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Israeli festivals

Topic: "Perception of China" in Israel.

  1. RoshHashana The Jewish New Year is the beginning of the year of the Jewish calendar (lunar calendar). It is one of the most important festivals for Jews. During the festival, the whole country has a two-day holiday. In the church, the horn was blown to talk to God, hoping to get God’s blessing. Friends meet to say "ShanaTova". According to tradition, people eat apples dipped in honey during the New Year, which indicates that the new year is sweet and beautiful.

  2. YomKippur Yom Kippur is the tenth day after the Jewish New Year and is an important religious festival. Jews set this festival to confess to God and ask for forgiveness. Judaism stipulates that during Yom Kippur, you should fast for one day and pray and meditate in the church. When people meet in church, they wish each other a good evaluation from God. Yom Kippur ended with the melodious sound of horns in the evening.

  3. Sukkot (Sukkot) This festival is to commemorate the life of living in a hut during the 40-year exile in Sinai after the Jewish ancestor Moses led the Jews out of Egypt. Therefore, the festival is in the harvest season, so it is also called the harvest festival. It is the main feature of every household to build a straw shed during the festival. The festival is celebrated for eight days. During this period, the IDF usually holds tank exhibitions in Tel Aviv’s municipal square.

Israel’s "Tent Festival"

  4. SimhatTorah It usually takes a year for Jews to read Jewish classics. The Simhattorah is designed to celebrate the completion of reading, and the religious atmosphere is strong. This festival is a happy festival, so people (mainly Christians) should sing, dance and eat sweets. In the celebration ceremony, an essential item is to take down the scroll and walk seven times in your hand.

  5. Hanukah Festival is to commemorate the success of Macabies’s uprising against the Greek invaders and the freedom of Jews. Legend has it that during the Jewish temple period, the seven olive oil lamps in the temple kept on burning, but they were eventually broken due to the destruction of the Greek invaders. After the victory of Macabies Uprising, I hope to rekindle the oil lamp. People looked around and found only enough olive oil for one day, but this olive oil was miraculously ordered for eight days until the new olive matured and new oil was added. Since then, Jews have set up festivals to commemorate this day when God helped them. This festival lasts for eight days, with two days off at the beginning and the end. The main celebration ceremony is to light a candle every day. Candlesticks with nine candlesticks are specially designed for this festival. Among them, the higher one in the middle is designed to ignite the other eight. At the beginning of the festival, people eat a special potato cake and then exchange gifts.

  6. Purim means drawing lots. It is said that a wicked official hated a Jew who had offended him and set a date for killing all Jews by drawing lots. A Jewish woman who became a queen executed the wicked official and saved the Jews by playing around. During festivals, theaters usually put on plays about this story. People (mainly children) also wear masks about the characters in the story to attend the party, so some people call it the masquerade festival. At the party, people usually eat a special triangle cookie, which symbolizes the ear or hat of a bad official.

  7. The Passover (Pessah) originated from the Bible Exodus. When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt to the Red Sea, he raised his staff to separate the Red Sea, and the Jews walked out of the Red Sea smoothly, while the chasing Egyptian army was submerged in the sea. The festival is celebrated for eight days, with two days off at the beginning and the end. Before the festival, people should remove all fermented pasta from their homes. During the festival, it is forbidden to sell and eat fermented food, and only a special unleavened pancake called Matsa can be eaten to commemorate the day when Jews could not eat fermented cakes when they left Egypt because of time constraints.

The traditional family feast of Jews during Passover.

  8. Holocaust Remembrance Day (also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day) In order to commemorate the six million Jews killed by the Nazis between 1933 and 1945, the Knesset passed a decree in 1951, establishing the 27th of the Jewish calendar (April in Gregorian calendar) as Holocaust Remembrance Day. During the festival, orthodox Jews all over the world will fast for one day. Every family lights candles and reads the Jewish scripture Kadish. In Israel, an assembly or procession attended by the President, the Prime Minister and other important figures will be held to mourn the victims and celebrate the survival of the Jewish nation. At 10 o’clock in the morning, the national whistle sounded for two minutes, and the people stopped all work and stood in silence for the victims.

  9. IDFMemorialDay This festival is set on the day before Independence Day to commemorate the soldiers of the National Defence Force who have given their lives to protect national security since the War of Liberation. At 8 o’clock the night before the festival, the national whistle sounded for one minute, and the people stood in silence. The National Defence Force also held an official commemorative ceremony at 8: 00 on the same day, attended by the President. At eleven o’clock the next morning, whistle again for two minutes.

  10. IndependentDay was established to commemorate Israel’s independence in 1948. At eight o’clock the night before the festival, the Knesset held a formal celebration ceremony in Mount Herzl, Jerusalem, with the participation of parliamentarians and cabinet members. The ceremony included lighting 12 torches and firing salutes. The main activities on the day of the festival include a parade of the National Defence Forces, an air show, a reception hosted by the President for diplomatic missions and outstanding soldiers, an international Bible contest and an Israel Prize awarding ceremony. In addition, municipal governments also hold entertainment parties and set off fireworks.

Independence Day

  11. Lagba-Omer means the 33rd day after the first day of Passover. According to legend, the Jewish rabbi Akiva organized Jews to recapture Jerusalem from the Romans on this day and lit a bonfire to inform the surrounding villages. Since then, Jews have commemorated the story of Achiwarabi and his recapture of Jerusalem with bonfires.

  12. Jerusalem Day is a festival to commemorate Israel’s unification of Jerusalem in 1967. During festivals, there are usually grand celebrations in Jerusalem. The main celebration ceremony was held in front of the Western Wall at sunset the day before. Before the ceremony began, eighteen candles were lit to commemorate the soldiers who died in the battle to recapture Yecheng, followed by a thanksgiving ceremony. On the day of the festival, mass parades and other celebrations are held.

  13. The forty-ninth day after the first day of Pentecost Passover is the day to commemorate Moses’ acquisition of the Ten Commandments. Therefore, the festival is catching up with the harvest of wheat and fruit, so it is also called the harvest festival. This is a happy festival, people should decorate their homes with flowers, and have a rich holiday meal with milk and cheese the night before the festival. Read the Ten Commandments on the festival day. At present, this festival has basically evolved into a children’s festival.

  14. Tesha b ‘av means the ninth day of the Jewish calendar. According to legend, the Jewish temple was destroyed twice on this day. Jews commemorated this sad day with fasting.

Editor: Wang Yilin


National Sports General Administration Mountaineering Management Center

    On March 18th-19th, 2023, another city-level international competition-2023 China Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race, co-sponsored by the Mountaineering Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and the people’s governments of chinese mountaineering association and Chengdu, was successfully held in Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park in Chengdu.

  China100 Mountain Cross-country Race is an international outdoor sports brand race founded by the Mountaineering Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and chinese mountaineering association in 2013. Since its establishment more than ten years ago, China100 has traveled to Yuyao, Zhejiang, Gongga, Sichuan, Jigongshan, Henan and other places, and nearly 100,000 people from more than 20 countries and regions have participated in it, feeling the local customs of all parts of the country with enthusiastic and energetic cross-country running.

  Lepao Longquan Mountain

  Feel the park city with your steps.

  As the first park city in China, Chengdu has gradually formed a new urban development pattern of "one mountain with two wings" in the historical process of building a park city demonstration zone that practices the new development concept, and Longquan Mountain has also become the "urban green heart" that outdoor sports enthusiasts and citizens are eager for.

  In order to give full play to the natural resource endowment advantage of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park and realize the creative transformation of the ecological value of the forest park, with sports events as the "urban green heart", with the support of the Mountaineering Center of the General Administration and chinese mountaineering association, China100 brand officially settled in Chengdu this year and was held in Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park, which is enough to show the unique geographical location, abundant landscape resources and ecological endowment of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park and its natural advantages in popularizing outdoor sports.

  With the countdown to the Chengdu Universiade, the atmosphere of "Love Chengdu and Welcome the Universiade" continues to heat up. Chengdu, a city of vitality and sports, is welcoming friends from all corners of the country with a vibrant attitude.

  As the first international mountain cross-country race in Chengdu, the 2023 Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race is in the spring of March, and the mountains on Longquan Mountain are full of flowers and colorful. Athletes and outdoor enthusiasts will touch the natural and cultural scenery of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park at close range in an active and challenging way, and measure the ecological beauty of Chengdu as a park city with running steps.

  Chengdu blew the assembly number

  Integrate into nature "households" and move into a new life.

  Mountain cross-country race is an important form of mountain outdoor sports, and now it has become a popular sports event all over the world. At the same time, it is a sport that challenges itself and transcends the limits, and it is also a vivid interpretation of the sportsmanship of tenacious struggle and courage.

  China Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race Track in 2023 is dominated by relatively mature routes around the lake and mountains. The starting point of the race is located in Danjingtai, Longquan Mountain, and the ending points are Sanchahu Campus of Chengdu Institute of Physical Education and Hubin Square in Tianfu New District, Sichuan Province according to different routes. The track highlights the superior ecological value and tourism resources of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park, and highlights the new concept of mountain outdoor sports, which is "integrating into nature, making a new life and making cross-country happier", showing ". 


    In this competition, the long-distance 105-kilometer master group, 70-kilometer elite group and 45-kilometer challenge group are mainly for professional players to surpass themselves in the challenge. The 12-kilometer Happy Group and the 3-kilometer Parent-child Rainbow Run allow more citizens and enthusiasts to experience the fun of indulging in Longquan Mountain and running between mountains and rivers.

  The total scale of the competition reached 2,000 people, including 400 people in the 105km Master Group, 70km Elite Group, 1,200 people in the 45km Challenge Group, 12km Happy Group and about 400 people in the 3km Rainbow Run. 

  Among the athletes, there are many cross-country runners, such as Zhao Jiaju, a domestic cross-country runner, Shiro Dorje, the top ten elite athlete of ITRA in China, Fu Huarong, Zheng Junyue, and so on.

  It is worth mentioning that chinese mountaineering association mountaineering outdoor media collecting group joined hands with the Capital Media Running Group, and invited more than 10 media people who love running to participate in it personally, reporting the joy and excitement of cross-country running in an experiential way.



  Leading the new fashion of outdoor sports and leisure

  At present, Chengdu is actively promoting the construction of a park city. The overall positioning of Longquanshan Urban Forest Park is "a world-class quality urban green heart, an international urban living room and an ecological paradise loved by citizens and tourists".


  In order to continuously release the driving effect of the event, create a multi-dimensional new scene of outdoor life, and continuously enrich the connotation of the event, Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race adheres to the guidance of professional events, integrates national fitness and outdoor leisure, and simultaneously holds a series of theme activities such as lakeside music carnival, outdoor sports film festival, Hushan Music Festival, sports equipment exhibition, outdoor sports parent-child tour, etc., so that citizens can feel the happy and beautiful life of the park city. Efforts will be made to build the event into a "mountain cross-country race in the center of the city" with the charm and abundance of Chengdu, to realize the creative transformation of the ecological value of the park city, and to develop the forest park from the green heart of Chengdu into an internationally influential mountain outdoor sports gathering area and outdoor tourism destination.


  The State Sports General Administration attached great importance to this event, and the relevant staff of the Policy and Regulation Department also came to the competition site to guide the safety and standardization work related to the event. As the most influential mountain cross-country race brand in China, after more than two years of planning and polishing, Tianfu Longquan Mountain China100 Mountain Cross-country Race successfully settled in Chengdu, which once again proved the strong vitality and wide appeal of outdoor sports in this park city.


  Competition results

  105 km group

  Top three men

  Shi Yanghe 08:39:46

  Wang Qinghua 08:52:21

  Xia Zongyong 09:21:47

  Top three women

  Tony chen 10:23:24

  Zhou Liting 10:25:45

  Zhao fen 11:14:44


  70 km group

  Top three men

  Zhang Huohua 05:07:25

  Wu Yongbo 05:09:21

  Yang Yi 05:17:48

  Top three women

  Wang Liping 06:52:11

  Qin Qin 06:59:34

  Wu Ping 07:20:17


  45 km group

  Top three men

  DANIEL PEREZ 03:16:45

  Xiong Zhiqiang 03:35:59

  Li Gang 03:45:22

  Top three women

  Li Lanlan 04:30:25

  Li Jinxia 04:32:19

  Dongsha 04:47:36


  12 km group

  Top three men

  Zhang Jiayu 00:36:32

  Ye Jiexiong 00:36:49

  Wang Mingxuan 00:38:30

  Top three women

  Jiang Wenli 00:42:43

  Liu Pingying 00:46:09

  00:49:48 at Kitchener.


The historic moment of China film is being staged here!

Special feature of 1905 film network Deepen the reform of the cinema system, stimulate the vitality of the industry and build a high-level film market system. On October 26th, the 24th National Film Promotion Conference, the opening ceremony of the first film fair and the symposium on the development of China film industry were held in Hengdian.

At the scene, the representatives of 24 films and the representatives of the cinema completed the signing ceremony of the sub-line distribution, and jointly opened a new chapter in the future cooperation of film production distribution and screening. Representatives of big coffee and film companies from all walks of life gathered together to discuss the new opportunities brought by the reform of the cinema system and the distribution of different lines to the development of the industry.

Mao Yu, executive deputy director of the State Film Administration, Zhang Pimin, chairman of the China Film Foundation, Yan Peng, director of the Industry Department of the State Film Administration, Hou Xiao, deputy director of the Marketing Department, Cao Yin, director of the program center of the film channel and secretary of the Party Committee, Yang Wujun, director of the State Film Specialized Office, Liu Yuxia, deputy director of the State Film Specialized Office, Zhang Hong, secretary and director of the Party branch of the Film Digital Program Management Center, Han Xiaoli, president of the China Film Distribution and Projection Association, and Fan Qingyu, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Lv Weiqiang, member of the Standing Committee of Jinhua Municipal Committee of Zhejiang Province and Minister of Propaganda, Lou Langjian, secretary of Dongyang Municipal Committee and director of Hengdian Film and Television Culture Industry Cluster, Xu Tianfu, vice president of Hengdian Group and chairman of Hengdian Film and Television Co., Ltd., and more than 700 film practitioners from 50 cinemas, over 70 film investment companies, distributors and producers attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony and special forum were presided over by the host of the film channel.

It is reported that the 2023 China Hengdian Film & Festival of China will be held in Hengdian from October 25th to 28th. The movie channel will launch "Gathering!" for two consecutive days on October 26th and 27th. China movies — — Direct hit 2023 China Hengdian Film & Festival of China "movie channel integrates live media activities, focusing on the China Film Corps’ assembly and appearance in Hengdian with cinematic language, professional perspective, life-oriented voice and panoramic documentary live broadcast, expanding the communication space of Hengdian Film & Festival of China and Wenrong Award, and at the same time creating the brand of" Six Princes Movie Lifestyle "to empower the film industry with" Six Princes "IP.

The National Film Fair officially opened.

Open a new chapter in film production, distribution and projection cooperation

The 14th Five-Year Plan for China Film Development proposes to build a high-level film market system, expand and extend the film industry chain, promote the sustained prosperity and development of the film market, encourage innovative businesses such as branch distribution, multiple rounds distribution, regional distribution and focus distribution, and promote the development of characteristic cinemas such as People’s Cinema and Art Cinema.

The National Film Promotion Conference is also the first national film fair. Han Xiaoli, president of the organizer China Film Distribution and Projection Association, said that the first fair was jointly founded by the forces of film production, distribution and projection industries, which is a milestone in improving the construction of a modern film market system. "We believe that the establishment of the National Film Fair will contribute to creating a market-oriented, rule-based, international film industry environment and building an efficient, standardized, fair competition and fully open film market system."

At the opening ceremony, No Problem, Red Pig, Last Night, Tree Talk, Guo Ding Soul, Mom and Seven Days, Zhong Ken, Whispering Man, Searching for Secret Nature: Inability, Searching for Secret Nature: The Past of the Earth, Love Adventure in A Test, Fortress, Beacon Pond Field, Diving. Representatives of producers and distributors of 24 films, etc., completed the signing ceremony of sub-line distribution with the cinemas that reached the cooperation intention.

The signing ceremony conveyed a high degree of confidence in deepening cooperation in future production, distribution and screening, and reflected the determination of the film industry to continue to deepen reform and its positive attitude in coping with difficulties, which was a crucial step for the development of sub-line distribution, multi-round distribution, regional distribution and focus distribution.

Deepen the reform of cinema system

Industry representatives discuss new opportunities of "distributed distribution"

After years of rapid development, China’s film industry has made remarkable achievements. Facing the ever-changing market and escalating audience demand, in the seminar on the development of China’s film industry, industry representatives discussed in depth how to deepen the reform of cinema system, stimulate the vitality of the industry and promote the comprehensive recovery of China’s film industry, and discussed the new opportunities and challenges brought by "split distribution".

Zhang Dayong, assistant to the general manager of China Film Co., Ltd. and manager of China Film Distribution and Digital Development, pointed out that the biggest problems encountered by cinemas at present are the homogenization of operation and insufficient attendance in "non-prime time", and it is urgent to develop diversified business forms and increase cinema revenue. Therefore, in recent years, China Film has carried out relevant attempts of "scheduled screening" mode, which has accumulated valuable experience for exploring regionalized and differentiated film supply and distribution and screening modes, and also opened an attempt of separate distribution.

CEO Maoyan Entertainment believes that the film industry in China is undergoing a transformation from large-scale to refined and market-oriented. The previous emphasis on unified filming and centralized screening can no longer meet the needs of the development of the industry. Separate distribution will make more works, especially small and medium-cost works and art films, no longer limited by large schedules and short periods, and have more market-oriented opportunities.

"The change from’ promotion’ to’ transaction’ means the change from the traditional unified issuance and unified projection to the market-oriented and flexible negotiation trading mechanism." Li Jie, president of Alibaba Pictures, believes that the opening of the first film fair is an important event recorded in China’s film history, "which will greatly improve the efficiency of resource allocation and thus meet the audience’s ever-increasing demand for watching movies."

According to Chen Hongtao, vice president of Beijing Wanda Travel Industry Group and CEO of WANDA CINEMAS, the development of separate distribution in China film market is an important direction in the future, which will fully release the enthusiasm of producers, distributors and screeners, and help small and medium-sized films to fully tap the regional characteristics and achieve more accurate marketing under the limited budget, thus ensuring the supply of every "weekend file" in the film market, cultivating the viewing habits of young audiences and meeting more diversified viewing needs.

Dai Yun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of Shanghai Film Co., Ltd., from the perspective of cinemas and cinemas, thinks that distributed distribution puts forward higher requirements for cinema operation and cinema management. On the one hand, cinemas should improve their ability of content selection, judgment and marketing, and empower cinemas. On the other hand, cinemas should adjust their business philosophy to face the needs of audiences in their regions more directly, and truly "adapt to local conditions, stores and individuals".

The founder, chairman and general manager of Bona Film Group Co., Ltd. suggested that in the exploration of distributed distribution, multi-hall cinemas should be ahead, and cinemas with more than seven halls can take out one or two halls to try distributed distribution. At the same time, producers, distributors and exhibitors should form a joint force to jointly expand the market and achieve mutual benefit and win-win.

Li Wei, the chairman of 1905 Film Network, started from the successful experience of the film channel in promoting and marketing "to help good films", and put forward that distributed distribution puts forward higher and more detailed requirements for film promotion and marketing. "How to accurately cover the target population, realize customized output and long-term communication, we must follow the principle of" three closeness ",that is, close enough to the film itself, close enough to the main creation and close enough to the audience."

To this end, the movie channel continuously plans customized marketing plans for many high-quality domestic blockbusters from the summer file to the National Day file, showing the front and back of the premiere and roadshow in the form of "panoramic documentary live broadcast", highlighting authenticity, interaction and customization, and distributing and spreading with the help of new media matrix, and the online and offline linkage will maximize the sound volume.

At the same time, Film Channel and 1905 Film Network also made great efforts to build the brand of "Six Princesses, Movie Life Home". During the current Hengdian Film & Festival of China, they launched a tour of Hengdian film and television, unlocked the special live broadcast of good things around the film and television, and created the concept of "movie+life" in the form of "cultural output" and "good things recommendation" to help develop new film consumption patterns.

China Film Corps Assembles Hengdian! On October 27th, in the live broadcast of "Direct Attack on Hengdian Film & Festival of China, China, 2023" movie channel, various blockbusters will continue to bring heavy films, and the 9th Wenrong Award will also be grandly announced, looking forward to the China film market and the industrial development direction, cheering for China films!


Artificial intelligence injects wisdom and kinetic energy into scientific research (self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology)

  Core reading

  A few days ago, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other six departments issued a document, focusing on creating a number of major scenarios and expanding the application of artificial intelligence. High-level scientific research activities are one of them. Nowadays, China’s artificial intelligence technology is developing rapidly, and it has advantages in data acquisition, experimental prediction and result analysis. Life science, mathematics, chemistry, space science and other disciplines have embraced artificial intelligence. Rich application scenarios also feed back the development of technology and promote the upgrading of industrial wisdom.

  From daily life to scientific research, today, China’s artificial intelligence technology is developing rapidly, and data and computing resources are increasingly abundant. Application demand is an important driving force for technological progress, and new technologies are often constantly improved and matured in "use". In order to promote the landing of artificial intelligence, a few days ago, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other six departments jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating Scene Innovation and Promoting High-quality Economic Development with High-level Application of Artificial Intelligence", focusing on creating several major scenes and expanding the application of artificial intelligence. High-level scientific research activities are one of them.

  As a means of empowerment, how can artificial intelligence bring new research methods, and how can economic development inject "wisdom kinetic energy"?

  Close integration helps scientific research to be more efficient and accurate.

  Among many disciplines, life science research and artificial intelligence are closely integrated, and one of the hot directions is to predict protein structure.

  Protein has a three-dimensional structure, and its primary structure (sequence) is composed of several amino acids in series. The three-dimensional structure determines the function of protein in cells, and many diseases are caused by the important protein structural abnormality in the body. Therefore, only by drawing a "three-dimensional map" of important protein in human body can we find the target of drugs acting on human body, thus developing accurate and effective new drugs.

  Traditionally, scientists have observed the three-dimensional structure of protein by means of cryoelectron microscopy, X-ray and nuclear magnetic resonance, but this process is time-consuming, laborious and expensive. "Taking the cryomicroscope as an example, it costs tens of millions of yuan to arrange an observation platform, and it will take a long time for researchers to draw the protein structure." He Jingzhou, head of Baidu’s propeller bio-computing platform, said.

  Due to the high difficulty, long experimental period and high cost, the number of three-dimensional structures of protein observed by traditional methods is very limited. In contrast, amino acid sequencing is much easier. Why can’t we predict the structure of protein based on the amino acid sequence? As early as 1972, American biochemist Christian anfinsen put forward this idea in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech.

  It is precisely artificial intelligence that accurately predicts the three-dimensional structure of proteins from their primary structure. However, human beings have made slow progress in trying to analyze protein Group. It is explained that, on the one hand, because the existing biological data is small in quantity and low in quality, deep learning lacks enough samples; On the other hand, because the artificial intelligence algorithm is mature, it also needs a process.

  In recent years, with the sharp increase of biological data and the optimization of artificial intelligence technology, scientists have established more accurate prediction models. In December 2020, in a competition, the artificial intelligence program "Alpha Folding" shined brilliantly, and its predicted results were similar to most experimental data. This proves that artificial intelligence has been quite accurate in predicting the structure of protein.

  Nowadays, with the help of artificial intelligence, the work that may have taken several years can now be completed in a few minutes, and some protein structures that cannot be observed by traditional methods can also be analyzed.

  It is understood that using artificial intelligence, researchers have predicted the structure of more than 200 million protein species of about 1 million species, covering almost every protein that has been recorded by the scientific community. This will have a great impact on the field of structural biology, which may lead to a paradigm change in life science research and enhance human understanding of life.

  It has broad prospects and plays a role in many fields such as life science.

  Artificial intelligence has entered the field of vision of life science research, and the demand of biomedical industry is an important driving force. According to reports, in the biopharmaceutical industry, the types of drugs that can be developed for every $1 billion invested have been declining. The research and development of new drugs is becoming more and more difficult, and the cycle is getting longer and longer. There is an urgent need for new methods to break through, and artificial intelligence has high hopes.

  Not only does it accelerate the research and development of new drugs, but artificial intelligence is playing an important role in more and more fields of life sciences.

  At the beginning of this year, a protein prediction model run by Chengdu Center of National Supercomputing helped the team of Wheat Research Institute of Agricultural College of Sichuan Agricultural University successfully analyze the molecular mechanism of PGS1 regulating seed development and affecting yield, and provided theoretical basis for cultivating high-yield and high-quality wheat materials. Researchers say that without artificial intelligence, it is difficult to make this breakthrough efficiently.

  Researchers also try to introduce artificial intelligence technology into vaccine design. For example, compared with protein vaccine and DNA vaccine, mRNA vaccine has the advantages of fast mass production and good anti-infectivity, but its stability and immunogenicity are relatively poor. To make up for these shortcomings, researchers have been hoping to optimize the sequence design of mRNA vaccine to make it more stable and more immunogenic. With higher efficiency and lower cost, the intervention of artificial intelligence is expected to provide new ideas for vaccine research and development.

  Precision therapy is also a stage for the application of artificial intelligence. Through the method of machine learning, in theory, artificial intelligence can decode the human immune system and explore the complex immune laws of some diseases more accurately, thus helping people understand diseases and develop therapeutic drugs and methods more efficiently and pertinently.

  With the increase of human data and knowledge accumulated in new drug research and development brought by genomics research, and the continuous iteration of machine learning algorithms, industry experts believe that artificial intelligence has broad prospects in the field of life sciences. Some researchers even imagine to build a unified knowledge map by relying on a powerful biological computing engine and using a large amount of biological data to promote the understanding of life and health.

  Rich scenes, pushing the application to a higher level.

  Walking into life science research, artificial intelligence brings new methods, and it is also expected to open a new era of biomedical industry.

  Experts in the industry said that seizing the new opportunities of intelligent drug design and strengthening the layout of artificial intelligence and biomedicine will help us to take the lead in the new track of new drug research and development.

  Although artificial intelligence+biomedicine has developed rapidly, it has just started on the whole. He Jingzhou believes that the biomedical industry has a history of hundreds of years, with mature and perfect research processes, industrial chains and division of labor. The improvement of artificial intelligence is only some of them. "Biomedical is related to life and health, and the development of the industry should be steadily advanced, maintaining rationality and awe." Up to now, there is no new drug discovered entirely by artificial intelligence in the world. Some products developed by artificial intelligence are still a long way from the real market.

  Seeing the advantages of artificial intelligence technology in data acquisition, experimental prediction and result analysis, mathematics, chemistry, materials science and space science have also embraced artificial intelligence.

  The performance of lithium batteries varies with different material compositions. In response to the demand for lithium batteries in a variety of scenarios, researchers hope to design a suitable lithium battery system by optimizing the material combination.

  "In the past, the design of material systems mainly relied on manual experiments, which was very inefficient." Zhang Qiang, a professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering in Tsinghua University, said that at present, he is leading the team to predict molecular properties with artificial intelligence, so as to find energy materials more efficiently and accurately and design more valuable and safer battery systems.

  According to estimates, the scale of China’s artificial intelligence core industry exceeds 400 billion yuan, and the number of enterprises exceeds 3,000. Thanks to the strong demand brought by massive data processing and the experimental soil provided by rich application scenarios, China is at the forefront of the world in the fields of computer vision and speech recognition.

  Experts in the industry suggest that it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of rich application scenarios in China to promote the application of artificial intelligence to a higher level. Creating a major scene around high-level scientific research activities will promote the application of artificial intelligence in China and inject "wisdom and kinetic energy" into high-quality economic development.


Ankle swelling is not as simple as drinking too much water.

  Swelling is called edema in medical terminology, which is more common in the ankle. Many people think that ankle swelling is caused by drinking too much water, but it is not. The website of American Journal of Prevention recently analyzed this and summarized 12 reasons for ankle swelling. Swelling If left untreated, swollen ankles will become painful, it will be difficult to walk, the joints will be stiff and the skin will be elongated. Even worse, swelling or blood clots, infections, and even signs of heart problems.

  Sit or stand all day: If your work requires standing (or sitting) in one place for a long time, then ankle swelling is a natural phenomenon. Dr Steven winfield, director of the Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital in new york, explained: When you move around, the muscles involved in exercise help you to import body fluids and blood into and out of your limbs. However, without the help of muscles in motion, blood and body fluids will gather in the feet and ankles.

  Side effects of pregnancy: among the many changes experienced by pregnant women during pregnancy, ankle swelling may be the most common. According to the American Pregnancy Association, this is mainly because the extra blood and body fluids produced by women during pregnancy soften the body and help it expand as the baby grows. Changes in hormone function and extra pressure in veins may also cause ankle swelling during pregnancy.

  Injury: Whether you hit a table or sprained your ankle while running, injury is a common cause of ankle swelling. When the ankle is injured, the body will send extra blood to this area; This will not only bring healing cells, but also cause swelling, thus keeping the injured joint still. In the case of injury, swelling may also be accompanied by redness or bruising.

  Infection is brewing: although untreated wounds around the ankle joint will infect the inside of the joint, any bacteria that enter the blood may eventually enter the joint. The most obvious signs of infection are swelling, tenderness, fever and redness.

  Infants and the elderly are particularly prone to suppurative arthritis, that is, bacterial or fungal infection leads to joint inflammation, accompanied by redness, pain and fever. In addition, some skin diseases (such as cellulitis, a rapidly spreading bacterial infection, which makes the skin appear red and blistered) can also cause swelling of the ankle, because it often appears in the lower leg of adults.

  Lymphedema: Lymphatic system transports lymph (including white blood cells and waste) to the whole body. However, for patients with lymphedema, their lymphatic system is damaged or blocked, resulting in lymph deposition at the distal end of the limb. Although some cancers (and cancer treatments) can cause lymphedema, infection can also stimulate swelling. Symptoms of lymphedema also include heavy or tight arms or legs, inability to move normally, repeated infections, skin hardening or thickening, and difficulty sleeping.

  Weight gain: Overweight and obese people have swollen ankles for two reasons. First of all, the extra weight applied around the joint will cause fluid retention around the joint. In addition, excessive hormone storage in excess fat cells will also lead to changes in hormone function, resulting in fluid retention.

  Taking certain drugs: Due to the complex interaction between drugs (including over-the-counter drugs) and the body, they may cause ankle swelling. Some drugs can cause fluid retention. Some drugs for treating blood pressure, anti-inflammatory steroids and even non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) have such side effects. Estrogen and some antidepressants can also cause ankle swelling.

  Arthritis: Symptoms of arthritis include joint swelling, pain, stiffness and difficulty in moving. This disease is very common in the elderly and will affect all joints of the body, including the ankle. Inflammation associated with arthritis causes joint swelling.

  Signs of blood clots: One of the most shocking causes of swelling around the ankle is blood clots (which usually spread further up the leg). If the swelling on one side continues to spread upward, it needs to be checked in time. In some cases, blood clots can enter the lungs and lead to life-threatening pulmonary embolism. If you notice other signs of thrombosis (such as pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, redness or discoloration of the skin), you should see the emergency department immediately.

  Intravenous work is inefficient: venous dysfunction will affect blood circulation back to the heart, allowing blood to collect on the feet and ankles. With the passage of time, the stretching function of the one-way valve of vein becomes worse, which leads to liquid leakage. This happens when the valve is damaged or weakened due to aging or sedentary, which is more common in middle-aged and elderly women over 50 years old.

  It may also be a symptom of heart problems: patients with congestive heart failure (caused by coronary heart disease or hypertension) have at least one ventricle that cannot pump blood normally. If the heart can’t pump enough fluid, the fluid will flow back. This usually happens in the feet and ankles, causing swelling. In more serious cases, it can extend up to the legs. Other symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath or irregular heartbeat, persistent cough and chest pain.

  There are liver or kidney problems: kidney and liver dysfunction will affect the content of body fluids, causing fluid retention and swelling of ankle joints. In the case of kidney damage or nephropathy, the kidney either leaves too much fluid and sodium, or there is not enough protein in the blood, which will lead to fluid accumulation in the lower limbs. When renal failure occurs, swelling and tenderness will affect the whole leg below the knee. Liver disease also involves a low level of protein in the blood, resulting in fluid leakage and swelling of the lower limbs.

  Compile/Guo Shaoshan


Zhou Fengxiang: "The discipline of walking" guarantees more than 5,700 hours of safe flight.

Zhou Fengxiang is checking the plane.

Zhou Fengxiang is checking the plane.

CCTV News:After 30 years of dedication, he devoted himself to aviation maintenance as a lifelong pursuit, and took flight safety as the goal of struggle and always adhered to it. After 30 years of hard work, he left a solid and shining track with hard work day after day and sincere loyalty year after year. The comrades-in-arms said that the aircraft he maintained had the best performance, the cleanest skin and the most assured flight.

He is Zhou Fengxiang, an aerial mechanic of the Second Mechanical Team of the Maintenance Squadron of a certain regiment of the Air Force Aviation Corps. He has flown safely for more than 5,770 hours, and won the second class merit twice and the third class merit four times successively. In 2014, he was awarded the "Excellent Aviation Maintenance Personnel" and the "Silver Medal of Honor for Air Force Maintenance Personnel" by the Air Force. In 2016, he was awarded the Excellent Communist party member of the Air Force and was elected as the representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China this year.

As the competent aerial mechanic of the plane, Zhou Fengxiang is famous for being willing to endure hardships and dare to be true. Every time he prepares for a flight, he is always the first to arrive and get on the plane to work; Every time he works overtime at the airport, he always rushes to the front, scrambling to do the heaviest and most tiring work; After each flight, he always stayed to work with the ground maintenance team and was the last to leave. In the process of flight implementation, he insisted on strictly observing flight discipline, and every sortie and every take-off and landing was strictly carried out in accordance with rules and regulations. Everyone called him "the discipline book of walking".

Zhou Fengxiang is conducting a post-flight inspection.

Zhou Fengxiang is conducting a post-flight inspection.

In Zhou Fengxiang’s view, airplanes need careful care just like their own children. Over the years, he has successively summarized the maintenance practices of "four noes", "four noes", "four haves", "four presses" and "four one", which was condensed by the Communist Youth League Party Committee to form the "Zhou Fengxiang Maintenance Inspection Law" and popularized in the maintenance front of the whole regiment. The pilots all said: "flying the plane maintained by Zhou Fengxiang just feels different. The aircraft windshield slide rail is particularly clean, without a little dust, and the lubrication is very good. "

Zhou Fengxiang often said: "New party member and old party member are both party member, and old party member can only be a good example if he does better." Over the years, he has always been with absolute loyalty to the party and great love for the maintenance work, sticking to his original heart in the details and writing greatness in the ordinary.

This year, Zhou Fengxiang was elected as the representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Facing the new identity and new responsibilities, he said with emotion: "It is the cultivation of the organization that has made my achievements today. I must earnestly participate in the agendas of the 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with a spirit of hard work and a struggle for the future, correctly exercise democratic rights, faithfully perform my duties, and live up to the trust of officers and men! " (Source: Air Administration Propaganda Bureau)


What is the experience of playing volleyball on the bench? Come to Hainan to see "Village Pai"

This summer, the township volleyball league in Wenchang, Hainan was popular through the Internet. Although it is an amateur competition attended by local villagers, there are many fierce competitive scenes and more enthusiastic fans and spectators. There are competitions in every village and everyone can play ball. Why are local residents so keen on volleyball? Walk into Wenchang, Hainan and feel the popularity and vitality of the "village platoon" here.
In Wenchang volleyball circle, Huang Zi, who is over half a century old, is a famous figure. When he was young, he was also a fierce player on the court. Now he is too old to run, but his enthusiasm for volleyball remains undiminished. The township volleyball league was about to start that night, and Lao Huang was busy again. He loaded the fans’ clothes customized by his friends into the car.
The game on the field is fierce and the field is packed. Who would have thought that this was just a township volleyball league? Different from the 6-a-side volleyball matches we often see, all the volleyball played here is 9-a-side volleyball. Not only many people participated in the competition, but also many players went into battle barefoot or in slippers, and they played fast break, spike and block brilliantly.
Xu feng, captain of Wenchang Dongjiao Team: It’s hot here, and everyone likes to wear slippers. It’s easier to go outside. I’m used to playing. I can play without clothes or barefoot.
There is a court in every village, and everyone can play. In Wenchang, in such a stadium, the most common picture is to meet acquaintances. The players may be the "second brother" who went home during the summer vacation, or the "third uncle" who opened a shop in the town. We are close to each other and know each other well.
Fu Xingfa, a member of Wenchang Zhongxing Team: On the opposite side are some of my former friends, all of whom often play ball. Friends off the court, but opponents on the court, so we won’t give in to you. If you lose, let’s buy drinks.
The competition is amateur, but the organization of the competition is not sloppy. Physical education teachers are referees, young and beautiful volleyball babies, humorous commentators, various live broadcast equipment and even sponsors’ advertisements around the stadium. These professional stadium elements are all available, and cheerleader Huang Zi is very busy.
The competition not only attracted local people, but also many fans specially came from other places to experience the charm of Wenchang Village Pai. According to the organizer’s statistics, just two weeks after the competition started, it attracted tens of thousands of people to watch it.
Ms. Sheng, a volleyball fan in Haikou: I came from Haikou just to experience it and see if this feeling is really different. Young people can play, and old people can understand.
Laura, host of Hainan International Communication Center: Playing volleyball in Hainan is very popular. I have learned to play volleyball, that is, playing volleyball with them in Hainan.
The whole people love volleyball "village volleyball" and the mass base is deep.
A township volleyball match is really exciting and enjoyable. After stepping down from the field, the players have resumed their old lives. They may be farmers who cultivate the land, small business owners who run shops, or young people who go out to work or return home during holidays, but volleyball has become an indispensable part of their lives. Wenchang has a good reputation as the "hometown of volleyball". According to the Records of Wenchang County, Wenchang volleyball has a long history, and it has been more than a hundred years since volleyball was introduced to Wenchang in the early 20th century.
Lin Min, a cheerleader in Puqian Town, Wenchang City: There is always a volleyball match in our village. Everyone will play, and when the atmosphere comes up, they all play. It’s a natural gene. That’s how the ball hits the hand.
This court, which is hidden in the coconut grove, is the volleyball court in Yehai Village, Dongjiao Town, Wenchang City. It is a standard-sized court with all kinds of nets and sideline. In the evening, the weather is still hot, and many children are already playing on the court.
Fu Fangji, a middle school student in the eastern suburbs of Wenchang City: Show me the photos of my dad when he was young. I saw that my dad looked handsome when he played volleyball, and then I followed him. They all play on the playground with their classmates, often sweating.
In the mottled shadows of the trees, several teenagers confronted each other on the field. They were shirtless and sweaty, laughing and laughing constantly. The children in the village like to play games, and gradually developed solid basic skills in the confrontation. Of course, if you win, you can also get a reward.
Lin Fa, a middle school student in the eastern suburbs of Wenchang City: Whoever loses will treat you, and treat you to drinks.
The stadium is a paradise for children during the day and a stage for adults at night. Farming, selling vegetables, driving, opening stores … After work, people took off their shoes and played ball with bare arms until late at night. In the evening, there is a friendly match between Dongjiao Town and Dongge Town. The game has not started yet, and the field is already surrounded by villagers and fans.
In Wenchang, the whole people participate in volleyball, and the gameplay is even more varied. Playing with benches, everyone holding hands and playing together … Among them, the "bench" volleyball is the most distinctive, and the players use the "bench" to serve, spike and block.
In recent years, Wenchang has built and renovated many volleyball courts, large and small, with different standards. Today, there are more than 600 volleyball courts in the city, covering almost every village, with the participation of all men, women and children.
Bao Guangyu, director of Wenchang Tourism, Culture, Radio, Film and Sports Bureau: Every year, there will be new construction, renovation or renovation, ranging from a dozen to dozens of volleyball courts. At least millions of funds are invested in rural volleyball, just volleyball.
Grounding gas gathers popularity "village platoon" to make rural life more exciting.
With a strong local flavor, Wenchang volleyball is out of the circle, which also drives volleyball to blossom everywhere in Hainan. In recent years, some young people who love volleyball have also played at home and abroad. Village Pai, as a mass sport, has made the people play their best, and the local government has also actively promoted the cultural tourism industry centered on village Pai, which has promoted the prosperity of rural culture and economic development.
Fu Xiangming, although he is not tall, once participated in the first nine-a-side volleyball competition in China on behalf of Hainan Province. He was the only player without professional training. He worked hard with his teammates and finally won the championship.
Fu Xiangming, a member of Wenchang Dongjiao Team: When I was in the first grade of primary school, I tied a rope under the coconut tree and played volleyball with my classmates. Basically, I played volleyball with my classmates every day after class.
Fu Xiangming’s parents didn’t approve of his playing at first. However, seeing his son’s enthusiasm for volleyball, his parents finally chose to support him silently.
Fu Xiangming’s father, Fu Xiangshun: This is Xiang Ming’s winning prize in competitions in counties and cities in recent years. In order to encourage him, I will do everything as hard as I like volleyball.
Now Fu Xiangming works in a local coconut processing factory in Wenchang, and playing volleyball is still an important part of his life. Busy in the production line during the day, after work at night, he plunged into the volleyball court to feel the enthusiasm and passion of volleyball.
Fu Xiangming, a member of Wenchang Dongjiao team: You should work hard here to make money during the day, or your boss will deduct your salary. If you get off work, you usually get off work at five or six o’clock. When you get off work, you really want to get off work and play ball. I go to the stadium almost every day. If I don’t play, I just sit there and watch them play.
Fu Xiangming is only 162 meters tall, but he has a solid defensive skill in the back row. He saved the ball and risked his life. The locals gave him the nickname "Tie Sanbo".
Fu Xiangming, a member of Wenchang Dongjiao team: Those fans have a little recognition of my own strength, so I got the nickname. What they didn’t expect was that the ball could hardly be saved, but I thought in my heart that I could save the ball. Every game should be fought for honor and never admit defeat.
There are many people playing volleyball, watching volleyball and engaging in volleyball in Wenchang. For more than ten years, Wenchang Amateur Sports School has provided a group of excellent players for China men’s volleyball team, women’s volleyball team and sand volleyball team, and even more, it has stepped out of the world champion of sand volleyball, Lin Meimei. The popularity of Wenchang Township Volleyball League matches is closely related to the planning and organization of the local government. This year, there are 20 teams participating in the township volleyball league, with a total of 52 games, which last for 2 months. In order to expand its influence and meet more audiences, the local government has made detailed plans. In front of the shop, the town is decorated with lights to welcome visitors from all directions. The venue was brightly lit, and the inner and outer floors were surrounded by spectators. The shouts of players and the cheers of the audience pierced the night sky. The pedestrian street outside the venue is also very lively, with the live broadcast of the game on the big screen, wonderful programs on the stage, and the overflowing smell of vinegar, which makes the whole town immersed in the festive atmosphere.
Mr. Zhong, a volleyball fan in Haikou: As a Hainanese, I will feel that Hainan’s sports culture is going up.
Bao Guangyu, Director of Wenchang Tourism, Culture, Radio, Film and Sports Bureau: It is our goal to build Hainan’s "Village VA" ("Village Pai") into a well-known brand of mass sports events in China. We must continue to do so to make brand events more durable and more vital, and at the same time play a better role in driving.
"Village Pai" in Wenchang, Hainan: Making the countryside more vibrant.
This summer, a series of fiery "Village Pai" events, while constantly enriching the spiritual and cultural life of local people, have gradually become a new engine to promote rural revitalization. The rise and fall of "Village Pai" in Wenchang, Hainan has undoubtedly injected more vitality into the countryside and made the countryside present a more vibrant scene.

It’s snowing Many places in Guangxi welcome the first snow in 2024.

Snow in Guyu Village, Anma Township, Yizhou, Hechi. (Photo/He Taowen/Nie Peibin)

Snow in Guyu Village, Anma Township, Yizhou, Hechi. (Photo/He Taowen/Nie Peibin)

Snow falls in vegetable fields in Sanbao Village, Sanbao Township, Tiane County, Hechi. (Photo/Xie Cuiting Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snow Scene of Zafu Village, Jiayou Town, lingyun county, Baise. (Photo/Hu Renhuan Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snow covers the car in Zafu Village, Jiayou Town, lingyun county, Baise. (Photo/Hu Renhuan Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snow Scene in Xiasan Village, Jiayou Town, lingyun county, Baise. (Photo/Yang Zaifuwen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene of lingchuan county Meteorological Bureau in Guilin. (Photo/Deng Suhua Yuwen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene in observation field of lingchuan county Meteorological Bureau, Guilin. (Photo/Deng Suhua Yuwen/Nie Peibin)

Snowflakes are fluttering in the urban area of Guilin. (Photo/Peng Wenyu Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snowflakes are fluttering in the urban area of Guilin. (Photo/Peng Wenyu Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snowflakes are fluttering in the urban area of Guilin. (Photo/Peng Wenyu Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snowflakes are fluttering in the urban area of Guilin. (Photo/Peng Wenyu Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene of xing an weather station in Guilin. (Photo/Li Huiling Wen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene of Longji terraced fields in Longsheng, Guilin. (Photo/Meng Jingwen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene of Longji terraced fields in Longsheng, Guilin. (Photo/Meng Jingwen/Nie Peibin)

People play with snow in Quanzhou, Guilin. (Photo/Zhao Zuhuawen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene in Ziyuan County, Guilin. (Photo/Tan Qiongwen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene in Ziyuan County, Guilin. (Photo/Tan Qiongwen/Nie Peibin)

Snow scene in Ziyuan County, Guilin. (Photo/Tan Qiongwen/Nie Peibin)

China Weather Network News It’s snowing! From January 21 to 22, 2024, affected by cold air, the weather in Guangxi was cold, and some areas in the north ushered in the first snow in 2024. The picture shows the snow scene in Ziyuan County, Guilin. (Photo/Tan Qiongwen/Nie Peibin)


Rare in the north! The most beautiful ancient bamboo forest village in Shandong is hidden here! The spring is full of bamboo caves, and the beautiful scenery is better than Jiangnan.

Summer begins to grow as soon as possible, and the south wind is fragrant.
The shoulders are quite smooth, and the Jian road is very cool.
-Tang Bai Juyi’s "Early Summer Tour to Pingquan"
In Tongjing Town, yinan county, there is one.Bainian ancient village,Here, the spring comes out from the mountain, and the bamboo is born from the spring; Villagers live around the spring and build houses by laying stones..
The bamboo forest is hidden in a thatched cottage, and every family faces a clear spring, and the pastoral fruits are fragrant.It is a rare Taohuayuan village in northern China. This isBamboo spring village Hongshizhai Scenic Spot.
Linyi | bamboo spring village Hongshizhai
Exploring the Green Spring of Bamboo and Peach Blossom Garden in Jiangbei
When the summer rain pours down, the bamboo in bamboo spring village glows like a washed green. After a storm comes a calm, under the bamboo forest.Tindel effectBeauty is intoxicating.
Beams of sunlight pass through the cracks and shoot at the ground, and bamboo shadows dance like a holy door to heaven.
"leaning alone in the close bamboos, I am playing my lute and humming a song"Playing a mountain stream and pouring a cup of wine among bamboo forests is also a rare pleasure in this world.
Of course, you can also choose to sit in a boat.Listen to the bright folk songs, see the picturesque scenery and feel the customs of Yimeng Mountain area.
Summer is in the flood season, and the waterfalls and streams in the village are flowing like joy. The mountains and rivers are full of vegetation and flowers.A handful of clear springs and a pole of bamboo are the best interpretations here..
If you want to feel more folk customs and food experience, you may wish to go.Lishui StreetVarious explorations in the streets and lanes constitute the unique scenery of bamboo spring village Hongshizhai.
On the long street, a number of gourmet shops lined up:Crock chicken, iron pot fish, whole lamb soup, rolled scallion with vermicelli …It is full of traditional Yimeng cuisine, and together with many ethnic handicrafts, it has built an old street with strong fireworks.
There are also scenic spots.Courtesy in Zhaiwangfu, cottage parade, auto and motorcycle stunt, cross-country motorcycle, Yimeng wedding.And many other deductive activities, so that you have had an addiction to drama.
If you want to have a stronger experience, you might as well try it.Grass skiing, rafting, seaplaneand9D glass bridgeLet you pursue the simplest happiness in the hot summer …
Linyi | bamboo spring village Hongshizhai
The night is more charming when the lights are on.
At night in bamboo spring village, the lights are on, and the light and shadow are mottled, just like a small village in the south of the Yangtze River.
Tourists taste authentic food and snacks, enjoy street performances and feel the lively "fireworks" in the night when bamboo shadows are swaying and springs are gurgling!
Time goes by slowly, the night will not be dark, passing through time after time, and the summer is gentle … The coolness here gives everyone a quiet summer night!
Linyi | bamboo spring village Hongshizhai
Food, the soul of a trip
When you go to a place, you must catch all its delicacies. In bamboo spring village Hongshizhai, you can not only taste the local delicacies, but also enjoy many online celebrity delicacies!
If you are looking for a sense of ceremony, you might as well go to an antique oneZhuyuanEat in the restaurant!The wild flowers are blooming in front of the door, the house is very fashionable, and there is an ins-style dining environment waiting for you..
Whether it’s a bright and clean room or a poetic outdoor, it’s a good place to film!Is there a proper online celebrity wind?
Linyi | bamboo spring village Hongshizhai
B&B brings a happy ending to the trip.
During the trip, have you ever thought about having a homestay, among the green bamboo and green water,Breathe pure negative oxygen ions; Listen to the spring through the wall, the bamboo shadow shakes the window.
I met an eco-boutique B&B in bamboo spring village and gave up your long-awaited wish …
Eat delicious, drink cool ~ you can find a boutique hotel to live in, each yard has its own characteristics,With thatched roofs and stone walls, the interior is decorated with high-end atmosphere..
There are still plants in the yardGourd, towel gourd, lentil, pepperAnd other crops, so that people who have lived in cages for a long time have the opportunity to experience the most authentic pastoral life …
PS: Accommodation in the scenic spot includes Zhuruoju and Hongshi Inn, ecological courtyard, boutique hotel and wooden house villa hotel, etc., each with its own characteristics. You can choose according to your own preferences.
Address:Bamboo spring village Hongshizhai Scenic Spot, Tongjing Town, yinan county City, Linyi City
Transportation:Exit the north and south of Changshen Expressway, all the way to the west via Hutou Town, Sucun Town and Tongjing Town to the north to reach the scenic spot; Get off at Gaoli exit of Rilan Expressway and arrive at the scenic spot in journey to the south; Beijing-Shanghai Expressway Yinan Qingtuo Exit.
·There are many parking lots outside the scenic spot, and there are plenty of parking spaces.
Seeing that the hottest dog days are coming, why don’t friends come to bamboo spring village to feel the bright moon and bamboo, and the coolness and coziness of stones of crystal in its brooks?
Image from bamboo spring village Hongshizhai Scenic Area, copyright belongs to the original author.

In 2024, the "3+1+2" mode of college entrance examination in our province will be arranged from June 7 to 10.

Xin Gansu client Lanzhou Xun(New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Su Jiaying) The Provincial Education Examinations Institute recently announced the "Implementation Plan for the Admission Examination and Admission of Colleges and Universities in Gansu Province in 2024". In 2024, the "3+1+2" mode will be adopted in the general college entrance examination in our province, and the examination time will be arranged from June 7 to 10.

According to reports, in the "3+1+2" model, "3" is a unified college entrance examination subject of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages (including English, Japanese, Russian, German, Spanish and French); "1" is the first choice for candidates in physics and history; "2" is two re-selected subjects selected by candidates from four subjects: ideological politics, geography, chemistry and biology. Unified college entrance examination subjects use national unified examination papers. The preferred subjects and re-selected subjects for the selective examination of high school academic level are independently proposed by our province.

The total score of candidates consists of three unified college entrance examination subjects and three selective examination subjects, with a full score of 750. Among them, the original scores of unified college entrance examination subjects such as Chinese, mathematics and foreign language use are included in the total scores of candidates, with a perfect score of 150 points for each subject; The first choice subjects of the selective examination (physics and history) are included in the total score of the candidates with the original score, with a perfect score of 100 points for each subject; The re-selected subjects (ideological and political, geography, chemistry, biology, 2 out of 4) are included in the candidates’ total score after the grade assignment conversion according to the Implementation Measures of Gansu Province for the Selective Examination Results of Ordinary Senior High Schools’ Academic Level Included in the Total Score of College Entrance Examination, with a perfect score of 100 for each subject.

Since this year, the enrollment of colleges and universities in our province has been combined with the unified college entrance examination and the ordinary high school academic level examination, with reference to the admission model of the comprehensive quality evaluation of ordinary high school students. The enrollment categories of colleges and universities in our province are divided into general category and artistic category, in which the general category is divided into four batches: undergraduate advance approval, undergraduate approval, higher vocational (specialist) advance approval and higher vocational (specialist) approval; There are three batches of arts and sports: undergraduate approval in advance, undergraduate approval and higher vocational (specialist) approval; Each batch is set up with several paragraphs, and the voluntary reporting mode of "college professional group" is implemented.
