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Wahaha’s three major challenges lie ahead, and embracing capital markets is still not a "must"?

China Broadcasting Network Beijing February 26 news (reporter Cao Qian, intern Gao Jiashuang)At noon on February 25, Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wahaha") issued an obituary, claiming the death of Zong Qinghou, the founder and chairperson of Wahaha Group.

While mourning a generation of "Zong" teachers, all walks of life naturally turn their attention to Wahaha, which Zong Qinghou "brought up". In the 37 years since its establishment, Wahaha has gone through one industry cycle after another, growing from a school-run enterprise distribution department to a leading brand in China’s beverage industry, which can be called an "evergreen tree" among Chinese private enterprises. In 2023, the last full fiscal year before Zong Qinghou’s death, Wahaha’s main business revenue and profit still achieved double growth.

Unlike other big consumer beverage giants that actively embrace capital markets, Wahaha has not been listed under the "four nos" strategy that Zong Qinghou insists on. Nongfu Spring, which compares with Wahaha, has achieved a jump in market value of 700 billion Hong Kong dollars in its second year of listing.

The sudden death of Zong Qinghou has added uncertainty to Wahaha’s future. The three major challenges lie ahead: the new performance increase point is not clear, the head has not really handed over, and the family transformation has not been completed. In this context, as the successor of overseas study, how will Zong Fuli write the "post-Zong Qinghou era"? Will it be re-examined and considered for listing?

Many experts pointed out to CGR Capital that it depends on the attitude of the new leader towards the capital markets. After listing, it is indeed a positive bonus for the company’s development, but it is not a "necessary option" for Wahaha.

Experts believe that listing can bring development funds to enterprises, a standardized corporate governance structure, and provide convenient channels for wealth appreciation and realization of relevant personnel such as actual controllers and executives, which can better attract high-end talents to join. But it does not mean that Wahaha will definitely achieve better performance and development after going public.

Where should the successor go?

Due to the death of Zong Qinghou, Wahaha, which was founded in 1987, has triggered many new conjectures. How will Zong Fuli, who has been officially in the forefront for more than two years, write a new era without Zong Qinghou?

For the 37-year-old Wahaha, the highlight of its "life" appeared in 2013. According to public information, Wahaha’s annual revenue reached 78.30 billion yuan in this year, which is the most brilliant year since its establishment. Zong Qinghou also won the title of the richest man in Forbes Chinese mainland three times in a row (2010, 2012, 2013).

But since 2014, Wahaha’s performance has continued to enter a downward channel. Public information shows that from 2014 to 2017, Wahaha’s revenue was 72.80 billion yuan, 67.70 billion yuan, 52.90 billion yuan and 45.60 billion yuan respectively.

In this regard, Zhu Danpeng, a Chinese food industry analyst, said in an interview with the media that the aging of Wahaha’s brand and products is a fatal injury to the beverage market. For many years, Wahaha’s product line has been mainly imitated and followed, with insufficient innovation, and there have been not many explosions to speak of.

Although Zong Qinghou’s daughter Zong Fuli became the vice chairman and general manager of the group in 2021, Zong Qinghou is still the chairman of the group. But Wahaha seems to have never really come out of the "Zong Qinghou era".

The industry has summarized the three major challenges that have plagued Wahaha, including the lack of clarity on new performance growth points, the fact that the handover between the old and new leaders has not yet been completed, and the transformation of the family business is still in progress.

After Zong Qinghou took a back seat, the scene of the baton handover did not really come. There are rumors that Zong Qinghou is "hands-on" in the company, and Zong Fuli, who returned from overseas study, has a big disagreement with her father on this point.

Now that Zong Qinghou has withdrawn from the historical stage of Wahaha, how should these three challenges be broken?

A number of experts pointed out to Central Broadcasting Capital that to solve the fundamental problem, first, we need to start from the internal management and strategic level, and second, we need to create new products in new categories according to the current market changes, so as to find a second growth curve for Wahaha.

"The most important thing is to get the support of the company’s core management. In the eyes of these veteran core management, Zong Qinghou is the soul of Wahaha. How to win the support and recognition of the core management in the fastest time is Zong Fuli’s current more difficult challenge." Zhan Junhao, a well-known strategic positioning expert and founder of Fujian Huace Brand Positioning Consulting, believes that at the internal management level, Zong Fuli should reach a consensus with the company’s senior management as soon as possible and complete the relay.

At the external strategic level, Qu Fang, an investment consultant at Wanlian Securities, believes that the future development direction of Wahaha is still to improve channels and promote new products.

"Wahaha’s advantage in the distributor channel is second to none among domestic beverage companies, but its TOC performance has been just passable." Qu Fang pointed out that at a time when emerging drinks continue to be launched and consumers gradually shift from traditional leading companies to personalized emerging brands, Wahaha needs to strengthen the launch of its new products that are more suitable for market demand.

Cao Zhe, chief investment officer of Aiwen Zhilue, also pointed out that Wahaha has accumulated a number of knock-out products that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but consumers have a new mentality in beverages. Therefore, Wahaha should launch new products in a timely manner, meet new changes, and keep up with the trend of the times while adhering to its basic market.

"Wahaha has strong strength. As long as we adjust our business thinking and introduce the right talents, there are still many opportunities to achieve better results. Just like a sleeping lion, as long as it wakes up, it will surprise the market."

"Not listed" wins or loses?

Looking at the entire consumption track, Wahaha is one of the few unlisted beverage giants in China. Unlike many listed and financed beverage companies, Wahaha has not chosen to enter the capital markets for many years. The "four nos" strategy was Zong Qinghou’s consistent insistence in the early days, that is, no debt, no bonds, no loans and no listing.

In China’s capital markets, there are many listed companies in the beverage industry, including Nongfu Spring, Master Kong, Dongpeng Beverage, Yangyuan Beverage and other giants. And many new brands and innovative categories are also actively embracing capital markets. New tea brands Nayuki and HEYTEA will be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange around 2021. Now, Mixue Bingcheng, Tea Baidao, Shanghai Auntie and many other companies are also queuing up to apply for listing.

Among the above brands, Nongfu Spring has always been regarded by the industry as the most representative benchmarking enterprise of Wahaha.

The founder of Nongfu Spring, Zhong Shanyuan, and Zong Qinghou are both from Zhejiang. The "contest" between the two Zhejiang businesspeople gradually diverged with the landing of Nongfu Spring on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the blessing of capital markets.

Over the years, Zong Qinghou has publicly stated many times: "Wahaha is not short of money, and there is no need to go public. Going public requires responsibility to shareholders. If the stock finally falls, causing ordinary people to lose a lot of money, I don’t think it is appropriate."

On the same track, Nongfu Spring took a diametrically opposite path and became a newcomer to the industry with the help of capital markets.

Since the listing of Nongfu Spring on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2020, the market value of Nongfu Spring has reached 700 billion Hong Kong dollars on January 5, 2021. The founder Zhong Liangxuan’s net worth has thus charged 93 billion US dollars, not only squeezing out Ma Yun and Pony Ma to sit on the throne of the newly richest man in Asia, but also surpassing Warren Buffett to become the sixth richest man in the world. Since then, with the fluctuations of capital markets, Zhong Liangxuan has been the richest man in China several times and has also become the focus of capital markets.

"Zhong Xuanyuan, who started a business in the same city as Zong Qinghou, founded Nongfu Spring after Wahaha whether it started or became famous. But at present, Nongfu Spring is far above Wahaha in terms of scale and profit," Cao Zhe told CCTV Capital Eye.

Public data show that the total profit of Wahaha in 2021 is 6.219 billion yuan, and the after-tax profit of Nongfu Spring in the same year is 7.162 billion yuan.

In recent years, although Zong Qinghou is still on the rich list, he has fallen far short of Zhong Shansui.

In November 2022, Zong Qinghou ranked 45th on the 2022 Forbes Chinese mainland rich list with a wealth of 6.95 billion US dollars. On the Hurun Rich List in 2023, Zong Qinghou ranked 31st with a wealth of 95 billion yuan. During the same period, Zhong Yinyi became the richest man in China for the third time with a wealth of 450 billion yuan.

But did Wahaha really "lose" to Nongfu Spring? There seems to be no absolute conclusion.

According to the financial report, from 2021 to the first half of 2023, the total revenue of Nongfu Spring was 29.696 billion yuan, 33.239 billion yuan and 20.462 billion yuan respectively, far less than Wahaha’s 50 billion "record". According to the data of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and Wahaha Group’s 2023 annual summary and commendation conference, Wahaha has maintained a total revenue of more than 50 billion yuan for three consecutive years.

In the "Top 500 Chinese Private Enterprises in 2023" list released by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Wahaha and Nongfu Spring, which entered the list in the beverage industry, ranked 227th and 374 respectively, Wahaha is 147 places ahead of Nongfu Spring.

This inevitably raises the question, if Wahaha is willing to enter the capital markets, will it develop better than it does now?

Looking at the future listing is still not a "mandatory option"

In fact, on the issue of listing, Zong Qinghou, who has adhered to the "four nos" strategy for many years, has not been "shaken".

According to public reports, in 2017, at the 30th anniversary celebration of Wahaha’s founding, Zong Qinghou changed his tone about the listing. He said: "After the listing, it can speed up the development of the enterprise, and it will be considered at an appropriate time."

Since then, Wahaha has repeatedly expressed its position to the outside world that it may consider going public in the future.

In March 2018, Zong Qinghou publicly expressed his desire to develop another enterprise, and he may also achieve greater development by listing proceeds raised in the future.

In February 2019, after Zong Fuli became the head of the brand public relations department of Wahaha Group, she also responded to the media for Wahaha’s IPO time table, saying that Wahaha’s listing is a very normal move, because the entire enterprise can achieve upstream and downstream integration through listing.

Along with the change of tone, Wahaha also has many suspected listing signals. The first news that Wahaha is going public is related to an announcement.

In April 2017, Hong Kong-listed China Candy announced that major shareholders such as Jiaqing entered into a letter of intent with potential buyers, who intended to make a possible voluntary offer to acquire at least 50% of the company’s voting rights. The ultimate actual owner of the potential buyer was Zong Fuli, the daughter of Zong Qing Hou.

For a time, speculation about Wahaha’s backdoor listing was everywhere.

On April 12 of that year, the relevant person in charge of Wahaha Group denied the speculation and said that the acquisition was Zong Fuli’s personal behavior and had nothing to do with the company. On the evening of July 13 of the same year, China Candy announced that the offer had not been made. Zong Fuli also released a statement on her personal Weibo saying that the company will continue to uphold its own development strategy in the future and continue to explore related fields in a positive and healthy commercial value orientation.

In April 2018, Wahaha’s repurchase of employee shares once again triggered rumors of a listing.

According to media reports at that time, some Wahaha old employees revealed that the company launched employee equity repurchase after the Spring Festival that year, but a new equity allocation plan has not yet been formed. On April 14 of the same year, Wahaha responded that the repurchase of employee shares was not for listing, but to "allocate shares more scientifically". Since then, Wahaha has no substantive listing action.

So in the future, is Wahaha still necessary to sprint to the capital markets?

Many experts pointed out to CGR Capital that it depends on the attitude of the new leader towards the capital markets. After listing, it is indeed a positive bonus for the company’s development, but it is not a "necessary option" for Wahaha.

Cao Zhe believes that listing can bring development funds to enterprises, standardize the corporate governance structure, and provide convenient channels for the wealth appreciation and monetization of relevant personnel such as actual controllers and executives, which can better attract high-end talents to join. The disadvantage is that the operation and management of enterprises after listing are subject to public supervision and to a certain extent are restricted by other aspects, and the behavior of actual controllers is subject to many restrictions.

Zhan Junhao also said that listing can provide more funds and resources for the company. For example, Nongfu Spring and Coca-Cola are representatives of expanding business, improving branding impression and increasing market share through listing financing. But there is no guarantee that Wahaha will achieve better performance and development after listing.

"Wahaha’s current main dilemma is the aging of the brand. Among the new consumer groups, Wahaha is the drink of the older generation. If this cognitive dilemma cannot be broken through, even if it is successfully listed, it will not bring substantive development to the company." Zhan Junhao said that for Wahaha, going public is not the only way to develop. The key is to find a differentiated brand positioning, formulate and implement the right strategy, and keep pace with the times to adapt to today’s changes in consumer demand.

In fact, the current shareholding structure of Wahaha does not comply with the listing regulations.

Public information shows that Wahaha since the implementation of the employee stock ownership plan in 1999, the number of shareholders has exceeded 15,000. According to the relevant provisions of the IPO, when the company to be listed applies for listing, the employee stock ownership plan needs to be penetrated by shareholders, and the final number of shareholders after penetration shall not exceed 200.

Professional analysis, the number of 15,000 shareholders optimized to less than 200 people, the difficulty can be imagined.

Qu Fang believes that even if Wahaha has not been listed, it is reasonable.

"Wahaha is not going public because it has abundant cash flow and does not want to dilute its equity through listing. Judging from its current operating conditions and IPO policy, it is neither necessary for listing nor in line with existing listing policies."

Qu Fang explained that, on the one hand, Wahaha has sufficient cash flow and limited listing promotion effect; on the other hand, the beverage industry belongs to the class A share IPO red line, even if the listing is also likely to choose Hong Kong stocks, but the current valuation of Hong Kong stocks is low, the market will not give a higher valuation.(Central Guangzhou Capital Eye)


The sauce-flavored latte in the electric mixed world! Galaxy L7 has sold over 10,000 in consecutive months, and Geely’s new energy sword points to the first echelon

"Wine and coffee, cup after cup."

On September 4, the joint coffee "Sauce Latte" launched by Kweichow Moutai and Luckin Coffee was officially launched, claiming that "every cup contains Kweichow Moutai wine".

After going online, "Sauce Latte" instantly "sold out", and related topics quickly appeared on Weibo’s trending topic list. Many people were swiped by "Sauce Latte", which can be called "the top of the whole people".

The reason why Luckin’s "soy sauce latte" can quickly enter the circle is that it has truly become a "popularizer" of Moutai. Since it is a popularizer, it will definitely come with sincerity, so the retail price is 38 yuan/cup, and the "soy sauce latte" with 19 yuan/cup after using the coupon quickly became a hit.

Also a "popularizer", Geely Galaxy L7 is also in the market segment, bringing the same "sauce latte" phenomenon.

According to the latest August sales data released by Geely Automobile Group, the Geely Galaxy L7 market continued to perform hot, with sales reaching 11,117 units in August, an increase of more than 10% month-on-month, and a new monthly sales record since listing. After refreshing the speed of China’s electric hybrid SUV "monthly sales breaking 10,000", Galaxy L7 unlocked the new achievement of "monthly sales breaking 10,000" this month.

Three consecutive months of high-light performance not only allowed Geely Galaxy L7 to win a place in the plug-in SUV track that has long been dominated by products such as Song PLUS DM-i, but also solidified its identity as a "high-value smart electric hybrid SUV popularizer".

In the eyes of Kung Fu Automobile, after opening the market with sincere leapfrog products, the reputation of "Geely Galaxy"’s high-value products has formed a "sauce latte" phenomenon in the car market.

(1) Only by "mixing" well can we reach the championship

"Sauce Latte" became popular because of the sauce-flavored taste of coffee + Moutai.

The same is true for the "electric hybrid" of Geely Galaxy L7.

Geely Galaxy L7 is based on the e-CMA architecture, equipped with the Aegis battery safety system, Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848, and new energy electrification technologies such as the new car operating system "Galaxy N OS", which can be called the "True Fragrance Electric Hybrid SUV" of the technology.

This makes this product not just for stacking materials, but designed to surpass others from the beginning. The new generation of Raytheon hybrid engine B-Plus on Geely Galaxy L7 plus the 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro, 6.9 seconds of zero-hundred acceleration, a 100-kilometer power loss fuel consumption of 5.23L and a CLTC comprehensive cruising range of 1370 kilometers all make the product highly competitive.

From the aspects of styling design, driving control performance, intelligent safety, etc., Geely Galaxy L7 not only rolls out the height, but also rolls out the high value. Moreover, the high value also accurately hits the pain points of contemporary young consumers and occupies the user’s mind. The result is that Geely Galaxy L7 high-end models have become mainstream.

According to the sales structure analysis data, the current average transaction price of Geely Galaxy L7 has reached 165,000 yuan, of which more than 90% of users buy high-end and top-end models, much higher than other hot-selling plug-in SUVs in the same class.

Kung Fu Auto believes that the high-value system built by Geely Galaxy series and the concept of "high-value intelligent electric hybrid SUV popularizer" have been highly recognized by market users. This also means that Geely Galaxy L7 will be expected to compete with Song PLUS DM-i and other products for the market champion of 150,000-class plug-in hybrid SUV.

(2) Intelligent electric hybrid CP helps Geely’s new energy take off

The strong performance of Geely Galaxy L7 has also led to the take-off of Geely New Energy.

Geely Automobile sold a total of 152,626 vehicles in August, of which Geely new energy models accounted for about 31%.

There is no doubt that Geely wants to continue this trend, but the Galaxy L7 alone obviously cannot fully support it, and Geely still needs a "Galaxy Matrix". And the second new Galaxy L6 is about to go on sale, which undoubtedly brings more confidence and potential to Geely.

At the same time, the great success of the Galaxy L7 has provided a very good reference for the Galaxy L6’s playing style and thinking. Especially in terms of channels, there are currently more than 450 Galaxy series channels. Compared with traditional oil car channels, the new new energy channels can provide users with more scene-based experiences of buying, watching and using cars.

What’s more, the Galaxy L7 and L6 cars also share a lot of product strengths, such as the 3-speed DHT PRO gearbox, which can bring better acceleration, handling and driving experience with the traditional hybrid single-speed structure, and the fuel economy can also be improved. It also includes the smart cockpit experience, which has a better upgrade and experience with the existing plug-in hybrid, and can naturally win the favor of more consumers.

It is foreseeable that after the Galaxy L6 is officially launched and delivered, Galaxy’s SUV + sedan will form the "Galaxy trend", and Geely Galaxy will further achieve strong growth, or can directly promote Geely New Energy to achieve the level of monthly sales of 50,000 vehicles, so that Geely Galaxy series quickly ranks among the first echelon of the A-level plug-in market.

(3) Kung Fu shooting

Like the "Sauce Latte", the strong popularity of Geely Galaxy L7 relies on the hard power of "mixing". The former relies on unexpected but reasonable joint names, while the latter relies on the accumulation of products, technologies and brands.

In the past two years, Geely has continued to invest in new energy technologies, and the arrival of good products has also chosen a suitable time. Later, first come, win at the turning point, probably Geely Galaxy L7 will continue to rise in the electric hybrid market and continue to improve.

With the arrival of more members of the Galaxy series, such as Galaxy L6 and Galaxy E8, Geely’s performance in the new energy market has become increasingly promising.


The new M7 has once again become the best-selling model in its class during the National Day holiday, with orders exceeding 12,000 units!

According to the order data chart posted by multiple bloggers, the Wenjie New M7 once again became the best-selling model in the same class during the National Day holiday (September 29-October 3). During this holiday period, the Wenjie New M7 has accumulated more than 12,000 units, and the daily average has exceeded 2,400 units, setting a new sales record.

Previously, Yu Chengdong revealed that the new M7 has invested more than 500 million in the upgrade process, combining Huawei’s leading innovative technology and Sailis’ advanced vehicle intelligent manufacturing capabilities. On September 12, the new M7 was launched immediately after the launch of the market, with an average daily quantity of more than 1,500.

According to him, the Wenjiexin M7 brings spacious space, intelligent technology and excellent safety performance. Especially in terms of intelligent safety, the Wenjiexin M7 is at the leading level in the industry. At the same time, it also has a more powerful chassis and performance, more spacious interior space, more advanced intelligent driving functions and intelligent cockpit. At present, the car is working hard to increase production capacity to speed up delivery. In terms of driving experience, the Wenjiexin M7 has upgraded HUAWEI DATS 2.0 (Dynamic Adaptive Torque System) and front and rear suspension dual FSD (Frequency Selective Damping, Frequency Selective Damping) variable damping shock absorbers to make the ride more stable and smooth.

The new M7 is equipped with the HUAWEI DriveONE range-extending electric drive platform, and the four-wheel drive version only takes 4.8 seconds to accelerate 100 kilometers. Under the condition of full oil and full power CLTC, the comprehensive cruising range reaches 1300 kilometers, and the pure electric cruising range is 240 kilometers. Under the feeding condition, the fuel consumption is as low as 5.6L/100km.

In addition, the new M7 is equipped with 27 sensing hardware such as 1 overhead lidar, 3 millimeter wave radars, 11 high definition visual perception cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars, combined with high-performance computing platform and Huawei’s self-developed anthropomorphic algorithm, to achieve full-scene and all-weather perception of dynamic and static targets (including special-shaped objects). Equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, it has active safety capabilities beyond its peers. Even if the vehicle speed is as high as 90km/h, the automatic emergency braking can be stopped steadily.

In terms of passive safety, Wenjie’s new M7 body structure has been carefully designed and modified, and a new welding process has been adopted to make it safer and more reliable. In the vehicle, the proportion of submarine-grade thermoformed steel reaches 24.4%, and the proportion of high-strength steel and aluminum alloy reaches 80.6%. In addition, CBS (Composite Body Solutions) composite body material has also been introduced, which effectively improves the body stiffness and collision safety performance.

The official guide price of the new M7 series is: M7 Plus five-seat rear drive version 249,800 yuan, M7 Plus five-seat four-wheel drive version 284,800 yuan, M7 Max five-seat smart drive version 309,800 yuan; M7 Plus six-seat rear drive version 269,800 yuan, M7 Max six-seat smart drive version 329,800 yuan, the next order may enjoy the purchase rights of 33,000 yuan.


The concentrated emergence of high-value and high-product models has turned Chongqing’s automobile industry from "quantitative change" to "qualitative change".

On December 26, at the AITO Authorized User Center, many consumers came to inquire about the AITO M9.

This group of pictures was taken by reporter Zhang Jinhui/Visual Chongqing

On December 26th, the AITO M9, the flagship SUV of Panorama Smart in cooperation with Huawei, was officially launched. This car is not only the integration of the most cutting-edge technology and the latest manufacturing technology in the automotive industry, but also once again enhances the outside world’s perception of "made in Chongqing" cars.

A few days ago, the National Bureau of Statistics also released the latest data. From January to November this year, Chongqing’s automobile production reached 2.0742 million, an increase of 10% year-on-year, ranking second in the country.

In the past decade or so, Chongqing’s automobile production ranking in the country has fluctuated a lot, and now Chongqing has once again ranked among the top in the country. The industry is more concerned about the specific path to promote the development of the local industry. After all, through the "impulse" of mid- and low-end products, it is no longer sustainable in the current automobile industry pattern.

Chongqing’s automobile industry has performed well this year. Is there really a "new driving force" behind it? From the emergence of the AITO M9 and the performance of major automobile companies in Chongqing this year, we can see that Chongqing’s automobile industry is shifting from "quantitative change" to "qualitative change".

The price of high-end cars has reached 500,000 to 600,000 yuan

Since the second half of this year, the AITO series jointly designed by Cyrus Automobile and Huawei has continued to sell well. Sales of Cyrus new energy vehicles reached 23,834 units in November, an increase of 104.39% year-on-year; of which, sales of Cyrus brand reached 20,318 units, an increase of 145.92% year-on-year, both setting new highs.

Changan Automobile is still awesome. In November, its own brand new energy vehicle sales exceeded 50,000, an increase of 52.73% year-on-year.

The reporter learned from the Municipal Economic and Information Commission that Chongqing’s new energy vehicle production in November increased by more than 100% year-on-year, far exceeding the year-on-year growth rate of the total local automobile production during the same period.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Economic and Information Commission said that since 2023, Chongqing’s new energy vehicles have contributed 85% to the growth of the city’s automobile industry.

"Behind the recent outstanding performance of Chongqing Automobile, it is obviously driven by high-end models, especially high-end intelligent networked new energy models." A relevant person from the Chongqing Automobile Business Association said that a large number of high-value and high-product "Chongqing-made" models have emerged this year, with more intensity and frequency than ever before.

The reporter combed the hot-selling new energy models launched in "Chongqing" this year and found that they are basically mid-to-high-end cars. For example, Changan’s dark blue S7 model, the price is between 150,000 and 220,000 yuan, and the price of Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition and Avita 12 is in the range of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan. Cyrus AITO asked the world M5 smart driving version and AITO asked the world new M7 price coverage 250,000 to 400,000 yuan. AITO asked the world M9 pushed the price to more than 500,000 to 600,000 yuan.

New path makes "Chongqing-made" cars popular

In the opinion of industry insiders, the above changes in Chongqing’s automobile industry are influenced by a profound value logic.

On December 16, at the special event of the Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference, Li Keqiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chief scientist of the Intelligent Connected Vehicle Innovation Center of Chongqing Western Science City, pointed out that the automobile industry is ushering in the 4.0 era, and the new generation of automobiles will reflect the characteristics of low-carbon energy, electric power, intelligent body, and transportation network. The original automobile development model, production model, and ecology will change.

Dong Yang, vice-chairperson of the China Electric Vehicle 100 People’s Association, believes that people’s "quality view" of cars has changed now, from focusing on quality to focusing on experience. "In the past, when a new car was released and 20 new technologies were listed, it was great that the user could use one or two. Each car also came with a thick manual, and no one read it. This is not acceptable. Car companies must directly face the user, understand what the user needs, and let the user make full use of the new technology."

"The first is to’change ‘and strive to develop new technologies in the direction of intelligent networking and new energy; the second is to’get close’ to the needs of users, shorten the distance with users and reduce communication costs," said the relevant person in charge of Changan Automobile.

Looking at the many new products launched by Chongqing automakers such as Changan and Sailis this year, we can see that they all adhere to the above concept.

Take the M9 as an example. By using innovative owl-enhanced steering technology, the turning radius of a 5.2-meter-long "big guy" is smaller than that of a mid-sized sedan. In addition, the model also has dual lights 2.60 million pixel-refined lighting. When the high beam shines on the opposite vehicle, it automatically leaves a dark area, which does not affect the opposite car and maintains the high beam.

Qu Yunchao, a market watcher, believes that some of these technologies and features are targeted to solve users’ pain points, while others are to open up new experiences for users that are interesting or comfortable. The popularity of "made in Chongqing" cars this year is a testament to the success of this path.

Towards global first-class still requires "one step at a time"

In the new year, how can Chongqing’s auto industry anchor the new development coordinates? "The global auto industry landscape is undergoing subversive changes." Zhu Huarong, chairperson of Changan Automobile, said that from the six-point world of Europe, America, Japan, Germany and South Korea, to today’s Chinese brands sitting on half of the country, Chinese brands lead the world in terms of styling, new energy and intelligence, the scale advantage is further highlighted, and the competitive advantage of changing lanes is more obvious.

But it also raises a new set of problems.

For example, the future development of China’s automobile industry will no longer be promoted by learning from the outside world. For example, the boundary reconstruction of the division of labor for vehicles and parts, and the rapid conversion of new energy vehicle batteries from shortage to overcapacity.

To solve these problems, in order to become a global first-class, the road can only be walked out "one step at a time". Zhu Huarong believes that by accelerating the layout of products and production capacity, strengthening the layout of branding, strengthening the layout of marketing services, accelerating the improvement of the layout of the market, and strengthening the layout of organizational talents "five steps", to meet the various challenges of the critical period of the industry track transition.

Zhang Xinghai, chairperson (founder) of Sailis Automobile, said that the local area is currently in the best opportunity to develop new energy intelligent networked vehicles. Only a strong supply chain can support strong vehicle enterprises, and the industry should further expand open cooperation and let professional people do professional things in order to create high-quality products that meet user requests.

The relevant person of the Municipal Economic and Information Commission said that Chongqing strives to basically form a new ecosystem of intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry by 2025, and to build a world-class intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry cluster by 2030, with the industrial scale reaching the world’s first-class level.

Therefore, Chongqing will continue to expand its industrial scale, accelerate the completion and commissioning of new projects, the launch of new products, and the development and growth of new brands, and work together to build a trillion-level intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry cluster; adhere to the coordination of the whole zero, implement major projects to attract investment, cultivate and upgrade key enterprises, transform and upgrade traditional enterprises, and promote the integration of intelligent networked new energy vehicles to strengthen the chain and extend the chain; strengthen the integrated layout of charging, storage and cloud infrastructure, and promote the integration of energy networks, transportation networks, and information networks. Strive to form a moderately advanced, rational, intelligent and efficient charging and swapping service system; accelerate the networking transformation of existing roads, and create the most unique and rich vehicle-road collaborative experience scene in the country.

The first "made in Chongqing" panoramic smart flagship SUV

AITO asked the world about the M9 listing

On December 26, at the Wenjie M9 and Huawei’s winter full-scene conference, the first "Chongqing-made" panoramic smart flagship SUV AITO Wenjie M9 was officially launched, and a total of 4 models were launched in two power versions of extended range and pure electric, priced at 469,800-569,800 yuan.

AITO Q Jie M9 is jointly launched by Chongqing car company Sailis and Huawei, using a new family design "Kunpeng wing", the new car applies a number of cutting-edge innovative technologies, such as "super Xuanwu body", using the world’s largest one-piece die-casting molding, lightweight coefficient is significantly higher than the same level of models, the whole car 12 also uses 2 quadrillion nuclear submarine-class hot car steel.

The Huawei Tuling intelligent chassis equipped with the AITO M9 is equipped with intelligent closed air spring and CDC variable damping shock absorber as standard, which supports height adjustment of 5-speed cars. It also has a full-scene intelligent road preview system and adaptive active suspension, which can smoothly cope with different road conditions.

In terms of power, the AITO Qinjie M9 extended range version is equipped with a drive system composed of a 1.5T engine and front and rear motors, with a zero-hundred acceleration of 4.9 seconds and a pure electric version with a zero-hundred acceleration of 4.3 seconds. The extended range version has a fuel consumption of as low as 6.9 liters per 100 kilometers, a comprehensive battery life of up to 1402 kilometers, and a pure electric battery life of up to 275 kilometers. The pure electric version is equipped with Huawei’s "Giant Whale" 800-volt high-voltage battery platform, which can achieve a 5-minute charge and a battery life of 150 kilometers, and the overall battery life reaches 630 kilometers.

In terms of autonomous driving, M9 adopts Huawei ADS2.0 high-end intelligent driving, equipped with industry-leading 192-line lidar, with high definition cameras, millimeter wave radar, etc., to support national high-speed, urban expressways and urban intelligent driving.

AITO Qinjie M9 is expected to be delivered in batches on February 26 next year. The relevant person in charge of Cyrus said that the company has built a world-leading super smart factory in Chongqing, with intelligent manufacturing equipment that integrates advanced technologies such as AR vision and big data. Key processes are 100% automated, and a new car can be rolled off the assembly line every 30 seconds, with the highest production efficiency in the world.


Tencent Holdings-R repurchased 2.63 million shares on June 17 at a cost of 1.003 billion HKD

  On June 17, Tencent Holdings-R announced that the company repurchased 2.63 million shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on June 17, 2024, at a cost of 1.003 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the average repurchase price was about 381.44 Hong Kong dollars based on the number of repurchases and costs; according to the disclosure, the highest repurchase price was 385.60 Hong Kong dollars, and the lowest repurchase price was 374.80 Hong Kong dollars.

  It is understood that Tencent Holdings-R has repurchased 96.90 million shares in the past three months, accounting for 1.02% of the company’s issued share capital.

(Data source: iFinD)


Sailis Auto debuts at the Beijing Auto Show

On April 25th, Cyrus Automobile debuted at the 2024 (18th) Beijing International Automobile Exhibition. All AITO products and the latest technological achievements of Cyrus were unveiled together. On the same day, Cyrus Automobile also held a technology innovation strategy sharing meeting, sharing the content of Cyrus Mofang and AITO Intelligent Driving Index.

Zhang Xinghai, chairperson of Cyrus Group, said that Cyrus follows the development logic of "two focuses and one cooperation": user-centric, focusing on software-defined vehicles, and fully cooperating with Huawei’s cross-border automotive business. In the future, Cyrus will deepen cooperation with Huawei and strengthen cooperation with other ecological partners to provide users with a full life cycle experience.

Event site. Photo courtesy of Cyrus

This year’s auto show, the Sailis booth showcased products, technologies, services and other aspects in an all-round way. Among them, Sailis Mofang, a new generation of all-in-one super extension assembly, a high-integrated electric drive seven-in-one assembly, and AITO M9 integrated die-casting body were showcased.

At the scene, AITO asked the world M9 light and shadow space attracted many viewers to stop and experience with its Karaoke function of projecting lyrics through headlights.

In February this year, AITO asked the world M9 started delivery. At the technology innovation strategy sharing meeting, many AITO asked the world M9 owner representatives came to the scene to share their car experience. As of now, the scale of AITO asked the world car users has approached 300,000.

At the sharing meeting, He Liyang, President of Cyrus Automobile, released the latest AITO Q & A Smart Driving Index. The index shows that the accumulated mileage of AITO Q & A smart driving models exceeds 480 million kilometers, of which the accumulated mileage of smart driving reaches 135 million kilometers. In addition, the proportion of AITO Q & A M9 intelligent parking DAU reached 68%, and intelligent driving has become an important reason for users to choose AITO Q & A products.

The data also shows that about 72% of the accumulated mileage of AITO users is pure electric mileage, and pure electric driving time accounts for about 85%. This shows that the majority of users travel with pure electric driving.

At the auto show, Cyrus Automobile shared the self-developed Cyrus Mofang, which features "panoramic safety, multi-power, changeable space, and intelligent leadership". The platform integrates industry-leading safety, power, chassis, software and other technologies across domains, aiming to bring users a "easy to drive, easy to use, and super safe" car experience.

Event site. Photo courtesy of Cyrus

In the future, Sailis Automobile will take technological innovation, product quality and service experience as breakthrough points, continue to strengthen new productivity, promote high-quality development and high-level safety, and accelerate the construction of a leading technology-based enterprise. (Ma Chunpeng)


Is the Huawei P60 a 5g mobile phone? Is the Huawei p60 screen straight or curved?

  It is reported that Huawei will release a new machine – Huawei P60 in the middle and late of this month. Previously, the rendering graph of the P60 was exposed on the Internet. Recently, many friends are very curious about the configuration of the real machine and whether it supports 5g. So let me lead you to take a look at the latest information of Huawei P60!

Is the Huawei P60 a 5g mobile phone? Is the Huawei p60 screen straight or curved?

  Is Huawei P60 a 5G phone?

  Huawei P60 is not a 5G mobile phone. It uses Qualcomm Snapdragon 8Gen 1 + (4G), which can only use 4G network, but can be used with 5G mobile phone case. Huawei P60 series is expected to have four models, namely P60 E, P60, P60 Pro, P60 Pro +. The P60 series will also support satellite messaging function, emergency mode, X-axis linear motor, infrared remote control, and IP68 dust and waterproof.

  Is the Huawei P60 straight screen or curved screen?

  The Huawei P60 is a straight-screen screen, and the P60 Pro is a curved screen. The Huawei P60 Standard Edition will use a domestic 1.5K OLED screen, and the P60 Pro series will use a domestic 2K OLED screen, both of which use a hole-digging front lens and an under-screen fingerprint to unlock. In terms of screen, it is expected to be a relatively narrow bezel design, which will be a relatively high-value design among Android smartphones of the same level.

  Is Huawei P60 a Kirin chip?

  No, it uses the Snapdragon 8 4g chip.

  The new Huawei P60 series will still be available in multiple versions, among which the Huawei P60 Pro will feature a 6.6-inch 120Hz 2K BOE high-brush screen made by BOE, with a resolution of 3200 * 1440 and support for 1920Hz high-frequency PWM dimming.

  The machine is expected to be equipped with the same Snapdragon 8 + 4G processor of the Mate50 series, a front 32MP selfie lens, a rear 50MP pixel IMX888 main camera + 50MP pixel ultra-wide-angle + 64MP pixel telephoto lens, and equipped with variable aperture technology.

  In addition, the machine will have a built-in battery of around 5000mAh, support 100W wired + 50W wireless fast charging, and also support satellite messaging.

Original title: Is Huawei P60 a 5g mobile phone? Is Huawei P60 a straight screen or a curved screen?
Editor in charge: Li Xiaoling

Focusing on future development, Tencent released the "Qingyun plan" talent recruitment special project

Young scientific and technological talents are a new force in the development of scientific and technological innovation in our country. At the Internet Technology Seminar and Tencent Talent Plan Release jointly held by Tencent and Southern University of Science and Technology on September 24, Tencent released a new special project for talents – Qingyun Plan. Qingyun Plan focuses on future development and proposes "Qingyun Straight Up, Technology Shapes the Future", aiming to attract and recruit a group of top technical students worldwide.

Xi Dan, senior vice president and chief talent officer of Tencent, introduced that for the selected candidates, Tencent will provide industry competitive salary returns and customized training programs, support candidates to deeply participate in cutting-edge technology topics and core businesses, and cultivate Internet technology talents through Tencent’s platform.

Xi Dan, Senior Vice President and Chief Talent Officer of Tencent

10 + technical fields and 70 + technical topics await challenges

As the first company in the Internet industry to position the recruitment of fresh graduates as a core talent channel, Tencent continues to explore and introduce potential scientific and technological talents on campus, and spares no effort to promote youth development. In the "World’s Best Companies" list first released by Time Magazine in 2023, Tencent ranked first among Chinese companies, reflecting the recognition of Tencent’s business development and employee satisfaction by external authorities.

According to the official recruitment website of "Qingyun Plan", Qingyun Plan recruits doctoral students who graduate from September 2021 to August 2024, and undergraduate and graduate students who graduate from September 2023 to August 2024. Graduates with outstanding performance in any field such as academics, practice, and competitions can apply.

For the criteria of the candidates of the Qingyun plan, Xi Dan proposed that they need to have three basic qualities: Qingyun ambition, innovation, and kindness. He hoped that the candidates of the Qingyun plan would have a heartfelt love for scientific research and exploration, a keen sense of smell for cutting-edge technology, excellent professional skills, and the confidence to move forward; at the same time, adhere to the mission vision of "science and technology for goodness" and build a concentric circle of "goodness" together.

Liu Wei, Outstanding Scientist of Tencent

In order to stimulate the potential of young talents, Tencent will set up more than 70 technical topics in more than 10 technical fields such as AI, big data, security, multimedia, database, hardware/infrastructure, game engine, etc., including unlocking AI technologies such as big models, cutting-edge technologies such as robots/quantum, co-building industry-class domestic database/big data platforms, and building AI infrastructure, etc., to support Qingyun plan candidates to deeply participate in the company’s core business. "Qingyun plan encourages young talents to break through the limitations of the field, explore freely at the forefront of science and technology, and’unveil and be in command ‘in key areas. As Mr. Pony Ma, chairperson and CEO of Tencent, said, let science become fashion, and let innovation become the pursuit of young people." Xi Dan said in his speech.

The chief scientist acts as a "mentor" and comprehensively customizes the training plan

In order to help young talents quickly adapt to their positions, the "Qingyun Plan" sets up exclusive job mentors, development mentors, and project consultants, and invites chief scientist Zhang Zhengyou, as well as outstanding scientists such as Yu Dong, Wu Shi, Liu Shan, Liu Wei, Zhang Shengyu, Yu Yang, Dong Zhiqiang, Zheng Yefeng, Shan Ying, and Ye Handong to serve as mentors. By means of daily real-time business mentoring, regular growth mentoring, and cross-border scientific research project exchanges, candidates can better develop, and then take over the "baton" in the hands of mentors. In the industry exploration, problem breakthroughs, and technological changes, they will lead the way and play the leading role.

According to the data, the "mentor group" of Qingyun Project includes the heads of Tencent AI Lab, Tencent Robotics X Lab, Tencent Security Cohen Lab, Multimedia Lab, Tencent Quantum Lab, and Tencent Hybrid Model, covering cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, security, automatic speech recognition and processing, multimedia and signal processing. In the 2022 "Top 2% Global Scientists List" released by Stanford University in the United States, Zhang Zhengyou, Yu Dong, Wu Shi, Zheng Yefeng and other scientists and experts were simultaneously selected for the "Lifetime Scientific Impact Ranking" and "Annual Scientific Impact Ranking".

Fang Hongwei, Vice President and Provost of Southern University of Science and Technology

Fang Hongwei, vice-president of Southern University of Science and Technology, said that the Qingyun plan is a special project launched by Tencent to focus on the future development of the industry, with the goal of selecting and cultivating young people with innovative spirit and practical ability, and for outstanding students who are interested in joining the forefront of science and technology. "I believe that with the careful training of various universities, the strong support of Tencent, and the careful guidance of experts and entrepreneurs, these students will be able to become leading talents in the future technology industry and make important contributions to the realization of national high-level scientific and technological self-reliance."

In recent years, SUSTech has focused on the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other related disciplines of information technology, actively promoted the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and worked hard with well-known domestic companies such as Tencent to promote the integration of production, education and research, and serve social and economic development.

Tencent Qingyun plan conference site

As a digital technology company, Tencent anchors the forefront of technology, deepens innovative applications, and prepares for the next generation of Internet technology innovation. As of June this year, Tencent’s patent applications in major countries and regions around the world exceeded 66,000, and the number of patent authorizations exceeded 33,000, ranking second among global Internet companies. In 2022, Tencent’s R & D expenditure exceeded 61.40 billion yuan, ranking first in the 2023 China Private Enterprise Top 500 released by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Three out of every four Tencent employees are engaged in R & D positions.

Xi believes that building a young and enterprising team is the cornerstone of Tencent’s continuous business development and a key element to maintain its core competitiveness. "We hope to provide a broader development platform through the Qingyun plan to help young talents grow rapidly. For the company, we will jointly promote technological innovation in the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, and continue to maintain vitality. At the national level, we also hope to help the country cultivate and reserve talents, improve scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and tackle technical problems in key areas."


Ele.me suspends takeaway services in areas that do not meet takeaway delivery conditions

Information Times (reporter) Pan Jingwen)Recently, many places in Guangdong have continued to experience heavy rain, and some areas have issued a red warning for heavy rain. Ele.me takeaway ordering platformExpress,We attach great importance to the safety and rights and interests of takeaway riders. Therefore, according to the requirements of various places, the platform has suspended takeaway services in areas that do not meet the conditions for takeaway delivery, and will continue to adjust according to the actual situation in the region.

In order to ensure the safety of riders, Ele.me has set up a "safe production" special project team and launched an emergency mechanism under special weather. Through weather warnings and safety reminders, the platform has provided riders with pre-tips, including slowing down, avoiding wading in water, and bypassing stagnant water. At the same time, the platform has also optimized the route and dispatched order protection to match riders with more flexible delivery time and shorten the delivery distance, and opened penalty-free measures and abnormal declaration and rejection for riders under relevant circumstances.

Before the bad weather came, Ele.me distributed waterproof bags, raincoats and other rain-proof and waterproof equipment to riders. The platform also carried out safety knowledge courses for riders such as typhoon and rainstorm abnormal weather protection, and prepared ginger soup, hot tea, cold medicine and medical kits for them at the site to provide logistical support.

For merchants who are temporarily offline due to heavy rain, stagnant water, etc., Ele.me will provide temporary closure protection to effectively safeguard the rights and interests of merchants.


Choose sleep aid health home appliances with standards

China Consumer News Beijing News(ReporterSang XueqiOn November 29th, the 2023 China Health Home Appliance Conference hosted by Zhongjiayuan (Beijing) Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. was held in Beijing. The forum was held online and offline with the theme of "Certified Sleep Aid · Health Companion". The meeting showcased 7 advantageous products that have obtained the first batch of CHCT "Sleep Grade Low Noise" certification in 2023.

"From the initial establishment of a health appliance evaluation system, to the launch of health index certification, and now that mandatory national standards for health and safety are about to be introduced, the health appliance industry has developed rapidly." Zhang Xiao, deputy director of the Testing Institute of the China Household Appliances Research Institute, pointed out that the development trend of health appliances in the future will eventually move towards scene evaluation, towards the evaluation of people, and sleep is one of the most important household health scenarios. Factors such as sound, light, temperature and humidity that affect sleep are closely related to home appliances.

According to reports, in 2021, the China Home Appliance Research Institute, as a pilot unit, undertook the national household appliance consumer product standardization pilot project (smart and healthy home), and sleep assistance was also one of the key research topics.

Chen Yanbo, a PhD from the Institute of Pattern Recognition at Beijing University of Technology, said that sound, light, color, temperature, smell, etc. are all factors that affect the sleep environment. An individual’s emotional state also has an impact on sleep, and it not only directly affects sleep quality, but also largely shapes people’s perception of the surrounding environment.

It is reported that the China Home Appliance Research Institute and the China Standardization Association have approved two group standards, "Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Sleep Assisting Functions of Air Conditioners" and "Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Sleep Assisting Functions of Massage Chairs", to promote the development of the home appliance industry in the direction of healthy sleep assistance. For the first time this year, CHCT "Sleep Grade Low Noise Certification for Household Appliances" was launched, aiming to take an important step in the evaluation of sleep scenes from the perspective of noise. Zhang Weichao, deputy director of the Health Appliance Testing Center of Zhongjiayuan (Beijing) Testing and Certification Co., Ltd., explained that the sleep assistance function of an air conditioner refers to the improvement of environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity, airflow, sound, light, and smell, so as to assist in creating a better sleep environment and help users fall asleep or improve sleep quality. Its core technical indicators mainly include noise, air supply function, comfort, display light source, temperature and humidity control function, odor release, air purification, fresh air function, and sleep assistance substances. The sleep assistance function of a massage chair refers to the function of relying on mechanical pressure, air bag pressure, material magnetism, and electric heating to act on certain parts of the human body, thereby helping users fall asleep or improve sleep quality. The core technical indicators mainly include heating function, magnetic function, odor release, and special functions. Cradle mode, pressing feet, shoulder and neck massage and whole body stretching massage, etc.). "The formulation of these two standards has given specific quantitative indicators for the sleep assistance function of home appliances, and opened up the road for the sleep assistance field of home appliances," Zhang Weichao said.

Chen Songtao, director engineer of the Health Home Appliance Testing Center of Zhongjiayuan (Beijing) Testing and Certification Co., Ltd., said that the "sleep-level low-noise" certification of home appliances is designed to meet consumers’ growing requirements for sleep scenes and quality of life. It places strict requirements on the noise in the life scenarios of home appliances, and it is necessary to ensure the basic performance indicators of home appliances under the premise of low noise. At present, the certification covers humidifiers, fresh fans, air purifiers, dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, electric clothes dryers, electric toilets, and cleaning robots. The product categories will continue to expand in the future. " The certification implementation rules specify the corresponding technical requirements and test methods for each product, and the index requirements are more stringent, and they are set according to the characteristics of the product. "Chen Songtao said.

In addition, *******, director of the Secretariat of the Health Care and Similar Appliances Sub-Technical Committee of the National Household Appliance Standardization Technical Committee, said that the formulation of three mandatory national standards, "Household and Similar Appliances, Electrical Appliances Safety Specifications", "Household and Similar Appliances, Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Specifications" and "Household and Similar Appliances, Health and Safety Specifications", is in the final stage. These three mandatory national standards will replace more than 100 current mandatory standards for home appliances. Among them, the health and safety standards are streamlined and integrated with GB 21551 series standards, GB 17988 and GB 19606 standards, and the technical indicators are mainly divided into two directions. On the one hand, it is health and safety, including ultraviolet leakage, noise, electromagnetic radiation (EMF), ozone leakage, TVOC concentration, and hygiene and safety of food contact materials. On the other hand, it is health protection function, which currently mainly involves air purification, sterilization, virus removal, antibacterial and antifungal materials, and antiviral materials.

"Home appliance consumers pay more attention to quality and price ratio, and consumer demand is also showing a polarized trend. Therefore, the development of healthy home appliances needs to identify the segmented needs of consumers." Wang Hongji, general manager of the white electronics business department of Beijing Zhongyikang Times Market Research Co., Ltd., believes that the trend of integration of home appliances and home improvement is becoming more and more significant, and in the future, healthy home appliances need to implement healthy functions in the scene. In the future, healthy home appliances will show effective integration with intelligence, integration with energy-saving products, high-end products, partition washing, and healthy and clean home appliances. There are seven development trends of refrigerator sterilization and preservation, and healthy sterilization and air conditioning.