, the whole country has a two-day holiday. In the church, the horn was blown to talk to God, hoping to get God’s blessing. Friends meet to say "ShanaTova". According to tradition, people eat apples dipped in honey during the New Year, which indicates that the new year is sweet and beautiful.

  2. YomKippur Yom Kippur is the tenth day after the Jewish New Year and is an important religious festival. Jews set this festival to confess to God and ask for forgiveness. Judaism stipulates that during Yom Kippur, you should fast for one day and pray and meditate in the church. When people meet in church, they wish each other a good evaluation from God. Yom Kippur ended with the melodious sound of horns in the evening.

  3. Sukkot (Sukkot) This festival is to commemorate the life of living in a hut during the 40-year exile in Sinai after the Jewish ancestor Moses led the Jews out of Egypt. Therefore, the festival is in the harvest season, so it is also called the harvest festival. It is the main feature of every household to build a straw shed during the festival. The festival is celebrated for eight days. During this period, the IDF usually holds tank exhibitions in Tel Aviv’s municipal square.

Israel’s "Tent Festival"

  4. SimhatTorah It usually takes a year for Jews to read Jewish classics. The Simhattorah is designed to celebrate the completion of reading, and the religious atmosphere is strong. This festival is a happy festival, so people (mainly Christians) should sing, dance and eat sweets. In the celebration ceremony, an essential item is to take down the scroll and walk seven times in your hand.

  5. Hanukah Festival is to commemorate the success of Macabies’s uprising against the Greek invaders and the freedom of Jews. Legend has it that during the Jewish temple period, the seven olive oil lamps in the temple kept on burning, but they were eventually broken due to the destruction of the Greek invaders. After the victory of Macabies Uprising, I hope to rekindle the oil lamp. People looked around and found only enough olive oil for one day, but this olive oil was miraculously ordered for eight days until the new olive matured and new oil was added. Since then, Jews have set up festivals to commemorate this day when God helped them. This festival lasts for eight days, with two days off at the beginning and the end. The main celebration ceremony is to light a candle every day. Candlesticks with nine candlesticks are specially designed for this festival. Among them, the higher one in the middle is designed to ignite the other eight. At the beginning of the festival, people eat a special potato cake and then exchange gifts.

  6. Purim means drawing lots. It is said that a wicked official hated a Jew who had offended him and set a date for killing all Jews by drawing lots. A Jewish woman who became a queen executed the wicked official and saved the Jews by playing around. During festivals, theaters usually put on plays about this story. People (mainly children) also wear masks about the characters in the story to attend the party, so some people call it the masquerade festival. At the party, people usually eat a special triangle cookie, which symbolizes the ear or hat of a bad official.

  7. The Passover (Pessah) originated from the Bible Exodus. When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt to the Red Sea, he raised his staff to separate the Red Sea, and the Jews walked out of the Red Sea smoothly, while the chasing Egyptian army was submerged in the sea. The festival is celebrated for eight days, with two days off at the beginning and the end. Before the festival, people should remove all fermented pasta from their homes. During the festival, it is forbidden to sell and eat fermented food, and only a special unleavened pancake called Matsa can be eaten to commemorate the day when Jews could not eat fermented cakes when they left Egypt because of time constraints.

The traditional family feast of Jews during Passover.

  8. Holocaust Remembrance Day (also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day) In order to commemorate the six million Jews killed by the Nazis between 1933 and 1945, the Knesset passed a decree in 1951, establishing the 27th of the Jewish calendar (April in Gregorian calendar) as Holocaust Remembrance Day. During the festival, orthodox Jews all over the world will fast for one day. Every family lights candles and reads the Jewish scripture Kadish. In Israel, an assembly or procession attended by the President, the Prime Minister and other important figures will be held to mourn the victims and celebrate the survival of the Jewish nation. At 10 o’clock in the morning, the national whistle sounded for two minutes, and the people stopped all work and stood in silence for the victims.

  9. IDFMemorialDay This festival is set on the day before Independence Day to commemorate the soldiers of the National Defence Force who have given their lives to protect national security since the War of Liberation. At 8 o’clock the night before the festival, the national whistle sounded for one minute, and the people stood in silence. The National Defence Force also held an official commemorative ceremony at 8: 00 on the same day, attended by the President. At eleven o’clock the next morning, whistle again for two minutes.

  10. IndependentDay was established to commemorate Israel’s independence in 1948. At eight o’clock the night before the festival, the Knesset held a formal celebration ceremony in Mount Herzl, Jerusalem, with the participation of parliamentarians and cabinet members. The ceremony included lighting 12 torches and firing salutes. The main activities on the day of the festival include a parade of the National Defence Forces, an air show, a reception hosted by the President for diplomatic missions and outstanding soldiers, an international Bible contest and an Israel Prize awarding ceremony. In addition, municipal governments also hold entertainment parties and set off fireworks.

Independence Day

  11. Lagba-Omer means the 33rd day after the first day of Passover. According to legend, the Jewish rabbi Akiva organized Jews to recapture Jerusalem from the Romans on this day and lit a bonfire to inform the surrounding villages. Since then, Jews have commemorated the story of Achiwarabi and his recapture of Jerusalem with bonfires.

  12. Jerusalem Day is a festival to commemorate Israel’s unification of Jerusalem in 1967. During festivals, there are usually grand celebrations in Jerusalem. The main celebration ceremony was held in front of the Western Wall at sunset the day before. Before the ceremony began, eighteen candles were lit to commemorate the soldiers who died in the battle to recapture Yecheng, followed by a thanksgiving ceremony. On the day of the festival, mass parades and other celebrations are held.

  13. The forty-ninth day after the first day of Pentecost Passover is the day to commemorate Moses’ acquisition of the Ten Commandments. Therefore, the festival is catching up with the harvest of wheat and fruit, so it is also called the harvest festival. This is a happy festival, people should decorate their homes with flowers, and have a rich holiday meal with milk and cheese the night before the festival. Read the Ten Commandments on the festival day. At present, this festival has basically evolved into a children’s festival.

  14. Tesha b ‘av means the ninth day of the Jewish calendar. According to legend, the Jewish temple was destroyed twice on this day. Jews commemorated this sad day with fasting.

Editor: Wang Yilin


Will it be "karoshi" for Japanese fighters to double "flying with China military aircraft"?

  CCTV News:The normal activities of Japanese military aircraft in the East China Sea and the South China Sea have caused overreaction in some neighboring countries. The Japanese Air Self-Defense Force fighters have been exhausted because of frequent emergency take-off, which is unbearable not only for people, but also for machines.

  On August 12th and 13th, Japanese military planes flew over the Miyako Strait for two consecutive days, and the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force dispatched fighter planes to respond. Japan’s NHK TV reported on August 15 that the Japanese defense center Onoji Five Code visited Okinawa on the 14th and inspected the Naha base of the Air Self-Defense Force.

Five Codes of Japanese Defense Center Onoji

Five Codes of Japanese Defense Center Onoji

  The Japanese defense center Onoji Five Code said that the Self-Defense Force aircraft was launched 1068 times in 2016, setting a new record. Among them, 803 emergency launches were made to cope with the situation in the southwest airspace.

  Naha base of Japan Air Self-Defense Force undertakes most of the emergency lift-off mission.

Naha military base

Naha military base

diagrammatic presentation

diagrammatic presentation

  In order to cope with the activities of Japanese military aircraft and strengthen the air defense situation in the so-called southwest region, the Japanese Self-Defense Force established the 9th Air Corps on January 31, 2016, expanded the 83rd Air Force of the Air Self-Defense Force originally stationed at Naha base in Okinawa, and moved the 204th Air Force at Baili base in Ibaraki Prefecture and the 304th Air Force at Tsukuba base in Fukuoka Prefecture to Naha base, and also moved the 305th Air Force to Xintianyuan base in Miyazaki Prefecture near Okinawa. At present, the 9 th Air Corps has about 40 F-15 fighters, and has undertaken about half of the emergency launch mission of the entire Air Self-Defense Force.

  Chuanbo Qingming, commander of Naha base of Japan Air Self-Defense Force, said that sometimes there are several emergency liftoffs in one day, and from this point of view, it is true that the number of emergency liftoffs has increased.

Emergency liftoff

Emergency liftoff

  According to reports, the fighters of the Self-Defense Forces in Naha base are not using real missiles during training, but they will be equipped with live ammunition during emergency lift-off. Sometimes the number of emergency liftoffs from Naha base can reach 10 times a day, but because of the high frequency of liftoffs, the number of fighters in Naha base is seriously insufficient.

  The Self-Defense Forces added two F-15s to monitor China military aircraft from the rear.

  At the beginning of this year, the Japanese Defense Ministry also revised the formation of the Air Self-Defense Force for emergency take-off, from the original two Air Self-Defense Force fighters to one Chinese mainland military aircraft, to four to one, and two additional F-15s were added to monitor the Chinese mainland military aircraft from the rear, and to watch for any additional aircraft. This 4:1 "gameplay" has increased the burden on the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. The outside world can’t help but question, will these fighters F-15s "overwork"?

  More importantly, unlike other air self-defense force bases, the airport of Naha base is a military-civilian shared airport with only one runway. With the formation of the 9th Air Corps, the number of F-15s has doubled and the number of emergency take-offs has surged, so Naha Airport is extremely crowded.

  Although the self-defense forces claimed that the frequent take-off of military aircraft did not affect civilian aircraft. However, on July 26th, the nose landing gear indicator light of an F-15 fighter of the Air Self-Defense Force was broken during take-off, leaving many objects suspected of glass fragments on the taxiway, causing a large number of civil airliners to stay. On January 30th, the front wheel of an F-15 fell off during take-off, which made it impossible for Naha Airport to take off and land for nearly two hours. According to the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, the second runway of Naha Airport will be put into use before the end of March 2020, but it is inevitable that civil aircraft will be affected before that.

  Commander of China Air Force: It is a normal demand to go to the distant sea for training. The Sea of Japan is not the Sea of Japan.

  China’s normal navigation and flight activities have always been regarded as a "threat" by Japan. In the 2017 edition of the White Paper on Defense, Japan also played up the threat of China and expressed "concern" about the active activities of China’s navy and air force in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. In response, China Air Force Commander Ma Xiaotian responded on the 10th that training in the open sea is the development demand of China Air Force itself, and I don’t know what the Japanese are worried about.

China Air Force Commander Ma Xiaotian

China Air Force Commander Ma Xiaotian

  China Air Force Commander Ma Xiaotian said, "We are developing our own. What is he worried about?"? Training at sea is also necessary. Our air force can’t just stay on land, but the Sea of Japan doesn’t seem to be too much. What he said is a bit exaggerated. It is not impossible to go to the Sea of Japan in the future, and the Sea of Japan is not the Sea of Japan.


National Sports General Administration Mountaineering Management Center

    On March 18th-19th, 2023, another city-level international competition-2023 China Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race, co-sponsored by the Mountaineering Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and the people’s governments of chinese mountaineering association and Chengdu, was successfully held in Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park in Chengdu.

  China100 Mountain Cross-country Race is an international outdoor sports brand race founded by the Mountaineering Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and chinese mountaineering association in 2013. Since its establishment more than ten years ago, China100 has traveled to Yuyao, Zhejiang, Gongga, Sichuan, Jigongshan, Henan and other places, and nearly 100,000 people from more than 20 countries and regions have participated in it, feeling the local customs of all parts of the country with enthusiastic and energetic cross-country running.

  Lepao Longquan Mountain

  Feel the park city with your steps.

  As the first park city in China, Chengdu has gradually formed a new urban development pattern of "one mountain with two wings" in the historical process of building a park city demonstration zone that practices the new development concept, and Longquan Mountain has also become the "urban green heart" that outdoor sports enthusiasts and citizens are eager for.

  In order to give full play to the natural resource endowment advantage of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park and realize the creative transformation of the ecological value of the forest park, with sports events as the "urban green heart", with the support of the Mountaineering Center of the General Administration and chinese mountaineering association, China100 brand officially settled in Chengdu this year and was held in Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park, which is enough to show the unique geographical location, abundant landscape resources and ecological endowment of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park and its natural advantages in popularizing outdoor sports.

  With the countdown to the Chengdu Universiade, the atmosphere of "Love Chengdu and Welcome the Universiade" continues to heat up. Chengdu, a city of vitality and sports, is welcoming friends from all corners of the country with a vibrant attitude.

  As the first international mountain cross-country race in Chengdu, the 2023 Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race is in the spring of March, and the mountains on Longquan Mountain are full of flowers and colorful. Athletes and outdoor enthusiasts will touch the natural and cultural scenery of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park at close range in an active and challenging way, and measure the ecological beauty of Chengdu as a park city with running steps.

  Chengdu blew the assembly number

  Integrate into nature "households" and move into a new life.

  Mountain cross-country race is an important form of mountain outdoor sports, and now it has become a popular sports event all over the world. At the same time, it is a sport that challenges itself and transcends the limits, and it is also a vivid interpretation of the sportsmanship of tenacious struggle and courage.

  China Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race Track in 2023 is dominated by relatively mature routes around the lake and mountains. The starting point of the race is located in Danjingtai, Longquan Mountain, and the ending points are Sanchahu Campus of Chengdu Institute of Physical Education and Hubin Square in Tianfu New District, Sichuan Province according to different routes. The track highlights the superior ecological value and tourism resources of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park, and highlights the new concept of mountain outdoor sports, which is "integrating into nature, making a new life and making cross-country happier", showing ". 


    In this competition, the long-distance 105-kilometer master group, 70-kilometer elite group and 45-kilometer challenge group are mainly for professional players to surpass themselves in the challenge. The 12-kilometer Happy Group and the 3-kilometer Parent-child Rainbow Run allow more citizens and enthusiasts to experience the fun of indulging in Longquan Mountain and running between mountains and rivers.

  The total scale of the competition reached 2,000 people, including 400 people in the 105km Master Group, 70km Elite Group, 1,200 people in the 45km Challenge Group, 12km Happy Group and about 400 people in the 3km Rainbow Run. 

  Among the athletes, there are many cross-country runners, such as Zhao Jiaju, a domestic cross-country runner, Shiro Dorje, the top ten elite athlete of ITRA in China, Fu Huarong, Zheng Junyue, and so on.

  It is worth mentioning that chinese mountaineering association mountaineering outdoor media collecting group joined hands with the Capital Media Running Group, and invited more than 10 media people who love running to participate in it personally, reporting the joy and excitement of cross-country running in an experiential way.



  Leading the new fashion of outdoor sports and leisure

  At present, Chengdu is actively promoting the construction of a park city. The overall positioning of Longquanshan Urban Forest Park is "a world-class quality urban green heart, an international urban living room and an ecological paradise loved by citizens and tourists".


  In order to continuously release the driving effect of the event, create a multi-dimensional new scene of outdoor life, and continuously enrich the connotation of the event, Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race adheres to the guidance of professional events, integrates national fitness and outdoor leisure, and simultaneously holds a series of theme activities such as lakeside music carnival, outdoor sports film festival, Hushan Music Festival, sports equipment exhibition, outdoor sports parent-child tour, etc., so that citizens can feel the happy and beautiful life of the park city. Efforts will be made to build the event into a "mountain cross-country race in the center of the city" with the charm and abundance of Chengdu, to realize the creative transformation of the ecological value of the park city, and to develop the forest park from the green heart of Chengdu into an internationally influential mountain outdoor sports gathering area and outdoor tourism destination.


  The State Sports General Administration attached great importance to this event, and the relevant staff of the Policy and Regulation Department also came to the competition site to guide the safety and standardization work related to the event. As the most influential mountain cross-country race brand in China, after more than two years of planning and polishing, Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race successfully settled in Chengdu, which once again proved the strong vitality and wide appeal of outdoor sports in this park city.


  Competition results

  105 km group

  Top three men

  Shi Yanghe 08:39:46

  Wang Qinghua 08:52:21

  Xia Zongyong 09:21:47

  Top three women

  Tony chen 10:23:24

  Zhou Liting 10:25:45

  Zhao fen 11:14:44


  70 km group

  Top three men

  Zhang Huohua 05:07:25

  Wu Yongbo 05:09:21

  Yang Yi 05:17:48

  Top three women

  Wang Liping 06:52:11

  Qin Qin 06:59:34

  Wu Ping 07:20:17


  45 km group

  Top three men

  DANIEL PEREZ 03:16:45

  Xiong Zhiqiang 03:35:59

  Li Gang 03:45:22

  Top three women

  Li Lanlan 04:30:25

  Li Jinxia 04:32:19

  Dongsha 04:47:36


  12 km group

  Top three men

  Zhang Jiayu 00:36:32

  Ye Jiexiong 00:36:49

  Wang Mingxuan 00:38:30

  Top three women

  Jiang Wenli 00:42:43

  Liu Pingying 00:46:09

  00:49:48 at Kitchener.


What did reading teach us? Kang Hui and Zhu Guangquan said this.

  CCTV News:Today is World Book Day, full screen of recommended books and tricks are read live, but don’t worry, ask yourself, what did reading teach you?


  Kang Hui read The Little Prince.

  In CCTV’s Reading with You program, Kang Hui recommended The Little Prince. He said that the first time he read The Little Prince was eight years old. At that time, it was difficult for him to understand its profound meaning. The only interesting plot was that the little prince met a fox in the desert.

  He is thinking, will this fox become a beauty? Finally, I lived happily with the little prince, just like the ending of Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

  By 2005, Kang Hui was in his thirties, but a sentence in The Little Prince touched him again.

  "I was too young to love her."

  In that year, Kang Hui’s father died, and he finally understood that love in this sentence does not only refer to love between lovers. And once, he didn’t know how to love those unique people in his life.

  Kang Hui learned from The Little Prince that year that "in fact, love needs learning".


  Zhu Guangquan read Chu Wu.

  In the CCTV program Reading, Zhu Guangquan recommended Chu Wu: From Xiang Yu to Han Xin. He said that the author, Mr Li Kaiyuan, was a detective.

  Zhu Guangquan introduced that taking Xiang Yu’s Wujiang River as an example, according to historical records, there were five experts who got Xiang Yu’s body, divided it into five pieces to take credit for it, and finally sealed it. The author, Mr. Li Kaiyuan, conducted a rigorous "political examination" on these five people to assess their origins and subsequent development. One of them is very special, named Yang Xi.

  When Yang Xi’s position was passed on to his fifth-generation descendant Yang Chang, his wife happened to be Sima Qian’s daughter, so the author imagined that Yang Chang and his old father-in-law Sima Qian would tell him their family history in a embellished way while drinking wine on the wine table, which may become a record in Historical Records.

  But when Zhu Guangquan read this, he wondered, is this oral history true? Maybe Xiang Yu didn’t die. At that time, the person who killed Xiang Yu could deliberately point the wrong finger and say that the general who looked similar around him was Xiang Wang, so everyone swarmed and divided his body into five pieces. What about the real Xiang Yu? From then on, it is possible to remain anonymous and forget each other in the rivers and lakes.

Zhu Guangquan: You can't think that what you think is what you think.

Zhu Guangquan: You can’t think that what you think is what you think.

  Finally, Zhu Guangquan said that one of his inspirations was that "certainty became less certain". Indeed, for those who can’t witness the history with their own eyes, how can we give a definite process? What we need to do is "to challenge the limits of history".


  What did reading teach you?

  Going back to our original question, what did reading teach us?

  Like Kang Hui, when he was young, he was ignorant and couldn’t understand the mystery of the book. When he grew up, he suddenly realized the true meaning of life.

  Or like Zhu Guangquan, from the book to expand Lenovo, to learn from history.

  A thousand people reading a book can probably have ten thousand answers.

  According to the 17th national reading survey report released by China Press and Publication Research Institute on April 20th, in 2019, the average reading volume of paper books and e-books for adults was 4.65 and 2.84 respectively, both of which were lower than last year.

  The report also shows that the time spent using mobile phones is increasing — — The average length of mobile phone contact for Chinese adults is 100.41 minutes per day, an increase of 15.54 minutes compared with 2018.

  Some people say that I read a lot of WeChat official account articles every day. Is this not reading?

  Some people say that paper books are no longer the only ones. I can "listen" to books. Isn’t that reading?

  Some people say that I can gain knowledge by watching all kinds of long videos and short videos, so why is it not reading?

A best-selling author is communicating with readers through live broadcast software. (Source Zhongxin. com)

A best-selling author is communicating with readers through live broadcast software. (Source Zhongxin. com)

  Refutation words are also overwhelming. Fragmented reading is not reading, but reading a paper book is reading, and reading can be remembered. ……

  Who is right or wrong probably needs time to answer. Compared with how to read, perhaps what we have gained from reading is more worthy of our deep thinking.

  Descartes said "I think, therefore I am". Now, it is better to say "I think, therefore I read".


Premier League

At 23: 30 pm Beijing time on October 29th, the 10th round of the 2023-24 Premier League ushered in the first Manchester City Derby of this season, and Manchester United played against Manchester City at Old Trafford Stadium. In the first half, Hoyle pulled Rodley down and sent a penalty, and Harland took the penalty and hit it; In the second half, Harland scored twice with another goal, and before the end, he assisted Foton to seal the victory. Onana made many dives in the audience. In the end, Manchester City beat Manchester United 3-0 away.

This game is the 191st Manchester City Derby in history. Before the game, a series of activities were held at Old Trafford Stadium to commemorate the legendary Sir Bobby Charlton.

In the second minute, Manchester United stole the ball in midfield, and McTominay took the ball to the front of the penalty area and shot it with his left foot. The ball was not strong enough for Edersen. In the 8th minute, Rodley in the frontcourt hoisted the ball into the right side of the penalty area, Walker put it in front of the baseline and knocked the ball across the middle. Foden’s header was saved by Onana.

In the 12th minute, Grali took the ball to the left side of the penalty area, but he passed it back to his opponent in an inverted triangle. Hoyle took the ball and pushed it forward. Unfortunately, his teammates responded too slowly, and the fast break turned into a sports war. In the 15th minute, Foton sent a straight plug from the midfield, and Onana rushed out of the penalty area to clear the ball before Harland did.

In the 20th minute, Manchester City kicked the left tactical corner, Grali grabbed the ball from the right side of the restricted area and shot the far corner, and Onana saved the ball.In the 26th minute, Manchester City won a free kick in the frontcourt, and the ball was hoisted into the penalty area. Rodley, who was fighting for the landing point, was pulled down by Hoyle, and the referee awarded a penalty after watching VAR.

The penalty was taken by Harland, who shot his left foot low in the lower right corner of the goal and tricked Onana into scoring the ball. Manchester City led Manchester United 1-0.

In the 31st minute, Manchester City made a mistake in the frontcourt return, and Hoyle got the ball and got a half-single-handed chance. After he passed the goalkeeper, he didn’t have an angle to shoot, and then he crossed the middle. Unfortunately, B shot high from a small angle.

In the 36th minute, Manchester City made a cross from the right in the frontcourt. Maguire’s header in the penalty area was on Dallot, and he was almost attacked by Grali. In the 37th minute, Manchester City got a free kick from the left outside the penalty area, and Alvarez shot directly, and Onana saved the ball.

In the 45th minute, Manchester United made a long pass from the right side of the midfield. At the top of the arc, McTominay stopped the ball and turned to volley. Edersen saved the ball with one hand. In the 45th+4th minute, Seat B made a forward pass on the left baseline of the restricted area, and Harland headed Taishan in the small restricted area, and Onana flew to dedicate himself. At the end of the first half, Manchester City temporarily took the lead.

In the second half, Yi Bian fought again. In the 48th minute, B Fei received a tactical corner kick in front of the penalty area and made a long shot. Edersen saved the ball. In the 56th minute, Grali took the ball to the far corner from the left side of the restricted area, and Onana saved the ball sideways.In the 50th minute, the B-seat caught the ball and came to the bottom line on the left side of the penalty area. Harland in the middle headed the goal. This time, Onana had no choice. Manchester City led Manchester United 2-0.

In the 58th minute, Alvarez directly blocked the left side of the restricted area at the top of the arc, and Grali made a small-angle volley, and the ball missed the far post. In the 66th minute, Seat B shot with his left foot in front of the penalty area, and Onana hugged the ball. In the 69th minute, Rachford moved forward into the restricted area, and after receiving a long pass from the midfield, he shot low from a far corner at a small angle, and the ball missed slightly.

In the 71st minute, Grali sent a straight plug in the frontcourt, and Harland caught the ball to form a single knife. His volley on the left side of the restricted area was blocked by the attacking Onana. A minute later, Lindelov and Onana’s continuous mistakes almost gave Manchester City a goal.

In the 80th minute, Rodley took the ball and made a long-range shot in front of the restricted area. Onana saved the ball sideways, Harland got the ball on the left side of the restricted area and then passed it horizontally. Foden in the middle of the road easily shoveled the empty net and Manchester City led Manchester United 3-0.

In the 82nd minute, Manchester City made a cross from the left side of the penalty area. Before the penalty spot, Foden turned his back and hit the door, and the ball only missed a little.

In the end, the whole game ended and Manchester City beat Manchester United 3-0.


Russia develops saucer-shaped aircraft with a load of 1500 tons (Figure)

  The military prospect of saucer-shaped aircraft is attractive

    Although the relevant Russian reports so far have not explained the reasons why the Russian military is interested, people are convinced that the aircraft will be used by the military in the future.

    As we all know, the early attempts to develop saucer-shaped aircraft began in the early days of aviation development. As early as 1911, American inventors made umbrella-shaped aircraft. In the 1940s, especially during World War II, the research and development of saucer-shaped aircraft was supported by the US military, and Germany was the one that made small achievements in this field at that time. In 1950s, Britain, Canada, the former Soviet Union and the United States used the technology obtained from German experts at the end of World War II to set off the research and development climax of military flying saucers. For decades, aviation powers such as Russia and the United States have never given up the research on "flying saucer", because compared with ordinary fixed-wing aircraft, saucer-shaped aircraft has many unique properties, such as: small aspect ratio and small wave resistance, suitable for high-speed flight; Suitable for using ground effect, easy to realize vertical take-off and landing; It can quickly point to the attack target without hovering maneuver, and this feature will undoubtedly change the basic concept of air combat tactics.

  How far is Russia from the real "flying saucer"

    Through years of unremitting research, Russia has made great progress in the field of saucer-shaped aircraft and is expected to create a real "flying saucer." As early as the 1980s, the famous Russian flying saucer designer Hugh King successfully launched the saucer-shaped aircraft scheme named "Ekipi". For more than 20 years, Russia has successively introduced various civil and military modifications of the "Ekipi" program, including civilian unmanned flying saucers, fire fighting flying saucers, passenger flying saucers that can carry 2,000 passengers, and military flying saucers that can be used for anti-submarine, patrol and force and weapon delivery, and completed the production and testing of various scale models and individual full-scale prototypes. In 1993, the Russian government decided to provide budget funds for the "Ekipi" project, and the Russian Ministry of Defense and other departments also supported the mass production of an "Ekipi" flying saucer with a take-off weight of 9 tons. However, due to insufficient funds, mass production has not been realized. The successful research and development of "Ekipi" series of flying saucers has aroused great interest in the United States. At the beginning of this century, the United States reached an agreement with saratov Aircraft Factory, the main contractor of "Ekipi" facing financial difficulties, to jointly promote the "Ekipi" flying saucer project, but the implementation situation is still unclear.

    As for this "flying saucer" newly launched by Russian experts, this giant aircraft should have a very broad military application prospect in the long run. If it is used for military transportation, the carrying capacity of 1,500 tons will make it a super strategic delivery platform. However, the scheme is still in the scale model test stage, and there is no doubt that there is still a long way to go compared with the mature and fully tested "Ekipi" UFO project.

    Core Tip: At present, Russian experts are developing a flying saucer-like aircraft, which is said to have attracted the attention of the Russian military. Compared with ordinary fixed-wing aircraft, dish-shaped aircraft has many unique properties, such as small aspect ratio and wave drag, which are suitable for high-speed flight; You don’t need to do hovering maneuvers, and you can quickly point to the target.

    Before and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the "Ekipi" disc flight verification machine produced by saratov factory.

Editor: Wei Yu


What do you think of "prices around": the year-on-year increase in fresh fruit prices has dropped significantly.

  According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on September 10th, food prices rose by 10% year-on-year, of which pork prices rose by 46.7% and fresh fruit prices rose by 24%, which was an important reason for the increase in food prices. So, what is the current fruit price trend? Can the price of fruit come down gradually? The reporter conducted an interview on this.

  The price increase of fresh fruit in August dropped by 15.1 percentage points compared with the previous month.

  At 6 o’clock in the evening, Tianshixin Life Market in Beijing Shifoying is very lively. "Fruits are all reduced in price!" Sister Fan, a fruit vendor, pointed to her own fruit and said, "When grapes first came into the market, Kyoho was more than a kilo of 10 yuan, but now it is about a kilo of 4 yuan. Mo Tong watermelon also dropped from a catty of 3.5 yuan to 3 yuan. Compared with this time last year, the price has not risen, and the price of Apple has dropped a lot! "

  In Urumqi, more than 2,500 kilometers away, Mr. Zhang, who is waiting in line at the fruit shop, pointed to the peaches in the basket and said, "Such a good flat peach was sold to 32 yuan for one kilogram at the most expensive last year, and it was not in 20 yuan when it was first listed this year. Now it can be bought in 10 yuan."

  The sales price of fruit in the market has dropped, and the purchase price of fruit beside the orchard is relatively stable.

  Luochuan County, Yan ‘an, Shaanxi Province, has an apple planting area of 530,000 mu. It is estimated that the output of apples will exceed 930,000 tons this year, and the output value is expected to exceed 5 billion yuan. It is a veritable "hometown of apples". Today, it is the most prosperous time for Luochuan Apple to trade.

  "Early-maturing apples are 4 yuan per catty on the first day, 3.5 yuan on the second day, 2.5 yuan on the third day, and then stabilized in 2 yuan." Jia Jiali, a villager in the third group of Zhuniu Township, Luochuan County, planted 6 mu of apples this year. On September 4, foreign wholesalers went to the street to start buying apples. "Most of my family are late-maturing Fuji, and this year’s output is high. It is estimated that the purchase price will be one catty in 3 yuan, slightly lower than last year."

  In Shanxi, Yang Xinmin, a fruit grower in Xicun, yongji city, planted 7 mu of red Fuji apples. He has the same feeling about the change of fruit purchase price. "The early-maturing apples planted in the village, when they first went on the market, the purchase price was one kilogram and one piece of seven or eight, followed by only one piece of four or five. Late-maturing Fuji apples are estimated to be only seven or eight cents a catty, which is less than one dollar, which is more than half lower than last year. " Yang Xinmin said.

  According to the national data, since July, with the large number of seasonal fruits such as watermelon, melon, peach and apricot on the market, the prices of various fruits in the market have gradually dropped. In August, the price of fresh fruit rose by 24% year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 15.1 percentage points from the previous month.

  According to the price monitoring of China Fruit Circulation Association, on September 6th, the wholesale price of Red Fuji (above the second grade of 80mm) in China dropped from the highest point of 14.71 yuan per kilogram on July 2nd to 13.15 yuan, a decrease of 7.6%. The wholesale price of Huangguan pear (weighing more than 250g) dropped from the highest point of 15.19 yuan per kilogram on June 25th to 6.09 yuan, down by over 59.9%. The national average wholesale price of Kyoho grapes also dropped to 7.98 yuan per kilogram from 9.8 yuan on August 6th.

  Factors such as widespread low-temperature freezing weather and reduced fruit production in southern China have pushed up fruit prices.

  The price of fresh fruit attracts people’s attention, mainly because since Tomb-Sweeping Day this year, the prices of bulk fruits, such as apples and pears, have risen rapidly, and the speed and range of increase have exceeded those of previous years.

  According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in April, the national fresh fruit price rose to double digits year-on-year. Since then, the fresh fruit price has been rising all the way. In June, the fresh fruit price rose by 42.7% year-on-year, which reached the peak of this year, affecting the CPI increase by about 0.71 percentage points. However, the year-on-year increase in fresh fruit prices in July has narrowed to 39.1%; From the ring comparison, the price of fresh fruit decreased by 6.2% in July.

  Is the increase in fruit prices caused by the increase in production costs? The reporter learned from interviews in Xinjiang, Shaanxi and Shanxi that the planting cost and transportation cost have not changed much in recent years. "The labor cost is about one day from 100 yuan to 120 yuan, plus the cost of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and fruit bags. The total cost of 6 mu of land is 17,000 yuan, and the cost has been relatively fixed in recent years." Jia Jiali said.

  So what is the reason for pushing up the price of fresh fruit?

  "In the first half of this year, especially in the second quarter, fruit prices rose sharply and quickly, which was caused by the superposition of comprehensive factors." Lu Fangxiao, president of China Fruit Circulation Association, said.

  First of all, last year, the weather was bad, and the fruit output declined, which led to a decrease in inventory this year and pushed up the fruit price. According to Lufang School, during the period of Tomb-Sweeping Day in 2018, the nationwide low-temperature freezing weather had a great impact on the fruit producing areas. The output of the main apple and pear producing areas such as Shandong, Shaanxi, Hebei, Gansu, Henan, Shanxi and Xinjiang all decreased to varying degrees. The main reasons for the general increase in fruit prices were the decline in output, the lack of stocks and the changes in the relationship between supply and demand in the market.

  "April and May are the off-season of fruit supply every year. In summer, fruits have not been listed in large quantities, and the varieties are not rich. There are fewer types of fruits to choose from, and the stocks of apples and pears are small, which further increases the prices of fruits such as apples and pears." Lu Fang said.

  Secondly, in the first half of this year, the extreme weather was "difficult to destroy flowers", which led to the reduction of fruit production in the south and further increased the price of fresh fruit. Zhao Junye, a researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Information, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that in the first half of the year, due to adverse weather, southern fruits such as litchi were reduced due to disasters, and the listing of watermelons and melons was delayed, which overlapped with the low inventory of stored fruits such as apples and pears, and the staged supply in the fruit market was tight, which led to a significant increase in fruit prices in the first half of the year, especially in May and June.

  Finally, digesting high-priced stocks has also led some fruit vendors to be reluctant to cut prices. Li Bingliang, a fruit merchant who is engaged in fruit purchase and wholesale in Urumqi, told reporters that most of the red Fuji apples on the market are still in stock last year. Because of the high purchase price and long-term storage in cold storage, these costs can’t be reduced too low, but with a large number of fruits in season this year, there is no market for high-priced apples in stock last year.

  There is a bumper harvest of fruit this year, and the price will return to a reasonable level.

  "From the price curve of the past years, July and August are the times when apples are green and yellow. Most of the apples sold are frozen last year, and the price is the most expensive, while the harvest season is often the low price." Qu Zhigang, director of the Apple Marketing Office in Luochuan County, Shaanxi Province, said, "It can be expected that the price of apples will fall from a high level and tend to be stable in the next few months."

  According to the investigation of China Fruit Circulation Association, only a few small areas have abnormal weather during flowering this year, and most apple and pear producing areas have a bumper harvest in sight. According to the main producing areas, the amount of apple bagging in 2019 has increased significantly compared with that in 2018. The newly-built orchards in western producing areas such as Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang will be put into production one after another, and the total output will increase. In addition, the purchase price of fruits in the 2018 season is high and the benefits are good. Fruit farmers will increase investment and strengthen management in the orchards in the 2019 season, and the quality will also be improved.

  "It is estimated that the total output of apples and pears will reach or exceed the historical peak in 2019. In addition, imported fruits will continue to enter the China market, and the domestic market supply is sufficient to fully meet the market demand, and the fruit price will return to a reasonable level." Lu Fang said.

  According to reports, the origin of China’s imported fruits has expanded to more than 60 countries and regions. According to the data released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the import of fruits and products in the first half of the year was 4.17 million tons, up 31% year-on-year. The import channels were basically smooth and the import momentum was strong.

  "The overall supply of fruit is abundant, which will drive the price of fruit to continue to fall. Homogenized ordinary and low-end fruits may be difficult to sell at low prices during the centralized listing period, while high-quality and characteristic fruits that meet the needs of consumption upgrading can still sell at higher prices. " Zhao Junyi said.


A bowl of glutinous rice balls is full of energy.

Lantern Festival lights
When it comes to Lantern Festival, what comes to mind first? It’s a soft, glutinous and elastic Lantern Festival, a lively and exploding fireworks; Or is it the romance after dusk, when people suddenly look back? I believe that no matter what you think, there must be lights.
Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month, the night of the first full moon after the Spring Festival, is the first reunion season on earth. As the saying goes, "A moon without lights is not entertaining, and a moon without lights is not spring." Lantern Festival is also called "Lantern Festival". Opening lanterns and watching lanterns on Lantern Festival night has long been a traditional holiday custom, and it has been passed down to this day.
Most people tend to think that the custom of lighting lanterns on the Lantern Festival originated in the Han Dynasty. A popular saying is that Emperor Wen of Han started to celebrate the Lantern Festival to commemorate the suppression of the "Zhulu Rebellion" and advocated having fun with the people, so every family decorated with lanterns and colored decorations on this day. According to records, after the death of Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang, Lv Hou monopolized state affairs. This situation did not improve because of Lv Hou’s death. Instead, the Lushi clan wanted to seize power. The day when Emperor Wendi put down the rebellion happened to be the fifteenth day of the first month.
There is also a saying that this tradition originated from religion. Those who insist on the origin of Taoism believe that the fifteenth day of the first month is Shangyuan Festival, the fifteenth day of July is Zhongyuan Festival, and the fifteenth day of October is Xiayuan Festival. The three officials in charge of the three elements are heaven, earth and water, and the celestial official in charge of the three elements is happy, so the lantern festival should be lit. Those who advocate the theory of the origin of Buddhism believe that Emperor Hanming believed in Buddhism. He heard that Buddhism observed Buddhist relics and lit lanterns to worship Buddha on the fifteenth day of the first month, so he ordered that "lanterns were lit to show Buddha" in palaces and temples on this day. This practice gradually spread to the people.
It is difficult to find out which statement is more true about the origin of Lantern Festival custom, but more importantly, for ancient people, the curfew can be temporarily lifted on the night of Yuanxi, and they can walk in the brightly lit streets and enjoy the lanterns. Although thousands of years have passed, people are eager to celebrate festivals and yearn for a better life.
Shangyuan Lantern Color Map (Ming Dynasty) (Source: Network)
If someone looks at the lights, of course, someone has to make them. The production of ancient lanterns originated in the Han Dynasty, flourished in the Tang Dynasty and matured in the Song Dynasty. After continuous inheritance and development, it has reached a state of perfection in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
According to the way of viewing, lanterns can be roughly divided into two categories: one is dynamic performance lanterns, such as dragon lanterns and lantern lanterns; There is also a static ornamental lantern, such as palace lantern, gauze lantern, Suzhou lantern and Yangzhou melon lantern. According to the placement method, it can also be divided into chandelier, seat lamp, wall lamp, lantern and so on. In the Tang Dynasty, large-scale lantern groups began to appear, and lanterns of various colors formed a lamp tree, a lamp tower and a lamp mountain, which were brilliant and varied.
The production of ancient lanterns combines a variety of techniques, materials, techniques and procedures, presenting a comprehensive art form. Commonly used techniques include painting, paper binding, weaving, paper cutting, embroidery, pasting and so on. Commonly used materials are bamboo, wood, rattan, metal, silk, paper and so on.
There is a general process for making lanterns, including about 20 processes: first, press the bought paper out of wrinkles, dye it in various colors, and wait for the stains to dry; Then according to a certain size, bamboo is broken, made into bamboo sticks and tied into a skeleton; Then start paper-cutting, origami, and make it into various needed shapes; Finally, hang up red tassels and other decorations. Such a simple lantern is ready.
In addition to simple lanterns, there is also a kind of lanterns that are meticulous and complicated, that is, palace lanterns known for their exquisite beauty, grace and elegance. Ancient palace lanterns were named after being made and used by palaces and officials, so they also represented the royal style to some extent.
Palace lanterns have a variety of shapes, including square, hexagonal, octagonal, square victory, flower basket, dragon and phoenix, fan and so on, among which hexagonal palace lanterns are the most representative. The materials used in the framework are also mahogany, rosewood, rosewood and carved copper, and the materials used in the lamp surface are gauze, glass or horn pieces. Decorative patterns are colorful and auspicious, including landscapes, flowers and birds, figures and so on.
Palace lantern was founded in Luoyang, which has been a national intangible cultural heritage project. There are more than 70 processes to make a Luoyang palace lantern, mainly including lighting, pinching, screening, pasting, mending, painting, setting, washing and decorating, which can be roughly divided into several steps. Skeleton making: in the process of skeleton making, the bamboo should be steamed and dried in a pot, and then the rough skin of the bamboo should be scraped clean, and the bamboo should be cut into a certain length according to the size of the lantern made; After the bamboo is ready, we start to make bamboo sticks, first break the bamboo pole, then split the bamboo sticks, cut the bamboo sticks, drill bamboo holes and other nearly ten processes; Then connect these bamboo sticks in series, and the skeleton of the palace lantern becomes. Lamp cloth: paste must be evenly spread on each bamboo stick, and then the previously cut cloth should be gently covered on the open lamp holder, and then the brush should be dipped in the paste to brush it flat. Decorate: After the paste is dried, you can decorate it with paper cuts or write on it. It usually takes a day or two to make a palace lantern.
Palace lanterns (source: Qiantu. com)
Compared with the ancient palace lanterns on the tall buildings, there is also a kind of lantern with distinctive features, which is closer to the people, and that is the lantern. The lantern is also called the lantern. As the name implies, the lantern is a lantern that can be turned. In ancient times, the lantern was generally made of sorghum straw as a lamp holder, and a flat wind wheel was installed. The patterns formed by paper-cutting were evenly arranged around the wind wheel, and the candles in the lantern were lit. The candlelight heated the air and pushed the wind wheel to rotate, and the patterns "walked" up. The most commonly used pattern in ancient times was the pattern of military commanders riding horses. When the lights turned, these people were like riding horses, and you chased each other, which is the origin of the name of the lantern.
The production of the lantern makes use of the principle that hot air rises to generate thrust, which seems simple, but it is also the original application of the working principle of modern gas turbines. On the occasion of the festive season, you might as well do it yourself and experience the wonderful ideas and skills of the ancient working people in China thousands of years ago.
The principle of the lantern (Source: China Digital Technology Museum)
[1] Liang Manman. Luoyang Palace Lantern production skills and inheritance [J]. Art Jian, 2017(03):122-123.
[2] Zhang Tongsheng. The origin of the Lantern Festival and its traditional construction [J]. Central Plains Cultural Studies, 2021,9 (02): 101-108. Doi: 10.16600/j.cnki.41-1426/c.2021.02.012. 。
[3] Zhang Jing. Analysis of Lantern Festival culture in China [J]. Changjiang Series, 2018(27):39-40.
[4] Jin Kaicheng. Lantern Festival: China cultural knowledge reader [M]. Changchun: Jilin Literature and History Publishing House, 2012.
[5] Chen Xiulian, Dong Sheng. Shangyuan Period: Lantern Festival [M]. Changchun: Jilin Publishing Group Co., Ltd., 2012.
[6] Lu Xiang. Chinese traditional festival poetry story: Spring Festival Lantern Festival [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Far East Publishing House, 2017.
Reprinted content only represents the author’s point of view
Does not represent the position of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
If you need to reprint, please contact the original WeChat official account.
Source: Damei Science
Editor: sweeping monk

[Xunxi Baoma] Spring is coming! Tell these idioms and things about beginning of spring to children.





February 3, 2021, 22:59:00

At 22: 59 today, the "beginning of spring" solar term will be ushered in

from this day onwards

The earth began to thaw.

The stinger gradually wakes up.

Beginning of spring is the first of the 24 solar terms.

Spring returns to the earth, which is the beginning of time series.

In our traditional culture,

There are many idioms about "spring"

Every time I read it, I always have a kind of

Feel like a spring breeze

Today, Xiaobian reveals "beginning of spring" with six idioms.

Read idioms with children.

Learn about these traditional cultural knowledge.

The Origin of beginning of spring in Spring Return to the Earth


A year’s plan starts with spring. The ancients in China attached great importance to "beginning of spring" and always regarded it as a festival.

The word "beginning of spring" appeared as early as three thousand years ago in the Zhou Dynasty. According to the Book of Rites, during the Zhou Dynasty, every time in "beginning of spring", the Emperor of Zhou personally led officials, governors and literati to hold a ceremony to welcome the Spring Festival in the eastern suburbs, and then rewarded his ministers and benefited the people.

After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the custom of "welcoming the Spring" appeared in the ruling and opposition parties, such as women’s "cutting the ribbon for swallows" as headdresses and pasting "Yichun" on doors. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, on the day of "beginning of spring", ministers below the prime minister would go to the DPRK to congratulate them. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, no matter "welcoming the spring" or "whipping the spring", the etiquette is extremely grand.

Beginning of spring’s Three Seasons in Spring.


According to the order of the twenty-four solar terms

Beginning of spring is the first solar term.

Also known as "DaChun"

It is the sixth "nine" after the winter solstice.

Therefore, there is a saying that "spring hits six or nine heads"

"Look at the willows across the river in May and June"

At this time, the festival will see a slight green.

In the eyes of the ancients

There are three iconic phenology in beginning of spring.

Wait, the east wind thaws.

The gentle east wind caressed the earth.

Waves gently shake green, frozen marks pin in the water.

Second, the sting insect begins to vibrate.

Hibernating animals don’t get up.

But I woke up and wanted to stretch.

The third time, the fish will lose ice.

Some ice began to melt, and fish could be seen.

But there are still some broken ice on the water.

It feels like a fish is swimming with ice on its back.

Of course, beginning of spring is just an idea.

After that, "the willow color is golden and tender, and the pear flower is snowy."

Is the epitome of spring phenology.

The day of beginning of spring is still warm and cold.

Beginning of spring customs full of spring.


This day in beginning of spring

Folk beliefs offer sacrifices to Mang God.

Namely Ju Mang.

It is the God of the East.

It symbolizes the arrival of spring and the growth of all things.

Purpose of sacrifice

Is to pray for a bumper harvest in agriculture

In beginning of spring, there was a custom of "biting spring" among the people.

Beginning of spring eats spring cakes because people.

Good wishes for "a year’s plan lies in spring"

And "biting spring" chewing radish, take the ancients.

The meaning of "biting the grass roots, you can do everything"

(Image source | Network)

Beginning of spring, this day.

Many places still have to "spring"

Also known as "whip spring cow"

Mould cattle with soil and stuff them with grains.

Worship, break, grab soil, pick up grain

It is called grabbing spring, and it is lucky to grab the cow’s head.

This way reflects

People’s good expectations for a bumper harvest of grain.

Comic book: Whip Spring

Image source | People’s Daily Online

After beginning of spring, wait until the spring blossoms.

Even more, travel together.

Commonly known as going out of the city to explore the spring.

This is also the main form of spring outing.

Beginning of spring proverb of beautiful spring scenery.


At the end of the year, beginning of spring plans to farm early.

A year’s plan lies in spring, and a lifetime’s plan lies in diligence.

In spring, there is a struggle for the sun, and in summer, it is not too late to have a big event in a year.

It rains in beginning of spring, get up early and go to bed late.

Spring is chilly and summer is cold and rainy.

The ship arrives without waiting for passengers, and the season waits for no man.

One day by mistake, one year by mistake.

If you want good crops, it is early all the year round.

Spring is cold and summer is stuffy and rainy, autumn is cold and winter is dry and windy.

Beginning of spring’s poems full of spring scenery


Beginning of spring on the 7th day of the first month in Beijing.

Don Luo Yin

One two three four five six seven,

Every tree is born today.

Far away, the geese return to the clouds,

Fish swimming near the water burst out of the ice.

Minus Magnolia beginning of spring

Song Sushi

Spring cattle and spring staff,

Infinite spring breeze comes to the sea.

With spring work,

Dyed pink as flesh.

Spring banners win in spring,

A spring breeze woke up the wine.

Not like the end of the world,

Roll up poplars like snowflakes.

Snow in beginning of spring since the morning.

Don Zhang Jiuling

Suddenly to Lin Tingxue,

Yaohua is everywhere.

At the beginning of this year,

Last night, I accompanied the Spring Festival.

Bamboo in front of Yurun window,

Plums in the flower garden.

Eastern suburb fast sacrifice place,

You should see the five gods.

Yu Meiren See Mei Zuo in Yizhou

Song Huang tingjian

There is also a letter from Jiangnan in the end of the world.

A plum blossom knows spring is near.

The midnight wind is fine and fragrant late,

Don’t come to dawn and spread all over the south branch.

Jade platform should be jealous of powder flowers,

Floating to the eyebrows.

I want to be deep in my life.

Go to the country and be a teenager at the age of ten.

Chun Hua Qiu Shi zhi beginning of spring health


The key to health care in beginning of spring lies in disease prevention and health care.

Especially in early spring, when the weather turns from cold to warm, all kinds of pathogenic bacteria and viruses grow and multiply. In order to avoid the occurrence of diseases in spring, in the preventive measures, we must first eliminate the source of infection; Second, always open the window to keep the air fresh; Third, we should strengthen exercise and improve the body’s defense ability.

Spring is the best time to exercise and keep fit.

Gymnastics, jogging, walking and outing are all good choices. People who are engaged in exercise in spring have strong resistance, and the early morning is the time when the sun is shining, which is most suitable for exercise.

Dressing should be "thick at the bottom and thin at the top"

After beginning of spring, although the temperature began to rise and the rainfall began to increase, beginning of spring is only the beginning of spring, especially in the north, where there will be a period of cold and warm, and "cold in late spring" often strikes, so we should pay more attention to keeping warm and protecting the yang.

Live up to spring.


In less than ten days, we will usher in the Spring Festival.

Beginning of spring is approaching the end of the year

The rich flavor of the year began to diffuse.

This past year

No matter what ups and downs there have been.

Let it go.

Let’s start with beginning of spring.

Regain confidence and courage in the new year.

Pay for love and work hard for dreams.

Cherish spring scenery

Source: China Education News.

Original title: "[Xunxi Baoma] Spring is coming! Tell these idioms and things about beginning of spring to children.

Read the original text


How dare you play the hardcore drama Under the Sun?

It’s going to rain, and people want to chase dramas. Although the production of film and television dramas has been greatly reduced by the big environment in 2020, there are still many excellent hardcore suspense dramas, such as Hidden Corner from the perspective of children, Trident by the Economic Investigation Group for the elderly, roving inspection group that is sweeping the ratings list, and Under the Sun, which suddenly parachuted in the New Year’s Eve and launched strongly on Mango TV.

In particular, "Under the Sun" directed by Yutong Yan, starring Cai Wenjing, Liu Kai and Peng Guanying, and joined by Wang Jinsong, Feng Lei, sarina and other drama groups, is the most unique in terms of creativity and innovation. Now the plot has just started for more than a dozen episodes, and it has become a must-have drama on the Internet.

The drama can win everyone’s favor. Apart from the production and actors, the most crucial reason is that the director dares to play, not only dare to play, but also "the city will play"!

After all, Yan Yudan grew up in a military family, graduated from the law department of Fudan University, and was an expert in directing many criminal investigation dramas in CCTV. His rigorous knowledge system and rich creative experience made him disdainful of playing those proven prescribed moves, but he made a surprise attack and tried some new elements and gameplay.

For example, in terms of role setting, whether it is a hard-core chivalrous detective or a high-intelligence detective, it is all leftover buns from other people’s homes. This drama has created a pair of mixed doubles partners who seem to have nothing to do with fighting crime, and the contrast is particularly great. Ke Ying, played by Cai Wenjing, is a female teacher of a foreign language school. She is beautiful and intellectual, and she can’t see any lethality from her appearance. Xiaowu, a takeaway brother played by Liu Kai, is common in the market.

Such a pair of protagonists may not survive two episodes in other dramas, but in Under the Sun, they not only survived, but also lived like others dare not even think about it. In the first episode, on a dark night, Ke Ying encountered three Jiang Yang thieves, and the narrative rhythm of crackling broke through the plot reversal of the brain hole. With the third-party perspective played by Wang Jinsong, the whole process was deduced, making this anti-killing like a miracle.

If the image of the hero and heroine has knocked over the red tape of the genre drama, then the villain can be called shocking. The overbearing president Feng Xiaosheng and Jiang Yang Avenue Shen Shijie are strangely combined, played by a powerful actor, Peng Guanying. One second, he is a desperate parkour, and the next second, he has been standing on the stage and attracted a lot of attention. The seemingly gentle Feng Xiaosheng is secretly scared with the eyes of hidden evil spirits. This strange style of painting has broken through the conventional logic.

On the one hand, the beauty teacher’s version of "Complex Gold" and the villain’s version of "Chasing the Murder at White Night" were in high energy from the beginning. Shen Shijie, who became the voice of Feng Xiao, angered and killed the tip of the knife, revealing his bloodthirsty nature. Xiao Wu was like a tiger, and he was constantly in danger in the dangerous zone between black and white. Ke Ying was determined to find out the truth in his own way and use his beauty and wisdom to dance on the tip of the devil’s knife.

As an emotional suspense drama, Under the Sun dares to make the emotional relationship and drama conflict of the characters to the extreme. On the basis of hard-core suspense, it dares to try new ways of playing that no one dared to play before, both in terms of innovation and experience. Its appearance has made a good start for domestic dramas in 2021. I hope that from now on, there will be more and more good dramas, so that every day will be there.