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A 10-year-old boy walks alone in Beijing, writes 200,000-word novels and understands computer language.


  Ten-year-old children in Hubei visit Beijing alone.

  Although he is only 10 years old, he has created nearly 200 thousand words of novels in different genres; Mastered graphic design, web page making, C language and other computer technologies; Recently, he won the gold medal in the science and technology production category and the silver prize in the performance category in the "China Baby Talent Show Competition". Yesterday afternoon, the reporter met this little "prodigy" from Jingmen, Hubei-Yin Hualong in a hotel near Nanlishi Road.

  Listen to self-taught storytelling on tape

  In order to show his strength, Yin Hualong first told a story-telling story vividly. "Speaking of the Monkey King, that’s quite impressive …" When it comes to happiness, he will dance with the characters in the play. Xiao Hualong’s father, Yin Feng, said, "No one has ever instructed him to talk about storytelling. He listened to tapes by himself and then figured them out. I didn’t expect this talent show contest to win a silver award in the performance category. "

  Talking about his nearly 200,000-word novels, the little guy is very modest. "It’s all hobbies." Open his "masterpiece", although some sentences are not smooth enough, and there are even many typos, but we can still see the imagination of a 10-year-old child.

  "I often read books and watch TV, and I often go out with my father to collect scenery in order to learn painting. These are the sources of my writing." Xiao Hualong said.

  Want to work in Microsoft

  Yin Hualong’s biggest hobby is computers. As soon as this topic was mentioned, the little guy kept talking. As early as when Xiao Hualong was four or five years old, he studied five strokes of typing, graphic design and web page making under the guidance of his father. He is proud that he is "the best computer in his class". "My classmates asked me to download a song for him and invited me to eat. In fact, this is the simplest computer knowledge."




  尹峰还表示,虽然小华龙这么聪明,但他在班上的成绩也就”中不溜儿”。他在这方面也从来没对孩子提出过什么要求,”不想让孩子陷入题海之中”,还是希望孩子能按照自己的兴趣来学习。不过他也坦言,毕竟自己的知识有限,所以希望能有名师或是专家指点一下孩子。(实习记者 许前程 文/摄)



"Xiaomi car price" rushed to the hot search, and Lei Jun responded: It is impossible to 99,000, and 149,000 is needless to say. The pricing is indeed a bit expensive. We must respect technology.

At the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference on December 28th, Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi Group, said that many people hoped that the price of Xiaomi SU7 would be 99,000 yuan and 149,000 yuan, but this was impossible in terms of battery configuration and automobile performance.

Lei Jun revealed some information of Xiaomi’s first model SU7: Xiaomi SU7 can achieve 0-100km/h acceleration of 2.78 seconds, which is 2.93 seconds higher than that of Porsche Taycan Turbo. Using Kirin battery in cooperation with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited will cost hundreds of thousands.

"So don’t shout 99 thousand (millet SU7 price), it is impossible, and 149 thousand is needless to say. We still have to respect technology. " Lei Jun said. "Xiaomi SU7 believes that the pricing is indeed a bit expensive, but it will definitely make everyone feel reasonable and the experience will exceed expectations."

In addition, Lei Jun said: "We originally planned to release it in August, and even the PPT was ready. As a result, it was postponed to today, and the friend released 22,000 rpm motors last month. At that time, I was still thinking about how to open this conference. Today, I want to release the third motor V8s of Xiaomi. At the press conference, friends said that they still have 3,000 revolutions to unlock. Today, we directly unlock the peak performance of global motors. "

In the face of the fact that Xiaomi has not been officially released, Lei Jun said: "We still have to do a lot of tests to ensure foolproof. In fact, our car has been mass-produced in small batches."

On December 28th, the filing website "xiaomiev.com" of Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. was launched. According to the enterprise search APP, the website passed the audit on July 6th this year.

Related reports

On December 27th, on the eve of Xiaomi Auto Conference, we paid tribute to several new energy car companies in succession, which triggered a controversy among some car companies in the circle. In this regard, Yang Xueliang, senior vice president of Geely Holding, said that Xiaomi Automobile’s announcement was "over": if people always want to be paid tribute, it will be over, but if people always want to pay tribute to others, there is no promise.

On the 28th, Lei Jun responded to this controversy at the Xiaomi Auto Conference, saying that everyone had misunderstood, and he was in awe of the whole industry. At the beginning of building a car, he went door-to-door to pay his respects, which everyone can prove.

At the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, Lei Jun said, "I met He Xiaopeng not long ago, and I told him that I would watch Wei Xiaoli again after I built the car. I think it is really not easy for the three of you, so I have to pay tribute to you in a very formal way, so I sent a Weibo and wrapped several billboards yesterday, but I didn’t expect it to cause an uproar in the industry."

He said, "Someone asked me why you don’t pay tribute to FAW, Erqi, Changan, SAIC, GAC, BAIC, Great Wall, Geely and Chery. In fact, everyone really misunderstood. I have always been in awe of the entire automobile industry. When I decided to take a car, I went door-to-door at the first time and paid my respects in person. During the visit, I also asked each industry elder what kind of car is a good car in the era of smart electric vehicles. "

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive Finance Association, Boss Network, Oriental Finance, Blue Whale Finance, etc.]

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The 99-year-old grandmother was spoiled by her granddaughter as online celebrity.

Cai Yunen and grandma.

Grandma Yu likes to eat spicy food.

Grandma Yu combs her granddaughter’s hair.

  On December 14th, a granddaughter recorded a short video of her 99-year-old grandmother’s daily life. The grandmother in the video was a "big cute" who was addicted to the Rubik’s Cube and was found to pretend to sleep. She loved hot pot with white wine, and every time she said that she would drink one cup, the result was one cup after another … … She was called "Grandma Eating Food" by netizens. honest and frank’s lovely nature captured 5 million fans, and her homemade canned laughter infected many people. Many netizens said that they seemed to see their grandmother. "It’s so cute! Whether grandma is 9 years old or 99 years old, she is our favorite person! " "I cried and thought of my grandmother. I haven’t had time to pamper her."

  Zi Niu news reporter contacted the photographer of the video — — Cai Yunen, a sister of the post-90s generation in Chengdu, said: "Grandma doesn’t have to eat and play, she just needs company, and I can accompany her to talk and laugh, which is the happiest time."

  Laughed at the netizen.

  Love to eat, be spoiled, dress fashionably, and laugh is too infectious.

  "Grandma doesn’t know that she is now online celebrity. She doesn’t understand what online celebrity is and what video is. She just lives her own life and has not been affected."

  Cai Yunen said that grandma Yu Zeqin has become a minor celebrity in Chengdu. She is often recognized by passers-by in the street, and some people ask her to take a photo. She doesn’t understand why, but she will accept it cheerfully. "She is very cheerful and can chat with strangers for a long time. She likes to laugh and be lively."

  Originally, Cai Yunen recorded his travel diary on the short video platform, but few people paid attention to it after posting several articles. In July 2017, she accidentally sent a video of her grandmother, but she accidentally got 250,000 plays. "My grandmother was drinking cola that day, so I dissuaded her from drinking it, saying it was unhealthy, so I just took a photo. I didn’t plan to send it online, but it was in Tik Tok. As a result, I accidentally sent it out the next day, then opened it at noon and found that many people had paid attention." Under that video, many netizens left messages reminding Cai Yunen not to let the elderly drink coke. "In fact, everyone is well-intentioned, but my grandmother really likes to eat some junk food, and it is not something that ordinary elderly people will do, but she is very happy. We still think it is the most important thing to make her happy."

  After that, Cai Xien will often post about grandma’s daily life. In the video, grandma likes to eat hot pot, sweet food and drink white wine and cola. She will act like a child. If she can’t say it, others will reply, "You know a shovel", which simply makes people confused whether she is 99 or 9 years old. Grandma’s hearty laughter can be heard in every video. "Netizens say that grandma’s laughter is homemade canned laughter, and she laughs too infectiously." Cai Yunen also took her grandmother to do manicure, apply mask and play electric racing. "I will take her to try something new now, and she won’t resist." In the video, grandma is dressed in fashion and has a delicate face. Cai Yunen said that grandma’s clothes and accessories are basically bought by her husband. "Recently, she has been given a lot of fashion, such as pink sweaters and orange hair bands. She can accept it. She lives more realistically and feels happy."

  Look at the crying netizen

  At the granddaughter’s wedding, grandma helped to comb her hair and led her into the room.

  Grandma Yu has a lot of fans now. "If I haven’t posted videos for a while, netizens will ask for updates below. She is so popular." Cai Yunen’s videos are not all joyful, but some are warm and tear-jerking. In August this year, at Cai Yunen’s wedding, a video of her grandmother taking her in and helping her comb her hair made many people cry. "At the most important moment in my life, I want to have my grandmother by my side. My grandmother got up early that day, and she always sat next to me while I was putting on makeup, watching me laugh and letting her take my hand in the entrance. It was my idea a long time ago, and it finally came true. I was wearing a wedding dress. Cai Yunen recalled that scene at the moment is still happy.

  Cai Xien said that her grandmother is like many people’s grandmothers. "She will remember what I like to eat and leave all my favorite foods to me. She used to buy things for me, but now I buy them for her." Grandma always told her not to spend that money, but she was still very happy to buy it for her. "I have a method that many young people may have used, that is, I said that this thing is on sale and it is very cheap, and she will readily accept it."

  Cai Yunen told reporters that grandma’s mantra is "Eat well and play well", which is why she smiles so childlike in the camera, like an "old child". "The video makes people laugh and cry, crying and laughing." "Super invincible likes this grandmother. I have read each one at least ten times. When I am unhappy, I will see it and feel very happy at once." "I hope we can live so freely and happily when we are old!"


  Grandma is an old Chinese doctor.

  The secret of longevity is a good attitude.

  Cai Yunen told Zi Niu news reporter that grandma married Chengdu from Zigong, Sichuan at the age of 20 and began to study Chinese medicine acupuncture with her grandfather. "Grandma used to be a doctor in a public hospital in Chengdu before she retired. She is good at acupuncture and is very influential in the treatment of hemiplegia and facial paralysis. She often exchanges and studies with relevant experts at home and abroad." Grandma Yu has done a long-term free clinic at home after retirement. "She loves her career very much and is very proud of her doctor career. She thinks that it is more important to cure a person’s illness than anything else. She values the recognition of her medical skills by others more than how much money she gives her."

  Cai Yunen said that although grandma has lost her sight in one eye and her hearing has dropped a lot, reading newspapers and news after breakfast every day is a habit that the old man has adhered to for many years. "Reading newspapers is what she does every day, and she will read the contents of newspapers aloud." Grandma Yu is a good embroiderer. She can embroider butterflies and flowers on her clothes at will. She is also obsessed with the Rubik’s Cube. "She can always have fun by herself, and she is happy every day. People always ask her what is the secret of longevity. I think it should be that she has a good attitude and doesn’t care about anything."

  Cai Yunen told Zi Niu news reporter that grandma has five children and six grandchildren, and her father is the fourth. "Grandma took turns living in each child’s house for a while after retirement, and they were all very kind to her." Cai Xien said that grandma respects her children very much and never takes much part in their lives. "Grandma has lived in Huili Ancient Town with my parents in recent years, and her father took good care of her. A few days ago, she had a little cold, and her father made steamed orange water for her to drink every day. These two days are much better."


  Accompany grandma every day.

  Spoil her into a child for the rest of her life

  Cai Yunen said that she is pregnant at home and waiting for labor, and she will accompany her grandmother with her husband every weekend. "I think it is good to accompany her. The elderly are very lonely. She is basically alone most of the time. Even if she sometimes has fun, she still wants to communicate with others. She will go to her on weekends and take her to eat what she wants and take her to play something new."

  Cai Xien said that she would continue to shoot some grandma’s videos to record her daily life, but the updates would be slow. "Grandma is older now, so she can’t shoot often, and she doesn’t want to be tired." Because many netizens like to see Grandma Yu, Cai Yunen feels that it is a particularly beautiful thing to comfort others and let others feel grandma’s happiness. For grandma’s 100th birthday next year, the family has no specific plans to celebrate it. "Let’s spend every day with her, and it’s the happiest time for her to talk and laugh with her. Just pet her like a child." (Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu News reporter Wan Huijuan)


CCTV’s exposure of Apple’s old mobile phone is slow, and changing the battery reloading system can’t solve the problem.

  CCTV News:Recently, Apple’s mobile phone has been caught in the storm of "slowing down the door". Many users have found that after upgrading the latest system, the performance of their old iphone has weakened and the response has slowed down.

  The Apple iPhone6 phone used in Shanghai was stuck after the system was updated to iOS10 version. At that time, he thought it was some accidental phenomenon after the system was upgraded, so he ignored it, but then the mobile phone system was updated and upgraded again, which made Xiao Shao very upset.

  When consumers were younger than September 2017, after upgrading iOS11, they felt that their mobile phones were getting stuck, which was particularly unacceptable. Sometimes they even said that it would take about five or six seconds to answer the phone, and seven or eight seconds to respond.

  Then, one day in December, he came across a post on the forum, in which a user said that his iPhone 6 had been downgraded and introduced the test software he used.

  After monitoring the frequency of the iphone6 mobile phone, I found that the maximum frequency of the original mobile phone was maintained at 1400 MHz, and the frequency of his mobile phone was maintained at 600 MHz, which was less than half of the maximum frequency of this mobile phone.

  Therefore, Xiao believes that the real reason for the jam is that his mobile phone is down-converted. Subsequently, less than contacted Apple’s online customer service.

  Consumers are less than that, that is to say, we don’t admit that you consumers get the information of CPU frequency software at first, and we won’t make any explanation for you, that is, his explanation is that all our explanations are written in that statement issued by their Apple company.

  The explanation of Apple’s online customer service makes Xiao Xiao very helpless. Later, Apple’s online customer service also suggested reinstalling the system and restoring the factory settings, and raised the objection whether the aging of the mobile phone battery led to frequency reduction. The reporter inquired about Apple official website and found the so-called statement less than that mentioned by Apple. The simple description is that, first, there are some temporary minor errors in the system that have been solved, and second, it is recommended to change a battery.

  I listened to Apple’s customer service solution, but I didn’t do it one by one, but as a result, except for wasting 588 yuan of battery money, the problem of being stuck with a mobile phone was not solved.

  Consumers are less than saying,I replaced the battery at the Apple Putuo Global Harbor Direct Store. He told me that the battery of my mobile phone was in a very good condition, and suggested that I just reinstall the system and restore all the settings, but after I did these things, I found that the jam had not been eliminated.

  Two so-called solutions given by Apple, one is to reinstall the system and the other is to replace the battery. Consumers have done both, but the phenomenon of mobile phone jam has not been alleviated. So what is the real reason for the slowdown of mobile phones? Continue to look at the reporter’s investigation.

  Reporter Wang Jing said that the reporter learned from the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee that there were more than 2,600 complaints about Apple products and quality in 2017. However, in the past two months, there were more than 300 complaints about product slowdown. The staff of the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee told us that this number is still rising.

  According to statistics, the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee received 964 complaints about Apple products and services in 2015, 4,021 in 2016 and 2,615 in 2017. These complaints involved battery quality, unexpected shutdown, account theft and after-sales service. On the basis of sorting out and summarizing consumers’ opinions, Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee sent inquiry letters to Apple China Company and Apple Global Headquarters respectively.

  Tang Jiansheng, deputy secretary-general of the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee, said that we also noticed that in fact, some explanations of Apple and its related measures failed to solve consumer dissatisfaction. In other words, what should we consumers do with those slow-down mobile phones? What did Apple do, and what kind of behavior did Apple take to make consumers’ mobile phones slow down and become stuck?

  Experts stressed that,The higher the frequency of CPU, the stronger the computing power, and the lower the frequency, the weaker the computing power. This time, the user appears stuck. In fact, the frequency of the mobile phone is down, and the computing power is reduced.

  Wang Chaodong, deputy director of the Information Security Department of china academy of telecommunication research Huadong Branch, said that this time Apple aimed at this matter, but it was actually a patch package that it turned off abnormally. If it turned off abnormally, it should be one. Technically, this is a BUG, and its solution to this BUG is one of its solutions, but we talked about this solution earlier, and it may have chosen one that is not very appropriate without the user’s knowledge.

  In response to the Apple Caton issue, the China Consumers Association said that it was suspected of infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

  Jian Chen, director of the Legal and Theoretical Research Department of the China Consumers Association, said that Apple used this software upgrade to slow down its mobile phone without telling consumers the real situation. In fact, it was to solve the problem of its own mobile phone battery, but it was suspected of infringing consumers’ right to know, choose and dispose of property.

  Experts say that Apple has deprived consumers of their right to know and control.

  Wang Chaodong, deputy director of the Information Security Department of china academy of telecommunication research East China Branch, said, if you move the smart terminal, it is very important for the user to know and control it, that is, to make any upgrade, you should actually let the user know what upgrades to make and what impact it will have. Moreover, users can make their own choices, and after the upgrade, we can return to the previous version. If users need it, we can return it. This means that I think it means respecting the rights and interests of consumers.

  On January 19th, Apple submitted the Reply to the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee to the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee, which clearly admitted that the slowdown operation existed. At the same time, it promises to give consumers a clear prompt when upgrading the operating system in the future, and set the consumer’s own choice switch.

  After Apple’s reply was made public, the reporter called the consumers in Shanghai less than, less than, which clearly showed his views.

  Consumers are less than saying that if Apple can fulfill its promise, it will be a good thing, but how can it compensate or compensate consumers for the losses they have already suffered? This is completely ignored by Apple in his statement. This is the most important issue for our consumers and also related to their direct interests. We hope to see Apple’s sincerity in these aspects.

  In response to Apple’s reply, the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee said that it would continue to follow up and pay attention to Apple’s final treatment measures until Apple put all necessary measures in place.


The entertainment circle divides the stars into 20 levels, and Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi rank 18 levels, the highest in China.


    On the evening of September 8th, the 5th "BAZAAR Star Charity Night", the China Charity Festival, opened in China World Hotel. Zhang Ziyi, a famous movie star, spent 550,000 yuan that night to win Cartier’s brand-new LOVE series 18K gold diamond watch, which became the "queen of the bid" and won the title of "the most influential charity star in China in 2007". China news agency

    On June 24th, Gong Li appeared at the "Jin Jue" award ceremony of the 10th Shanghai International Film Festival, and her sexy dress attracted a lot of attention. China news agency

   In the international entertainment circle, there are 20 stars.

    China News Network on September 21st "The conventional division of’ first-line, second-line and third-line stars’ in China is actually a misunderstanding. The classification of star ratings in the world is very detailed, and there are strict definitions from level 1 stars to level 20 international superstars. Previously, in China, this concept was unknown. " Tian Jinshuang, a well-known domestic entertainment planner and editor-in-chief of Man of the Week, said.

    In the entertainment circle, most stars are very shy about talking about their own level, except for big-name stars. However, the classification of stars is closely related to their own development and potential profits. So, how is the international star rating divided?

    Tian Jinshuang explained, "The classification of international star grades is mainly divided into two scales. One is space, which is the range touched by a star’s popularity. For example, according to the popular space of star works, are you popular in counties, cities, provincial capitals or the whole country? The other is time, that is, the longest time that a star’s popularity lasts. For example, the popularity of a song for three days and two years is completely different, and the horizontal and vertical points formed by the combination of the two constitute the actual level of a star. "

    From this table, we can see that the first-class stars have the lowest popularity, while the twentieth-class stars have the highest popularity. In other words, if my work is popular in the local area for one day, I will be a first-class star. If my work is popular in the local area for a week, I will be a level 5 star.

    As can be seen from this chart, generally speaking, the first, second and third-tier stars are above Grade 9, and Grade 9 is a passing line for stars. A star’s work has been popular in the local area for more than one year, and then it is not a star. The popularity of the 10th-level star will last for one year in the region, the 11th-level star will last for one year in China and the 12th-level star will last for one year in the world … The higher the level of the star, it often means that the more popular the star is, the greater the space and development potential of business profits, and the more profit feedback.

    At present, most of the stars we are familiar with are between 11-12 and 15-16, such as Na Ying, Sun Nan, Fan Bingbing and Li Bingbing. At that time, singers who became popular in Guangzhou, such as Mao Ning and Yang Yuying, were regional stars at that time, and later became domestic stars after becoming popular in the whole country; Zhou Xun, for example, is between Grade 16 and Grade 16. If she wants to continue to upgrade, she must learn from Zhang Ziyi and take the international route. Before Zhang Ziyi starred in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon directed by Ang Lee, her domestic level was not high, but because the award of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was recognized by western audiences, she instantly reached the 18th level and became an international superstar.

    Of course, there are very few stars who can become level 20. Because it is quite difficult to reach the eternal level of works, Elvis Presley, Princess Diana, Bruce Lee, Teresa Teng, etc., are all handed down from generation to generation superstars, because their works have influenced several generations, even longer. Moreover, their popularity coverage has reached international standards. The living stars who can be called level 20 are Nicholas? Cage, Jackie Chan, etc.

    Domestic entertainment "one sister" ranking list

    "The dispute between’ one brother’ and’ one sister’ in the entertainment circle has always attracted the attention of the public. Everyone quarrels and quarrels, and they always can’t tell the difference. However, according to the grading standards of international stars, it is obvious that whoever is high and who is low will come to the bottom. " Tian Jinshuang said.

    Tian Jinshuang takes popular stars Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Wei, Fan Bingbing, Li Bingbing, Zhou Xun and Ruby Lin as examples. He said that Zhang Ziyi was obviously the fastest in popularity and brand promotion. So her popularity is around 18, that is, she is an international star who walks in the first echelon. Although her acting route is impetuous and her acting skills are far inferior to Zhou Xun’s, the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has won the recognition of international entertainers.

    Comparatively speaking, Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei and Li Bingbing are in the second echelon. Zhou Xun’s level is around 17, and it is approaching 18. Zhou Xun’s acting strength is well known. Orange is Red, April Day on Earth and Ci of Daming Palace are all well-known works. In recent years, she began to take the international route. For example, There is a Hollywood in Hong Kong directed by Chen Guo, The Little Tailor in 2001 and If Love in 2005 were all exhibited or screened internationally. Compared with other actresses, Zhou Xun is obviously the most entertaining.

    On the same ladder as Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei is slightly inferior. Zhao Wei’s public relations awareness of entertainment crisis has been strengthened since he experienced the incident of military flag and dung throwing. The image of Little Swallow, which was originally defined as "female the Monkey King", was transformed rapidly through Green Tea and Clouds in Beijing, making it a sexy, emotional and intellectual actress.

    Next is Li Bingbing. In terms of publicity strategy, her popularity is far less powerful than that of Fan Bingbing, but because she reasonably seized the opportunity of entertainment promotion. Last year, in the news event that Huayi Brothers "competed for a sister", she was the one who benefited the most. Because the final outcome was that Fan Bingbing left Huayi in a high profile, while Li Bingbing insisted on staying at Huayi Brothers in the face of contract renewal, the star’s loyalty to the company is also an important manifestation of brand influence. Therefore, after Li Bingbing left Fan Bingbing, the level of performing arts rose rapidly.

    The third echelon is Fan Bingbing and Ruby Lin. Many people may think that Fan Bingbing and Ruby Lin are not on the same level, but in fact, Fan Bingbing, which is famous for its "negative gossip girlfriend" in the industry, is really well-known. Her negative news has appeared frequently, and the public’s attention has gone up, but the brand power is declining, and the overall performance strength will also decline. So in the overall level, she is under Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei and Li Bingbing.

    Ruby Lin’s acting route is tepid, which is related to her star packaging and entertainment marketing, as well as her personal character. She has neither Chris Lee’s "Renlaikuang" nor Nana’s "Renlaikuang" personality, so Ruby Lin will never have negative news, so she takes a steady and tepid approach. Obviously, among the female stars who debut with her, she is the slowest.

    The higher the star’s own level, the higher the commercial profit.

    Is it really that important to grade stars? Behind the grading, what on earth is pushing the stars to add points for themselves at all times?

    The quotation of a star is directly related to his popularity and ranking. The higher the level of a star, the more the public knows about me, and the higher the commercial profits he can convert into. The celebrity’s popularity and rank can increase the value of ordinary goods by several times. For example, a shampoo is only worth 10 yuan, but it can be sold to 60 yuan after celebrity endorsement. Among them, 50 yuan is the popularity of the stars we buy.

    Of course, there are winners and losers. Shu Qi, the star, was the worst loser, because she was the heroine of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but she was making other plays at that time, so she turned this role down, but she lost a lot this time, and this opportunity she missed invisibly made Zhang Ziyi, otherwise she would be today’s international superstar.

    In order to improve their popularity, some stars use various means. Some are gossip hype, some are renaming, some are involved in legal disputes, and some even resort to unscrupulous means. Zhou Yanhong, a star, has changed her name many times in order to get rid of the situation that "people’s songs are not popular", but changing her name did not make the public remember her songs, but only remembered her as a person, because changing her name would also disperse her fan base; Some stars are Populus euphratica, who sings "Poisonous Perfume". Everyone knows this song, but no one knows who Populus euphratica is, and Wang Qiwen, who sings "Mice Love Rice". He was the first person to sing this song on the Internet, but it was the songwriter Yang Chengang who became famous.

    Tell you the level of 30 popular entertainment stars

    The reporter randomly listed 30 stars. Tian Jinshuang, an entertainment planner, was asked to make a general ranking analysis according to the "international star rating standard", and the results are as follows. (Note: Only the current works and popularity of stars are divided, so it is not a long-term ranking result. )

  The first echelon is 18-20

    -Features: International superstar, whose works are familiar to international audiences.

    -Representatives: Jackie Chan, Chow Yun Fat, Jet Li, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Andy Lau, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Jiang Wen, Maggie Cheung, Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi and Li Yuchun.

    -Special case analysis: Chris Lee’s appearance in this echelon seems to be "overrated", but she is a big special case. Chris Lee was only a grassroots star before, but one thing made her rise to the top quickly, because she was once on the cover of Time magazine in the United States, which made her suddenly become an international star from a grassroots star.

  The second echelon is 16-18

    -Features: domestic stars, whose works are generally recognized by the national audience.

    -Representatives: Stephen Chow, Jay Chou, Jia Zhangke, Huang Xiaoming, Li Yapeng, Fang Zuming, David, Xia Yu, Zhao Wei, Zhou Xun, Shu Qi, Fan Bingbing, Li Bingbing and Lin Xinru.

    -Special case analysis: Why is Jay Chou regarded as a domestic star, not an international superstar? Because his songs and fans are mostly radiated in Asia, but his works are still very influential, so he is at the 18th level of the second echelon.

    The third echelon is 10-15

    -Features: ordinary stars, whose works are familiar to important areas in China.

    -Representatives: Ma Jingtao, Lu Yi, Xu Jinglei and Sun Li.

    -Special case analysis: As a director and a successful entertainment businessman, it is obviously unreasonable for Xu Jinglei to appear in this echelon. But it is reasonable to appear as an actor.

    Xu Jinglei is positioned as a talented woman and director. From the perspective of the industry, her overall business index is too high, and the comprehensive index of performing arts is low. From the perspective of entertainment stars, she is at around level 15.

    Note: The rating of 30 stars involved in this article is only Tian Jinshuang’s personal estimation, which has not been confirmed by authority, but the rating method of stars provided by Tian Jinshuang (whether it is scientific or not needs to be evaluated) has been verified to be true. (Lv Yuan)

Editor: Li Dan


Jiangsu College Entrance Examination Reform: How is the total score of Jiangsu College Entrance Examination 2021 composed? The official question and answer is coming!

  2021 is the first year for Jiangsu to implement the reform of the new college entrance examination. How to take the exam and how is the total cultural score made up? Jiangsu Education Examinations Institute announced the answers to key questions of Jiangsu 2021 college entrance examination.

  1. When will the college entrance examination registration start in 2021?

  A: The registration time for the 2021 college entrance examination is from November 11 to 14, 2020, and the deadline for information confirmation is November 17.

  2. Who can register for the college entrance examination?

  A: People who have registered in Jiangsu Province and meet the following conditions can apply for registration:

  (1) Abide by the Constitution and laws of People’s Republic of China (PRC);

  (2) graduated from a senior secondary education school or equivalent;

  (3) Physical condition meets relevant requirements.

  The children of migrant workers who are not registered in Jiangsu Province (hereinafter referred to as migrant children) who apply to take the college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province must meet the following conditions in addition to the above conditions:

  (1) Obtaining a student status in an ordinary high school in Jiangsu Province and having a complete study experience in an ordinary high school;

  (2) His guardian has a legally stable occupation and a legally stable residence (including lease) in Jiangsu Province.

  Foreign nationals who have settled in Jiangsu Province and meet the registration requirements may apply for registration with the "Permanent Residence Identity Card of Foreigners of the People’s Republic of China" issued by the public security organ.

  3. Who can’t register for the college entrance examination?

  A: (1) College students with higher education qualifications, or students who have been admitted to colleges and universities and retain their admission qualifications;

  (2) students who have not graduated from senior secondary education schools this year;

  (3) fresh graduates who signed up by fraudulent means in the non-graduation year of senior secondary education and illegally participated in the entrance examination of ordinary colleges and universities (including the national unified examination, the provincial unified examination and the entrance examination organized by colleges and universities separately, hereinafter referred to as the entrance examination of colleges and universities);

  (4) Persons who have been suspended from taking the college entrance examination due to violation of the national education examination regulations and are in the suspension period;

  (5) Those who have been taken compulsory measures by the relevant departments or are serving sentences for violating the criminal law.

  4. How do fresh graduates from senior secondary education schools register?

  A: The fresh graduates of senior secondary education schools must follow the principle of "the college entrance examination and the ordinary high school level examination are registered in the same territory" and go through the registration procedures at the places designated by the enrollment examination institutions of the cities, counties (cities, districts).

  5. How do previous students, social candidates and registered candidates from other provinces register?

  A: Former students, social candidates and Jiangsu household registration candidates who borrow from other provinces should go through the registration procedures at the places designated by the admissions examination institutions in the cities and counties (cities, districts) where their household registration is located. All previous students, social candidates, Jiangsu household registration candidates who have borrowed from other provinces, and other non-ordinary high school graduates, etc., before the registration begins, all will be qualified by the staff of the admissions examination institutions before they can register online. Candidates who have been admitted to ordinary colleges and universities but have not reported or dropped out after reporting must hand in the admission notice of the relevant colleges and universities or provide proof of dropping out.

  6. How to sign up for the accompanying children studying in our province?

  Candidates with accompanying children must submit the Application Form for the College Entrance Examination of Migrant Workers and Employed Persons in Soviet Union in 2021 to the current middle school, which will be summarized and reported to the education administrative department of the school and the county (city, district) for enrollment, and the relevant registration procedures can be handled only after the examination. The following supporting materials shall be submitted at the time of registration:

  (1) identification. The original and photocopy of the candidate’s second-generation ID card and household registration book.

  (2) proof of stable residence. The originals and photocopies of the house title certificate, house sales contract and lease contract of the candidate himself or his guardian, or the temporary residence permit (residence permit) of the candidate and his guardian in Jiangsu Province.

  (3) the guardian’s employment certificate. Original employment certificate issued by the guardian’s employment unit or community (village Committee) in Jiangsu Province.

  7. What subjects can candidates apply for?

  A: Candidates are divided into general categories, sports categories and art categories.

  8. What are the exam subjects in 2021?

  A: The main mode of the new round of college entrance examination reform in Jiangsu Province is "3+1+2".

  Among them, "3" refers to the three subjects of Chinese, mathematics and foreign language in the unified college entrance examination; "1" refers to one subject selected by candidates in two optional examination subjects: physics and history; "2" refers to two subjects selected by candidates in four optional examination subjects: ideology and politics, geography, chemistry and biology.

  Since 2021, the three unified examination subjects of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages have adopted national unified proposition papers; According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, the elective examination subjects are organized by the provinces themselves.

  9. What are the subjects of cultural examination for sports and art candidates?

  A: According to the needs of talent selection in colleges and universities, and referring to the consistent practices of other provinces, the cultural examination for physical education and art candidates in Jiangsu Province should not only take three unified examination subjects, such as Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages, but also choose one subject from two subjects, namely, physics and history, and then two subjects from four subjects, namely, ideology, politics, geography, chemistry and biology, according to their own interests and college enrollment requirements.

  10. If you take the exam outside the number of languages in the unified college entrance examination, do you still need to take the qualification exam outside the number of languages?

  A: Students who take the unified college entrance examination can use the unified college entrance examination of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages to replace the qualification examination of the corresponding subjects.

  11. How to arrange the examination time for the college entrance examination?

  A: The examination time for three unified subjects, namely Chinese, Mathematics and Foreign Languages, and optional subjects is arranged in June each year. The foreign language subject examination consists of two parts: listening and written examination.

  12. What is the total score of the college entrance examination culture?

  A: The total score of the college entrance examination is set to 750. The total score of candidates consists of three subjects of Chinese, mathematics and foreign language in the national unified college entrance examination and three subjects of academic level selective examination selected by candidates.

  Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages are three unified examination subjects, each with 150 points, of which foreign language subjects include 30 points for listening test. All subjects are included in the total score of candidates with original scores.

  100 points for each of the 3 elective examination subjects. Among them, physics and history are included in the total score with the original score. The other four subjects (ideological and political, geography, chemistry, biology) are included in the total score with grades. For the elective examination subjects selected by students, the qualified test scores of the selected subjects must be qualified.

  13. What are the combinations of elective examination subjects?

  A: There are theoretically 12 combinations of elective examination subjects, and the specific combinations are as follows:

  14. After successful online registration, can I modify the registration information?

  A: Once the candidate’s registration information is printed and confirmed, no one can change it without authorization. If it is really necessary to modify the information due to special circumstances, the candidate himself shall apply to the registration point. After approval, the information shall be modified by the registration point, and it shall be re-printed and confirmed.

  15. How to register for the provincial unified examination of art majors in 2021?

  A: Candidates who apply for the provincial unified examination for art majors in colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province in 2021 must confirm and pay the information of the provincial unified examination for art majors from November 11 to 17. The deadline for information confirmation and payment of candidates is 17: 00 on November 17th.

  After completing online payment, candidates must return to the system to check the payment status. When the payment status is "paid", the professional examination information confirmation form can be printed.

  16. When will the provincial unified examination for music majors be held in 2021?

  A: The written examination of the provincial unified examination for music majors is scheduled to be held on December 5, 2020, and the interview will be held from December 7. Among them, the written test center is located in Xianlin Campus of Nanjing Normal University, and the interview test center is located in Suiyuan Campus of Nanjing Normal University.

  17. When will the provincial unified examination for fine arts majors be held in 2021?

  A: The provincial unified examination for fine arts majors is scheduled for December 6, 2020. All 13 cities in Jiangsu Province have set up examination areas, and all candidates take the examination in the cities where the college entrance examination is registered.

  18. What is the difference between a high-level art troupe and an art class?

  A: High-level art troupes are enrolled in general classes. After being admitted to colleges and universities, they study in general classes. While studying this major, they take part in the school’s literary rehearsals and performances in their spare time. Art candidates apply for art, and according to the different majors, they will study art, music, dance or performance after admission.

  In terms of examinations, the professional tests of high-level art troupes are organized by relevant institutions. Art professional examinations are divided into provincial unified examinations and college examinations. The provincial unified examination is organized by the Provincial Education Examinations Institute, including music, art and design, and radio and television editing and directing majors. The professional examinations organized by the enrollment institutions themselves are arranged by the enrollment institutions themselves.

  19. What is the difference between high-level sports teams and sports?

  A: The subjects of high-level sports teams are general, and they study in general majors after being admitted to colleges and universities. It is for ordinary colleges and universities to recruit candidates with sports expertise in order to enliven the campus sports atmosphere and meet the team-building needs of university sports meetings. Sports candidates apply for sports, and after being admitted to colleges and universities, they study sports majors such as physical education and social sports.

  In terms of examination, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, the professional examination of high-level sports teams is organized by combining national unified examination, college entrance examination and college examination, and the examination implementation plan is formulated by the Science and Education Department of the State Sports General Administration. Sports candidates must take the provincial unified examination for sports majors.

  20. Are the scores of compulsory subjects in the ordinary high school level test valid in the 2021 college entrance examination?

  A: According to the "08 College Entrance Examination Scheme" of Jiangsu Province, the scores of compulsory subjects in the academic proficiency test of ordinary high schools are counted from the year of the college entrance examination and are valid for three years.

  Candidates’ achievements in the compulsory subjects of the academic proficiency test from 2018 to 2020 are regarded as the academic proficiency qualification test results of the corresponding subjects, that is, if the candidates obtain "A, B, C" or "Qualified" in the compulsory subjects of the academic proficiency test in 2018 and beyond, they are regarded as qualified in the academic proficiency qualification test; If the score of the required course of learning and testing is "D" or "unqualified", it will be deemed that the subject is unqualified in the academic level qualification examination. (CCTV reporter Wu Rui)


Artificial intelligence injects wisdom and kinetic energy into scientific research (self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology)

  Core reading

  A few days ago, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other six departments issued a document, focusing on creating a number of major scenarios and expanding the application of artificial intelligence. High-level scientific research activities are one of them. Nowadays, China’s artificial intelligence technology is developing rapidly, and it has advantages in data acquisition, experimental prediction and result analysis. Life science, mathematics, chemistry, space science and other disciplines have embraced artificial intelligence. Rich application scenarios also feed back the development of technology and promote the upgrading of industrial wisdom.

  From daily life to scientific research, today, China’s artificial intelligence technology is developing rapidly, and data and computing resources are increasingly abundant. Application demand is an important driving force for technological progress, and new technologies are often constantly improved and matured in "use". In order to promote the landing of artificial intelligence, a few days ago, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other six departments jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating Scene Innovation and Promoting High-quality Economic Development with High-level Application of Artificial Intelligence", focusing on creating several major scenes and expanding the application of artificial intelligence. High-level scientific research activities are one of them.

  As a means of empowerment, how can artificial intelligence bring new research methods, and how can economic development inject "wisdom kinetic energy"?

  Close integration helps scientific research to be more efficient and accurate.

  Among many disciplines, life science research and artificial intelligence are closely integrated, and one of the hot directions is to predict protein structure.

  Protein has a three-dimensional structure, and its primary structure (sequence) is composed of several amino acids in series. The three-dimensional structure determines the function of protein in cells, and many diseases are caused by the important protein structural abnormality in the body. Therefore, only by drawing a "three-dimensional map" of important protein in human body can we find the target of drugs acting on human body, thus developing accurate and effective new drugs.

  Traditionally, scientists have observed the three-dimensional structure of protein by means of cryoelectron microscopy, X-ray and nuclear magnetic resonance, but this process is time-consuming, laborious and expensive. "Taking the cryomicroscope as an example, it costs tens of millions of yuan to arrange an observation platform, and it will take a long time for researchers to draw the protein structure." He Jingzhou, head of Baidu’s propeller bio-computing platform, said.

  Due to the high difficulty, long experimental period and high cost, the number of three-dimensional structures of protein observed by traditional methods is very limited. In contrast, amino acid sequencing is much easier. Why can’t we predict the structure of protein based on the amino acid sequence? As early as 1972, American biochemist Christian anfinsen put forward this idea in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech.

  It is precisely artificial intelligence that accurately predicts the three-dimensional structure of proteins from their primary structure. However, human beings have made slow progress in trying to analyze protein Group. It is explained that, on the one hand, because the existing biological data is small in quantity and low in quality, deep learning lacks enough samples; On the other hand, because the artificial intelligence algorithm is mature, it also needs a process.

  In recent years, with the sharp increase of biological data and the optimization of artificial intelligence technology, scientists have established more accurate prediction models. In December 2020, in a competition, the artificial intelligence program "Alpha Folding" shined brilliantly, and its predicted results were similar to most experimental data. This proves that artificial intelligence has been quite accurate in predicting the structure of protein.

  Nowadays, with the help of artificial intelligence, the work that may have taken several years can now be completed in a few minutes, and some protein structures that cannot be observed by traditional methods can also be analyzed.

  It is understood that using artificial intelligence, researchers have predicted the structure of more than 200 million protein species of about 1 million species, covering almost every protein that has been recorded by the scientific community. This will have a great impact on the field of structural biology, which may lead to a paradigm change in life science research and enhance human understanding of life.

  It has broad prospects and plays a role in many fields such as life science.

  Artificial intelligence has entered the field of vision of life science research, and the demand of biomedical industry is an important driving force. According to reports, in the biopharmaceutical industry, the types of drugs that can be developed for every $1 billion invested have been declining. The research and development of new drugs is becoming more and more difficult, and the cycle is getting longer and longer. There is an urgent need for new methods to break through, and artificial intelligence has high hopes.

  Not only does it accelerate the research and development of new drugs, but artificial intelligence is playing an important role in more and more fields of life sciences.

  At the beginning of this year, a protein prediction model run by Chengdu Center of National Supercomputing helped the team of Wheat Research Institute of Agricultural College of Sichuan Agricultural University successfully analyze the molecular mechanism of PGS1 regulating seed development and affecting yield, and provided theoretical basis for cultivating high-yield and high-quality wheat materials. Researchers say that without artificial intelligence, it is difficult to make this breakthrough efficiently.

  Researchers also try to introduce artificial intelligence technology into vaccine design. For example, compared with protein vaccine and DNA vaccine, mRNA vaccine has the advantages of fast mass production and good anti-infectivity, but its stability and immunogenicity are relatively poor. To make up for these shortcomings, researchers have been hoping to optimize the sequence design of mRNA vaccine to make it more stable and more immunogenic. With higher efficiency and lower cost, the intervention of artificial intelligence is expected to provide new ideas for vaccine research and development.

  Precision therapy is also a stage for the application of artificial intelligence. Through the method of machine learning, in theory, artificial intelligence can decode the human immune system and explore the complex immune laws of some diseases more accurately, thus helping people understand diseases and develop therapeutic drugs and methods more efficiently and pertinently.

  With the increase of human data and knowledge accumulated in new drug research and development brought by genomics research, and the continuous iteration of machine learning algorithms, industry experts believe that artificial intelligence has broad prospects in the field of life sciences. Some researchers even imagine to build a unified knowledge map by relying on a powerful biological computing engine and using a large amount of biological data to promote the understanding of life and health.

  Rich scenes, pushing the application to a higher level.

  Walking into life science research, artificial intelligence brings new methods, and it is also expected to open a new era of biomedical industry.

  Experts in the industry said that seizing the new opportunities of intelligent drug design and strengthening the layout of artificial intelligence and biomedicine will help us to take the lead in the new track of new drug research and development.

  Although artificial intelligence+biomedicine has developed rapidly, it has just started on the whole. He Jingzhou believes that the biomedical industry has a history of hundreds of years, with mature and perfect research processes, industrial chains and division of labor. The improvement of artificial intelligence is only some of them. "Biomedical is related to life and health, and the development of the industry should be steadily advanced, maintaining rationality and awe." Up to now, there is no new drug discovered entirely by artificial intelligence in the world. Some products developed by artificial intelligence are still a long way from the real market.

  Seeing the advantages of artificial intelligence technology in data acquisition, experimental prediction and result analysis, mathematics, chemistry, materials science and space science have also embraced artificial intelligence.

  The performance of lithium batteries varies with different material compositions. In response to the demand for lithium batteries in a variety of scenarios, researchers hope to design a suitable lithium battery system by optimizing the material combination.

  "In the past, the design of material systems mainly relied on manual experiments, which was very inefficient." Zhang Qiang, a professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering in Tsinghua University, said that at present, he is leading the team to predict molecular properties with artificial intelligence, so as to find energy materials more efficiently and accurately and design more valuable and safer battery systems.

  According to estimates, the scale of China’s artificial intelligence core industry exceeds 400 billion yuan, and the number of enterprises exceeds 3,000. Thanks to the strong demand brought by massive data processing and the experimental soil provided by rich application scenarios, China is at the forefront of the world in the fields of computer vision and speech recognition.

  Experts in the industry suggest that it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of rich application scenarios in China to promote the application of artificial intelligence to a higher level. Creating a major scene around high-level scientific research activities will promote the application of artificial intelligence in China and inject "wisdom and kinetic energy" into high-quality economic development.


What did reading teach us? Kang Hui and Zhu Guangquan said this.

  CCTV News:Today is World Book Day, full screen of recommended books and tricks are read live, but don’t worry, ask yourself, what did reading teach you?


  Kang Hui read The Little Prince.

  In CCTV’s Reading with You program, Kang Hui recommended The Little Prince. He said that the first time he read The Little Prince was eight years old. At that time, it was difficult for him to understand its profound meaning. The only interesting plot was that the little prince met a fox in the desert.

  He is thinking, will this fox become a beauty? Finally, I lived happily with the little prince, just like the ending of Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

  By 2005, Kang Hui was in his thirties, but a sentence in The Little Prince touched him again.

  "I was too young to love her."

  In that year, Kang Hui’s father died, and he finally understood that love in this sentence does not only refer to love between lovers. And once, he didn’t know how to love those unique people in his life.

  Kang Hui learned from The Little Prince that year that "in fact, love needs learning".


  Zhu Guangquan read Chu Wu.

  In the CCTV program Reading, Zhu Guangquan recommended Chu Wu: From Xiang Yu to Han Xin. He said that the author, Mr Li Kaiyuan, was a detective.

  Zhu Guangquan introduced that taking Xiang Yu’s Wujiang River as an example, according to historical records, there were five experts who got Xiang Yu’s body, divided it into five pieces to take credit for it, and finally sealed it. The author, Mr. Li Kaiyuan, conducted a rigorous "political examination" on these five people to assess their origins and subsequent development. One of them is very special, named Yang Xi.

  When Yang Xi’s position was passed on to his fifth-generation descendant Yang Chang, his wife happened to be Sima Qian’s daughter, so the author imagined that Yang Chang and his old father-in-law Sima Qian would tell him their family history in a embellished way while drinking wine on the wine table, which may become a record in Historical Records.

  But when Zhu Guangquan read this, he wondered, is this oral history true? Maybe Xiang Yu didn’t die. At that time, the person who killed Xiang Yu could deliberately point the wrong finger and say that the general who looked similar around him was Xiang Wang, so everyone swarmed and divided his body into five pieces. What about the real Xiang Yu? From then on, it is possible to remain anonymous and forget each other in the rivers and lakes.

Zhu Guangquan: You can't think that what you think is what you think.

Zhu Guangquan: You can’t think that what you think is what you think.

  Finally, Zhu Guangquan said that one of his inspirations was that "certainty became less certain". Indeed, for those who can’t witness the history with their own eyes, how can we give a definite process? What we need to do is "to challenge the limits of history".


  What did reading teach you?

  Going back to our original question, what did reading teach us?

  Like Kang Hui, when he was young, he was ignorant and couldn’t understand the mystery of the book. When he grew up, he suddenly realized the true meaning of life.

  Or like Zhu Guangquan, from the book to expand Lenovo, to learn from history.

  A thousand people reading a book can probably have ten thousand answers.

  According to the 17th national reading survey report released by China Press and Publication Research Institute on April 20th, in 2019, the average reading volume of paper books and e-books for adults was 4.65 and 2.84 respectively, both of which were lower than last year.

  The report also shows that the time spent using mobile phones is increasing — — The average length of mobile phone contact for Chinese adults is 100.41 minutes per day, an increase of 15.54 minutes compared with 2018.

  Some people say that I read a lot of WeChat official account articles every day. Is this not reading?

  Some people say that paper books are no longer the only ones. I can "listen" to books. Isn’t that reading?

  Some people say that I can gain knowledge by watching all kinds of long videos and short videos, so why is it not reading?

A best-selling author is communicating with readers through live broadcast software. (Source Zhongxin. com)

A best-selling author is communicating with readers through live broadcast software. (Source Zhongxin. com)

  Refutation words are also overwhelming. Fragmented reading is not reading, but reading a paper book is reading, and reading can be remembered. ……

  Who is right or wrong probably needs time to answer. Compared with how to read, perhaps what we have gained from reading is more worthy of our deep thinking.

  Descartes said "I think, therefore I am". Now, it is better to say "I think, therefore I read".


"Geek All-Star Game" TCTF2019 goes to war: Top Geek Team Competition

  Beijing, June 8 th, "Geek All-Star Game" — — The offline final of the 3rd Tencent Capture The Flag (TCTF) started at 10:00 am on June 8th, Beijing time, at Shanghai West Coast Art Center. Twelve top international teams from eight countries and regions around the world gathered here to launch a 30-hour uninterrupted competition for the last place in the DEF CON CTF 2019 global finals of the "Hacker World Cup".

  CTF is a popular form of information security competition. DEF CON CTF, the birthplace of CTF, is the CTF competition with the highest technical level and influence in the world, which is equivalent to the "Hacker World Cup". As the earliest and only wild card tournament authorized by DEF CON CTF in Chinese mainland for three consecutive years, TCTF has become one of the most professional and largest CTF events in China, with the "Starlight Glimmer" on the field, which brings together the world’s top geek teams and is called "Geek All-Star Game". The quality of the competition questions has also improved year by year. This year, a new competition question that is close to the forefront of the industrial Internet has been added. In the past three years, TCTF has accumulated more than 10,000 contestants, which has helped China’s new security forces to grow rapidly.

  The number of participating teams has increased by over 30%, and the world’s top geeks have gathered in the "All-Star" lineup.

  TCTF, as a professional CTF challenge initiated by Tencent Security, sponsored by Tencent Security College and Tencent Security Joint Laboratory, undertaken by Tencent Security Cohen Laboratory and co-organized by 0ops security team, has received positive responses from many top international teams and domestic universities. TCTF is divided into international competition for the whole world (0CTF) and RisingStar CTF for domestic universities. This year, 1,248 teams participated, and the number of participating teams increased by 30.4% year-on-year.

  Teams shortlisted for this TCTF International Competition come from eight countries and regions, including China, Japan, South Korea, the European Union, Russia, Germany and Poland. Star teams gather and live in Starlight Glimmer. The Polish team Dragon Sector, which won the first and second TCTF International Competition in CTF TIME2018, the Balsn team in Taipei, China and the LC BC team in Russia, which ranked second in the world, and the traditional Korean team CyKor, etc., have covered recent years.

  The competition in the final of Nova Invitational Tournament is equally fierce. There are three nova teams at home in Shanghai: Ph0t1n1a team of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and sixstars team and Whitzard team of Fudan University. There are also 12 famous teams, including Emmmm and Nu1L, the well-known joint teams of universities in China, and L team of xidian university, who have participated in the international professional CTF competition as challengers.

  Add Yunan Quancheng and other frontier competition questions to train industrial Internet security talents in actual combat.

  High-quality competition questions are a highlight of TCTF this year. The high quality of TCTF events has always been highly respected by the industry, and the 2018 international competition was also rated as the only CTF event in Chinese mainland by CTF TIME. This year, TCTF continued the international standard problem-solving competition system. Tencent Security Joint Laboratory and 0ops team of Shanghai Jiaotong University jointly issued the competition questions, deeply integrating the long-term offensive and defensive experience of both research teams, and trying to meet the actual requirements to the greatest extent. At the same time, this year, more innovative has integrated into the frontier hot fields such as AI, cloud computing, Internet of Things, etc., closely following the actual field and security demands of the industrial Internet, so that participants can challenge and experience the real-world network security attack and defense technology in the process of solving problems.

  In order to let the audience better participate in this international top-level event, a visual big screen was used in the final scene to broadcast the wonderful offensive and defensive trends in real time, and the whole process was explained by the security researcher of Tencent Security Cohen Laboratory with rich practical experience. The contest also specially customized the "geek suit" to hide an interesting CTF test question. The audience and netizens who watched the live broadcast through Tencent University can participate in solving the "mystery" and win rewards such as cash and TCTF commemorative gifts.

  It is worth mentioning that this year’s TCTF Offline Finals is dedicated to creating a geek culture with China characteristics. It will change the traditional award ceremony, and directly transform the arena into a Party site after the competition, so that the award ceremony will change "every second" and feel the geek culture with China characteristics.

  Help the growth of young geeks in China and forge a "double-class" network security talent training platform

  Different from the traditional CTF competition focusing on information security technology confrontation, TCTF also deeply undertakes the function of discovering and cultivating network security talents. After the precipitation of three TCTF events, Tencent Security strives to build a "double-first-class" network security talent training platform: by holding "first-class" CTF events to compete with the world’s top teams; Create a "first-class" talent training platform to accelerate the growth of the younger generation of cyber security talents in China.

  At present, Tencent Security has formed a full-chain talent training model: relying on the TCTF competition platform, combining Tencent Security College and the Joint Security Laboratory to build safety talents, building a cooperation and exchange platform in Industry-University-Research, and forming an ecological chain of discovery-training-transformation. We will select potential students through TCTF platform, and then provide professional training opportunities and employment resources through the "words and deeds" of Tencent Security Joint Laboratory. At the same time, we will also have the opportunity to participate in top information security competitions at home and abroad, forming a complete talent training closed loop from theoretical education in colleges and universities to enterprise skills training to international competitions.

  Tencent security "double first-class" network security talent training platform construction has also achieved phased results. At present, Tencent Security has established joint laboratories and research institutes with Guangzhou University, Beihang University, xidian university, Wuhan College and other universities to cultivate applied talents with strong practical ability and further enhance the research and development capabilities of universities and enterprises in the frontier information security technology field. In terms of events, the Tencent eee team, with Tencent Security Cohen Lab as the main force, successively won the online and offline champion of the Strong Net Cup, the champion of the first "Net Ding Cup" network security competition, the overall champion of the "Guard Net Cup" and the first place in the single prize in 2018. Tencent Security Team, which was jointly established by several departments, won both the "attack" and "defense" titles in the "2018 Guiyang Big Data and Cyber Security Attack and Defense Exercise", which is the most rigorous cloud security practical exercise in China, and defended Tencent security in the field of cloud services. Leading position; Shanghai Jiaotong University 0ops, Fudan sixstars and Zhejiang University AAA teams hatched by TCTF platform have also repeatedly entered the forefront in the three major competitions.

  During the current TCTF, the third China University Information Security Talent Training Salon will also be held simultaneously, bringing together information security teachers from major universities across the country to offer suggestions and suggestions on network security talent training. In addition, TCTF2019 linked with TenSec Tencent Security International Technology Summit for the first time, opening up the connection between technical practicality and professionalism, creating opportunities for young geeks in China to communicate with the world’s top security cafes, and further improving the closed-loop mode of personnel training.


The 2023 FISU Football World Cup ended and Beijing Normal University won the women’s team championship.

People’s Daily Online, Beijing, November 1 (Reporter Yang Lei) On October 31, the 2023 FISU Football World Cup ended in Jinjiang, Fujian. Beijing Normal University beat paulista University of Brazil in the women’s final and won the championship, while paulista University men’s soccer team won the men’s championship.

On the afternoon of October 31st, the battle for the women’s championship of the 2023 FIFA World Cup in Jinjiang was held at the training ground of Jinjiang Football Center. The team of Beijing Normal University, which represented China, played against the team of paulista University in Brazil, and the two sides fought for 120 minutes and drew 2:2. In the final penalty shootout, Beijing Normal University won the championship with a total score of 7:6.

"Today, we made full preparations for playing for 120 minutes and presented a very wonderful game to everyone. It is our honor to stand on the highest podium again after 12 years. " Bi Yan, former China international and head coach of Beijing Normal University, said after the game.

At the 2011 Shenzhen Universiade, Bi Yan helped the Beijing Normal University women’s football team win the championship by beating the Japanese team 2-1. Twelve years later, as the head coach, she led the team to the highest podium in the world college football again.

In the men’s final, paulista University of Brazil beat the Ukrainian National University of Economics and Business men’s soccer team 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship. Hohai University’s men’s soccer team, representing China, created the best result of China University’s men’s soccer team in the FIBA World Cup, and finally won the eighth place.