标签归档 武汉夜网论坛


The last group of blockbusters shot by Kathy CHAU before his death was open, holding a cat and smiling. The studio revealed his philosophy of life: no matter how good or bad, he loved life calmly.

On the evening of December 12th, Kathy CHAU Studio issued a document announcing that Kathy CHAU died on December 11th due to illness.

On December 15th, Kathy CHAU Studio updated two magazine materials shot by Kathy CHAU before his death, and a group of blockbusters shot before his death were exposed. It is reported that this group of materials was filmed on November 17.

In the exposed blockbuster, Kathy CHAU changed many sets of shapes, which was gentle and elegant.

In this regard, many netizens posted a message to remember: "Never forget, always leave a good memory!"

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive Studio Account]

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Why did China’s football get worse and worse?

Personally, I didn’t like football until I was about 15 or 16 years old. Actually, I didn’t like it much. I just liked it a little bit, but I didn’t devote myself to it. At that time, the atmosphere was not the same as it is now. At that time, there were no female guns and male stars, and the mainstream was iron-blooded men. Being a man would be tough and hard. Anyone who dared to stretch out his blue finger and casually freestyle would be killed by the people in the street.

The best way to be tough is sports. Therefore, among male students, if you don’t know much about sports, you will look like a soft egg in the eyes of your classmates. If you don’t watch the five major leagues, the Champions League and World Cup NBA, you will definitely develop abnormally. The more you devote yourself to watching football matches, the more you will look like a man. The more excited you are, the more eloquent you will be. It shows that you are professional and exuberant in male hormones. Boys think that with so much performance, girls will look at him more because of his exuberant hormones.

Everything in the world is related to sex, except sex itself.

I didn’t say this, but Wilde, the boring man. You have to settle accounts with him.

I liked football at first, just like joining a pyramid scheme gang. I was dragged in by my head. My roommate talked to me about football all day, walking, eating, sleeping and taking a shit in the bathroom. I was afraid that if I didn’t respond to him, he would be gay with me, so I was forced to learn football knowledge to show that I was normal. I was very man, and I was full of male hormones. Dude, you’d better not mess around, but I have never been very interested.

Really, just like my feelings for Kitahara, I really couldn’t find a better one in those days, so I’ll just try to like it.

If we put it aside now, right, then so-and-so, so-and-so, we will catch a lot of high-quality ones, although I can’t even remember the names.

My age of football enlightenment was Li Jinyu, Zhang Yuning and Li Tie, that is, the Li Tie who had just been fired as the head coach of the national team. He used to maintain the style of F4 in the early 2000s for many years, which was particularly recognizable. After being a head coach, his face was a lot rounder and his hair was a little shorter, but it was still much longer than that of ordinary boys. This shows how much psychological influence adolescence has on a person’s life. I can’t forget Toko Kitahara and Li Tie can’t forget F4’s long hair.

Because the players of that session were highly valued, playing against the weak team was just like playing for fun. Every time Li Jinyu scored a goal, he would learn from Guo Jing’s bow and arrow shooting. POSE was particularly handsome and very rhythmic. Although he lost to South Korea in the first game, he played against South Korea as a whole, and the momentum was fierce. The Korean media all thought that we were mental derangements, and we despised them even after losing, which was different from China people who always liked self-examination at ordinary times.

Because everyone has high expectations for that generation, sometimes when watching the game in the classroom, male students gather around the TV and score a goal, and the students are just like taking drugs. Some smash their desks, some howl like wolves, and some will grab the collars of the students next to them and shake others while screaming, making them twitch as if they were touched by electricity.

There were no entertainment activities in those days, and life and entertainment depended on the ambiguous eyes of female students and sports competitions.

In the 2000s, because a Yao Ming suddenly appeared in basketball, I only watched the NBA. After Yao Ming retired, I didn’t even watch sports events, so I concentrated on earning money to support my family.

Earning money to support the family is actually much more technical and practical than sports competitions. I don’t even want to come out here.

Occasionally, I saw the news of football in China, which basically showed a bloody collapse trend. The more I kicked, the more I collapsed. At the beginning, there were still several people studying abroad in Europe. Later, there were fewer and fewer people studying abroad. Now there is only one Lei Wu left. Now the national team seems to be reduced to the top eight in Asia, and it is often beaten on the face by Syria and Thailand. In the end, the China men’s football team has simply become a domestic emotional trash can and has become the object of collective banter. Since 2002,

Strangely, however, the Super League was extremely hot in previous years, and it was once known as the "sixth largest league in the world". Guangzhou Evergrande even won the AFC Champions League twice. In 2019, the average salary of Super League players reached about 6.5 million RMB. The average annual salary of the most expensive players in Guangzhou Evergrande and Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai was about 12 million RMB, and the worst player in Beijing and Shanghai also reached 2 million RMB.

This phenomenon that the league is hot and the national team is weak happens at the same time, which makes China football look very strange.

So what is the reason that led to this phenomenon?

Out of curiosity about the origin of all things, I chose to visit many domestic footballers who have been running around the world for 20 or 30 years and ask them why China’s football has been playing more and more in the past 20 years. Interestingly, everyone’s answers are surprisingly consistent, and there is a relaxed attitude of "You guys have seen through the world of mortals for a long time, so what should you do?".

After synthesizing everyone’s opinions, I gradually figured out the root logic of China’s failure in football.

Before writing this reason, I would like to remind you that, unlike our industrial party, which always feels confident that there is a sea of stars in front of us, most people in the sports and entertainment circles are still a little sad. At least three people in the football circle have used the phrase "China football is the epitome of China society" with me.

But as far as I know, this sentence is wrong.

China football and China entertainment circle are not all the epitome of China. Accurately speaking, they are only the epitome of China’s negative energy. China football circle and entertainment circle are relatively deformed, and they are also deeply related to finance, real estate and other industries. Because the starting industry of money itself is not normal in China, it is not normal to reflect on them. If you want to compare China industrial circle with China entertainment circle, it will be another world.

Back to the main question, why did China’s football (mainly referring to the men’s national team) play so badly?

It’s just that the players who play football are not good.

Then why are the players not good at football?

To put it simply, the fastest growth time of football players’ personal level is in the period of teenagers, but the level of football teenagers in China is not good.

We all know that no matter what line of work, the best person must be a combination of "high talent and diligence", and both of them are indispensable. Moreover, whether it is sports or literature and art, high talent can be seen in adolescence, whether it is Go, piano, writing, running, singing, dancing, basketball, or even physics and mathematics, it is clear at a glance when you are a teenager.

There is a saying in the world of Go, "If you are not a national player at the age of 20, you will be hopeless all your life", which is the truth.

Yao Ming in his teens, James in his teens, and Lang Lang in his teens all showed super-high talent in their teens, and became an industry elite in their adulthood. No one did not show his talent and did not undergo cruel training after the age of 20, and then he suddenly became extremely awesome in a certain field.

Even Tik Tok online celebrity, who was hit by the Universiade, became popular because of one sentence and one thing, and often passed away quickly, because there was no talent to continue exporting.

Including myself, I have 20 years of writing experience to write articles, and I don’t suddenly write things. I started writing novels when I was in junior high school. Every morning, the whole class is waiting for my novel to be updated, and I will circulate it to each other every morning, and the cover of my notebook will end up like oil residue.

If the highest score of football players is 100 points, let’s assume that Pele, Diego Maradona, Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi have a total score of 95 points (fans don’t come to wrangle, thank you), then they should reach the level of about 80 points before they reach adulthood. The league will improve their level, but the space is not as big as expected. The league mainly plays a role in maintaining a high level.

The Super League is very prosperous, but it doesn’t improve the level of China men’s soccer team that much, because they were locked at the level of 50-60 points in adolescence, and the league will make them rise to 65-70 points, but the upper limit is too low.

The Super League is helpful, and we can also pull a group of people out of the league to bully the fishing club, but the Super League is not the core reason that determines the level of the national team.

When you look at the time when international football stars became famous and began to make achievements, they usually started around the age of 18. For example, Messi became famous at the 2005 World Youth Championship, when he was just 18 years old. The next year, Diego Maradona called him his successor. Cristiano Ronaldo also became famous at the age of 18. In 2003, he moved from Sporting Lisbon to Manchester United for 12.24 million pounds, because at this time their total score was very high and they began to dump our players in the same period.

Of course, we have some high-level and good prospects. Don’t believe any strange theories of race and culture. I said that it is hooliganism to talk about problems with culture. We can have talents from all walks of life. How can 1.4 billion people not have a football genius?

In fact, India also has all kinds of talents, but it is buried and there is no platform to play.

However, when our players are teenagers, they encounter two big problems, which make their level stuck in the low level range. One is the lack of excellent youth football teachers, and the other is the lack of a lot of opportunities for practice.

As mentioned earlier, a master must be a combination of "high talent+diligence". High talent needs guidance, or it will be ruined. For example, Yao Ming is a basketball family. This is no problem. Lang Lang studied with Professor Zhao Pingguo at the age of 9 and has always been supported by experts. If he was born in a bad environment, his road to fame would be a hundred times more difficult.

Many children in Beijing can get the top resources in the country after they are born. Being famous in Beijing means being famous all over the country. Therefore, a large number of writers and singers are likely to emerge in Beijing, while a child from Sichuan, Hunan and Shanxi is ten million times more difficult and has to work ten million times harder to reach the same height. Because he has no resources and platform, he can only bite his teeth and die.

Do you say that children in Beijing are born with better talents than those in Shanxi? I don’t believe it.

There has never been any real fairness in this world. We were born to overcome all kinds of unfairness.

By the same token, compared with foreign countries, our football players were led astray in their youth, because we were short of excellent youth football coaches.

Ali Shaw, a Dutch coach who worked in our national team, once said an argument:

"The success rate of youth football training is high, and 70% depends on the level of young football coaches."

The highest level a player can reach as a teenager is not far from his final destination.

Our coaching level from children to teenagers is very low.

Maurines, a Spanish coach, came to Shanghai Shenhua Youth Training Department to work. In an interview with diariosur, a Spanish media, he said that our youth training coach can only play strength and run, and he is very weak in training technical and tactical abilities.

About 20-30 years behind Europe.

Some of our coaches with C-level coaches or D-level coaches’ certificates can’t do a good job of passing the low flat ball with their arches. They can only teach their children to run and shoot, and Spanish children of the same age can already open the space to send a straight ball.

Our youth football coaches are not only of low quality, but also lack of talents.

Like Spain, with a total population of less than 47 million, there are as many as 15,000 coaches with UEFA A-level certificates, 84,300 in Japan, a leading Asian country, and 600 in Iceland, a country with a population of only 360,000, 400 of whom have UEFA B-level certificates.

In China, a country with a population of 1.4 billion, in 2018, there were only over 40,000 coaches registered with the Football Association, only half of that in Japan. There were 11,855 C-level coaches, 2,298 B-level coaches, 985 A-level coaches and 158 professional coaches who could teach children a little.

The number of A-level coaches in our population of 1.4 billion is only 6.6% of Spain’s population of 47 million. There is only one A-level coach for every 1.54 million people in Spain, and one A-level coach for every 3,133 people in Spain.

There are only six A-level coaches in a big city with a population of 10 million, while there is one A-level coach in a community in Spain.

How can you beat Spain?

If you want to beat them, the Spanish coaches should not be collectively angry.

Moreover, the salary of most grass-roots football coaches in China is 5000-8000 yuan per month, which makes people have no motivation to stay for a long time in first-and second-tier cities.

What makes China football change fundamentally is not how hot the league is held, but the emergence of a large number of excellent coaches covering the grass roots, so that these coaches can earn income to support their families and have room for promotion. Then, under the guidance of these coaches, talented children can become world superstars.

Only with Bole can a swift horse be selected and trained. Without Bole, China football would be completely blind.

Then why is China so good at table tennis, badminton, diving and weightlifting, but China football can’t copy their methods?

Because football is the most competitive sport in the world.On the whole earth, the competition of table tennis, badminton, diving and weightlifting is far less than that of football. The competition of football starts with dolls and is basically stereotyped by teenagers. It is necessary not only to be talented and let people pick it out, but also to practice with a large number of people.

Pay attention to this word, it must be "a large wave of people often play", not a small number of people who train hard like table tennis and badminton.

This involves the second problem of diligence in "high talent+diligence". This diligence is not an individual’s diligence, but a group’s diligence based on a large number of grass-roots clubs.

A large number of excellent grass-roots coaches ensure the selection and training of highly gifted children, and a large number of grass-roots clubs ensure the growth of children.

Let’s take Ronaldo as an example.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s father is equipment manager of Andorinha, an amateur football club (that is, a handyman), so Cristiano Ronaldo trained in this club at the age of 7. Because of his good foundation, he was signed by the best local national club at the age of 10. When he signed it, he only spent 22 footballs and two sets of jerseys. After three years of careful training, Cristiano Ronaldo won half of the team’s goals here and was later attracted by Sporting Lisbon. At the age of 13, Cristiano Ronaldo moved to Sporting Lisbon for 1,500 pounds and played at the age of 18.

Messi’s experience is similar. At the age of 5, he started playing football in amateur grass-roots clubs. His father was the coach and taught him personally. From then on, he was promoted to the old boys Club in Newell. At the age of 11, he needed treatment because of dwarfism. Newell dared not spend the money. At the age of 13, Messi was taken to the youth training camp in La Masia, Barcelona, Spain by coach KUKA, and he also got treatment opportunities. Since then, he has become famous in Barcelona.

In fact, Japan is learning from the model of "a large number of excellent coaches+grassroots amateur clubs" in Europe and South America, which makes Japanese football play stronger and stronger in Asia.

Reporter Miao Yuan once interviewed Japanese youth training coach Chiba Taishin, who used to be a professional player and worked as a youth training coach for 20 years after retiring. According to his reaction, many football teachers in Japan are volunteers, playing with their children when they were young. In junior high school, children can train three times a week and play once. In middle school, Japanese football will form a three-legged team, a social team and a professional echelon, with a large number of campus and social players. The level of the top 32 social teams in China is close to professional.

In the 12-15-year-old echelon of professional teams, only 1% of the outstanding talents are selected from these teams. Because there are a large number of grassroots units, excellent seedlings come up.

Chiba Taishen also said a very important point: children should master basic football skills at the age of 10-12, and improve their understanding of football after the age of 12, and combine skills with football understanding.

I doubt very much how our scarce football coaches, and most ordinary coaches, can make our children in China master basic football skills at the age of 10-12.

With grass-roots clubs and enough students, we have to let them fight at this time.

An interesting point is that the vast majority of football powers in the world are actually not vast countries, and the football level of countries with large areas is actually not outstanding, like that of China, the United States and India.

Why is it easy for a small country to practice strong football? It is because regional confrontation can often be organized without making the young players so tired.

Even in countries like England and Italy, which we don’t think are so big, teenagers and Italian C try their best to compete in different districts. When amateur clubs compete, the driving distance is guaranteed to be within one or two hours, so as to try to go and return on the same day without wasting everyone’s time and energy on the bus.

An hour or two’s drive is too extravagant for China. In the past, it would have been enough for Shaoyang to drive to Loudi to compete. Even if there is a high-speed train now, we have to change trains when we get off high-speed railway station. Our Shaoyang team wants to pick Changsha, and it will take four or five hours to change trains, so the little players will be exhausted.

Therefore, it is best to divide a province into several small areas, so that young people in small areas can confront each other more, and let them experience the beatings in the world and the pressure and happiness of growing up from an early age.

Then some people may object to this view and say Brazil? People are as big as Brazil, and a state is quite a country in Europe. How can people do so well?

Brother, Brazilians are actually suffering. It took them nearly 50 years to complete the national league, and it was only in the 21st century that they made their living mainly in coastal states, relying on state leagues. Small-scale regional confrontation is the basis for their talents to flourish.

We look at how the world’s football powers have risen, and soon know where the main vein of football development lies.

After the World War II in Germany, Herbega, the coach director of the Football Association, planned to "train 100 excellent coaches first, teach 100 people for every one, and train 10,000 coaches."

Ten years later, the Federal Republic of Germany won the World Cup in Switzerland in 1954.

Up to now, Germany has turned the German Football Association into the largest single sports association in the world, with 24,481 clubs, 145,000 teams and 7.17 million registered players.

But among the 7.17 million registered players, only 1,500 people finally make a living in this line. These 1,500 people are really one in a million.

So how can China beat the Germans?

If you want to beat them, German coaches should not be collectively angry.

By the way, the salary of German youth coaches is five to ten times that of ordinary people. Think about the salary of China youth coaches of 5,000 to 8,000 yuan, which is really invisible. That’s why youth coaches try to ask for bribes from players.

Let’s take a country with small boobs as an example to see how Icelandic football has become strong. The case of this country is more representative.

Iceland has a population of 330,000, so it’s normal that people can’t beat others. All of them have to go to work, and the weather is cold. There are few football fields in China, so it’s difficult to get a team out. Everyone understands, but the Icelandic Football Association has made great efforts to strengthen itself. In 2000, it began to build nine large indoor football stadiums all over the country, and every school and village also built football fields. By 2015, a total of 179 standard football fields and 128 football fields were built.

Moreover, since 2000, Iceland has trained 600 professional football coaches like crazy, 400 of whom have the UEFA B-level coaching certificate, which is equivalent to one professional coach for every 100 young men of the right age. In addition, due to the small space, they can often be pulled together to engage in confrontation, and the level has risen steadily.

By the European Cup in 2016, the Icelandic team began to make achievements, with two draws and one win in the group stage, killing England in the quarter-finals and successfully reaching the quarter-finals.

Think about what it would be like if China could reach the quarterfinals of the European Cup.

But it took Icelandic people only 16 years.

So you see, as long as we start from the roots in a down-to-earth manner, we can start football.

Therefore, everyone should understand a truth. In the most competitive sports subdivision industry in the world, football must start with dolls, and there must be a large number of amateur bottom clubs+youth leagues+fierce confrontation in small areas+a large number of excellent grassroots coaches, and then an excellent adult top league and an excellent national team can be established.

The result of the national team is the final result, and the national team is not the cause of the matter.

Then why is the foundation so poor? The Super League has been quite lively in the past few years, and even won the AFC Champions League?

This question is relatively simple.

The Super League looked prosperous in the past few years because of its interests.

Many companies go to the Super League, and their purpose is not football at all, because all football clubs in China are losing money. The poor income of Chinese football clubs is simply not enough to plug their teeth, but how can they do business at a loss?

This is the same as opening a five-star hotel. I usually love to explore the business model and find that most five-star hotels in China are unprofitable. Hotels that invest 10 billion yuan can earn up to 100 million yuan a year, and the input-output ratio is too low, and most of them are still losing money. Five-star hotels in Shaoyang are extremely well built and the cost is so high, and there are few guests at all. I don’t know how they maintain it. It is a bad business here.

It was not until later that I learned that a five-star hotel is actually a part of the infrastructure. If you build a five-star hotel, the local government will try to make it up for you in the land or other places, so that you can earn money from other places.

Chinese football clubs also mean the same thing. Bosses vote for football mainly to earn money from local governments, finance and other places, but they are not interested in football.

So you asked him to spend ten years building a youth training system. How could he have this idea? I don’t even know where it is five years later. I’m crazy. Why did I invest so much money to build a youth training system?

If the boss insists that I build an echelon, then I’ll just build an inspection to cope with it. Anyway, we can’t do a ten-year talent training plan that consumes money and energy.

Therefore, in the first year when Lippi coached the national football team, he reflected that China professional clubs didn’t even have a complete echelon construction. How many years have it been?

A senior person in the sports field told me that when Jiangsu Suning scored well, Jiangsu Sports School directly gave the echelon to Suning, and then Suning directly dissolved it.

You can pay attention to one thing. Chinese football clubs especially like to smash foreign aid with deep pockets, but they don’t train local young players. First, because it is easy to make achievements, they can quickly smash an AFC Champions League with money and get recognition from the top. Second, buying directly in the peripheral market, large transactions can generate huge amounts of money flow, and everyone in this link, from the general manager, translators, brokers and coaches, is eager to get kickbacks.

Since in China, the club can’t build a youth training echelon for his special motivation, why can’t we learn from South America, Europe and Japan, and build a large number of amateur clubs at the bottom? Let China players raise their level to 75-80 points when they are young, and then keep a high level in the league. How many stars with 85-90 points are there?

This problem is much more complicated, and it involves more economic chains.

If we compare Japan and Germany, we lack a large number of well-trained excellent coaches, and we can’t keep these people struggling in their posts for decades, and a football market has not formed.

If we compare South American countries, we lack a large number of volunteers. Many parents in South America are free volunteers in amateur clubs. They have fun by themselves, and they also take their children to play together. They can often play all night on the court.

These two points are difficult to achieve in China.

Training a large number of excellent football coaches requires a long-term 10-year plan, which requires administrative power. After the training, these people have to be prevented from changing careers easily, and there is a shortage of volunteers. In fact, parents in China are very busy, and they are not on the same level as Europeans, Japanese and South Americans.

China is now the fastest-growing economy in the world. Everyone needs to keep up with the big forces economically and make a determined effort to earn money. Because if the class leap cannot be achieved now, it will be several times more difficult for the later generations to achieve it. Everyone is working hard to earn money. Where can they spare time to volunteer at the football field?

Therefore, we can make a comparison. Either developed countries have perfect wages and benefits, or South American countries, whose economies are flat and often harvested by the United States, have perfect amateur clubs at the bottom, and such clubs are not for profit. China is now in a special historical stage. Many people have just become urban citizens from rural areas, and a large number of high-quality young people are still seizing emerging jobs such as the Internet and finance. They are all buying the first car and the first suite in their lives and have no time to participate in football grassroots projects in person.

Everyone has the opportunity to change their destiny, and it is not football’s turn to grab time for the time being.

I think that if China’s economy stagnates one day or becomes a developed country, football will be much better than it is now.

You may be tempted to ask, then why did China’s football and basketball, which were good in the past, fall into this state now?

Because it used to be a national system, this system has been scolded for decades in my impression, and it has produced many drawbacks, saying that it is a waste of people and money, which is the wrong way of socialism in the past, but in fact, the national system also has its excellent side. In the past, good players were actually selected from sports schools at different levels and then practiced hard behind closed doors. In 2002, that wave of players was actually the last performance of players trained by the national system.

After that wave, the level of players became worse and worse, because the old system was overturned, but the new system was not established, and the bottom-up basic population such as South America and Europe was not established, so they played worse and worse in the past 20 years.

It is not anyone’s fault that a new system has not been established, but it is decided by the stage of China’s times.

We have seen that some small countries, such as Qatar and Viet Nam, can often abuse the men’s soccer team in China. In fact, they have just set up a team with a little meager funds, and the government has stepped forward to set up a youth training center, which has achieved results in a long time.

The children in China, without government organization, received expensive and wrong guidance in their teens, but after the technology was formed, they couldn’t play with the small professional guidance.

It’s a bit like people are using the national system that we don’t use to attack the unhealthy market system that we haven’t formed.

Of course, because this country also lacks the bottom operating system in South America, it can only bully China at most, and it is very difficult to go any further.

"Usually our poor youth football population is just making up the numbers." A big shot in the circle sighed and said this to me.

In fact, in all areas of deep competition, the sports circles in China have encountered the same problems as football.

For example, in basketball and volleyball in China, the results are getting worse and worse. Only the middle of the women’s volleyball team was saved by Lang Ping. That’s because the competition of women’s volleyball in the world was not so fierce. Lang Ping saved a group of teenage girls in time and caught up with them through a lot of hard training.

If nothing unexpected happens, the three major events in China, regardless of men’s and women’s events, are all due to the fact that the new system was not established when the old system was transferred to the new system, which is an inevitable historical trend.

The former China Women’s Football Team, the 2002 China Men’s Football Team, and the former Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi and Li Na were actually trained from the old system. They were the beneficiaries of the old system. Now the new system has not been built, and China’s special historical stage has made the three goals worse and worse.

Those leagues that look like red fire can’t hide the failure of our construction at the bottom of this fierce global competition.

Finally, give some advice to China football:

1. Learn from Germany and Iceland, establish a football coach training system, and strive to have thousands of professional coaches in each key city.

2. Through market-oriented operation, these coaches are guaranteed to survive and stay, and there is still room for salary increase. (This is the hardest)

3. Without thinking about doing a good job in football all over the country, we should set aside one or two key provinces, decentralize coaches in these provinces, divide these provinces into different small regions, and launch fierce youth leagues in each small region. If possible, it is best to set up three teams, such as youth training centers, youth training points of football associations and cooperative schools of clubs, like Germany, to select outstanding talents from them.

4. Choose a leader with a long term for about ten years, and be patient to do it.

If it really doesn’t work, it’s ok to engage in the previous youth training system.

Of course, in fact, football is a sport and entertainment, and it is not so important in essence. As I said before, "earning money to support the family is actually much more technical and more practical than sports competitions." Now our country focuses on aerospace, the belt and road initiative and the prosperity of the whole people. Compared with football, football is really insignificant. No matter how well you play it, there is no chance to raise your head and speak in the face of the powerful economic and technological gap.

If football scores can be exchanged for the improvement of the living standards of the whole people, I believe that people in Brazil’s slums must raise their hands in favor.

We have a wider sea of stars and dust, and we can take it slowly in the back.

According to the present situation, football in China may still linger for a while, but it doesn’t matter. The best chance to plant a tree was ten years ago, and the second best chance is now.


The top 10 most beautiful towns in the world, each of which makes people linger. Which one do you want to go to most?

Life is not just daily necessities, but also poetry and distance. Being closed for too long, what I want most isA desperate trip, go as far as you can. The top 10 most beautiful towns in the world, each of which makes people linger. Which one do you want to go to most??

I. France Annecy

Annecy is located at the foot of the Alps, close to Geneva, Switzerland. It is surrounded by mountains and waters, with blue sky and clear water, red bricks and blue tiles, and abundant sunshine in all seasons. No matter how complicated the outside world is, it is always quiet and leisurely, and it is called "the balcony of the Alps".

Although Annecy belongs to France, it has the same freshness as Switzerland. This green river has witnessed the development of this town. The famous island palace is located on the island in the middle of the old city. Many souvenirs will choose this place as a symbol, and many tourists also come here, which is the landmark of Annecy.

Second, Austria Hallstatt

The town of Hallstatt is the oldest town in Austria. It is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, and the lake is crystal clear. On the shore of the lake are houses as beautiful as fairy tales, which makes people linger. It is known as the most beautiful town in Europe and the famous love punching place.

These wooden buildings built near the lake have a history of hundreds of years. They are layered and strewn at random. In summer, the buildings are covered with plants, and the balconies are blooming with gorgeous flowers, which are exquisite and beautiful with a bit of historical charm.It was listed as a world cultural heritage in 1997..

3. Czech Krumlov

This is the most charming fairy tale town in the world. It is a well-known name in China.It’s CK town,Vltava river has circled a circle close to 360 degrees here, and the riverside is full of castles with a sense of history and grandeur, which seems to have crossed into the Middle Ages and is a dual heritage of world culture and nature.

Krumlov is the most beautiful town in the world, with endless green space in the distance, houses with red roofs connected with the river in front of us, and the town under the blue sky and white clouds is like a dream, which makes people feel like a lifetime ago and is the most charming place in Europe.

IV. Croatian Rovini

Rovini is one of the most beautiful towns in Croatia, with blue sky, tall and green trees, gorgeous and open flowers, beautiful beaches and winding cobblestone paths. The 18th century tower buildings are solemn and exquisite, with a strong Italian flavor.

Rovini is small in scale, small and exquisite, with a hint of quaint, colorful and patchwork old houses, just like God’s overturned palette, wandering in the stone alleys extending in all directions, as if crossing into the Middle Ages, and the ancient rhyme reveals vicissitudes and tranquility.

V. Holland Yangjiao Village

Everyone has a fairy-tale dream in his childhood. In reality, there is a fairy-tale world. This is Yangjiao Village in the middle of the Netherlands. The town is dotted with green and colorful flowers, and everything in front of him is like a painting, which is incredibly beautiful.

The town is connected by more than 170 small wooden bridges.Look at the highway here,norCars, the only means of transportation for people to travel is boats,There are restaurants on both sides of the waterway, where people can enjoy delicious food leisurely. The antique houses, bridges and the river in the sun complement each other, which is refreshing.

6. France Corma

Colmar, which is close to Germany, is a typical "German-French mixed-blood" town. The streets are full of wooden reinforced houses decorated with flowers and with German characteristics. The canal is quiet and winding, and the town has a fairy-tale dreamy color. The Last Lesson read by Dude in our primary school textbook tells the true story that happened in this town.

There are not many tourists here, and the pace is slow. Walking in the urban area of Kolma seems to be in the streets of medieval Europe. The streets are narrow and can only accommodate one car. There are flowers everywhere on the railings of the bridges on both sides. Find a small bar near the waterway and ask for a glass of Alsace wine, so you can enjoy your time in a daze.

Seven, Slovenia Brad

Located at the southern foot of the Alps, the town of Bled is famous for its fairyland-like Lake Bled, which has a turquoise clear lake with castles standing on the cliffs, and the natural and human beauty set each other off.Known as the "eye of Europe", it is the most beautiful town in the world.

There are lakes and mountains, sunshine, tranquility and fresh air, and there is a church filled with ancient flavor on the island. People standing by the lake can often hear the faint bell from the church.Even Picasso, the great painter, is obsessed with this town.I often spend my holidays and create here.

Viii. Maltese Popeye Village

This is a literary travel town that came out of cartoons. In 1980, a film company cooperated with Disney Company to create the scenes in Popeye, the children’s favorite cartoon. Everything was restored in a 1:1 ratio, and you could feel as if you were in an animation.

Popeye Village is not only a fairy tale world, but also a paradise. The sea water here is like a natural filter, which is extremely deep and blue. With colorful houses and several boats painted with bright colors floating on the sea, the whole village has become very lovely.

IX. Croatia Dubrovnik

This is the location of King’s Landing in Game of Thrones. With its long history, well-preserved historic sites and beautiful scenery, it is described by British playwright Bernard Shaw as "the most paradise-like place on earth", and it is one of the top ten most beautiful towns and travel destinations in the world without filters.

Strolling through the ancient streets of Dubrovnik, there are mottled stone bridges, orange roofs, solemn and magnificent churches and monasteries everywhere, filled with a strong medieval atmosphere, and Dubrovnik as a whole has been listed as a world cultural heritage.

X Switzerland Interlaken

This is a small town that enjoys a world-renowned reputation for its beautiful scenery. It has a mild and humid climate, four distinct seasons, beautiful mountains and beautiful scenery, and is loved by the world. It has the reputation of a’ paradise town’ and is one of the oldest tourist and health resorts in Switzerland and even Europe.

When you walk into the town, a fresh breath will come to you. The houses here are unique in shape and beautifully decorated. Each building is like a fine work of art. Residents facing the street make green plants and flowers into bonsai, which adorns their homes. As far as they can see, full of green is colorful and intoxicating.

Welcome to pay attention to the monsoon in Muztag. Let’s see the world together.


Prospect of football: West Ham can’t resist Arsenal, Liverpool is not afraid of visiting, Manchester United VS Newcastle.

West Ham United VS Arsenal

After West Ham lost to Everton at home last season, the league suffered two consecutive defeats. The team’s recent performance is really not safe, and it is still difficult to resist when facing the league’s strong teams. At present, it ranks 9 th in the league. West Ham United’s offensive output is acceptable, but the stability of the team’s defense is still insufficient. After Arsenal’s victory over Sheffield United, the league remained unbeaten, and the team is currently ranked second in the league. Arsenal’s offensive output is very strong, and the stability of the defense line is also worthy of praise. Recently, it has been able to score zero opponents in many games.

West Ham United’s overall strength is relatively limited, the team’s recent stability is not high, and the main battle performance is not safe. The Arsenal League has guaranteed unbeaten record so far, and the team’s historical achievements have crushed opponents, so the psychological advantage is very obvious. This time, the team is a guest to challenge their opponents, and I believe that they still have the ability to win from the away game.

Everton VS Burnley

Everton beat West Ham United in the last league. The team’s recent achievements are relatively erratic, showing a plum blossom pile, but its winning ability has indeed improved, and it is currently ranked 15th in the league. Everton’s offensive and defensive ends have also improved to some extent recently. Burnley lost to Bournemouth in the last league, and the league suffered another three-game losing streak. So far, the team has only won one victory, ranking only 19th in the league. Burnley’s offensive output is relatively weak, and the defensive end can be said to be full of loopholes.

Everton’s recent performance is indeed unstable, and the team has no strength against the strong teams, but its winning ability has indeed improved in the face of the weak teams in the league recently. The performance of Burnley, the opponent, continued to be sluggish, and recently suffered a three-game losing streak. This time, Everton is sitting at home to meet the challenge of the weak team, and I believe that I still have the ability to successfully win the opponent at home.

Bournemouth VS Liverpool

Bournemouth defeated Burnley at home in the last league, and finally won the first victory in the league. However, the opponent is really a weak team, and the gold content is really not high. At present, it still ranks 17th in the league. Bournemouth’s front line output is insufficient, and the loopholes at the defense end are not small. Liverpool beat Nottingham Forest at home last season, and the league won two consecutive victories and three unbeaten games. The overall performance of the team has once again strengthened, and it is currently ranked fourth in the league. Liverpool’s offensive output is stable and the defense strength is constantly strengthening.

Bournemouth’s overall strength is very limited, the ability to fight hard is also insufficient, and there is no advantage at home. After all, Liverpool, the rival team, has recently returned to the right track after losing the game unexpectedly, and the stability of both offensive and defensive ends is constantly improving. In addition, Liverpool’s historical achievements have crushed their opponents, and even if they are a guest, they are not afraid.

Manchester United VS Newcastle United

Manchester United lost to the opponent in the last Manchester derby, and was hit by the strong team after winning two consecutive victories. However, the team has won several victories in the near future, and its overall performance has improved. At present, it ranks eighth in the league. Manchester United’s offensive and defensive stability needs to be strengthened. Newcastle United drew away with Wolves in the last league, and the league remained unbeaten in six rounds, but the winning ability was still insufficient, and it is currently ranked sixth in the league. Newcastle United’s offensive output is strong, but the defensive end often has problems.

Manchester United’s domestic and foreign troubles are serious, and the recent achievements and performance of the team are indeed not stable enough. However, as for Chi Hah, he still needs to strive for victory in every game to stabilize the morale of the army. Newcastle United’s overall performance has been stable recently, but its winning ability has indeed declined. In addition, the team’s winning ability in guest games is indeed insufficient. This time, the Red Devils welcomed their opponents at home, and I believe there is still a chance to successfully win their opponents.

Chelsea VS Blackburn

Chelsea lost to brentford at home last season, and the unbeaten game in three rounds of the league ended. Losing the game is really unacceptable, and it is only ranked 11th in the league at present. Chelsea’s offensive output suffered another zero, and the defensive end of the last two league games also lost 2 goals per game. Blackburn lost to Swansea at home in the last league, and its three-game winning streak ended. It is rare for the team to win a winning streak in the near future, and the last game was also ended by opponents. At present, it ranks 12 th in the British Championship. Blackburn’s offensive output is also not stable enough, but fortunately the defense strength has improved recently.

Chelsea’s defeat on the road to the Northern Expedition was indeed a blow to morale, but this time the team ushered in a lower-level league opponent, which was also a rare opportunity for the team to snatch victory and revive morale. Opponent Blackburn rarely won a winning streak recently, but the stability is still insufficient. The last game was terminated by the opponent, and the efficiency of the team’s offensive end really needs to be strengthened. This time, Chelsea played at home to meet the challenge of Championship team Blackburn Rovers. I believe it is not too difficult to win the opponent.

Dortmund VS Hoffenheim

The recent performances of both sides are relatively stable, but Dortmund’s achievements in the past battles have crushed opponents, and their psychological advantages are very obvious. This time, I took a strong home game against my opponent, and I believe I still have the ability to continue my outstanding achievements.

Frejborg VS paderborn

Although Frejborg’s performance is erratic, he has a strong ability to score points in the main battle. Paderborn, the opponent, is a team in the middle reaches of German B, and its overall strength is relatively limited. I’m afraid it’s very difficult to be a guest and challenge Frejborg.

Hertha Berlin VS Mainz

Hertha Berlin’s current situation is erratic, but it is good to win more and lose less, and at the same time, the main battle ability is not weak. Although the opponent Mainz is a high-level league team, the team’s performance so far has not been satisfactory. This time the two sides met, Hertha Berlin still had a chance to defend the unbeaten home.

Udinese VS Cagliari

Udinese’s winning ability is limited, but his recent performance is fairly safe. Although the opponent Cagliari won the first victory in the league in the last campaign, the overall stability is still insufficient, and at the same time, the ability to fight is not good. This time, Udinese is at home, and I believe he still has a certain advantage.


What is culture? What is culture?

Everyone knows the word "culture" and can generally understand the basic meaning of the word "culture", but what is culture? What is the definition of culture? There are not many people who can answer it or answer it completely. I don’t blame you, and no one has to blame themselves. Because, although human civilization has lasted for 5,000 years, up to now, due to the lack of real understanding of the extension of culture and the infiltration of different historical views, the concept of "culture" has not been universally accepted by everyone. Let me briefly list it below. Do you agree with that one, or try to give it to "?

First, the definition of "culture" According to statistics, since the history of civilization, there have been countless definitions of "culture". According to the statistics of "An Introduction to Cross-cultural Communication", since 1871, there have been more than 300 definitions of "culture" in the world, too many, and some of them are not in line with our traditional culture and values, so we omit some and choose to list them as follows.

1. The word "culture" comes back. The word "culture" in China first appeared in the Book of Changes: civilization stops, and humanity is also. Look at the humanities and turn it into the world. Here, "Wen" and "Hua" have not yet been linked together, but the meaning is already there. The main meaning of "cultural success" is "civilized education". What connects the words "Wen" and "Hua" is Liu Xiang’s "Shuo Yuan" in the Han Dynasty: where martial arts flourish, they refuse to accept it, their culture does not change, and then they are punished. Liu Xiang’s word "culture" means "Wen Zhi" as opposed to "Wu Zhi". It can be seen vertically that the words "culture" used above mainly refer to the contents of "morality" and "rule by virtue", and are not the concept of "culture" in a complete sense.

2. Marx’s definition of "culture" "Culture" is the sum total of the lifestyle of a country or a nation. It is believed that people’s lifestyle is "culture", and what kind of lifestyle is there, such as China culture and American culture.

3, Xu Jialu in the article "On National Cultural Security" elaborated"Culture" can be summarized into three parts: one is to deal with the relationship between people; The second is to deal with the relationship between man and nature; The third is to deal with the relationship between reality and the future. Furthermore, it is believed that these three articles are the core content of human culture and the most fundamental problem of culture.

Note:Xu Jialu served as Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, Director state language commission and Special Adviser of the Maritime Silk Road Association.

4, philosophy and sociology subject understanding:"Culture" is a process, a state and a realm of human development, and the integration of process, state and realm is the true meaning of culture.

5. Most people in the field of science and culture believe that"Culture" is a relatively stable, independent and complete sum of social norms that human beings maintain the survival and development of various social groups.

6. Anthropological groups believe thatEverything between a group that is different from other groups except genetic genes is called "culture". Here, they regard culture as a variable of economic development, which is prone to the problem of cultural autocracy or chauvinism.

7, empiricists believe thatCulture is produced in the common life and work activities of human beings, and it is the core of mutual recognition within the nation.

Second, the characteristics or characteristics of "culture" There are many characteristics of "culture", but there are three main ones.

1. Culture is a derivative of human evolution.Natural existence is not culture, only what is processed or produced by human beings intentionally or unintentionally is culture. The commonness of human beings is not culture but human nature, and the characteristics of individuals are not culture, but personality. What is inherited is not culture, but instinct. Culture is a social product created by human beings and accepted or followed by members of society. What is privately owned by individuals and not understood and accepted by other members of society cannot be called culture. For example, attraction between men and women is not called culture, but marriage in love is culture, because it is natural instinct for men and women to like each other, while marriage in love is acquired.

2. "Culture" has the characteristics of applicability.. Once "culture" is formed, it has adaptive characteristics. Under certain conditions, people must adapt to it, otherwise it will be eliminated or marginalized, that is, "anomie". Of course, if you are strong enough, you can also try to change the "culture". Usually, this is what revolutionaries and reformers do. This leads to the problem of "culture" inclusiveness. Generally speaking, a strong culture is less inclusive, while a weak culture shows a higher tolerance or tolerance. Cultural inclusiveness is positively related to social openness and cultural civilization.

3. "Culture" is hierarchical. It is roughly divided into three layers. The first layer is the surface layer, which is mainly expressed through human’s basic necessities. For example, eating without snapping your mouth, walking with your head held high, etc. are all manifestations of "culture" The second layer is the middle layer, such as art, customs, rules, law, religion, etc. Their common feature is to express their thoughts or will with the help of materials. The third layer is the bottom layer, which is what we usually call the bottom logic. This bottom logic refers to the outlook on life, values, ethics and aesthetics. These "four views" reflect the relationship between people, people and nature, reality and future, which constitute the soul of a nation.

The three layers of "culture" are not insulated and often interact and link, but it is relatively easy to change food, clothing, housing and transportation, and it is relatively difficult to change the underlying culture.

Third, the value or use of "culture" The value of "culture" to life is multi-angle and multi-faceted, and it is impossible to exhaust it. Here, we only choose the role of "culture" in explaining the most valuable life dilemma, and it is useless to talk a little.

1, a culture can "reveal" their own life difficulties, and criticize or vent.. Qu Yuan’s "asking for heaven" belongs to this category. For another example, poor and ugly people, when buying goods or receiving services, often dare not question the quality of goods or services, and are used to finding reasons from themselves. For example, an ugly woman’s hair is broken, and she dare not blame the stylist, but blame herself for being ugly.

2. Give value to the dilemma.For example, Mencius, the sage of Asia, said: Therefore, people are going to be demoted, so they must first suffer from their minds, work hard on their bones and muscles, starve their bodies and skin, and be empty of their bodies, so they can’t be patient. Another example is the saying that difficulties are tempered. Another example is that the young people’s death to save the elderly is negative from the biological point of view, but if it is explained by "culture", it belongs to a positive and worth promoting behavior.

Expounding the above reason, I mainly want to explain that, with or without knowledge, one can understand or learn the above thinking or thinking mode, even if he is "literate", otherwise, no matter how much he recites, he can’t be said to be a "literate person", and using the calligraphy of the phonograph world is called the study of asking questions.

Fourth, what is "literate" According to the above concepts and analysis, although "culture" is the externalization of knowledge, the cultural connotation of externalized knowledge is far from this. Therefore, having knowledge does not mean having culture, so how can it be regarded as "having culture"?

1. Only knowledge can lead to culture.Knowledge is the shell and expression of culture. Without knowledge, it is not only difficult to form a scientific way of thinking, but also difficult to express and communicate effectively. To reiterate, knowledge refers not only to book knowledge, but also to life experiences, experiences and civilized achievements that have been sublimated into culture, such as life knowledge, labor skills and people’s common habits.

2, can use knowledge and use knowledge to build values recognized by the orthodox system, is a culture.Culture is essentially a quality, and a qualified person has the ability to explain the value world and transcend the survival difficulties. In short, a person with culture and quality not only has the ability to create the value world, but also can let himself and others transcend the survival difficulties in the future.

Description: 1,Culture is the main symbol of human evolution from animals. Animals have no culture, only humans have culture. 2. The word "value" has the same meaning as the word "meaning", but the difference is that "value" is a foreign word, while "meaning" is a local word and a traditional term.


Deep once | Behind Zhang Yuxi’s ocean, those "small details" that belong to China’s swimming.

When Zhang Yufei was the first to finish the 50-meter butterfly final in 25.10 seconds, a few minutes later, Qin Haiyang also won the men’s 50-meter breaststroke in 26.35 seconds, which was the 100th gold medal of the China delegation in this Asian Games.

Although Zhang Yufei’s original dream of 7 gold medals failed to come true because the result of the women’s 4× 100m medley relay was cancelled due to a foul in the preliminary round, Zhang Yufei, who holds 6 swimming gold medals, is still a powerful battle for the most valuable athletes in this Asian Games.

Behind Zhang Yufei, the new frog king Qin Haiyang-he won 5 gold and 1 silver in 6 events, becoming the male athlete who won the most gold medals in the Asian Games at present.

Poster design whitewater

Behind them is the eye-catching report card of the China swimming team-the day before the closing day, the China swimming team tied the best record in the history of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games with 24 gold medals, and when the swimming events of the Asian Games closed, the number of gold medals climbed to 28.

Behind the "purchase mode" of all members of China Swimming Team is the support and guarantee of every detail.

Zhang Yufei wept with joy after winning the gold medal in the 50-meter butterfly.

Polishing the details and warming up.

In the Asian Games, whenever there is a player from China, the physical fitness coach Charlie will pat the muscles of the athletes to help them get excited quickly.

This is the most common action in swimming competition, but the surprise brought by Li Li to the swimming team is not limited to these.

Since former synchronized swimming world champion Cherie joined the China Swimming Team as a physical fitness coach, she has always practiced dancing before each water class. This is an activation training specially designed by Cherie and described by Zhang Yufei as "forced starting".

Yan Li (in white) leads the China swimming team for physical training.

Compared with the unique warm-up session, the more important content that Charlie brings to the swimming team is the emphasis on core strength.

Yan Li once explained in an interview with The Paper:"There are similarities between flower swimming and swimming, but the swimming team pays more attention to strength, and some details on the water will be vague, or they have not been carefully trained, so the flower swimmers can provide some help in this respect."

Qin Haiyang displayed the gold medal.

Swimming is not only a test of individual ability, but also a sport that reflects the strength of science and technology. How to help athletes improve their level through science and technology, Xinhua News Agency has given such a detail in its report:

In the Shanghai Sports Training Base Management Center (Green Boat Area), a mirror was specially installed under a swimming lane in preparation for the Asian Games, so that athletes can see their underwater movements during training.

In addition, tank training, underwater 3D camera and artificial intelligence technology, 360-degree holographic imaging system and other advanced equipment are all integrated into daily training, and data has become an important reference for athletes and coaches.

Coach Cui Dengrong, who instructed famous players such as Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang, said: "In this ever-changing era, only by constantly innovating training methods and concepts can we conform to the development trend of modern competitive sports and walk at the forefront of the world."

When the correct concept and cutting-edge technology meet swimming, the result is also obvious-Five years ago, at the Asian Games in Jakarta, China and the Japanese kept neck and neck and each won 19 gold medals. At this Asian Games, China Swimming Team won 28 gold medals, which set a new record in the history of the Asian Games.

"Thank you, folks"

From Guangzhou to Hangzhou, the host status undoubtedly has a natural psychological advantage for athletes, and Ye Shiwen, who participated in the Asian Games again after nine years, felt the deepest feelings.

"Every time I play, everyone cheers for me loudly, and I can feel that I am not fighting alone and being so favored." Ye Shiwen, who won the women’s 200m breaststroke championship, said with emotion after the game.

Similar to Ye Shiwen, Wang Shun also thanked the "hometown folks" frequently after the game. On the evening of September 24th, Wang Shun swam 1 minute 54.62 seconds in the 200m medley, which not only won the championship, but also set a new Asian record.

Qin Haiyang won 5 gold and 1 silver.

After the game, he said: "This month has been very difficult. Thanks to the team, the mentality is like a roller coaster. There are ups and downs in training and sometimes it collapses. I didn’t expect to break the Asian record in the end. Today’s performance exceeded expectations, and I thank my hometown folks for their support. "

Zhang Yufei also revealed after winning the women’s 100m butterfly gold medal that the Hangzhou Asian Games was the first time for her grandparents to watch her own competition on the spot, and she was even more excited to cry after the game.

When the family watched the game on the spot and the audience gave the warmest cheers, the China Swimming Team not only broke the competition record for many times in Hangzhou, but also created six Asian records.

Zhang Yufei and Japan’s Chijiang Rihuazi hugged each other and cried after the game.

The security is getting more and more perfect, and the security is getting richer and richer.

It is not only the atmosphere at the scene that makes athletes very excited, but also the guarantee from all sides that gives athletes more confidence in their outstanding performance.

Before the competition, Qiu Peihuang, director of the venue construction department of Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee, revealed: "In this year’s operation, no new tap water has entered the swimming pool so far."

Qiu Peihuang said that this is due to the world-class water treatment technology adopted in the museum. A drop of water has to go through seven passes, and the water quality fully meets the international competition standards.

In addition, the security forces from the society are becoming more and more perfect.

Take insurance protection as an example. On the occasion of the Asian Games, China Pacific Insurance customized an exclusive insurance protection scheme for the "Pacific Blue Team", providing insurance coverage with a total amount of more than 830 million yuan, mainly covering accident insurance liabilities such as accidental injury and acute medical care, emergency rescue and flight delay, and providing two health insurance guarantees: supplementary medical care and millions of medical care. Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang are the "Pacific Insurance Service Experience Officers" of the Asian Games.

China Pacific Insurance organized a delegation to watch the Asian Games. Wang Xinyu

In order to make Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang have no worries, China Pacific Insurance also set up a family doctor’s studio to provide long-term and active health management for their families, so as to fully protect the health needs of athletes and their families.

On the last day of the swimming competition, China Pacific Insurance also organized an Asian Games watching group to cheer for the athletes on the spot.

It is the first time for Ms. Xu to cheer for swimmers on the spot. When talking about her feelings, she said, "This is the first time for me to watch a swimming competition on the spot, which is very different from watching it on TV! The atmosphere at the scene is particularly good and passionate. I am very excited to see Zhang Yuxi win the championship. She is also a member of our Pacific Insurance’ Pacific Blue Team’ and I am very proud! "

When the slogan "Come on, Zhang Yufei" and "Qin Haiyang will win" appeared in the Asian Games, the support for athletes from all sectors of society was condensed behind it.

Indeed, when the correct ideas, cutting-edge technology, cheers from the home audience and support from all sectors of society are all United, China athletes naturally have more confidence.


2022, take it! Don’t blame me for watching the top seven games of the year.

2022 has reached the end of the year, and with the countdown approaching, we will usher in a new beginning. This year, we witnessed countless changes. We cheered for the Beijing Winter Olympics at the beginning of the year and the two world sports events in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 at the end of the year. We also cheered for the completion of the Tiangong Space Station and the first flight of the C919.

In this year, we have experienced too much, whether it is science and technology, audio-visual entertainment, or transportation, compared with 2021, there have been no small changes.

In the field of consumer digital, smart phones are undoubtedly one of the main battlefields of competition among manufacturers. Data show that the global mobile phone market has begun to fall into the industry trough this year, and manufacturers have begun to compete fiercely in the stock market, but this also makes high-end mobile phone manufacturers headed by Apple have to start to introduce new "black technology" to attract consumers. The downward trend of the global economy has also put many established manufacturers in the technology circle into trouble, and various acquisitions are also full of ups and downs.

2022 is also a year when new technologies are ushered in. The live broadcast industry is still developing rapidly, but it also exposes many problems and contributes a lot of "rollover" scenes, which makes people doubt the credibility of anchors and businesses. In addition to real people, virtual people are beginning to appear more and more in people’s sight. Although the metauniverse was not as big as before in 2022, virtual people generated based on metauniverse and AI technology have erupted this year, and they can be seen in many industries such as film and television, games and media.

Under the influence of epidemic situation, unemployment and other factors, many people may think that 2022 is an "emo" year, but compared with the big names in the technology circle whose prices have plummeted and their companies are in trouble, I believe their experiences can make you get back some desire for life. Of course, video games are also a magic weapon to get out of "emo", and in 2022, such a prestigious 3A masterpiece as Eldon’s Ring of Law was born. For the majority of gamers, these popular and popular games in 2022 must not be missed.

In 2022, people’s travel modes have also changed a lot. The most obvious thing is the increasing penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China. However, this does not mean that fuel vehicles have come to the end of the times. In 2022, they will still bring us many popular models. I believe you will not miss it if you want to buy a car. The confrontation between new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles has also made the domestic automobile circle very lively in 2022, so there have also been many hot events, and even Andy Lau is inexplicably "lying down".

Anyway, 2022 will soon be "Say Goodbye" with us. As an annual reserved column, CNMO specially launched "2022! In this article, we will focus on "Seven Applauding and Blockbustering Games of the Year" and present the ultimate inventory in this field in 2022.

2022 is a year of epidemic, but even so, in this year, we can still see that many excellent new games are successfully sold, or some old games are still on the whole platform with great vitality, which has to make people feel that the vitality of the game industry is still very strong. This time, CNMO will take stock of seven popular and popular games in 2022, just as New Year’s Day and Spring Festival are approaching, so you can relax when you are on vacation.

One: The Eldon Method Ring

Since it is the annual game of inventory, how can we not mention this year’s TGA best first? In addition to the best of the year, Eldon’s French Ring has also successfully won many awards such as "Best Game Direction", "Best Art Direction" and "Best Role Playing", which can be said to be the biggest winner of TGA this year. In addition to TGA, the current Eldon French Ring has also successfully won the annual ultimate game of the Golden Rocker.

Eldon’s Ring of Law

In fact, although many players had high hopes for this game before it was officially released. However, what players, game manufacturers and publishers may not have expected is that the achievements of Eldon’s Ring of Law can reach today’s level. This work not only achieved almost perfect evaluation and Metacritic score of 98 points in many media, but also successfully broke the limitations of soul games, successfully extended the influence of soul games to many new players and users, and successfully broke the circle.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the financial report data of the game publisher Bandai Nanmeng Palace, the sales volume of the global digital version+physical version of "Eldon Ring" in November this year reached 17.5 million copies. Before Eldon’s Ring of Law, the sales volume of Dark Soul 3 only reached 10 million in 2020, which is obviously different from the former.

Two: The Twilight of the God of War

In addition to Eldon’s Ring mentioned above, The Twilight of the God of War also performed quite well in TGA this year, and it won awards such as Best Narration, Best Music, Best Sound Design, Barrier-free Innovative Games and Best Action/Adventure Games. There is no doubt that "The Twilight of the God of War" is also a strong competitor of this year’s best game. Even many people think that the main reason why it missed the TGA year is that the release time is too late-the release time is November 9, 2022.

Evening of the God of War and Gods

In terms of media rating, the PS5 version of "The Twilight of the God of War" has been well received by hundreds of media on Metacritic, among which dozens of media such as IGN, VGC, Push Square also gave full marks, with an average score of 94. IGN rated it as a "great achievement", which created a new benchmark and made many works of the same type look unremarkable by comparison.

Of course, while the word-of-mouth is excellent, the sales of "The Twilight of the God of War" have naturally not fallen. At present, this game is exclusively owned by Sony PlayStation platform. According to the data published by Sony PlayStation’s official Twitter account, the sales volume of this game reached 5.1 million sets in the first week, which directly set a new record for the series of "God of War", not only far exceeding the god of war 4 released in 2018, but also breaking the sales record of the first-party game of PlayStation.

Three: Monster Hunter Rise (PC Edition)

Monster Hunter can be said to be quite a classic IP, and it must be a childhood memory of countless people. The Monster Hunter Rise was originally monopolized on Nintendo’s NS platform, but now it has logged into Steam, and it is still in the promotion period. The price of CDKEY in some shopping malls is less than 100 yuan, which is quite affordable.

Monster Hunter Rise

The media rating of "Monster Hunter Rise" is naturally quite good. The PC version of this work got an average score of 86 points on Metacritic website, which was well received by most media. PC Gamer gave a 90-point evaluation, and called "Monster Hunter Rise" the "greatest work" in Capcom’s main series, and it is also a game that never stops moving forward. Moreover, there are still many reviewers who think that the PC version of this work is better than the NS version, such as resolution, frame rate and combat mechanism.

There is no doubt that Monster Hunter Rise is also a commercial success. According to the data released by game developer Capcom, the sales of Monster Hunter Rise reached 11.2 million sets, and Monster Hunter Rise: Dawn has also successfully sold more than 4.4 million sets. Predictably, as the price of PC version continues to drop, there is still a lot of room for growth in the sales of Monster Hunter Rise.

Four: Plague Legend Requiem

It is said that "Plague" is the most serious epidemic in human history. It is famous for its high mortality rate and was once called "Black Death". This novel "Plague Legend Requiem" also takes this as the core of the story, and on the basis of the previous work "Plague Legend Innocence", it makes breakthroughs in many aspects such as picture quality, plot and gameplay, and continues the design that is very "friendly" to intensive phobia patients, which is a masterpiece that intensive phobia patients have to taste at present.

Plague Legend Requiem

At present, most of the media comments on the Plague Requiem on Metacritic are positive, and IGN also gave it an "excellent" evaluation of 8 points, calling it a reassuring and exciting sequel. The number of mice in the game is amazing and impressive. As for the sales volume of the game, the official data is that the number of players has exceeded 1 million in half a month. However, it should be noted that the game "Plague Legend Requiem" is currently on Microsoft’s XGP, which will greatly affect the sales performance of this game.

Five: "Master"

There is no doubt that Master is an excellent Chinese style action game, although its production team is not from China. It is reported that in order to create a better game, the production team of this game specially went to China to study the white eyebrow boxing, and took care of the players in the China market in the subsequent operation of the game. Shortly after the game was released, Master also added Chinese dubbing. At present, the work can be played on PlatStation platform, and Epic Mall is the exclusive one on PC platform.


Excellent works are naturally not lacking in recognition, and so is Master. Games Radar++scored 90 points for this work. The reviewers think that this is an action game with gorgeous fighting, originality and excellent mechanism design. The game structure created by its exquisite aging mechanism and super compact fighting can make players feel the confidence of the production team. At the beginning of March this year, the global sales of Master had exceeded 1 million copies. In addition, according to the information disclosed by the game developer, it is possible for the game to land on the Steam platform in the future, and the sales volume should be further improved at that time.

Six: Unusual Records of Goddess 5 Royal Edition (Replica Transplant Edition)

I believe that many people have heard the words "P5 is the best in the world" before playing the game "Unusual Records of the Goddess 5", so they have a certain impression on this game. On the other hand, Exotic Tale of the Goddess 5 Royal Edition is based on Exotic Tale of the Goddess 5, which adds a lot of plots and characters, and the game content is more abundant. Its reproduced transplanted version landed on the whole platform on October 21 this year and joined XGP for the first time, ending its monopoly on Sony PlayStation platform. This landing on the whole platform has made this game attract widespread attention again.

Unusual Records of Goddess 5 Royal Edition

Undoubtedly, it can be called "No.1 in the world" by countless players, and "Unusual Tales of Goddess 5 Royal Edition" is naturally quite excellent. The artistic design, UI design, music production, combat design, map design and character design (except for a detective) of this work are quite good, which makes it score 95 points on Metacritic website, and The Mako Reactor and Gamelant all give full marks.

In terms of sales volume, Sega, the publisher of The Tale of the Goddess 5 Royal Edition, announced on December 1st that the global sales volume of The Tale of the Goddess 5 Royal Edition (re-engraved transplant edition) exceeded 1 million copies. It is worth noting that this sales achievement is outside the independent "Unusual Tales of Goddess 5 Royal Edition" and was achieved when XGP was added to the first game.

Seven: Total War Warhammer 3

When I watched the Lord of the Rings, I often fantasized about what it would be like to add a race/power based on "China" to a similar world. Now, Total War Warhammer 3, as the last work in a series of trilogy, has finally satisfied the author’s fantasy, and launched a brand-new design of "Aurora", which has severely satisfied a wave of China players.

Total War Warhammer 3

As the last work in the series, Total War Warhammer 3 can be regarded as a master, which integrates almost all the contents of the first two works. The game has dozens of races, hundreds of legendary lords and thousands of arms for players to choose from (at present, you have to sacrifice your wallet to buy the first two games and all DLC), and the map of the mortal empire is further expanded. However, it is a pity that the officials of races and forces such as Nipeng and Indy, which are cherished by countless players, seem to have no idea for the time being.

On Metacritic website, a large number of media have given favorable comments on Total War Warhammer 3, with an average score of 85 points. IGN gave a score of 90 and said that it presented us with a tense, challenging and multi-level campaign, which was driven by a fascinating story and an unforgettable opponent. As for the sales volume, neither The Creative Assembly, the developer of the game, nor Sega, the publisher, has yet announced the sales results of Total War Warhammer 3, but in the early days of the game’s release, the game has always been at the top of the Steam sales list.

Write it at the end

Above all, this CNMO inventory is seven popular and popular games of the year. Of course, there are actually many games that are not on CNMO’s inventory list, but this can’t hide their Excellence, such as Jet Warrior 3, Lost and so on. In 2023, it is foreseeable that we will see more exciting and exciting new games for sale, and next year will not be ordinary.


Looking at the badminton world pattern from the finals seats, China still ranks first, and South Korea rises rapidly.

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about the new pattern of badminton world. The allocation of seats in the latest finals has been released, and we can clearly see that the dominance of badminton in China is still standing, and the Korean team is also rising rapidly. So, let’s discuss the story behind all this!

China has always been a strong player in badminton, and this time is no exception. They won several seats in the finals, showing their dominance. China’s players are excellent in both strength and experience. They are always so calm and confident in the competition. China has many top players, including elegant Lin Dan, enduring Chen Long and Li Zongwei. They are skilled in technology and flexible in tactics, and every game can bring surprises to the audience. China’s great strength is beyond the reach of other countries, and their great advantage in badminton is beyond doubt.

However, under the rule of China, the South Korean team launched a strong counterattack. South Korean players have performed well in recent years, and they constantly show their strength to the world. In the recent allocation of seats in the finals, the South Korean team also won a considerable number of seats, which shows that they have become one of China’s biggest competitors. Korean players, such as Song Jiani, Jin Suhui and Woojin Jo, showed their excellent skills and tenacious fighting spirit. They tried their best on the court and shone brilliantly. The rise of the Korean team has shocked and surprised the whole badminton world.

As badminton lovers, we can’t help asking: What is the reason behind all this? The reason why China team has been at the top of the world badminton for a long time is that it has strong teamwork and strict training besides selecting and cultivating many excellent players. They pay attention to every detail and constantly improve their competition skills and strategic awareness. In recent years, the South Korean team has increased its investment in badminton and systematically trained its players. They pay attention to the polishing of basic skills and the improvement of physical fitness, and strive to occupy an advantage in the competition. These factors make China and South Korea both occupy an important position in the world badminton.

Generally speaking, the pattern of badminton world is changing. China is still at the top of the list, but the rise of South Korea makes people see more competition and possibilities. In any case, this kind of competition will inspire more excellent players and wonderful games, and bring us more attention and expectation. Let’s look forward to the next exciting badminton match!


Respect and Humility: The Art of Education

In this rapidly changing era, knowledge is constantly updated and technology is constantly improving, and we are facing unprecedented challenges. As parents and educators, how can we lead the next generation in the right way and let them adapt, grow and surpass in the future world?

Plato once said, "Don’t force children to go your way, because they were created in an era different from your own."

The biggest misunderstanding of education is that we often guide a child who belongs to the future with a lofty and omniscient attitude.

We ignore that they have their own thoughts, ideas and dreams, and they are shaped in a brand-new era.

Facing the rush of the times, we can’t stay on the past experience and knowledge. We should remain humble, admit our shortcomings, and be willing to learn and accept new ideas. We need to understand and accept children’s thoughts and needs with an open mind, instead of imposing our expectations.

Treating children with the vision of growth and development is the key to education. Every child is a unique individual, and they have their own interests, talents and potentials. We should pay attention to their personality development, provide suitable education methods for them, let them learn in happiness, and thus stimulate their potential and creativity.

At the same time, we should also teach them the ability to think and solve problems independently. We should encourage them to face challenges bravely, not be afraid of failure, learn lessons from failure, and grow better. We should make them understand that growth is a process of continuous learning and change, and only by continuous efforts can they realize their dreams.

In this era full of changes, we need to realize the value and significance of education. Education is not only the imparting of knowledge, but also the process of cultivating people’s thinking and ability. We should treat education with an open mind, a humble attitude and a developmental vision, and create a better future for the next generation.

Let’s treat children and education in an advanced way of love, so that they can grow up with respect and understanding and become the people they want to be. Let’s use practical actions to prove that the power of education is infinite. It can change a person’s fate and the future of the whole society.

In this era full of infinite possibilities, let’s work together to create a better tomorrow for children!


The bull market is coming. Take stock of 8 noteworthy Web3 games.

Every new cryptocurrency cycle promises to make Web3 games mainstream, but this never happens.

But since 2018, 80% of Web3 game projects have failed. This time is different, I think … I hope so.

I am optimistic because we finally have the infrastructure-cheap, fast and extensible blockchain, which is necessary to provide players with a frictionless experience.

Combined with the upcoming bull market boom, we are likely to see many games reach crazy valuations, just like Axie Infinity in 2020 (with a market value of $25 billion).

All this is quietly beginning. Look at some of the growth in the past 30 days.

So today I want to share eight best Web3 games that I am personally interested in, and I think you should also pay attention to them.

Disclaimer: Some of the following items have tokens. This article is not investment advice. I don’t even have these tokens.

Illuvium is a sci-fi NFT game ecosystem, including a number of games with a certain degree of interoperability. It has high-quality graphics and provides chain advantages such as asset ownership and governance.

Recently, Illuvium Arena, a game in the Illuvium ecosystem, was launched in Epic Games Store. The platform has more than 56 million monthly active users, most of whom are not on Web3.

This marks an important integration of blockchain games into mainstream platforms.

Then Illuvium plans to launch Illuvium Overworld, an open-world role-playing game (RPG).

Illuvium has developed in the past few years and during the bear market, and they are ready for an exciting future.

Shrapnel is an FPS (First Person Shooting) AAA game developed by Neon Machine Game Studio, which raised $37.5 million for development.

Its official release date in Epic Games Store is scheduled for December, which is only open to early users. Shrapnel is scheduled to be fully launched sometime in 2024.

Due to its shelf effect, $SHRAP tokens have increased by 182% in the past month.

P.S.: The CEO of Shrapnel tried to pay personal debts with company funds, which caused some FUD…… …

Echelon Prime is a web3 game ecosystem, and recently launched the first game on the Base blockchain: Parallel TCG.

The reason why I am excited about the Echelon Prime ecosystem is how they successfully launched Parallel, a simple card game that doesn’t need a wallet and is free to play.

Parallel is similar to popular card games, such as Hearthstone, Magic the Gathering(MTG) or Marvel Snap, etc., which provides familiar experience for card gamers.

This game is also online in Epic Games Store.

Personally, I think Echelon Prime supported by $PRIME tokens is one of the leaders in the field of Web3 games.

Star Atlas is a highly anticipated grand strategy game for space exploration, territorial conquest and political domination.

This game is built on Solana and already has two tokens:

  • $ATLAS: In-game tokens that act as currency.
  • $POLIS: The governance token of Star Atlas DAO can influence the decision-making process.

The reason why I am particularly excited about Star Atlas is that it is the first game on Solana, and it has been supported by the whole $SOL community. I expect that the Solana ecosystem will continue to develop, and Star Atlas is definitely one of the most cutting-edge participants in this ecosystem.

However, this game has been developed for several years (since the last cycle), so it has made slow progress compared with other games. But in any case, the transaction volume of Star Atlas’s in-game goods market has increased significantly recently, reaching as high as 400,000 US dollars.

Skyweaver is another digital card game developed by Horizon Blockchain Games, which is similar to Parallel.

This is a free game that allows players to collect, trade and use various unique cards to fight.

I’m not so optimistic about Skyweaver, but about the game developer Horizon, which is supported by Ubisoft and Take-Two.

These are the key participants in the Horizon financing round. They participated in the $40 million Series A financing. With strong supporters and an online game, I am very much looking forward to seeing what Horizon can offer in 2024 and beyond.

The above five games and game ecosystems are what I am most interested in. However, there are still some game ecosystems that are developing rapidly. The following are the other three that I am looking forward to and deserve attention.

Ronin is a blockchain built by Axie Infinity. Although it was originally designed to support Axie Infinity, it is now expanding.

In the past 30 days, the number of monthly active users has exceeded 500,000, a five-fold increase.

They welcome new game studio partners like Zillion Whales to develop on Ronin.

They also announced Ronin Name Service, a domain name service similar to ENS, which Ronin users can purchase with $RON to have their online identity.

SIDUS is a game/metauniverse project that aims to combine blockchain with AI.

Although the details are limited, Sidus recently burned a large part of their circulating tokens, which attracted a lot of attention. I will pay close attention to the development of this project.

Treasure DAO is an ecosystem that aims to bring games and players together through its $MAGIC tokens on Arbitrum.

In this article, I share eight games/game ecosystems that I will pay attention to in the next few years. But what I am most excited about is the abstraction of blockchain.

For Web3 games, the biggest obstacle is to hide the blockchain technology from users, which is necessary for mainstream adoption. Nobody wants to set up a wallet, deposit tokens and sign a deal to play games. Those games that can successfully hide Web3 technology will win, and Immutable has gone the farthest in this respect.

On Immutable, users don’t have to pay the Gas fee or sign the transaction. Moreover, the game built on Immutable can also provide offline NFT casting, and the transaction does not require Immutable $IMX tokens.

This is of great significance to game developers, which is why Ubisoft chose to cooperate with Immutable. This is why more than 200 Web3 games will be released on Immutable in 2024.

Immutable has built the infrastructure and tools that developers need to build games throughout the bear market. They are ready to release now, and I think they are perfectly positioned to occupy most of the Web3 game market share in the near future. Although I am optimistic about multiple independent web3 games and ecosystems, I am most interested in Immutable so far, and I think you should be the same.

Disclosure: I own $IMX.