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Can I still drink tea after it has expired? Maybe many people are wrong.

Uncle Liu has been obsessed with drinking tea for health recently. He always takes a pot of strong tea with him every time he goes out. Old friends think it is not good to drink too much tea, but he retorts fiercely every time.

"You don’t understand, how many articles and reports on the Internet say that drinking tea is good for your health, can open channels, can treat Alzheimer’s disease, and can improve many diseases."

However, he thought he was healthy, but in the latest physical examination, many values were not up to standard, and he even suffered from kidney disease and gastritis.

On the contrary, other friends’ reports are very healthy, which makes him puzzled. Why do you get so many diseases when you insist on drinking tea for health?


Fudan university research:

Can tea stimulate human meridians?

I believe everyone has heard of the rumor that tea can pass through meridians, but it has always been doubtful whether it is true or false. After all, even the meridians that Chinese medicine has always emphasized are an audible thing to many people, but they have never seen it before. Because it cannot be objectively presented, many people think it is pseudoscience.

However, a research team of Fudan University successfully displayed the meridians through imaging technology by drinking tea. What happened?

Searching the papers about the research team in the journal Quantitative Biology shows that the researchers observed the fever images of the subjects by using twelve kinds of tea, and found highly consistent meridian tropism results. Finally, the meridian model was successfully simulated by using infrared radiation images of human body through the stimulation of tea on specific meridians. Moreover, different kinds of tea will be classified into different meridians.

Systematic image source data map conforming to the traditional description of human meridians

However, there are still many controversies about the results in the industry, and the research has only carried out preliminary experiments, which can not completely confirm the effectiveness.

Some’ discussions’ by netizens have also made these doubts rampant. For example, whether the heat change path used in the experiment excludes other biochemical factors, the sample size is too small, and the variables such as tea temperature are not explained. Therefore, it is still doubtful whether drinking tea can open and stimulate people’s meridians.


Drinking some tea every day has so many benefits!

Although many rumors about drinking tea are hard to distinguish between true and false, what is certain is that the internationally recognized benefits of drinking tea are indeed beneficial to the health.

1. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has published a research paper on the relationship between drinking tea and reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events and all-cause death. According to the research, people who have tea drinking habits have higher health indicators, pointing out that drinking tea has a certain effect on reducing the rate of cardiovascular diseases.

Image from the network

2. Reduce the risk of diabetes.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also published a study on the relationship between drinking tea and chronic diseases in China. According to the experimental data, the risk of type 2 diabetes, all-cause death and microvascular complications of people who drink green tea every day are reduced by 8%, 10% and 12% respectively. It shows that drinking tea is of great significance to prevent type 2 diabetes and the risk of all-cause death.

3, help to resist oxidation

This is because tea polyphenols in tea itself have antioxidant effect, and the antioxidant effect is 18 times higher than that of vitamin E.

4, refreshing, diuretic fatigue

Tea also contains caffeine, so some people will feel excited and can’t sleep after drinking tea. Therefore, drinking tea also has the effect of refreshing the brain. In addition, these substances will stimulate the kidneys and have the effect of diuresis. Caffeine can also eliminate excessive lactic acid in urine, so it also has the effect of relieving fatigue.

Although tea is good, we should also abide by the principle of moderation, otherwise excessive drinking of tea will also lead to caffeine poisoning or other adverse reactions. In addition, it needs to be emphasized that tea does not belong to the category of drugs, and it has no effect of curing all diseases. Therefore, if you feel unwell, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.


Three misunderstandings about tea,

Don’t be fooled.

With the expansion of the demand for tea and the profit-seeking market, many "rumors" about tea have been heard all the time. How many misunderstandings do you believe?

1. Tea is full of pesticides.

There are rumors that non-organic teas are all grown up by spraying pesticides, and there are many pesticides left in the tea. However, in fact, the regulations on the use of food pesticides stipulated by the state are very strict. Generally, the tea that is listed in compliance has undergone strict sampling inspection and will not be "all pesticides".

2. You can’t drink tea when it expires.

This actually depends on the situation, because after the tea is dried, if it is properly preserved, even if it exceeds the shelf life, it can actually continue to drink, with little impact. If the tea leaves get wet, deteriorate, change color obviously, and smell, you should never continue drinking even if the shelf life has not expired.

3. Green tea is cold and black tea is warm

In fact, green tea and black tea are the same kind of fresh tea. As a result of different production processes, the general factory will make the fresh leaves fail by oxidation at high temperature, so as to prevent "tea polyphenols from discoloring", that is, "deactivating enzymes" in jargon, while black tea is the opposite, so that tea polyphenols can be fully oxidized and discolored, thus obtaining the flavor of black tea. As for which "warm" and "cold" is actually just a statement of packaging needs.


How to drink tea is more beneficial to health?

In fact, there is a lot of knowledge in drinking tea. If you want to give full play to the greatest role of tea, you should be particular when drinking it!

1, the brewing temperature is appropriate.

Different teas also have different brewing temperatures. For example, green tea is suitable for brewing with water around 80℃, while black tea and oolong tea need boiling water to fully separate out their own flavor.

2. Let the tea cool before drinking.

Many people like to make tea with hot water and immediately pour it out "while it is hot", but hot tea is very harmful to esophageal health, and even increases the risk of esophageal cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer also recommends not to drink hot drinks over 65℃, so it is better to let the tea warm before drinking.

3. Drink more light tea and less strong tea.

The concentration of caffeine in strong tea is higher. If taken too much, it will lead to insomnia, and it will also increase the burden on the kidneys, stimulate the stomach and deepen the symptoms of anemia. It is suggested that the amount of tea leaves should be controlled within 12 grams per day. Generally, 3 grams of tea leaves are soaked in 150ml of water, and 3 cups a day is enough.

If you want to drink tea well, in addition to mastering the above best tea drinking methods, you should also pay attention to the taboos when drinking tea, such as not drinking tea on an empty stomach and not drinking tea after drinking, so as to drink healthy.


[1] "Drinking more tea is not as good as drinking tea for health, so we should pay attention to seven taboos". People’s Daily Online .2016-03-09.

[2] "Drinking tea every day, what will happen to your body? Can lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and reduce the risk of death? China. 2023-07-03.

[3] "More and more studies have proved that drinking tea has so many benefits! Health Times. 2022-08-29.

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Documentary film "Kingdom Built on Ice" was warmly presented by the National Federation of Arts.

Harbin Ice and Snow World in December every year is an excellent place for people to appreciate the art of ice sculpture. The ice sculptures filled with ingenious ideas and elaborately built make people wonder, and also add icing on the cake to the winter beauty of the ice city. Who designed and made these ice sculptures? Where did so many ice cubes come from? In order to explore the story behind the exquisite art of ice sculpture, the documentary film "Building a Kingdom by Ice" went from "before" to "behind", and observed the moving parts of ice transportation and sculpture through the crystal clear of ice sculpture.
By the Propaganda Department of Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Propaganda Department of Harbin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Heilongjiang Radio and Television Bureau and Heilongjiang Film Studio Co., Ltd., Qi Binying took four years to shoot, and recorded the real work and life of tens of thousands of workers in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China. After the completion, the film has won many praises at home and abroad, and won the "Best Long Documentary Award" at the 2022 Los Angeles Independent Film Festival and the "Best Documentary Film Award" at the 19th China-US Film Festival in 2023. On December 18th, The Kingdom of Ice will be shown by the National Federation of Arts, and roadshows will be held in Changchun, Shenyang, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Kunming, Xi ‘an and Beijing, so that audiences from different regions can appreciate the charm of ice and snow.
Every documentary carries a certain social value, and the valuable thing about "Building a Kingdom by Ice" is that it sees "invisible pay". The gorgeous ice sculptures that attract people to come from everywhere and stop to enjoy them contain a lot of hard work behind them. The raw material of ice sculpture comes from Songhua River, the mother river of Harbin. The extremely low temperature has covered the river with thick ice. During the preparation of the ice sculpture, tens of thousands of workers gathered on Sun Island to collect a large amount of ice raw materials with their hands and simple tools. In just fifteen days, we have to prepare raw materials, transport, design and sculpt. Time is tight and the work is heavy, but everyone can always work together to complete the task. Most of these workers come from the surrounding areas. They farm in summer and work as "ice builders" in winter. They are busy day and night in cold weather, thus making a dream "ice kingdom" rise from the ground. The perseverance of these "ordinary people" and their simple desire to make life better have a subtle connection with exquisite ice sculptures. The beauty of ice sculpture is not only presented externally, but also adds deep meaning full of concern and imagination. "
Although the ice sculpture lasts only a few months every year, as a cultural card of a city, its condensed meaning can flow freely in the past and future, at home and abroad. Qi Binying’s hometown is Harbin. When she first saw the ice building scene, the colorful memories of her childhood instantly touched thousands of homesickness. As a unique civic culture, the ice sculpture, which was born in 1963, was built and enjoyed by ordinary people. People who were born and raised in Sri Lanka can relax and live poetically at the end of the year. In recent years, the design of ice sculptures has become more and more diverse: many professionals have participated in it, making ice sculptures into shapes with traditional cultural characteristics such as "Dashui Law", or building modern consumer places such as hot pot restaurants and bars in the ice city, in an effort to give visitors a better experience.
The 25th World of Ice and Snow in Harbin opened on the same day as the film. This year, the modern entertainment facilities based on ice and snow that appeared in "Building a Kingdom by Ice" are more colorful, and the entertainment projects are even more dazzling. The theme of this year’s World of Ice and Snow is "Dragon’s Snow and Winter", and it has been carefully designed in terms of art, entertainment, diet, sports and culture. Both adults and children can enjoy laughter and laughter in the world of ice and snow: delicious food in the snow, skiing experience, parent-child time, IP punching in online celebrity, ice performance … Rich activities will accompany tourists through important festivals such as New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, etc., with simple ice bricks in the hands of workers and countless people’s painstaking efforts, generate is full of endless fun and excitement.
Although ice is solidified, it carries cultural values and emotional meanings, but it is flowing through. Spring and winter have come, and abundant ice resources have nourished this northern city. After countless pairs of hard-working hands and countless ingenious minds, the ice cubes are carved into beautiful and moving ice sculptures, so that visitors can enjoy such a unique scenery of the North. After the filming, the film has been shown abroad for many times and won many awards. It has become a kaleidoscope of cultural exchanges between the East and the West, and has also made more foreigners know the charm and style of Harbin.
Beautiful things always need to be recorded and written, and the shooting of "Building a Kingdom by Ice" is no less difficult than the process of taking and transporting ice itself. However, thanks to the ingenious and discerning director Rick, the story of ice sculpture and ice builders can be preserved and spread. In this sense, the beauty of ice sculpture on the realistic level is intertwined with the carefully shot film pictures, and a winter waltz is played with an extremely elegant gesture.
(Source: Beiqing Net)

The last group of blockbusters shot by Kathy CHAU before his death was open, holding a cat and smiling. The studio revealed his philosophy of life: no matter how good or bad, he loved life calmly.

On the evening of December 12th, Kathy CHAU Studio issued a document announcing that Kathy CHAU died on December 11th due to illness.

On December 15th, Kathy CHAU Studio updated two magazine materials shot by Kathy CHAU before his death, and a group of blockbusters shot before his death were exposed. It is reported that this group of materials was filmed on November 17.

In the exposed blockbuster, Kathy CHAU changed many sets of shapes, which was gentle and elegant.

In this regard, many netizens posted a message to remember: "Never forget, always leave a good memory!"

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive Studio Account]

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What exercises can burn fat? What kind of exercise would you choose?

# Which exercises can burn fat? #

Want to lose weight? Exercise is a very good way. So, in fitness training, which exercises can consume fat? Let’s take a look:

1. Jogging

Jogging is a very popular sport. Running for one hour can consume 500-600 calories. Running can not only help you burn fat in your body, but also improve your cardiopulmonary function. Jogging for more than half an hour at a time can effectively increase calorie consumption.

2. Skipping rope

Skipping rope is also a good exercise, which burns fat more efficiently than running, and has a short and efficient effect. Jumping rope can quickly raise your heart rate and improve your physical coordination.

You can choose to skip rope 100-200 times, perform 5-6 groups, and rest for 1 minute between groups, so as to achieve the effect of short interval and improve the fat burning efficiency.

3. Opening and closing jumps

Jumping is also a very suitable exercise for slimming. You can move in trivial time. It can quickly consume fat in your body and enhance your muscle strength. You can start with 100-200 at a time and accumulate more than 600 at a time, which can achieve the effect of burning fat.

4. Bobby jumps

Bobby jumping is also a very good exercise. It combines squats, push-ups, jumps and other actions, which can exercise most muscle groups of the body, and can also quickly consume fat in your body. After training, the body will continue to burn fat, which will help to build a lean body.

5. Swimming

Swimming is also a very suitable exercise to lose weight. It can relieve summer heat and have fun, burn calories and exercise your whole body muscles. You can choose freestyle, butterfly and breaststroke, which are all good swimming methods.

6. Aerobics

Sticking to aerobics for 1 hour can consume 300-400 calories, help you break down the fat in your body, and improve your body’s coordination and flexibility. You can freely choose different movements for combined training, such as 20 seconds for each movement and 20 seconds for rest, which can make you sweat in a short time.

So, what kind of sports do you like?


Women who can dress well, where to win? The detailed "ever-changing" guide can be called a fashion textbook.

Text: Lowe

Hi, I’m Lowe. Let’s continue our fashion trip, and we’ll never get lost when we become beautiful.

How to play with ever-changing styles? Today, it is the protagonist.

Light is color, and light is colored; Things are shapes, and tangible things exist. Therefore, color and things are the simple features of nature bred by heaven and earth.

Our understanding of the world can be essentially classified into two points:Colors and objects. Regardless of industry, regardless of species.

Based on this,styleThe word arises spontaneously. Broadly speaking, it is the classification and division of a certain kind of things with common characteristics; In a narrow sense, it is a personality with a specific label.

For example, the character style, clothes style, collocation style, and evenBaibian modeling style. In different environments or contexts, styles can be integrated and connected without hindrance.

And,styleJust like a music conductor, facing a jumble of different colors or objects (clothes and people), he dances a harmonious stick and plays a pleasing fashion style.

Only when the style of a suit is clear can it stand the vicious aesthetic appreciation and torture.

So, where does the style come from? Lowe’s answer is: people, clothes, accessories, colors, inspiration, temperament, demeanor, words and deeds, temperament, posture. ……Everything is..

The most important thing: everyone’s style is unique. It is presented after the integration of people and clothes.Unique tonality.

If you reallyHave temperament, then the style is unique and quite charming; If you don’t, it shows everything inside: poor, poor, pale, helpless, tacky or mediocre. …

This is why people with temperament look good in everything. Because, the characters themselvesCharming gas field, has long surpassed all external things. Please note that you are good-looking and have a figure. Have temperament.

Here’s to clarify what a real temperament is: it is.From the insideA state of mental energy, which does not refer to some features of appearance or the contrast of clothes.

I still remember a customer I met in the store before. When she pushed the door in, her whole energy instantly lit up everything. That kind of elegant and decent gas field, which is strongly shocking, has never forgotten me.

Of course, for ordinary people, it is not an overnight success to want to have this temperament. But at least if you know the direction of your efforts, you have already succeeded half the time, right?

Today’s fashion sharing will focus on 【Variety style】 wear it.Focus buildingExpand. There is a lot of verbosity above, which is the core of temperament shaping and belongs to the ideological level. Next, it is the application sharing of practical exercises.

As I said before, as long as a set of clothes has a distinctive style, the whole will not be difficult to see. So, where does the style come from? How to establish a style?

This will belong to 【Focus building】 And the ever-changing shape is a game with a distinct focus. After all, we can’t get away from the style focus of condensing light.

However, where does the focus come from? Lowe defines it as: anything is possible, coveringCharacters and costumesEverything depends on personal aesthetic vision and creative inspiration.

However, from the conventional application experience, Lowe listed as follows:

Clothes tone

A piece of clothing itselfBright colorTonality often has the advantage of preemptive visual snatch. At this point, it is the king of focus. All collocation ideas should revolve around it, and the style will take the lead because of it.

Like this rose-purple coat, the color is exaggerated and the lines are neat, which is quite intellectual. The wisdom and romance that women love most are far more elegant than the fiery red.

If it is black, white, gray, rice and other basic colors, it is necessary to look at it with the help of design to distinguish its hue. In the picture below, the black stitching lines of the beige sweater are quietlySmall personalityLay the groundwork.

In line with this idea, choosing a beige gauze skirt to match is a modest luxury. The quiet momentum personality is the most shocking. Comparing the upper and lower styles, the style images are naturally wonderful.

Clothing design

Throw away the fashion tension of large-area colors, and use design lines, or decorative elements, and small-area contrast colors to show their individuality. Their styles are distinctive.

If you want to dress well, there are two ideas: follow the trend or go upstream.by taking advantage of an opportunity, that is, highlight the design tonality and focus on it;adverse current, that is, mix and match, compare the test of wearing skills.

The strength of fashion power depends onDesign sense of quantityDepending on the size. This light blue sweater, with its flared sleeves, has a definite personality. As for how to wear it and how to highlight this sense of design, everyone has his own arrangement.

People who know will build momentum, such as matching a cropped sleeve coat or a vest; If you don’t understand, you may be at a loss and become a disorderly situation.

Clothing fabric

The style of fabric, though small, cannot be ignored. Knitting, for example, is delicate, rugged and has different styles. When the fabric becomes the focus label, you have to learn to adapt.

thisTexture senseThe obvious sweater coat must be worn casually to look good. Of course, exquisiteness and femininity should be at least 20% so as not to be sloppy.

As thin as a veil and as transparent as a cicada.Lace materialAt one time, romantic women were sought after. Wearing the right style, wearing the wrong gaudy, being measured and measured, has become cautious.

If you make friends with neat shirts, all vulgar worries can be dispelled. This personality, this focus, is the favorite of the urban workplace elite. Of course, lace should be high-grade and textured.

Color matching tone

What is color matching tone? That is, a set of collocation creates a tone tendency. It can often turn decay into magic. Looking at this beige knitted skirt alone, the highlights are insufficient.

But with a gold bag, it makes people shine.Focus tone, is the overall style label: cool, fashionable, silk does not hesitate, when it comes to it.

Color matching tones can only be understood, but not expressed. For example,White and blue matchThe refreshing classic is a French style label of a literary fan. Especially jeans with a white coat is the usual method.

Like white shirt+jeans, white sweater+jeans, who can refuse effortless fashion? Other images: red and blue, blue and brown, rice flour, red and brown … please experience it carefully.


Shoes are the focus, the easiest to get started. Decide the style, make the finishing point,shoeNever flinch. When worn, shoes still occupy a delicate and exquisite visual window.

Cool Martin boots, pointed shoes, distinctive personality, rule out the river.

Over the yearsNeutral leather shoes, far more popular than delicate loafers. Exaggerated design, bold tone and strong sense of existence contribute to a neat neutral focus for a set of collocation.

Before choosing it, weigh your free and easy ingredients.


Shoes and bags have the same status, and they are equal. Can be independent and cooperate with each other. If you are a fashion novice, please cooperate with it, and the error probability is extremely low.

A bag with weight or bright spots isIdentity and tasteThe sum of.

In addition, the bag also plays a role.Harmonic focusThe great responsibility. Big coat? Long coat? Everything loose and bloated can be solved by a delicate and lovely small bag in minutes.

A playful and lively atmosphere, a set of calm collocation.


Hehe, the focus effect of jewelry need not be said. Most of the modeling atmosphere is supported by it.Jewelry pointsThe more, the more exaggerated the effect, the more distinctive the style.

From the lapel coatwhite pearlHow appropriate, straight melody and harmony, exquisite and elegant power emerge instantly.

OrnamentalFocus buildingVery flexible, try to figure out a way that suits you, and fashion comes uninvited.

Like shoes and bags, jewelry also has a boost from brands. There is a stronger sense of existence and a more obvious style tendency, so we must pay attention to screening. cultivateluxury goodsThe ability to taste culture is also a part of clothing.

Small thing

Small accessories, such as glasses, scarves, scarves, watches, etc., although small in area, can create momentum for style. When you want to be academic, or to express dignity and intellectuality, a pairFrame glassesIt’s an artifact.

Autumn and winterglovesIt also has the effect of making the finishing point, and paying attention to women will never ignore it.

Personality beltHold up the fashion focus for the waist. With clothes, it becomes an excellent window.

Soft factor

What is a soft factor? Lowe classifies all the elements that are invisible and can only be felt as soft factors. Such as temperament, expression, words and deeds, inner strength, temperament and so on.

A set of collocation, a style, have corresponding.Wear imposing manner. According to occasions, scenes and needs, to release and express, you can naturally get what you want with the help of fashion clothes.

This level, very picky, only the master understands.

After a series of combing the focus, I believe you will get the message. However, how to combine the scene application? This link is the demonstration of the scene.

Scene 1: Low-key luxury

Low-key luxury is a gorgeous reward for dark shadows. It has texture and connotation, which can better show taste. Compared with the sheer splendor, this modelling technique lies in.mediate.

For example, a mix of personalized purple tops and jeans. Leisure and gorgeous, especially bright.

A simple but elegant color, small area.Printed silk scarfIt’s definitely the highlight. It has contributed greatly to the creation of luxury and splendor. The bold contrast of white, red and blue can’t be described in a striking way!

mix colours in proper proportionsIt is the easiest to create luxury and luxuriance. Pink-purple tweed long coat, dignified and elegant, with dark blue inside, will fully stimulate the unique advantages of the same color.

The gorgeous collar type complements each other, and the color bag echoes the beige booties, paying attention to exquisiteness.

Scene 2: Capable commuting

I am afraid that those who are deeply appreciated will be rewarded by the elite with golden collars in the workplace. It is necessary to look good and decent, but also to highlight the charm of neat and capable work. It is worth pondering and studying.

For example, an elegant suit with a big woman style. entiretyRice tone+Cut neatly to win, embellish a chic brooch, and hold all the details in place.

When commuting normally, wearing a black suit under a beige coat makes you look dashing, no less than a whirlwind wherever you go. The focus of this kind of collocation often lies in the details.

The neutral wind is obvious, and the exquisiteness and femininity can all depend on it.detailWon. Like scarves, ankles, and bright spirits … all of them are big dramas.

Deep blue coatIts wisdom and intellectuality are its distinctive style labels. How to activate it? With a beige satin shirt inside, the lace-up is elegant and feminine.

Under the bright blue overskirt, echo with light blue bag, and then buckle patent leather shoes on both sides, elegant and atmospheric.

When attending some important event scenes, how to cover everything, especially test the inspiration. At this timeFocus buildingIt can be called a finishing touch weapon.

For example, a black collarless suit with a bow-tie shirt and brooch embellishment, silver shoes and white bags are a link between the preceding and the following, and the depth contrast is all hard power.

For beige, we often stay away from it, but if you choose the right style and clothes, it will definitely make you more elegant. A patterned dress, bow tie, waist, hem and printing are all exquisite.

With a camel coat, the big lapels that can’t be said hold up neutral bones and muscles. With tenderness and toughness,Distinctive style.

Scene 3: Get together with friends

Getting together with girlfriends, or meeting friends, all female counterparts must be a fashion contest. The two styles of the scene below are worn by little women and big women.Style game.

White+black; The other is beige+black, which matches their looks and temperament and pays attention to dressing demonstration.

If it is a grand meeting of elders, it is inevitable to wear a dignified suit. When you are dressed in black, you can go fromDesign profileLooking for a breakthrough, showing a lovely cocoon shape or A-shape collocation, liveliness and agility will emerge.

Make the finishing touch with beige exquisite bags, and hit it off with smart; Second, the atmosphere and formality are contrasted.

Scene 4: Social gathering

Some formal social scenes compete for comprehensive strength. Identity, status, value, image, aesthetics, temperament … all of them. How to dress decently needs to be considered.

Dark red suit, with a gray-pink dress skirt, the whole style is upgraded instantly. In order to highlight the details, the personalized tassel scarf and silver bag are embellished, emphasizing the artistic conception of color matching and highlighting the main theme.Tone style.

Scene 5: Home Leisure

A sweater, a pair of jeans and a pair of comfortable loafers are the happiness and fashion of home leisure. The comfortable and relaxing atmosphere is just like doing one’s duty.Theme style.

Reconciliation is a little delicate and feminine, so enjoy the present, ok?

Ok, the focus of the ever-changing style is over. I hope to inspire you a little!

Please continue to pay attention to Lowe, see you tomorrow!

I’m Lowe. I take image management as my homework all my life, and greet the blooming of every day in my life with a beautiful image and a beautiful mood.

I don’t just share what I wear, but I hope I can help you build your own internal aesthetic system and spiritual nourishment system, so that you can be beautiful for a long time!

If you are confused, you can write privately, and welcome to leave a message to discuss. On the road to beauty, we will grow together and be strong together!


Prospect of football: West Ham can’t resist Arsenal, Liverpool is not afraid of visiting, Manchester United VS Newcastle.

West Ham United VS Arsenal

After West Ham lost to Everton at home last season, the league suffered two consecutive defeats. The team’s recent performance is really not safe, and it is still difficult to resist when facing the league’s strong teams. At present, it ranks 9 th in the league. West Ham United’s offensive output is acceptable, but the stability of the team’s defense is still insufficient. After Arsenal’s victory over Sheffield United, the league remained unbeaten, and the team is currently ranked second in the league. Arsenal’s offensive output is very strong, and the stability of the defense line is also worthy of praise. Recently, it has been able to score zero opponents in many games.

West Ham United’s overall strength is relatively limited, the team’s recent stability is not high, and the main battle performance is not safe. The Arsenal League has guaranteed unbeaten record so far, and the team’s historical achievements have crushed opponents, so the psychological advantage is very obvious. This time, the team is a guest to challenge their opponents, and I believe that they still have the ability to win from the away game.

Everton VS Burnley

Everton beat West Ham United in the last league. The team’s recent achievements are relatively erratic, showing a plum blossom pile, but its winning ability has indeed improved, and it is currently ranked 15th in the league. Everton’s offensive and defensive ends have also improved to some extent recently. Burnley lost to Bournemouth in the last league, and the league suffered another three-game losing streak. So far, the team has only won one victory, ranking only 19th in the league. Burnley’s offensive output is relatively weak, and the defensive end can be said to be full of loopholes.

Everton’s recent performance is indeed unstable, and the team has no strength against the strong teams, but its winning ability has indeed improved in the face of the weak teams in the league recently. The performance of Burnley, the opponent, continued to be sluggish, and recently suffered a three-game losing streak. This time, Everton is sitting at home to meet the challenge of the weak team, and I believe that I still have the ability to successfully win the opponent at home.

Bournemouth VS Liverpool

Bournemouth defeated Burnley at home in the last league, and finally won the first victory in the league. However, the opponent is really a weak team, and the gold content is really not high. At present, it still ranks 17th in the league. Bournemouth’s front line output is insufficient, and the loopholes at the defense end are not small. Liverpool beat Nottingham Forest at home last season, and the league won two consecutive victories and three unbeaten games. The overall performance of the team has once again strengthened, and it is currently ranked fourth in the league. Liverpool’s offensive output is stable and the defense strength is constantly strengthening.

Bournemouth’s overall strength is very limited, the ability to fight hard is also insufficient, and there is no advantage at home. After all, Liverpool, the rival team, has recently returned to the right track after losing the game unexpectedly, and the stability of both offensive and defensive ends is constantly improving. In addition, Liverpool’s historical achievements have crushed their opponents, and even if they are a guest, they are not afraid.

Manchester United VS Newcastle United

Manchester United lost to the opponent in the last Manchester derby, and was hit by the strong team after winning two consecutive victories. However, the team has won several victories in the near future, and its overall performance has improved. At present, it ranks eighth in the league. Manchester United’s offensive and defensive stability needs to be strengthened. Newcastle United drew away with Wolves in the last league, and the league remained unbeaten in six rounds, but the winning ability was still insufficient, and it is currently ranked sixth in the league. Newcastle United’s offensive output is strong, but the defensive end often has problems.

Manchester United’s domestic and foreign troubles are serious, and the recent achievements and performance of the team are indeed not stable enough. However, as for Chi Hah, he still needs to strive for victory in every game to stabilize the morale of the army. Newcastle United’s overall performance has been stable recently, but its winning ability has indeed declined. In addition, the team’s winning ability in guest games is indeed insufficient. This time, the Red Devils welcomed their opponents at home, and I believe there is still a chance to successfully win their opponents.

Chelsea VS Blackburn

Chelsea lost to brentford at home last season, and the unbeaten game in three rounds of the league ended. Losing the game is really unacceptable, and it is only ranked 11th in the league at present. Chelsea’s offensive output suffered another zero, and the defensive end of the last two league games also lost 2 goals per game. Blackburn lost to Swansea at home in the last league, and its three-game winning streak ended. It is rare for the team to win a winning streak in the near future, and the last game was also ended by opponents. At present, it ranks 12 th in the British Championship. Blackburn’s offensive output is also not stable enough, but fortunately the defense strength has improved recently.

Chelsea’s defeat on the road to the Northern Expedition was indeed a blow to morale, but this time the team ushered in a lower-level league opponent, which was also a rare opportunity for the team to snatch victory and revive morale. Opponent Blackburn rarely won a winning streak recently, but the stability is still insufficient. The last game was terminated by the opponent, and the efficiency of the team’s offensive end really needs to be strengthened. This time, Chelsea played at home to meet the challenge of Championship team Blackburn Rovers. I believe it is not too difficult to win the opponent.

Dortmund VS Hoffenheim

The recent performances of both sides are relatively stable, but Dortmund’s achievements in the past battles have crushed opponents, and their psychological advantages are very obvious. This time, I took a strong home game against my opponent, and I believe I still have the ability to continue my outstanding achievements.

Frejborg VS paderborn

Although Frejborg’s performance is erratic, he has a strong ability to score points in the main battle. Paderborn, the opponent, is a team in the middle reaches of German B, and its overall strength is relatively limited. I’m afraid it’s very difficult to be a guest and challenge Frejborg.

Hertha Berlin VS Mainz

Hertha Berlin’s current situation is erratic, but it is good to win more and lose less, and at the same time, the main battle ability is not weak. Although the opponent Mainz is a high-level league team, the team’s performance so far has not been satisfactory. This time the two sides met, Hertha Berlin still had a chance to defend the unbeaten home.

Udinese VS Cagliari

Udinese’s winning ability is limited, but his recent performance is fairly safe. Although the opponent Cagliari won the first victory in the league in the last campaign, the overall stability is still insufficient, and at the same time, the ability to fight is not good. This time, Udinese is at home, and I believe he still has a certain advantage.


What is culture? What is culture?

Everyone knows the word "culture" and can generally understand the basic meaning of the word "culture", but what is culture? What is the definition of culture? There are not many people who can answer it or answer it completely. I don’t blame you, and no one has to blame themselves. Because, although human civilization has lasted for 5,000 years, up to now, due to the lack of real understanding of the extension of culture and the infiltration of different historical views, the concept of "culture" has not been universally accepted by everyone. Let me briefly list it below. Do you agree with that one, or try to give it to "?

First, the definition of "culture" According to statistics, since the history of civilization, there have been countless definitions of "culture". According to the statistics of "An Introduction to Cross-cultural Communication", since 1871, there have been more than 300 definitions of "culture" in the world, too many, and some of them are not in line with our traditional culture and values, so we omit some and choose to list them as follows.

1. The word "culture" comes back. The word "culture" in China first appeared in the Book of Changes: civilization stops, and humanity is also. Look at the humanities and turn it into the world. Here, "Wen" and "Hua" have not yet been linked together, but the meaning is already there. The main meaning of "cultural success" is "civilized education". What connects the words "Wen" and "Hua" is Liu Xiang’s "Shuo Yuan" in the Han Dynasty: where martial arts flourish, they refuse to accept it, their culture does not change, and then they are punished. Liu Xiang’s word "culture" means "Wen Zhi" as opposed to "Wu Zhi". It can be seen vertically that the words "culture" used above mainly refer to the contents of "morality" and "rule by virtue", and are not the concept of "culture" in a complete sense.

2. Marx’s definition of "culture" "Culture" is the sum total of the lifestyle of a country or a nation. It is believed that people’s lifestyle is "culture", and what kind of lifestyle is there, such as China culture and American culture.

3, Xu Jialu in the article "On National Cultural Security" elaborated"Culture" can be summarized into three parts: one is to deal with the relationship between people; The second is to deal with the relationship between man and nature; The third is to deal with the relationship between reality and the future. Furthermore, it is believed that these three articles are the core content of human culture and the most fundamental problem of culture.

Note:Xu Jialu served as Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, Director state language commission and Special Adviser of the Maritime Silk Road Association.

4, philosophy and sociology subject understanding:"Culture" is a process, a state and a realm of human development, and the integration of process, state and realm is the true meaning of culture.

5. Most people in the field of science and culture believe that"Culture" is a relatively stable, independent and complete sum of social norms that human beings maintain the survival and development of various social groups.

6. Anthropological groups believe thatEverything between a group that is different from other groups except genetic genes is called "culture". Here, they regard culture as a variable of economic development, which is prone to the problem of cultural autocracy or chauvinism.

7, empiricists believe thatCulture is produced in the common life and work activities of human beings, and it is the core of mutual recognition within the nation.

Second, the characteristics or characteristics of "culture" There are many characteristics of "culture", but there are three main ones.

1. Culture is a derivative of human evolution.Natural existence is not culture, only what is processed or produced by human beings intentionally or unintentionally is culture. The commonness of human beings is not culture but human nature, and the characteristics of individuals are not culture, but personality. What is inherited is not culture, but instinct. Culture is a social product created by human beings and accepted or followed by members of society. What is privately owned by individuals and not understood and accepted by other members of society cannot be called culture. For example, attraction between men and women is not called culture, but marriage in love is culture, because it is natural instinct for men and women to like each other, while marriage in love is acquired.

2. "Culture" has the characteristics of applicability.. Once "culture" is formed, it has adaptive characteristics. Under certain conditions, people must adapt to it, otherwise it will be eliminated or marginalized, that is, "anomie". Of course, if you are strong enough, you can also try to change the "culture". Usually, this is what revolutionaries and reformers do. This leads to the problem of "culture" inclusiveness. Generally speaking, a strong culture is less inclusive, while a weak culture shows a higher tolerance or tolerance. Cultural inclusiveness is positively related to social openness and cultural civilization.

3. "Culture" is hierarchical. It is roughly divided into three layers. The first layer is the surface layer, which is mainly expressed through human’s basic necessities. For example, eating without snapping your mouth, walking with your head held high, etc. are all manifestations of "culture" The second layer is the middle layer, such as art, customs, rules, law, religion, etc. Their common feature is to express their thoughts or will with the help of materials. The third layer is the bottom layer, which is what we usually call the bottom logic. This bottom logic refers to the outlook on life, values, ethics and aesthetics. These "four views" reflect the relationship between people, people and nature, reality and future, which constitute the soul of a nation.

The three layers of "culture" are not insulated and often interact and link, but it is relatively easy to change food, clothing, housing and transportation, and it is relatively difficult to change the underlying culture.

Third, the value or use of "culture" The value of "culture" to life is multi-angle and multi-faceted, and it is impossible to exhaust it. Here, we only choose the role of "culture" in explaining the most valuable life dilemma, and it is useless to talk a little.

1, a culture can "reveal" their own life difficulties, and criticize or vent.. Qu Yuan’s "asking for heaven" belongs to this category. For another example, poor and ugly people, when buying goods or receiving services, often dare not question the quality of goods or services, and are used to finding reasons from themselves. For example, an ugly woman’s hair is broken, and she dare not blame the stylist, but blame herself for being ugly.

2. Give value to the dilemma.For example, Mencius, the sage of Asia, said: Therefore, people are going to be demoted, so they must first suffer from their minds, work hard on their bones and muscles, starve their bodies and skin, and be empty of their bodies, so they can’t be patient. Another example is the saying that difficulties are tempered. Another example is that the young people’s death to save the elderly is negative from the biological point of view, but if it is explained by "culture", it belongs to a positive and worth promoting behavior.

Expounding the above reason, I mainly want to explain that, with or without knowledge, one can understand or learn the above thinking or thinking mode, even if he is "literate", otherwise, no matter how much he recites, he can’t be said to be a "literate person", and using the calligraphy of the phonograph world is called the study of asking questions.

Fourth, what is "literate" According to the above concepts and analysis, although "culture" is the externalization of knowledge, the cultural connotation of externalized knowledge is far from this. Therefore, having knowledge does not mean having culture, so how can it be regarded as "having culture"?

1. Only knowledge can lead to culture.Knowledge is the shell and expression of culture. Without knowledge, it is not only difficult to form a scientific way of thinking, but also difficult to express and communicate effectively. To reiterate, knowledge refers not only to book knowledge, but also to life experiences, experiences and civilized achievements that have been sublimated into culture, such as life knowledge, labor skills and people’s common habits.

2, can use knowledge and use knowledge to build values recognized by the orthodox system, is a culture.Culture is essentially a quality, and a qualified person has the ability to explain the value world and transcend the survival difficulties. In short, a person with culture and quality not only has the ability to create the value world, but also can let himself and others transcend the survival difficulties in the future.

Description: 1,Culture is the main symbol of human evolution from animals. Animals have no culture, only humans have culture. 2. The word "value" has the same meaning as the word "meaning", but the difference is that "value" is a foreign word, while "meaning" is a local word and a traditional term.


German doctor exposure: There is a disease that is the hardest hit area of "over-medical treatment" or becomes a means of making money.

According to news reports, a woman named Wagner in Germany was arrested because.The back pain is unbearableShe went to the hospital for many times, and the attending doctor made a variety of diagnosis and treatment plans for her, but all of them had little effect.

Seeing that conventional treatment was ineffective, Ms. Gewana came up with the idea of radical cure of back pain through surgery. However, after many operations in the plastic surgery hospital, Ms. Gewana’s back pain has not eased, but has become more and more serious.

According to a report in the German weekly Der Spiegel,In two years, Ms. Gwana underwent six major operations and treated 26 spinal positions.. However, complicated surgery still can’t completely solve Ms. Wagner’s back pain. Now she is 80 years old and has to rely on a walker to walk.

In fact, cases like Ms. Wagner are not uncommon. According to the data, in 2020, there were 387,000 back operations in Germany, 71% more than 14 years ago, and more and more spinal interventions can be paid separately in each operation. In this regard, many medical experts began to question the rationality of such operations.

By analyzing the data of more than 7,500 people from 2015 to 2021, German doctor Michael Belal and his colleagues concluded that,Less than 5% of the suggestions for back surgery are reasonable. This means that most spinal interventions are unnecessary, and about 95% of cases have experienced "over-medical treatment".

Many people have had shoulder back pain and low back pain. The main reason why back pain is common is that,Back pain is usually caused by muscle strain caused by poor sitting posture or muscle weakness caused by lack of exercise, which leads to "neck, shoulder and back pain". Especially smokers over 40 years old, because nicotine is absorbed into the blood, it will cause vasoconstriction and spasm, reduce blood supply, and affect the blood circulation outside the intervertebral disc. The symptoms of back pain may be more serious.

It can be seen that not all back pain problems require surgical intervention. Pain doctor Michael K thinks:"In the back treatment, filming, puncture and cutting are particularly profitable. As a result, there are too many such operations. "

In fact, in addition to the back pain caused by tumor, smokers suffer from chronic low back pain. If they quit smoking for a period of time, they will find that the pain has improved. Exercise to strengthen the function of the back muscles through swimming and other sports is also helpful to exercise the back muscles and spinal joints and relieve the symptoms of back pain.

In China, overtreatment also exists.Former Vice Minister of Health Huang JiefuI once bluntly said at a meeting: "Many medicines should not be taken, but they are being taken; Many treatments are not needed, but they are still being done; Many operations will only make patients more painful, but they are also being done."

Huang Jiefu appealed that the phenomena of "ineffective medical treatment" and "over-medical treatment" in China need to be reflected. Is every treatment necessary? We need to re-examine the problem.

Excessive medical treatment is a diagnosis and treatment behavior that exceeds the actual needs of diseases, which usually manifests as excessive medication, excessive examination, excessive hospitalization, excessive consumables, abuse of surgery and antibiotics, etc., which will lead to a huge waste of social medical resources.

The most direct disadvantage of overtreatment is thatIncrease the burden on patientsThe emergence of "expensive medical treatment" has caused some people to look down on the disease. According to the data, the waste of medical resources can reach 20%-30% due to the abuse of drugs and inspections by medical institutions.

Secondly,Harm the health of patients, resulting in an increase in iatrogenic diseases.. For example, the data show that the cases of drug-induced liver damage in China are increasing at a rate of 3%-4.5% every year, and there are often cases in which patients with hepatitis B get worse or even worse after blindly using traditional Chinese medicine compound.

Overtreatment may alsoDamage the doctor-patient relationship,Affect social harmony. Random inspections, arbitrary charges and the appearance of "sky-high medical care" have greatly damaged the image of medical institutions and medical personnel.

1. Cervical erosion

The term "cervical erosion" has been abandoned at present, and it has been replaced by"Ectopic columnar epithelium of cervix"Nouns. The so-called "cervical erosion" is essentially the eversion of cervical columnar epithelium, which is exposed to the external cervix. The columnar epithelium is arranged in a single layer, and there is a rich vascular network under it. The columnar epithelium fuses with each other into villi or granules to form a rough appearance.

In the past, because many doctors lacked a correct understanding of "cervical erosion", clinical overtreatment or improper treatment often occurred and was quite serious. This is not only the problem of antibiotic abuse, but also the abuse of loop electrode resection in many hospitals to treat "cervical erosion", which leads to women’s health problems such as cervical adhesion, decreased cervical secretion, cervical endometriosis and cervical incompetence.

Clinically, gynecological examination found that the outside of the cervix was red, striped or granular.Local cleaners do not need treatment at all.; If there is purulent secretion, it can be treated by local vaginal plugging for several days; If the area is extremely large and there is no obvious improvement after local treatment, cervical cytology and HPV-DNA detection should be done, and artificial cervical cancer screening is the correct way if necessary.

2, thyroid nodules

Among thyroid nodules, 80%~90% are nodular goiter, which belongs to thyroid tissue hyperplasia and degenerative diseases, not to tumors, and there is no surgical indication.Only 5%~10% of thyroid cancer may need surgery.

However, due to the low level of ultrasound and cytology diagnosis in some hospitals in China, it is impossible to distinguish the benign and malignant nature of nodules before operation, so that some doctors operate on all patients with thyroid nodules, which not only wastes a lot of medical resources, but also causes different degrees of damage to the appearance and function of patients.

Experts say that more than 80% of thyroid nodules are benign, and under normal circumstances, they have no obvious impact on human health, just need regular observation. Benign nodules generally do not require surgery, and only have symptoms of oppression such as dysphagia and dyspnea, or are found.The rapid enlargement of nodules in a short time and suspicious lymph node metastasis under the condition of unchanged nodule size indicate that the lesions are progressing continuously and should be treated surgically.

3. Heart stent

In 2013, the American Medical Association released a report saying that stents are one of the most frequently abused medical interventions. In this regard,Hu Dayi, Chairman of Cardiovascular Branch of Chinese Medical Association.The professor said: "The problem of heart stent abuse in China is not more optimistic than that in the United States. Few patients abroad need more than three stents. But in China, many patients have been placed with 5 to 10 stents, which is obvious over-medical treatment. "

Professor Hu Dayi said that some patients did not meet the indications of interventional therapy, but were placed with one or more stents. Because they did not take medicine on time after operation, they developed thrombosis, which led to more serious myocardial infarction.

Before considering stent surgery, patients diagnosed with coronary artery obstructive disease should focus on lifestyle changes, such as not smoking, eating a healthy diet and exercising according to regulations. This also means that this group of people should receive a variety of necessary drug treatments, such as aspirin to prevent thrombosis, beta-blockers to slow down heart rate and control blood pressure, and statins to lower cholesterol levels.Paying attention to preventive lifestyle changes and drug treatment are often the best methods for patients with coronary heart disease.

4. Cancer screening

Han Qide, an academician of China Academy of Sciences, once pointed out at the "Medical and Humanities Summit Forum" that heIt is not recommended that healthy people do cancer screening.

He explained that "early cancer" and "lazy cancer" hidden in people’s bodies do not matter even if they are not found and not treated. This has also become his questioning point about the universal cancer early screening technology and early detection and early treatment strategy that are highly praised by the medical community at present. He believes that after cancer is screened out, it may have a negative impact on the screened object: if early intervention is carried out, such as removing early lesions or gene regulation, but a large number of them will eventually develop into severe diseases, it is equal to "getting a knife in vain."

"Early detection and early diagnosis and treatment are beneficial to cancer patients" does not violate logic, and it has become a consensus in the medical field. But cancer screening is different from clinical medical treatment, and not all people and all tumors should be screened. Tumors suitable for screening should have the following characteristics:High incidence, and it is "high incidence in a certain population (high-risk objects)"; Severe prognosis (high mortality); There is a detectable "subclinical stage".

"No disease, excessive inspection, minor illness, serious illness" not only increases the economic burden of patients, damages their health, but also seriously affects the relationship between doctors and patients. It is not only a technical problem, but also a moral problem and a social problem. Only by improving the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, formulating standardized diagnosis and treatment processes, and establishing indicators and management systems for quality control and evaluation of medical services can we achieve "reasonable examination, rational drug use, reasonable treatment and reasonable fees" and let modern medicine benefit the majority of patients. # Questions and answers about chronic diseases #


[1] Mars. Ineffective medical treatment can’t afford injury [N]. Science and Technology Daily, 2016(12).

[2] Liu Bin. Analysis of the safety and countermeasures of clinical rational drug use [J]. International infections diseases (electronic edition) .2020 (01)

[3] Zhang Dayan. On the harm of antibiotic abuse and preventive measures [J]. Psychological Monthly, 2020(08).

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.


2022, take it! Don’t blame me for watching the top seven games of the year.

2022 has reached the end of the year, and with the countdown approaching, we will usher in a new beginning. This year, we witnessed countless changes. We cheered for the Beijing Winter Olympics at the beginning of the year and the two world sports events in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 at the end of the year. We also cheered for the completion of the Tiangong Space Station and the first flight of the C919.

In this year, we have experienced too much, whether it is science and technology, audio-visual entertainment, or transportation, compared with 2021, there have been no small changes.

In the field of consumer digital, smart phones are undoubtedly one of the main battlefields of competition among manufacturers. Data show that the global mobile phone market has begun to fall into the industry trough this year, and manufacturers have begun to compete fiercely in the stock market, but this also makes high-end mobile phone manufacturers headed by Apple have to start to introduce new "black technology" to attract consumers. The downward trend of the global economy has also put many established manufacturers in the technology circle into trouble, and various acquisitions are also full of ups and downs.

2022 is also a year when new technologies are ushered in. The live broadcast industry is still developing rapidly, but it also exposes many problems and contributes a lot of "rollover" scenes, which makes people doubt the credibility of anchors and businesses. In addition to real people, virtual people are beginning to appear more and more in people’s sight. Although the metauniverse was not as big as before in 2022, virtual people generated based on metauniverse and AI technology have erupted this year, and they can be seen in many industries such as film and television, games and media.

Under the influence of epidemic situation, unemployment and other factors, many people may think that 2022 is an "emo" year, but compared with the big names in the technology circle whose prices have plummeted and their companies are in trouble, I believe their experiences can make you get back some desire for life. Of course, video games are also a magic weapon to get out of "emo", and in 2022, such a prestigious 3A masterpiece as Eldon’s Ring of Law was born. For the majority of gamers, these popular and popular games in 2022 must not be missed.

In 2022, people’s travel modes have also changed a lot. The most obvious thing is the increasing penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China. However, this does not mean that fuel vehicles have come to the end of the times. In 2022, they will still bring us many popular models. I believe you will not miss it if you want to buy a car. The confrontation between new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles has also made the domestic automobile circle very lively in 2022, so there have also been many hot events, and even Andy Lau is inexplicably "lying down".

Anyway, 2022 will soon be "Say Goodbye" with us. As an annual reserved column, CNMO specially launched "2022! In this article, we will focus on "Seven Applauding and Blockbustering Games of the Year" and present the ultimate inventory in this field in 2022.

2022 is a year of epidemic, but even so, in this year, we can still see that many excellent new games are successfully sold, or some old games are still on the whole platform with great vitality, which has to make people feel that the vitality of the game industry is still very strong. This time, CNMO will take stock of seven popular and popular games in 2022, just as New Year’s Day and Spring Festival are approaching, so you can relax when you are on vacation.

One: The Eldon Method Ring

Since it is the annual game of inventory, how can we not mention this year’s TGA best first? In addition to the best of the year, Eldon’s French Ring has also successfully won many awards such as "Best Game Direction", "Best Art Direction" and "Best Role Playing", which can be said to be the biggest winner of TGA this year. In addition to TGA, the current Eldon French Ring has also successfully won the annual ultimate game of the Golden Rocker.

Eldon’s Ring of Law

In fact, although many players had high hopes for this game before it was officially released. However, what players, game manufacturers and publishers may not have expected is that the achievements of Eldon’s Ring of Law can reach today’s level. This work not only achieved almost perfect evaluation and Metacritic score of 98 points in many media, but also successfully broke the limitations of soul games, successfully extended the influence of soul games to many new players and users, and successfully broke the circle.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the financial report data of the game publisher Bandai Nanmeng Palace, the sales volume of the global digital version+physical version of "Eldon Ring" in November this year reached 17.5 million copies. Before Eldon’s Ring of Law, the sales volume of Dark Soul 3 only reached 10 million in 2020, which is obviously different from the former.

Two: The Twilight of the God of War

In addition to Eldon’s Ring mentioned above, The Twilight of the God of War also performed quite well in TGA this year, and it won awards such as Best Narration, Best Music, Best Sound Design, Barrier-free Innovative Games and Best Action/Adventure Games. There is no doubt that "The Twilight of the God of War" is also a strong competitor of this year’s best game. Even many people think that the main reason why it missed the TGA year is that the release time is too late-the release time is November 9, 2022.

Evening of the God of War and Gods

In terms of media rating, the PS5 version of "The Twilight of the God of War" has been well received by hundreds of media on Metacritic, among which dozens of media such as IGN, VGC, Push Square also gave full marks, with an average score of 94. IGN rated it as a "great achievement", which created a new benchmark and made many works of the same type look unremarkable by comparison.

Of course, while the word-of-mouth is excellent, the sales of "The Twilight of the God of War" have naturally not fallen. At present, this game is exclusively owned by Sony PlayStation platform. According to the data published by Sony PlayStation’s official Twitter account, the sales volume of this game reached 5.1 million sets in the first week, which directly set a new record for the series of "God of War", not only far exceeding the god of war 4 released in 2018, but also breaking the sales record of the first-party game of PlayStation.

Three: Monster Hunter Rise (PC Edition)

Monster Hunter can be said to be quite a classic IP, and it must be a childhood memory of countless people. The Monster Hunter Rise was originally monopolized on Nintendo’s NS platform, but now it has logged into Steam, and it is still in the promotion period. The price of CDKEY in some shopping malls is less than 100 yuan, which is quite affordable.

Monster Hunter Rise

The media rating of "Monster Hunter Rise" is naturally quite good. The PC version of this work got an average score of 86 points on Metacritic website, which was well received by most media. PC Gamer gave a 90-point evaluation, and called "Monster Hunter Rise" the "greatest work" in Capcom’s main series, and it is also a game that never stops moving forward. Moreover, there are still many reviewers who think that the PC version of this work is better than the NS version, such as resolution, frame rate and combat mechanism.

There is no doubt that Monster Hunter Rise is also a commercial success. According to the data released by game developer Capcom, the sales of Monster Hunter Rise reached 11.2 million sets, and Monster Hunter Rise: Dawn has also successfully sold more than 4.4 million sets. Predictably, as the price of PC version continues to drop, there is still a lot of room for growth in the sales of Monster Hunter Rise.

Four: Plague Legend Requiem

It is said that "Plague" is the most serious epidemic in human history. It is famous for its high mortality rate and was once called "Black Death". This novel "Plague Legend Requiem" also takes this as the core of the story, and on the basis of the previous work "Plague Legend Innocence", it makes breakthroughs in many aspects such as picture quality, plot and gameplay, and continues the design that is very "friendly" to intensive phobia patients, which is a masterpiece that intensive phobia patients have to taste at present.

Plague Legend Requiem

At present, most of the media comments on the Plague Requiem on Metacritic are positive, and IGN also gave it an "excellent" evaluation of 8 points, calling it a reassuring and exciting sequel. The number of mice in the game is amazing and impressive. As for the sales volume of the game, the official data is that the number of players has exceeded 1 million in half a month. However, it should be noted that the game "Plague Legend Requiem" is currently on Microsoft’s XGP, which will greatly affect the sales performance of this game.

Five: "Master"

There is no doubt that Master is an excellent Chinese style action game, although its production team is not from China. It is reported that in order to create a better game, the production team of this game specially went to China to study the white eyebrow boxing, and took care of the players in the China market in the subsequent operation of the game. Shortly after the game was released, Master also added Chinese dubbing. At present, the work can be played on PlatStation platform, and Epic Mall is the exclusive one on PC platform.


Excellent works are naturally not lacking in recognition, and so is Master. Games Radar++scored 90 points for this work. The reviewers think that this is an action game with gorgeous fighting, originality and excellent mechanism design. The game structure created by its exquisite aging mechanism and super compact fighting can make players feel the confidence of the production team. At the beginning of March this year, the global sales of Master had exceeded 1 million copies. In addition, according to the information disclosed by the game developer, it is possible for the game to land on the Steam platform in the future, and the sales volume should be further improved at that time.

Six: Unusual Records of Goddess 5 Royal Edition (Replica Transplant Edition)

I believe that many people have heard the words "P5 is the best in the world" before playing the game "Unusual Records of the Goddess 5", so they have a certain impression on this game. On the other hand, Exotic Tale of the Goddess 5 Royal Edition is based on Exotic Tale of the Goddess 5, which adds a lot of plots and characters, and the game content is more abundant. Its reproduced transplanted version landed on the whole platform on October 21 this year and joined XGP for the first time, ending its monopoly on Sony PlayStation platform. This landing on the whole platform has made this game attract widespread attention again.

Unusual Records of Goddess 5 Royal Edition

Undoubtedly, it can be called "No.1 in the world" by countless players, and "Unusual Tales of Goddess 5 Royal Edition" is naturally quite excellent. The artistic design, UI design, music production, combat design, map design and character design (except for a detective) of this work are quite good, which makes it score 95 points on Metacritic website, and The Mako Reactor and Gamelant all give full marks.

In terms of sales volume, Sega, the publisher of The Tale of the Goddess 5 Royal Edition, announced on December 1st that the global sales volume of The Tale of the Goddess 5 Royal Edition (re-engraved transplant edition) exceeded 1 million copies. It is worth noting that this sales achievement is outside the independent "Unusual Tales of Goddess 5 Royal Edition" and was achieved when XGP was added to the first game.

Seven: Total War Warhammer 3

When I watched the Lord of the Rings, I often fantasized about what it would be like to add a race/power based on "China" to a similar world. Now, Total War Warhammer 3, as the last work in a series of trilogy, has finally satisfied the author’s fantasy, and launched a brand-new design of "Aurora", which has severely satisfied a wave of China players.

Total War Warhammer 3

As the last work in the series, Total War Warhammer 3 can be regarded as a master, which integrates almost all the contents of the first two works. The game has dozens of races, hundreds of legendary lords and thousands of arms for players to choose from (at present, you have to sacrifice your wallet to buy the first two games and all DLC), and the map of the mortal empire is further expanded. However, it is a pity that the officials of races and forces such as Nipeng and Indy, which are cherished by countless players, seem to have no idea for the time being.

On Metacritic website, a large number of media have given favorable comments on Total War Warhammer 3, with an average score of 85 points. IGN gave a score of 90 and said that it presented us with a tense, challenging and multi-level campaign, which was driven by a fascinating story and an unforgettable opponent. As for the sales volume, neither The Creative Assembly, the developer of the game, nor Sega, the publisher, has yet announced the sales results of Total War Warhammer 3, but in the early days of the game’s release, the game has always been at the top of the Steam sales list.

Write it at the end

Above all, this CNMO inventory is seven popular and popular games of the year. Of course, there are actually many games that are not on CNMO’s inventory list, but this can’t hide their Excellence, such as Jet Warrior 3, Lost and so on. In 2023, it is foreseeable that we will see more exciting and exciting new games for sale, and next year will not be ordinary.


Looking at the badminton world pattern from the finals seats, China still ranks first, and South Korea rises rapidly.

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about the new pattern of badminton world. The allocation of seats in the latest finals has been released, and we can clearly see that the dominance of badminton in China is still standing, and the Korean team is also rising rapidly. So, let’s discuss the story behind all this!

China has always been a strong player in badminton, and this time is no exception. They won several seats in the finals, showing their dominance. China’s players are excellent in both strength and experience. They are always so calm and confident in the competition. China has many top players, including elegant Lin Dan, enduring Chen Long and Li Zongwei. They are skilled in technology and flexible in tactics, and every game can bring surprises to the audience. China’s great strength is beyond the reach of other countries, and their great advantage in badminton is beyond doubt.

However, under the rule of China, the South Korean team launched a strong counterattack. South Korean players have performed well in recent years, and they constantly show their strength to the world. In the recent allocation of seats in the finals, the South Korean team also won a considerable number of seats, which shows that they have become one of China’s biggest competitors. Korean players, such as Song Jiani, Jin Suhui and Woojin Jo, showed their excellent skills and tenacious fighting spirit. They tried their best on the court and shone brilliantly. The rise of the Korean team has shocked and surprised the whole badminton world.

As badminton lovers, we can’t help asking: What is the reason behind all this? The reason why China team has been at the top of the world badminton for a long time is that it has strong teamwork and strict training besides selecting and cultivating many excellent players. They pay attention to every detail and constantly improve their competition skills and strategic awareness. In recent years, the South Korean team has increased its investment in badminton and systematically trained its players. They pay attention to the polishing of basic skills and the improvement of physical fitness, and strive to occupy an advantage in the competition. These factors make China and South Korea both occupy an important position in the world badminton.

Generally speaking, the pattern of badminton world is changing. China is still at the top of the list, but the rise of South Korea makes people see more competition and possibilities. In any case, this kind of competition will inspire more excellent players and wonderful games, and bring us more attention and expectation. Let’s look forward to the next exciting badminton match!