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German doctor exposure: There is a disease that is the hardest hit area of "over-medical treatment" or becomes a means of making money.

According to news reports, a woman named Wagner in Germany was arrested because.The back pain is unbearableShe went to the hospital for many times, and the attending doctor made a variety of diagnosis and treatment plans for her, but all of them had little effect.

Seeing that conventional treatment was ineffective, Ms. Gewana came up with the idea of radical cure of back pain through surgery. However, after many operations in the plastic surgery hospital, Ms. Gewana’s back pain has not eased, but has become more and more serious.

According to a report in the German weekly Der Spiegel,In two years, Ms. Gwana underwent six major operations and treated 26 spinal positions.. However, complicated surgery still can’t completely solve Ms. Wagner’s back pain. Now she is 80 years old and has to rely on a walker to walk.

In fact, cases like Ms. Wagner are not uncommon. According to the data, in 2020, there were 387,000 back operations in Germany, 71% more than 14 years ago, and more and more spinal interventions can be paid separately in each operation. In this regard, many medical experts began to question the rationality of such operations.

By analyzing the data of more than 7,500 people from 2015 to 2021, German doctor Michael Belal and his colleagues concluded that,Less than 5% of the suggestions for back surgery are reasonable. This means that most spinal interventions are unnecessary, and about 95% of cases have experienced "over-medical treatment".

Many people have had shoulder back pain and low back pain. The main reason why back pain is common is that,Back pain is usually caused by muscle strain caused by poor sitting posture or muscle weakness caused by lack of exercise, which leads to "neck, shoulder and back pain". Especially smokers over 40 years old, because nicotine is absorbed into the blood, it will cause vasoconstriction and spasm, reduce blood supply, and affect the blood circulation outside the intervertebral disc. The symptoms of back pain may be more serious.

It can be seen that not all back pain problems require surgical intervention. Pain doctor Michael K thinks:"In the back treatment, filming, puncture and cutting are particularly profitable. As a result, there are too many such operations. "

In fact, in addition to the back pain caused by tumor, smokers suffer from chronic low back pain. If they quit smoking for a period of time, they will find that the pain has improved. Exercise to strengthen the function of the back muscles through swimming and other sports is also helpful to exercise the back muscles and spinal joints and relieve the symptoms of back pain.

In China, overtreatment also exists.Former Vice Minister of Health Huang JiefuI once bluntly said at a meeting: "Many medicines should not be taken, but they are being taken; Many treatments are not needed, but they are still being done; Many operations will only make patients more painful, but they are also being done."

Huang Jiefu appealed that the phenomena of "ineffective medical treatment" and "over-medical treatment" in China need to be reflected. Is every treatment necessary? We need to re-examine the problem.

Excessive medical treatment is a diagnosis and treatment behavior that exceeds the actual needs of diseases, which usually manifests as excessive medication, excessive examination, excessive hospitalization, excessive consumables, abuse of surgery and antibiotics, etc., which will lead to a huge waste of social medical resources.

The most direct disadvantage of overtreatment is thatIncrease the burden on patientsThe emergence of "expensive medical treatment" has caused some people to look down on the disease. According to the data, the waste of medical resources can reach 20%-30% due to the abuse of drugs and inspections by medical institutions.

Secondly,Harm the health of patients, resulting in an increase in iatrogenic diseases.. For example, the data show that the cases of drug-induced liver damage in China are increasing at a rate of 3%-4.5% every year, and there are often cases in which patients with hepatitis B get worse or even worse after blindly using traditional Chinese medicine compound.

Overtreatment may alsoDamage the doctor-patient relationship,Affect social harmony. Random inspections, arbitrary charges and the appearance of "sky-high medical care" have greatly damaged the image of medical institutions and medical personnel.

1. Cervical erosion

The term "cervical erosion" has been abandoned at present, and it has been replaced by"Ectopic columnar epithelium of cervix"Nouns. The so-called "cervical erosion" is essentially the eversion of cervical columnar epithelium, which is exposed to the external cervix. The columnar epithelium is arranged in a single layer, and there is a rich vascular network under it. The columnar epithelium fuses with each other into villi or granules to form a rough appearance.

In the past, because many doctors lacked a correct understanding of "cervical erosion", clinical overtreatment or improper treatment often occurred and was quite serious. This is not only the problem of antibiotic abuse, but also the abuse of loop electrode resection in many hospitals to treat "cervical erosion", which leads to women’s health problems such as cervical adhesion, decreased cervical secretion, cervical endometriosis and cervical incompetence.

Clinically, gynecological examination found that the outside of the cervix was red, striped or granular.Local cleaners do not need treatment at all.; If there is purulent secretion, it can be treated by local vaginal plugging for several days; If the area is extremely large and there is no obvious improvement after local treatment, cervical cytology and HPV-DNA detection should be done, and artificial cervical cancer screening is the correct way if necessary.

2, thyroid nodules

Among thyroid nodules, 80%~90% are nodular goiter, which belongs to thyroid tissue hyperplasia and degenerative diseases, not to tumors, and there is no surgical indication.Only 5%~10% of thyroid cancer may need surgery.

However, due to the low level of ultrasound and cytology diagnosis in some hospitals in China, it is impossible to distinguish the benign and malignant nature of nodules before operation, so that some doctors operate on all patients with thyroid nodules, which not only wastes a lot of medical resources, but also causes different degrees of damage to the appearance and function of patients.

Experts say that more than 80% of thyroid nodules are benign, and under normal circumstances, they have no obvious impact on human health, just need regular observation. Benign nodules generally do not require surgery, and only have symptoms of oppression such as dysphagia and dyspnea, or are found.The rapid enlargement of nodules in a short time and suspicious lymph node metastasis under the condition of unchanged nodule size indicate that the lesions are progressing continuously and should be treated surgically.

3. Heart stent

In 2013, the American Medical Association released a report saying that stents are one of the most frequently abused medical interventions. In this regard,Hu Dayi, Chairman of Cardiovascular Branch of Chinese Medical Association.The professor said: "The problem of heart stent abuse in China is not more optimistic than that in the United States. Few patients abroad need more than three stents. But in China, many patients have been placed with 5 to 10 stents, which is obvious over-medical treatment. "

Professor Hu Dayi said that some patients did not meet the indications of interventional therapy, but were placed with one or more stents. Because they did not take medicine on time after operation, they developed thrombosis, which led to more serious myocardial infarction.

Before considering stent surgery, patients diagnosed with coronary artery obstructive disease should focus on lifestyle changes, such as not smoking, eating a healthy diet and exercising according to regulations. This also means that this group of people should receive a variety of necessary drug treatments, such as aspirin to prevent thrombosis, beta-blockers to slow down heart rate and control blood pressure, and statins to lower cholesterol levels.Paying attention to preventive lifestyle changes and drug treatment are often the best methods for patients with coronary heart disease.

4. Cancer screening

Han Qide, an academician of China Academy of Sciences, once pointed out at the "Medical and Humanities Summit Forum" that heIt is not recommended that healthy people do cancer screening.

He explained that "early cancer" and "lazy cancer" hidden in people’s bodies do not matter even if they are not found and not treated. This has also become his questioning point about the universal cancer early screening technology and early detection and early treatment strategy that are highly praised by the medical community at present. He believes that after cancer is screened out, it may have a negative impact on the screened object: if early intervention is carried out, such as removing early lesions or gene regulation, but a large number of them will eventually develop into severe diseases, it is equal to "getting a knife in vain."

"Early detection and early diagnosis and treatment are beneficial to cancer patients" does not violate logic, and it has become a consensus in the medical field. But cancer screening is different from clinical medical treatment, and not all people and all tumors should be screened. Tumors suitable for screening should have the following characteristics:High incidence, and it is "high incidence in a certain population (high-risk objects)"; Severe prognosis (high mortality); There is a detectable "subclinical stage".

"No disease, excessive inspection, minor illness, serious illness" not only increases the economic burden of patients, damages their health, but also seriously affects the relationship between doctors and patients. It is not only a technical problem, but also a moral problem and a social problem. Only by improving the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, formulating standardized diagnosis and treatment processes, and establishing indicators and management systems for quality control and evaluation of medical services can we achieve "reasonable examination, rational drug use, reasonable treatment and reasonable fees" and let modern medicine benefit the majority of patients. # Questions and answers about chronic diseases #


[1] Mars. Ineffective medical treatment can’t afford injury [N]. Science and Technology Daily, 2016(12).

[2] Liu Bin. Analysis of the safety and countermeasures of clinical rational drug use [J]. International infections diseases (electronic edition) .2020 (01)

[3] Zhang Dayan. On the harm of antibiotic abuse and preventive measures [J]. Psychological Monthly, 2020(08).

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Table tennis world cup: the top 8 has gone out of its 4 th! South Korea and Germany advanced, and the China Taipei team reversed.

On the evening of December 5th, Beijing time, the Chengdu Table Tennis Mixed Team World Cup ended the round robin competition between Group B and Group D, and four seats were born in the list of the top eight. China’s two table tennis rivals, German and Korean, were promoted without accident, while the other two places were won by Slovak and China Taipei teams respectively.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that in the final showdown with Singapore, the China Taipei team fell behind 5-7 and made a three-game reversal. At the same time of the final 8-7 reversal, it was not easy to beat Singapore by a total score of 26-25. Please see below for the detailed situation.

In this competition, the teams with the highest ranking in Group B and Group D are Germany and South Korea respectively, but their strengths are different-the six main players of the German team, Ochalov, Qiu Dang, Francesca, Bohr, Han Ying and Mittham, did not participate in the competition, and only Shan Xiaona was regarded as the first-class master of foreign associations, with greatly reduced strength and far less advantages than usual.

As for South Korea, this time, it is an active registration and a gathering of experts. Almost all the stronger ace athletes have participated, and they are far ahead in this group, so it is not difficult for them to advance, while the German team is facing a severe test.

After the game started, the South Korean team won two games in a row on the first day. First, it beat Singapore 8-3, then it beat Canada 8-2. It was playing with Chinese players all the time. I didn’t know it, but I thought it was Guoping Team 2 and Team 3, but Jin Naying lost 1-2 unexpectedly. However, when Germany met the Egyptian team in Africa, they all stumbled and finally won 8-3, which was really uncomfortable.

After the next day’s game, the Korean team continued to exert its strength, winning 8-2 in China and 8-1 in India to become the first in the group, while Germany won 8-3 in Portugal and 8-1 in Slovakia, winning all four games. It is indeed "a thin camel is bigger than a horse"!

The strongest team in Group B was originally Portugal, but their two main players, Freitas and Apollonia, didn’t come, and they lost to Slovakia by one point, ranking third. As for Egypt, they were at the bottom of the total score and missed the promotion.

The competition in Group D was fierce. The China Taipei team without Lin Yunru, Chuan Chih Yuan and Zheng Yijing had the same score as Singapore before the final battle, and then the two teams had a very fierce competition. At one time, they were pushed into a desperate situation after falling behind 5-6, and finally won the last promotion place with 8-7, becoming the fourth team to pass the customs. It was really fierce competition!

The game is still going on, let’s wait for the new battle report to come back!


Looking at the badminton world pattern from the finals seats, China still ranks first, and South Korea rises rapidly.

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about the new pattern of badminton world. The allocation of seats in the latest finals has been released, and we can clearly see that the dominance of badminton in China is still standing, and the Korean team is also rising rapidly. So, let’s discuss the story behind all this!

China has always been a strong player in badminton, and this time is no exception. They won several seats in the finals, showing their dominance. China’s players are excellent in both strength and experience. They are always so calm and confident in the competition. China has many top players, including elegant Lin Dan, enduring Chen Long and Li Zongwei. They are skilled in technology and flexible in tactics, and every game can bring surprises to the audience. China’s great strength is beyond the reach of other countries, and their great advantage in badminton is beyond doubt.

However, under the rule of China, the South Korean team launched a strong counterattack. South Korean players have performed well in recent years, and they constantly show their strength to the world. In the recent allocation of seats in the finals, the South Korean team also won a considerable number of seats, which shows that they have become one of China’s biggest competitors. Korean players, such as Song Jiani, Jin Suhui and Woojin Jo, showed their excellent skills and tenacious fighting spirit. They tried their best on the court and shone brilliantly. The rise of the Korean team has shocked and surprised the whole badminton world.

As badminton lovers, we can’t help asking: What is the reason behind all this? The reason why China team has been at the top of the world badminton for a long time is that it has strong teamwork and strict training besides selecting and cultivating many excellent players. They pay attention to every detail and constantly improve their competition skills and strategic awareness. In recent years, the South Korean team has increased its investment in badminton and systematically trained its players. They pay attention to the polishing of basic skills and the improvement of physical fitness, and strive to occupy an advantage in the competition. These factors make China and South Korea both occupy an important position in the world badminton.

Generally speaking, the pattern of badminton world is changing. China is still at the top of the list, but the rise of South Korea makes people see more competition and possibilities. In any case, this kind of competition will inspire more excellent players and wonderful games, and bring us more attention and expectation. Let’s look forward to the next exciting badminton match!


Table tennis world cup: the first 8

On December 4, 2023, the table tennis mixed team World Cup continued, and four group round robin matches ended. The Japanese team made a good start, and the American team created the first 8-0. In addition, Canada beat India 8-5 and South Korea beat Singapore 8-3, which also performed well.

The first mixed team World Cup was held in Chengdu, with a strong lineup of the eight main players in table tennis and a large number of experts from foreign associations. Its gold content is self-evident. Although some famous players led by Lin Yunru didn’t come, it was still very exciting on the whole, especially the brand-new rules and competition system were very interesting. It was stipulated that the best of 15 sets was adopted, and three sets were required for a single set, and there were only two possibilities for winning.

The United States beat Australia 8-0 (naresh/Amy Wang swept Li Rongxun/bromley 3-0, Zhang An beat Hong Jianfang 3-0, and Liang Jishan beat Dixon 2-0). Originally, everyone thought that the strength of the two associations was close, and the process should be fierce, even playing the fifth set to decide the outcome. I didn’t expect the United States to win eight games in a row, which was the first 8-0 in the mixed team World Cup, and the result really exceeded expectations.

Japan got off to a good start 8-2 in Romania (Yukisuke Inoguchi/Benmei Zhang and Szocos defeated Ionescu/Szocos 2-1, Hayata Hina beat Diaconu 2-1, Benzhi Zhang and Miyo Zhang beat Movilianu 3-0 and Dragoman/Diaconu 1-0). At present, it is basically certain that the Japanese team will qualify for the first place in the competition group with the French team and will face the lebrun brothers and others soon.

South Korea 8-3 Singapore (Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi swept Zhou Zheyu/Zeng Jian 3-0, Li Shiwen narrowly beat Zhou Jingyi 2-1, Li Shangzhu beat Guo Yong 2-1, and Lin Zhongxun/Li Shangzhu drew Guo Yong/Feng Yaoen 1-1), and the Singapore team was really unavailable, so Guo Yong could only be arranged to play continuously. In fact, Group D where the South Korean team was located was not easy to play, so of course, it continued to move forward.

Canada 8-5 India (Wang Zhen/Zhang Mo reversed Shetty/Ghosh 2-1, Liao Guihua defeated camas 2-1, Li Yuanzhang lost to Suvarajura 1-2, Zhang Mo/Liao Guihua defeated Ghosh/camas 2-1, and Wang Zhen/Li Yuanzhang beat Shetty/Suvarajura 1-0). It was a bit unexpected that Canada could win, and it was really a short game.

Mixed doubles players can’t play singles. There are different opinions about how the coaching team will be deployed, and they all have their own predictions. The lineup will definitely be adjusted in each round. In the next time period, the first two groups will be played, and the table tennis players will have their home debut. Group A China vs Sweden, China Hong Kong vs Puerto Rico, Group B Germany vs Egypt, Portugal vs Slovakia, looking forward to the highlight.