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The image of Shougang ski jumping platform "Flying" will be opened to the public after its appearance in the Winter Olympics.

Shougang ski jumping platform has been officially built, and basically has the conditions to hold competitions.

  Beijing Youth Daily News (Reporter Li Zewei) As the first newly-built competition venue in Beijing’s 2022 Winter Olympics, Shougang Ski Platform was officially completed on October 31, and basically has the conditions to host the competition. During the Winter Olympics, four gold medals will be produced here, and after the Winter Olympics, it will become the first ski platform venue in the world to be permanently reserved and used.

  Huang Hui, director of the Urban Venue Construction Department of the Municipal Major Projects Office, introduced that Shougang Ski Jumping Platform is the first newly-built venue completed in the Beijing Division of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, and it is also the only snow competition venue. It will host the ski jumping events of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympics, and four gold medals will be produced here during the Beijing Winter Olympics. After the Winter Olympics, it will become the world’s first permanently reserved and used ski platform venue, a professional sports competition and training venue, and open to the public for mass leisure and fitness activities.

  Shougang ski jumping platform consists of three parts: the track, the referee tower and the stand area. The track is 164 meters long, 34 meters wide and 60 meters high. The form of the competition is that the single board player slides down from a height, takes off from a big platform, and performs high-altitude somersaults, gyrations and other technical actions.

  According to reports, the design of Shougang ski jumping platform incorporates the element of "flying" in Dunhuang murals. The meaning of "flying in the sky" and the English word "Big Air" in the ski platform project both have the meaning of leaping and flying into the air, and the curve of the flying ribbon is very consistent with the curve of the center of Shougang ski platform, and the shape of the building is beautiful and smooth. Shougang ski jumping platform started in December 2018 and was completed on October 31, 2019, with a construction period of less than one year.

  The original cooling pump station in Shougang’s old factory area will be transformed into a ticket inspection and security hall and an event management office area during the Winter Olympics, and will be transformed into a multi-functional comprehensive building after the games to provide supporting services for the future Shougang ski jumping sports park; The old main oxygen plant was transformed into a comprehensive building during the Winter Olympics. The most striking thing is that four towering cooling towers will be transformed into supporting spaces such as auditoriums or multi-function halls.

  According to the relevant person in charge of Beijing Shouao Real Estate Co., Ltd., the ski jumping platform is the most popular sport among young urban groups in the Winter Olympics and the World Skiing Championships. The venue for the Beijing Winter Olympics was selected in the central city of Beijing and settled in Shougang Park, hoping to perfectly combine this unique event with urban culture and further promote urban renewal and development through the Olympics.

  The ski platform of Shougang has been fully considered after the competition at the beginning of design and construction. After the Winter Olympics, the ski platform can realize rapid transformation. After the Winter Olympics, the venue can host sports competitions of big platform events at home and abroad, and become a training venue for professional athletes and sports teams, a training base for young reserve talents, and a training base for event managers, which will directly serve the promotion of ice and snow sports in China. At the same time, it will become a sports theme park serving the public as a landmark landscape tourist attraction and leisure and fitness activity venue for the Winter Olympics.

  At the same time, the water outlet was reserved during the construction of the track, and the big platform can not only ski, but also be transformed into more projects such as water skiing and grass skiing according to demand in the future. The sports square and audience area under the ski jumping platform are specially equipped with "atmosphere lighting" system, which will bring viewers a completely different experience from traditional events in the future, and can also hold large-scale activities such as concerts.


Can I still drink tea after it has expired? Maybe many people are wrong.

Uncle Liu has been obsessed with drinking tea for health recently. He always takes a pot of strong tea with him every time he goes out. Old friends think it is not good to drink too much tea, but he retorts fiercely every time.

"You don’t understand, how many articles and reports on the Internet say that drinking tea is good for your health, can open channels, can treat Alzheimer’s disease, and can improve many diseases."

However, he thought he was healthy, but in the latest physical examination, many values were not up to standard, and he even suffered from kidney disease and gastritis.

On the contrary, other friends’ reports are very healthy, which makes him puzzled. Why do you get so many diseases when you insist on drinking tea for health?


Fudan university research:

Can tea stimulate human meridians?

I believe everyone has heard of the rumor that tea can pass through meridians, but it has always been doubtful whether it is true or false. After all, even the meridians that Chinese medicine has always emphasized are an audible thing to many people, but they have never seen it before. Because it cannot be objectively presented, many people think it is pseudoscience.

However, a research team of Fudan University successfully displayed the meridians through imaging technology by drinking tea. What happened?

Searching the papers about the research team in the journal Quantitative Biology shows that the researchers observed the fever images of the subjects by using twelve kinds of tea, and found highly consistent meridian tropism results. Finally, the meridian model was successfully simulated by using infrared radiation images of human body through the stimulation of tea on specific meridians. Moreover, different kinds of tea will be classified into different meridians.

Systematic image source data map conforming to the traditional description of human meridians

However, there are still many controversies about the results in the industry, and the research has only carried out preliminary experiments, which can not completely confirm the effectiveness.

Some’ discussions’ by netizens have also made these doubts rampant. For example, whether the heat change path used in the experiment excludes other biochemical factors, the sample size is too small, and the variables such as tea temperature are not explained. Therefore, it is still doubtful whether drinking tea can open and stimulate people’s meridians.


Drinking some tea every day has so many benefits!

Although many rumors about drinking tea are hard to distinguish between true and false, what is certain is that the internationally recognized benefits of drinking tea are indeed beneficial to the health.

1. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has published a research paper on the relationship between drinking tea and reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events and all-cause death. According to the research, people who have tea drinking habits have higher health indicators, pointing out that drinking tea has a certain effect on reducing the rate of cardiovascular diseases.

Image from the network

2. Reduce the risk of diabetes.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also published a study on the relationship between drinking tea and chronic diseases in China. According to the experimental data, the risk of type 2 diabetes, all-cause death and microvascular complications of people who drink green tea every day are reduced by 8%, 10% and 12% respectively. It shows that drinking tea is of great significance to prevent type 2 diabetes and the risk of all-cause death.

3, help to resist oxidation

This is because tea polyphenols in tea itself have antioxidant effect, and the antioxidant effect is 18 times higher than that of vitamin E.

4, refreshing, diuretic fatigue

Tea also contains caffeine, so some people will feel excited and can’t sleep after drinking tea. Therefore, drinking tea also has the effect of refreshing the brain. In addition, these substances will stimulate the kidneys and have the effect of diuresis. Caffeine can also eliminate excessive lactic acid in urine, so it also has the effect of relieving fatigue.

Although tea is good, we should also abide by the principle of moderation, otherwise excessive drinking of tea will also lead to caffeine poisoning or other adverse reactions. In addition, it needs to be emphasized that tea does not belong to the category of drugs, and it has no effect of curing all diseases. Therefore, if you feel unwell, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.


Three misunderstandings about tea,

Don’t be fooled.

With the expansion of the demand for tea and the profit-seeking market, many "rumors" about tea have been heard all the time. How many misunderstandings do you believe?

1. Tea is full of pesticides.

There are rumors that non-organic teas are all grown up by spraying pesticides, and there are many pesticides left in the tea. However, in fact, the regulations on the use of food pesticides stipulated by the state are very strict. Generally, the tea that is listed in compliance has undergone strict sampling inspection and will not be "all pesticides".

2. You can’t drink tea when it expires.

This actually depends on the situation, because after the tea is dried, if it is properly preserved, even if it exceeds the shelf life, it can actually continue to drink, with little impact. If the tea leaves get wet, deteriorate, change color obviously, and smell, you should never continue drinking even if the shelf life has not expired.

3. Green tea is cold and black tea is warm

In fact, green tea and black tea are the same kind of fresh tea. As a result of different production processes, the general factory will make the fresh leaves fail by oxidation at high temperature, so as to prevent "tea polyphenols from discoloring", that is, "deactivating enzymes" in jargon, while black tea is the opposite, so that tea polyphenols can be fully oxidized and discolored, thus obtaining the flavor of black tea. As for which "warm" and "cold" is actually just a statement of packaging needs.


How to drink tea is more beneficial to health?

In fact, there is a lot of knowledge in drinking tea. If you want to give full play to the greatest role of tea, you should be particular when drinking it!

1, the brewing temperature is appropriate.

Different teas also have different brewing temperatures. For example, green tea is suitable for brewing with water around 80℃, while black tea and oolong tea need boiling water to fully separate out their own flavor.

2. Let the tea cool before drinking.

Many people like to make tea with hot water and immediately pour it out "while it is hot", but hot tea is very harmful to esophageal health, and even increases the risk of esophageal cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer also recommends not to drink hot drinks over 65℃, so it is better to let the tea warm before drinking.

3. Drink more light tea and less strong tea.

The concentration of caffeine in strong tea is higher. If taken too much, it will lead to insomnia, and it will also increase the burden on the kidneys, stimulate the stomach and deepen the symptoms of anemia. It is suggested that the amount of tea leaves should be controlled within 12 grams per day. Generally, 3 grams of tea leaves are soaked in 150ml of water, and 3 cups a day is enough.

If you want to drink tea well, in addition to mastering the above best tea drinking methods, you should also pay attention to the taboos when drinking tea, such as not drinking tea on an empty stomach and not drinking tea after drinking, so as to drink healthy.


[1] "Drinking more tea is not as good as drinking tea for health, so we should pay attention to seven taboos". People’s Daily Online .2016-03-09.

[2] "Drinking tea every day, what will happen to your body? Can lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and reduce the risk of death? China. 2023-07-03.

[3] "More and more studies have proved that drinking tea has so many benefits! Health Times. 2022-08-29.

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"Changsha Nightlife" exposed the theme song Bird Land Rover and Ahu、Yue sang deeply.

1905 movie network news Producer, Zhao Xiaoshi, screenwriter and director, starring,,,,, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, a film featuring friendship was released a few days ago, and the theme song "Sender Changsha" was sung by Ahu、Yue. The song was composed by Lu Hu and written by Tang Tian, a well-known lyricist. All three singers came into the national audience’s sight from the stage in Changsha, and the lyricist Tang Tian was from Hunan. All four singers had different origins with Changsha.

Originality of the creator, from the perspective of the city of Changsha, created this "letter to all people in Changsha", and the lyrics incorporated the dialect vocabulary and iconic food beauty of Changsha, which was thoughtful and full of ingenuity, and contained the creator’s deep feelings for Changsha. The singing of Bird, Land Rover and Ahu、Yue is also full of affection and moving, and the magnetic voice tells the story in the film. Takeaway brother, food stall owner, talk show actor, ferris wheel administrator … … The Sender Changsha is not only a gentle comfort to every ordinary person who struggles for life, but also evokes the love and yearning of every wanderer in a foreign land, and even sings the unique temperature of Changsha.

Bird Land Rover Ahu、Yue performed Changsha’s heartfelt feelings emotionally.

Tang Tian-xiang’s lyrics show the urban temperament.

"Everyone who passes by me, how are you?" When the first sentence of The Sender Changsha sounded, the whispering greetings not only quickly narrowed the distance between the song and the listener, but also revealed the unique creative perspective of the song — — This is not only a moving long letter written by Changsha to everyone, but also a city voice belonging to Changsha. The anthropomorphic creative technique makes Changsha look like a kind friend. The warm interpretation of Bird, Land Rover and Ahu、Yue added a sense of narration to the song, and also sang the temperature of the city of Changsha, which made people listen to it for a long time.

Tang Tian, the lyricist, is also a native of Hunan Province. She created many explosions such as Wish, The Lonely Brave and so on. This time, while maintaining her high standard, she devoted her deep affection and memories to Changsha. Tang Tian introduced that the reason why she used the perspective of Changsha was because she imagined "Changsha" as an ordinary person who would be on the bus or in a rice noodle shop, and hoped that this song would be like a greeting and a blessing to all friends who lived here, have been here and may arrive here in the future: "The fireworks here are unusually warm, and I hope you will show your good faith along the way."

In addition to a novel perspective, Tang Tian skillfully incorporated Changsha dialect words such as "Xi Ya" and "Ba De Man" into his lyrics, as well as Changsha’s special food and famous landmarks, which not only made Changsha people feel cordial, but also became an excellent medium to show Changsha’s charming features to the whole world. She said that rice noodles are homesickness that she can’t give up, and the streets of Taiping are full of her youth footprints. Looking back on my youth, I want to use this song more, and say to myself who once doubted whether the efforts really paid off: "Don’t be afraid of what you have to do."

Focus plane pays attention to the real life of ordinary people.

Warm melody resonates and cries all strangers.

If the film "Changsha Nightlife" focuses on the streets of Changsha at night, focusing on all kinds of beings connected by real individuals and countless individuals, then the theme song "Sender Changsha" is from the perspective of the city, which is not only an affectionate response to everyone living in this city, but also a sincere encouragement to everyone who works hard for life.

Whether it’s the talk show actor played by LAY, the food stall owner played by Sophie Su, or the Ferris wheel administrator and takeaway brother &hellip played by Bai Yufan and Zhou Siyu; … They are not only characters on the screen, but also ordinary people who really exist around us. Every ordinary little person is not only a struggler in this city, but also an important part of this city, and they will eventually have their own position in this city and realize their own value.

A city is made up of specific people, and the temperament of the city is also determined by people. The Sender Changsha, with the tone of Changsha, realized the two-way trip between the city and every "Changsha people" living here. "I wish you a sunny day along the way", and the sender "Changsha" silently and lovingly watched the people coming and going in this city and sent their own wishes to them. "I wish you a world ahead and a home behind you." No matter whether you are a native of Changsha or a wanderer from all corners of the country, you can feel the spiritual comfort from Changsha whether you are in Changsha at the moment or in other places.

The warm melody with simple and sincere wishes evokes the homesickness of all wanderers in a foreign land. Whether it is a movie or a theme song, in different forms, it presents ordinary stories and life flavors belonging to ordinary people, and also presents Changsha’s inclusive, tenacious and vibrant urban temperament. I believe that everyone who walks into the cinema can feel the rhythm of life that belongs to this city from Nightlife in Changsha.

The movie Nightlife in Changsha will be released nationwide on April 28th.


Chen Kexin and Lang Ping appeared in the launching ceremony of China Women’s Volleyball.

1905 movie network news On the morning of April 16th, the film held a launching ceremony named "Do not forget your initiative mind, Start Together" at the Old Hall of China Women’s Volleyball Training Center in Zhangzhou, Fujian. Cao Kang, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the State Sports General Administration, Lu Liang, deputy inspector of the Film Bureau, Lai Yawen, deputy director of the Volleyball Management Center, Wei Nan, director of the Art Department of the Film Bureau, Qin Hong, chairman of Jiaying Film, director Chen Kexin, Lang Ping, head coach of China women’s volleyball team, Chen Zhonghe, former head coach of China women’s volleyball team, producer Jo Jo Hui and China women’s volleyball players Zhang Changning and Liu Xiaotong attended the launching ceremony.

Director Chen Kexin revealed at the launching ceremony that the film "China Women’s Volleyball Team" spans 40 years and tells the bloody story of several generations of women’s volleyball teams. The film will be officially released on New Year’s Day in 2020, cheering for the women’s volleyball team to prepare for the Tokyo Olympics.


The movie "China Women’s Volleyball Team" was officially launched, and the Spring Festival of 2020 was scheduled to awaken the memory of the whole people. 


On the morning of the same day, the film "China Women’s Volleyball Team" released its first poster, and officially announced that it would be the first day of 2020. The main body of the poster is a white volleyball close-up. The mottled sphere and damaged epidermis make people daydream. The word "China Women’s Volleyball Team" is concise and powerful, and the overall style is eye-catching.

Preparations for the film "China Women’s Volleyball Team" started as early as two years ago. In addition to inviting gold medal partner Zhang Ji as a screenwriter, director Chen Kexin was photographed by the media many times and took his team to watch women’s volleyball matches around the world to collect materials. During this trip to Zhangzhou, in addition to attending the launching ceremony, director Chen Kexin also observed the closed training of China women’s volleyball team for the first time, and personally felt the intense atmosphere at the scene, which made him lament the hardships and difficulties of coaches and athletes again. Director Chen Kexin also said at the launching ceremony that he hoped to show the audience his understanding of the spirit of women’s volleyball through this film.


Do not forget your initiative mind jointly set off the movie "China Women’s Volleyball Team" to file the Spring Festival to cheer for the Tokyo Olympics of women’s volleyball team.

Zhangzhou is not only the earliest training base of women’s volleyball team, but also the cradle of "five consecutive championships" in Lang Ping’s mouth, where teams shed youthful sweat and strive to grow up, making it the "initial heart". This is the 46th time for China women’s volleyball team to return to Zhangzhou for closed training, in order to fully meet the next major events, including the World Volleyball League in May, the Women’s Volleyball World Cup and the qualifiers for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

This time, the film "China Women’s Volleyball Team" specially set the launching ceremony in the old hall of the training base, chose Zhangzhou to start its own journey, set out together with the China women’s volleyball national team, and tried its best to create a women’s volleyball story that belongs to all China people. I also hope to return to the place where the story of the women’s volleyball team began. In this venue that still retains the traces of the use of the older generation of women’s volleyball teams, I will find my original heart with the active women’s volleyball players and go to a new journey together. In the Spring Festival of 2020, I will take this film as my best wish, cheer for the women’s volleyball team’s Tokyo Olympic Games campaign, and jointly send a New Year gift from the sports and film circles to the people of the whole country.


The film will record the women’s volleyball team’s 40 years of hard work. Professional athletes may be considered in casting.


At the launching ceremony, director Chen Kexin and two famous women’s volleyball coaches of China, Lang Ping and Chen Zhonghe, made a "revelation" on the related topics of the film "China Women’s Volleyball".


Director Chen Kexin revealed that as early as the Asian Games in Bangkok in 1978, at the age of 16, he watched the women’s volleyball match in China at close range, and he still remembers the feeling of blood boiling when the China team entered the stadium. When he really had the chance to personally put the story of China’s women’s volleyball team on the big screen, he was excited and felt a great responsibility. He couldn’t help writing an article in Weibo, saying, "Now I’m almost 60 years old, and I’m going to shoot the story of China’s women’s volleyball team. Life is sometimes so wonderful. "

China women’s volleyball team has a long history and rich stories, which holds a special position in the hearts of China people. Dare to shoot such a theme, and set the file in the Spring Festival, the difficulty and pressure are self-evident, and director Chen Kexin also admitted on the spot that it is really difficult to condense the passionate memory of several generations of Chinese people on women’s volleyball into two hours. "It’s like China women’s volleyball team. Although it may not win, it is just a fight. From Yuan’s guidance to Chen’s guidance to Lang’s guidance, they can come over and we must come over. "

In terms of actor selection, director Chen Kexin revealed that in order to ensure the professionalism and visibility of the sports scene, professional athletes may be considered in this casting. For the actors who are most concerned about by everyone, Lang Ping and Chen Zhonghe, the two legendary coaches unanimously expressed their trust and respect for the director’s judgment at the event site. "Of course, it is better to be handsome," Chen Zhonghe added with a smile at the end.

Regarding the plots that I hope to present in the film, Lang said with a smile, "For every day’s efforts, no one knows what the result is, but we will all do it to our dreams and goals. The dribs and drabs of our usual life and training are the results of our United efforts. I believe that Director Kexin will definitely grasp this theme. " Director Chen Zhonghe hopes that this spirit of women’s volleyball can be promoted to everyone, especially to teenagers, and he is full of hope and confidence for director Chen Kexin to direct this film.


The movie "China Women’s Volleyball Team" is scheduled for the Spring Festival of 2020. Together with the China Women’s Volleyball Team, we will go to Do not forget your initiative mind for a new journey and rekindle the classic memories spanning 40 years!


The war of immorality-a review of the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war


    On March 20, 2003, Baghdad, which suffered a new round of air strikes, was shrouded in smoke.

    Xinhuanet Special: Five years ago today (March 22), the United States launched a war and attacked Iraq by force. What do you think of this war? Has the United States achieved the purpose of launching this war? What are the gains and losses?

    It should be said that the war launched by the United States is an unjust war of aggression.

    The reason is simple. First of all, the United States bypassed the United Nations and joined a handful of countries to launch this war.

    Second, the two reasons why the United States launched the war have been proved to be false by history. In fact, those two so-called reasons are the excuses for the United States to launch a war of aggression and destroy Saddam Hussein.

    The first reason is that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. The second reason is that Saddam Hussein has ties with al-Qaeda terrorist organizations.

    As it turns out, neither of these reasons exists. The U.S. Department of Defense recently released an investigation report, acknowledging that Saddam Hussein has no connection with Al Qaeda. Saddam Hussein was wronged, and the United States created an "international unjust case".

    The United States has searched every inch of Iraq since it occupied Iraq for five years. As a result, no weapons of mass destruction have been found.

    The evil deeds such as the annexation of Kuwait by former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein are disgusting, but the occupation of Iraq by the United States for no reason is even more annoying.

    Did the United States achieve its goal of invading Iraq? It should be said that the purpose of the United States has been achieved. The United States has three purposes, the first is to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime, the second is to master Iraq’s rich oil resources, and the third is to use Iraq as a base to contain its "sworn enemy" Iran.

    Now it seems that all three goals of the United States have been achieved. However, how to evaluate the gains and losses of the United States? Gain is greater than loss, or loss is greater than gain?

    What did the United States lose in this war? The United States has four major losses in launching this war. First, the moral loss is irreversible. At the beginning of the war, the United States was condemned by most countries and people all over the world. Today, when the truth of America’s excuse for waging war comes to light, people despise America’s bullying and unreasonable behavior even more. People have a clearer understanding of the face of American hegemonism.

    Second, the loss of personnel was heavy. In the five-year war, nearly 4000 officers and men in the United States were killed. If you add the British officers and men who died, the total number will reach 4200. In addition, there are 30 thousand officers and men disabled in the United States.

    Third, the economic loss is huge. According to statistics, during the five-year war, the United States spent $3 trillion, which is about a quarter of the annual GDP of the United States. It is estimated that in 2008, the US military expenditure in Iraq was $12 billion per month.

    Fourth, the United States never dreamed that Iran was the beneficiary of this war. In post-war Iraq, Shiites took power. Iran, which is also in power by Shiites, has loose and gradually close relations with its old enemy Iraq. In addition, the Iraq war has pushed up the international crude oil price, and the economic strength of Iran, a world oil producer, has soared. It is obviously more difficult for the United States to attack Iran by force in the future.

    The Iraq war launched by the United States can be said to have lost more than gained. However, the U.S. government is still beating its face and pretending to be fat, refusing to admit the failure of the Iraq war. It has become a war swamp in the United States, but it is an indisputable fact that when the United States can get out, no one can tell. (Liu Ruichang)

Editor: Li Xiuwei


The top 10 most beautiful towns in the world, each of which makes people linger. Which one do you want to go to most?

Life is not just daily necessities, but also poetry and distance. Being closed for too long, what I want most isA desperate trip, go as far as you can. The top 10 most beautiful towns in the world, each of which makes people linger. Which one do you want to go to most??

I. France Annecy

Annecy is located at the foot of the Alps, close to Geneva, Switzerland. It is surrounded by mountains and waters, with blue sky and clear water, red bricks and blue tiles, and abundant sunshine in all seasons. No matter how complicated the outside world is, it is always quiet and leisurely, and it is called "the balcony of the Alps".

Although Annecy belongs to France, it has the same freshness as Switzerland. This green river has witnessed the development of this town. The famous island palace is located on the island in the middle of the old city. Many souvenirs will choose this place as a symbol, and many tourists also come here, which is the landmark of Annecy.

Second, Austria Hallstatt

The town of Hallstatt is the oldest town in Austria. It is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, and the lake is crystal clear. On the shore of the lake are houses as beautiful as fairy tales, which makes people linger. It is known as the most beautiful town in Europe and the famous love punching place.

These wooden buildings built near the lake have a history of hundreds of years. They are layered and strewn at random. In summer, the buildings are covered with plants, and the balconies are blooming with gorgeous flowers, which are exquisite and beautiful with a bit of historical charm.It was listed as a world cultural heritage in 1997..

3. Czech Krumlov

This is the most charming fairy tale town in the world. It is a well-known name in China.It’s CK town,Vltava river has circled a circle close to 360 degrees here, and the riverside is full of castles with a sense of history and grandeur, which seems to have crossed into the Middle Ages and is a dual heritage of world culture and nature.

Krumlov is the most beautiful town in the world, with endless green space in the distance, houses with red roofs connected with the river in front of us, and the town under the blue sky and white clouds is like a dream, which makes people feel like a lifetime ago and is the most charming place in Europe.

IV. Croatian Rovini

Rovini is one of the most beautiful towns in Croatia, with blue sky, tall and green trees, gorgeous and open flowers, beautiful beaches and winding cobblestone paths. The 18th century tower buildings are solemn and exquisite, with a strong Italian flavor.

Rovini is small in scale, small and exquisite, with a hint of quaint, colorful and patchwork old houses, just like God’s overturned palette, wandering in the stone alleys extending in all directions, as if crossing into the Middle Ages, and the ancient rhyme reveals vicissitudes and tranquility.

V. Holland Yangjiao Village

Everyone has a fairy-tale dream in his childhood. In reality, there is a fairy-tale world. This is Yangjiao Village in the middle of the Netherlands. The town is dotted with green and colorful flowers, and everything in front of him is like a painting, which is incredibly beautiful.

The town is connected by more than 170 small wooden bridges.Look at the highway here,norCars, the only means of transportation for people to travel is boats,There are restaurants on both sides of the waterway, where people can enjoy delicious food leisurely. The antique houses, bridges and the river in the sun complement each other, which is refreshing.

6. France Corma

Colmar, which is close to Germany, is a typical "German-French mixed-blood" town. The streets are full of wooden reinforced houses decorated with flowers and with German characteristics. The canal is quiet and winding, and the town has a fairy-tale dreamy color. The Last Lesson read by Dude in our primary school textbook tells the true story that happened in this town.

There are not many tourists here, and the pace is slow. Walking in the urban area of Kolma seems to be in the streets of medieval Europe. The streets are narrow and can only accommodate one car. There are flowers everywhere on the railings of the bridges on both sides. Find a small bar near the waterway and ask for a glass of Alsace wine, so you can enjoy your time in a daze.

Seven, Slovenia Brad

Located at the southern foot of the Alps, the town of Bled is famous for its fairyland-like Lake Bled, which has a turquoise clear lake with castles standing on the cliffs, and the natural and human beauty set each other off.Known as the "eye of Europe", it is the most beautiful town in the world.

There are lakes and mountains, sunshine, tranquility and fresh air, and there is a church filled with ancient flavor on the island. People standing by the lake can often hear the faint bell from the church.Even Picasso, the great painter, is obsessed with this town.I often spend my holidays and create here.

Viii. Maltese Popeye Village

This is a literary travel town that came out of cartoons. In 1980, a film company cooperated with Disney Company to create the scenes in Popeye, the children’s favorite cartoon. Everything was restored in a 1:1 ratio, and you could feel as if you were in an animation.

Popeye Village is not only a fairy tale world, but also a paradise. The sea water here is like a natural filter, which is extremely deep and blue. With colorful houses and several boats painted with bright colors floating on the sea, the whole village has become very lovely.

IX. Croatia Dubrovnik

This is the location of King’s Landing in Game of Thrones. With its long history, well-preserved historic sites and beautiful scenery, it is described by British playwright Bernard Shaw as "the most paradise-like place on earth", and it is one of the top ten most beautiful towns and travel destinations in the world without filters.

Strolling through the ancient streets of Dubrovnik, there are mottled stone bridges, orange roofs, solemn and magnificent churches and monasteries everywhere, filled with a strong medieval atmosphere, and Dubrovnik as a whole has been listed as a world cultural heritage.

X Switzerland Interlaken

This is a small town that enjoys a world-renowned reputation for its beautiful scenery. It has a mild and humid climate, four distinct seasons, beautiful mountains and beautiful scenery, and is loved by the world. It has the reputation of a’ paradise town’ and is one of the oldest tourist and health resorts in Switzerland and even Europe.

When you walk into the town, a fresh breath will come to you. The houses here are unique in shape and beautifully decorated. Each building is like a fine work of art. Residents facing the street make green plants and flowers into bonsai, which adorns their homes. As far as they can see, full of green is colorful and intoxicating.

Welcome to pay attention to the monsoon in Muztag. Let’s see the world together.


What exercises can burn fat? What kind of exercise would you choose?

# Which exercises can burn fat? #

Want to lose weight? Exercise is a very good way. So, in fitness training, which exercises can consume fat? Let’s take a look:

1. Jogging

Jogging is a very popular sport. Running for one hour can consume 500-600 calories. Running can not only help you burn fat in your body, but also improve your cardiopulmonary function. Jogging for more than half an hour at a time can effectively increase calorie consumption.

2. Skipping rope

Skipping rope is also a good exercise, which burns fat more efficiently than running, and has a short and efficient effect. Jumping rope can quickly raise your heart rate and improve your physical coordination.

You can choose to skip rope 100-200 times, perform 5-6 groups, and rest for 1 minute between groups, so as to achieve the effect of short interval and improve the fat burning efficiency.

3. Opening and closing jumps

Jumping is also a very suitable exercise for slimming. You can move in trivial time. It can quickly consume fat in your body and enhance your muscle strength. You can start with 100-200 at a time and accumulate more than 600 at a time, which can achieve the effect of burning fat.

4. Bobby jumps

Bobby jumping is also a very good exercise. It combines squats, push-ups, jumps and other actions, which can exercise most muscle groups of the body, and can also quickly consume fat in your body. After training, the body will continue to burn fat, which will help to build a lean body.

5. Swimming

Swimming is also a very suitable exercise to lose weight. It can relieve summer heat and have fun, burn calories and exercise your whole body muscles. You can choose freestyle, butterfly and breaststroke, which are all good swimming methods.

6. Aerobics

Sticking to aerobics for 1 hour can consume 300-400 calories, help you break down the fat in your body, and improve your body’s coordination and flexibility. You can freely choose different movements for combined training, such as 20 seconds for each movement and 20 seconds for rest, which can make you sweat in a short time.

So, what kind of sports do you like?


Football News: Taishan will win the second place in the U21 League. In the final round, four teams will compete for the remaining place for the second place.

Live broadcast: On November 3rd, in the 21st round of U21 League, Shandong Taishan U21 team defeated Shanghai Harbour U21 team 2-1, locked in the championship one round ahead of schedule, and got the qualification to participate in the 2024 season B. According to "Football News", in the final round, there were four teams competing for the remaining one B spot.

According to the rules, the top two players in U21 League this year won the number of places in China B, but the rules on registration, promotion and demotion have not been finalized. After this round, Taishan scored 45 points, Haigang scored 40 points, Dalian scored 39 points, Rongcheng scored 39 points and Shenhua scored 38 points. Taishan U21 team has won the championship ahead of schedule and successfully rushed to B, while the four U21 teams of Haigang, Dalian, Rongcheng and Shenhua all have hope of rushing to B in the final round.

At present, the situation in the seaport is the best. If you win, you will get the qualification of B. If you draw, you need another game and it will be a draw. If you lose, you will miss B.: If Dalian people win and the harbor doesn’t win, they can get the qualification of B, and they will be tied or negative; If Rongcheng wins, and the harbor doesn’t win, it will get the qualification of B, and it will be flat or negative; If Shenhua wins and Dalian people draw with Rongcheng, they can get the qualification of B.



Education must leave three points blank

Source: [China Teachers’ Daily]

"Hanging water! At least a week! " The doctor’s words gave me a record of resting for more than 4 hours during the day. The music started slowly, and the room was very quiet, so I left time blank and was alone with myself. How long has it not been so pleasant?

I closed my eyes and let my thoughts fly like a wild horse … Suddenly, a boy’s figure came to my mind: besides attending classes every day, he just made up his homework, rewrote his homework and corrected his homework … Was he also bored and tired in those days?

Blank space: respecting students’ needs

Xiaoyong is a fifth-grade boy. He is white and fat, and he has certain obstacles in reading. His mother often shakes her head: "The words that the child wrote silently the night before will not be silent the next morning." However, if you pay attention to the lecture, Xiaoyong can judge simple math problems quickly and correctly, and occasionally get "excellent" in the practice test of observing figures and determining positions. However, after entering the senior year, Xiaoyong’s scores in all subjects dropped significantly. It has become my compulsory course to urge him to finish and revise his homework every day. Writing, making up and reading have also become Xiaoyong’s main tasks after school. However, gradually, holding the pen, he often lost his mind, staring at the little friends playing outside in a daze, and the time for making up homework was obviously extended …

Thought of here, I suddenly understand. Faced with a life without leisure, we adults also feel depressed, let alone children? Shouldn’t children grow up in games and laughter? The day when you make up your homework after class and continue to do it after dinner may be tolerable for children for a day or two. After a long time, how can you not be bored?

After feeling Xiaoyong’s inner dissatisfaction and helplessness, I began to adjust my working style.

In order to increase Xiaoyong’s rich and positive emotional experience, I adjusted the time for him to make up his homework, from recess to when I was on duty at noon or at night, to ensure that he had a certain rest or relaxation time before making up his homework. I set a "green channel" for him, so there is no need to queue up when submitting the revision. I promised him that I could ask for a 5-minute rest if I felt tired during the completion of my homework. I "slimmed down" his homework, and after asking other teachers for permission, I checked the basic questions for him to finish, and marked others as free from writing. A series of practices enable Xiaoyong to complete his personalized tasks, speed up the completion of homework, and have more time to play with his friends. He has a positive emotional experience every day, instead of dawdling, from "others want me to do it" to "I want to do it", and his sense of self-identity has quietly increased.

I also asked Xiaoyong to be the lunch manager, to encourage students to praise Xiaoyong’s enthusiasm and other advantages in class meetings, and also asked Xiaoyong to prepare a notebook he liked to record his little progress. His small positive actions were written in my notebook in time, and my parents signed it every week to share the joy. Slowly, Xiaoyong became strong and optimistic, and his evaluation of himself became higher and higher, and he became more active in learning.

As a living individual, students have unlimited vitality. When educators see the inherent potential of learners, they will leave three points blank in education and give them room for free development. As a student, if he keeps reading and writing every day and just wants to improve his grades a little, he must not be a happy child because he has lost the rich experience of his childhood. The lack of students’ internal driving force can easily lead to the decline of learning ability after grade growth.

Educators should give students free time and space, pay attention to their independent development, cultivate their external adaptation and support perception factors, enhance their sense of self-efficacy, cultivate their lofty ideals of contributing to society and the country, and let their hearts have long-term learning motivation. On the other hand, educators’ too detailed requirements, too high expectations, too much homework and too tight management may cause students to be rebellious, irritable and tired of learning, and even extreme events. Only by knowing the education of blank space can students have enough stamina.

Blank space: enriching the memory of educators

A little sick leave, let me experience that when people are idle, their brains will think deeply and further produce educational wisdom. When the work schedule is full, anxiety, insomnia and impatience are inevitable; If the memory of the mind is insufficient, life will be stuck. When teachers devote all their energy to attending classes, correcting homework and other matters, they have no time to study, think about whether their educational methods are appropriate, whether they are over-managed, whether their concepts are too old, and even have no time to manage their own parent-child relationship, etc., one day they will be tired of various relationships that have not been handled well.

As an educator, if he is immersed in the students’ homework every day and keeps his eyes on the students’ achievements, he must not be a happy teacher, because he ignores other scenery in the educational process. The introduction of "double reduction" policy, reducing students’ excessive homework burden and reducing off-campus training of disciplines is necessary for the development of education and a good thing for educators to grow up healthily. Leave three points blank in education, which means that we don’t cross the line and do nothing. Let’s leave some time to recharge and adjust ourselves, set aside time to learn various knowledge, form the habit of timely reflection, and add energy to our hearts regularly. Because, education is a seamless art of "the cup overflows".

Blanking: Improving the Quality of Home-school Communication

If school education wants to be long-lasting, it must get the cooperation of parents. The concept of positive psychology holds that most people do their best at any time. I believe that parents whose children are not performing well also want to establish contact with their teachers, but they will subconsciously avoid it if they have some concerns. So I took the initiative to communicate with Xiaoyong’s parents. From the beginning, I affirmed the love and dedication of parents to their children and praised Xiaoyong’s subtle progress. I also invited Xiaoyong’s father to participate in the "Parents in Class" activity, telling his work story, and enhancing students’ understanding and respect for him … Gradually, Xiaoyong’s parents became active in communicating with me, and he was very touched by the teacher’s sincere help to the child’s growth.

In the face of children’s shortcomings, it is normal for teachers to be dissatisfied and complain. However, whether talking to students or communicating with parents, if the teacher "speaks his mind straight", leaving no room when speaking, and his words are too sharp, it may hurt the other person’s self-confidence, diminish the other person’s sense of self-efficacy and bring educational resistance. Only by working hand in hand with students and parents can teachers form a joint force of home-school education and promote the healthy growth of the class. Teachers should always cherish the self-restraint of "being reasonable makes people three points" and show the generosity of "being reasonable and forgiving" and the wisdom of "not saying enough" in order to achieve the harmony among others, themselves and the situation and receive the ideal communication effect.

Blank space in painting and calligraphy means that the picture pays attention to the hierarchical layout and leaves blank space, which symbolizes the nature of heaven and earth and has a profound sense of time and space. So is the art of education? Education must leave three points blank, so as to keep one’s educational life and educational objects in the best state all the time, feel the happiness of life and bloom the wonderful life.

(The author is the Second Affiliated Primary School of Nantong Normal School, Jiangsu Province)

This article comes from China Teachers’ Daily and only represents the author’s point of view. The national party media information public platform provides information dissemination and dissemination services.



Langfang, Hebei Province: Promulgating Ten Articles of Education to Promote the High-quality Development of Education

China Education News-China Education News Network (Reporter Zhou Hongsong) Recently, Langfang City, Hebei Province, combined with the actual situation, formulated and promulgated the Ten Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of Education in the City (hereinafter referred to as the "Ten Measures for Education"), and refined specific measures from five aspects: comprehensively strengthening the party’s leadership, filling the shortcomings of educational resources, building high-quality teachers, improving the quality of education and teaching, and creating a good educational ecology, so as to speed up the construction of a strong education city and run a satisfactory education for the people.

According to the plan, Langfang focuses on five key words, such as short board, quality improvement, mechanism construction, excellent environment and strong guarantee, to innovate measures and refine tasks. Among them, in view of the outstanding problems such as insufficient allocation of educational resources and the derivation of "large class size", the city will implement the expansion and upgrading projects of 60 compulsory education schools in 2023-2025, and fully equip books, instruments and equipment and professional classrooms according to standards, effectively solving the "large class size".

In view of the shortage of teachers in primary and secondary schools, Langfang proposed that in principle, the establishment of primary and secondary school faculty should be approved once every two years and the total amount should be clarified, and the teachers should be fully equipped in strict accordance with the establishment ratio standards stipulated by the state. The municipal level arranges 20 million yuan of special funds to improve the quality of education every year, focusing on digital campus, education and scientific research, curriculum design, quality monitoring, and on-the-job training.

Langfang emphasizes that from 2023 to 2025, 100 high-quality schools will be cultivated, 100 brand projects with campus cultural characteristics will be created, and 100 well-known principals will be introduced to run schools. Concentrate on superior resources and focus on running high schools in excellent areas. By 2025, the proportion of provincial-level demonstration high schools in the city will reach more than 70%, and 10 characteristic ordinary high schools will be built in the city. Join hands with famous schools in Beijing and Tianjin to implement the "six hundred" cooperation project, and the three places will jointly train 100 leading principals, 100 expert teaching and research researchers, 100 famous teachers and 100 backbone class teachers, display 100 high-quality demonstration classes and organize 100 cultural and sports exchange activities.

At the same time, Langfang will further establish and improve various working mechanisms, improve the teacher selection system, support employing schools to select teachers in relevant universities, promote the "county-administered school appointment" of compulsory education teachers, strengthen the rotation of principals and teachers in counties, and scientifically do a good job in the evaluation of schools, teachers and students in the new era.

Langfang has made it clear that the education leadership system of unified leadership by Party committees, joint management by Party and government, and respective responsibilities of departments should be further improved. Leading groups of Party committees at all levels should study and solve major issues of education reform and development and hot issues of concern to the masses in a timely manner, and incorporate the implementation of specific measures for the high-quality development of education into the annual assessment and supervision of party and government leading cadres.

Author: Zhou Hongsong