标签归档 武汉狼盟


Israeli festivals

Topic: "Perception of China" in Israel.

  1. RoshHashana The Jewish New Year is the beginning of the year of the Jewish calendar (lunar calendar). It is one of the most important festivals for Jews. During the festival, the whole country has a two-day holiday. In the church, the horn was blown to talk to God, hoping to get God’s blessing. Friends meet to say "ShanaTova". According to tradition, people eat apples dipped in honey during the New Year, which indicates that the new year is sweet and beautiful.

  2. YomKippur Yom Kippur is the tenth day after the Jewish New Year and is an important religious festival. Jews set this festival to confess to God and ask for forgiveness. Judaism stipulates that during Yom Kippur, you should fast for one day and pray and meditate in the church. When people meet in church, they wish each other a good evaluation from God. Yom Kippur ended with the melodious sound of horns in the evening.

  3. Sukkot (Sukkot) This festival is to commemorate the life of living in a hut during the 40-year exile in Sinai after the Jewish ancestor Moses led the Jews out of Egypt. Therefore, the festival is in the harvest season, so it is also called the harvest festival. It is the main feature of every household to build a straw shed during the festival. The festival is celebrated for eight days. During this period, the IDF usually holds tank exhibitions in Tel Aviv’s municipal square.

Israel’s "Tent Festival"

  4. SimhatTorah It usually takes a year for Jews to read Jewish classics. The Simhattorah is designed to celebrate the completion of reading, and the religious atmosphere is strong. This festival is a happy festival, so people (mainly Christians) should sing, dance and eat sweets. In the celebration ceremony, an essential item is to take down the scroll and walk seven times in your hand.

  5. Hanukah Festival is to commemorate the success of Macabies’s uprising against the Greek invaders and the freedom of Jews. Legend has it that during the Jewish temple period, the seven olive oil lamps in the temple kept on burning, but they were eventually broken due to the destruction of the Greek invaders. After the victory of Macabies Uprising, I hope to rekindle the oil lamp. People looked around and found only enough olive oil for one day, but this olive oil was miraculously ordered for eight days until the new olive matured and new oil was added. Since then, Jews have set up festivals to commemorate this day when God helped them. This festival lasts for eight days, with two days off at the beginning and the end. The main celebration ceremony is to light a candle every day. Candlesticks with nine candlesticks are specially designed for this festival. Among them, the higher one in the middle is designed to ignite the other eight. At the beginning of the festival, people eat a special potato cake and then exchange gifts.

  6. Purim means drawing lots. It is said that a wicked official hated a Jew who had offended him and set a date for killing all Jews by drawing lots. A Jewish woman who became a queen executed the wicked official and saved the Jews by playing around. During festivals, theaters usually put on plays about this story. People (mainly children) also wear masks about the characters in the story to attend the party, so some people call it the masquerade festival. At the party, people usually eat a special triangle cookie, which symbolizes the ear or hat of a bad official.

  7. The Passover (Pessah) originated from the Bible Exodus. When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt to the Red Sea, he raised his staff to separate the Red Sea, and the Jews walked out of the Red Sea smoothly, while the chasing Egyptian army was submerged in the sea. The festival is celebrated for eight days, with two days off at the beginning and the end. Before the festival, people should remove all fermented pasta from their homes. During the festival, it is forbidden to sell and eat fermented food, and only a special unleavened pancake called Matsa can be eaten to commemorate the day when Jews could not eat fermented cakes when they left Egypt because of time constraints.

The traditional family feast of Jews during Passover.

  8. Holocaust Remembrance Day (also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day) In order to commemorate the six million Jews killed by the Nazis between 1933 and 1945, the Knesset passed a decree in 1951, establishing the 27th of the Jewish calendar (April in Gregorian calendar) as Holocaust Remembrance Day. During the festival, orthodox Jews all over the world will fast for one day. Every family lights candles and reads the Jewish scripture Kadish. In Israel, an assembly or procession attended by the President, the Prime Minister and other important figures will be held to mourn the victims and celebrate the survival of the Jewish nation. At 10 o’clock in the morning, the national whistle sounded for two minutes, and the people stopped all work and stood in silence for the victims.

  9. IDFMemorialDay This festival is set on the day before Independence Day to commemorate the soldiers of the National Defence Force who have given their lives to protect national security since the War of Liberation. At 8 o’clock the night before the festival, the national whistle sounded for one minute, and the people stood in silence. The National Defence Force also held an official commemorative ceremony at 8: 00 on the same day, attended by the President. At eleven o’clock the next morning, whistle again for two minutes.

  10. IndependentDay was established to commemorate Israel’s independence in 1948. At eight o’clock the night before the festival, the Knesset held a formal celebration ceremony in Mount Herzl, Jerusalem, with the participation of parliamentarians and cabinet members. The ceremony included lighting 12 torches and firing salutes. The main activities on the day of the festival include a parade of the National Defence Forces, an air show, a reception hosted by the President for diplomatic missions and outstanding soldiers, an international Bible contest and an Israel Prize awarding ceremony. In addition, municipal governments also hold entertainment parties and set off fireworks.

Independence Day

  11. Lagba-Omer means the 33rd day after the first day of Passover. According to legend, the Jewish rabbi Akiva organized Jews to recapture Jerusalem from the Romans on this day and lit a bonfire to inform the surrounding villages. Since then, Jews have commemorated the story of Achiwarabi and his recapture of Jerusalem with bonfires.

  12. Jerusalem Day is a festival to commemorate Israel’s unification of Jerusalem in 1967. During festivals, there are usually grand celebrations in Jerusalem. The main celebration ceremony was held in front of the Western Wall at sunset the day before. Before the ceremony began, eighteen candles were lit to commemorate the soldiers who died in the battle to recapture Yecheng, followed by a thanksgiving ceremony. On the day of the festival, mass parades and other celebrations are held.

  13. The forty-ninth day after the first day of Pentecost Passover is the day to commemorate Moses’ acquisition of the Ten Commandments. Therefore, the festival is catching up with the harvest of wheat and fruit, so it is also called the harvest festival. This is a happy festival, people should decorate their homes with flowers, and have a rich holiday meal with milk and cheese the night before the festival. Read the Ten Commandments on the festival day. At present, this festival has basically evolved into a children’s festival.

  14. Tesha b ‘av means the ninth day of the Jewish calendar. According to legend, the Jewish temple was destroyed twice on this day. Jews commemorated this sad day with fasting.

Editor: Wang Yilin


The nemesis of shuffling Trump in American politics is the 80-year-old "devil"!

  BEIJING, Jan. 13 (Xinhua)-The violent attack on Capitol Hill in the United States not only raised eyebrows in the international community, but also triggered an "earthquake" in American politics. In the chaos, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the US House of Representatives who was re-elected in early 2021, continued to "pursue Trump" and received much attention.

  This 80-year-old female politician of the Democratic Party has made Trump "three axes" and "hard and hard". What role will she play in the new season of "The Storm of Capitol Hill"?

  The office was broken into and the computer was lost in the riot … …

  Pelosi made "Three Axes" hard on Trump.

  On the 6th, the day of the riots in the US Congress, although Pelosi left the Capitol through the emergency passage like other members, her office was broken into by protesters.

  The door of the office was violently knocked down, protesters proudly took photos on her desk, staff had to hide under the desk for hours, the mirror in the room was broken, a work computer was stolen, and the podium was removed and put into online auction … … Trump supporters seem to regard Pelosi as a "punching bag."

  Nowadays, the violent riots have stopped and Biden is about to take office. For Democrats such as Pelosi, the time to "calculate the general ledger" with Trump has already begun. In order to completely end Trump’s political life, Pelosi offered three tricks!

  The first move: send an ultimatum to Burns.

  A few days ago, Pelosi said that the House of Representatives will introduce a resolution on the 11th, demanding that Burns "convene and launch the cabinet, and use the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to declare that the current president cannot exercise his functions and powers".

  However, this appeal of the House of Representatives failed to be agreed by all members, and a Republican congressman voted against it. Therefore, the House of Representatives will discuss and vote on this on the 12th local time. As the Democratic Party controls the House of Representatives, this vote is expected to be passed.

  Burns, on the other hand, has a day to consider whether to comply with the appeal of the House of Representatives.

  It is widely believed that Burns will not take action to remove Trump’s presidency. Therefore, Pelosi has also prepared a second trick — — Congress impeached.

  The second measure: advance the impeachment procedure.

  On the 11th, the US House of Representatives formally proposed a resolution to impeach President Trump, accusing Trump of "inciting rebellion".

  Pelosi and others said that if Burns is unwilling to remove Trump, the House of Representatives will vote on the impeachment resolution on the 13th EST.

  Trump’s time in the White House is running out. Congress impeached him again at this time. Although he could not be driven out of the White House in advance, it was not meaningless. As a former president, Trump can still be impeached.

  Once the impeachment is successful, in addition to leaving a stain on Trump’s political career, it may make him unable to run for public office again.

  The third measure: stare at the nuclear button and launch a public opinion offensive.

  In addition, Pelosi also launched a public opinion offensive and questioned Trump’s mental state several times.

  In a letter to her Democratic colleagues, Pelosi specifically stated that she would "prevent an insane president from using nuclear weapons". She said: "This insane president is too dangerous. We must take all measures to protect the American people from his psychological imbalance attack on the United States and democracy."

  On the 10th, in an interview, Pelosi added: "The people in charge of our government administration are crazy, insane and dangerous."

  In fact, this is not the first time Pelosi has confronted Trump. From the investigation of "TongRumen" to the impeachment of "TongWumen"; From sticking Trump’s funds to build a border wall to tearing Trump’s congressional speech; It can be said that Pelosi is one of Trump’s strongest political opponents.

  Her methods are ruthless and her style is tough. How was such an American politician tempered?

  From housewives to the third person in American politics

  How do senior women play "power games"?

  According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Pelosi, who officially entered American politics at the age of 47, completed the identity transformation from a housewife with five children to the first female speaker in the United States in 20 years. Among them, I have to mention her family background.

  — — Born into a political family

  Pelosi was born in Baltimore, Maryland, USA in 1940. She was the youngest of seven children. Different from many people, Pelosi’s family has a strong political color. Her father and a brother have both served as mayors, and her mother is also keen on political activities.

  Perhaps influenced by the family atmosphere, Pelosi attended the Democratic Party Congress when she was 12 years old, and also chose political science when she went to college. In 1961, she also attended the inaugural ball of then US President John F. Kennedy.

  However, after graduating from college, Pelosi did not go into politics directly, but chose to marry a banker and become a full-time wife.

  — — Step into politics

  In 1976, Pelosi began to dabble in politics. At that time, she used her personal connections to help California Governor Brown win the Maryland presidential primary. After that, she "took off" all the way in the state’s Democratic Party and took the top spot in the state’s party.

  In addition, after moving to San Francisco with her husband, Pelosi also met Phillip Burton, a California Congressman, an "important person" in her political career.

  It is reported that after Berton’s death, he passed on his position to his widow Sarah. Before Sarah died of cancer, she expressed the hope that Pelosi would take over the position.

  At this time, Pelosi’s children went to college, and she also decided to concentrate on politics. As a result, she raised $1 million in seven weeks, held 100 family gatherings, and won a special election in 1987 to become a federal representative.

  — — Reach the peak

  With a keen political sense, Pelosi rose rapidly within the Democratic Party. In 2001, Pelosi ran for the minority supervisor of the House of Representatives (the second chair of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives) and won by a narrow margin. A few months later, she was promoted to be the leader of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives.

  When the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, Pelosi was one of the most famous and public opponents at that time. This position paid off in 2006 — — Democrats won control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 12 years.

  Therefore, Pelosi was elected as the Speaker of the House of Representatives by the Democratic Party in 2007, becoming the first woman in American history to hold this position.

  According to reports, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is not only the power core of the US Congress, but also the second "heir" of the US President and the "third person" in American politics. In addition, the House of Representatives is also in charge of the "money bag" of the US government. No wonder some media said that Pelosi was the "most powerful woman" in Washington.

  Became Speaker of the House of Representatives for four times.

  How to play Pelosi’s new season play?

  On January 3, 2021, local time, in the 117th Congress of the United States, Pelosi led the Democratic Party, won the House of Representatives election with a narrow majority of 216 votes to 209 votes, and was elected as the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the fourth time.

  At this point, Pelosi, who is over eighty years old, has set another record — — Become the oldest speaker of the House of Representatives in American history.

  It is worth noting that the BBC analysis said that in the next term, Pelosi will not sit back and relax, but is likely to encounter a huge political test.

  In the next two years, how to help Biden’s government’s legislation pass smoothly in the House of Representatives is a top priority for Pelosi. However, in this House of Representatives election, Pelosi leads her opponent with only 7 votes, and her advantage is very weak. A little wavering will make Biden’s government’s efforts to implement policies difficult.

  In addition, Pelosi also faces many challenges, such as being questioned by her age, severe epidemic situation, and bridging differences within the party.

  "She has to find a way to turn her weak majority seat into sustained action," BBC reporter Seckel said.

  What role will Pelosi, who looks like scenery, play in the new season of "The Storm of Capitol Hill" after the 2020 American election? (End)


Premier League

At 23: 30 pm Beijing time on October 29th, the 10th round of the 2023-24 Premier League ushered in the first Manchester City Derby of this season, and Manchester United played against Manchester City at Old Trafford Stadium. In the first half, Hoyle pulled Rodley down and sent a penalty, and Harland took the penalty and hit it; In the second half, Harland scored twice with another goal, and before the end, he assisted Foton to seal the victory. Onana made many dives in the audience. In the end, Manchester City beat Manchester United 3-0 away.

This game is the 191st Manchester City Derby in history. Before the game, a series of activities were held at Old Trafford Stadium to commemorate the legendary Sir Bobby Charlton.

In the second minute, Manchester United stole the ball in midfield, and McTominay took the ball to the front of the penalty area and shot it with his left foot. The ball was not strong enough for Edersen. In the 8th minute, Rodley in the frontcourt hoisted the ball into the right side of the penalty area, Walker put it in front of the baseline and knocked the ball across the middle. Foden’s header was saved by Onana.

In the 12th minute, Grali took the ball to the left side of the penalty area, but he passed it back to his opponent in an inverted triangle. Hoyle took the ball and pushed it forward. Unfortunately, his teammates responded too slowly, and the fast break turned into a sports war. In the 15th minute, Foton sent a straight plug from the midfield, and Onana rushed out of the penalty area to clear the ball before Harland did.

In the 20th minute, Manchester City kicked the left tactical corner, Grali grabbed the ball from the right side of the restricted area and shot the far corner, and Onana saved the ball.In the 26th minute, Manchester City won a free kick in the frontcourt, and the ball was hoisted into the penalty area. Rodley, who was fighting for the landing point, was pulled down by Hoyle, and the referee awarded a penalty after watching VAR.

The penalty was taken by Harland, who shot his left foot low in the lower right corner of the goal and tricked Onana into scoring the ball. Manchester City led Manchester United 1-0.

In the 31st minute, Manchester City made a mistake in the frontcourt return, and Hoyle got the ball and got a half-single-handed chance. After he passed the goalkeeper, he didn’t have an angle to shoot, and then he crossed the middle. Unfortunately, B shot high from a small angle.

In the 36th minute, Manchester City made a cross from the right in the frontcourt. Maguire’s header in the penalty area was on Dallot, and he was almost attacked by Grali. In the 37th minute, Manchester City got a free kick from the left outside the penalty area, and Alvarez shot directly, and Onana saved the ball.

In the 45th minute, Manchester United made a long pass from the right side of the midfield. At the top of the arc, McTominay stopped the ball and turned to volley. Edersen saved the ball with one hand. In the 45th+4th minute, Seat B made a forward pass on the left baseline of the restricted area, and Harland headed Taishan in the small restricted area, and Onana flew to dedicate himself. At the end of the first half, Manchester City temporarily took the lead.

In the second half, Yi Bian fought again. In the 48th minute, B Fei received a tactical corner kick in front of the penalty area and made a long shot. Edersen saved the ball. In the 56th minute, Grali took the ball to the far corner from the left side of the restricted area, and Onana saved the ball sideways.In the 50th minute, the B-seat caught the ball and came to the bottom line on the left side of the penalty area. Harland in the middle headed the goal. This time, Onana had no choice. Manchester City led Manchester United 2-0.

In the 58th minute, Alvarez directly blocked the left side of the restricted area at the top of the arc, and Grali made a small-angle volley, and the ball missed the far post. In the 66th minute, Seat B shot with his left foot in front of the penalty area, and Onana hugged the ball. In the 69th minute, Rachford moved forward into the restricted area, and after receiving a long pass from the midfield, he shot low from a far corner at a small angle, and the ball missed slightly.

In the 71st minute, Grali sent a straight plug in the frontcourt, and Harland caught the ball to form a single knife. His volley on the left side of the restricted area was blocked by the attacking Onana. A minute later, Lindelov and Onana’s continuous mistakes almost gave Manchester City a goal.

In the 80th minute, Rodley took the ball and made a long-range shot in front of the restricted area. Onana saved the ball sideways, Harland got the ball on the left side of the restricted area and then passed it horizontally. Foden in the middle of the road easily shoveled the empty net and Manchester City led Manchester United 3-0.

In the 82nd minute, Manchester City made a cross from the left side of the penalty area. Before the penalty spot, Foden turned his back and hit the door, and the ball only missed a little.

In the end, the whole game ended and Manchester City beat Manchester United 3-0.


Russia develops saucer-shaped aircraft with a load of 1500 tons (Figure)

  The military prospect of saucer-shaped aircraft is attractive

    Although the relevant Russian reports so far have not explained the reasons why the Russian military is interested, people are convinced that the aircraft will be used by the military in the future.

    As we all know, the early attempts to develop saucer-shaped aircraft began in the early days of aviation development. As early as 1911, American inventors made umbrella-shaped aircraft. In the 1940s, especially during World War II, the research and development of saucer-shaped aircraft was supported by the US military, and Germany was the one that made small achievements in this field at that time. In 1950s, Britain, Canada, the former Soviet Union and the United States used the technology obtained from German experts at the end of World War II to set off the research and development climax of military flying saucers. For decades, aviation powers such as Russia and the United States have never given up the research on "flying saucer", because compared with ordinary fixed-wing aircraft, saucer-shaped aircraft has many unique properties, such as: small aspect ratio and small wave resistance, suitable for high-speed flight; Suitable for using ground effect, easy to realize vertical take-off and landing; It can quickly point to the attack target without hovering maneuver, and this feature will undoubtedly change the basic concept of air combat tactics.

  How far is Russia from the real "flying saucer"

    Through years of unremitting research, Russia has made great progress in the field of saucer-shaped aircraft and is expected to create a real "flying saucer." As early as the 1980s, the famous Russian flying saucer designer Hugh King successfully launched the saucer-shaped aircraft scheme named "Ekipi". For more than 20 years, Russia has successively introduced various civil and military modifications of the "Ekipi" program, including civilian unmanned flying saucers, fire fighting flying saucers, passenger flying saucers that can carry 2,000 passengers, and military flying saucers that can be used for anti-submarine, patrol and force and weapon delivery, and completed the production and testing of various scale models and individual full-scale prototypes. In 1993, the Russian government decided to provide budget funds for the "Ekipi" project, and the Russian Ministry of Defense and other departments also supported the mass production of an "Ekipi" flying saucer with a take-off weight of 9 tons. However, due to insufficient funds, mass production has not been realized. The successful research and development of "Ekipi" series of flying saucers has aroused great interest in the United States. At the beginning of this century, the United States reached an agreement with saratov Aircraft Factory, the main contractor of "Ekipi" facing financial difficulties, to jointly promote the "Ekipi" flying saucer project, but the implementation situation is still unclear.

    As for this "flying saucer" newly launched by Russian experts, this giant aircraft should have a very broad military application prospect in the long run. If it is used for military transportation, the carrying capacity of 1,500 tons will make it a super strategic delivery platform. However, the scheme is still in the scale model test stage, and there is no doubt that there is still a long way to go compared with the mature and fully tested "Ekipi" UFO project.

    Core Tip: At present, Russian experts are developing a flying saucer-like aircraft, which is said to have attracted the attention of the Russian military. Compared with ordinary fixed-wing aircraft, dish-shaped aircraft has many unique properties, such as small aspect ratio and wave drag, which are suitable for high-speed flight; You don’t need to do hovering maneuvers, and you can quickly point to the target.

    Before and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the "Ekipi" disc flight verification machine produced by saratov factory.

Editor: Wei Yu


"Bring the highest quality fruit to mainland compatriots" —— A visit to the annona fruit farmers in Taitung

  Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, August 26th (Reporter Wang Chenghao, Chen Jun) "As soon as the news came out, we immediately gained confidence and started to move." Cai Hongyi, a fruit grower in Taitung, couldn’t suppress the joy on his face. The good news in his mouth is that in June this year, the mainland resumed the import of annona in Taiwan Province.

  Previously, the mainland suspended the import of annona squarrosa from Taiwan Province for nearly two years due to the repeated detection of quarantine pests such as mealybug.

  This is a annona orchard photographed in Taitung County (photo taken on August 9). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Chengyu photo

  Annona is called Sakyamuni in Taiwan Province. Taitung County, on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, is the largest producing area of annona in Taiwan Province with abundant sunshine and rain. As the main category, "pineapple Sakya" has a planting area of about 2,700 hectares and an annual export of about 15,000 tons, of which more than 90% were once sold to the mainland.

  Leaving Taitung County and heading for the depths of east rift valley, the Benanxi River rushes out of the beaches between the central mountain range and the coastal mountain range, and the annona fruit trees full of pits and valleys are green. The reporter followed Cai Hongyi to his orchard before the morning dew.

  "Pruning in July, pollination in August, and fruit thinning in a month or two … …” Cai Hongyi introduced and pollinated. He held the pollinator in his hand, pushed aside the petals, stuck the pollinator nozzle into the stamen, rotated the pollinator and pinched the powder spraying ball with his hand. After a few times, the pollen reached the stamen along the powder spraying tube. Cai Hongyi, who has 16 years of planting experience, is familiar with this set of movements.

  By December, the fruit flowers in front of us will grow into fruity and Q-elastic annona. "We now have a production and sales resume, and every fruit can be traced back." Cai Hongyi’s dark face was soaked with sweat.

  Cai Hongyi, a fruit grower, is pollinating annona (photo taken on August 9). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Chengyu photo

  Since September, 2022, in order to ensure the safety of annona exported to the mainland, Taitung cooperated with Taitung University to study the quality improvement plan, and organized fruit farmers, packaging factories and other operators to carry out training and rectification. "In 2020, we heard that the fruit was flawed." Rao Qingling, the county magistrate of Taitung County, said that the key to solving the problem is to remove harmful organisms.

  Li Junlin, a professor at Taitung University, visited a number of packaging factories and found that "secondary pollution" caused by nonstandard cleaning was the main cause of residual fruits of pests.

  “‘ Pineapple Sakyamuni ’ If it is washed with water, it is inconvenient to transport and store, so you can only manually hold a high-pressure air gun to blow off the mealybug on the fruit. " Li Junlin said that before, because the packaging factory was not well separated and the cleaning staff did not standardize the process, the blown-off scale insects easily attached to other fruits for the second time.

  The reporter went to a local packaging factory and saw that there were white insect nets in the operation areas such as "purchase area", "clean area" and "packaging area", and there were air guns and special cleaning baskets covered with insect nets in the clean area.

  While the facilities of the packaging factory are perfect, cleaning skills are also the key. The cleaner should hold an air gun with one hand and hold the fruit in the palm of his hand, and the fruit pedicle should be blown upward and from top to bottom. The air gun should always be downward to avoid blowing pests or eggs to other places, and the cleaning time of each fruit should not be less than 30 seconds.

  "Although the new standard will increase the cost, we have to do this for the sake of fruit quality." Wu Mengtai, head of the packaging factory, said.

  Li Junlin said that Taitung University will conduct on-site counseling and rectification inspection on each packaging factory one by one. According to the new cleaning standards, the pest removal rate can be increased from about 80% before to 99% today, which meets the quality standards of mainland China.

  Walking into Taitung University, the reporter found that there are also a group of special "students" who are also looking forward to returning to the mainland market. Since the beginning of August, Taitung has held five training courses on quality certification of annona in Taitung University, covering the space allocation of packaging plants, certification of production and marketing resumes, pest control methods, etc. About 100 packaging plant managers and technicians participated in each course.

  Yang Zhenqi, agricultural Commissioner of Taitung County, said that the rectification process is complicated and meticulous, but farmers are very cooperative. In the next step, experts will complete the on-site counseling of all packaging factories, provide suggestions for improvement, and give certification after improvement.

  "Now I have great confidence in fruit, and I will put the highest quality ‘ Pineapple Sakyamuni ’ Bring it to mainland compatriots. " When talking about the future, Cai Hongyi said that only when there is a market can he earn money. Resuming sales to the mainland can triple his income, and the day of "laughing and laughing" is coming.


There are three reasons why some people have negative views on running.

In the eyes of different people, the meaning of running is different. People who insist on running will regard running as a part of their lives. They enjoy running and at the same time, running brings them health and positive energy. Most people who don’t run think that running is a very boring and tiring exercise; And there are some people who have little knowledge of running. Instead of realizing the joy of running, they think they are self-righteous.

It is worth noting that among the above three categories of people, the first category is in the minority, and the second and third categories are in the majority. Because the latter is in the majority, their understanding of running has affected the direction of public opinion, which has led to low or even negative evaluation of running among the people. There are three typical examples:

Because of the above views, many people are discouraged from running, and some even advise their running relatives and friends to stay away from running in case of accidents. We can also see arguments between runners and non-runners on the Internet. Now I will talk about the above three typical problems from the perspective of runners.

01 > > Does running really hurt your knees?

"Running hurts my knee" is the most popular negative view of running. The author was once asked by several friends whether running hurts my knee. The actual situation is that I have been running for more than 2,000 kilometers, and I have never had knee pain. My running friends have never had knee pain. Most of the running injuries I know are foot pain, muscle strain and falls, of which foot pain is mostly related to sprain, and muscle strain is a situation that occurs in most sports. In addition, every running friend has no knee pain.

As for knee pain, it is said that there is only one kind of person who will have knee pain when running, and that is "running knee". This kind of person is not suitable for running by nature, and there are elements of abnormal knee bone development in it. So as long as you are not a "running knee", you can rest assured that there will be a problem of running knee pain.

02 > > About accidents caused by running.

It is widely circulated that marathon running may cause accidents, and there is a lot of related information on the Internet. In fact, if you explore it carefully, you will find that accidents caused by marathon are actually very few and belong to very small small probability events. However, accidents caused by marathon are easy to attract social attention, mainly because marathon events are often local high-level sports events, and the media are more concerned. If there is an accident, news will easily fly all over the place. In fact, the accidents of marathon running are far less than those of swimming, cycling, racing, boxing, football and other sports.

03 > > Can you lose weight by running?

There is also a widespread negative comment on running, that is, running can’t lose weight. This understanding exists not only among ordinary people, but also among some so-called fitness experts. The reason for this situation is that some unreliable fitness theories mislead people’s views, one of which is "running takes 30 minutes to start burning fat". In fact, this statement belongs to the fitness theory of Jianghu School, and there is no scientific basis, but it is just a rumor on the Internet.

Someone ran only a few times at intervals, only a few hundred meters at a time, and arbitrarily said that running can’t lose weight. In fact, this is an irresponsible behavior and excuses his laziness. In the final analysis, losing weight is not an easy task. If you want to lose weight, you have to pay sweat, time and energy. For running, the threshold for losing weight is to run 3 kilometers a day. As long as you can do it, you will definitely lose weight.


Running is the king of physical training. Sports and military physical training will take running as the primary means. The main reason is that running can quickly create exercise and its exercise efficiency is very high. At the same time, running is a simple and easy exercise, with low requirements for venues, equipment and teams, and anyone can participate, so running is a very good choice for a person in the process of fitness.


A bowl of glutinous rice balls is full of energy.

Lantern Festival lights
When it comes to Lantern Festival, what comes to mind first? It’s a soft, glutinous and elastic Lantern Festival, a lively and exploding fireworks; Or is it the romance after dusk, when people suddenly look back? I believe that no matter what you think, there must be lights.
Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month, the night of the first full moon after the Spring Festival, is the first reunion season on earth. As the saying goes, "A moon without lights is not entertaining, and a moon without lights is not spring." Lantern Festival is also called "Lantern Festival". Opening lanterns and watching lanterns on Lantern Festival night has long been a traditional holiday custom, and it has been passed down to this day.
Most people tend to think that the custom of lighting lanterns on the Lantern Festival originated in the Han Dynasty. A popular saying is that Emperor Wen of Han started to celebrate the Lantern Festival to commemorate the suppression of the "Zhulu Rebellion" and advocated having fun with the people, so every family decorated with lanterns and colored decorations on this day. According to records, after the death of Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang, Lv Hou monopolized state affairs. This situation did not improve because of Lv Hou’s death. Instead, the Lushi clan wanted to seize power. The day when Emperor Wendi put down the rebellion happened to be the fifteenth day of the first month.
There is also a saying that this tradition originated from religion. Those who insist on the origin of Taoism believe that the fifteenth day of the first month is Shangyuan Festival, the fifteenth day of July is Zhongyuan Festival, and the fifteenth day of October is Xiayuan Festival. The three officials in charge of the three elements are heaven, earth and water, and the celestial official in charge of the three elements is happy, so the lantern festival should be lit. Those who advocate the theory of the origin of Buddhism believe that Emperor Hanming believed in Buddhism. He heard that Buddhism observed Buddhist relics and lit lanterns to worship Buddha on the fifteenth day of the first month, so he ordered that "lanterns were lit to show Buddha" in palaces and temples on this day. This practice gradually spread to the people.
It is difficult to find out which statement is more true about the origin of Lantern Festival custom, but more importantly, for ancient people, the curfew can be temporarily lifted on the night of Yuanxi, and they can walk in the brightly lit streets and enjoy the lanterns. Although thousands of years have passed, people are eager to celebrate festivals and yearn for a better life.
Shangyuan Lantern Color Map (Ming Dynasty) (Source: Network)
If someone looks at the lights, of course, someone has to make them. The production of ancient lanterns originated in the Han Dynasty, flourished in the Tang Dynasty and matured in the Song Dynasty. After continuous inheritance and development, it has reached a state of perfection in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
According to the way of viewing, lanterns can be roughly divided into two categories: one is dynamic performance lanterns, such as dragon lanterns and lantern lanterns; There is also a static ornamental lantern, such as palace lantern, gauze lantern, Suzhou lantern and Yangzhou melon lantern. According to the placement method, it can also be divided into chandelier, seat lamp, wall lamp, lantern and so on. In the Tang Dynasty, large-scale lantern groups began to appear, and lanterns of various colors formed a lamp tree, a lamp tower and a lamp mountain, which were brilliant and varied.
The production of ancient lanterns combines a variety of techniques, materials, techniques and procedures, presenting a comprehensive art form. Commonly used techniques include painting, paper binding, weaving, paper cutting, embroidery, pasting and so on. Commonly used materials are bamboo, wood, rattan, metal, silk, paper and so on.
There is a general process for making lanterns, including about 20 processes: first, press the bought paper out of wrinkles, dye it in various colors, and wait for the stains to dry; Then according to a certain size, bamboo is broken, made into bamboo sticks and tied into a skeleton; Then start paper-cutting, origami, and make it into various needed shapes; Finally, hang up red tassels and other decorations. Such a simple lantern is ready.
In addition to simple lanterns, there is also a kind of lanterns that are meticulous and complicated, that is, palace lanterns known for their exquisite beauty, grace and elegance. Ancient palace lanterns were named after being made and used by palaces and officials, so they also represented the royal style to some extent.
Palace lanterns have a variety of shapes, including square, hexagonal, octagonal, square victory, flower basket, dragon and phoenix, fan and so on, among which hexagonal palace lanterns are the most representative. The materials used in the framework are also mahogany, rosewood, rosewood and carved copper, and the materials used in the lamp surface are gauze, glass or horn pieces. Decorative patterns are colorful and auspicious, including landscapes, flowers and birds, figures and so on.
Palace lantern was founded in Luoyang, which has been a national intangible cultural heritage project. There are more than 70 processes to make a Luoyang palace lantern, mainly including lighting, pinching, screening, pasting, mending, painting, setting, washing and decorating, which can be roughly divided into several steps. Skeleton making: in the process of skeleton making, the bamboo should be steamed and dried in a pot, and then the rough skin of the bamboo should be scraped clean, and the bamboo should be cut into a certain length according to the size of the lantern made; After the bamboo is ready, we start to make bamboo sticks, first break the bamboo pole, then split the bamboo sticks, cut the bamboo sticks, drill bamboo holes and other nearly ten processes; Then connect these bamboo sticks in series, and the skeleton of the palace lantern becomes. Lamp cloth: paste must be evenly spread on each bamboo stick, and then the previously cut cloth should be gently covered on the open lamp holder, and then the brush should be dipped in the paste to brush it flat. Decorate: After the paste is dried, you can decorate it with paper cuts or write on it. It usually takes a day or two to make a palace lantern.
Palace lanterns (source: Qiantu. com)
Compared with the ancient palace lanterns on the tall buildings, there is also a kind of lantern with distinctive features, which is closer to the people, and that is the lantern. The lantern is also called the lantern. As the name implies, the lantern is a lantern that can be turned. In ancient times, the lantern was generally made of sorghum straw as a lamp holder, and a flat wind wheel was installed. The patterns formed by paper-cutting were evenly arranged around the wind wheel, and the candles in the lantern were lit. The candlelight heated the air and pushed the wind wheel to rotate, and the patterns "walked" up. The most commonly used pattern in ancient times was the pattern of military commanders riding horses. When the lights turned, these people were like riding horses, and you chased each other, which is the origin of the name of the lantern.
The production of the lantern makes use of the principle that hot air rises to generate thrust, which seems simple, but it is also the original application of the working principle of modern gas turbines. On the occasion of the festive season, you might as well do it yourself and experience the wonderful ideas and skills of the ancient working people in China thousands of years ago.
The principle of the lantern (Source: China Digital Technology Museum)
[1] Liang Manman. Luoyang Palace Lantern production skills and inheritance [J]. Art Jian, 2017(03):122-123.
[2] Zhang Tongsheng. The origin of the Lantern Festival and its traditional construction [J]. Central Plains Cultural Studies, 2021,9 (02): 101-108. Doi: 10.16600/j.cnki.41-1426/c.2021.02.012. 。
[3] Zhang Jing. Analysis of Lantern Festival culture in China [J]. Changjiang Series, 2018(27):39-40.
[4] Jin Kaicheng. Lantern Festival: China cultural knowledge reader [M]. Changchun: Jilin Literature and History Publishing House, 2012.
[5] Chen Xiulian, Dong Sheng. Shangyuan Period: Lantern Festival [M]. Changchun: Jilin Publishing Group Co., Ltd., 2012.
[6] Lu Xiang. Chinese traditional festival poetry story: Spring Festival Lantern Festival [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Far East Publishing House, 2017.
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Does not represent the position of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
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Source: Damei Science
Editor: sweeping monk

Li Ao published erotic novels, saying that the plot absolutely made people blush and beat their hearts (Figure)

  BEIJING, April 25 (Xinhua) Former legislator Li Ao released his latest masterpiece "Virtual 17" on the 25th. Li Ao joked at the press conference that there is an upper and lower age limit for reading this fantastic erotic novel, and people over 80 and under 18 can’t read it, otherwise it will be "frozen (unbearable)", like "Hao Longbin’s father (Hao Baicun) can’t read it".

  According to Taiwan Province’s Dongsen News, today’s press conference of Li Ao’s new book was held in Fuhua Hotel. Li Ao said that although the book is not "illustrated", the story with 360,000 words and 600 pages thick is absolutely blushing and heart-pounding. A reporter asked, are most of the contents of this book real stories of "masters"? He did not change the old urchin’s personality, and said, "Of course, most of them are fake."

  Li Ao also surprisingly said that the reason for publishing this "virtual seventeen-year-old" was that Taiwan Province had no literature at all during the Kuomintang ruling era, and some "monsters" who engaged in modern literature, such as Bai Xianyong and Wang Wenxing, came out. "I tell you, they were successful in life, failed in composition, and their articles were not well written. They learned the fur of foreigners and could not read their books, which was boring." Because "I look down on these people and talk to them.

  Li Ao returned to his old job of writing and finished the novel "Virtual 17-year-old" after he stepped down as a legislator. He said that this book took five years, because it was delayed during his tenure as a "legislator" and he had time to concentrate on writing after leaving office.

  "Virtual 17-year-old" narrates that a 17-year-old beautiful girl’s brain was implanted with a smart chip, and under the inspiration of a 67-year-old master of wisdom (the incarnation of Li Ao), she started the pursuit of spirituality and philosophy. The plot not only talks about ideas like "Beijing Fayuan Temple", but also has climaxes every 5 or 6 pages, so he also automatically classified the new book as a restricted level, added envelopes and affixed stickers.

  Li Ao once said with a smile a few days ago that he is an out-of-date figure. Although the new book is very restricted, I am afraid it is still difficult to sell, but "I am rich and not afraid of losing money!" However, Li Ao was right in this sentence, because the visiting members of the mainland rich group, after seeing his high popularity in the mainland, left the stage and generously gave a big red envelope to cross-strait cultural exchanges, and decided to contribute 30 million yuan to support the establishment of a cultural academy in Li Ao to promote cross-strait cultural exchanges.

Editor: Li Xian


It’s snowing Many places in Guangxi welcome the first snow in 2024.

Snow in Guyu Village, Anma Township, Yizhou, Hechi. (Photo/He Taowen/Nie Peibin)

Snow in Guyu Village, Anma Township, Yizhou, Hechi. (Photo/He Taowen/Nie Peibin)

Snow falls in vegetable fields in Sanbao Village, Sanbao Township, Tiane County, Hechi. (Photo/Xie Cuiting Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snow Scene of Zafu Village, Jiayou Town, lingyun county, Baise. (Photo/Hu Renhuan Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snow covers the car in Zafu Village, Jiayou Town, lingyun county, Baise. (Photo/Hu Renhuan Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snow Scene in Xiasan Village, Jiayou Town, lingyun county, Baise. (Photo/Yang Zaifuwen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene of lingchuan county Meteorological Bureau in Guilin. (Photo/Deng Suhua Yuwen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene in observation field of lingchuan county Meteorological Bureau, Guilin. (Photo/Deng Suhua Yuwen/Nie Peibin)

Snowflakes are fluttering in the urban area of Guilin. (Photo/Peng Wenyu Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snowflakes are fluttering in the urban area of Guilin. (Photo/Peng Wenyu Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snowflakes are fluttering in the urban area of Guilin. (Photo/Peng Wenyu Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snowflakes are fluttering in the urban area of Guilin. (Photo/Peng Wenyu Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene of xing an weather station in Guilin. (Photo/Li Huiling Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene of Longji terraced fields in Longsheng, Guilin. (Photo/Meng Jingwen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene of Longji terraced fields in Longsheng, Guilin. (Photo/Meng Jingwen/Nie Peibin)

People play with snow in Quanzhou, Guilin. (Photo/Zhao Zuhuawen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene in Ziyuan County, Guilin. (Photo/Tan Qiongwen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene in Ziyuan County, Guilin. (Photo/Tan Qiongwen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene in Ziyuan County, Guilin. (Photo/Tan Qiongwen/Nie Peibin)

China Weather Network News It’s snowing! From January 21 to 22, 2024, affected by cold air, the weather in Guangxi was cold, and some areas in the north ushered in the first snow in 2024. The picture shows the snow scene in Ziyuan County, Guilin. (Photo/Tan Qiongwen/Nie Peibin)


What else did you do right except "down the snow field" and "twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars"

Special feature of 1905 film network According to the statistics of the National Film Bureau, the total box office of movies on New Year’s Day holiday in 2024 was 1.533 billion yuan, setting a new record for the same period, with 36.6 million people watching movies and 1.411 billion yuan for domestic movies, accounting for 92.04% of the market.

Among them, the movie with the same name of the phenomenal explosion drama series won the box office champion on New Year’s Day with a box office score of 605 million yuan. In addition, the number of people who want to see the film before screening and the pre-sale results also ranked first in the same period.

Behind the box office performance of Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle,

"Good Time, Good Place and Good People" in Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars

The success of Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars should be said to meet the three elements of "time, place and people" at the same time.

From the perspective of "weather", Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars is scheduled for New Year’s Eve. No matter whether it is "heavy snow" or "fireworks all over the sky" released in advance in the film’s announcement, it just provides the audience with the sense of ceremony they need on the occasion of the New Year’s Eve, and makes it a new choice to spend the countdown with lovers and girlfriends in the cinema.

The "sprinkling sugar" in the film itself is also a real "pouring sugar jar", and the word-of-mouth such as "sweet explosion" that keeps fermenting after the screening also makes the audience willing to go into the cinema to celebrate the New Year.

"Geographical location" is inseparable from the "viewing marketing" discussed in the program before "Today’s Film Review". "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" has been stirring up the mystery of the "snow special field" before the release, echoing the famous scene of "Zhang Wansen, it’s snowing" that broke the hearts of countless viewers in the TV series, making the "snow special field" packed up early once the film was pre-sold.

Although the "snow special field" was limited by different cinema equipment, the final effect was not satisfactory, but it still promoted the "twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" to take a big step forward in publicity.

Finally, I have to mention "harmony between people". "Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" aims at the target audience of the film itself very accurately — — Young women are the main audience, and most of them are in third-and fourth-tier cities.

And Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle,

Looking closely at the fan portraits of Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle,

Zhang Wansen, the hero of the film story, is called "secretly in love with the ceiling" and is a boy who "loves you hard to open his heart". What the female audience feels about Zhang Wansen is not "why don’t you say it", but "painful" and "abusive". This kind of sugar left in the glass slag on the ground can most impress the female audience.

Secondly, in the fourth-tier cities, where the pace of life is not so fast, the audience rarely takes care of all the contents of the film that are very demanding of logic, nor excessively thinks that the plot of the film is "ungrounded" and "suspended". What the audience in the fourth-tier cities need more is actually a "vacuum layer" created by isolating social pressure. In the layer, the audience can wholeheartedly enjoy the friction brought by love and romance and enjoy a wonderful dream woven by light and shadow.

Just as in Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twi Another example is some very important images in movies — — The moon, ferris wheel, spaceship, every element is hard to touch in reality, but it builds a romantic dream for the audience.

Word-of-mouth differentiation and the decline in the number of people watching movies,What are the shortcomings of Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars?

However, two days after the film was released, the single-day box office performance of Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars dropped from the first to the third, and the word-of-mouth of the film gradually became polarized. What are the shortcomings behind "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars"?

First of all, "Twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" has always been a fan-oriented movie that was born with a huge fan base. It really caters to the needs of fans and realizes the unfulfilled wishes of the hero and heroine in TV dramas.

But also because of this, two days after the film was released, the number of people watching the film dropped sharply. The audience who wanted to watch the film for the first time had already entered the cinema, but for those who didn’t understand the TV series, the charm of the film was lacking.

In addition, although Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle,

In fact, these two points also remind all other producers of drama modification how to adjust the direction in the subsequent film production to meet the common expectations of drama powder and non-drama powder.

"Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" was established in May and released at the end of the year. The overall production cycle is very short and the efficiency is very fast, but it can only be a film promoted under the routine industrial process. Only by catching up with specific time nodes, themes and people can it be successful. But in fact, a good film should be more refined in content and shooting skills, and naturally it will have a better release effect.