标签归档 武汉桑拿足浴


The first new energy owners to eat crabs silently return to fuel vehicles, and the reasons are revealed

"The last breath of the fuel car is broken", "The swan song of the fuel age", "The fuel car is about to end"…

In today’s public opinion environment, fuel vehicles seem to have been sentenced to "capital punishment", and the undermining of fuel vehicles has long been a mainstream trend in the automotive public opinion field.

For new energy vehicles, the trend of branding, changes in sales, the mutual confrontation between business executives, and the operation of car owners and users’ rice circles are all the focus of public opinion.

According to the Baidu index keyword search trend comparison data, the online traffic popularity of new energy vehicles and trams far exceeds that of fuel vehicles and fuel vehicles. Of course, these all reflect the "silence" of fuel vehicles.

"A joint venture is not a representative of backwardness, it has maturity and stability, and it also has the tenacity to start later." Wen Dali, executive deputy general manager of GAC Toyota, made a public shout at the Guangzhou Auto Show, which is quite worth pondering.

The joint venture "big brothers" who have promoted the development of the automobile industry in the past few decades have also had to use this peculiar way to "confess" to consumers, which can be regarded as a special footnote for the various challenges faced by fuel vehicles.

Is it true that no one supports fuel vehicles anymore? In fact, for a long time to come, the development of the global automobile market will definitely be a parallel between gasoline and electricity, and fuel vehicles are far from being sentenced to death.

The same is true from the data point of view. According to the data released by the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, nearly 60% of the cars on display at this auto show are fuel vehicles, which is still the absolute main body. In October this year, among the 308,000 cars sold by Volkswagen in China, new energy accounted for only 8%, and fuel vehicles accounted for 92%.

In fact, users who insist on fuel vehicles may not be active in major online forums, do not operate in circles, and rarely participate in public opinion wars and war of words. They do not seem to have such a strong "sense of existence", but they still use real money to buy cars to "vote" for fuel vehicles and brands, expressing a "silent" support.

During the multi-day visit to the Guangzhou Auto Show, Zhixing Driving Road also found some voices behind the "silent majority", whose stories and choices reflect the development of enterprises and industries.

1. New energy owners returning to fuel vehicles

If young people are more likely to be attracted by new energy vehicles, then Brother Yu, who is in his 40s, is a special case.

Many years ago, when new energy vehicles were still widely questioned and challenged, Brother Yu became one of the early owners. There were two main reasons. He liked to try new technologies and thought that charging was more cost-effective than refueling. However, after a few years, Brother Yu found that he still paid by mistake.

"Now I’m angry when I mention trams." At the Guangzhou Auto Show, when Big Brother Yu and Zhixing Driving Road talked about the topic of new energy vehicles, he seemed quite excited. After a deeper understanding, Zhixing Driving Road also found that his experience has a certain group image representation, which can also bring some inspiration to consumers who are torn between oil cars and trams.

Brother Yu said helplessly, a few days ago on a business trip, came back to find the car can not start, also can not charge, many times with the brand after-sales staff communication, the final conclusion is always not in line with the quality assurance rights and interests, change the battery at your own expense, the price to tens of thousands, and ultimately can only find a third-party auto repair company to try their luck, to see if there can be a low-cost solution.

After experiencing this bad thing, Brother Yu even more believes that many early tram owners were taken advantage of and bought at a high price. The performance and functions of the car are far inferior to the current ones, and many shortcomings are also more obvious. For example, the battery life is more serious. Charging in the city often requires queuing up for empty charging piles, and the cost of charging is not cheap. The overall cost of using a car is not necessarily much cheaper than that of an oil car. More importantly, it is tiring.

In fact, like Brother Yu, car owners who are willing to buy cars for real money in the early stage of the development of new energy vehicles should be well maintained by car companies. But it backfired. After the vehicle battery failed, the brand tried its best to distance itself from the relationship and refused quality assurance. Eventually, the new energy owners like Brother Yu were pushed back into the arms of fuel vehicles.

At the auto show, Brother Yu actually went to the new energy vehicle booth for a stroll. He confessed to Zhixing Driving Road that many sales pitches are still similar today, and car purchase rights look very good.

All kinds of lifelong free, lifelong quality assurance and so on, behind a lot of details and rules are not explained in detail, after a few years really need quality assurance, it is estimated that another way of saying, just like their current tram manufacturers use some reasons to reject quality assurance.

Zhixing Driving Road also found by visiting the new energy vehicle booth that the sales staff often simply inform Sandian of the lifetime quality assurance, but did not mention the specific rules and conditions. We also found through inquiry that there are various rules behind the so-called lifetime quality assurance. If the owner is not careful, he will violate the rules, or lose the rights and interests of lifetime quality assurance because of some easily negligent reasons.

On the other hand, in the eyes of Big Brother, the current fuel vehicles have made great progress in terms of fuel consumption, making up for a competitive shortcoming. After understanding several different brand booths, he found that today’s fuel vehicle brands are developing faster in terms of gasoline-electric hybrid engines. After replacing the hybrid engine with traditional models, the fuel consumption value is directly "cut in half", and the progress is more obvious, which also makes him think that the so-called "electricity saving" advantage of new energy vehicles is not so prominent.

In addition to Big Brother Yu, Zhixing Driving Road interviewed many consumers who still firmly choose fuel vehicles in the fuel vehicle exhibition area. In their opinion, the inconvenience of charging is only secondary, and the risk of car companies going bankrupt and running away is even more important. Behind this are various vehicle function upgrades, after-sales services, maintenance and replacement issues.

Consumers’ concerns in this regard are not biased. Some time ago, the rumors of Weimar’s "bankruptcy" that swiped the screen on the whole network led to a series of chain reactions such as the lack of protection of owners’ rights and interests, the "shutdown" of some car functions, and the collapse of prices in the second-hand market.

The relevant report released by the China Consumers Association in May this year also shows that new energy vehicle companies have closed down and delisted, and it is difficult to continue to provide relevant vehicle maintenance, after-sales maintenance, and original spare parts services. The problem of after-sales insecurity of consumer vehicles is frequent.

Therefore, some consumers have admitted to Zhixing Driving Road that they will still pay more attention to the models and products of mainstream fuel vehicle brands. After all, fuel vehicles have very mature solutions and systems in this regard.

It is understood that when a fuel vehicle company withdraws from the market, the relevant after-sales services will be taken over by other main enterprises of the group or entrusted to qualified third parties. For example, after the withdrawal of GAC Mitsubishi, the relevant services will be handled by GAC Group.

However, there are many original enterprises in the new energy market. Once the enterprise has a problem, it is often a plot of "walking away". The lack of reliable related parties to continue to provide services to car owners is one of the important factors affecting consumer decision-making.

2. Worried about backstabs, etc. Party

Zhixing Driving Road found that all kinds of new energy brands at the Guangzhou Auto Show are showcasing their muscles in new technologies and experiences such as intelligent driving, charging battery life, and intelligent cockpit. There are also many models with a greater sense of technology, product power, and cost performance.

But through interviews with some consumers, we found that some consumers are actually scared away by the rapid replacement of new energy vehicles. Of course, most of them will not battle in the public opinion field, but will silently invest their car purchase budget in fuel vehicle brands.

"New energy vehicles are now being packaged more and more like mobile phones, but buying a car is completely different from buying a mobile phone." At a new energy vehicle booth, Ah Shui, who had just learned about the new model, told Zhixing Driving Road that the new energy vehicles are indeed becoming more and more "cool", but because of this, he does not know when is the right time to start.

In Ah Shui’s opinion, if he decided to buy a new energy vehicle this year, there might be newer, stronger, and more cost-effective models on the market in a few months, and even his own car would launch a facelifted model with additional features and reduced prices. This would not only make it appear that he was backstabbed, but also make the car in the quasi-new car state a little "outdated".

In this regard, Ah Shui also admitted that such problems rarely occur in fuel vehicles, such as Santana, Jetta, Accord, Camry, etc. After years of precipitation, the product power has long been very stable, and the appearance of new and modified models will not affect the experience and mentality of old car owners too much.

He used mobile phone products to make a metaphor, the fuel car is a bit like the iPhone of squeezing toothpaste, the overall difference is not bad, do not have to pursue the latest generation of products. But the new energy vehicle is now a bit like the stage of alternating between functional machines and smart machines, and there may be large product iterations at any time. If you need a car urgently, it is better to be a fuel car first, and it is better to be a new energy vehicle and so on.

In conversations with a number of consumers, Zhixing Driving Road also learned that the maintenance and after-sales system for new energy vehicles needs to be improved, which has also caused many consumers to back down.

For traditional fuel vehicles, daily scratches and collisions can be relatively simple to repair. Whether it is a 4S shop or a third-party auto repair shop, they already have a very mature system, and the price is relatively transparent.

But new energy vehicles are different, involving sensors such as radar, cameras, and chassis battery packs. Even seemingly minor scratches and collisions may damage these expensive components and even lead to changes in battery safety. As mentioned earlier, due to restrictions such as quality assurance agreements, maintenance can only choose official channels, which are not as flexible as fuel vehicles, and will continue to increase the psychological burden of owners.

Zhixing Driving Road found that, in general, the client base that still favors fuel vehicles has a more rational side, and in their opinion, the reliability, practicality, safety and long-tail cost of vehicles are more important.

That is to say, the price war and the so-called "charging is cheaper than refueling" and other selling points cannot convince these consumers to switch to new energy vehicles at present. They are waiting for a more mature opportunity, at least after the replacement no longer has a strong sense of backstabbing, the maintenance and after-sales system is further mature, and the price system of used cars is relatively stable.

3. "Yes, but not many."

When it comes to the topic of fuel vehicles, the brand side, especially the first-line sales who face customers, also has the voice over.

"There is indeed a big impact, and the number of customers I receive is obviously less." Xiao Xin, a salesperson for a Japanese fuel vehicle brand, told Zhixing Driving Road that many of the models displayed by the brand at the Guangzhou Auto Show this year are fuel vehicles, which are indeed not as lively as new energy brands.

Sales staff said that the overall impact is relatively limited, whether it is their own brand or other fuel vehicle brands, have a relatively loyal and large client base.

Although the brand is benchmarking the new energy vehicle market, it has also developed and configured technologies such as L2 smart driving and smart cockpit, but Xiaoxin found that many consumers who come to see the car are not too "cold" about these functions, but still focus on suspension upgrades, chassis design advantages, body robustness, safety, and improved control.

The intelligent driving lane also observed at the relevant fuel vehicle booths that the salesperson was interrupted by the consumer when he took the initiative to show the functional upgrade of the intelligent driving to the consumer, and was instead consulted about the interior space, tire wheelbase, and other information.

Sales staff who have served several new energy and fuel vehicle brands said that in addition to a few new energy vehicle companies that really have full-stack self-research capabilities and are "far ahead", each product has entered a relatively homogeneous stage in terms of function, performance, product power, etc. What is the competition at this time is naturally the hard power of the company itself.

For example, the safety and comfort experience brought by various hardware dimensions of the vehicle; the tonality of the brand, the stability of the pre-sales and after-sales services system, etc., are all areas where fuel vehicle brands have advantages; and the stories of overcharging and high-end intelligent driving told by new energy vehicles are more likely to take a long time to land in the future.

Sales of fuel vehicle brands have generally admitted that some customers have been robbed by new energy vehicle brands, but they still generally have confidence in their own brands and products, and do not express too much concern about future market competition.

This is actually not blind confidence. On the one hand, many new energy brands are still in the loss stage of burning money to develop and improve the system to "sell one at a loss", and there are still great uncertainties in the future. The monthly sales competition seems to be lively, but in fact most of them are far less than the sales data of fuel vehicle brands.

On the other hand, fuel vehicle brands not only have a deep technical heritage and a strong sales network, but also actively seek change and face the competition with new energy vehicle brands.

4. The hard-working elephant turns around

"New energy vehicles are the trend of the future, so the group is also transforming towards electrification, developing technologies, launching new energy sub-brands, and so on." The sales staff of a pure electric sub-brand under a fuel vehicle brand told Zhixing Driving Road that at this year’s Guangzhou Auto Show, the group did not issue the task of releasing new fuel vehicles, but only released a few new energy models. The original fuel models of the subsequent brand will also be gradually transformed into gasoline-electric mixing, plug-in mixing, etc.

The person also said that such as the design of vehicle appearance, interior space, intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving and other functions, these new energy models are equipped with standard elements. In short, "what new energy vehicles should have, we also have it." According to reports, about 40% of the current pure electric vehicle users of the fuel vehicle brand are from the previous conversion of their own fuel vehicle owners.

In the Guangzhou Auto Show, GAC Honda, GAC Toyota, Kia, Jiangqi, Changan Mazda and other mainstream fuel vehicle brands have displayed many new energy-related models such as gasoline-electric hybrid and plug-in hybrid, as well as many electrification The results of transformation, some brands are even reported by the media to cancel the traditional pure fuel version models and fully embrace electrification.

Not only that, but some of the unique selling points of new energy vehicles have also begun to appear in fuel vehicles, such as the new generation of BMW 5 series long wheelbase version exhibited by BMW, which is equipped with a 31-inch rear floating screen, which is nicknamed "big color TV" for rear passengers.

There are also the previously mentioned smart cockpit, L2-assisted driving, embedded door handles, and a more sci-fi and streamlined design language similar to new energy vehicles. It can be observed that many elements of fuel vehicles are aligned with new energy vehicles, or in order to narrow the competitive differences between them.

In this regard, the sales staff of the joint venture fuel vehicle brand said that in response to the user habits and changes in the Chinese market, the brand has indeed been making some corresponding targeted improvements, which are actually rolled up by new energy vehicles. Many configurations and designs that have been recognized by consumers may have some disadvantages in the competition if we do not integrate them in the modification.

So the question is, sales account for the main body and accelerating recovery, the client base coverage is still broad, car companies are also working hard to transform and change, why are fuel vehicles still being sung down and losing the voice of public opinion?

In the exchange with many consumers at the Guangzhou Auto Show, Zhixing Driving Road found one of the most important reasons, that is, the social thinking, user thinking and Internet thinking of new energy brands are far ahead, occupying the network of natives has the voice over.

Some new energy vehicle owners told Zhixing Driving Road that the new energy vehicle brand has done a good job in building an online and offline car owner community, which is an experience that has not been experienced before when driving a fuel vehicle.

The offline activities of new energy vehicles, online community interaction, and social interaction have gradually cultivated the owner’s sense of brand belonging. If there is any problem, they will give feedback through online social interaction, and they will also go to the Internet as tap water to help the brand promote and so on.

Obviously, when a large number of car owners are developed into such online social and interactive habits, the online popularity of new energy brands will naturally increase.

From another perspective, this is precisely what fuel vehicle brands can learn from and make up for. If fuel vehicles can break the "silent" label and gradually become active in various platforms, just like new energy vehicle brands, they can truly return to the center of the stage and return to the "C position" in the market.


Mileage anxiety It doesn’t exist! Ask M5 to accompany you on your way home in the Spring Festival.

  With the approaching of the Spring Festival in the Year of the Loong, people are more and more eager to go home. Air tickets are too expensive, and high-speed trains can’t get tickets. Many people choose to go home by car. Traveling in winter, choosing a new energy vehicle with long battery life and high performance has become the key to a long journey. With excellent endurance and strong power, the M5 can easily cope with all kinds of road conditions, and is undoubtedly the ideal partner for young people to return home in winter.

  1400+km long battery life, bid farewell to the anxiety of replenishing energy.

  Endurance has always been one of the most worrying issues for new energy users, not to mention traveling in winter. But for M5, there is no need to have these concerns. In the case of full fuel and electricity, the four-wheel drive version CLTC of the M5 intelligent driving version has a battery life of up to 1265km, and the rear-wheel drive version has reached an astonishing 1425km. Whether it’s a long journey across the north and south or a short trip in the suburbs, the M5 can meet your needs. Even if you return home across provinces, the long cruising range greatly reduces the number of times of recharging, which makes users easily get rid of the anxiety of endurance and makes your way home more secure. Not only that, the charging of the M5 is also very efficient. In just 45 minutes, the power can be quickly charged from 20% to 80%. In the time of a cup of coffee, the M5 can be "full of blood".

  Huawei is empowered, and it can be smooth and steady in winter travel.

  I have been wandering outside for a whole year. During the Spring Festival holiday, migrant workers want to release their inner passion and forget the pressure of work and life on weekdays. If you want to have a carefree travel experience, you can’t do without a powerful travel partner.

  Wenjie M5 is equipped with HUAWEI DriveONE three-in-one electric drive system, which provides unparalleled driving experience for migrant workers. Its maximum power can reach 365kW, the peak torque is as high as 675N·m, and the acceleration of 100 kilometers takes only 4.4 seconds, which makes you feel passionate, whether it is the silky overtaking on the expressway or the first step in the congested road section.

  Under the complicated road conditions in winter, driving needs to face multiple challenges. As a "treasure performance car", with its excellent performance strength, Wenjie M5 can not only be comfortable on the expressway, but also easily cope with all kinds of complicated road conditions in winter. In the face of icy, snow-covered roads, many vehicles will feel inadequate and have a strong sense of bumps when driving. The Wujie M5 is equipped with HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque system, which provides a stable driving experience for drivers and passengers. The system can reduce the impulse feeling before driving by 31% and the bump feeling by 46%, and even when driving on the snowy and icy road, it can maintain the stability of the body posture.

  In addition, thanks to the blessing of the million-level all-aluminum chassis, the Wujie M5 has excellent cushioning effect on bumpy roads and speed bumps, giving perfect consideration to sports performance and comfort. The design of the front double wishbone and the rear multi-link independent suspension makes the M5 reduce the body shaking feeling during driving, and maintain better stability and smoothness under different driving conditions.

  Before the arrival of the Spring Festival, in order to thank the majority of users for their support, the customer M5 specially launched a surprise gift package, so that users can buy this high-quality new energy vehicle at a more favorable price. If you buy M5 before January 31st, you can enjoy the rights package with a maximum value of 52,000 yuan, including 12,000 yuan for interior and exterior decoration and 15,000 yuan for technology enjoyment package. For users who choose the smart driving version, they will be given an additional 20,000 yuan of Huawei ADS 2.0 urban NCA smart driving package matching rights and benefits, and enjoy 5,000 yuan of insurance subsidies. In addition, users who have made up their minds now only need to wait for 2 ~ 3 weeks to mention their cars, so they don’t have to wait for a long time.

  During the Spring Festival in the Year of the Loong, the reporter M5 accompanied the migrant workers to enjoy a safe and comfortable trip home and became the best partner on the way home. No matter when and where, you can gallop and move forward without worry, adding endless laughter and happiness to users’ journey, and marching towards a new year with hope.


With the advent of the digital economy era, Huawei Cloud empowers Shenzhen enterprises with high quality.

Shenzhen News Network July 26, 2023(Reporter Ye Mei) On July 25th, the high-quality development conference of Huawei Cloud Digital Industry, a series of activities of Huawei Cloud’s "100 Cities and 100 Enterprises Traveling to China", was successfully held. The conference was directed by Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, hosted by Shenzhen Longhua District People’s Government and Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd., undertaken by Shenzhen Longhua District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Longhua (Huawei) Intelligent Manufacturing and Modern Service Industry Innovation Center and Kunpeng Industry Source Innovation Center, and co-organized by Saisheng Digital Economy Research Center.

Based on the innovative development orientation of the national digital economy, combined with the industrial characteristics of Shenzhen and the industrial development needs of Longhua District, the conference invited government leaders, local high-quality enterprises, industry experts and other guests to gather together to explore the high-quality development path of the digital industry and accelerate the deep integration of "digital reality" with digital technology and innovative practice.

Set the tone: innovation-based, high-quality development of digital industry

At present, vigorously developing the digital economy is full of sails. He Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development, pointed out in his speech that China’s digital economy development achieved positive results in 2022. According to the national data resource survey, in 2022, China’s data output reached 8.1ZB, up 22.7% year-on-year, second only to the United States, ranking second in the world.By 2023About 40 such data transactions have been established in China.organization, and gradually build a circulation market for data elements, products and services.

As the leader of digital economy, Shenzhen ranks in the forefront of the country in terms of industrial scale of digital economy. Huawei, Tencent, Ping An Technology, Meituan and other groups with core competitiveness.Dominant typeEnterprises have built a pattern in which large enterprises drive the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and small and medium-sized enterprises inject vitality into large enterprises.

(He Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center)

Subsequently, Hu Xiaoqing, a member of the Party Group of Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and a second-level inspector, introduced how to develop the digital economy in Shenzhen. He said that Shenzhen will exert its strength from both the supply side and the demand side, by strengthening innovation drive, cultivating the application market, optimizing spatial layout, improving industrial ecology, developing digital productivity, striving to improve the development level of the digital economy, and continuously leading industrial iterative upgrading and high-quality economic and social development.

(Hu Xiaoqing, member of the party group and second-level inspector of Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua Industry and Information Technology Bureau, said that Longhua District, as an industrial region and manufacturing region in Shenzhen, will further give play to Longhua’s industrial foundation and advantages, and vigorously promote the integration of enterprises’ number and reality around the strategic goal of digital Longhua and urban core, support enterprises to accelerate the iterative upgrading of technology and realize the two-wheel drive of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization.

(Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

Due to the situation, Corning, president of Huawei Cloud Global Ecology Department, said that Huawei is an innovative enterprise that grew up in this fertile soil of Shenzhen. On Huawei Cloud, more than 240 innovative services have been launched, and more than 160 innovation centers have been launched around the world, of which nearly 100 are industrial Internet innovation centers related to the industrial Internet, helping more than 23,000 manufacturing enterprises to carry out digital transformation.

At present, Huawei Cloud Shenzhen Empowerment Cloud has enabled more than 2,400 Shenzhen enterprises to digitally transform, and has successively landed 12 innovation centers of Empowerment Cloud in Shenzhen. In the future, we will continue to increase investment in R&D and talents, and join hands with ecological partners and developers of Shenzhen governments at all levels to draw a new blueprint for open, inclusive and innovative industrial ecology to help Shenzhen build a high-quality development engine for the digital industry.

(Corning, President of Huawei Cloud Global Ecology Department)

After that, Yin Limei, director of the Digital Economy Research Office of the Information Policy Institute of the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development, released the national digital economy development index DEAI(2022) with authoritative data such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Commerce, and the public service platform for the integration of industry and information technology, showing the development of digital economy in China as a whole and 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) in 2022, providing scientific reference for local governments to formulate policies and regulations related to the digital economy, and promoting the long-term stable and sound development of China’s digital economy.

(Yin Limei, Director of Digital Economy Research Office of Information Policy Institute of National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center)

Look at practice: policy is the medium, and the vitality of transformation is constantly rising.

The development of digital economy can not be separated from the strong guidance of policy combination boxing and practical thinking. At the meeting, Chen Jian, general manager of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud, shared his thoughts on the development of digital economy and digital transformation. Starting from the example of cooperation with Longhua District, he introduced how digital transformation can help enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement. At the same time, based on practice, he said that Huawei will combine all forces to create "one platform+three centers", that is, integrate innovative public service platforms, ecological centers, capacity centers and service centers, and comprehensively integrate resources through overall organization to achieve the goal of enterprise digital transformation and promote the development of digital economy.

(Chen Wei, General Manager of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud)

In addition, in 2023, the resource awarding ceremony for the first batch of intelligent manufacturing transformation plan in Longhua District was held at the meeting. Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua Industry and Information Technology Bureau, and Chen Gui, General Manager of Huawei Yunfu Yunyun jointly distributed the first batch of intelligent manufacturing transformation plan service packages in Longhua District in 2023 to 13 enterprises, providing strong policy support for the development of digital industry.

(Longhua District Intelligent Manufacturing Transformation Plan Resource Awarding Ceremony)

As the bridgehead of reform and innovation, Shenzhen has taken the lead, and a number of benchmark enterprises have emerged that are at the forefront of digital transformation. At the meeting, Huang Kun, general manager of Longhua Business Department of Huawei Shenzhen Government and Enterprise, and Yang Chenxi, general manager of Shenzhen Industrial Development and Operation Department of Huawei Cloud jointly awarded the award-winning enterprises of "Leading Enterprises in Digital Transformation" to encourage more enterprises to join the ranks of digital transformation.

(Awarded by leading enterprises in digital transformation)

Now and in the future: technology is the bottom, and deep cultivation of numbers and wisdom makes beauty happen.

Innovation is the first essence of the combination of number and reality, and technology is the foundation of innovation. In order to inject technological vitality into the development of digital economy, at the meeting, many business representatives shared the innovative achievements of deep-rooted digital technology.

In the theme sharing of Pangu Big Model, born for the industry, Wu Bingcong, the marketing director of Huawei Cloud Marketing AI field, explained the development trend of generative AI, and introduced the powerful capabilities of Huawei Cloud Pangu Big Model in detail from the aspects of technical architecture, AI cloud service capabilities and rich application scenarios.

(Wu Bingcong, Marketing Director of Huawei Cloud Marketing AI)

Subsequently, as an ecological partner of Huawei Cloud, Zheng Dele, CTO of Shenzhen Today Talent Information Technology Co., Ltd., shared the cooperation results with Huawei Cloud Pangu Model in the field of digital intelligence employees. He said that based on the blessing of the AI ? ? big model, digital employees of knowledge consultants and experts, lawyers, recruitment and other positions will be officially released soon, opening a new era of digital intelligence.

(Zheng Dele, CTO of Shenzhen Today Talent Information Technology Co., Ltd.)

At the same time, Yao Xiaofeng, vice president of Shenzhen Huaao Data Technology Co., Ltd., with the theme of "Three Scenes Leading Three Calculations, Building a Digital City", introduced Huaao Data’s deep integration with Huawei Cloud for three major scenarios of digital government, digital economy and digital society, and built a data hub, an algorithm hub and an example base, which greatly improved the efficiency of data governance and made data play a greater role.

(Yao Xiaofeng, Vice President of Shenzhen Huaao Data Technology Co., Ltd.)

Finally, Huang Rui, the founder of Shenzhen Hualei Xuntuo Technology Co., Ltd., shared how to cooperate with Huawei Cloud to provide end-to-end traceability, tracking and control capabilities for the factory, and how to empower the manufacturing industry to realize digital transformation in materials, processes, processes, maintenance and operation based on professional modeling tools, so as to create visual digital assets and make intelligence easier.

(Huang Rui, founder of Shenzhen Hualei Xuntuo Technology Co., Ltd.)

Yunzhi Pengcheng, the number of wisdom is deeply cultivated. The success of the conference will realize the further synergy and integration of industry resources and promote the accelerated arrival of the digital age led by technological innovation and relying on digital intelligence means. Huawei Cloud will also continue to adhere to the concept of "everything is service", do a good job in the digital "cloud base" and "enabler" of the industry, release the digital intelligence productivity of government and enterprises, and promote the high-quality development of the digital industry.


"Xiaomi car price" rushed to the hot search, and Lei Jun responded: It is impossible to 99,000, and 149,000 is needless to say. The pricing is indeed a bit expensive. We must respect technology.

At the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference on December 28th, Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi Group, said that many people hoped that the price of Xiaomi SU7 would be 99,000 yuan and 149,000 yuan, but this was impossible in terms of battery configuration and automobile performance.

Lei Jun revealed some information of Xiaomi’s first model SU7: Xiaomi SU7 can achieve 0-100km/h acceleration of 2.78 seconds, which is 2.93 seconds higher than that of Porsche Taycan Turbo. Using Kirin battery in cooperation with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited will cost hundreds of thousands.

"So don’t shout 99 thousand (millet SU7 price), it is impossible, and 149 thousand is needless to say. We still have to respect technology. " Lei Jun said. "Xiaomi SU7 believes that the pricing is indeed a bit expensive, but it will definitely make everyone feel reasonable and the experience will exceed expectations."

In addition, Lei Jun said: "We originally planned to release it in August, and even the PPT was ready. As a result, it was postponed to today, and the friend released 22,000 rpm motors last month. At that time, I was still thinking about how to open this conference. Today, I want to release the third motor V8s of Xiaomi. At the press conference, friends said that they still have 3,000 revolutions to unlock. Today, we directly unlock the peak performance of global motors. "

In the face of the fact that Xiaomi has not been officially released, Lei Jun said: "We still have to do a lot of tests to ensure foolproof. In fact, our car has been mass-produced in small batches."

On December 28th, the filing website "xiaomiev.com" of Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. was launched. According to the enterprise search APP, the website passed the audit on July 6th this year.

Related reports

On December 27th, on the eve of Xiaomi Auto Conference, we paid tribute to several new energy car companies in succession, which triggered a controversy among some car companies in the circle. In this regard, Yang Xueliang, senior vice president of Geely Holding, said that Xiaomi Automobile’s announcement was "over": if people always want to be paid tribute, it will be over, but if people always want to pay tribute to others, there is no promise.

On the 28th, Lei Jun responded to this controversy at the Xiaomi Auto Conference, saying that everyone had misunderstood, and he was in awe of the whole industry. At the beginning of building a car, he went door-to-door to pay his respects, which everyone can prove.

At the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, Lei Jun said, "I met He Xiaopeng not long ago, and I told him that I would watch Wei Xiaoli again after I built the car. I think it is really not easy for the three of you, so I have to pay tribute to you in a very formal way, so I sent a Weibo and wrapped several billboards yesterday, but I didn’t expect it to cause an uproar in the industry."

He said, "Someone asked me why you don’t pay tribute to FAW, Erqi, Changan, SAIC, GAC, BAIC, Great Wall, Geely and Chery. In fact, everyone really misunderstood. I have always been in awe of the entire automobile industry. When I decided to take a car, I went door-to-door at the first time and paid my respects in person. During the visit, I also asked each industry elder what kind of car is a good car in the era of smart electric vehicles. "

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive Finance Association, Boss Network, Oriental Finance, Blue Whale Finance, etc.]

Disclaimer: The copyright of this article belongs to the original author. If it comes from the wrong source or infringes on your legitimate rights and interests, you can contact us through email, and we will deal with it in time. E-mail address: jpbl@jp.jiupainews.com


Interview with Qin Hao: The porn star who has been working for so many years has finally landed.


    1905 movie network news Qin Hao’s literary atmosphere was not cultivated by Lou Ye. As early as that time in Green Red, Qin Hao was taken to Cannes by Wang Xiaoshuai. However, Qin Hao’s "literary peak" rose step by step under Lou Ye. Over the past few years, Lou Ye’s attachment to Qin Hao is a bit like Du Qifeng’s attachment to Louis Koo, and even a bit like Cai Mingliang’s attachment to Li Kangsheng. It seems that without Qin Hao, Lou Ye’s films are no longer Lou Ye.


    In the new film, Qin Hao chose one of the most man show roles: the small boss (or one of the partners) of the massage center, a philistine, vanity, being addicted to poetry and ballroom dancing, so as to express the contradiction between his extreme inferiority and narcissism. In the performance, Qin Hao put a lot of effort into his eyes, putting on makeup for the blind for two hours every day, so that Lou Ye focused more on his face than his ass — — So many large-scale erotic scenes were filmed by Lou Ye, and Massage was the first time that Qin Hao "dressed" from beginning to end.


    Qin Hao said that when he played the Mystery of a Floating City, he felt that he would become a "porn star" as soon as he met Lou Ye, and "Massage" made him "go ashore". Facts have proved that without the breathtaking erotic drama, Qin Hao wrapped a tragic character with a layer of joy, but it didn’t go out of style. This Qin Hao who "landed" seems to be more and more sophisticated.


There are many kinds of worldly wisdom, some are annoying and some are lovely.


    On the credits of Tuina, you will see the name of Lian Kai special effects modeling company, which may make people a little confused. It’s not like making a scene in Heaven. Is it necessary for such a big fight? According to Qin Hao, he has to move his hands and feet on his eyes for more than two hours every day, so as to simulate a "middle-aged blind man" born blind from the skeleton. At the same time, Qin Hao takes a selfie with his eyes closed and picks one by one every day, because the blind can’t control their expressions, and he wants to find a smile that is not so beautiful from the heart. All these make Qin Hao’s appearance at first glance have an inexplicable sense of joy, and even remind people of the classic blind dress of teacher Zhao Benshan in the sketch many years ago. However, when you find that all the details have their traceable reasons, you can’t help but give a thumbs-up to Qin Hao’s performance.


    1905 Movie Network: What do you think of the role of Boss Sha?


    Qin Hao: Boss Sha is actually very grounded, sophisticated and smart. This is my reaction to reading novels. It is similar to the boss in our life, even the boss with a discerning eye. I told Director Lou Ye, what about my version? I want to create it again, making this character more tragic. I hope it is the kind of tragedy with tears in laughter, and add some humorous things to it. Because there are many kinds of worldly wisdom, one is annoying, the other is cute, and I hope to turn to the cute side. This is the highlight I create in every play, and director Lou Ye promised me that if you promise to play this role, I will let you play it casually.


    1905 Movie Network: Are there any specific examples?


    Qin Hao: For example, in the poster that everyone saw as a gift, only this person laughed. In the script, there was a see you later who said that I added English, because I think this person likes poetry. For example, Sanmao’s poem was also added by me. He thinks he is self-righteous and thinks he is very talented. That people think it is ridiculous. Many such things, including Du Hong and Pony, are there to discuss things. He eavesdrops there. He eavesdrops when he meets wind chimes.


    1905 Movie Network: Boss Sha always seems to have an odd smile. Is this deliberate?


    Qin Hao: This is a very important blindness that I told Lou Ye. Because blind people don’t know their own expressions, I have a lot of observations. For example, when he is happy, he doesn’t know how to smile. He can’t see the mirror. Many children learn to smile blindly in schools for the blind. Everyone tells him with their mouths. Therefore, many expressions in this role are not ordinary people’s expressions, and they are not based on beauty, but they also make everyone feel jumping.


    1905 Movie Network: What efforts have you made for this blindness?


    Qin Hao: I made an effort, that is, I performed all the expressions and the blindness of my eyes to Lou Ye before, and Lou Ye took pictures of them for me. I feel dissatisfied, because what I really showed him, the expression is fine, of course, their physiological structure eyes will dig in, I can’t do this. I can’t do muscle training even if I make facial expressions again, because their muscles are shrinking and digging in. I don’t think I want to act like this, because people don’t look like it. Later, I managed to find a special effects team to make a model of the whole face and stick it on my eye with the skin of that eye. Put on makeup, and I feel that I have the feeling of digging in.


    1905 Movie Network: How long does this modeling take every day?


    Qin Hao: Two hours a day, two hours early. The most important thing is that after half a month in a row, I took off my makeup and my eyes went down. One day, I was very scared. I asked Lou Ye if you could stop filming me every day. You let me have a rest. My eyes can’t stand it. I don’t think I can shoot anything after this scene.


Don’t think you are strong in front of the blind.


    Before playing the blind, Qin Hao tried to be really blind for a day. However, the loss of light will cause an unimaginable fear to people, which makes Qin Hao really realize the blind people’s years of running-in to their "immediate world". Go back to Sha Fuming in Tuina. On the surface, he is successful, knowledgeable, cheerful and smooth. In fact, "reading" is just an alternative way of existence for him. He will read a poem with the other girl on a blind date, which shows that he is knowledgeable, but this is just a sign of guilty conscience. Qin Hao is well aware of the entanglement and the inner strength of blind people who are open to themselves. He said, we don’t need to see a blind person and rush to help him, let alone imagine that we are stronger than them.


    1905 Movie Network: What problems did you encounter when performing blind people?


    Qin Hao: I think every play has its own problems. After the play is ready, we may still face the problem of how to play against the blind. How to find the problem of that feeling, because you play with a really blind person, how can you find a balance? So I told Lou Ye that the highest requirement for me to come to this play is to let the audience not know which is a professional actor and which is blind after watching it, and let people watch it and say, alas, it is impossible to tell which is an actor and which is blind. I think it’s a job, that is, I have finished this homework.


    1905 Movie Network: How did the blind actor in the film touch you?


    Qin Hao: Many touches. I have always said that what they give us is far greater than what we give them. Whether in the process of filming on the spot or in some moments, including when we were waiting together, living together and chatting with everyone, many moments made me feel that this role benefited from them.


    1905 Movie Network: How do they face the fact that they are blind?


    Qin Hao: I think how to face this matter is over. All six of us have accepted this reality. When I experienced life, I was blindfolded for a day and a half at most. I wanted to know what it was like for a blind person to be blind. Then one night, my assistant sent me back to the hotel. After I woke up, I didn’t open my eyes, went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and my assistant took me to school. By noon, I can’t stand it, and my eyes really can’t disappear. Mainly psychological fear and pressure. So it’s definitely not an easy process for them to accept this reality. There are still many people who are born blind, so I think they have accepted this blind state when they come here to film. This state is exactly what this movie needs, including what boss Sha needs to present and what this role needs to feel.


    1905 Movie Network: Will they have a special self-esteem or inferiority complex?


    Qin Hao: The profession of an actor is to study people. I think it is impossible for every blind person to feel inferior. No matter how strong a blind person is, he can’t live without a little inferiority. But my contacts with them, what I feel most, what I see, and what I ask of them are all based on the requirements and feelings of discerning people. I won’t say to help him quickly after he comes in, because I know that he can do this on his own, and they are all equal. Don’t think you are strong at this point.


Years of "porn stars" finally "landed"


    In Massage, Sha Fuming has a very metaphysical love. He heard from an artist that everyone was red and beautiful, so he fell in love with this beauty that he could not see or understand. Appearance is the most irrelevant element for the blind, but Sha Fuming read many descriptions of beauty in the book, so he fell into a fascination with Duhong mixed with curiosity. Du Hong said that what he fell in love with was only a "concept", so Sha Fuming’s love scenes were also limited to "concept" in the film. This makes Qin Hao a little uncomfortable. After all, he used to express his extreme love in bed in almost all his movies in Lou Ye. Qin Hao is somewhat self-deprecating and relieved. He feels that if he doesn’t play the passionate drama, he can rely on "something else" to establish the character’s love.


    1905 Movie Network: How do you understand Sha Fuming’s infatuation with Duhong?


    Qin Hao: I think this infatuation comes more from Sha Fuming’s personality. As all the novels say, Sha Fuming is a vanity, and you love me only because of your vanity in beauty. In fact, you don’t love me at all. Then I think I present it in the script and in the movie. A painter said how beautiful she was, and I just wanted to be with her. I think vanity is understandable. But when I really associate with blind people, I find that every blind person has a need for beauty. Some are right about the voice, some are right about your hands, and some are right about your feelings, which are completely different from us normal people. So I thought, isn’t it human nature to pursue Sha Fuming because others say she is beautiful? More often, I understand this beauty from the perspective of human nature.


    1905 Movie Network: Is this the only time you cooperated with Lou Ye, but there was no passionate performance?


    Qin Hao: Right, so I’m particularly satisfied that there is no such thing to spell another thing. I think I’ve finished my homework on erotic drama. If there are no passionate scenes, such as they are joking, when I filmed Lost in the World, I said that I was a porn star, and I would be in charge of the bed part, and you would play the rest. Then, "A Night Intoxicated by the Spring Breeze", when I got to this play, I said that I was ashore, not a porn star. Without those, I built it with something else.


    1905 Movie Network: Then, in the next play, do you still hope that there will be no sex scenes with Lou Ye?


    Qin Hao:No.. Let’s look at the role and see what kind of movie it is.


The entertainment circle divides the stars into 20 levels, and Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi rank 18 levels, the highest in China.


    On the evening of September 8th, the 5th "BAZAAR Star Charity Night", the China Charity Festival, opened in China World Hotel. Zhang Ziyi, a famous movie star, spent 550,000 yuan that night to win Cartier’s brand-new LOVE series 18K gold diamond watch, which became the "queen of the bid" and won the title of "the most influential charity star in China in 2007". China news agency

    On June 24th, Gong Li appeared at the "Jin Jue" award ceremony of the 10th Shanghai International Film Festival, and her sexy dress attracted a lot of attention. China news agency

   In the international entertainment circle, there are 20 stars.

    China News Network on September 21st "The conventional division of’ first-line, second-line and third-line stars’ in China is actually a misunderstanding. The classification of star ratings in the world is very detailed, and there are strict definitions from level 1 stars to level 20 international superstars. Previously, in China, this concept was unknown. " Tian Jinshuang, a well-known domestic entertainment planner and editor-in-chief of Man of the Week, said.

    In the entertainment circle, most stars are very shy about talking about their own level, except for big-name stars. However, the classification of stars is closely related to their own development and potential profits. So, how is the international star rating divided?

    Tian Jinshuang explained, "The classification of international star grades is mainly divided into two scales. One is space, which is the range touched by a star’s popularity. For example, according to the popular space of star works, are you popular in counties, cities, provincial capitals or the whole country? The other is time, that is, the longest time that a star’s popularity lasts. For example, the popularity of a song for three days and two years is completely different, and the horizontal and vertical points formed by the combination of the two constitute the actual level of a star. "

    From this table, we can see that the first-class stars have the lowest popularity, while the twentieth-class stars have the highest popularity. In other words, if my work is popular in the local area for one day, I will be a first-class star. If my work is popular in the local area for a week, I will be a level 5 star.

    As can be seen from this chart, generally speaking, the first, second and third-tier stars are above Grade 9, and Grade 9 is a passing line for stars. A star’s work has been popular in the local area for more than one year, and then it is not a star. The popularity of the 10th-level star will last for one year in the region, the 11th-level star will last for one year in China and the 12th-level star will last for one year in the world … The higher the level of the star, it often means that the more popular the star is, the greater the space and development potential of business profits, and the more profit feedback.

    At present, most of the stars we are familiar with are between 11-12 and 15-16, such as Na Ying, Sun Nan, Fan Bingbing and Li Bingbing. At that time, singers who became popular in Guangzhou, such as Mao Ning and Yang Yuying, were regional stars at that time, and later became domestic stars after becoming popular in the whole country; Zhou Xun, for example, is between Grade 16 and Grade 16. If she wants to continue to upgrade, she must learn from Zhang Ziyi and take the international route. Before Zhang Ziyi starred in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon directed by Ang Lee, her domestic level was not high, but because the award of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was recognized by western audiences, she instantly reached the 18th level and became an international superstar.

    Of course, there are very few stars who can become level 20. Because it is quite difficult to reach the eternal level of works, Elvis Presley, Princess Diana, Bruce Lee, Teresa Teng, etc., are all handed down from generation to generation superstars, because their works have influenced several generations, even longer. Moreover, their popularity coverage has reached international standards. The living stars who can be called level 20 are Nicholas? Cage, Jackie Chan, etc.

    Domestic entertainment "one sister" ranking list

    "The dispute between’ one brother’ and’ one sister’ in the entertainment circle has always attracted the attention of the public. Everyone quarrels and quarrels, and they always can’t tell the difference. However, according to the grading standards of international stars, it is obvious that whoever is high and who is low will come to the bottom. " Tian Jinshuang said.

    Tian Jinshuang takes popular stars Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Wei, Fan Bingbing, Li Bingbing, Zhou Xun and Ruby Lin as examples. He said that Zhang Ziyi was obviously the fastest in popularity and brand promotion. So her popularity is around 18, that is, she is an international star who walks in the first echelon. Although her acting route is impetuous and her acting skills are far inferior to Zhou Xun’s, the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has won the recognition of international entertainers.

    Comparatively speaking, Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei and Li Bingbing are in the second echelon. Zhou Xun’s level is around 17, and it is approaching 18. Zhou Xun’s acting strength is well known. Orange is Red, April Day on Earth and Ci of Daming Palace are all well-known works. In recent years, she began to take the international route. For example, There is a Hollywood in Hong Kong directed by Chen Guo, The Little Tailor in 2001 and If Love in 2005 were all exhibited or screened internationally. Compared with other actresses, Zhou Xun is obviously the most entertaining.

    On the same ladder as Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei is slightly inferior. Zhao Wei’s public relations awareness of entertainment crisis has been strengthened since he experienced the incident of military flag and dung throwing. The image of Little Swallow, which was originally defined as "female the Monkey King", was transformed rapidly through Green Tea and Clouds in Beijing, making it a sexy, emotional and intellectual actress.

    Next is Li Bingbing. In terms of publicity strategy, her popularity is far less powerful than that of Fan Bingbing, but because she reasonably seized the opportunity of entertainment promotion. Last year, in the news event that Huayi Brothers "competed for a sister", she was the one who benefited the most. Because the final outcome was that Fan Bingbing left Huayi in a high profile, while Li Bingbing insisted on staying at Huayi Brothers in the face of contract renewal, the star’s loyalty to the company is also an important manifestation of brand influence. Therefore, after Li Bingbing left Fan Bingbing, the level of performing arts rose rapidly.

    The third echelon is Fan Bingbing and Ruby Lin. Many people may think that Fan Bingbing and Ruby Lin are not on the same level, but in fact, Fan Bingbing, which is famous for its "negative gossip girlfriend" in the industry, is really well-known. Her negative news has appeared frequently, and the public’s attention has gone up, but the brand power is declining, and the overall performance strength will also decline. So in the overall level, she is under Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei and Li Bingbing.

    Ruby Lin’s acting route is tepid, which is related to her star packaging and entertainment marketing, as well as her personal character. She has neither Chris Lee’s "Renlaikuang" nor Nana’s "Renlaikuang" personality, so Ruby Lin will never have negative news, so she takes a steady and tepid approach. Obviously, among the female stars who debut with her, she is the slowest.

    The higher the star’s own level, the higher the commercial profit.

    Is it really that important to grade stars? Behind the grading, what on earth is pushing the stars to add points for themselves at all times?

    The quotation of a star is directly related to his popularity and ranking. The higher the level of a star, the more the public knows about me, and the higher the commercial profits he can convert into. The celebrity’s popularity and rank can increase the value of ordinary goods by several times. For example, a shampoo is only worth 10 yuan, but it can be sold to 60 yuan after celebrity endorsement. Among them, 50 yuan is the popularity of the stars we buy.

    Of course, there are winners and losers. Shu Qi, the star, was the worst loser, because she was the heroine of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but she was making other plays at that time, so she turned this role down, but she lost a lot this time, and this opportunity she missed invisibly made Zhang Ziyi, otherwise she would be today’s international superstar.

    In order to improve their popularity, some stars use various means. Some are gossip hype, some are renaming, some are involved in legal disputes, and some even resort to unscrupulous means. Zhou Yanhong, a star, has changed her name many times in order to get rid of the situation that "people’s songs are not popular", but changing her name did not make the public remember her songs, but only remembered her as a person, because changing her name would also disperse her fan base; Some stars are Populus euphratica, who sings "Poisonous Perfume". Everyone knows this song, but no one knows who Populus euphratica is, and Wang Qiwen, who sings "Mice Love Rice". He was the first person to sing this song on the Internet, but it was the songwriter Yang Chengang who became famous.

    Tell you the level of 30 popular entertainment stars

    The reporter randomly listed 30 stars. Tian Jinshuang, an entertainment planner, was asked to make a general ranking analysis according to the "international star rating standard", and the results are as follows. (Note: Only the current works and popularity of stars are divided, so it is not a long-term ranking result. )

  The first echelon is 18-20

    -Features: International superstar, whose works are familiar to international audiences.

    -Representatives: Jackie Chan, Chow Yun Fat, Jet Li, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Andy Lau, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Jiang Wen, Maggie Cheung, Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi and Li Yuchun.

    -Special case analysis: Chris Lee’s appearance in this echelon seems to be "overrated", but she is a big special case. Chris Lee was only a grassroots star before, but one thing made her rise to the top quickly, because she was once on the cover of Time magazine in the United States, which made her suddenly become an international star from a grassroots star.

  The second echelon is 16-18

    -Features: domestic stars, whose works are generally recognized by the national audience.

    -Representatives: Stephen Chow, Jay Chou, Jia Zhangke, Huang Xiaoming, Li Yapeng, Fang Zuming, David, Xia Yu, Zhao Wei, Zhou Xun, Shu Qi, Fan Bingbing, Li Bingbing and Lin Xinru.

    -Special case analysis: Why is Jay Chou regarded as a domestic star, not an international superstar? Because his songs and fans are mostly radiated in Asia, but his works are still very influential, so he is at the 18th level of the second echelon.

    The third echelon is 10-15

    -Features: ordinary stars, whose works are familiar to important areas in China.

    -Representatives: Ma Jingtao, Lu Yi, Xu Jinglei and Sun Li.

    -Special case analysis: As a director and a successful entertainment businessman, it is obviously unreasonable for Xu Jinglei to appear in this echelon. But it is reasonable to appear as an actor.

    Xu Jinglei is positioned as a talented woman and director. From the perspective of the industry, her overall business index is too high, and the comprehensive index of performing arts is low. From the perspective of entertainment stars, she is at around level 15.

    Note: The rating of 30 stars involved in this article is only Tian Jinshuang’s personal estimation, which has not been confirmed by authority, but the rating method of stars provided by Tian Jinshuang (whether it is scientific or not needs to be evaluated) has been verified to be true. (Lv Yuan)

Editor: Li Dan


The Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government held a press conference on ecological environmental protection.

Zhao Shide, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Ecological Environment Department of the Autonomous Region

As an important special plan in the field of eco-environmental protection in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the Water Eco-environmental Protection Plan for the Key Watershed in the Tenth Five-Year Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) has made comprehensive arrangements for the water eco-environmental protection and governance of the key watersheds in our region during the Tenth Five-Year Plan period.

(a) the background of the "planning".In order to implement the Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution and the Outline of the Fourteenth Five-year Plan of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the Long-term Target in 2035, in accordance with the Notice of the Development Planning Commission of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Printing and Distributing the Catalogue List of the Tenth Five-year Plan of the Autonomous Region and the deployment requirements of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on the preparation of the water ecological environment protection plan for key river basins during the Tenth Five-year Plan, in September 2020, A leading group and corresponding working groups and technical groups composed of 11 departments including the Ecological Environment Department, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Water Resources Department of the autonomous region were established, and on-site investigations were organized in 12 allied cities. The relevant departments of the autonomous region and the municipal government of the autonomous region solicited opinions for many times, organized expert argumentation and evaluation for many times, and fully integrated the special plans of the relevant departments of the autonomous region. On December 24, 2021, with the consent of the people’s government of the autonomous region, the Plan was adopted.



第一章 从水环境质量改善、污染源治理、完善制度体系等方面全面总结“十三五”期间重点流域水生态环境保护取得的成绩。指出新时期重点流域水生态环境保护工作面临的形势与问题。

第二章 提出规划的主要目标。“十四五”时期,黄河、松花江、西辽河、海河及西北诸河等重点流域水生态环境质量持续改善,主要水污染物排放总量持续减少,水生态环境治理体系和治理能力现代化水平明显提升,“三水”统筹推进格局基本形成,水生态系统稳定性和服务功能得到明显增强,美丽河湖建设保护初见成效。

The third chapter constructs a new pattern of water eco-environmental protection in key river basins by optimizing and refining the assessment of surface water eco-environmental quality objectives, improving the zoning control of "river basin-water functional area-control unit-administrative area", implementing the whole chain management of "water body-sewage outlet-sewage pipeline-pollution source", promoting the protection and management of multi-factor integrated systems in key river basins, and reducing pollution and carbon.

The fourth chapter puts forward specific tasks, measures and objectives in three aspects: ensuring the safety of drinking water sources, treating urban black and odorous water bodies and protecting beautiful rivers and lakes.

The fifth to eighth chapters adhere to the overall planning and systematic management of the three rivers, and put forward specific tasks, measures and objectives from four aspects: water pollution control, water resources conservation and protection, water ecological protection and restoration, and water environmental risk prevention.

Chapters 9 to 11 combine the characteristics of each basin, take rivers and lakes as the guide, on the basis of full investigation and discussion in the early stage, and combine the planning points of Union City, clarify the ideas and measures of water ecological protection and management by basin, and put forward the tasks and measures of protection and management by taking "one lake and two seas" and Chahan Naoer as a separate chapter.

Among them, the Yellow River Basin: taking the comprehensive and holistic protection of water ecological environment as the goal, taking water resources as the biggest rigid constraint, adhering to the "four waters and four determinations", making overall plans to promote the management of grass and sand systems in landscape forests, fields and lakes, adapting measures to local conditions and classifying policies, jointly grasping the great protection and promoting the great management in coordination. Carry out water environment management and water ecosystem protection and restoration of main tributaries and lakes, and put forward protection and management tasks and measures for six tributaries, such as Dustu River, Dahe River and Sidao Shahe River, and Hasuhai respectively; Songhua River Basin: protect the source water, restore the natural wetlands along the riverside, control the backwater of large irrigation areas, and strengthen the construction of environmental infrastructure in towns and parks. Put forward the tasks and measures of protection and management for 8 rivers such as Ergun River, Hailaer River, Nenjiang River and Chuoer River; Xiliaohe River Basin: Implement projects such as groundwater overexploitation control, high-efficiency water-saving irrigation, and diverting water from the Liao River, strictly control the irrigation area and water consumption of farmland, and gradually realize the goal of "having water" in the cut-off reach according to local conditions. The tasks and measures for the protection and management of six rivers, such as Xiliaohe River, Laoha River and Xilamulun River, are put forward respectively. Haihe River Basin: Strengthen the protection of excellent water bodies in the upper reaches of Luanhe River. Do a good job in the management of Yinma River, and strengthen the fine control of urban pollution control and sewage treatment facilities. Northwest river basins: keep the water quality of Ejina River and other excellent water bodies stable, and promote the non-point source control and ecological protection of Xilin River. In-depth protection and management of inland lakes.

Chapters 12 and 13 propose to strengthen the water ecological environment management ability in the new period from the aspects of improving the water ecological environment supervision ability, increasing scientific and technological support, perfecting the market-oriented participation mechanism, and establishing and perfecting the joint prevention and control mechanism. And put forward the specific safeguard measures for the implementation of the Plan from four aspects: strengthening organizational leadership, broadening funding channels, strict supervision and assessment, and strengthening social supervision.

The main situation of the "14 th Five-Year Plan" of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for Soil, Groundwater and Ecological Environment Protection in Rural Pastoral Areas

Recently, the Ecological Environment Department, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Finance Department, the Natural Resources Department, the Housing and Construction Department, the Water Resources Department, the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department, and the Rural Revitalization Bureau of the Autonomous Region jointly issued and implemented the Ecological Environment Protection Plan for Soil, Groundwater and Rural Pastoral Areas in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region during the Tenth Five-Year Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan), which made comprehensive arrangements for the protection and management of soil, groundwater and rural pastoral areas in our region during the Tenth Five-Year Plan period.

(1) Background of the promulgation of the Plan.The "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period is an important period for our region to grasp the new development stage, implement the new development concept, construct the requirements of the new development pattern, promote the modernization of the ecological environment governance system and governance capacity, and realize the ecological priority and green high-quality development. It is also a major challenge and an important opportunity period to promote the continuous improvement of soil, groundwater and the ecological environment quality in rural pastoral areas. According to the opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on deepening the battle against pollution, the opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating agricultural and rural modernization, the soil during the 14 th Five-Year Plan, In March 2021, our office started the planning, organized research, technical docking, and expert consultation and demonstration. It has solicited opinions from the ecological environment system of the whole region and the relevant departments of the autonomous region for three times, and fully connected with the special planning of the ecological environment, natural resources, housing construction, agriculture and animal husbandry, rural revitalization and other departments of the autonomous region. On March 30, 2022, the Plan was officially issued and implemented.




The second chapter puts forward the guiding ideology, basic principles and main objectives of the planning. During the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the environmental quality of soil and groundwater in the whole region remained stable, and the local stability was good, and the safe use of polluted cultivated land and key construction land was consolidated and improved; Agricultural non-point source pollution in key areas has been effectively controlled, the construction of ecological environment infrastructure in rural pastoral areas has been accelerated, the green transformation of production and lifestyle has achieved remarkable results, and the ecological environment in rural pastoral areas has been continuously improved.

The third and fourth chapters are the part of soil pollution prevention and control, and put forward the tasks and measures to strengthen soil pollution prevention and control from cultivated land and construction land respectively.

Strengthen the prevention and control of cultivated land soil pollution, and promote the prevention and safe use of cultivated land soil pollution from three parts: accurate implementation of classified management of cultivated land, strengthening the source control of cultivated land pollution, and strengthening the supervision of polluted cultivated land, so as to protect and improve the quality of cultivated land. Among them, the part of accurate implementation of classified management of cultivated land puts forward that it is necessary to strengthen the protection of priority cultivated land, implement the control measures of safe use and strict control of cultivated land, and conduct an encrypted investigation on the soil pollution status of polluted cultivated land in 2022. In the part of strengthening the source control of cultivated land pollution, it is proposed to strictly control the source emission of pollutants from enterprises involved in heavy metal industries. By 2023, special emission limits of heavy metal pollutants such as particulate matter and cadmium will be implemented, and solid waste left over from mining areas will be investigated and rectified. In the part of strengthening the supervision of contaminated cultivated land, it is proposed to carry out collaborative monitoring and effect evaluation of soil and agricultural products, dynamically adjust the quality category of cultivated land soil environment, and strengthen market supervision.

Strengthen the prevention and control of soil pollution in construction land, and ensure the safe use of construction land from three aspects: strict access management of construction land, prevention of new soil pollution in industrial and mining enterprises, and orderly promotion of risk management and repair. Among them, the strict construction land access management part proposes to change the suspected contaminated plots, high-risk plots and uses into "one living and two public" (residential, public management and public service land) plots, and carry out soil pollution investigation and risk assessment according to law; Implement the list system of soil pollution risk control and remediation for construction land. In the part of preventing new soil pollution in industrial and mining enterprises, a strict soil environmental impact assessment system for construction projects is proposed, and key supervision units of soil pollution are supervised to implement pollution prevention and control responsibilities. By 2025, key supervision units of soil pollution should complete a round of investigation of hidden dangers of soil and groundwater pollution. In the part of promoting risk management and remediation in an orderly manner, the key points of risk management and remediation are put forward, the supervision of risk management and remediation activities is strengthened, and the soil pollution risk management and control projects of 3-5 production enterprises are implemented on a pilot basis.

The fifth chapter is the prevention and control of groundwater pollution, focusing on protecting and improving the quality of groundwater environment, and putting forward specific tasks and measures from three parts: establishing groundwater environmental management system, strengthening pollution source prevention, risk management and repair, and strengthening groundwater drinking water source protection. Among them, the part of establishing groundwater environmental management system proposes to continuously promote the investigation of groundwater environmental conditions, and by 2025, complete the "one map" of groundwater environmental conditions in the whole region; Taking two experimental areas of groundwater pollution prevention and control in Ordos City and Baotou City as the pilot, the zoning management of groundwater pollution prevention and control will be carried out, and by 2023, the zoning of groundwater pollution prevention and control in the whole region will be completed. In the part of strengthening pollution source prevention, risk control and restoration, it is proposed to implement groundwater seepage prevention and monitoring measures, carry out groundwater environmental supervision monitoring around key sewage units for groundwater pollution prevention and control, and select 10 enterprises to implement the pilot project of seepage prevention and transformation. In the part of strengthening the protection of groundwater drinking water sources, it is proposed to strengthen the delineation of groundwater drinking water source protection areas at or above the county level and carry out the delineation of groundwater drinking water source replenishment areas to prevent the environmental risks of groundwater drinking water sources along the river.

The sixth and seventh chapters are about pollution prevention in rural pastoral areas. According to the requirements of rural revitalization strategy and the goal of human settlements improvement, specific tasks and measures are put forward from two parts: pollution prevention in agriculture and animal husbandry and rural environmental improvement.

To strengthen the prevention and control of agricultural pollution, the main tasks are to strengthen the prevention and control of agricultural planting and livestock breeding pollution, and to promote the management, supervision and guidance of agricultural non-point source pollution. Among them, the part of effective prevention and control of planting pollution puts forward that we should continue to promote the reduction and increase of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and carry out monitoring of farmland irrigation water and effluent quality in Hetao irrigation area; Improve the comprehensive utilization of straw and the recovery level of agricultural film. In the part of strengthening the prevention and control of aquaculture pollution, it is proposed to strengthen the supervision of livestock and poultry breeding pollution environment, carry out special inspection of large-scale livestock and poultry breeding manure pollution, and compile and implement the prevention and control plan of livestock and poultry breeding pollution. By 2022, 36 flag counties in the whole region (including 30 large livestock counties, 1 flag with more than 120,000 beef cattle and 5 flag counties with more than 100,000 tons of milk production) will take the lead in completing the planning. In the part of promoting agricultural non-point source pollution control and supervision and guidance, it is proposed to give play to the pilot demonstration effect of national agricultural non-point source pollution control and supervision and guidance in Wuyuan County, Bayannaoer City, and gradually build a management model and technical system for agricultural non-point source pollution prevention and control in the whole region from point to area.

In terms of promoting environmental improvement in rural pastoral areas, the target requirements are mainly put forward from the aspects of domestic sewage and garbage treatment, black and odorous water body treatment and drinking water source protection in rural pastoral areas. By 2025, the domestic sewage treatment task of 1,600 administrative villages will be newly completed, and the domestic sewage treatment rate in rural pastoral areas in the whole region will reach 32%; Encourage the long-term system of rivers and lakes to extend to the village level to realize the effective treatment of black and odorous water bodies in rural pastoral areas; By 2024, the delineation, demarcation and demarcation of township-level centralized drinking water source protection areas will be completed.

The eighth chapter puts forward the task requirements for improving the monitoring and supervision ability from two aspects: perfecting the monitoring network, strengthening the law enforcement and emergency response of the ecological environment. Among them, the part of improving the monitoring network proposes to carry out routine monitoring of soil environmental quality and monitoring of soil environment around key supervision units, set up 100 autonomous region-level groundwater assessment points, and carry out environmental quality monitoring of key monitoring villages and pilot monitoring of agricultural non-point source pollution. In the part of strengthening ecological environment law enforcement and emergency response, it is proposed to carry out comprehensive administrative law enforcement of soil, groundwater and ecological environment protection in rural and pastoral areas according to law, so as to enhance the ability of ecological environmental emergency response.

The ninth chapter puts forward specific safeguard measures for the implementation of the Plan from four aspects: strengthening organizational leadership, improving financial guarantee, strict supervision and assessment, and increasing publicity.

The above is the policy interpretation of the main contents of the two Plans. In the next step, we will further increase the publicity of the two Plans, refine the practical measures, ensure the implementation of the two Plans, and continuously enhance the people’s sense of acquisition, happiness and security of the beautiful ecological environment.






During the 14th Five-Year Plan, we will comprehensively organize and implement the Water Ecological Environment Protection Plan for the Key Watershed in the 14th Five-Year Plan of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, with the improvement of water ecological environment quality as the core, the construction and protection of beautiful rivers and lakes as the guide, and adhere to both pollution reduction and ecological expansion, focusing on the following aspects.

The first is to fight the tough battle of urban black and odorous water treatment. We will continue to promote the treatment of black and odorous water bodies in cities and carry out investigation and rectification of black and odorous water bodies in county-level cities. This year, we will organize the completion of investigation of black and odorous water bodies in built-up areas of county-level cities and formulate rectification plans. Organize prefecture-level cities to carry out "looking back" to consolidate the effectiveness of black and odorous water treatment.

The second is to comprehensively carry out the investigation and rectification of sewage outlets into the river. According to the deployment of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, combined with the demand for improving the quality of water environment, and in accordance with the requirements of "banning a batch, merging a batch and standardizing a batch", the sewage outlets into the river will be investigated and rectified. This year, we will complete the investigation of the sewage outlets of the main stream and main branches of the Yellow River, and carry out traceability and monitoring.

The third is to continue to strengthen the "three sources" prevention and control. In terms of living sources, we will accelerate the renovation of the domestic sewage collection plant network and comprehensively improve the sewage collection and treatment capacity of the towns. In terms of industrial sources, we will promote the clean transformation of key industries and strengthen the centralized sewage treatment facilities in industrial parks to improve quality and efficiency. In terms of agricultural sources, we will continue to promote the "four controls" of agricultural non-point sources, and carry out monitoring and management of farmland retreat in large and medium-sized irrigation areas. Comprehensively promote the treatment of domestic sewage in rural and pastoral areas, and prevent and control livestock and poultry breeding pollution.

The fourth is to consolidate and improve the protection of drinking water sources. Focusing on the water sources above the county level, we will continue to standardize the construction of water sources. Accelerate the demarcation and demarcation of township-level water source protection areas. Strengthen the protection of drinking water sources in rural pastoral areas.

In addition, in terms of ecological expansion, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the water conservation capacity of the source and upstream of key river basins will be promoted in an orderly manner, and the construction of ecological buffer zones and wetland protection of key rivers and lakes will be strengthened. Strictly control the bottom line of ecological flow and strive to achieve the goal of ensuring ecological flow in important rivers and lakes. Guide and encourage all the cities in the Union to implement ecological flow guarantee, water ecological protection and restoration, and water environment control measures according to local conditions, and take the lead in realizing the beautiful river and lake goal of "having rivers and water, fish and grass, and harmony between people and water" in some rivers and lakes, so that the people can feel the beauty of rivers and lakes with "clear water and green shores and shallow fish" more.

Phoenix Network reporter:What achievements have been made in the prevention and control of soil and groundwater pollution in our region during the 13 th Five-Year Plan? What measures will be taken to promote the prevention and control of soil and groundwater pollution in the 14 th Five-Year Plan?

Liu Fen, Deputy Director of Soil Ecological Environment Department of Autonomous Region Ecological Environment Department:During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, our district conscientiously implemented the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and party committees and governments at all levels and relevant departments jointly promoted the action plan for soil pollution prevention and control. Policies such as Implementation Opinions on Implementing the Action Plan for Soil Pollution Prevention and Control, Three-year Plan for Soil Pollution Prevention and Control in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Regulations on Soil Pollution Prevention and Control in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region were issued, and the system of soil pollution prevention and control was basically established; Carry out detailed investigation of soil pollution of agricultural land and investigation of soil pollution of enterprises in key industries, and basically grasp the area and distribution of soil pollution of agricultural land in the whole region, as well as the distribution, pollution status and environmental risk level of contaminated plots of enterprises in production and closed enterprises in key industries; We will implement classified management of agricultural land and access management of construction land, carry out self-monitoring of soil and groundwater in 245 key supervision enterprises of soil environment, and implement the investigation system of potential risks. By the end of 2020, the safe utilization rate of polluted farmland and polluted land in our region will reach 100%.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we will continue to implement the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening the Fight against Pollution, and carry out in-depth prevention and control of soil and groundwater pollution.

First, strengthen the prevention and control of soil pollution. Continue to promote the classified management and safe use of agricultural land, complete the traceability investigation and cause analysis of contaminated cultivated land in key cities, and dynamically adjust the soil environmental quality category of cultivated land. Solidly promote the prevention and control of the source of soil ecological and environmental risks, carry out the investigation and rectification of solid wastes left over from mining areas in key areas, and continue to promote the investigation and rectification of enterprises involved in heavy metals such as cadmium around cultivated land. Effectively prevent new soil environmental pollution in construction land, encourage key units of soil pollution to implement pipeline, sealing, anti-corrosion and anti-seepage transformation according to local conditions, and eliminate soil pollution from the source. Supervise and monitor the surrounding soil and groundwater for key supervision enterprises of soil pollution, and urge enterprises to carry out self-monitoring and hidden danger investigation regularly. We will promote the risk management, control and restoration of construction land in an orderly manner, strictly manage land access, and carry out soil investigation and risk management and control on contaminated plots of construction land included in the priority control list.

The second is to promote the prevention and control of groundwater pollution. To carry out the investigation and evaluation of the groundwater environment around Shuang Yuan and the state-controlled assessment points, complete the setting of the assessment points of groundwater environmental quality in the state and autonomous regions, and build the groundwater environmental monitoring network in the whole region. Investigate and evaluate high-risk chemical production enterprises and industrial clusters, key tailings ponds, hazardous waste disposal sites, landfill sites and other areas, and take risk prevention and control measures. Carry out zoning of groundwater pollution prevention and control, implement the responsibility of groundwater pollution prevention, and study and establish a list of key pollutant discharge units for groundwater pollution prevention and control. Actively promote the construction of the pilot area for groundwater pollution prevention and control, and steadily improve the level of groundwater pollution prevention and control in the whole region. Thank you.

Inner Mongolia Daily reporterDuring the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, what specific measures were taken to implement the domestic sewage treatment in rural and pastoral areas?

Liu Fen, Deputy Director of Soil Ecological Environment Department of Autonomous Region Ecological Environment Department:During the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, 1,600 administrative villages will be newly completed in our district, and by the end of 2025, the domestic sewage treatment rate in rural and pastoral areas in the whole region will reach 32%.

The first is to promote governance in batches. In 2021, domestic sewage treatment in 300 administrative villages has been completed in our district. In 2022, focusing on rural and pastoral areas along the Yellow River Basin, domestic sewage treatment tasks will be carried out in 400 administrative villages, including 187 administrative villages within 3 kilometers of the Yellow River Basin. From 2023 to 2024, the domestic sewage treatment in 400 administrative villages will be implemented every year, focusing on the areas along the Yellow River basin, "one lake and two seas" and the surrounding areas of Chahan Naoer. In 2025, the domestic sewage treatment in 100 administrative villages will be completed.

The second is to strengthen governance according to local conditions. Compile the technical guide for domestic sewage treatment in rural and pastoral areas of the autonomous region, adjust and optimize the domestic sewage treatment planning in rural and pastoral areas of the county, and guide the union cities to choose the domestic sewage treatment and resource utilization mode according to local conditions according to the factors such as region, population size, sewage production and operation cost.

The third is to promote the connection between rural domestic sewage treatment and toilet improvement. In areas where the renovation of flushing toilets has been completed, the shortcomings in the construction of sewage facilities will be accelerated. In areas with small population and water shortage, it is necessary to promote the treatment of domestic sewage in rural pastoral areas with the focus on the transformation of sanitary toilets, and fully link up the mode selection and facility construction. Especially in areas where traditional dry toilets and waterless toilets are mainly used, on the basis of eliminating the direct discharge of septic tank effluent, the channel of returning manure to the field and grass nearby after decomposition treatment is unblocked to realize resource utilization.

The fourth is to promote the establishment of the operation and maintenance mechanism of rural domestic sewage treatment facilities. Adhere to the user-oriented, pay equal attention to construction and management, and make overall consideration of project construction and operation and maintenance in the planning and design stage, so as to achieve synchronous design, synchronous construction and synchronous implementation. Guide the Union City and Qixian County to formulate guidelines for the operation and management of domestic sewage treatment facilities in rural and pastoral areas, establish an operation and management mechanism, and promote the integration of facility construction and operation and management.


National Sports General Administration Mountaineering Management Center

    On March 18th-19th, 2023, another city-level international competition-2023 China Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race, co-sponsored by the Mountaineering Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and the people’s governments of chinese mountaineering association and Chengdu, was successfully held in Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park in Chengdu.

  China100 Mountain Cross-country Race is an international outdoor sports brand race founded by the Mountaineering Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and chinese mountaineering association in 2013. Since its establishment more than ten years ago, China100 has traveled to Yuyao, Zhejiang, Gongga, Sichuan, Jigongshan, Henan and other places, and nearly 100,000 people from more than 20 countries and regions have participated in it, feeling the local customs of all parts of the country with enthusiastic and energetic cross-country running.

  Lepao Longquan Mountain

  Feel the park city with your steps.

  As the first park city in China, Chengdu has gradually formed a new urban development pattern of "one mountain with two wings" in the historical process of building a park city demonstration zone that practices the new development concept, and Longquan Mountain has also become the "urban green heart" that outdoor sports enthusiasts and citizens are eager for.

  In order to give full play to the natural resource endowment advantage of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park and realize the creative transformation of the ecological value of the forest park, with sports events as the "urban green heart", with the support of the Mountaineering Center of the General Administration and chinese mountaineering association, China100 brand officially settled in Chengdu this year and was held in Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park, which is enough to show the unique geographical location, abundant landscape resources and ecological endowment of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park and its natural advantages in popularizing outdoor sports.

  With the countdown to the Chengdu Universiade, the atmosphere of "Love Chengdu and Welcome the Universiade" continues to heat up. Chengdu, a city of vitality and sports, is welcoming friends from all corners of the country with a vibrant attitude.

  As the first international mountain cross-country race in Chengdu, the 2023 Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race is in the spring of March, and the mountains on Longquan Mountain are full of flowers and colorful. Athletes and outdoor enthusiasts will touch the natural and cultural scenery of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park at close range in an active and challenging way, and measure the ecological beauty of Chengdu as a park city with running steps.

  Chengdu blew the assembly number

  Integrate into nature "households" and move into a new life.

  Mountain cross-country race is an important form of mountain outdoor sports, and now it has become a popular sports event all over the world. At the same time, it is a sport that challenges itself and transcends the limits, and it is also a vivid interpretation of the sportsmanship of tenacious struggle and courage.

  China Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race Track in 2023 is dominated by relatively mature routes around the lake and mountains. The starting point of the race is located in Danjingtai, Longquan Mountain, and the ending points are Sanchahu Campus of Chengdu Institute of Physical Education and Hubin Square in Tianfu New District, Sichuan Province according to different routes. The track highlights the superior ecological value and tourism resources of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park, and highlights the new concept of mountain outdoor sports, which is "integrating into nature, making a new life and making cross-country happier", showing ". 


    In this competition, the long-distance 105-kilometer master group, 70-kilometer elite group and 45-kilometer challenge group are mainly for professional players to surpass themselves in the challenge. The 12-kilometer Happy Group and the 3-kilometer Parent-child Rainbow Run allow more citizens and enthusiasts to experience the fun of indulging in Longquan Mountain and running between mountains and rivers.

  The total scale of the competition reached 2,000 people, including 400 people in the 105km Master Group, 70km Elite Group, 1,200 people in the 45km Challenge Group, 12km Happy Group and about 400 people in the 3km Rainbow Run. 

  Among the athletes, there are many cross-country runners, such as Zhao Jiaju, a domestic cross-country runner, Shiro Dorje, the top ten elite athlete of ITRA in China, Fu Huarong, Zheng Junyue, and so on.

  It is worth mentioning that chinese mountaineering association mountaineering outdoor media collecting group joined hands with the Capital Media Running Group, and invited more than 10 media people who love running to participate in it personally, reporting the joy and excitement of cross-country running in an experiential way.



  Leading the new fashion of outdoor sports and leisure

  At present, Chengdu is actively promoting the construction of a park city. The overall positioning of Longquanshan Urban Forest Park is "a world-class quality urban green heart, an international urban living room and an ecological paradise loved by citizens and tourists".


  In order to continuously release the driving effect of the event, create a multi-dimensional new scene of outdoor life, and continuously enrich the connotation of the event, Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race adheres to the guidance of professional events, integrates national fitness and outdoor leisure, and simultaneously holds a series of theme activities such as lakeside music carnival, outdoor sports film festival, Hushan Music Festival, sports equipment exhibition, outdoor sports parent-child tour, etc., so that citizens can feel the happy and beautiful life of the park city. Efforts will be made to build the event into a "mountain cross-country race in the center of the city" with the charm and abundance of Chengdu, to realize the creative transformation of the ecological value of the park city, and to develop the forest park from the green heart of Chengdu into an internationally influential mountain outdoor sports gathering area and outdoor tourism destination.


  The State Sports General Administration attached great importance to this event, and the relevant staff of the Policy and Regulation Department also came to the competition site to guide the safety and standardization work related to the event. As the most influential mountain cross-country race brand in China, after more than two years of planning and polishing, Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race successfully settled in Chengdu, which once again proved the strong vitality and wide appeal of outdoor sports in this park city.


  Competition results

  105 km group

  Top three men

  Shi Yanghe 08:39:46

  Wang Qinghua 08:52:21

  Xia Zongyong 09:21:47

  Top three women

  Tony chen 10:23:24

  Zhou Liting 10:25:45

  Zhao fen 11:14:44


  70 km group

  Top three men

  Zhang Huohua 05:07:25

  Wu Yongbo 05:09:21

  Yang Yi 05:17:48

  Top three women

  Wang Liping 06:52:11

  Qin Qin 06:59:34

  Wu Ping 07:20:17


  45 km group

  Top three men

  DANIEL PEREZ 03:16:45

  Xiong Zhiqiang 03:35:59

  Li Gang 03:45:22

  Top three women

  Li Lanlan 04:30:25

  Li Jinxia 04:32:19

  Dongsha 04:47:36


  12 km group

  Top three men

  Zhang Jiayu 00:36:32

  Ye Jiexiong 00:36:49

  Wang Mingxuan 00:38:30

  Top three women

  Jiang Wenli 00:42:43

  Liu Pingying 00:46:09

  00:49:48 at Kitchener.


The historic moment of China film is being staged here!

Special feature of 1905 film network Deepen the reform of the cinema system, stimulate the vitality of the industry and build a high-level film market system. On October 26th, the 24th National Film Promotion Conference, the opening ceremony of the first film fair and the symposium on the development of China film industry were held in Hengdian.

At the scene, the representatives of 24 films and the representatives of the cinema completed the signing ceremony of the sub-line distribution, and jointly opened a new chapter in the future cooperation of film production distribution and screening. Representatives of big coffee and film companies from all walks of life gathered together to discuss the new opportunities brought by the reform of the cinema system and the distribution of different lines to the development of the industry.

Mao Yu, executive deputy director of the State Film Administration, Zhang Pimin, chairman of the China Film Foundation, Yan Peng, director of the Industry Department of the State Film Administration, Hou Xiao, deputy director of the Marketing Department, Cao Yin, director of the program center of the film channel and secretary of the Party Committee, Yang Wujun, director of the State Film Specialized Office, Liu Yuxia, deputy director of the State Film Specialized Office, Zhang Hong, secretary and director of the Party branch of the Film Digital Program Management Center, Han Xiaoli, president of the China Film Distribution and Projection Association, and Fan Qingyu, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Lv Weiqiang, member of the Standing Committee of Jinhua Municipal Committee of Zhejiang Province and Minister of Propaganda, Lou Langjian, secretary of Dongyang Municipal Committee and director of Hengdian Film and Television Culture Industry Cluster, Xu Tianfu, vice president of Hengdian Group and chairman of Hengdian Film and Television Co., Ltd., and more than 700 film practitioners from 50 cinemas, over 70 film investment companies, distributors and producers attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony and special forum were presided over by the host of the film channel.

It is reported that the 2023 China Hengdian Film & Festival of China will be held in Hengdian from October 25th to 28th. The movie channel will launch "Gathering!" for two consecutive days on October 26th and 27th. China movies — — Direct hit 2023 China Hengdian Film & Festival of China "movie channel integrates live media activities, focusing on the China Film Corps’ assembly and appearance in Hengdian with cinematic language, professional perspective, life-oriented voice and panoramic documentary live broadcast, expanding the communication space of Hengdian Film & Festival of China and Wenrong Award, and at the same time creating the brand of" Six Princes Movie Lifestyle "to empower the film industry with" Six Princes "IP.

The National Film Fair officially opened.

Open a new chapter in film production, distribution and projection cooperation

The 14th Five-Year Plan for China Film Development proposes to build a high-level film market system, expand and extend the film industry chain, promote the sustained prosperity and development of the film market, encourage innovative businesses such as branch distribution, multiple rounds distribution, regional distribution and focus distribution, and promote the development of characteristic cinemas such as People’s Cinema and Art Cinema.

The National Film Promotion Conference is also the first national film fair. Han Xiaoli, president of the organizer China Film Distribution and Projection Association, said that the first fair was jointly founded by the forces of film production, distribution and projection industries, which is a milestone in improving the construction of a modern film market system. "We believe that the establishment of the National Film Fair will contribute to creating a market-oriented, rule-based, international film industry environment and building an efficient, standardized, fair competition and fully open film market system."

At the opening ceremony, No Problem, Red Pig, Last Night, Tree Talk, Guo Ding Soul, Mom and Seven Days, Zhong Ken, Whispering Man, Searching for Secret Nature: Inability, Searching for Secret Nature: The Past of the Earth, Love Adventure in A Test, Fortress, Beacon Pond Field, Diving. Representatives of producers and distributors of 24 films, etc., completed the signing ceremony of sub-line distribution with the cinemas that reached the cooperation intention.

The signing ceremony conveyed a high degree of confidence in deepening cooperation in future production, distribution and screening, and reflected the determination of the film industry to continue to deepen reform and its positive attitude in coping with difficulties, which was a crucial step for the development of sub-line distribution, multi-round distribution, regional distribution and focus distribution.

Deepen the reform of cinema system

Industry representatives discuss new opportunities of "distributed distribution"

After years of rapid development, China’s film industry has made remarkable achievements. Facing the ever-changing market and escalating audience demand, in the seminar on the development of China’s film industry, industry representatives discussed in depth how to deepen the reform of cinema system, stimulate the vitality of the industry and promote the comprehensive recovery of China’s film industry, and discussed the new opportunities and challenges brought by "split distribution".

Zhang Dayong, assistant to the general manager of China Film Co., Ltd. and manager of China Film Distribution and Digital Development, pointed out that the biggest problems encountered by cinemas at present are the homogenization of operation and insufficient attendance in "non-prime time", and it is urgent to develop diversified business forms and increase cinema revenue. Therefore, in recent years, China Film has carried out relevant attempts of "scheduled screening" mode, which has accumulated valuable experience for exploring regionalized and differentiated film supply and distribution and screening modes, and also opened an attempt of separate distribution.

CEO Maoyan Entertainment believes that the film industry in China is undergoing a transformation from large-scale to refined and market-oriented. The previous emphasis on unified filming and centralized screening can no longer meet the needs of the development of the industry. Separate distribution will make more works, especially small and medium-cost works and art films, no longer limited by large schedules and short periods, and have more market-oriented opportunities.

"The change from’ promotion’ to’ transaction’ means the change from the traditional unified issuance and unified projection to the market-oriented and flexible negotiation trading mechanism." Li Jie, president of Alibaba Pictures, believes that the opening of the first film fair is an important event recorded in China’s film history, "which will greatly improve the efficiency of resource allocation and thus meet the audience’s ever-increasing demand for watching movies."

According to Chen Hongtao, vice president of Beijing Wanda Travel Industry Group and CEO of WANDA CINEMAS, the development of separate distribution in China film market is an important direction in the future, which will fully release the enthusiasm of producers, distributors and screeners, and help small and medium-sized films to fully tap the regional characteristics and achieve more accurate marketing under the limited budget, thus ensuring the supply of every "weekend file" in the film market, cultivating the viewing habits of young audiences and meeting more diversified viewing needs.

Dai Yun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of Shanghai Film Co., Ltd., from the perspective of cinemas and cinemas, thinks that distributed distribution puts forward higher requirements for cinema operation and cinema management. On the one hand, cinemas should improve their ability of content selection, judgment and marketing, and empower cinemas. On the other hand, cinemas should adjust their business philosophy to face the needs of audiences in their regions more directly, and truly "adapt to local conditions, stores and individuals".

The founder, chairman and general manager of Bona Film Group Co., Ltd. suggested that in the exploration of distributed distribution, multi-hall cinemas should be ahead, and cinemas with more than seven halls can take out one or two halls to try distributed distribution. At the same time, producers, distributors and exhibitors should form a joint force to jointly expand the market and achieve mutual benefit and win-win.

Li Wei, the chairman of 1905 Film Network, started from the successful experience of the film channel in promoting and marketing "to help good films", and put forward that distributed distribution puts forward higher and more detailed requirements for film promotion and marketing. "How to accurately cover the target population, realize customized output and long-term communication, we must follow the principle of" three closeness ",that is, close enough to the film itself, close enough to the main creation and close enough to the audience."

To this end, the movie channel continuously plans customized marketing plans for many high-quality domestic blockbusters from the summer file to the National Day file, showing the front and back of the premiere and roadshow in the form of "panoramic documentary live broadcast", highlighting authenticity, interaction and customization, and distributing and spreading with the help of new media matrix, and the online and offline linkage will maximize the sound volume.

At the same time, Film Channel and 1905 Film Network also made great efforts to build the brand of "Six Princesses, Movie Life Home". During the current Hengdian Film & Festival of China, they launched a tour of Hengdian film and television, unlocked the special live broadcast of good things around the film and television, and created the concept of "movie+life" in the form of "cultural output" and "good things recommendation" to help develop new film consumption patterns.

China Film Corps Assembles Hengdian! On October 27th, in the live broadcast of "Direct Attack on Hengdian Film & Festival of China, China, 2023" movie channel, various blockbusters will continue to bring heavy films, and the 9th Wenrong Award will also be grandly announced, looking forward to the China film market and the industrial development direction, cheering for China films!


"Geek All-Star Game" TCTF2019 goes to war: Top Geek Team Competition

  Beijing, June 8 th, "Geek All-Star Game" — — The offline final of the 3rd Tencent Capture The Flag (TCTF) started at 10:00 am on June 8th, Beijing time, at Shanghai West Coast Art Center. Twelve top international teams from eight countries and regions around the world gathered here to launch a 30-hour uninterrupted competition for the last place in the DEF CON CTF 2019 global finals of the "Hacker World Cup".

  CTF is a popular form of information security competition. DEF CON CTF, the birthplace of CTF, is the CTF competition with the highest technical level and influence in the world, which is equivalent to the "Hacker World Cup". As the earliest and only wild card tournament authorized by DEF CON CTF in Chinese mainland for three consecutive years, TCTF has become one of the most professional and largest CTF events in China, with the "Starlight Glimmer" on the field, which brings together the world’s top geek teams and is called "Geek All-Star Game". The quality of the competition questions has also improved year by year. This year, a new competition question that is close to the forefront of the industrial Internet has been added. In the past three years, TCTF has accumulated more than 10,000 contestants, which has helped China’s new security forces to grow rapidly.

  The number of participating teams has increased by over 30%, and the world’s top geeks have gathered in the "All-Star" lineup.

  TCTF, as a professional CTF challenge initiated by Tencent Security, sponsored by Tencent Security College and Tencent Security Joint Laboratory, undertaken by Tencent Security Cohen Laboratory and co-organized by 0ops security team, has received positive responses from many top international teams and domestic universities. TCTF is divided into international competition for the whole world (0CTF) and RisingStar CTF for domestic universities. This year, 1,248 teams participated, and the number of participating teams increased by 30.4% year-on-year.

  Teams shortlisted for this TCTF International Competition come from eight countries and regions, including China, Japan, South Korea, the European Union, Russia, Germany and Poland. Star teams gather and live in Starlight Glimmer. The Polish team Dragon Sector, which won the first and second TCTF International Competition in CTF TIME2018, the Balsn team in Taipei, China and the LC BC team in Russia, which ranked second in the world, and the traditional Korean team CyKor, etc., have covered recent years.

  The competition in the final of Nova Invitational Tournament is equally fierce. There are three nova teams at home in Shanghai: Ph0t1n1a team of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and sixstars team and Whitzard team of Fudan University. There are also 12 famous teams, including Emmmm and Nu1L, the well-known joint teams of universities in China, and L team of xidian university, who have participated in the international professional CTF competition as challengers.

  Add Yunan Quancheng and other frontier competition questions to train industrial Internet security talents in actual combat.

  High-quality competition questions are a highlight of TCTF this year. The high quality of TCTF events has always been highly respected by the industry, and the 2018 international competition was also rated as the only CTF event in Chinese mainland by CTF TIME. This year, TCTF continued the international standard problem-solving competition system. Tencent Security Joint Laboratory and 0ops team of Shanghai Jiaotong University jointly issued the competition questions, deeply integrating the long-term offensive and defensive experience of both research teams, and trying to meet the actual requirements to the greatest extent. At the same time, this year, more innovative has integrated into the frontier hot fields such as AI, cloud computing, Internet of Things, etc., closely following the actual field and security demands of the industrial Internet, so that participants can challenge and experience the real-world network security attack and defense technology in the process of solving problems.

  In order to let the audience better participate in this international top-level event, a visual big screen was used in the final scene to broadcast the wonderful offensive and defensive trends in real time, and the whole process was explained by the security researcher of Tencent Security Cohen Laboratory with rich practical experience. The contest also specially customized the "geek suit" to hide an interesting CTF test question. The audience and netizens who watched the live broadcast through Tencent University can participate in solving the "mystery" and win rewards such as cash and TCTF commemorative gifts.

  It is worth mentioning that this year’s TCTF Offline Finals is dedicated to creating a geek culture with China characteristics. It will change the traditional award ceremony, and directly transform the arena into a Party site after the competition, so that the award ceremony will change "every second" and feel the geek culture with China characteristics.

  Help the growth of young geeks in China and forge a "double-class" network security talent training platform

  Different from the traditional CTF competition focusing on information security technology confrontation, TCTF also deeply undertakes the function of discovering and cultivating network security talents. After the precipitation of three TCTF events, Tencent Security strives to build a "double-first-class" network security talent training platform: by holding "first-class" CTF events to compete with the world’s top teams; Create a "first-class" talent training platform to accelerate the growth of the younger generation of cyber security talents in China.

  At present, Tencent Security has formed a full-chain talent training model: relying on the TCTF competition platform, combining Tencent Security College and the Joint Security Laboratory to build safety talents, building a cooperation and exchange platform in Industry-University-Research, and forming an ecological chain of discovery-training-transformation. We will select potential students through TCTF platform, and then provide professional training opportunities and employment resources through the "words and deeds" of Tencent Security Joint Laboratory. At the same time, we will also have the opportunity to participate in top information security competitions at home and abroad, forming a complete talent training closed loop from theoretical education in colleges and universities to enterprise skills training to international competitions.

  Tencent security "double first-class" network security talent training platform construction has also achieved phased results. At present, Tencent Security has established joint laboratories and research institutes with Guangzhou University, Beihang University, xidian university, Wuhan College and other universities to cultivate applied talents with strong practical ability and further enhance the research and development capabilities of universities and enterprises in the frontier information security technology field. In terms of events, the Tencent eee team, with Tencent Security Cohen Lab as the main force, successively won the online and offline champion of the Strong Net Cup, the champion of the first "Net Ding Cup" network security competition, the overall champion of the "Guard Net Cup" and the first place in the single prize in 2018. Tencent Security Team, which was jointly established by several departments, won both the "attack" and "defense" titles in the "2018 Guiyang Big Data and Cyber Security Attack and Defense Exercise", which is the most rigorous cloud security practical exercise in China, and defended Tencent security in the field of cloud services. Leading position; Shanghai Jiaotong University 0ops, Fudan sixstars and Zhejiang University AAA teams hatched by TCTF platform have also repeatedly entered the forefront in the three major competitions.

  During the current TCTF, the third China University Information Security Talent Training Salon will also be held simultaneously, bringing together information security teachers from major universities across the country to offer suggestions and suggestions on network security talent training. In addition, TCTF2019 linked with TenSec Tencent Security International Technology Summit for the first time, opening up the connection between technical practicality and professionalism, creating opportunities for young geeks in China to communicate with the world’s top security cafes, and further improving the closed-loop mode of personnel training.